Universal Champion Brock Lesnar attacked Roman Reigns

August 14, 2018
Universal Champion Brock Lesnar attacked Roman Reigns

Paul Heyman’s not up for an Emmy, but maybe he should be. As bereft and bleary-eyed as Brock Lensar‘s advocate seemed last week after being manhandled by the Universal Champion, it turned out that he’d simply participated in an elaborate con designed to lull Roman Reigns into the falsest sense of security possible going into the Universal Title Match at SummerSlam.

It was a swindling so convincing The Big Dog wasn’t even able to sniff it out this week, when Heyman, still playing the part of a free-agent kingmaker, returned to seemingly offer Reigns his services as advocate, complete with inside info on Lesnar’s gameplan for SummerSlam. Reigns was understandably suspicious, so Heyman repeated a lesson The Big Dog’s father imparted on them both (in the native Samoan, no less) before producing an agreement in principle that he asked The Big Dog to consider.

But Reigns never really got to take a look at the paper, as Heyman attacked the three-time WWE Champion with pepper spray he had concealed in his suit. That opened the door for Lesnar to emerge, unannounced, and annihilate the blinded Reigns with a barrage of knees to the chest, a suffocating guillotine that put the challenger to sleep and, when Reigns dared to stir, a furious F-5.

Article source: WWE.com

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