Trent Seven def. Saxon Huxley

October 31, 2018

In his first singles match on NXT UK, Trent Seven faced off with the grizzled Saxon Huxley. After coming up short at the first U.K Tournament in Blackpool, Huxley was ready to take NXT UK by storm, and he attacked Seven with determined aggression. Seven answered head-on with an explosive DDT, but when he attempted to follow up with his first attempt at the Seven Stars Lariat, The Muscle Cat countered by hurling his entire body at his opponent, then proceeding to ground Seven with several near-falls. The WWE Universe was left stunned as Seven couldn’t seem to get out of the gate.

But Seven roared back with an earth-shattering Seven Stars Lariat and answered Huxley’s boot to the face with a huge back bodydrop and Snap Suplex combination. Sensing victory, Seven then finished off his opponent by hitting the Torture Rack into the Burning Hammer for the win.

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