WWE United Kingdom Champion WALTER def. Jordan Devlin

May 1, 2019


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For weeks, Jordan Devlin made his feelings known that he didn’t care about “WALTER vs. Pete Dunne II.” Instead, he wanted respect, along with the WWE United Kingdom Championship. In the latest NXT UK main event, the extraordinary competitor got the opportunity to prove himself in a non-title showdown against WALTER.

Despite a daunting display of offense from The Ring General early, the quick, calculating Irish Ace eventually chopped down the titleholder with an unrelenting assault on his left leg that included a devastating single leg crab. The Austrian Anomaly roared back with one of his earth-shattering chops – an action that opened the door on his ruthless counter-assault against the proud Irishmen, both inside and outside the ring. Not to be outdone, Devlin used his incredible athletic ability to turn WALTER’s first Powerbomb attempt to a near pinfall in his favor.

Back and forth went the fierce competitors, including WALTER stopping the back drop driver attempt with a menacing high-angle suplex for a near fall of his own.

Following a scuffle on the top rope in the final moments of the match, Devlin showed incredible strength by hitting the dragging back drop driver on the 300lb. U.K Champion to nearly put him away yet again. When he attempted to repeat this maneuver, however, WALTER countered with a clothesline into the Powerbomb to finally pick up the huge victory.

But the fireworks weren’t over yet, though. Moments after the bell, The BruiserWeight suddenly crashed the party, standing face-to-face with WALTER for the first time since their classic matchup at WWE TakeOver: New York and demanding a rematch for the WWE U.K. Title. WALTER nodded in the affirmative.
Article source: WWE.com

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