![WWE NXT UK results, Oct. 29, 2020: WALTER vs. Ilja Dragunov WWE NXT UK results, Oct. 29, 2020: WALTER vs. Ilja Dragunov]()
Aoifye Valkyrie def. Dani Luna
Dani Luna looked to score a major upset and had Aofie Valkyrie on the ropes for much of this one-on-one bout. But The Norse Angel countered a German suplex before hitting a spinning heel kick and her patented diving split leg drop off the top rope to remain undefeated.
Eddie Dennis orchestrated an attack by The Hunt on Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster
Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster got anything but the answer they were looking for in their search for who attacked Andrews earlier this year. With Pretty Deadly joining Eddie Dennis, The Hunt arrived as apparent backup for Andrews and Webster — only to ruthlessly assault them, leaving Dennis pleased and Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley bewildered.
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![\"Devlin \"Devlin]()
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![Devlin returns to action, Eddie Dennis’ devious plot and more: NXT UK highlights, Oct. 29, 2020 Devlin returns to action, Eddie Dennis’ devious plot and more: NXT UK highlights, Oct. 29, 2020]()
The self-proclaimed rightful NXT Cruiserweight Champion takes the ring, Eddie Dennis reveals a stunning scheme and more. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.
Jordan Devlin def. Levi Muir
Jordan Devlin continues to insist he’s the “one real” NXT Cruiserweight Champion — and with more performances like this dominant return to the ring, who could argue? The Irish Ace was on a mission, putting away Levi Muir with the Devlin Side before issuing a challenge to all Cruiserweights.
WALTER def. Ilja Dragunov to retain the NXT United Kingdom Championship
WALTER and Ilja Dragunov treated the NXT UK Universe to a war the likes of which they’ve never seen, but only one man could walk away as NXT United Kingdom Champion.
The Ring General went for it all early, but Dragunov countered a powerbomb attempt and connected with a top-rope senton. WALTER quickly turned the tables when he sent The Mad Russian careening into the middle and bottom ropes, seemingly injuring his neck. The apparent injury didn’t elicit any mercy from the defending champion, and WALTER poured on the punishment relentlessly with a barrage of strikes.
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![WALTER and Ilja Dragunov’s epic showdown: NXT UK, Oct. 29, 2020 WALTER and Ilja Dragunov’s epic showdown: NXT UK, Oct. 29, 2020]()
The Ring General and The Mad Russian leave it all in the ring as they battle for the NXT United Kingdom Title. Catch WWE action on WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.
The determined challenger delivered on his promise to redefine violence, fighting back in almost unhuman fashion with repeated German suplexes despite a near 100-pound weight differential. He also withstood WALTER’s best, kicking out after a gigantic lariat and powerbomb.
Summoning the strength to hit Torpedo Moscow with WALTER’s back turned, Dragunov was unable to capitalize for a cover, inflicting perhaps just as much damage on his own neck. A second attempt didn’t find the mark completely, netting a near-fall. WALTER rolled out of the ring with Dragunov in hot pursuit, but The Ring General dropped The Mad Russian neck-first with a suplex before planting him on the apron with a powerbomb.
The nearly lifeless Dragunov still kicked out moments later after WALTER hit yet another powerbomb inside the ring followed by a top-rope splash. With the champion locking in a sleeper and Dragunov unable to defend himself, the referee called for the bell.
The courageous Mad Russian fought valiantly, though fell short of his dream thanks to NXT UK’s indomitable Ring General.
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