The Shield def. Braun Strowman & Raw Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre

October 16, 2018
The Shield def. Braun Strowman & Raw Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre

It was a tale of two teams in Raw’s main event, and the third bout between The Shield and Braun Strowman, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre seemed like it wouldn’t come down to who could hit a Powerslam or a Stomp first, but which team would crack under weeks and weeks of pressure. Would it be The Shield, which was threatening to implode thanks to the mercurial Dean Ambrose? Or would it be Strowman’s “pack,” which was under such pressure from their putative leader it was bordering on antagonism?

It looked, for a while, like it would be The Shield who cracked, especially since Ziggler shoved Seth Rollins into Ambrose to spark a fresh round of hostilities among The Hounds of Justice. But Strowman’s increasingly hostile demands that his teammates pull their weight led to some internal hostilities of their own, so Ziggler went back to the well and shoved Rollins into Ambrose again, this time as he was attempting to record the deciding pinfall after hitting McIntyre with Dirty Deeds.

Ambrose was so heated he attempted to hit Rollins with his signature maneuver as well, but Roman Reigns quickly rushed the ring to clean house. Not only did he olé McIntyre into blasting Braun with a Claymore, he shook off a Zig Zag attempt moments later that sent The Showoff tumbling into the waiting clutches of a Triple Powerbomb.

Ambrose scored the winning pinfall, The Shield embraced in solidarity to survive the night, and then Strowman went to work. Having hit his limit, The Monster Among Men flattened Ziggler with a Running Powerslam, only to be Claymore’d again by McIntyre, this time on purpose, before the Scotsman turned and left Strowman and Ziggler in the ring. In short, faced with Strowman’s warning of “get-these-hands,” Drew McIntyre has seemingly gone and done the one thing that could possibly counteract The Monster Among Men: He went looking for them.

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