Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins def. The Riott Squad; The Bellas attacked Rousey after the match

October 9, 2018
Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey & The Bella Twins def. The Riott Squad; The Bellas attacked Rousey after the match

The Bella Twins made it two in a row at Ronda Rousey’s side. And that, it appeared, was enough for them.

Moments after Ronda, Nikki & Brie repeated against The Riott Squad in a WWE Super Show-Down rematch — Rousey submitted Ruby Riott with the Armbar to flip the script after the Squad’s lengthy isolation of Brie Bella  — The Bellas rounded on The Baddest Woman on the Planet in the middle of their post-match celebration. Nikki threw the first punch, dropping Rousey with a forearm to the back of the head before joining in with her sister on a 2-on-1 beatdown. Even though Rousey periodically made it to her feet, a combination of the numbers game and the element of surprise left her relatively helpless against the two former Divas Champions.

The beatdown ended with Nikki and Brie standing over the downed and humiliated Rousey, completely unfazed by the torrent of boos around them. And why would they be? Their treachery did its job, Rousey was in ruins, and they looked, for all the world, like the baddest women on the planet.

Article source: WWE.com

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