WWE Universe member gets Triple H’s autograph tattooed on his leg

August 18, 2018

Some WWE Universe members #SpeakWWE, others are finding ways to write it … literally. 

Yes, one WWE Universe member, James Bouhuys, who sports an impressive array of WWE tattoos on his leg, met Triple H & Stephanie McMahon at a SummerSlam meet and greet in Brooklyn, N.Y. The Game was very impressed with his tats, but thought that the fan could use an NXT-themed addition to the collection. Triple H then proceeded to autograph his leg, including an “NXT” mention in his signature. 

Well, dedicated as can be, the fan immediately went to the tattoo shop and got The Cerebral Assassin’s John Hancock forever immortalized on his leg. 

Triple H then saw this on Twitter, giving James a shout-out as NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn 4 begins to come into focus, streaming live tonight on WWE Network. 

Article source: WWE.com

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