Single girl, big city

January 20, 2019

It’s SummerSlam Week, and the Bella Family has relocated to New York City. Shenanigans, predictably, ensue, the biggest of which is a blind date that’s so out of left-field Nikki doesn’t even know it’s happening. Mama Bella is the instigator, having invited a male model to family dinner without informing her daughter of the setup. Nikki sniffs it out instantly, of course, and she isn’t thrilled, but everyone accepts that Kathy’s heart is in the right place and politely asks her to never do it again. (The guy, for what it’s worth, is a great sport about it.)

Elsewhere, we meet the “third Bella,” John Laurinaitis’ daughter Maya, who is facing a crossroads in her career path. Her father, unsurprisingly, is advocating for a life in the family business, but Maya has the itch to be a model like her stepsisters. The Bellas arrange a Birdiebee shoot with Maya to see if she’s got the stuff — she does — but, again, fail to inform Big Johnny himself until the same family dinner. He’s a little less easygoing about this revelation than Nikki is, though he understands his daughter has plenty of time to change career paths if she wants and just asks to be kept in the loop.

Finally, we have Brie Bella, who is still struggling with confidence issues related to her post-baby body. Right around the time she gets past them, she gets the call from WWE confirming that she’ll be competing on both Raw and SmackDown LIVE for the immediate future. Of course, with a husband who’s also on the road and a baby at home, that presents the biggest problem of all.

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