Ricochet to face off with Mustafa Ali after being assaulted by RETRIBUTION

November 10, 2020

Ricochet to face off with Mustafa Ali after being assaulted by RETRIBUTION
Ricochet to face off with Mustafa Ali after being assaulted by RETRIBUTION<!–

Ricochet has seemingly become enemy No. 1 for RETRIBUTION in their continued path of destruction.

He’ll get a chance at payback tonight on Raw as he battles Mustafa Ali.

Ali grabbed a ringside seat for Ricochet’s win over Tucker last week before ushering in the rest of RETRIBUTION in a scene that quickly turned awry for the victor.

Declaring that “No sin is forgiven until it is punished,” Ali orchestrated a ruthless beatdown with an exclamation mark in the form of a vicious double chokeslam from T-BAR and MACE.

Who will seize the upper hand in one-on-one action, and might light be shed on Ali’s issues with Ricochet? 

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