Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Paul Wight, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, & Angelo Parker (with Jake Hager)


Brother Zay & The Hardys—Matt & Jeff!

Garcia grappled Brother Zay to the mat. Zay fired back with an arm drag and a dropkick. Matt Hardy tagged in and dropped an elbow on Garcia. Jeff tagged in and hit a diving splash on Garcia.

After Parker distracted Brother Zay, Garcia nailed Zay with a running forearm. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard whipped Garcia into Brother Zay in the turnbuckles. Brother Zay blasted Garcia with a cutter and then tagged out to Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy cleared the ring and hammered away on Parker. Matt Hardy followed up with a powerbomb on Parker for a near fall. Garcia was about to do his dance, but Matt Menard tagged himself in and scolded Garcia.

Jeff Hardy tagged in and clobbered Angelo Parker with clotheslines. Jeff followed up with a basement dropkick. Matt Menard ran in to break up Jeff’s pin attempt on Parker. Angelo Parker ran in, but Matt Hardy caught him with a Side Effect. Brother Zay splashed Parker with the Poetry in Motion. Jeff Hardy went up top for the swanton, but Jake Hager knocked Jeff off his balance. Inside the ring Daniel Garcia spiked Brother Zay with a DDT and pinned him!

Matt Menard stormed off and left the ring after seeing Garcia dancing again.

Footage was shown from Dynamite. Renee Paquette tried to interview Penta El Zero Miedo who was with Alex Abrahantes.

Renee was asking for an update on Rey Fenix’s condition when Penta was interrupted by Bullet Club Gold!

Ahead of their match this Wednesday on Dynamite, “Switchblade” Jay White said Penta had “zero fear and zero belts.”

Penta El Zero Miedo called Jay White a thief for stealing the AEW World Title.

After a commercial break, Renee Paquette interviewed Daniel Garcia, Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, and Jake Hager!

Renee said she sensed some tension amongst them.

Matt Menard: “Great team victory here tonight but I can’t stand Garcia’s dancing.”

Parker told Menard to chill out because the dancing got it done tonight.

Hager: “Enough! We won, boys. Squash this.”

Menard: “You want me to squash this? Everybody needs to squash it!”

Matt Menard stormed off!

Jay Lethal (with Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jeff & Karen Jarrett)

vs. Trent Beretta (with Chuck Taylor)!

Lethal got the jump on Trent. Lethal looked into the camera and told Eddie Kingston that he was going to be the next ROH World Champion.

Trent smashed Lethal with double knees. Lethal scoop slammed Trent. Lethal was looking for the figure four but Trent countered and grounded and pounded Lethal.

Trent took down Lethal with a hurracanrana and followed up with a thrust kick. Trent went for a running cross body press but Lethal ducked! Trent’s momentum sent him crashing into the ropes! Trent speared Lethal outside the ring. Jay Lethal ran the knee of Trent into the steel ring post.

Trent wiped out Lethal with a pescado, but Trent came up clutching his knee. Trent nailed Lethal with a German Suplex. Trent hit a second German Suplex. Lethal was looking for the Lethal Injection but Trent countered with the half-and-half for a near fall.

Lethal locked on the figure four in the center of the ring. Lethal clocked Trent with a thrust kick to Trent’s face. Trent countered a rolling elbow with a jumping knee strike to Lethal. Jay Lethal kicked the back of Trent’s knee, followed up with the Lethal Injection and pinned Trent!

Ortiz was backstage with harsh words for Mike Santana, saying Santana stood next to him for many years, but never stood with him.

Mike Santana walked onto the scene. “Where were you for the past 14 months after my surgery? Where were you?”

Ortiz: “Holding you up!”

Santana: “I’m going to end you!”

Skye Blue vs. Emi Sakura!

“Skye Blue seems a little dour,” said Paul Wight.

“I’m sure it has something to do with what Julia Hart did to her,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Skye Blue tried to cradle Emi, but Emi stomped on Blue. Emi dumped Skye Blue over the top rope. Emi charged at Skye Blue and crushed her against the steel ring steps.

Emi Sakura chopped away at Skye Blue. Sakura charged at Skye, but Skye got her boot up. She followed up with a DDT for a near fall. Sakura countered the Skye Fall by chomping on Skye’s hands. Sakura nailed Skye Blue with a back breaker.

Skye Blue nailed Emi with a thrust kick and pinned Emi after the Code Blue!

Main Event Time!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta


The Mogul Embassy’s Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona (with Prince Nana)!

Wheeler Yuta grappled Bishop to the mat with a deep hammer lock. Bishop Kaun fought out of it and shoved Yuta into the corner turnbuckles. Wheeler Yuta slapped him. Yuta scoop slammed Kaun and then squashed him with a senton.

Claudio tagged in and smashed Kaun with a double foot stomp. Yuta tagged back in, but Bishop Kaun shoved Yuta into a stiff elbow from Toa Liona. Bishop Kaun whipped Yuta back and forth into the barricade.

Claudio clobbered Toa Liona with European Uppercuts. Claudio tried for the Neutralizer, but Liona back dropped out of it. Claudio was looking for the Giant Swing, but Bishop Kaun had a blind tag and blindsided Claudio.

Claudio put Kaun in the Giant Swing and then Yuta dropkicked Kaun in the head! Prince Nana jumped into the ring and Claudio chased him out and to the back. Inside the ring, Yuta was isolated. Kaun smashed Yuta with a double underhook face buster, but Yuta kicked out at two!

Wheeler Yuta chopped away at the Gates of Agony. The Gates planted Yuta and Toa covered him, but Yuta kicked out! Claudio ran back to the ring and cleaned house on the Gates! Yuta climbed to the top turnbuckle and Claudio threw him with the Fast Ball Special, and Yuta pinned Bishop Kaun!

“What a showcase of Wheeler Yuta’s heart tonight! So impressed with that young man,” said Paul Wight.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH featuring:

-TBS Champion Kris Statlander putting her title at stake against Skye Blue!

-AAA World Cruiserweight Champ Komander vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage!

-We’ll hear from the new AEW World Tag Team Champs Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

-The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland appears live!

-ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe defending against Willie Mack!

-TNT Champion Christian Cage putting his title on the line against “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY was a landmark night in AEW as the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland made his triumphant in-ring debut opposite Luchasaurus, leading to a wild situation involving the TNT Champion, his two “sons”, The BCC, and The Gates of Agony. Plus the AEW faithful witnessed the crowning of two new champions as Orange Cassidy reclaimed the AEW International Championship and Hikaru Shida did the same with the AEW Women’s World Championship! That makes her the first 3-Timer and OC the first 2-Timer for their respective titles, but it also means there’s fresh targets on their backs with all those gunning for the titles themselves.

This Friday RAMPAGE picks up the action where DYNAMITE left off, featuring a Trios bout pitting Garcia, Menard, and Parker against Brother Zay and The Hardys, Lethal versus Beretta as the former eyes the ROH World Championship, Skye Blue and Emi Sakura colliding, and The Blackpool Combat Club going head-up with The Gates of Agony!

The night gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel before RAMPAGE begins to see highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and a great deal more!


Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, & Matt Menard vs. Brother Zay & The Hardys (Jeff & Matt)

Last week, in an 8-Man Tag, it was The Best Friends and The Hardys who got a victory over the former J.A.S quartet of Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Jake Hager, and Daniel Garcia, and suffice to say it caused a great deal of friction among the members of that little family who’ve chosen to stay together after they all walked away from Chris Jericho.

Thus when Daniel Garcia chose to check in on Jericho after Powerhouse Hobbs’ utter domination of “The Ocho”, it did not sit well with Matt Menard, nor the others who chose to leave Jericho in their past. Garcia may have had a rational reason for checking on his former mentor’s health, but given the bad taste left in the mouth of Menard, Parker, Anna Jay, and Hager, no excuse would have sufficed.

So this Friday night on RAMPAGE, when Garcia, Menard, and Parker go into Trios action against The Hardys and Brother Zay it will be quite interesting to see how the machine functions. The three of them have been quite successful as a trio in the past, winning 10 of their 15 fights to date, but they’ve never been quite so strained as they are right now. Everyone else seems to be looking to move on with their life while Garcia is feeling some sort of way about the situation; will that prevent the three men from working together to defeat The Hardy Party, or will they pull together like they did when they left Jericho behind and be a success?


Jay Lethal vs. Trent Beretta

It was very clear during the TITLE TUESDAY: BUY-IN that Jay Lethal and his motley crew have a vested interest in Eddie Kingston, specifically in his ROH World Championship. As a former 2-Time Champion whose combined reigns just squeeze him past Samoa Joe’s lone run to make Lethal the man with the most time spent as ROH World Champion, he has designs on joining the Adam Cole club as a 3-Time Champion, and doing so at the expense of “The Mad King”. Now we know Eddie is willing to fight anyone, anywhere, and even put both his ROH World and NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship on the line in the same match. He did it against Shibata and won, he did it on Tuesday night against Minoru Suzuki and survived, so there’s no doubt he’d give Lethal the chance as well if he were to ever step up and request the title shot.

But that’s not the way Lethal, Jeff and Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, or Satnam Singh do business; it’s far more likely they will attack the man behind his back, and run their mouths off when the numbers are heavily in their favor. It doesn’t matter that Lethal has the skill inside the squared circle to make all their shenanigans unnecessary, it’s just that the whole contingent would rather do everything they can to try and insure success for one another.

And that’s what Trent Beretta has to look out for when he and Lethal go one-on-one this Friday night on RAMPAGE! There is little doubt Lethal will be accompanied by his entourage to this match, it just falls on Beretta to have eyes in the back, the sides, and the top of his head to try and stay wary of their actions. Trent fell victim to Lethal once before in November 2022, hopefully he can avoid the same fate on Friday night and put a little damper on Lethal’s championship aspirations!


Skye Blue vs. Emi Sakura

Both of these woman are arguably at a crossroads in their AEW career as both have their championship aspirations, but both have been frustrated in actually achieving that goal. Emi Sakura was one of Kris Statlander’s recent challengers for the TBS Championship, but failed to dethrone Stat in that endeavor, and it’s been almost four years, FULL GEAR 2019 to be exact, since the last time Emi challenged for the Women’s World Title.

As for Skye Blue, though one of the youngest competitors in the division, she has put in a tremendous amount of work since coming into AEW. From her first match on April 21, 2021 to now, Skye has competed in 100 matches, leaving only Nyla Rose, Hikaru Shida, Emi Sakura, and Dr. Britt Baker ahead of her. With that century mark has come one TBS Championship bout against Jade Cargill at BATTLE OF THE BELTS V, and a trio of AEW Women’s World Title fights with Toni Storm. All of those championship opportunities have come in 2023, but none have borne any fruit for Skye.

So that leaves both women coming into this singles match on Friday night with a goal to get back on the right track, get back into title contention, and finally put a championship belt around their waist! The last time these two met in a singles bout was the October 4, 2021 edition of DARK: ELEVATION, a match won by Emi, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t fought plenty in tags and trios in the years since. Unfortunately for Skye, the balance of the scales tips heavily in the favor of Emi Sakura with 12 of the 18 encounters going in Sakura’s favor.

Can Skye begin to tip those scales a little more in her favor this Friday night on TNT?


Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

We saw it at the end of DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY when chaos erupted in the aftermath of Adam Copeland’s victory over Luchasaurus, and it all began with Nick Wayne attacking Copeland after the match. That brought Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage’s opponent for COLLISION down to the ring, which in turn brought Yuta and Claudio, which begot Gates of Agony and Swerve, which brought out Hangman Page, and utter madness ensued. When the dust cleared, we were left with Christian Cage trapped in the LaBell Lock by Danielson as Adam Copeland looked on.

So while Cage and Danielson have their date on Saturday in Toledo, this Friday night on RAMPAGE it’s his Blackpool Combat Club compatriots who have theirs with Gates of Agony! Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun are two of the most fearsome men in all of professional wrestling, a mix of savagery, speed, and power like few others competing in AEW. Their tools are part of the dynamic that have made this iteration of Prince Nana’s Embassy the most feared that has every existed. Those two, combined with Brian Cage and Swerve Strickland, have made The Mogul Embassy a dominating force and on RAMPAGE The Gates of Agony will clash with one of AEW’s other dominant units in The BCC.

Whose skill set will prove the better on Friday night? Tune into TNT beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT to watch the fights go down!

RAMPAGE gets started at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international audiences, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel prior to the show for highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday was broadcast live from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means!

ROH World & NJPW Strong Openweight Title Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Minoru Suzuki!

Suzuki invited Kingston to chop him. Kingston took the straps down and he and Suzuki exchanged chops to the chest, blistering one another! Suzuki blasted Kingston with a forearm, knocking him to the mat and stunning him.

“Kingston on roller skates,” said Excalibur.

Kingston fired himself up and plastered Suzuki with a stiff chop. He followed up with rapid, machine gun style chops to Suzuki’s chest. Kingston backed Suzuki into the corner with more chops.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh were watching on the monitor.

After a Northern Lights Bomb, Kingston grabbed the pin on Suzuki and retained the title!

AEW President & CEO Tony Khan made an appearance backstage and advised that Jon Moxley hasn’t been medically cleared for tonight’s match.

FTW Champion HOOK interrupted, along with Orange Cassidy, and HOOK insisted Orange Cassidy fill in for Mox. Tony Khan agreed and made the match official between Orange Cassidy and AEW International Champion Rey Fenix!

Buy-In concluded, and AEW Dynamite: Title Tuesday kicked off with…

TNT Champion Christian Cage appearing from inside the production truck!

Christian Cage: “This is without a doubt the biggest AEW Dynamite ever, Title Tuesday. And how fitting is it that the first thing you see is Christian Cage. And there are serious implications for my title tonight, with Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson squaring off to determine who will face me this Saturday on Collision!

“In the main event, my right hand of destruction is going to end the run of Adam Copeland before it even gets started. But before that match, I may have to walk out and elaborate on those three words I left you hanging with last week.

“And as the face of TNT, the face of Warner Brothers Discovery, I’ve procured the first 30 minutes of Dynamite commercial free. You’re welcome. Now start this show!”

#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship!

The Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)


“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

There was a stalemate early on. Danielson tried for a knee bar, but Swerve escaped. Swerve slapped Danielson in the face and Danielson fired back with a slap to Swerve. After each man reversed cradles from the other, it was clear they were evenly matched.

The fans began to chant “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson booted Swerve in the jaw. They traded strikes on the apron. Swerve nailed Danielson with a side slam on the corner of the ring! Danielson came up clutching his back.

Swerve powerslammed Danielson and then transitioned into a brainbuster for a near fall on the American Dragon. Swerve went for a 450 splash, but Danielson raised his knees. Danielson rocked Swerve with a jumping knee strike off the apron! Danielson dropkicked Swerve from the top turnbuckle.

Danielson clocked Swerve with repeated round kicks. Danielson charged off the ropes, but Swerve connected with a kick to the body. Swerve positioned Danielson on the corner of the ring, hanging him by the feet and legs. Swerve crashed down on Danielson with a double foot stomp!

Swerve went for another foot stomp inside the ring, but Danielson countered with a single leg crab. Danielson transitioned into a heel hook, but Swerve managed to grab the bottom rope. Danielson back suplexed Swerve from the top turnbuckle! Danielson was clutching his surgically repaired arm.

Danielson captured Swerve’s wrists and hammered the face of Swerve with kicks! Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock, but Swerve used his leg to get to the bottom rope and force the break. Danielson was setting up to charge at Swerve, running first into the turnbuckle to gather speed, but upon impact he collapsed, holding onto his midsection. Swerve capitalized with the House Call! Swerve jumped down with the Swerve Stomp on Danielson, but Danielson kicked out at two! Excalibur and Taz speculated that Danielson injured his liver.

Prince Nana distracted the ref while Swerve went to grab the crown that Nana left behind. “Hangman” Adam Page grabbed it out of Swerve’s hands! Danielson went for the running knee, but Swerve tried to counter with the JML Driver, but Danielson countered that with a cradle, but Swerve kicked out! Danielson went back to the wishing well again and smacked Swerve with the running knee strike and pinned Swerve!

This Saturday on Collision it’ll be Christian Cage defending the TNT Championship against Bryan Danielson! Swerve and Prince Nana sneered at “Hangman” Adam Page after the match.

A vignette aired for ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe!

“This Saturday at Collision I begin my road to AEW World Championship gold. I’ll show the world why I am violence manifest. Domination made flesh. Why I am the man who goes out there and takes what he wants from anybody he wants to. This Saturday at Collision I begin my ascension towards greatness.”

Powerhouse Hobbs (with Don Callis) vs. Chris Jericho!

Jericho and Hobbs slugged it out! Hobbs got the upper hand. Hobbs nailed Jericho with a spinebuster for a near fall. Hobbs grounded and pounded Jericho and then delivered a second spinebuster!

Hobbs hoisted up Jericho and drilled him with a third spinebuster. Hobbs headbutted Jericho right between the eyes. Hobbs hit another spinebuster on Jericho.

Don Callis yelled “Hurt him! Hurt him!”

Hobbs planted Jericho with another spinebuster. Jericho cradled his midsection. Jericho fought back with shoulder tackles. Jericho connected with a Code Breaker on Hobbs for a two-count. Hobbs fired back with another spinebuster.

Jericho chop blocked Hobbs. Jericho applied the Walls on Hobbs, sitting back deep. Hobbs escaped and slammed Jericho. Hobbs hammered Jericho with punches. Hobbs spiked Jericho with another slam. Hobbs put his knee on Jericho’s face and pinned him!

“I’ve never seen Jericho dominated quite like this,” said Excalibur.

“Powerhouse Hobbs just dismantled one of the greatest ever in Chris Jericho,” said Taz.

“What a victory,” replied Tony Schiavone.

“And what a recruit for the Don Callis Family,” added Excalibur.

After the match Hobbs picked up Jericho and planted him hard on the mat again!

Footage was shown from earlier in the day from Roderick Strong’s humble abode.

Roderick Strong was in his backyard with the Kingdom and Adam Cole.

Adam Cole said he’d been there nearly a week, needed to get his surgery done, but wanted to know what else Roddy wanted him to do.

Strong: “I need you to cut my grass.”

Cole mowed the lawn on one leg while the other leg was on his injury mobility scooter. They went back into the house and Cole said he thought it was weird that there was no service and no TV in the house. He wanted to see what his friend MJF was up to.

Strong: “TV is the devil. The absolute devil.”

Cole wanted to leave to get surgery but Strong said he needed just one more thing.

AEW International Championship Match!

Rey Fenix (c.) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Orange charged at Rey Fenix and dished out forearms. Fenix fired back with lariats. Fenix was looking for a German Suplex, but his back gave out.

Rey Fenix cracked Orange with a thrust kick. Fenix hit a frog splash for a near fall, wrestling with purpose and trying to end the match quickly.

“When you’re hurting, you want to end it quickly,” said Taz.

Outside the ring, Orange Cassidy whipped Rey Fenix into the steel guardrail. Orange rammed Rey Fenix into the steel ring post. Orange swept out Rey Fenix’s leg. Orange climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Rey Fenix hit him with a flying uppercut. Rey Fenix was looking for a muscle buster, but his back gave out. Orange countered with a diving DDT and then another DDT for a two-count on Rey Fenix!

Orange tried for the Orange Punch, but Rey Fenix countered with a thrust kick. Rey Fenix tried to charge at Orange, but his back gave out again. Orange Cassidy blasted Rey Fenix with the Beach Break for a near fall. Orange pulped Rey Fenix with the Orange Punch and after tying him up in the mousetrap, Orange Cassidy pinned Rey Fenix!

And once again AEW International Champion…Orange Cassidy!

The Best Friends, Rocky Romero, and HOOK came out to congratulate Orange Cassidy.

Wardlow vs. Matt Sydal!

Wardlow ran at Sydal and rammed him into the turnbuckles. Wardlow powerbombed Sydal. He powerbombed Sydal again. And then again! Wardlow powerbombed Sydal again and the ref stopped the match, declaring Wardlow the winner!

Renee Paquette was backstage trying to get a medical update on Chris Jericho!

Daniel Garcia came to check on Jericho. Matt Menard grabbed Garcia by the shoulder and said, “What are you doing?”

Garcia said, “I’m being a human. I’m checking on somebody that we cared about.”

Menard: “I’ve had just about enough. We’re better than this. We’re better than this now.”

Menard walked away and then Garcia followed.

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White


ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion “Hangman” Adam Page!

Switchblade came out wearing the AEW World Championship Title. Bullet Club Gold rode out on big wheels.

“He stole that title from MJF,” said Taz.

Hangman flew over the top rope and landed on Jay White on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Jay White grabbed a chin lock on Page. They traded strikes. Jay White took down Adam Page with a dragon screw leg whip.

Hangman caught Switchblade and drilled him with a Death Valley Driver. Page sent White soaring with a fallaway slam and followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Hangman powerbombed Jay White on the apron!

“That was a thud right there,” said Taz.

Jay White suplexed Adam Page into the turnbuckles. White drilled Page with a knee breaker right on the apron! Hangman came back with a blockbuster off the top rope, but Page was clutching his knee after the landing.

Jay White connected with an uranage for a near fall. Hangman dropped Jay White with a rolling elbow. Hangman was looking for the Buckshot Lariat, but Jay White countered with a dragon screw.

Hangman guillotined Jay White on the top rope. Hangman nailed Jay White with a moonsault on the arena floor. Back in the ring Jay White lured Hangman in and rocked him with a German Suplex. Jay White chop blocked Hangman. Page got to his feet and walloped Jay White with a lariat!

Hangman went for the Buckshot, but Jay White tried to counter with the Blade Runner, but Page countered with the Dead Eye! Bullet Club Gold panicked outside the ring. Page covered White but White kicked out at two!

Bullet Club Gold distracted the ref while Prince Nana crept up with his crown in his hand. Hangman saw Prince Nana and turned his attention toward him, but Jay White grabbed a handful of Page’s tights, rolled him up and pinned him!

After the match, an enraged Hangman limped up the ramp and tried to catch up with the retreating Prince Nana!

AEW World Champion MJF came out on the ramp!

MJF: “Cut my music! Look at me Jay White! You wanted the main event match, bright lights, Full Gear for the World Title, you got it, you’re welcome. Now give me back my belt! Be a man!”

Jay White: “We don’t want to hear anymore from MJF. No, no, we want to hear from J-A-Y. Your scumbag wants the Triple B, you want the Bang Bang belt? I was going to say yes until you were so rude, so the answer is no.”

MJF: “I’ll be the bigger man here. Jay, I know you because I was you. You are the guy who doesn’t give a damn about anybody else. You will use and abuse people. You and I both know you don’t care about any of those three in the Bullet Club Gold. You are using them, and I know because that is right out of the MJF playbook.

“For the first time in my life I have earned the respect of these fans. Now Jay White there are two things in this life I care about: my brother, Adam Cole, who is out right now injured. And that’s my cross to bear. And there is that title you’re holding. You call it a belt. That’s not a belt. That is my livelihood. That is my legacy. Because when you win the AEW World Title, that makes you the best wrestler in the world.

“Jay, if you weren’t surrounded by those idiots, I would have already taken back what’s mine. Jay White, I know how talented you are. I am sure someday you will join the very exclusive club of being an AEW World Champion, however, that day is not today. Do you understand me? So, I’m going to ask you to do the hard thing for once in your life. Dig deep, be a man, show some dignity to this sport, to AEW and to these fans, and give me back what you have not yet earned.”

Jay White: “You’re just coming out here and asking me to give it back to you. How is that earning it? Thank you for coming out and asking me nicely instead of jumping me from behind in your cute little devil mask.

“But you’re just asking for this. You can’t just ask for this. You must earn it. You must earn it, officially. And you have a match coming up November 18th at Full Gear. You’ll get your chance, but you’ll fail. But if you can’t be patient, you could just come down and take it.

“But something tells me with us five here, and you don’t have no friends, but if you can find three friends who can tolerate you, you come up with your four against the Bang Bang Gang, and if you win, maybe you’ll get the Bang Bang Belt back.”

Juice Robinson: “And MJF, before you leave, I heard through the grapevine that next week there is a Dynamite Diamond Dozen Battle Royale for a chance to win that stupid ring that you care about so much! So, throw my name in because I’m going to win the battle royale and I’m going to win that ring and we’re going to take away everything you love. And I’ve got a roll of quarters here with your name on it. So, after we ruin your life, I’m going to—”

MJF: “Hey! You come at me with that roll of quarters and I’m going to end your life!”

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

Saraya shoved at Shida. Shida turned Saraya around and battered her with forearms. Shida scored with a running knee strike.

Shida rocked Saraya with a rising knee strike outside the ring. Someone dressed all in black tried to ambush Shida. They were holding a can of spray paint. It was Ruby Soho!

Shida turned the can around and sprayed Ruby Soho in the eyes! Soho ran up the ramp, but “Timeless” Toni Storm was there, clobbering her with the shoe! Toni Storm chased Ruby Soho over the guardrail and through the fans!

Shida drilled Saraya with a jumping knee strike. Shida hammered Saraya with punches. She followed up with a missile dropkick for a near fall on Saraya.

Saraya yanked Shida by the wrist, sending Shida tumbling onto the edge of the ring! Shida stunned Saraya with a stalling German Suplex on the ring apron. She followed up with a meteora off the apron onto Saraya. Shida rammed Saraya with a running knee for a near fall.

Shida clocked Saraya with a question mark kick. Shida climbed to the top turnbuckle and Saraya countered with a thrust kick. Saraya crushed Shida with the Knight Cap for a two-count! Saraya put a can of spray paint in her waistband and grabbed the kendo stick. Ref Paul Turner saw the kendo stick and pulled it away. As the ref turned his back to toss the kendo stick out of the ring, Saraya went to her backup plan and sprayed Shida in the eyes with the can of paint! Saraya drilled Shida with a second Knight Cap, but Shida kicked out at two!

“Hikaru Shida will not be denied!” said Excalibur.

Shida planted Saraya with the Falcon Arrow. She went to cover Saraya, but Saraya countered. Shida countered that, rolling up Saraya and pinning her!

And new AEW Women’s World Champion…Hikaru Shida!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW World Champion MJF!

MJF: “I’m just not in the mood to be interviewed. I just want to call my boy and get some advice. Please pick up Adam.”

Adam Cole answered. MJF said he’d been trying to get ahold of Adam Cole for days.

Adam Cole apologized and said he was still helping Roderick Strong because Strong was injured.

MJF: “Adam, I need your help. I’m getting attacked left and right by Bullet Club Gold. They stole the triple B. Samoa Joe apparently wants another title shot. And Juice Robinson has opened some old wounds, dude.”

Adam Cole: “Max, can you hear me? Roddy is in the middle of nowhere.”

The phone lost reception and the line went dead.

The Acclaimed walked up to MJF. Caster said he overhead the phone call. Caster said he figured the Acclaimed could team with MJF to take on the Bang Bang Gang. MJF walked away, upset.

Daddy Ass told Caster to hold on one second. “When did you think you could just offer up our services? And what is your infatuation with MJF?” asked Daddy Ass.

Caster: “We started wrestling together. I’ve known him for 10 years. And he’s my friend. I think he needs our help. Plus, I like when he plays hard to get.”

Main Event Time!

“Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland


Luchasaurus (with TNT Champion Christian Cage)!

Before the match, Christian Cage said he is not Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne’s leader. He is their father. Christian Cage asked why Adam Copeland didn’t want to help him when he was getting held back a few years ago and Adam was being pushed to the moon. “You need me. I don’t need you! But I can’t say I blame you for being a fan, Adam. I have a lot of fans around the world. In fact, I know your wife Beth is a huge fan.”

Adam Copeland charged to the ring! Nick Wayne grabbed onto Copeland’s leg. Luchasaurus booted Copeland in the face. Luchasaurus followed up with the Extinction lariat before the bell rang!

Luchasaurus spiked Adam Copeland with a tombstone piledriver for a near fall. Christian Cage sat on the ramp, watching the match.

Luchasaurus whipped Adam Copeland into the turnbuckles. Luchasaurus body slammed Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus fired off a combination of strikes to Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus suplexed Adam Copeland.

Outside the ring, Nick Wayne shoved Adam Copeland into the ring post! Luchasaurus pulled the ring steps. He was going to plant Copeland on them. Copeland fired back with shots and then DDT’ed Luchasaurus onto the arena floor!

Copeland splashed Luchasaurus across the back! Cope connected with elbow strikes but Luchasaurus countered with a headbutt. Copeland blocked a chokeslam and rocked Luchasaurus with an Impaler DDT for a near fall!

Copeland and Luchasaurus jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Cope superplexed Luchasaurus! Christian Cage walked closer to the ring and the ref was distracted. The ref turned around, ordering Christian Cage to back away. While this was happening, Nick Wayne propped up a chair between the turnbuckles. Copeland went for the spear, but Luchasaurus dodged him, sending Cope headfirst into the steel chair!

Luchasaurus choke slammed Copeland, but Copeland kicked out! Copeland avoided the Extinction from Luchasaurus. Copeland ran off the ring, jumped off the ring steps, and speared Luchasaurus on the arena floor!

Back in the ring, Cope was looking for another spear. Nick Wayne jumped onto the ring apron and distracted the ref while Christian Cage jumped on the other side of the ring. Christian Cage was going to hit Copeland with the TNT Championship, but Copeland yanked it out of Christian Cage’s hands and rammed it into Luchasaurus’ head! Copeland threw the title back to Christian Cage. Luchasaurus turned around and thought Christian Cage was the one who hit him with it! Luchasaurus turned around and Copeland speared him! Copeland covered Luchasaurus and pinned him for the victory!

After the match, Nick Wayne chop blocked Adam Copeland. Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus stomped Copeland. Danielson ran to the ring and clocked Christian. Danielson jumped into the ring and went after Nick Wayne. Luchasaurus drilled Danielson with a high boot. Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to even up the odds. The Mogul Embassy came down and began to brawl with the Blackpool Combat Club! “Hangman” Adam Page joined the fray and he and Swerve exchanged strikes. Copeland speared Nick Wayne. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock on Christian Cage and Cage tapped!

“Will this be the scene this Saturday on Collision at a special 7pm start time?! Christian Cage! Bryan Danielson! One on one for the TNT Championship!”

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

***Special start time at 7/6c! Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


It’s been seven months since All Elite Wrestling last visited the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO, but we are back this Tuesday night with a special edition of DYNAMITE! TITLE TUESDAY brings to the AEW faithful a loaded edition of our flagship show with two championship matches, a collection of other must-see battles, and AEW World Champion MJF ! Plus the first 30 minutes will air commercial-free!

On a special DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, All Elite Wrestling comes to you live on TBS, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans! Be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Rey Fenix(c) vs. Jon Moxley


Moxley’s got one victory, Fenix has another, but the latter’s is absolutely the bigger win as it led to Fenix being called the new AEW International Champion, a title he’s defended twice in twenty days despite the pain racking his body. Being a singles champion is nothing unfamiliar to Fenix, though this is his first AEW solo title, he actually began his AEW career as AAA Mega Champion, and claimed both the AAA World Cruiserweight Title and AAA Latin American Title in June of last year, saying nothing of the singles titles he claimed prior to the inception of All Elite Wrestling.

As for Moxley, well he’s the first man to claim both the AEW World Championship and the AEW International Championship, and in fact the first AEW competitor to hold two different singles titles since the company began in 2019. He was also the man who ended the historic AEW International Championship reign of Orange Cassidy which left many assuming that Mox would enjoy a reign that possibly even surpassed the standard set by “Freshly Squeezed”. The BCC member was certainly off to a good start, cramming four title defenses in 17 days, but that fourth one against Rey Fenix would bring everyone’s expectations of Mox’s title reign to a screeching halt.

Rey Fenix, a former AEW World Tag Team Champion and former AEW World Trios Champion who’d never held an AEW singles title, would bring Moxley’s International Title run to an abrupt end at GRAND SLAM 2023, and put the man on the sidelines for the last several weeks as well. The former 3-Time AEW World Champion would miss WRESTLEDREAM as an in-ring competitor, though he’d provide stellar commentary on his fellow BCC members matches, but now Moxley is cleared for a return to action and he’s gunning to become the first 2-Time AEW International Champion just as he was the first 2-Time AEW World Champion.

Will Moxley be able to get back that which was shockingly lost, or will Fenix win this rubber match and move forward as the unquestioned International Champion?


Saraya(c) vs. Hikaru Shida


At ALL IN: LONDON Saraya won a Four Way Match to become the new AEW Women’s World Champion, ending the second reign of Hikaru Shida, and Saraya did so without actually defeating the champion in London.

Thus this Tuesday night, as part of TITLE TUESDAY, Hikaru Shida will get her chance at redemption, get her chance at regaining the title she never lost, and all she had to do to get there was defeat Ruby Soho in a singles bout. It wasn’t an easy task, not by any means, but Ruby’s failure to successfully play gatekeeper for Saraya has left the champion with no choice but to face the greatest to ever hold the title.

Though she managed to find a way to beat Toni Storm at GRAND SLAM 2023, and holds a victory over another former champion in Dr. Britt Baker from FULL GEAR 2022, Saraya enters this fight with her back against the wall. She doesn’t have Outcasts to save her in the event of an emergency, she is totally on her own, and has to fight the longest-reigning, most successful champion who’s ever held the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Can Saraya actually beat Hikaru Shida when the title is on the line, and there’s no one else to take advantage of to get the victory? We will see during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY live on TBS from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!


“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus (w/ Christian Cage)


Upon making his AEW debut at WRESTLEDREAM, Adam Copeland jumped straight into the fire when he chose to support Darby Allin and Sting in direct opposition to Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, and most importantly, his best friend and reigning TNT Champion Christian Cage. Last week on DYNAMITE, when Copeland made his plea to Cage to finish their careers together and was summarily told to go f*** himself by the TNT Champion, it came as quite a shock to AEW’s newest acquisition. Perhaps what was more of a shock was how, after the cameras went off the air, Nick and Luchasaurus tried to attack Adam, only for both to be laid out with Spears from Copeland.

But that would not be the case on COLLISION, rather it would be “The Rated R Superstar” who was left battered and bruised when the cameras went off the air, he and Darby Allin victims of a two-pronged assault from Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus as Christian looked upon his works from the safety of a video wall.

But this Wednesday night there won’t be a spot of safety, not when Adam Copeland steps into the ring for his first All Elite Wrestling match, and has to do so against the behemoth Luchasaurus! Cage’s “Right Hand of Destruction” may be more interested in causing Copeland suffering than actually defeating the man, but the satisfaction Christian Cage will feel from seeing his man humiliate and defeat his best friend may be the desired result of the evening.

The TNT Champion has made it clear as crystal he does not want to partner himself up with Adam Copeland, he is not looking for the highlight video moment of their embrace; Christian Cage is on his own path as TNT Champion and as, quite frankly, the most repugnant human on the AEW roster, and that path does not include any bit of his past. But that doesn’t mean Christian Cage can avoid that past completely, and neither can his lackeys, especially not on TITLE TUESDAY when Luchasaurus is given the honor of being the first man to step into an AEW ring with Adam Copeland!


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland


Swerve Strickland is riding high after defeating Hangman Page at WRESTLEDREAM just a little over a week ago; it doesn’t matter how he got to the win or how Prince Nana may have lent a helping hand, what matters it that Strickland beat Page, left him with a lame arm, and is now in a position to do the same to “The American Dragon”!

Much like Swerve, Bryan Danielson is coming off a huge October 1st win as well, defeating Zack Sabre Jr. in their fight dubbed “Submissions in Seattle”, though it didn’t exactly come down to submissions for the decision. On top of that, Bryan also has the hard-fought victories over Ricky Starks bolstering his momentum, but that man is certainly not one to rest on his laurels and past accomplishments. If so, Danielson need never set foot in the ring again because the resume he’s built since starting in 1999 has justifiably built a reputation as “The Best Wrestler in the World”.

That reputation is what makes this such an attractive match for Swerve Strickland, not to mention the additional bonus of the winner receiving a shot at Christian Cage’s TNT Championship in Toledo on this Saturday’s COLLISION. That title opportunity is huge for both men, but the chance to knock Danielson down a notch is possibly an even richer prize for The Mogul Embassy’s leader. Imagine being able to say he took down both Hangman and The American Dragon in nine days time, and then potentially add Christian Cage to that list too; it could be a very sweet Tuesday night for Swerve, one that will definitely have Prince Nana dancing in the aisles. Conversely, if this is really the final leg of Danielson’s full-time career, than championships must be captured, and the best in the business must be beat; Swerve qualifies for the latter, and Danielson has to get through him to get to the former.

This is going to be a tremendous battle, of that there is no doubt, so which one will the TNT Champion have to prepared for this coming Saturday?


Chris Jericho vs. Powerhouse Hobbs


Powerhouse Hobbs has only crossed paths with Chris Jericho one other time in their AEW career, as part of a tag match during the October 2021 Jericho Cruise where the original AEW World Champion and Orange Cassidy teamed up to defeating Hobbs and Ricky Starks.

Never since have their paths crossed, not until last week on DYNAMITE when Hobbs laid out Jericho and Kenny Omega following their victory over Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher. With Don Callis apparently directing the action, Hobbs absolutely destroyed Omega, though to his credit Jericho did try to put himself in the middle of the assault, only to be waylaid by the chair Hobbs was wielding.

So instead of being a savior, Jericho had to lay in a crumpled heap on the mat and hear the sound of Callis cracking a helpless Kenny across the skull with a chair. He had to watch as Callis and Powerhouse stood over him with their hands held up in triumph, helpless to do anything about it at that moment.

Well that moment has passed, and in the moment to come on Tuesday night, Chris Jericho is looking to even the score with Powerhouse Hobbs for that brazen assault! Thus it will be on TITLE TUESDAY that Hobbs and “The Ocho” go head-to-head for the very first time in their careers, and though he may be the veteran in this situation, it’s not unreasonable to say Chris Jericho is the underdog. Not only does he have to deal with the power of Hobbs, he will undoubtedly have other members of Callis’ Family making his life hell as well. After last week, who knows if Kenny Omega is in any condition to provide support to his new-found ally, and it’s very unlikely there’s another soul in AEW who is going to stick their neck out for Jericho after all he’s done since AEW’s inception.


“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “Switchblade” Jay White


It’s been more than five years since the last time Hangman Page and Jay White went one-on-one inside the squared circle, and though they’ve fought several times previously, and twice in AEW since, their head-to-head record tilts in favor of “Switchblade” two matches to none.

That was a different time and both men have evolved a great deal since then; today Hangman stands as a former AEW World Champion, a former AEW World Tag Team Champion, and one-third of the current ROH World Six-Man Champions. Jay White, to his credit, can claim to be the first-ever NJPW Grand Slam Champion with his standing as a former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, IWGP U.S. Heavyweight Champion, NEVER Openweight Champion, and IWGP Intercontinental Champion, plus “King Switch” is also a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. They each found their way to the top of the mountain, and now meet once more to see who is the best between the two at this moment.

“Switchblade” is already penciled in as MJF’s challenger for FULL GEAR 2023 on November 19th while “Hangman” is still recovering from a very physical, losing battle with Swerve Strickland at WRESTLEDREAM just a few weeks ago. So to say Hangman merely needs this win after that PPV loss would be a serious understatement, but so too would it be to say that about Jay White given his championship opportunity on the horizon. Both men are fighting for their history together, their present situations, and the future of their careers. Who will be the victor when this rivalry renews?



Well it’s hard to say if AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman has ever been left laying as low as he was by BULLET CLUB GOLD last week. Not only was he taken out by Jay White and his Bladerunner, but his cherished Triple B was also stolen by BC GOLD, forcing Max to listen to his FULL GEAR 2023 (https://www.allelitewrestling.com/aew-event/aew-full-gear-2023) challenger talk as if he’s the true champion.

Well MJF will be in the house live this Tuesday night at the Cable Dahmer Arena and there’s no way he’s letting this situation go unanswered! But will the champion decide to respond with words or with violence?



Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Minoru Suzuki


Coming off a successful title defense against Komander on COLLISION, Eddie Kingston is now set to defend both his ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship against the incomparable Minoru Suzuki! Though they’ve clashed a few times in tags and trios, this will mark the first singles meeting between two of the hardest-hitting men in professional wrestling today, and it goes down during the TITLE TUESDAY: BUY-IN starting at 7:30pm ET on the AEW YouTube Channel, Facebook page, and the app formerly known as Twitter! Do not miss out on this special double title bout that’s sure to be one of the most memorable in AEW to date.

With Adam Copeland’s 1st AEW match, a huge International Championship rematch between Fenix and Moxley, a Women’s World Championship fight pitting Shida against Saraya, and a slew of other must-see matches, DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, so be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER, all to get prepared for AEW’s return to Independence, MO!