The news of “Mean” Gene Okerlund’s passing shook the WWE Universe and locker rooms to their core on Wednesday morning, and Superstars past and present were quick to post tributes to the iconic announcer on social media. As the voice of WWE across several generations, it’s no surprise the late Okerlund has inspired some particularly heartfelt and emotional remembrances, both from Superstars with whom he shared a locker room and from those he inspired to lace up the boots, put their lips to a microphone, and tell their interviewer something that was on their mind.
Mean Gene I love you my brother HH
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) January 2, 2019
One Of My Closest Friends Since 1972 Until This Very Sad Day In 2019. Not Only The Greatest Voice And Personality In The History Of Announcing, But A Man Who Touched Everyone’s Life Who Were Fortunate Enough To Know Him. Rest In Peace Knowing No One Will Ever Replace You. pic.twitter.com/i7illbxQgw
— Ric Flair® (@RicFlairNatrBoy) January 2, 2019
A voice and sound track to an entire era of our industry. He was the star of some of @WWE’s most memorable segments. “Mean Gene” was beloved by all who got to work with him. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time. https://t.co/9ddj6372eE
— Triple H (@TripleH) January 2, 2019
WWE universe has lost one of its greatest announcers and truly one of the nicest guys you’d ever know. “Mean” Gene Okerlund, RIP my friend pic.twitter.com/u3bS6pePmY
— Ted DiBiase (@MDMTedDiBiase) January 2, 2019
So sad today to hear of the sudden passing of my dear friend @TheGeneOkerlund
I just saw Mean Gene in North Carolina at WrestleCade.
It’s so true that our tomorrow’s are never guaranteed.
Say hello to Jan, Mean Gene. ? pic.twitter.com/PQ4ZZGmXnx
— Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) January 2, 2019
Gene Okerlund was an incredibly rare talent. He made everything and everyone better. #ThankYouMeanGene for all the incredible memories. Our condolences to his family and loved ones. https://t.co/IxpjiLo9UN
— Stephanie McMahon (@StephMcMahon) January 2, 2019
Of the very few regrets I harbor in my career, one was never getting to scream “Mean Gene” when answering the queries of a man who presence was larger than life and ingrained in the better memories of my childhood.
RIP Mean Gene.
My condolences to the Okerlund family.— Samoa Joe (@SamoaJoe) January 2, 2019
Very seldom does an interviewer become just as popular, and at times even more popular than the superstars he/she interviews. Gene Okerlund was that person. Im saddened to hear of Gene’s passing. It was an honor to know you Gene! #RIPGene
— Kurt Angle (@RealKurtAngle) January 2, 2019
Mean Gene was the voice of millions of childhoods. Mine certainly. An honor to meet him. Condolences to his family. pic.twitter.com/krsMtbeNIl
— Florida Man (@WWEBigE) January 2, 2019
? Legend https://t.co/iAT7I1UnkL
— $asha Banks (@SashaBanksWWE) January 2, 2019
Super bummed about Mean Gene. Literally JUST sat down last week to do an interview about his legacy. He was the most iconic backstage interviewer in wrestling history in my opinion. #RIPMeanGene
— Seth Rollins (@WWERollins) January 2, 2019
Just heard Mean Gene Okerlund has passed away. As an interviewer, pitch man, announcer, or host, he was untouchable. Simply the best. Total professional with quick wit, sarcasm, humor, and that golden voice.
Condolences to his friends and family.— Steve Austin (@steveaustinBSR) January 2, 2019
? Rest easy #MeanGene your Legacy shall live in forever ?
— Mickie James~Aldis (@MickieJames) January 2, 2019
#RIP to a man who made us all more involved fans, who brought the drama of the characters on screen to life with his charm and delivery. You will be missed, Gene
— Aiden English (@WWEDramaKing) January 2, 2019
I was always a big mean gene fan, as a character and much more importantly, as a person. We should say positive things about good people more often. never know when you won’t get another chance. #RIPMeanGene
— Nic Nemeth (@HEELZiggler) January 2, 2019
I’m so heart broken to hear of the passing of Mean Gene!! Thank you Gene for the laughs, advice, and most of a wonderful friendship! #wwe. #legend. #friend pic.twitter.com/hM7E9VoDIa
— Vickie Guerrero (@VickieGuerrero) January 2, 2019
RIP Mean Gene! A voice that was powerful and as easy to recognize as any in the business. Gene was always the friendliest and nicest guy to me. Thx for the memories my friend. pic.twitter.com/WokzDQ5dtl
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) January 2, 2019
RIP MEAN GENE pic.twitter.com/y38g1VtN6z
— Zack Ryder (@ZackRyder) January 2, 2019
I remember the first time I met Gene.
Gene: “Spud – I was walking around the offices of Titan Towers in Stamford CT. Do you know who was talking about you?”
Me: “OMG – Who Gene?”
Gene: “Absolutely f’n NOBODY!”
God bless you sir #RIPMeanGene
— Drake Maverick (@WWEMaverick) January 2, 2019
RIP to an absolute legend of our industry, @TheGeneOkerlund. “Mean Gene” was incredible in many roles, as he wore many hats throughout his iconic career in pro wrestling. My thoughts are with his family & friends today. https://t.co/qB9FHJFx63
— #WOKEN, yet #BROKEN, Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) January 2, 2019
#RIPMeanGene ? https://t.co/sdLKTQk16z
— Kingslayer (@DakotaKai_WWE) January 2, 2019
When I was younger and just starting out in wrestling all the guys at the wrestling gym went by 2 rules to pick a name..
1) You had to be able to imagine Vince McMahon saying the name on commentary
2) You had to be able to hear Mene Gene saying it with a question#RIPMeanGene
— ??TJ Perkins?? (@MegaTJP) January 2, 2019
Very sad to hear of his passing. He was incredible at what he did. Watching him was how I learned that every single role is important. He taught me that if you don’t care then they won’t care. Thoughts go out to his family. https://t.co/HK68HfcPhE
— Austin Creeds finally going to MagFest (@XavierWoodsPhD) January 2, 2019
The world lost an incredible man today. The very BEST at his role in our industry. On-camera—quick wit, great hype, pro’s pro; off-camera— a gentleman’s gentleman. The phrase of “often imitated, but never duplicated” is very appropriate for my friend. RIP ‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund
— Jeff Jarrett (@RealJeffJarrett) January 2, 2019
RIP Mean Gene Okerlund. Gene was the mold others aspired to be. Without a doubt one of the most talented individuals I have ever had the privilege to work with. Rest in Peace Gene and thank you for all of your wisdom and help throughout the years.
— Bruce Prichard (@bruceprichard) January 2, 2019
So sad to hear of the passing of our friend, Mean Gene Okerlund.
I’ll always remember Gene with a smile on his face and a drink in his hand and always wanting to help. His was “The Voice” of @WWE RIP Gene. pic.twitter.com/tgS1Yy3VpA— Jerry Lawler (@JerryLawler) January 2, 2019
This is heartbreaking! Mean Gene is a voice that’ll live on forever! #RIPGeneOkerlund https://t.co/DeqG3Ffl7l
— Tegan Nox ??????? (@TeganNoxWWE_) January 2, 2019
#RIPMeanGene The voice of my Childhood. https://t.co/u9omZFknMt
— Tony Nese (@TonyNese) January 2, 2019
One of the CLASSIEST Men I’ve Ever had the opportunity to meet and know. Always told me how proud he was to have me in the wrestling business and appreciated what I stand for. Yes I like many others Was a Huge Fan Of His “Work” But I was more Honored to see His WORTH to Everyone https://t.co/biOKHr2OPt
— Titus O’Neil (@TitusONeilWWE) January 2, 2019
#RIPMeanGene ?? https://t.co/JhYUPooeWH
— MELLA I$ MONEY (@CarmellaWWE) January 2, 2019
Extremely sad news to hear of the unfortunate passing of Mean Gene Okerlund. One of the most iconic interviewers and personalities of my childhood, and one of the very best in the business.
Rest In Peace Gene.
— Ligero (@Ligero1) January 2, 2019
Thanks for the memories Mean Gene RIP? @WWE #Legend #friend pic.twitter.com/FIaFxHjTyR
— Brooklyn Brawler (@brawlerreal) January 2, 2019
??❤️ #MeanGene pic.twitter.com/x6v8HEFwSS
— The One And Only! (@KingRicochet) January 2, 2019
RIP “Mean” Gene. Thanks for the memories and being a Gentleman.
God Bless. ? pic.twitter.com/AJn3HsY7Am
— Bully Ray (@bullyray5150) January 2, 2019
So sad to hear of the passing of Mean Gene.
What a classic and was in a category all his own.
Will always treasure doing the Legends of Wrestling shows with him. R.I.P.— Michael PS Hayes (@MichaelPSHayes1) January 2, 2019
If you met @TheGeneOkerlund
You knew how special he was
The voice of generations
Thank you Mean Gene
Call the hotline and
Celebrate his life pic.twitter.com/xDT6M2y1dA— Tommy Dreamer (@THETOMMYDREAMER) January 2, 2019
This guy is the reason I wanted to be an announcer in @WWE / Mean Gene was every bit a part of the show as the superstars were. His interviewing style and interactions were every bit as entertaining as the action itself! Just an all around great guy! RIP Mean Gene. pic.twitter.com/QRv1qnkWvW
— Scott Stanford (@scottstanford1) January 2, 2019
So sad to hear of the passing of one of the greatest voices in wrestling. Mean Gene you will be missed and we will continue to love you. What a true class act. I am very fortunate to work with you.
— Charles Robinson (@WWERobinson) January 2, 2019
? RIP Mean Gene pic.twitter.com/oDZASdcOh5
— Cathy Kelley (@catherinekelley) January 2, 2019
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