Street Profits def. Forgotten Sons via Disqualification

June 26, 2019


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Free smoke season is in full effect, and that was all NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Profits had to offer their fervid rivals The Forgotten Sons in combat this week.

Before their scheduled bout, Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins volunteered to put their championship on the line, promising to leave Wesley Blake & Steve Cutler “remembered” as the first team to take an L from the new champs. As the move prompted the NXT announcers to speculate whether or not the titles were on the line, Ford & Dawkins brought the fight to their nemeses and came seconds away from making good on their word before Jaxson Ryker intervened. After Ford landed a breathtaking frog splash on Cutler, Ryker jumped in the ring and clobbered away at the reigning champs before Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch ran down to make the save.

Lorcan & Burch also share a tense history with The Forgotten Sons, and it wasn’t long until they forced The Savages of NXT out of the ring. But as the Brit-Am bruisers took the liberty of handing Ford & Dawkins their NXT Tag Team Titles, the gritty duo couldn’t help themselves from being transfixed by its treasured appeal. Lorcan & Burch would then leave little to wonder as they left the champions with the parting words, “You owe us.”
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