Stallion collides with Daivari, Ever-Rise battle Bollywood Boyz on 205 Live

December 5, 2020

205 Live will feature a pair of exciting bouts tonight, as Ever-Rise collide with The Bollywood Boyz in a matchup between two of the purple brand’s top tandems, while Curt Stallion looks for another monumental victory against Ariya Daivari.

Though he initially had some skeptics — namely, Daivari and Tony Nese — Stallion has racked up win after win since arriving on 205 Live, most impressively claiming victory in a Fatal 5-Way Match to earn a future title bout against NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar.

Daivari and Nese were also involved in the multi-man bout, and the loss hasn’t set well with Daivari Dinero, who is looking to derail Stallion’s rookie year in its tracks and prove that the 205 Live OGs still reign supreme. Taking down Daivari could be a tall order for Stallion, given that he can’t be at 100 percent after Legado del Fantasma viciously attacked him last week on 205 Live and two days ago on NXT.

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Ever-Rise and The Bollywood Boyz were each bribed by Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese to interfere in the aforementioned Fatal 5-Way Match to ensure a victory for either Daivari Dinero or The Premier Athlete, but the scheme went awry when Stallion came away with the win. Ever-Rise and The Bollywood Boyz subsequently blamed one another for the failure, and they’ll have a chance to settle the score in what is certain to be a heated tag team bout tonight.

Matt Martel and Chase Parker also had an eventful evening on NXT two nights ago, first getting jumped by Imperium, then returning to the ring to attack Imperium and The Grizzled Young Veterans. They’ll be looking for payback against The Bollywood Boyz, as Sunil and Samir recently defeated them with the use of their Bollywood Camera.

Don’t miss two monumental matches on the purple brand, streaming tonight at 10/9 C on the award-winning WWE Network!

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