Seth Rollins def. Shelton Benjamin

March 11, 2019
Seth Rollins def. Shelton Benjamin

In one sense, Seth Rollins‘ victory over Shelton Benjamin didn’t tell the WWE Universe anything they didn’t already know: The Royal Rumble Match winner can, theoretically, beat Brock Lesnar. The question is how, and in that case, the first-time-ever bout provided some clues as to what we might see come bell time at MetLife in four weeks.

For one, as Rollins pointed out in Raw’s opening, Lesnar seems to have a problem against Superstars whose style is predicated on speed rather than power. And that quickness ended up making the difference on Raw when Benjamin — who adopted several of Lesnar’s maneuvers throughout the match — hoisted Rollins up for an F-5 and The Kingslayer writhed free, superkicked Benjamin in the belly and hit the Stomp to win. But this also might have come with a price: As Paul Heyman revealed on commentary, Lesnar will be in the house next week, and Rollins’ victory might have inadvertently fed The Beast some invaluable scouting. For all the momentum The Architect gained, it may yet be carrying him straight into The Conqueror’s clutches.
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