WWE 2K20’s roster revealed with Smosh Games … inside Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House!

October 10, 2019

Have you been waiting for the WWE 2K20 roster reveal? Don’t worry! Your old pal Bray Wyatt is here to let you in on all the fun!

The crew from Smosh Games joined The New Day backstage at a recent WWE event to talk about their favorite Superstars appearing in this year’s edition of the WWE 2K series, but the proceedings were turned upside down when Bray Wyatt took over.

See who Rambling Rabbit is looking forward to playing as when WWE 2K20 releases on Tuesday, Oct. 22, and be sure to pre-order the game to get the WWE 2K20 Originals: Bump in the Night pack, which features “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtz_objLXi8?feature=oembed&w=480&h=270]
Article source: WWE.com

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