WALTER joined the confrontation between Pete Dunne and Gallus

January 23, 2019

In the wake of his successful showdown against Joe Coffey at NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool, the victorious WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne kicked off NXT UK, only to be confronted by Gallus.

The Iron King made it clear that NXT UK was still his kingdom and that he’d have the title around his waist at the end of the war, despite The BruiserWeight’s victory in their most recent battle. Accordingly, he declared, anyone hoping to be champion would just have to wait in line.

Following WALTER’s emergence at TakeOver, the imposing force-of-nature suddenly interrupted the confrontation to take issue with Coffey’s remarks. Although Gallus retreated, Mark Coffey and Wolfgang suddenly charged the squared circle, only to be quickly dispatched by Dunne and The Austrian Anomaly, respectably. From there, the champion and his new threat engaged in a frightening, silent standoff.
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