The Juggernaut battles The King of The Ropes

September 11, 2018
Gran Metalik vs. Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, Sept. 4, 2018

Gran Metalik goes one-on-one with Tony Nese as the rivalry between The Premier Athlete & Buddy Murphy and The Lucha House Party continues to intensify.

Last week on WWE 205 Live, Gran Metalik clashed with Tony Nese in singles competition as the rivalry between The Lucha House Party and Nese and Buddy Murphy continues to produce high-octane and exciting contests. With a victory against The Premier Athlete in the books, The King of the Ropes hopes to repeat his success against Buddy Murphy and deal a devastating blow to the arrogant duo that has collided with The Lucha House Party in recent weeks.

Murphy – who recently defeated former WWE Cruiserweight Champion Kalisto – has an upcoming title opportunity against Cedric Alexander at WWE Super Show-Down in The Juggernaut’s hometown of Melbourne, Australia. With less than a month until his next opportunity to claim the top prize on WWE 205 Live, Murphy will undoubtedly look to lay waste to Metalik and anyone else in his path to send a message to The Soul of WWE 205 Live.

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