The O.C. def. United States Champion Rey Mysterio, Ricochet & Humberto Carrillo

December 3, 2019

Even though they were in the ring with Rey Mysterio, Humberto Carrillo & Ricochet, The O.C. made it very clear that they wanted to send a message to Randy Orton. Ironically, The Viper was the one who got the last word on the official, original, and only club that matters.

Prior to Orton’s strike, AJ Styles, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson racked up a truly thrilling victory against three men who are about as close to superheroes as you’re ever likely to see. Despite the combined aerial attacks of Ricochet, Carrillo and Mysterio, Ricochet found himself caught in an avalanche Styles Clash from The Phenomenal One that sealed the match. While AJ was making his victory lap, however, Orton slithered into the ring and struck with an RKO, standing tall as Raw went off the air and making sure that his name will remain on Styles’ lips — and, most likely, in his head.

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