The Singh Brothers def. Lucha House Party

June 19, 2019


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div class=”content”><a href="" data-nid="40062370" data-tracking-label="Lucha House Party vs. The Singh Brothers: WWE 205 Live, June 18, 2019" class="wwe-display-duration js-video-inline–btn js-track js-video–btn node-type-video video-play-large" data-duration="02:10" data-video="{"sponsors":"","numSponsors":false,"title":"Related Videos","playlist":[{"image":"\/f\/styles\/wwe_16_9_s\/public\/2019\/06\/vmssg_K74OE–7205993a1e750abf18c13d81928e6824.jpg","image_uri":"public:\/\/\/2019\/06\/vmssg_K74OE–7205993a1e750abf18c13d81928e6824.jpg","file":"\/\/\/vod\/2019\/,1080,720,540,432,360,288,\/dchi205live134_01_ntwk.m3u8","fid":"40368420","title":"Lucha House Party vs. The Singh Brothers: WWE 205 Live, June 18, 2019","nid":40062370,"vms_id":177118,"description":"The Singh Brothers look to rectify the defeat suffered in their return to WWE 205 Live earlier this year by facing Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik once again in tag team action.","wwe_network":true,"link_url":"http:\/\/\/flow\/network","ads_disabled":0,"numSponsors":false,"path":"\/videos\/lucha-house-party-vs-the-singh-brothers-wwe-205-live-june-18-2019","abs_path":"https:\/\/\/videos\/lucha-house-party-vs-the-singh-brothers-wwe-205-live-june-18-2019","network_logged_in_cta":"","show_name":"","episode_name":"","countries":[],"country_logic":"","playlist_offset":0,"playlist_nid":0,"backfilled":false,"parent_playlist_nid":0,"playlist_title":"Related Videos","playlist_short_headline":"Related Videos","video_offset":0,"end_card_logged_in":"


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In their return to WWE 205 Live, The Singh Brothers found themselves suffering defeat at the hands of The Lucha House Party. However, while the lucha brothers have been clashing with Lars Sullivan, The Singhs have taking down some local competitors on WWE 205 Live. With a string of victories under their belt, they turned their attention once more to Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik.

As Dorado ascended the ropes to attack Sunil, Samir distracted the luchador, thus allowing his brother to take control of the match by pulling Dorado off the top rope. Taking turns keeping The Golden Lynx grounded, The Singhs worked to prevent Dorado from tagging in Gran Metalik. Dorado battled through the relentless attack of the Boscar-winning duo and attempted to make a tag, but Metalik was pulled off the apron.

The Singh Brothers grew arrogant as they continued to dismantle Dorado — potentially to their detriment — as Dorado executed a Golden Rewind and made the tag to The King of the Ropes. A fired-up Metalik took the fight to both Singhs long enough for Dorado to recover, and both luchadores showed off their incredible high-flying agility.

Sunil looked to be down for the count after taking a Shooting Star Press, but Samir broke up the pinfall, and a melee between all four Superstars broke out. In the midst of the chaos, Sunil had a confrontation with Kalisto that resulted in the dismembering of Penelope the piñata. As a result, Lince Dorado was caught off-guard, allowing Sunil to roll him up – with a handful of tights – and pick up a major victory.
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