— Donations to AHA-Atlanta will Support American Heart Month and Grant Tickets to AEW: DYNAMITE show in Atlanta on Feb. 19 — ATLANTA, Feb. 7, 2020—All Elite Wrestling (AEW) today announced a special collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA) in Atlanta to support American Heart Month, a time the nation turns its attention to heart disease, the No. 1 killer of Americans, and the AHA rallies a call-to-action across the nation. Starting today, National Wear Red Day, through Valentine’s Day (Feb. 7-14), those who donate $50 or more to the AHA’s Atlanta branch will receive two tickets to AEW’s nationally televised DYNAMITE show at State Farm Arena on Wednesday, Feb. 19. The proceeds will go directly to the AHA’s American Heart Month efforts including “Go Red for Women,” the signature program for educating the public on heart health and ending heart disease and strokes in women. How to Donate: Today through Feb. 14, donations can be sent here: AHA Donation AEW Tickets How to Receive AEW DYNAMITE Tickets: Upon donating $50 or more, fans will receive an automatic confirmation email. Please forward this confirmation email to Joan Leslie at AHA-Atlanta at: [email protected]. You will then receive information on how to pick up your AEW tickets. “We are committed to the health and wellness of everyone in our organization, and we hope to share that value with our fans during American Heart Month, and help support the American Heart Association’s incredible and extremely important work,” said Brandi Rhodes, Chief Brand Officer of AEW. “Atlanta is my second home, and I’m so proud to join with AHA-Atlanta to help raise funds and help everyone understand the challenge and opportunity we have to battling heart disease during American Heart Month.” “Together we are empowering women to save the lives, and we welcome AEW fans to join in this fight with us,” said Joan Leslie, GO RED Development Director, American Heart Association. For more information about the American Heart Association and “Go Red for Women,” please visit www.heart.org. About AEW AEW is a new professional wrestling promotion headlined by members of The Elite (Cody & Brandi Rhodes, Matt & Nick Jackson, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page) and Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley. For the first time in many years, AEW is offering an alternative to mainstream wrestling, with a growing roster of world-class male and female wrestlers who are poised to bring new spirit, freshness and energy to the industry. The inaugural event under the AEW banner was DOUBLE OR NOTHING in Las Vegas in May 2019, followed by FYTER FEST in Daytona Beach, FIGHT FOR THE FALLEN in Jacksonville, ALL OUT in Chicago, FULL GEAR in Baltimore, and REVOLUTION in Chicago. AEW: DYNAMITE is a two-hour weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. ET on TNT. The action-packed matches take place in different cities across the nation each Wednesday. For more info, check out @AEWrestling (Twitter), @AllEliteWrestling (Instagram), / AllEliteWrestling (FB), AllEliteWrestling (YouTube). About American Heart Association The six cardiologists who founded the American Heart Association in 1924 would be amazed. From humble beginnings, the AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. A shared focus on cardiovascular health unites our more than 33 million volunteers and supporters as well as our more than 3,400 employees. Learn more about our impact over time. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer worldwide, and stroke ranks second globally. Even when those conditions don’t result in death, they cause disability and diminish quality of life. We want to see a world free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Our size and scope let us have real impact. We have invested more than $4.5 billion in research, more than any U.S. nonprofit organization. Learn more about our life-changing funded research breakthroughs.

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event. The #1 contender for Chris Jericho’s AEW World Championship, Jon Moxley, vs. Ortiz (a member of Jericho’s Inner Circle, accompanied by Santana) kicked off the program! Moxley has been #1 in the AEW rankings for nine straight weeks, and tonight he was wrestling with only one good eye. Before the match began the Huntsville crowd was chanting “Moxley! Moxley! Moxley!” Le Champion Chris Jericho walked out with Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara, and they joined the broadcast team for the match. Mox exploded like a Molotov cocktail, stopping a boot from Ortiz and then pummeling him with knees. Ortiz reacted quickly with a DDT and a head butt. He threw Mox into the metal ring steps on the outside of the ring. Jericho said, “This is not some gimmick for Ortiz and Santana. They are literally street thugs from the Bronx.” Ortiz put a camel clutch on Mox and then raked his forearm across Mox’s injured eye. Mox fought out with stiff forearms of his own, but Ortiz blocked it and countered with a power bomb. This time Mox had a counter of his own and applied a figure four-leg lock to Ortiz. Mox tossed Ortiz outside the ring, and then hit a tope suicida onto Santana! “Moxley has an eye behind his head, he’s an animal, but we have a strategy for REVOLUTION!” said Jericho. Ortiz used some tiger claws on Moxley, and then took flight with a splash off the top rope for a near fall. Ortiz then used a fisherman’s suplex on Mox, good for just a two count on Mox. Mox reversed a lariat from Ortiz, and followed up with the Paradigm Shift for the victory! Mox pointed to Jericho but was blindsided by Santana. Mox dished out a Paradigm Shift to Santana for his troubles! Moxley pulled out a pair of car keys and thrust one into Santana’s eye! “An eye for an eye,” said Excalibur. The Inner Circle ran down the ramp to save Santana, while Mox left through the crowd. Santana was in excruciating pain, covering his eye with his hands. “There a fine line between genius and insanity, and right now Moxley is straddling that line,” said Jim Ross. SCU (Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian, without Chris Daniels) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor and Trent, along with Orange Cassidy) was up next! Trent and Frankie locked up, with Frankie taking his opponent down with a side headlock. The two exchanged chops to the chest, but Frankie starched Trent with a right hand. Sky was tagged in and was met with a shoulder tackle from Chuckie T., but Sky got big air with a dropkick to “the Kentucky Gentleman.” Sky gave an over-the-top cutter to Chuckie, but Trent hit a spear on Sky! Kazarian grabbed Trent and connected with a wicked German suplex onto the floor. Back in the ring, it was Frankie with the assisted swinging DDT onto Trent. The Best Friends pulled out a “sole food half and half combination” and it was Best Friends back in the driver’s seat! They were looking for Strong Zero, but SCU reversed it with the Yoshi Tonic for the pin fall! The Dark Order stormed the ring, mauling SCU and Best Friends. Orange Cassidy, not threatened by the numbers, entered the ring. Evil Uno offered a mask to Orange, who declined, placing his hands in his pockets. The Dark Order took the boots to Orange Cassidy until Chris Daniels sprinted to the ring. The Dark Order retreated from the ring before Daniels could get his hands on any of them! The next match of the evening was Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D against “the Magical Girl” Yuka Sakazaki, making her DYNAMITE debut! Baker used her height advantage to place an arm bar on Sakazaki, and then whipped her into the corner turnbuckle. Baker used both hands to throttle Yuka Sakazaki around the throat. Sakazaki used leg scissors, and then the Magical Girl Splash to the outside onto Baker! Baker was stunned, and Sakazaki followed up with a clothesline. The two began exchanging strikes, but Baker stopped it with a thrust kick! Baker went for Lock Jaw, but Sakazaki escaped with a rollup for the pin! As Sakazaki was celebrating in the ring, Baker used the steel ring bell and blasted Sakazaki in the back of the head with it. Baker then placed Sakazaki’s mouth on the ring ropes and stomped down on her head. Sakazaki began pleading for help, blood pouring out of her mouth. A frightened Sakazaki looked down, clutching a broken tooth, as blood pooled into her hands. Dr. Britt Baker applied her Lock Jaw on Sakazaki, adding insult to injury! AEW World Tag Team Champions Kenny Omega & Adam Page and the Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. the Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) and the Butcher & the Blade (with the Bunny) faced off in an 8-man tag bout! “Hangman” Page didn’t wait for the Elite, coming down to the ring without them. Page lit up the Blade with chops and then a big boot. Page tagged in Omega who worked over the Blade with tandem offense. “Good continuity by the champs,” said Jim Ross. The Elite isolated the Blade in the corner, with quick tags in and out. The Bucks and Omega hit a triple dropkick on the Butcher, while Page merely watched from the ring apron. Nick Jackson single-handedly took out both members of the Lucha Bros on the outside of the ring! Nick tagged in Matt who hit locomotion Northern Lights suplexes on Fenix. Omega got the tag, but Fenix jumped off Omega’s shoulders to take down Matt. The Lucha Bros double-teamed Omega, and then tagged in the Butcher, who hammered down on Omega. The Butcher used a backbreaker on Omega, but Omega used a hurracanrana and then got the tag to Page who cleaned house! The crowd was chanting “Cowboy S—t! Cowboy S—t!” Page wiped out all four members of the opposition with a moonsault to the outside! Excalibur noted that it appeared Page tweaked his knee on the landing. Omega dished out snapdragon suplexes to the Blade and Fenix! The Young Bucks connected with assisted Sliced Bread on the Butcher! Page came in with the Buckshot Lariat, and then used a fall away slam on the Butcher. Page was clutching his knee again. The Bucks wanted to tag in, but Page turned away from them. The Lucha Bros hit their finishing combo on “Hangman,” and Pentagon pinned him. “Page refused to tag in,” said Excalibur. “There’s no logic to that. There’s something brewing there and it’s not healthy,” added Jim Ross. The Bucks were frustrated with Page and the loss, and Omega tried to keep the peace. Page left the ring, guzzling a beer from a fan at ringside. Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Kenny Omega, but backstage, “the Bastard” PAC interrupted. PAC was standing next to RIHO. “This was supposed to be a contract signing, but you left Michael Nakazawa for dead. We’ll see if you care about RIHO,” said PAC. “Stop, stop, stop! You’ve got your match!” screamed Omega. “I hope you didn’t think I’d put my hands on a woman, Kenny. I’m not a beast. But she is!” said PAC, and with that, “the Native Beast” Nyla Rose attacked RIHO from behind, planting her through a table with a power bomb! “Superbad” Kip Sabian (accompanied by Penelope Ford) vs. the “Bad Boy” Joey Janela was up next! It began like a hockey fight, with both men slugging away at one another. Kip kicked Janela square in the face. The “Bad Boy” lit up Sabian’s chest with chops, and then dropped him with a back suplex for a near fall. Sabian and Janela took turns kicking each other in the back, as if they were daring one another, but Sabian called an audible and applied a sleeper on Janela. The “Bad Boy” fought out and connected with a palm strike to Sabian’s throat. Sabian took out Janela with a basement dropkick. On the outside, Penelope Ford slammed Janela’s head into the ring steps. She clawed at his eyes as her boyfriend Kip Sabian kicked Janela. “The story of this match is how Penelope has intervened on behalf of Kip Sabian,” said Excalibur. Janela turned his back for a mere moment and was kicked in the face by Sabian. Janela had Sabian scouted on the next move, though, as he caught Sabian in the air and suplexed him on the outside! Sabian and Janela got in another slugfest, but after a head and shoulder misdirection fake, Sabian DDT’ed Janela. Penelope Ford locked lips with Sabian, and it was enough to distract Janela. Sabian rolled up Janela for the dirty victory! MJF’s music started to play, and out strolled MJF with Wardlow. It was time for Cody’s ten lashes! “The American Nightmare” Cody’s theme song played throughout the arena, and Cody came out to honor the stipulation that he accepted. “A vicious and cruel woodshed awaits…he will keep his word,” said Jim Ross, as Cody took off his jacket and entered the ring. Cody proceeded to loosen his tie, and then removed his tie and shirt. “Hold on, hold on, hold on. I don’t know, this is a really nice belt. Far too nice to touch you!” said MJF, as he pointed down at his leather belt. “I want your belt. Now!” Cody tossed his belt to MJF and turned around, ready to receive his lashes. MJF was all smiles. “It’s old school, man,” commented Jim Ross. The Butcher and the Blade, Kip Sabian, and Sammy G. came out on the top of the ramp to witness the lashing. Cody took two stiff lashes, and then a third, grimacing in pain. The third was enough to cause Cody to lunge forward and grab the ring ropes. Arn Anderson came down to the ring, and MJF said, “You can’t help him now, old man!” The welts began popping up on Cody’s back. The fourth time MJF hit him with the belt caused Cody to drop to his knees, but Cody stood up for another. Cody’s brother, Dustin Rhodes, ran down to the ring. Dustin offered to take the remaining lashes. “Unfortunately this is not how it works,” said MJF. “Get out of my ring and watch with everybody else,” he continued. Two quick ones to the spine, and Cody was back on the mat, clenching his teeth. Now the Young Bucks were out, trying to console their friend. Cody rolled out of the ring, and the Bucks and Dustin Rhodes offered him words of encouragement. “You’re almost there,” said Dustin. Cody was digging deep, gritting his teeth, and he manned up again in the center of the ring. He had three more to go. MJF hit him with the strap again, and Cody fell again. “Stay down!” screamed MJF. Cody gave the middle finger to MJF. This time, Wardlow offered his services, and MJF handed the leather belt to Wardlow. A thunderous crack echoed throughout the arena as Wardlow whipped Cody, who collapsed to his feet, his back bleeding, covered in welts. Brandi Rhodes, Cody’s wife, came down to the ring. “You’ve got one more. You can do this. I love you so much,” she said, as she grabbed his hand through the ring ropes. Cody turned around for number ten and got one right in the chest, but Cody did not quit! MJF finished it off with a low blow to Cody, before he and Wardlow retreated through the crowd! Tune in next week on February 12th, as AEW DYNAMITE will be broadcasting live on TNT from the H.E.B. Center in Austin, TX!

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As first reported earlier today by Justin Barrasso from Sports Illustrated, All Elite Wrestling (AEW) will be bringing DOUBLE OR NOTHING back to Las Vegas on Saturday, May 23rd. This historic PPV will emanate from the MGM Grand Garden Arena and tickets will go on-sale Friday, February 14 at Noon Eastern at AEWTIX.com and AXS.com. Stay tuned for more information!

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This Wednesday night All Elite Wrestling makes its way to The Heart of Dixie for our debut in Hunstville, Alabama at the Von Braun Center! EIGHT MAN TAG TEAM ACTION! AEW World Tag Team Champions Kenny Omega & Adam Page and The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) and The Butcher & The Blade (w/ The Bunny) Last week on “Dynamite”, The Young Bucks managed to overcome The Butcher & The Blade, much to the chagrin of MJF who had paid them to garner revenge for the transgressions visited upon Max by Matt and Nick on the Jericho Cruise. But just because the bell rang, didn’t mean The Butcher was content with the loss as he attempted to continue the assault after The Blade ate the pinfall. It was only the rapid arrival of Kenny Omega, and his V Trigger knee to the sweet spot, that stopped the big man from decimating Matt and Nick. Then, at his own speed and with beer in tow, Adam Page ripped off a Buckshot Lariat to The Blade to insure no further violence. Oh yeah, but not before passing his half-full beer off to Matt Jackson to hold for a moment, then slamming the thing down after the Lariat. That brings us to this week where the four members of The Elite (or rather three members and Adam Page since he elected to recuse himself from the group weeks ago) will collide with The Butcher and The Blade as well as The Lucha Bros! The history between The Bucks and The Lucha Bros here in AEW is well documented, between the Escalera de la Muerte that was legendary in its violence, and their numerous battles over championship gold, the two teams helped shape the foundation of AEW. Safe to say that one would be hard-pressed to find a team in professional wrestling who have been tougher opponents for Matt & Nick Jackson than Pentagon Jr and Rey Fenix. Pair them up with two hired assassins like The Butcher and The Blade, and right there you have all the makings of the deadliest quartet AEW may have to offer’ the kind of unit that covers all the bases, and ticks off all the boxes for the measures of professional wrestling. But with the World Tag Team Champions Kenny Omega and Adam Page at their side, The Young Bucks have all the firepower they need to counteract what will be standing across the ring from them in Alabama. As fans have seen, Page and Omega have gelled into an excellent pairing despite the initial reluctance from Hangman, and the continued antics that (to date at least) he has contained to post-match revelry. Is it the sort of union that can last, that can withstand the target they have on their backs as champions? Well that remains to be seen, but things like poking the Bucks as to who won the belts first won’t help as it puts Omega in that awkward position to choose between friends. It also doesn’t help maintain the focus on the task at hand, that being this 8-Man battle Wednesday night. The difference maker for this one is likely going to be Adam Page and if he chooses to play well with others. Can he be The Elite for one more night? TEN LASHES FOR CODY There were three stipulations laid out for Cody if he expected to get a match at the “Revolution” pay-per-view against his former best friend and protege Maxwell Jacob Friedman. Cody cannot touch MJF prior to that event, he must meet Wardlow inside a Steel Cage, and receive ten lashes on live TV. The first is something that Cody must struggle through every single week of his life until February 29th because, quite frankly, if the idea of punching Max in the face is a struggle for EVERYONE on a daily basis, imagine how much worse it is for the man MJF betrayed, and left unable to ever challenge for the AEW World Title again. The Cage Match with Wardlow is something that is on the horizon; February 19th when AEW “Dynamite” comes to Atlanta and The State Farm Arena to be exact, leaving Cody just over one week to heal up before his fight with Max. The third and final stipulation, the ten lashes on live TV, well that goes down this Wednesday night, live on TNT from Huntsville. Imagine sitting there with your skin voluntarily laid bare as you anticipate the first lash from a leather strap. Now repeat that process nine more times: waiting for the crack of the leather across your flesh, feeling your skin break open with each successive kiss, looking down at the canvas as you wait to see if blood drips from the wounds and pools before your eyes. That is what Cody is WILLINGLY putting himself through for the chance to tear Max’s head off in Chicago come 2/29. Ask yourself, is it a price you’d be willing to pay? Would you be willing to subject yourself to that punishment to get what you need in life? Cause that is what this is for Cody; the fight with MJF isn’t just what he WANTS, it is what he NEEDS to move on with his life and forge ahead in a world where the AEW World Title can never be his because of the actions of Maxwell Jacob Friedman… ONE-ON-ONE (#1) Jon Moxley vs. Ortiz Jon Moxley has been assaulted and nearly blinded by The Inner Circle, yet he’s fearlessly waded into war against the full strength of AEW World Champion Chris Jericho’s allies with only a baseball bat at his side. Now, with his title opportunity just over three weeks away, Moxley will step into the ring with one-half of Proud-n-Powerful, the master of Tiger Style, Ortiz! As seen in the clip above, Moxley had no qualms about dropping Ortiz headfirst into the ground outside the ring. Safe to say he will also have no reservations about doing the same inside the squared circle once that bell rings for an actual match. The difference here though is that Ortiz will be ready to fight back, and although he can show a rather flippant side when he hits that Tiger Style pose, don’t mistake that flippancy for foolishness. Ortiz is violent, Ortiz is mean, Ortiz has clearly shown he has no problem cracking a man’s skull with a sock full of…something…and dropping him like a proverbial bad habit. And although it may be his first singles match in AEW, it is most certainly not the first of his career. With over a decade of experience under his belt, Ortiz has fought with and against the best, and currently has one of the most legendary men in professional wrestling in Chris Jericho in his camp. That is a learning tree only a select few have got to sit under, and Ortiz has been camped out underneath it since day one of “Dynamite”. He knows what Jericho knows, Ortiz is an extension of Le Champion in this match, and whether their purpose is to humiliate Moxley with a loss, or merely to continue the physical punishment began when that spike split the flesh, this one is for The Inner Circle and Moxley must beware. A RETURN TO ACTION! (#4) Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D vs. Yuka Sakazaki To say that Britt Baker has done little to endear herself to fans these last two weeks has been an understatement. She has gone hard at two of the legendary members of our announce team, Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross, and even elected to take shots at AEW Women’s World Champion Riho. It seems that her frustration at being unable to capture that championship has gotten the best of her and that maybe, just maybe, the title attached to her name (as hard-earned as it may have been) has also gone to her head. Baker may have been the first woman signed to the AEW roster, and she may fancy herself the face of that division, but she has yet been able to claim the championship to validate it all. As for Yuka Sakazaki, she has not competed in AEW since June 29th of last year when, as part of “Fyter Fest”, her, Riho, and Nyla Rose battled in a Triple Threat contest ultimately won by the future Women’s World Champion. Yuka may not have been victorious, though she certainly impressed, but with a very full schedule competing in Japan with Tokyo Joshi Pro, she has not had an opening to return to action for All Elite Wrestling until now! And what a return match Yuka has in store as she goes to battle with a Britt Baker who will be looking to make an example out of Yuka Sakazaki, and use the Joshi star as another stepping stone towards that Women’s World Championship. Sitting at the #4 spot in the rankings, Baker desperately wants that title opportunity, but Yuka could play spoiler and slide herself right into those rankings with a high-profile victory in her AEW return. And for a little preview of the action, here’s a look at Yuka Sakazaki’s battle from “Fyter Fest”: All roads lead to the “Revolution” PPV event on February 29th, airing on BRLive, and this Huntsville stop on the #AEWRevolutionTour is going to be one of the most unforgettable ones on that journey. How will Cody endure ten lashes? CAN he even endure ten of those vicious strikes from MJF? Fans have seen Moxley crack a bottle across the skull of Le Champion and, in turn, nearly blinded by The Inner Circle. They have witnessed Mox come swinging against the full contingent of Jericho’s crew, and now he’s got to go one-on-one with ½ of Proud-n-Powerful (with the rest of the IC no doubt creeping around). What will Huntsville bring as Moxley and Jericho head toward their championship battle in Chicago? Plus an insane 8-Man tag, the return of Yuka Sakazaki, and a whole lot more this week on AEW “Dynamite”!!! Tickets available at AEWTix.com or catch all the action live on TNT starting at 8pm EST/7pm CST!

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AEW DYNAMITE comes to the UWM Panther Arena in Milwaukee, WI on Wednesday, April 1st, 2020. Tickets for this live episode of DYNAMITE Go On-Sale Friday, February 7th at 11AM CST/Noon Eastern. Don’t miss your chance to see AEW and your favorite stars live and in-person by securing tickets! Tickets start at just $25 and go on sale Friday February 7th 11AM CST/Noon Eastern. Visit http://AEWTIX.com for full event and pricing details Take your AEW experience to another level with a VIP Package. Click Here to find out more about our VIP Packages

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AEW DYNAMITE comes to the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, MO on Wednesday, April 8th, 2020. Tickets for this live episode of DYNAMITE Go On-Sale Friday, February 7th at 11AM CST/Noon Eastern. Don’t miss your chance to see AEW and your favorite stars live and in-person by securing tickets! Tickets start at just $25 and go on sale Friday February 7th 11AM CST/Noon Eastern. Visit http://AEWTIX.com for full event and pricing details Take your AEW experience to another level with a VIP Package. Click Here to find out more about our VIP Packages

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** AEW made its Ohio debut, as AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Wolstein Center in Cleveland! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event. Jon Moxley, patch on the injured eye, came down through the crowd. Mox is the #1 undisputed challenger for Chris Jericho’s AEW World Championship title. Mox grabbed a microphone: “I gotta tell you, it was right around the time I got stabbed with a metal spike that it occurred to me. I guess the fun and games with Chris Jericho are over. Now it’s official. Moxley. Jericho. AEW World Championship. February 29th in Chicago at REVOLUTION! “I am far from perfect. I’m no role model. I’m no saint. I don’t have to wear a white hat or a black hat. But I make sure at the end of the day I can look myself in the mirror. All the championships in the world don’t mean nothin’ unless you have your honor, unless you live by a code. When I see Chris Jericho I see a coward, a bully, and boy, do I hate bullies. “On February 29th, Chris Jericho and the Inner Circle will have a target on my head, but I will look right down the barrel of that gun and I will take the AEW World Championship from Chris Jericho. Because Chris, it’s not about the kind of man you are…it’s about the kind of man you’re not! But let’s not wait until then. Let’s do this tonight, Chris, and for once, take your beating like a man!” Le Champion Chris Jericho’s theme, “Judas,” began to play, and out walked the champ. The crowd was singing along. “Moxley,” said Jericho, “it makes me laugh when you talk about what you’ve done and what you’ve earned, because all you deserved was a spike in the eye. All you had to do was say ‘yes’ to my offer to join the Inner Circle. “You think you have what it takes to beat Le Champion?” asked Jericho. “You don’t even have what it takes to blink with both eyes. You want to see a fight here in Cleveland? Go to hell! Cleveland doesn’t deserve to see me one-on-one, and besides, I never go anywhere without my boys. C’mon out boys!” And out came Jericho’s Inner Circle: Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santana and Ortiz. “You think I’m gonna walk into a five-on-one beat down Chris? See I was born and raised here in the great state of Ohio. The way I see it, it’s five against me and this entire arena, and hell, I actually kinda like those odds,” smirked Moxley. Jericho laughed and replied: “You really are a stupid son of a b—! Moxley, we brought in some South Bronx street thugs, courtesy of Santana and Ortiz. The way I see it, it’s now ten of us, and one of you.” Ortiz lead the charge down the ramp carrying an axe handle. Mox neutralized Ortiz with a head-butt and a DDT. Moxley charged into the fray! Referees and Atlas Security came out to keep Moxley and the Inner Circle (along with the South Bronx gang) separated. Eventually order was restored. MJF and Wardlow were seen in a video, handing an envelope labeled “Young Bucks,” to the Butcher, the Blade and the Bunny. The envelope was stuffed with cash. Our opening match tonight was The Butcher and the Blade (accompanied by the Bunny, MJF, and Wardlow) against the Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson! MJF joined the broadcast team for this match. The crowd was firmly behind the Young Bucks, chanting for them. The Bucks showed off their tag team prowess with constant double maneuvers and quick tags. MJF said the Bucks are phonies. “Where were they even trained? The Butcher and the Blade were trained by real greats like Les Thatcher and Josh Barnett!” The Butcher ran in like a locomotive off the rails and hit the Bucks with a double-clothesline. Nick gave a superkick to the Blade and then to the Butcher. The Bunny pulled Nick from the apron and the Butcher connected with a cross body block on the outside. “That’s why you don’t pick a beef with a butcher!” said MJF. The Butcher and the Blade relentlessly worked over Nick in their corner of the ring. The Blade squashed Nick with a “Dr. Bomb.” Matt finally got the tag in and used Sliced Bread on the Blade, and then a high elbow drop from the top rope! Matt then tagged Nick, who flew in with a beautiful senton on the Butcher. A Superkick Party broke out on the Butcher, and then the Bucks finished off the Blade with the Meltzer Driver for the three count! The Butcher stormed the ring to take down the Bucks after his partner was dealt the defeat. “This is what I paid for,” said MJF, but Kenny Omega sprinted down the ramp with a wicked V-Trigger to the Butcher. “Hangman” Adam Page strolled down with a beer, and asked Matt to hold it for him. Page then used the Buckshot Lariat effortlessly on the Blade. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose against Big Swole was next. “You gotta stick and run against Nyla Rose,” said Tony Schiavone. Swole was aggressive, taking Nyla’s knees out. Swole went for a shoulder tackle but it barely moved Nyla. Nyla whipped Swole into the barricade on the outside, and then drove Swole’s shoulder right into the steel ring post! Big Swole lifted a knee and applied a guillotine to the Native Beast, but Nyla got out. Nyla was reeling after strikes and a head-butt from Big Swole. Nyla was almost beaten after Swole hit a tremendous cutter on her. Swole hit a cross chop on Nyla, and then the flat liner, trying to string together some offense. Nyla speared Big Swole and then got it done with a sit-down power bomb (“the Beastbomb”) for the victory! Nyla continues to cement her position as a force to be reckoned with. “Superbad” Kip Sabian (accompanied by Penelope Ford) vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody (with Arn Anderson, the head coach of “The Nightmare Family”). Sabian came straight out the gates with a shotgun dropkick, and then a gut buster on Cody! A pump kick from Cody sent Sabian out of the ring. The arena was chanting, “Let’s go Cody!” The two men began trading strikes outside of the ring, with Cody accidentally knocking down Penelope Ford. Cody picked up Penelope Ford and apologized profusely, as she was motionless in his arms. Sabian took advantage of the opportunity, kicking Cody right in the mush. Penelope had been playing possum the entire time! Back in the ring, Cody was able to get the upper hand with a running clothesline and a power slam! Cody felt the adrenaline from the crowd and hit a disaster kick on Kip Sabian. Before the referee could count the pin, Penelope Ford tossed her boot into the ring. The ref accused Arn Anderson of throwing the boot. Arn was offended by this, and confronted the AEW official inside the ring, who then booted Arn Anderson from the match. While Cody was accessing the situation, Ford, from out of nowhere, used a huracarana on him. Sabian followed up with a dive onto “The American Nightmare!” Penelope and Sabian, the “Superbad” power couple, went to lock lips in celebration, but unbeknownst to them, the “Badboy” Joey Janela was front row. He popped up and flipped them off! As Sabian was distracted by Janela, out came Cody with a tope suicida! “The American Nightmare” tried to follow up but was hung out to dry as Sabian planted him onto the mat. Both men battled it out on the top turnbuckle. Sabian was knocked down from a head butt, but quickly jumped back up like a cat onto the top rope and threw Cody down. Sabian executed his Deathly Hollow’s finisher, but it wasn’t enough to stop Cody! There was an intense “Cody Cutter,” and then Cody used three consecutive trips down the CrossRhodes for the victory! Dr. Britt Baker came out to be interviewed by Tony Schiavone. “Britt, I hope I didn’t offend you last week,” remarked Schiavone. “It’s Doctor,” replied Dr. Britt Baker. “I promise I’ll be here each week, my smile beaming across your TV sets, which is more than we can say about your champion Riho! And Cleveland, congratulations, you finally have a ‘Baker’ you can trust in.” New AEW correspondent Lexi was backstage to interview the Young Bucks. “Our main objective is to climb our way back up the tag team ranks,” said Matt Jackson. Kenny Omega joined in to congratulate his friends. Adam Page stumbled out with a drink and his tag team championship belt, showing off the new nameplate that was just added to his title. Omega said he was late because he had been preoccupied with setting up a match for next week. He said on DYNAMITE next Wednesday, “It’s the Young Bucks and me and Page against the Butcher and the Blade and a team of their choosing!” (It was later revealed that the Butcher and the Blade chose the Lucha Bros. as their partners for next week’s match!) SoCal Uncensored (Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian) along with Christopher Daniels came out to the ring sporting Lakers jerseys, paying tribute to #24 Kobe Bryant and his daughter. Tonight it was SCU against the Hybrid2 (Angelico and Jack Evans)! Angelico floated over Kazarian down on the mat, but Frankie countered with his own side headlock takeover. Frankie kept working on the headlock, and then tagged in Sky. Sky was pushed into the corner and TH2 doubled teamed him, but a double back elbow from Sky and Kazarian rocked Jack Evans off his feet. Sky kicked Evans, who was propelled into a release German suplex from Frankie, which was good for a two count. Angelico got a dirty shot in on Sky with a fierce soccer “penalty” kick, and momentum shifted in TH2’s favor. Sky was isolated by the opposing team. Sky hit a desperate suplex onto Evans, finally securing a tag to Kazarian. Kazarian cleaned house on TH2! He pancaked Jack Evans, and then Angelico. Things began moving at a lightning pace here, but SCU bottled it up. First came a boot to the jaw on Angelico and then they hit SCU on him, allowing Scorpio Sky to pin Angelico! A video of the Dark Order played on the big screen. Evil Uno was speaking in a stairwell and said, “Christopher Daniels, the Exalted One is very unhappy with you, and when he is unhappy, he acts swiftly. He is going to target someone close to you!” Daniels was watching this in the ring, outraged by the threat. The main event of the night: Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) & Darby Allin vs. Santana and Ortiz & Le Champion Chris Jericho (with Sammy G. and Jake Hager)! Darby jumped into the ring to begin against Jericho, and to pick up where they left things off. Jericho slapped Darby, and Darby came back with a drop kick and an arm drag from the top rope. Ortiz and Kassidy were tagged in, and Private Party used their rapid-fire offense to disorient Ortiz. Santana hit a scoop and a slam on Quen. Jericho tagged in and chopped at a vulnerable Quen. Kassidy got the tag and rolled through with a crucifix for a near fall on Ortiz. He then used a victory roll on Ortiz for a two count. Jericho intercepted Kassidy with a springboard dropkick after securing a blind tag from Ortiz! Jericho placed a foot on Kassidy and posed. The Inner Circle used a stalling vertical suplex with Jericho finally dropping Kassidy spine-first for a near fall. Jericho hit a lionsault, and then Ortiz nailed Kassidy with a head-butt. Like vultures, they were picking at the bones of Kassidy. Darby tagged in and used an over-the-top stunner on Ortiz, then stepped through for a cloverleaf, but Jericho popped Darby in the face from the outside. Darby jumped off the ropes onto Jericho! Darby then used a Coffin Drop onto Jake Hager! Marq Quen was there for a senton on Jericho for a near fall! Jericho reversed an Irish whip from Kassidy and introduced Kassidy to the Judas Effect for the three count! The entire Inner Circle stormed the ring to do more damage to Private Party and Darby Allin. “It’s a mugging!” said Tony Schiavone. After a proud hug from Chris Jericho, Sammy G. took Darby’s skateboard and assaulted Darby with it. They dropped Darby’s throat down against the edge of the skateboard! Moxley came out with a baseball bat, swinging for the fences against the Inner Circle, who retreated from the ring! Tune in next week on February 5th, as AEW DYNAMITE will be broadcasting live on TNT from the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL!

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WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) (c) vs. (#4) Kenny Omega & Hangman Page #1 CONTENDERS MATCH (#1) Jon Moxley vs. (#4) PAC SIX MAN TAG MATCH The Inner Circle (AEW World Champion Chris Jericho, Santana, & Ortiz) vs. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt) MJF Gets Tossed Overboard By The Young Bucks Dr. Britt Baker vs. Priscilla Kelly Tune in next week on January 29th, as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT from the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, OH!

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast from The Ship of Jericho as part of Chris Jericho’s Rock ‘N’ Wrestling Rager at Sea: Part Deux! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event. Our first match of the night was for the AEW World Tag Team Championship with SCU (Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) defending their titles against “Hangman” Adam Page and Kenny Omega! It was immediately noticeable that Page and Omega came to the ring individually, despite being a team tonight. All four competitors had their game faces on, knowing exactly what was at stake. The crowd chanted “Cowboy S—t!” as Page and Kazarian kicked things off. Kazarian took down Page with a side headlock. Kazarian unleashed a mean lariat on Page. Sky was tagged in, and Page begrudgingly made the tag to his own partner, Kenny Omega. Omega repeatedly drove the point of his elbow into Sky’s arm, and then he planted Sky with a Kotaro Crusher! Page was tagged in and knocked Kazarian off the ring apron, isolating Sky, and then working him over. Sky was able to make the tag to Kazarian, and the champs used teamwork for a quick flurry of offense on Page. “SCU is very well prepared,” said Jim Ross. Omega saved Page from a pin fall, but the tag team clinic on display from SCU continued. Kazarian used a backstabber on Page. Finally Omega was the legal man, hitting a huracarana on Kazarian, then a fisherman’s buster on Sky! Omega used a buckle bomb and a power bomb on Scorpio Sky for a near fall. Omega pulled out a V-trigger on Sky, but Sky was able to fight off the “One-Winged Angel” attempted by Omega! Page jumped for the buckshot lariat, missing Sky, and inadvertently connecting with Omega! Sky covered Omega for a two count. Omega used a snapdragon suplex on Sky, and then drilled Kazarian with a tiger driver! Sky intercepted Omega’s V-trigger attempt on Kazarian, and they hit the “SCU Later,” but Page was able to break it up! Hangman spiked Kazarian with a spine buster, and then used the buckshot lariat on Sky, and then one on Kazarian for the three-count! The winners, and neeeeeeeeew AEW world tag champs, “Hangman” Adam Page and Kenny Omega! Nick and Matt Jackson, the Young Bucks, came down the ramp to congratulate the new champs. Page didn’t want to celebrate with the Elite, instead going into the crowd for a beer. Page was bodysurfed by the fans from the ringside area back to the ramp entrance! The next match of the evening was Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. facing “Hell’s Favorite Harlot” Priscilla Kelly! Britt grounded Priscilla with a headlock, then rolled her up for a two count. Priscilla fought back, but Britt pulled her opponent’s hair. The Doctor then connected with a sling blade on Priscilla. Britt applied “the lockjaw,” forcing Priscilla Kelly to submit! Tony Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker in the ring. Schiavone described Britt’s win as “questionable.” Britt Baker then barraged Tony with insults, and she referred to herself as a role model. Baker said to the crowd that they shouldn’t hate her for being beautiful. Baker said, “I’m smart, I’m educated, I’m brilliant, and I’m a dentist.” This was followed by the Inner Circle (Le Champion Chris Jericho and Santana & Ortiz, accompanied by Jake Hager) versus Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, and Marko Stunt)! The fans sang along to Jericho’s entrance theme. Jungle Boy took it right to Jericho with a high dropkick. Jericho quickly tagged out to Ortiz. Jungle Boy took Ortiz off his feet with another dropkick. Marko Stunt jumped off the top of Luchasaurus’ shoulders for a splash on Santana, but ref Aubrey Edwards missed the tag. Luchasaurus knocked down Santana with a massive dino boot! Santana took Jungle Boy to a bad part of town, pushing him into the corner of the Inner Circle, who sneaked in some shots to the disoriented Jungle Boy. Jericho stood on Jungle Boy’s hair on pulled upwards. Jericho connected with a stiff clothesline and then tagged in Santana. Jungle Boy was crunched by Santana’s backbreaker. Jericho smelled blood in the water, and Santana tagged in the leader of the Inner Circle. Jericho placed Jungle Boy on the top turnbuckle and attempted a superplex, but Jungle Boy locked in his feet and pushed Le Champion to the mat! Santana and Ortiz ran in to double team Jungle Boy and save Jericho from the pin. Jungle Boy unleashed fiery forearms and punches on Ortiz, and then a reverse huracarana. Luchasaurus was tagged in and cleaned house with kicks to the Inner Circle members! Luchasaurus hit double choke slams on Jericho and Ortiz, and nearly pinned Chris Jericho. Hager confronted Luchasaurus, and the two brawled to the back! Meanwhile, back in the ring, Marko got a near fall on Jericho with a 450 splash! He rolled up Jericho, but Le Champion powered out, finishing things off for his Inner Circle with his patented Judas Effect! In a singles bout, it was Maxwell Jacob Friedman against “the Bad Boy” Joey Janela! Wardlow was not present, as he is back home training for his upcoming cage match with “the American Nightmare” Cody. Janela was sporting braided hair for the cruise. MJF and Janela traded some very technical maneuvers in the opening moments of the match, but it quickly broke down when MJF poked Janela in the eyes. MJF used ref Aubrey Edwards as a shield, and then once she was out of the way, began stomping Janela. MJF wrapped leg scissors around Janela’s midsection in an attempt to wear down the winded “Bad Boy.” Janela hit a superplex on MJF, who somehow was able to kick out at two. Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford showed up on the ramp and began kissing. Their P.D.A distracted Janela. MJF capitalized with the “Double Cross” to claim victory over Janela. “Cut my music! You people love me, huh?” said MJF. “Cody, I am a chapter, and I’m the last g—damn one!” yelled MJF, referring to Cody’s comments from last week. “The American Nightmare” Cody’s music blasted! Cody confidently strolled down to the ring, and MJF freaked out. Cody entered the ring and got right in MJF’s face. “Stop right there,” said MJF. “There’s a reason Wardlow isn’t here. You can’t touch me, Cody, can you? No matter what I say, no matter what I do, you can’t lay a finger on me.” MJF feigned giving the microphone to Cody, and as Cody went for it, MJF dropped it to the mat. “I can’t touch you, Max, but they can.” Max turned around on the ramp and was greeted by stereo superkicks from the Young Bucks. The Bucks proceeded to toss MJF right into the pool! Tony Schiavone was on the deck to interview Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page about their title victory. “I said I was gonna whoop both their asses, and I whooped both their asses,” said Page. Omega promised PAC that he’d get his rubber match, but the tag titles are his priority at the moment. The Bucks were there to congratulate the new champs, and Page quipped, “I’m surprised we won these things before you guys did!” From the commentary table, Jim Ross asked, “Was that a dig from ‘Hangman’ Adam Page?” Le Champion Chris Jericho joined Jim Ross and Excalibur at the broadcast booth, who stated he was there because he wanted to see the #1 Contender’s Match up close. The main event tonight was a #1 Contender’s Match with “the Bastard” PAC facing Jon Moxley! Moxley’s eye was bandaged, since being nearly blinded last week by Chris Jericho and the spike from Jericho’s leather jacket. Mox took PAC off his feet with a shoulder tackle, and then dished out wicked chops. This was all to set up PAC for a release German suplex! A cunning PAC capitalized on Mox’s blind spot, hitting him square in the damaged eye. PAC used stiff cross face shots on Mox’s injured eye. Moxley relied on instinct and began brawling with PAC through the crowd, from the balcony down the stairs to the floor! Back in the ring, PAC and Mox were trading strikes, and PAC halted Mox with a spin kick. PAC followed up with a jawbreaker and then worked on Mox’s eye again. PAC and Mox were on the top rope where Mox fought his way free, forcing PAC to come crashing down. Mox went for an elbow drop but PAC pulled up a knee, and then put Mox in “the Brutalizer.” Mox escaped, but PAC cranked out Kawada-style kicks to Mox’s eye! PAC went up top for the Black Arrow, but this time Mox managed to raise his knees for a near fall! PAC used a reverse German suplex to escape a sleeper from Mox. PAC headed up top again, and Mox rolled out of the way of PAC’s Black Arrow! Mox planted PAC with a DDT for a near fall! Both men were exhausted and fighting on fumes at this point. Mox climbed to the top, but PAC met him up there and superplexed Mox! PAC applied “the Brutalizer” in the center of the ring, with seemingly nowhere for Mox to go. PAC stretched Mox back, but Mox extended his legs, his boot touching the ropes to force a ref break. PAC ripped off Mox’s eye bandages out of frustration. This only amped up Moxley, who used a DDT, and then a “Paradigm Shift” on PAC for the victory! Jon Moxley has become the #1 Contender for Jericho’s championship at REVOLUTION on February 29th! Tune in next week on January 29th, as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT from the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, OH!

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The last several weeks of “Dynamite” have been quite celebratory; we’ve had a Homecoming, an Anniversary, a Bash, an extension for “Dynamite”, and now we’ve got a cruise on our hands as well! This week’s edition of “Dynamite” is going to be a rocking rager with a Tag Title match, a bout to determine the top contender for the AEW World Title, six-man tag action, and more! #1 CONTENDERS MATCH (#1) Jon Moxley vs. (#4) PAC Moxley knocked down Sammy Guevara to get to this point, but as you can see in the above video from the “Bash at The Beach” edition of “Dynamite” last week, he paid the price for that victory with a vicious assault at the hands of Chris Jericho and The Inner Circle. The assault left Moxley with damage that left many worried it could cost him his eye sight, but did not stop him from making his presence felt after PAC defeated Darby Allin in the main event of the evening. There may not have been any physical contact between the two top contenders for Jericho’s AEW World Title, but Mox making his way to the entrance area after PAC basically declared Mox incapable of fighting demonstrated the kind of fight fans have in store this coming Wednesday on TNT. Both men have had their sights on the World Title for some time, and now they are each one win away from the opportunity to wrest it from the hands of Le Champion. Everyone witnessed the state of Moxley at the close of last week versus the state of PAC, but what will walk into the ring one week removed from that moment? Is Mox in any shape to compete, and even if a doctor said he wasn’t, does anyone actually think that would stop him? And PAC is in the best shape of his life, even though a bit obsessed in seeking a rubber match with Kenny Omega, with no nagging injuries or damage to hamper him in battle. The will of Moxley versus the will of PAC…which one will give first? WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) (c) vs. (#4) Kenny Omega & Hangman Page They did it, despite their differences and the outside-the-ring antics of Adam Page, he and Kenny Omega managed to best The Young Bucks, Proud-n-Powerful, and The Best Friends to earn themselves a championship match with the SCU duo of Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky. Kaz and Sky have been the reigning and defending World Tag Team Champions since October 30th, with three successful defenses under the proverbial belts. Now they find themselves facing a pair on quite a roll after picking up that victory over three of the best teams, and defeating Private Party the week prior. Page and Omega may be a duo essentially kept together by Kenny’s force of will, but they have proven quite an effective duo nonetheless. Can they keep it together to become the second ever AEW World Tag Team Champions this Wednesday night on TNT? Or will Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky continue their dominance over the tag team division with another tick in the win column? Oh yeah, and did we mention this one is all going down on a boat!!!! SIX MAN TAG MATCH The Inner Circle (AEW World Champion Chris Jericho, Santana, & Ortiz) vs. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, Marko Stunt) Just a few weeks ago, to close out 2019, World Champion Chris Jericho challenged Jungle Boy to last ten minutes with Le Champion, and he did. Despite the protestations of Jericho, despite his claims otherwise, Jungle Boy did just that and it is something that Jericho cannot deny. It’s on tape, the whole world saw it live on “Dynamite”, and not only did Jericho demand 5 more minutes after Jungle Boy survived the initial 10, the champion also bailed on the extended time before those 5 minutes expired! Now, as part of the very cruise that Jericho founded, Jungle Boy has another shot at cracking the champ in the mouth, and this time it’s with the rest of The Jurassic Express at his side! But Jericho isn’t alone either, at his side are two of the most dangerous men on the All Elite roster, Santana and Ortiz. After several weeks away to take care of personal business, Proud-n-Powerful returned in the #1 Contender’s match, and although unsuccessful in their attempt to earn the spot, demonstrated they are still a threat to anyone inside the squared circle with them. Now they will side up with the World Champ to make the Jurassic Express as extinct as Luchasaurus’ relatives. P-n-P hold a victory over Marko and Lucha back on “AEW Dark” from the Sears Centre in November, so this is also that pairings chance for a little redemption over Santana & Ortiz. Something to note going into this…Chris Jericho only has one loss on his record in AEW, and that came in a tag team match where he was pinned by Scorpio Sky. Sky was rewarded a World Title match as a result of that win…just saying. HEAD-TO-HEAD MJF vs. “Bad Boy” Joey Janela Are there two more opposite ends of the spectrum on the AEW roster? On one side is Joey Janela, who has busted his body for years to get where he is today, and continues to do so every time he steps foot in the AEW ring. The man who has gone toe-to-toe with BOTH Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega in Lights Out matches, as well as a traditional one-on-one bouts, who bested Shawn Spears on “Dark” from Corpus Christi, and who had a hell of a match with Rey Fenix on the “Dark” that will air this week. And the other is Maxwell Jacob Friedman. The man who only wants Cody in a match if he’s been beaten down and “humbled” (at least in Max’s eyes), the man who shows no respect to the legends who paved the road on which he now walks, the man who hires others to do his dirty work but then rejoices in the spoils of his victory, and the man who has pretty much done the opposite of Janela when it comes to earning his keep between the ropes. Now, with Max getting all his wishes granted by Cody last week, he will have to lock horns with one of the hardest working men in AEW in Joey Janela. “The Bad Boy” is looking to make 2020 his year, and what better way to do so than by slapping the silver spoon right out of MJF’s mouth and tossing it into the ocean below… DR. BRITT BAKER IN ACTION! The fifth ranked woman on the AEW roster will be competing in the ring on this week’s edition of “Dynamite” as she attempts to climb back to the top and challenge for Riho’s AEW Women’s World Championship. Baker came so close to the mountain top once before, can she ascend there once again and actually claim the summit this time? Her journey continues this week on TNT! It’s “Dynamite” from the high seas this week, coming your way at 8pm EST/7pm CST, on TNT! Tag Titles up for grabs, the #1 Contender for the World Title will be set, MJF vs. Janela, and a whole lot more coming to you this week as our “Bash At The Beach” continues!!

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AEW DYNAMITE comes to the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, NY on Wednesday, March 18th, 2020. Tickets for this live episode of DYNAMITE Go On-Sale this Friday, January 24th at Noon Eastern. Don’t miss your chance to see AEW and your favorite stars live and in-person by securing tickets this Friday! Tickets start at just $20 and are on sale this Friday at Noon Eastern. Visit http://AEWTIX.com for full event and pricing details Take your AEW experience to another level with a VIP Package. Click Here to find out more about our VIP Packages

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** Tonight’s BASH AT THE BEACH Edition of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Watsco Center in Miami, FL. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jim Ross were the broadcast team for tonight’s event. The opening contest was “Hangman” Adam Page & Kenny Omega vs. Santana & Ortiz vs. The Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent, accompanied by Orange Cassidy) vs. The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson). The winning team will face SCU for the AEW Tag Team championship next week on DYNAMITE. Trent and Nick Jackson began by trading shoulder tackles. Nick showed off his flexibility by ducking Trent’s knife-edge chops. Omega and Matt Jackson were tagged in for their respective teams, and as they locked up, Proud & Powerful entered illegally, assaulting Omega and Jackson. Nick got a blind tag off Omega, and the Bucks and Omega worked as one “Elite” unit against Santana. Page watched the Elite members from the ring apron. After a double hip toss on Trent, Matt Jackson sent him into the corner the hard way and hit four suplexes. Matt was finally countered by Trent with a swinging DDT. Chuck Taylor tagged in, executing a standing Sliced Bread on Matt Jackson. Chuckie T. followed up with a sole food and half-and-half combo along with his partner Trent. Santana and Ortiz began to divide and conquer all the teams, utilizing an impressive arsenal of offensive moves. The fans chanted, “This is awesome!” Santana went for the three amigos on Matt Jackson, but before completing the sequence, Ortiz tagged in and finished it off for his partner Santana with a stalling vertical suplex. “Big game feel is what we’ve got here,” said Tony Schiavone. Matt Jackson, in a state of self-preservation, tagged the nearest friend, opting for Kenny Omega (noticeably instead of Adam Page, who was also within arm’s reach). Omega came in with three snapdragon suplexes! Santana used a senton to the outside and wiped out Page and Omega. Trent and Matt Jackson were on the top rope, and Trent superplexed Matt to the outside, crash landing onto the competitors. A huge knee strike by Trent took Omega off his feet, but Kenny was able to fight him off. The Best Friends planted Omega with Strong Zero, but it still wasn’t enough to win! The Young Bucks went for the Meltzer Driver but Hangman tagged himself in. This outraged Matt Jackson, as the Bucks had done the majority of the heavy lifting in the final minutes of the match. Before Matt could give it another thought, Page and Omega blasted the Buckshot-V-Trigger combo on Trent for the pin fall! “The American Nightmare” Cody came out next to give his response to MJF’s match stipulations. “Double A, Arn Anderson was right, when he said the audience wants this match,” Cody said. “MJF named his price for this match, and it’s rather expensive.” Regarding the potential of a steel cage match against Wardlow, Cody said: “I think Max is afraid that the audience might come to the conclusion that perhaps Wardlow shouldn’t be carrying MJF’s bags but perhaps, MJF should be carrying Wardlow’s.” Regarding the stipulation that he cannot touch Max until REVOLUTION, Cody said: “I don’t need to touch you, MJF. I live rent free inside that head. I think everybody knows what you are doing—you are stalling!” “When it comes to your stipulation of the steel cage…I accept. When it comes to not touching you until REVOLUTION? I accept. And when it comes to ten lashes live on DYNAMITE? I accept. And I know what it means to have this match at REVOLUTION: it means that I have failed as a mentor, but perhaps I can teach you one final lesson. At REVOLUTION I am going to give you your own g—damn scar!” The “Bad Boy” Joey Janela was seen on video and said, “Rey Fenix, next week on DYNAMITE, I’m going to show you why everyone says Joey Janela is a bad, bad boy.” Next was “the Nightmare Collective,” Brandi Rhodes & Mel (accompanied by Luther) vs. Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida. Luther was on the ramp positioned in between Shida and the ring, but Shida put her kendo stick to use on him. Shida then ran to the ring and Mel began “laying in the heavy leather,” according to Excalibur. Statlander used a moonsault to take out Mel. On the outside of the ring, Shida swiftly followed up with the running knee off a folding chair onto Mel. Mel used her size advantage here, connecting with a pump kick and a big leg drop across Shida’s back. Brandi Rhodes was tagged in and stomped Shida repeatedly. Statlander and Brandi faced off, but Statlander caught her with a high right roundhouse, a discus clothesline, and then a spinning slam for a near fall. Brandi connected with a spear for a two count of her own. It wasn’t enough, so a frustrated Brandi tagged in her partner Mel. As Mel climbed to the top rope, Shida met her up there for a big avalanche suplex! Statlander connected with a standing moonsault press, but Brandi broke it up. Statlander dropped Mel directly on the crown of her head for the victory! A video package for the Dark Order aired. It was revealed that they have been scouting Michael Nakazawa, Kenny Omega, Brandon Cutler, and “Hangman” Adam Page as potential new recruits. www.JoinDarkOrder.com “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara vs. Jon Moxley was next, with the winner earning a shot to be the #1 contender (to be determined next week on DYNAMITE). Moxley pulled up in the new sports car that he “claimed” from the Inner Circle last week. Sammy wasted no time with a dropkick on Moxley at the sound of the bell. Mox fought back with a lariat to Sammy G, but Sammy turned things around on a moment’s notice using a cutter, then a running dive. Sammy started to strut, basking in his own glory. It was a short-lived moment as Mox slapped the taste out of Sammy’s mouth. Moxley attempted the Paradigm Shift on the apron of the ring, but Sammy squeezed out of it. Sammy was able to land a double foot stomp onto Moxley! Sammy used a shooting star press onto Mox, and despite dishing all this out, Mox planted the Spanish God on his head. Moxley climbed to the top rope, but in the blink of an eye, Sammy jumped up there and tossed Moxley down to the mat. Sammy tried for the moonsault press but Moxley caught him in a submission for the victory! Le Champion Chris Jericho’s music hit! The arena went pitch black. When the lights turned back on, Moxley was trapped in the center of the ring by Jake Hager, Chris Jericho, and Santana and Ortiz of the Inner Circle. They began to pummel Moxley. Chris Jericho took his world title and began whipping Moxley with it. Santana and Ortiz held up Moxley and the “Big Hurt” Jake Hager gave the defenseless Moxley a running kick to the groin. Jericho unscrewed a spike from his leather jacket and popped Moxley directly in the eye with it! AEW officials and medical staff came down to the ring to assess Jon Moxley. Chris Jericho raised his AEW World championship overhead triumphantly. Moxley had to be helped out of the ring. Backstage, Jen Decker interviewed Chris Jericho. “This was solely on the head of Jon Moxley. We offered him the keys to the kingdom and instead he smashed me in the head with a champagne bottle last week. So it’s an eye for and eye. Next week on the Jericho Cruise, we’re going to do the same to the Jurassic Express! We’ll see you around Moxley, even though you can’t really see us.” The Butcher & the Blade (with the Bunny) & MJF (accompanied by Wardlow) vs. QT Marshall & “the Natural” Dustin Rhodes & Diamond Dallas Page followed. MJF was wearing a t-shirt with the phrase “I Banged Dallas’ Daughter” in large lettering. When DDP tried to start the match, MJF tagged out to the Butcher. It was only when QT was tagged in by DDP that MJF was “courageous” enough to tag himself back in. MJF gave QT an eye poke and tagged in the Blade, who chopped away at QT. Dustin Rhodes was in next and hit an inverted atomic drop on the Blade, following up with deep uppercuts. MJF cold-cocked Dustin Rhodes while wearing his diamond ring, unbeknownst to ref Aubrey Edwards. The Bunny and Wardlow delivered cheap shots to Rhodes on the outside of the ring. Then the Butcher and the Blade and MJF all took turns working over Rhodes in the ring. “We’ve seen some arrogant athletes over the years, J.R., but this one may top them all,” said Tony Schiavone of MJF. Dustin Rhodes bought some time with a powerslam onto the Blade, then tagged in DDP. Page was positively on fire, cleaning house, and then hit the diamond cutter on the Butcher! After a Canadian Destroyer from Dustin onto MJF, DDP connected with the cutter onto MJF! Marshall ran with the explosive QT Special onto the opposing team, and then DDP jumped off the top rope onto all of them on the outside. Out of nowhere, MJF rolled up QT Marshall, holding the trunks, for the three count. “What an opportunist!” said Jim Ross. Jen Decker was backstage interviewing SCU about their match next week. “Hangman” Page, who evidently had been celebrating early with a few cocktails, interrupted the interview. Kenny Omega apologized on behalf of his friend “Hangman” Page. Omega said he and Page looked forward to their match against SCU next week. It was time for the main event of the night, with “The Bastard” PAC against Darby Allin. The winner moves on next week against Jon Moxley to determine the #1 contender. They locked up in the center of the ring, with PAC taking down Darby with a shoulder tackle. Darby came back with a thunderous shotgun drop kick! PAC one-upped Darby with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Darby took the offense to PAC like a missile with a suicida between the second and third rope. Darby went for the hurracarana but PAC caught him and swung him into the metal ring steps! PAC moved the steps over and power bombed Darby right onto them, showing no mercy. Darby managed to climb into the ring, but PAC was waiting for him with vicious stomps. PAC launched himself off the top rope and connected with a missile dropkick onto Darby for a near fall. Darby had welts on his back and arms from the power bomb onto the steel steps from earlier in the match. Somehow Darby found the energy to fight back and blasted PAC with a crucifix bomb then the coffin drop! Darby hit an over the top stunner and then a Code Red onto PAC for a very close near fall! Darby tried a baseball slide but PAC used the skirt of the ring apron to trap him, then caught him with a high kick. PAC gave a wicked lariat to Darby, who kicked out at two! “Darby is not out of this fight yet!” said Excalibur. Darby and PAC traded pinning combinations. Darby went for the coffin drop again but PAC caught him with a German suplex then a high-stacked power bomb. PAC only got the two count! Darby continued to fight back. PAC went to the top rope for the Black Arrow and finished off Darby for the victory! What a main event! Tony Schiavone was down in the ring to get a word with PAC. “What you need to do is congratulate the new #1 contender for the AEW World Championship,” shouted PAC. Tony Schiavone reminded PAC that he still had to beat Jon Moxley next week to make that claim. PAC replied, “He’ll have to forfeit!” Outside the arena, Jon Moxley was being loaded into an ambulance. Moxley, his eye bandaged, forced his way out of the vehicle. Mox stormed down to the ramp and said, “It ain’t going down like that, brother. I don’t care if I’m blind. I will be there next week. I will kick your ___, because that title shot belongs to me!” Tune in next week on January 22nd, as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT from The Ship of Jericho, during Chris Jericho’s Rock ‘N’ Wrestling Rager at Sea: Part Deux!

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