WWE Champion Kofi Kingston issued a SummerSlam challenge to Randy Orton

July 24, 2019

WWE Champion Kofi Kingston hasn’t suffered many pinfall defeats since becoming WWE Champion at WrestleMania 35. However, last week, Randy Orton did indeed pin Kingston after connecting with a gnarly RKO in Six-Man Tag Team action. Because of that, and a whole litany of history between the two from years back, Kofi didn’t waste any time waiting for someone to challenge him to a title match at SummerSlam. Instead, Kingston backed up all his claims of wanting to be a true fighting champion and challenged The Viper to a WWE Title Match at The Biggest Event of Summer.

Kingston recalled their tumultuous history, telling Orton that he still reached the top of the mountain, despite all Randy did to keep him down over the years. Randy didn’t deny the WWE Champion’s claims that he used his influence to hold Kofi back, telling Kingston that he wasn’t ready for the main event then and still wasn’t ready now.

Orton was clearly already attempting to begin the mind games, but Kofi would have none of it, staying steadfast in his belief, both in himself and in his ability to dethrone The Viper at SummerSlam. The match was now official, and it appeared that The Viper would try to continue the psychological warfare as he remained at ringside for Kofi’s upcoming match with Samoa Joe.
Article source: WWE.com

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