WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The Kabuki Warriors def. Natalya & Lacey Evans

October 15, 2019
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It’s long been speculated that the most stringent rivals make the best partners, so it’s not that much of a surprise that Natalya selected SmackDown draftee Lacey Evans — the same Lacey Evans she’s been battling for a month — as her tag team partner against The Kabuki Warriors. Nor is it necessarily a surprise that The Warriors came out with the win. They’re the more established team and are the reigning WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, after all. What was somewhat surprising was that the pair turned out to be something of a perfect fit.

Evans, the powerhouse, absorbed the lioness’ share of The Kabuki Warriors’ attack, a walloping from Kairi Sane in particular, and the veteran Natalya served as the perfect closer — or she would have, had The Pirate Princess not rushed the ring to break up the Sharpshooter to initiate a casual dissection by Asuka. Evans eventually made her way back into the match to spell a drained Natalya and even connected with the Woman’s Right on Sane, but unbeknownst to Evans, Asuka had tagged in, and she pounced with a roll-up for the win. The two rivals made an excellent team, but with Natalya on Raw and Evans headed to SmackDown, it looks like the first and last word on this tag team will be “what might have been.”
Article source: WWE.com

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