Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Homecoming was broadcast live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

Page charged at Claudio and booted him in the face as Claudio was entering the ring. Page and Claudio brawled outside the ring. Claudio sent Hangman hard into the barricade. He followed up with a running European Uppercut to Hangman. 

Back in the ring, Claudio thumbed Page in the eyes. Claudio hit a double stomp on Hangman’s chest for a near fall. Claudio nailed Page with a headbutt in the corner. Hangman absorbed forearms from Claudio. Claudio pulled Page down by the hair and then hurled Hangman in the Giant Swing! Claudio applied a sharpshooter and then transitioned into a cross face. Hangman escaped and blasted Claudio with a Death Valley Driver!

Page countered a European Uppercut with a backslide for a near fall. Hangman clobbered Claudio with a plancha over the top and to the arena floor! Claudio press slammed Page out of the ring and onto the ramp!

Hangman ate a boot from Claudio. They fought on the ramp. Page created some distance, charged down the ramp and sent Claudio back into the ring with a lariat. Claudio countered the buckshot lariat with a popup European Uppercut for a two-count. 

Claudio and Page paint brushed one another in the ring. Both men went hard over the top rope, as Page hit a lariat and the momentum toppled them. Hangman went for a moonsault, but Claudio caught him. Hangman spiked Claudio with a DDT on the arena floor. Hangman moonsaulted off a concrete wall!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Hangman reversed a tombstone piledriver with one of his own, drilling Claudio’s head into the mat! Claudio reversed a Dead Eye attempt and sent Hangman flying face first into the turnbuckles. Claudio battered Hangman with stiff shots in the corner. Hangman escaped the hammer and anvil strikes with a Deadeye for a two-count on Claudio.

Claudio clocked Page with an uppercut. Claudio climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Hangman stunned him with a kick. They jockeyed for position up top. Hangman countered an avalanche Ricola bomb with a hurracanrana. Hangman followed up with two consecutive buckshot lariats and scored the pin on Claudio!

“Great match by both athletes. Outstanding! Could have gone either way,” said Taz. 

“Two of the best in AEW right there,” replied Tony Schiavone.

A highlight package aired paying tribute to Mr. Brodie Lee!

Eight-Man Tag Match in Honor of “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Adam Copeland, Dustin Rhodes, & LFI’s Preston Vance


“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer & the ROH World Six-Man Champions The Mogul Embassy—Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, & Toa Liona!

Dustin Rhodes scoop slammed Toa. Toa cracked Dustin with a headbutt. Preston Vance tagged in, but so did Brian Cage. Preston dodged a splash and then landed a solid shot. Copeland tagged in and used a drop toe hold. Cassidy jumped in and was looking for a chokeslam on Cage. Cage shrugged off Orange, but Orange crushed Cage with a Stun Dog Millionaire!

Lance Archer splashed Cassidy and then rocked Orange with a rising knee strike. Jake Roberts struck Jose the Assistant outside the ring! Orange countered the Black Out from Archer with a DDT! Preston Vance and Bishop Kaun tagged in for their respective teams. Preston hit shoulder tackles on Kaun and Liona! Vance brought Kaun down with a cutter, but Toa broke up the pin attempt.

Brian Cage hoisted up Dustin Rhodes and planted him. Copeland came in and nailed cracked Cage with the Impaler. Orange clobbered Kaun with the Orange Punch and then choke slammed Kaun. Archer attacked Orange with a Bossman Slam! Toa held Vance while Archer moved in. Vance escaped and Archer inadvertently connected with Toa. Copeland speared Cage! Preston Vance smashed Kaun with the discus lariat and pinned him!

“Great win, and a great win for Preston Vance,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Renee Paquette was backstage with the Bullet Club Gold!

Jay White said the Undisputed Kingdom are going after all the gold, but whatever they can do, Bullet Club Gold can do better. The AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass interrupted. The Acclaimed made an offer to combine forces again. 

“Bang Bang Scissor Gang! Super faction. Think about it,” said Anthony Bowens.

Jay White: “First off, we’re not a faction, we’re a gang. But we’re going to need a little bit more time to ponder that. You guys sit by your phones, alright?”

The AEW World Champion Samoa Joe came to the ring!

Samoa Joe: “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Samoa Joe and I stand here before you tonight as your AEW World Champion. I was destined for this. And in light of that, tonight we make some changes to the championship challenge protocol. When you’re champion, you become a marked man. I heard even a devil who makes a bad deal is looking for Samoa Joe.

“Here are the changes we’re making to the championship protocol. No more will you have to come out and whine on this mic about your poor misfortune. You bring your record and your reputation, and you submit it to the championship committee, and if you’re deemed worthy, you walk out and have me stomp your ass in front of anyone who’s ever cheered for you. For the new championship era is here. And for all of you who want a piece of me, your champion will be waiting.”

Swerve Strickland onto the ramp with the Mogul Embassy and Prince Nana!

Swerve: “A couple months ago, I told Hangman Page it wasn’t personal. I was just after his spot. And look what happened. I took it. So, I’m going to reiterate the same thing to you, Joe. It’s not a personal thing. I just want that AEW World Championship and I’m going to take it. However, after I take that title and you choose to make this a person thing, I mean, I’d be more than happy to.”

“Hangman” Adam Page approached the ring and stood in there with Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland!

Page: “Well boys, if we’re making New Year’s Resolutions, I’ll go ahead and make mine. I beat Jon Moxley. I reunited with the Elite. And as much as you found me, Swerve, I found you. But the one thing I lost sight of last year was the AEW World Championship. And in 2024 I will make it mine! I see you smirking, Joe, but I haven’t forgotten what you did to me. And I’m going to take that title for it!”

Samoa Joe was alone in the ring when FTW World Champion HOOK’s music hit!

Hook entered the ring and he and Samoa Joe stared at each other. Hook pointed at Joe’s title and said, “One week.”

“Whoa! One week!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Well Samoa Joe is a marked man,” replied Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Luther the Butler!

Mariah asked if Toni watched her match. Toni said she was sent a screener, but she didn’t see a single frame. Renee asked Toni about Deonna Purrazzo showing up on Dynamite last week.

Toni: “That name does sound familiar. All these women coming after my title, I feel like the prettiest girl at the dance. Luther, set me up meeting with this Deonna. I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”

AEW World Tag Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara!

Sammy and Ricky locked up. Sammy grabbed a headlock, but Starks escaped. Ricky hit a shoulder block on Sammy. Starks chopped Sammy in the corner. Sammy tripped up Starks. Sammy moonsaulted off the ring post and wiped out Starks on the arena floor. 

Starks and Sammy traded shots on the ring apron. Starks rocked Sammy with a roshambo on the ring apron! Sammy managed to fire back with a thrust kick. Sammy ascended to the top turnbuckle. Starks grabbed Sammy’s right ankle. Starks ate a big back elbow from Sammy. Sammy went for a moonsault, but Ricky countered with boots to the face. Starks power bombed Sammy for a near fall!

Sammy dodged a spear! Sammy landed a kick under Starks’ chin. Sammy followed up with a second thrust kick! Sammy rolled up Starks with an inside cradle and scored the pin!

“Sammy is building important momentum ahead of Battle of the Belts this Saturday,” said Excalibur.

Sammy offered his hand to Ricky after the match, showing a sign of good sportsmanship. Ricky accepted. Big Bill blindsided Sammy as Starks had Sammy distracted with the handshake! Starks stomped on Sammy. Chris Jericho ran to the ring and rocked Big Bill with a Code Breaker! Ricky and Sammy continued to brawl!

“There will be no rules this Saturday night. A huge street fight at Battle Of The Belts,” said Excalibur.

Eight-Woman Tag Match in Honor of “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee!

Anna Jay, Kris Statlander, Thunder Rosa, & Willow Nightingale 


TBS Champion Julia Hart, Skye Blue, Ruby Soho, & Saraya!

Stokely Hathaway was in the front row holding a sign to support Kris Statlander. 

Anna Jay and Ruby Soho began for their respective teams. Anna Jay connected with a solid shot. Statlander tagged in and slammed Soho. Statlander tagged to Anna who hit a flipping neck breaker. Willow walloped Soho. Thunder Rosa tagged in and blasted Ruby Soho.

Julia Hart tagged in and she and Skye Blue double teamed Thunder Rosa. Ruby was taken off her feet with a drop toe hold from Thunder Rosa. Willow grabbed a tag and charged at Ruby and splashed her in the corner. Willow climbed to the top rope, but Harley Cameron swiped Willow off the top rope.

Willow dropped Skye and Julia with a double clothesline. Kris tagged in and cleaned house on the opposition! Kris planted Saraya for a near fall! Skye Blue was looking for Code Blue, but Kris shrugged her off. Willow pounced Skye. Thunder Rosa ate a thrust kick from Saraya. Statlander nailed Saraya with a rolling German Suplex. 

Anna Jay and Julia Hart clubbed each other. Skye Blue tagged in, but Anna applied the Queen Slayer and made Skye Blue tap out!

“That’s an impressive victory because Skye Blue has had a plethora of momentum as of late,” said Taz.

ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta had words for Eddie Kingston!

Yuta: “Eddie, you did not beat me in the Continental Classic because I was busy on Rampage. Eddie, the Continental Crown is something I want. So, bring it, on Rampage!”

Roderick Strong (with the Undisputed Kingdom) vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Strong and Keith chain wrestled. Roderick got the upper hand. Roddy hit a shoulder tackle but then Keith came in with a big boot. Keith chopped at Strong. Both men traded shots on the apron. Roderick picked up Keith and planted him hard on the apron!

Back in the ring, Strong continued the assault on Bryan Keith. The Bounty Hunter applied pressure with boxing elbows. Roderick countered with a suplex for a near fall. Keith headbutted Strong and then came over the top with Diamond Dust. Keith was trying for a Tiger Driver, but Roderick powered out. Roddy cracked Keith with the End of Heartache and scored the win!

“A dominant victory here tonight for Roderick Strong,” said Excalibur.

Adam Cole pulled up a chair while the Undisputed Kingdom flanked him.

Cole: “When I said this place was going to change, I meant that. So many people are so concerned with earning your respect. We are not worried about you at all. We don’t want to earn anything from you because we deserve it. Roderick Strong is a 20-year veteran. As far as I’m concerned, the AEW International Championship has Roddy’s name on it!

“And then Taven and Bennett, not only the greatest ROH World Tag Teams of all time, but your current ROH Tag champions. They have never gotten the credit they deserve! And of course, the monster, the dominator, one of the most physical, vicious mean in AEW, I’m talking about Wardlow. Now that Wardlow is surrounded by people who respect him, when the time is right, we are going to win the AEW World Championship. Boys and girls, say hello to your new home. Or should I say, your new kingdom. And get comfortable because we are going to be here for a very long time.”

Renee Paquette was backstage with “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo!

Deonna: “I am still on cloud nine, but I set my sights on the AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm, and if she wants to pretend she doesn’t know who I am, that’s fine. She’ll be reminded when I make my Collision debut this Saturday.”

Red Velvet walked onto the set to interrupt!

Red Velvet: “I will be making my AEW Collision as well! I say you get in the ring with me, and we can stir it up!”

Main Event Time! Tornado Tag Match!

Darby Allin & Sting 


The Don Callis Family—Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs (with Don Callis)!

Jim Ross joined commentary for the main event!

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair walked out first to accompany Sting and Darby Allin!

“They’re all standing for Sting!” said Tony Schiavone. 

Darby Allin jumped on Takeshita’s back! Sting went right after Powerhouse Hobbs on the outside! Sting whacked Hobbs with a steel chair. Hobbs headbutted Sting. Darby whipped a chair at Takeshita.

Takeshita pointed at Flair and then chopped Darby Allin. Darby dropkicked Takeshita and followed up with a Coffin Drop. Takeshita blocked the Coffin Drop and countered with a German Suplex on the floor!

Takeshita and Hobbs double teamed Sting in the ring. They went after Darby next and swung him around like a sack of flour. Sting fired up and splashed Hobbs. Takeshita rocked Sting with a jumping knee strike. Ric Flair got into the ring and chopped Hobbs and then poked Hobbs in the eyes. Darby rocketed out of the ring at Takeshita. Sting planted Hobbs with a spinebuster!

Darby dodged a running knee from Takeshita. Darby climbed the set to the top of the bleachers and Coffin Dropped onto Takeshita! Hobbs picked up Sting, but Sting escaped and nailed Hobbs with a Scorpion Death Drop off the stage and down through the tables at ringside! Sting covered Hobbs and pinned Hobbs for the victory!

Tony Schiavone interviewed Sting, Darby Allin, and Ric Flair after the match!

The fans chanted “Thank you Sting! Thank you Sting!”

Tony Schiavone: “Sting, I have one question, for your final match, who will your opponent be?”

The Young Bucks’ music hit, and they walked onto the ramp!

“Are they calling out ‘The Icon’ Sting for his final match?” asked Excalibur.

Darby dared the Bucks to get in the ring!

“Sting is taking all this in. The plot continues to thicken,” replied Jim Ross.

“The Young Bucks essentially calling out Sting and Darby Allin for Revolution!” said Excalibur. 

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, SC!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE: Homecoming at 10pm ET on TNT!

Special Programming Note: Don’t miss AEW Collision and Battle Of The Belts IX on Saturday on TNT beginning at 8/7c from Chartway Arena in Norfolk, VA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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It’s been 15 months since the last time All Elite Wrestling came home to Jacksonville, FL and Daily’s Place, but this Wednesday night the time is upon for a Homecoming! For some competitors it is a return to the familiar, for many it means a first time trip to AEW’s home base, one of those being AEW World Champion Samoa Joe. In addition to Joe’s first time live in Duval, “The Icon” Sting will have his final match at the place where his AEW journey began, two big singles bout, and two loaded eight-person tag matches on tap as well!

AEW DYNAMITE gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so make sure to swing by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more! This is just the beginning of a loaded week for AEW, capping off with BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX and COLLISION in Norfolk! 


The AEW World Champion is set to be in Jacksonville this Wednesday night, live for the very first time with that title over his shoulder, and he is willing to fight everyone who wants a piece of his AEW World Championship! He specifically mentioned Hangman and Swerve Strickland during the WORLDS END Media Scrum, but there is undoubtedly a slew of other competitors ready to step up as challengers. One of them let himself be heard loud and clear on COLLISION this past Saturday:

Currently reigning as FTW Champion for the second time, HOOK was less than a year old when Samoa Joe stepped into a wrestling ring for his first professional match, just shy of four years old when when Joe’s historic ROH World Championship began, and had his first professional match just after Joe marked his twenty-second year in the sport. Despite that experience disadvantage, both in life and in wrestling, HOOK is quite clearly fearless if he’s calling out Joe for a fight. Will Joe address that challenge on Wednesday night? What else does the champion have to share with the AEW faithful in Daily’s Place and those watching around the world?


AEW World Tag Champion Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara

It has been five years since the last time Ricky Starks and Sammy Guevara went one-on-one inside the squared circle, just not an AEW squared circle. See theirs is a history that predates the existence of All Elite Wrestling, matches as far back as 2014 on the Texas independent circuit, but it wasn’t until January of 2023 that they ever met under the auspices of AEW. That night it was a tag team bout stemming from Starks’ issues with Chris Jericho, Guevara teaming with Jericho while Starks had Action Andretti in his corner, and it was The J.A.S. team that was victorious.

Ten months later at FULL GEAR 2023, Jericho stood beside a different partner, a former foe named Kenny Omega, and together they laid claim to the AEW World Tag Team Championship opportunity that belonged to The Young Bucks. While the brothers Jackson have not been seen since that November loss, Kenny and Chris prepared to face AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks at WORLDS END, at least that was the plan. Omega not only had to pull out of that match due to diverticulitis, but he had to step away from professional wrestling period in order to get the necessary treatment. That left Jericho with a championship match still owed him, but with no partner to claim it. That all changed the night Chris Jericho came to the aid of Sammy Guevara when “The Spanish God” was assaulted by The Don Callis Family; the former allies mended their battered fences, and are now a unified front barreling towards BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX and their Tag Team Championship opportunity.

But first, a stop on the road, to the place where Ricky Starks first appeared in AEW to answer the TNT Open Challenge of Cody Rhodes, and where Guevara went through the hell of two Stadium Stampedes, as well as the first Blood & Guts Cage. Guevara hasn’t competed inside Daily’s Place since December 2021, while for Starks it’s been since April of that same year, but it is still the place that shaped each of them as competitors and their AEW careers. This Wednesday night, when Starks and Guevara face off for the first time in AEW, it will also shape their impending AEW World Tag Team Championship fight 


Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Claudio Castagnoli and “Hangman” Adam Page are no strangers to one another; over the course of this past year they were on opposite sides of a few of the most violent matches in AEW’s history. Between Anarchy in the Arena at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023, and Blood & Guts III in July, not to mention FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023 and other DYNAMITE fights, they’ve gone to war plenty of times in the last twelve months. 

But one thing Claudio and Hangman have never done is go one-on-one, but that changes on Wednesday night when Hangman returns to Daily’s Place, a site of both triumph and tragedy for his career, to take on “The Swiss Superman” for their very first singles bout! Hangman is on a warpath, looking to fight anyone and everyone, though much of his rage is focused on Swerve Strickland, and Claudio Castagnoli is more than happy to give Page that fight!

This is going to be a hard-hitting clash, of that there is no doubt, but will it be won by the anger of The Hangman or the focus of The Blackpool Combat Club? 


Darby Allin & Sting vs. The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs)

Sting is on the highway to REVOLUTION 2024 and his final professional wrestling match, but with so much road between now and then, there’s plenty of stops along the way for fans to experience “The Icon” one last time, and for his foes to try and take one last stab at The Stinger! Over the last few weeks one of those foes, or rather a group of them, has set their sights on Sting and Darby Allin. It all began when the painted pair helped Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara defeat The Don Callis Family and the AEW World Tag Champions at WORLDS END, and continued last week on DYNAMITE when Konosuke Takeshita defeated Darby Allin in singles competition

Now coming off of a victory over The Workhorsemen on COLLISION, Sting and Darby Allin are ready to head back to where it all began again for “The Icon”, where WINTER IS COMING 2020 brought him to AEW for the first time, and started this magnificent 26-0 winning streak Sting has been on since REVOLUTION 2020. Being a man who loves to ruin everything around him, Don Callis has taken it upon himself (or rather put it upon his collection of combatants) to add that first loss to Sting’s record before AEW gets to REVOLUTION 2024. Can they pull it off at HOMECOMING 2024, or will The Don Callis Family be another victim of The Stinger/Darby Allin team?


AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Adam Copeland, Dustin Rhodes, & LFI’s Preston Vance


ROH World Six-Man Champions The Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, & Toa Liona) and Lance Archer

Daily’s Place will always be a special venue at the heart of All Elite Wrestling; not only is it home base for the company, but for sixteen months it was our only home. It was the place where everyone involved in AEW bonded with one another, where AEW grew into a family, a building where every crevice of the facility was explored, where a lounge became known as The Dark Order Room, and became the location for so many memorable moments featuring Evil Uno, Stu, Alex and John, Anna, Alan, Ten, Cabana, Hangman, and others. But one of the biggest parts of what made that room special, what gave Jacksonville such life, was the presence of the late Mr. Brodie Lee. Just over three years since his passing, the shadow of Brodie still looms large over AEW and those who knew him, those who loved him, and returning home to Jacksonville, stepping foot back into Daily’s Place, it serves as another reminder of the great man we all lost way too soon. 

That is why this Wednesday night The Exalted One’s hand-picked pupil, Preston Vance, will forego uniting with his La Faccion Ingobernable brethren, and instead stand side-by-side three of the AEW fan’s favorite competitors! Just as he did on December 30, 2020 as part of the Tribute Show, Vance will team up with Orange Cassidy, only now their group will be rounded out by one of the men who went to war with Brodie over that TNT Championship, Dustin Rhodes, and one of the newest entrants into the AEW family: Adam Copeland.

Standing across the ring will be four of the most fearsome competitors on the AEW roster, ROH World Six-Man Champions The Mogul Embassy of Kaun, Toa, and Brian Cage, as well as “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer! Preston Vance’s quartet certainly has their work cut out for them in this fight, but with the memory of Mr. Brodie Lee fueling them, they aren’t going to back down from the fight no matter the odds!


Anna Jay, Kris Statlander, Thunder Rosa, & Willow Nightingale


TBS Champion Julia Hart, Ruby Soho, Saraya, & Skye Blue

And speaking of those inspired by the memory of “The Exalted One”, Anna Jay was brought into The Dark Order by Mr. Brodie Lee as well, given the number “99” as a nod to the legendary Wayne Gretzky, and under his tutelage, she learned quite a bit in her earliest years as a professional wrestler. Now Anna Jay returns to the site where her AEW career truly began, having transformed from who “The Star of the Show” was in 2020, into a woman who truly embodies that nickname in 2024. Wednesday night she will team up with three other fan favorites in Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and the newly-returned Thunder Rosa to do battle with the rather intriguing quartet of TBS Champion Julia Hart, Skye Blue, and The Outcasts of Ruby Soho and Saraya. Hart and Skye have made quite the fearsome pair over the last few weeks since Skye Blue fully embraced the darkness the TBS Champion spat into her soul, but The Outcasts duo have not exactly been on the same page as of late. It felt at one point like Saraya was trying to pull Anna Jay into their orbit, and now it’s Harley Cameron standing at their side, though she’s acting like quite an unhinged individual.

On the other side of the ring, Stokely Hathaway has been trying, quite unsuccessfully, to drive a wedge between Willow and Statlander, while this is just Thunder Rosa’s second match since returning to action after 16 months rehabilitating injuries. It should be noted that the first match back for the former AEW Women’s World Champion was a tag team victory over Julia Hart and Skye Blue with Abadon at her side! So in addition to Anna Jay wanting to pay homage to her mentor and friend Brodie Lee, this one has a load of other threads wrapped around the eight women involved in this bout!

The era of AEW World Champion Samoa Joe began at WORLDS END, and for the first time-ever he will be in Jacksonville this Wednesday night for DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024! In addition, AEW World Tag Champ Ricky Starks takes on Sammy Guevara ahead of their BOTB XI championship clash on Saturday, Castagnoli versus Hangman, two huge eight-person tags, and so much more on tap! It all begins again at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so be sure to swing by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair walked down the ramp at the start of the show, accompanying Sting and Darby Allin for the opening match!

Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Workhorsemen—JD Drake & Anthony Henry!

Anthony Henry blindsided Darby before the match began. Sting pursued Henry, but JD Drake tried to hit Sting in the back with a chair. Sting turned around and smacked the chair back into Drake’s face, only for Flair to chop Drake! Flair sent Drake ping ponging the other way into a lariat from Sting!

Anthony Henry swept out Darby’s legs on the apron. After wiping out Sting, Henry splashed Darby against the barricade. Henry powerslammed Darby and then Drake splashed Darby off the top turnbuckle for a near fall. 

Henry tagged in and nailed Darby with a backstabber. Drake grabbed a tag and chopped Darby. JD Drake cut off Darby from making a tag to Sting. Drake muscled over Darby with a belly to belly suplex. Darby dodged a moonsault and tagged Sting. Drake got splashed by the Stinger. Darby nailed Henry with a Coffin Drop from the top to the arena floor! Sting finished off Drake with a Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Drake!

Continental Crown Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Trent Beretta!

Kingston chopped at Trent and then battered him with kicks to the spine. Trent fired back with a tornado DDT. Trent snap suplexed Kingston. Eddie charged at Trent and blasted him with rapid fire chops. Eddie chopped Trent in the face and then got an earful from the ref. Trent may have suffered a broken nose as the blood began to pour. Kingston hit a suplex on Trent on the arena floor, not letting up at all. 

Trent’s mom, Sue, was sitting in the front row, concerned for her son. Trent stunned Kingston with a jumping knee strike. 

“Sometimes the taste of your own blood fires you up,” said Nigel.

Trent smashed Kingston with forearms. Kingston was on wobbly legs. Trent dropkicked Eddie, sending Eddie out of the ring. Trent flew out of the ring with a tope. Trent power bombed Kingston back in the ring for a near fall. Eddie came back with an Exploder and then a DDT for a two-count! The blood was flowing freely down Trent’s face.

Trent rocked Eddie with three consecutive German Suplexes! Trent crushed Eddie with a charging knee strike. Trent spike Kingston with a Gotch style piledriver for a near fall! Trent tossed Eddie with a half-and-half. Eddie retaliated with an exploder suplex. Kingston pinned Trent after a stalling Northern Lights Bomb!

Footage aired from an interview earlier in the day that Tony Schiavone conducted with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander!

Tony Schiavone asked about the interest that Stokely Hathaway has been paying to them, especially to Statlander.

Willow: “You noticed that too, right, Tony? That was weird. Moving on, let’s focus on what we are excited about. In 2024 I’m only focusing on the hot start we’ve had. We had a victory last night. Let’s keep it rolling!”

Kris: “You’re right! Not only was 2023 huge for the both of us, you won the Owen Hart Cup Tournament, I won the TBS Title, and we’re just gonna keep that going. 2024 is going to be bigger and better than ever because we are two of the best wrestlers in AEW!”

Footage played of FTW Champion HOOK, who was issuing a challenge!

Hook: “My winning percentage in this company is second to none. I think it’s time to get after another championship. Samoa Joe, I’m coming for you and your World Title.”

ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match!

Undisputed Kingdom (c.)—Mike Bennett & Matt Taven (with Roderick Strong)


Komander & “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Bennett walloped Komander with chops and then rammed him into a turnbuckle. Taven tagged in and crushed Komander with a back breaker. Komander had his first flurry of offense with a hurracanrana to Taven. Bryan Keith tagged in and booted Taven in the face.

Bennett entered the fray and slugged the Bounty Hunter. Bennett and Taven used their tandem offense on Keith. Taven face planted Keith. Taven connected with a leg lariat. Bennett charged at Keith but Keith suplexed Bennett into the turnbuckles. Komander grabbed a tag and rocked Taven with a spinning DDT. Taven climbed to the top but Komander superplexed Taven from on top of Keith’s shoulders!

Keith flipped Komander overhead, with Komander flying over the ropes and landing on the Undisputed Kingdom on the floor! Keith grabbed underhooks on Taven, but Bennett ran and rocked Keith with a lariat. Bennett spiked Komander with a piledriver. Taven smacked Keith with the Just the Tip knee strike! After double teaming Keith, Taven pinned Keith!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Bullet Club Gold— “Switchblade” Jay White and Austin and Colten Gunn!

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass interrupted the interview!

Billy: “We were walking by, and I couldn’t help but overhear you saying how your dad had to save you again.”

Jay White: “Guys, this is none of your business. The whole thing started with Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom laying their hands on me. So, we’re going to be the ones who handle this and bang bang finish it.”

Caster: “We could put our hands on you right now if you want.”

The Gunns asked how well that worked out for them last time.

Bowens: “First off, don’t say it’s none of our business because they threw me through glass. But everyone calm down. It pains me to say this, and it may be a very crazy idea considering everything we’ve done to each other in the past, but I’ve been thinking about this the last two days. One thing I’ve learned since being in AEW is the only way to get to the top is through factions. I mean, Jay, look what you did with the Bullet Club in Japan. And look at a guy like Billy. Billy knows a thing or two about big factions. All I’m saying is I know it’s crazy. Think about it.”

They all went their separate ways, but not before Austin Gunn looked at Renee and said, “I mean, it made sense.”

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland came to the ring!

Adam Copeland: “So in case all of you missed Worlds End, Christian Cage and I beat the living hell out of each other. And I beat him for the TNT Championship. But this past Wednesday on Dynamite, I saw Christian Cage say that Adam Copeland goes to the back of the line.

“I think he’s forgetting that as former champion, I get an automatic rematch. But it’s okay. For our entire careers, he’s said that I’ve been handed all of my opportunities. I’ve had a rocket strapped to my back. Really what the issue is, I just work harder than him. You should be on your hands and knees kissing Killswitch’s ass. So, he wants me to earn my title shot, right? I am going to start doing that right here tonight. I’ll start from the very back. I don’t care. Because like I said, I work hard. I’m here in my gear. I’m ready for a fight. We’re gonna make this an open challenge. We can call it the Cope Open. I’m going to stand here in the middle of the ring and wait for someone to step up.”

Maria Kanellis walked onto the ramp with Cole Karter and Griff Garrison!

Griff Garrison: “I am Griff Garrison! And a lot of you may be asking who is Griff Garrison. Griff Garrison is a guy that steps up to the plate against a hall of famer! Hey bud, I’m over here. How about you look at me and show me some respect, since I’m the one who accepted your open challenge.”

Copeland: “Griff, you know I like you. You remind me a lot of me when I was your age. I appreciate you coming in here. But dude, you are stepping up below sea level to Mount Everest here.”

Garrison slapped Copeland in the face!

Copeland: “You know what, Griff? Strangely that makes me like you even more. But now I am going to have to beat your ass.”

Garrison was smiling but Copeland booted him right in the kisser! Copeland lit up Griff’s chest with stinging chops. Copeland backdropped Griff. Cope smacked Garrison with a running clothesline. Maria grabbed Copeland’s ankle, distracting him. Cole Karter tripped Copeland. Garrison took advantage of the distraction and cracked Copeland with a boot to his face.

Garrison used a hammer throw, sending Copeland hard into the corner. Garrison suplexed Copeland. Adam Copeland ducked a lariat attempt. Copeland climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a big cross body for a near fall. Copeland charged in, looking for the spear, but Garrison countered with a discus shot! Garrison climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Copeland hammered him. Copeland wore out Garrison with repeated head butts. Copeland superplexed Garrison! Copeland applied a submission and forced Garrison to tap out!

Cole Karter dropkicked Copeland from behind. Karter went for a 450 splash, but Copeland moved out of the way! Copeland speared Karter!

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair was backstage with Darby Allin and Sting!

Flair: “Next week, a really big week in Jacksonville! It’s where Sting returned to wrestling. AEW, his first match in six years. It’s where Sting and Darby united and became this entity that’s unbeatable.”

Darby: “26 and 0!”

Flair: “After next week, 27 and 0! Stinger, Darby, and the Nature Boy at Daily’s Place!”

Sting: “Yeah, I’m ready! I’m on my way to Jacksonville, Florida and Daily’s Place, and I’ve got a smack talking guy talking about how he’s gonna take us out! Don’t think, Don Callis and company, that the Stinger is just gonna coast his way through the last few weeks. No! That ain’t the case! I’m coming to Jacksonville and the only thing for sure about Sting is that at Daily’s Place, it’s gonna be showtime!”

Skye Blue vs. Kiera Hogan!

They locked up and Skye tripped Hogan. Skye applied a side headlock. Hogan pushed her off but Blue rammed Hogan’s head into the mat. Skye missed a slap, but Hogan connected with a slap of her own. Hogan hip attacked Skye.

Skye grabbed Hogan by the hair and then cracked her with an elbow shot to the back of the head. Skye stomped on Kiera Hogan, showing off more of her demonic side. Skye jumped off the turnbuckles with Kiera countered with a thrust kick, perfectly timed. Hogan dropkicked Skye. Hogan followed up with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Skye Blue trapped Hogan in the ropes and rocked her with a thrust kick. Blue used a fall away slam and then transitioned into a dragon sleeper, forcing Kiera Hogan to tap out!

A vignette aired showcasing the comeback of Serena Deeb, who is returning imminently!

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Andrew Everett!

Before the match, Claudio challenged “Hangman” Adam Page to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite!

Claudio hoisted up Everett and body slammed him. Claudio choke slammed Everett. Claudio put Andrew in the Giant Swing and hurled him halfway across the ring! Claudio whipped Everett into the turnbuckles. 

Andrew sent Claudio to his knees courtesy of a Pele kick. Andrew jumped off the ropes, but Claudio dodged him and spiked him with a piledriver. Claudio clobbered Andrew with a King Kong lariat and pinned Andrew Everett!

“See you on Wednesday Hangman Page!” said Claudio to the camera. 

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Starks: “I know that everybody at Daily’s Place are waiting for the return of Ricky Starks. And how fitting that I made my debut there. And while I wasn’t successful, I return there as one half of the AEW World Tag Team Champions. And Sammy, all the history that we have, that goes out the window next week when I destroy you and cut the legs out from under you.”

Big Bill: “It’s Saturday night and neither of you are here. Next Saturday night, Norfolk, Virginia, for the AEW World Tag Team Titles, at Battle of the Belts, it’ll be ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks and Big Bill defending against Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho in a street fight! That is, Sammy, if you make it past Wednesday.”

Main Event Time!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood 


House of Black’s Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black!

Matthews pointed at Harwood’s daughter, who was sitting at ringside. Harwood didn’t take this lightly, to say the least! Harwood chopped at Matthews. Dax grabbed a tax and Buddy took him down with a wrist lock. 

Dax hit a drop toe hold and tagged in Cash Wheeler. Malakai Black entered the ring. Dax blocked a kick from Malakai. Dax flipped off Black. Malakai connected with a sliding dropkick. Cash came in and clubbed Black with a forearm, and then delivered a European Uppercut to Matthews. Malakai Black moonsaulted off the second turnbuckle and landed on Cash, who was on the arena floor!

Matthews and Black doubled teamed Cash Wheeler in the corner. Cash sent Black hard into Buddy. Cash crawled to make the tag, but Buddy cut him off with a kick! Dax tagged in and cleaned house…on the House of Black! Dax nailed Black with a brain buster for a near fall!

Black back elbowed Dax, after some assistance from Buddy. Black cracked Dax with a knee. Dax pulled Black down hard onto the turnbuckles as Black was climbing. FTR hit the power and glory suplex and splash on Black! Dax covered Black, but Matthews mauled Cash with the meteora, knocking Cash into Dax and breaking up the pin attempt!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Cash went for a tope, but the House of Black blasted him with stereo knees and then hurled him onto the announcer’s desk! Black grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring. Black was staring at Dax’s wife and daughter in the front row. While Black was taunting them, Dax drilled Black with a stiff shot, and then hit Matthews! FTR rocked Buddy with the Shatter Machine, but Black broke up the pin attempt they had on Buddy!

FTR spiked Black with a package piledriver on the apron! Brody King walked down the ramp, but Daniel Garcia chased after him, waffling Brody with a steel chair, helping FTR!

“What a standup guy Daniel Garcia is,” said Kevin Kelly.

As Dax was entering the ring, Buddy curb stomped him. Buddy power bombed Dax and went for the cover, but Dax countered with a pin of his own and scored the victory! After the match, the House of Black triple teamed FTR and Daniel Garcia! Buddy curb stomped Cash on the steel chair. Brody held a chair against Dax’s face and Black hit him with a spin kick, right in front of Dax’s family! TBS Champion Julia Hart rang the bell over and over.

“The bell tolls for thee,” said Kevin Kelly. 

“That was a ten bell salute from Julia Hart. Is this the death of FTR?” wondered Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Homecoming on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL featuring:

-AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara!

-AEW World Champion Samoa Joe will be in the house!

-Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Alisha Edwards Announced for Knockouts Ultimate X at Hard To Kill News / January 5, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Order Hard To Kill Get tickets A match type synonymous with TNA Wrestling, Ultimate

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Dani Luna Rounds Out the Field for Knockouts Ultimate X at Hard To Kill News / January 6, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Order Hard To Kill Get tickets A match type synonymous with

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Coming out of ,,WORLDS END and kicking off 2024, All Elite Wrestling began a new chapter with Samoa Joe taking the helm as AEW World Champion and the revelation that Adam Cole had been The Devil in MJF’s life the whole time. Those two elements changed the landscape of AEW moving into the new year, and then there was the arrival of Deonna Purrazzo on the heels of Mariah May’s in-ring debut, but at least some things remain the same, like Orange Cassidy still AEW International Champion after his fight with Dante Martin Wednesday night, and Wheeler Yuta still ROH Pure Champion after Friday’s fight with Komander.

The new era for AEW continues this Saturday with 2024’s first COLLISION, but it comes with a mix of something old and something new! The rivalry between The House of Black and FTR has been simmering for months, and will explode in tag team warfare this Saturday night while Eddie Kingston defends his Continental Crown for the very first time against Trent Beretta! It comes with AEW’s return to the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC this Saturday night for COLLISION, live on TNT, begin at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT! Get prepared for the night’s festivities by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as moments from WORLDS END 2023, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The House of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black)

On the October 7th edition of COLLISION, Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood were decimated by Big Bill and Ricky Starks resulting in the loss of the AEW World Tag Team Championship. It was a heartbreaking, physical dissection of the defending champs, one that left FTR still feeling the bruises on October 21st when they returned to in-ring competition. Just a minute into that tag team match the lights in the arena went out, and when they returned Malakai Black stood opposite Cash and Dax. Before either could react, the lights were doused once again, and this time when they flared back to life, it wasn’t just Malakai standing there, he’d been joined by Buddy Matthews and Brody King, leading to a 3-on-2 assault on FTR.

It seemed a similar scenario would play out a week later when, after Starks defeated Dax in singles competition, the lights went out once more and The House of Black, who’d been watching the bout from a distance, appeared inside the ring. It was only the arrival of LFI that balanced the scales, leading  to the most unlikely of temporary alliances between FTR and LFI, but one that was destined to be short-lived as FULL GEAR 2023 put FTR, LFI of RUSH and Dralistico, as well as Brody King and Malakai Black, in a Ladder Match against Big Bill and Ricky Starks with the AEW World Tag Titles hanging in the balance.

Starks and Bill would retain, the end coming when Starks smashed one of the hanging belts into the skull of Cash Wheeler, but that did nothing to quell the fires burning between FTR and The House. Malakai and company were on the spot to make verbal allusions after FTR beat The Righteous, and when FTR came to fight The House after they defeated Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels, Cash and Dax were instead subjected to, first, an offer to join The House, and then a brutal assault they left both unconscious in the ring.

Then it got personal; three weeks ago, the December 16th edition of COLLISION, Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black put Dax’s wife and child into the conversation, burning a picture of the three of them, and telling FTR that The House was their family now. The challenge for this tag team fight was finally made when Cash and Dax came to the aid of Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard following Garcia’s victory over Brody King. 

So it all comes down to this Saturday night as former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champions FTR meet The House of Black as honored by Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews; the tension, the animosity, the vitriol between these two units has reached a fever pitch, and it will explode live on COLLISION come Saturday night! With as personal as their issue has gotten, the AEW official tasked with maintaining order is going to have their hands full… 


Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Trent Beretta

This is a match full of firsts; not only is it the first defense of the Continental Crown since its creation at WORLDS END last Saturday night, it is also the first time Eddie Kingston and Trent Beretta will step into the ring for a fight! They stood on the same side of the ring at ALL IN: LONDON in Stadium Stampede, and both were part of the ALL OUT 2020 Casino Battle Royale, but this will be the first time they’ve ever been foes in a traditional match.

But this isn’t just a match is it? This is Eddie Kingston fighting for his life’s work, something he already put at risk when he laid the ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Title on the line to create, along with the AEW Continental Title, this Continental Crown. Every fight Kingston had during the Continental Classic Tournament put his status as a double champion at risk, but “The Mad King” persevered through adversity and loss to win the Blue League, capping it off with a victory over Jon Moxley in the Finals at WORLDS END.

There is no way Kingston will let this crown slip off his head easily, Trent Beretta is going to have to utterly incapacitate Eddie in order to win this match, but there’s just something about Beretta as of late that makes it seem like he’d be willing to go to such lengths. Fans have seen the man get down and dirty in Parking Lot Brawls before, so they know Trent Beretta is capable of the violence it may take to put Eddie Kingston down.

The thing with Eddie though is that he knew the second he beat Jon Moxley, he’d become a target for any individual striving for championship success. It’s not a matter of shattering a dream, Kingston isn’t a dreamer, he’s a fighter and one who knows that as long as he laces up the boots, the fight will never end. Every day someone will be gunning for him, after all he’s a man hoarding three different championships from three different companies, making him a target for people from every single one. Trent Beretta just happens to be the first, and even if Kingston makes it past him, there will be another and another and another waiting to take their shot at the Continental Crown upon The Mad King’s head!


Darby Allin & Sting vs. The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

Ahead of their fight with The Don Callis Family on ,,DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024 in Jacksonville, Darby Allin and “The Icon” Sting will be in tag team action this Saturday night! It’s a huge opportunity for The Workhorsemen of Anthony Henry and JD Drake, facing Darby and Sting, given the amount of respect and admiration the pair have for “The Icon”, but it’s also so much more than that. See this night at Bojangles Coliseum will be Sting’s last fight in Charlotte, a wrestling city synonymous with his career, where he’s fought Eddie Gilbert, battled inside War Games, as well as fought the likes of Sid Vicious, Cactus Jack, and yes, Ric Flair, for championship gold!

In fact, the last match Sting had in Charlotte took place at the Bojangles almost five years ago to the day, and featured him defending a World Championship! So now he returns to Charlotte, with both Darby Allin and Ric Flair at this side, to bid farewell to the fans of the Queen City, and give The Workhorsemen the kind of wrestling lesson that can only be given by someone with his experience! Join AEW this Saturday night in Charlotte as we continue on the Road to ,,REVOLUTION 2024 and Sting’s final professional wrestling match.


At WORLDS END 2023 Adam Copeland managed to experience ultimate triumph and catastrophic tragedy within minutes of one another. In a vicious No DQ Match with Christian Cage, Copeland defeated “The Patriarch” to become the new TNT Champion but taking advantage of the situation, Killswitch brutally assaulted Copeland in hopes of using the TNT Championship match contract he’d earned during ZERO HOUR. Unfortunately for the former Luchasaurus, he was convinced by Christian to hand over the contract, and the ex-champion took back the TNT Championship he’d lost only moments earlier.

Well the world heard what Christian Cage had to say about the situation this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE, basically denying he ever lost the title and this is one continuous run, so this Saturday night we will hear from the other half of that equation! Adam Copeland has to have a lot on his mind about this situation, and we will get a piece of it on COLLISION!

All Elite Wrestling is back in Charlotte, NC at the ,,Bojangles Coliseum this Saturday night with the first COLLISION of 2024! In one of the most anticipated tag matches in recent memory, FTR will finally fight The House of Black as honored by Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black, and Eddie Kingston will defend his Continental Crown for the very first time against Trent Beretta after that Best Friend won DYNAMITE’s Four Way bout! Those two stellar contests, and more, are set to come your way when COLLISION kicks off at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT. All you need to do is get prepared by dropping in on the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from this week’s editions of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as events from WORLDS END 2023, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Trios Match!

Mark Briscoe & The Hardys—Jeff & Matt


Kip Sabian, The Butcher & The Blade!

Mark Briscoe locked up with Kip Sabian. Mark escaped a wrist lock and then applied a side headlock to Kip. Kip Sabian hit Mark with a shoulder block and then taunted the Hardys. The Hardys double suplexed Kip after a quick series of tags.

Blade ate a boot from Jeff Hardy. Butcher and Matt Hardy tagged in for their respective teams. Matt slugged away at Butcher and then rammed Butcher’s head into the turnbuckles. Matt splashed Butcher from the ropes, but Butcher kicked out at the one-count. Butcher escaped a Twist of Fate attempt with a huge lariat. 

Mark Briscoe tagged in and cleaned house on the Butcher and the Blade with his redneck Kungfu. Briscoe scored with a dropkick on the Blade. Butcher swept out Mark’s leg and then planted him face first on the ring apron. Kip followed up with a moonsault onto Mark. Butcher bit down on Matt Hardy’s head. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Mark Briscoe was triple teamed by the opposition. 

Butcher blasted Briscoe with a half nelson backbreaker for a near fall! Mark scored a neck breaker on the Blade. Both men tagged out. Jeff Hardy and Kip Sabian came in, and Hardy hit a double leg drop on Sabian. Hardy used a diving splash for a near fall on Sabian. 

Matt shocked Sabian with a Side Effect. He was looking for the Twist of Fate, but the Butcher and the Blade blindsided Matt. Mark Briscoe saved Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy smashed Sabian with the Twist of Fate. Jeff followed up with a Swanton bomb. And Mark pinned Kip after the Froggy Bow!

“Tremendous fit for Mark Briscoe and the Hardys,” said Ian.

“If I’m the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, I’m taking notice of Mark and the Hardys,” replied Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara!

Renee mentioned how they still have the tag team championship opportunity in the future, however, next week, it’ll be Sammy against Ricky Starks one-on-one. Sammy already has a victory over Ricky from Worlds End. Renee was wondering how Sammy felt ahead of this competition.

Sammy: “I feel great. Like you just said, we picked up a big pay-per-view win. That’s the past. Now we look to Dynamite. Myself versus Ricky Starks. This is what AEW is about. This is restoring the feeling. Ricky, you and I are a lot alike. No matter what the world wants to throw at us, we always overcome it. Next week, only one of us can be the winner. So, you might be good, some might say great, but you’re not better than the best ever.”

Jericho: “And Big Bill, if you try and get involved, I’m going to stop you. You’re twice my size, sure, but you’ve got half my brainpower. And if you try and get involved, I’m going to take out my proverbial ax and chop you down inch by inch until we’re face to face. Then I’m going to poke you in the eye and knock your teeth down your throat. And Uncle Joe is going to cry. We’ll see you on Dynamite, boys.”

Next, Renee Paquette interviewed Anna Jay backstage, who was accompanied by Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager!

Anna Jay said she felt stagnant but that it was a time for a change this year. “This is my year. And tonight, I’m going to beat Shida, and I think I need to do this by myself, ok?”

Harley Cameron interrupted, saying she wanted to introduce herself. She said she wanted to help all of them, and then whispered into Parker’s ear. He replied, “You would actually do that?” Harley made a cat noise and walked off. Menard told Parker that Harley seemed like a nice girl. Parker downplayed it and said it was not what it looked like. 

Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale vs. Notorious Mimi & Kennedi Hardcastle!

Stokely Hathaway told Justin Roberts that he’d make the ring introductions for this match. Stokely went out of his way to really hype up Kris, and barely put any effort into his introduction for Willow.

Kris and Willow used quick tags to work over Mimi, while Tony Schiavone speculated that Stokely was perhaps smitten with Statlander. Willow double suplexed Hardcastle and Mimi. Kris tagged in and ran over both opponents. Statlander powerslammed Hardcastle and then planted Mimi on top of Hardcastle. Willow scored the pin after a spinebuster!

After the match, Stokely jumped into the ring, but Willow forced him out, and away from her friend Statlander. 

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Matt and Jeff Hardy!

Jeff: “We’re feeling great! We just got a huge win on Rampage. Somebody needs to get us on AEW Dynamite so we can boost those ratings, you know what I’m saying?”

Private Party interrupted them! 

Isiah Kassidy: “Congratulations, fellas.”

Matt Hardy: “Thank you. We’re very happy to pick up that W, but we’re also very happy for you, and I’m proud of you. Because Marq Quen is back, he’s healthy. You guys got this. Because you have sat underneath the tree of the tag team GOATS. Of the living legends, the Hardys, the greatest tag team to ever do it.”

Marq Quen: “No lies detected.”

Matt Hardy: “They say if you love something, you have to let it go. And it’s time for you guys to be your own men, to be your own team. I was proud of you for calling people out. I heard you call us out there too.”

Matt said he had gifts for Private Party, and they tossed two ring worn Hardy shirts at them. Matt said the Hardys were their childhood, but they’re also going to be their adulthood, and they’re going to see them real soon. The Hardys walked away, and Marq Quen looked at Isiah and said he wanted to kick their asses.

Anna Jay vs. Hikaru Shida!

Shida scored with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. She followed up with a knee lift on Anna Jay. Shida pulled a steel chair from out beneath the ring and set it up. Shida tried to jump off the chair but Anna side stepped it. Anna whipped Shida into the steel guardrail. 

Anna Jay rocked Shida with a thrust kick for a near fall. Shida and Anna Jay traded forearms in the center of the ring. Shida battered Anna Jay down to the mat. Shida smashed Anna in the jaw and followed up with a delayed brain buster!

Anna Jay connected with a pendulum kick. Shida rocked Anna with the Falcon Arrow, but Anna countered with the Queen Slayer. Shida rolled out and nailed Anna Jay with a knee for a near fall. Shida climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit the meteora right on target. Shida finished off Anna Jay with the katana kick and pinned Anna Jay!

Sonjay Dutt invited the camera crew into the locker room of Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Jarrett.

Dutt: “We need to make sure we get back on the same page, and if it doesn’t happen today, we’ll work every week until we get back on the same page. I got us a big tag team match coming up because I want us to get back to our winning ways.”

Lethal: “A tag match? How does that get us back on the same page?”

Karen: “Start with a name? I’ve been here nine months, and our team doesn’t even have a name.”

Jeff: “Maybe we should involve loser in that name, because of this guy Jay Lethal.”

Lethal: “Who the hell you talking to?”

Jeff: “Jay, just how many matches have you won recently? You know how many I’ve won this past year? I’ve beat Jeff Hardy, I’ve beat Dax, hell, I beat Eddie Kingston in a Memphis Street Fight, and look where that guy is now. He’s on top of the mountain.”

Lethal: “Now wait a minute! You wouldn’t have won any of those matches if it weren’t for me. So, you didn’t win s—t!”

Jeff: “You’re trying to tell me that I need you to win? Why don’t you get out of here and start your own winning streak?”

Lethal got into Jeff’s face!

Karen: “Hey, this is the opposite of what we wanted to happen.”

Dutt: “C’mon, we’ll try it again next week.”

Main Event Time! ROH Pure Championship Match!

ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, and Pat Buck were the judges.

Yuta trapped Komander with a double wristlock. Komander exhausted his first rope break, as Yuta left him with no choice. Komander applied a single leg crab and Yuta used his first rope break.

Komander blocked a lariat with a kick. Yuta clocked Komander with a strike and then drove Komander’s shoulder down on the arena floor. Back in the ring, Komander had an inside cradle for a near fall on Yuta. Komander jumped off the ropes and transitioned into a dropkick to Yuta. Komander spiked Yuta with a DDT for a two-count.

Yuta put Komander in a double wrist lock again, grounding Komander. Komander used his third and final rope break here. Yuta was smiling ear to ear. Komander caught Yuta off guard with a hurracanrana. Yuta nailed Komander with a bridging German Suplex. Yuta pounded Komander with the hammer and anvil elbows. Yuta put Komander in the double wrist lock again, and with no rope breaks remaining, Komander had no choice but to tap!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC featuring:

-FTR vs. The House Of Black!

-Continental Crown Match: Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Trent Beretta!

-Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Workhorsemen!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Xia Brookside Makes Her TNA Debut in Knockouts Ultimate X at Hard To Kill News / January 2, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Order Hard To Kill Get tickets A match type synonymous with

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TNA+ Is Streaming Now – Experience TNA Wrestling Like Never Before News / January 5, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff [embedded content][embedded content] Subscribe Now You haven’t seen anything, until you’ve seen everything. TNA+

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The Devil has been revealed and his name is Adam Cole, surround by the Undisputed Kingdom of Wardlow, Roderick Strong, and ROH World Tag Champs Mike Bennett & Matt Taven, they have promised to reign down hell upon the rest of AEW with eyes set on all the titles! DYNAMITE brought us that proclamation, as well as Orange Cassidy defending his International Championship against Dante Martin, Mariah May making her in-ring debut only to have it spoiled by the arrival of Deonna Purrazzo, and plenty more as AEW launched full-force into 2024!

That brings us to this Friday on RAMPAGE, emanating from the Prudential Center in New Jersey, and getting underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans! 3-Time ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta will take on the high-flying Komander, Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander will be in tag team action, The Hardys and The Briscoes collide with Kip Sabian, Butcher, and Blade in Trios competition, and Anna Jay aims to finally score a victory on 3-Time Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida! Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


The Hardys (Jeff & Matt) and Mark Briscoe vs. Kip Sabian, The Butcher, & The Blade

This ought to be a hard-fought Trios affair as there’s plenty of history wrapped up in the competitors involved! For months, The Butcher and The Blade worked for Matt Hardy as part of his Hardy Family Office, and while they seemed content with just making money as Hardy’s henchmen, Matt has shown tremendous regret for his behavior during those months of his AEW career. It’s let to multiple confrontations between them in the time since, including a wild Tag Team Tables Match in April 2022, and The Hardys most recently winning an non-televised Three Way Tag in Ontario, CA over Butch and Blade. Back in August, with Keith Lee at their side, Matt and Jeff also scored a victory over this trio, but this time around, the brothers Hardy have allied with one of their most fearsome foes from years past: Mark Briscoe!

Mark and Matt had their lone singles match in June 2013 for Ring of Honor, and battled over the ROH World Tag Titles in March 2017, with Matt and Jeff beating Mark and Jay in that Las Vegas battle, and they’ve even fought in AEW once before just prior to REVOLUTION 2023 with Mark and The Lucha Brothers defeating The Firm of Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, and Lee Moriarty. So with this first time uniting, can Mark and The Hardys look past their history as opponents and work together as allies?


ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta vs. Komander

This is going to be quite the fascinating clash of styles, of that there is no doubt, after all Komander is know for his high-flying, death-defying style of Lucha Libre not for grappling, technical wrestling, and submissions. That being said, Pure Wrestling is not necessarily defined by the style that current champion Wheeler Yuta employs, but rather the intent of emphasizing competition in its purest form. It’s all in the hands of the competitors involved on how to proceed under the rules a Pure Championship match engages, or in the case of someone like the man Yuta has become, how to circumvent the rules when possible.

Now in his third reign atop the Pure Division, Yuta comes into this first-ever fight with Komander having bested Katsuyori Shibata to claim the belt, and successfully defended it on two instances over the last 40 days, one against Matt Sydal and the other opposite “Filthy” Tom Lawlor. Will Komander be the one to bring an end to the reign of Yuta, or will The BCC’s youngest member continue to find ways to win while the rest of us watch his ego grow ever larger with each one?


Anna Jay vs. Hikaru Shida

Hikaru Shida has been the bane of many competitors existence since her AEW debut at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2019; Abadon, Emi Sakura, and Penelope Ford are just a few of the women who have battled the former 3-Time AEW Women’s World Champion on multiple occasions yet have never been able to defeat “The Shining Samurai”. Another such competitor is Anna Jay, a woman who made her AEW debut on the April 1, 2020 DYNAMITE opposite Shida, and has yet to find victory over the course of three singles match, two being title fights.

The most recent of those took place on August 9th of 2023 with an end result the same as every previous encounter, but Anna Jay remains undaunted in her self-belief, and what better way to start 2024 then by breaking this Shida curse! Away from the 2023 drama of Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho, or that of Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia, can the new year start with a clean slate for Anna Jay?


Coming to you from Newark, NJ, RAMPAGE begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and features Wheeler Yuta putting his ROH Pure Championship on the line against Komander, Anna Jay trying to break the Shida curse, The Hardys uniting with Mark Briscoe for Trios competition, and the Statlander/Nightingale duo in action! Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!

Josh Alexander Accepts Alex Hammerstone’s Challenge for First-Time-Ever Showdown at Hard To Kill News / January 3, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Order Hard To Kill Get tickets Another blockbuster matchup has been made

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