Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & FTW Champion HOOK


Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta!

Cassidy and Hook ran into the crowd to get the jump on Mox and Yuta! The fight broke out onto the arena floor with all four men brawling! Moxley stomped on Orange. Yuta and Hook got in the ring and the match was officially underway!

Yuta body slammed Hook. The FTW Champ threw Yuta with the El Camino. Moxley tagged in and ate an elbow strike from Hook. Moxley held onto Hook and Yuta dropkicked Hook after a tag. Hook t-boned Moxley and tagged out to Orange Cassidy. Orange planted Mox with a diving DDT! Orange was holding his ribs.

Cassidy was looking for a DDT, but Mox held onto him, and Yuta rushed in with a lariat to Orange. The BCC were working beautifully as a team. Moxley taunted Orange with kicks and slaps. Orange fired back with a dropkick.

Hook tagged in, as did Yuta. They traded strikes in the center of the ring. Hook backed Yuta into the corner with a headbutt and followed up with a Northern Lights Suplex. Yuta tossed Hook with a German Suplex. Yuta followed up with a rolling elbow strike. Moxley ran in and nailed Hook with a blindside shot.

Hook leveled Yua with a lariat. Moxley ran in and stunned Hook with a cutter. Orange blasted Moxley with the Orange Punch and Moxley simply absorbed it, eating it for lunch. Hook tried to apply the Red Rum, but Yuta hit Hook from behind. Moxley impaled Hook with the Death Rider and Yuta pinned Hook with the seatbelt rollup!

“We just saw the FTW Champion get pinned by Wheeler Yuta!” said Excalibur.

“You ain’t pinning Hook and walking away. This is just getting started. I promise you,” added Taz.

Mox: “Orange Cassidy, you are nothing, you ain’t never been nothing, this weekend at Full Gear, I’m gonna grind you into dust and walk out International Champion and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me!”

Ahead of their Texas Death Match this Saturday at FULL GEAR, Swerve Strickland and “Hangman” Adam Page had a face-to-face with Tony Schiavone in the ring!

If the two men attack each other tonight, both will be banned for the rest of 2023.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana came to the ring first. “Hangman” Adam Page came out next, and he marched straight to the ring, his eyes locked with Swerve.

Hangman Page: “Why did Swerve go into my house? Because you are a coward. You are a fraud. You are a worthless waste of human life. You told me two months ago that you wanted to be World Champion, but I can look at you and you don’t have it in you. You can’t cut it. You are not the man that you think you are. Look at me! You’re the one who wanted to make this personal!

“You surround yourself with ‘yes men’. And if you weren’t so dumb, you’d realize Nana is just here to use you. Swerve, Prince Nana makes his living off of your back. Look at me! You are not a man at all. You are a child. I worked with kids for a long time, and I taught them a lot of lessons, and this Saturday I teach you the last lesson of your pathetic life. You should never have come into my house. We don’t need lawyers or cops because at Full Gear I am your judge, jury and executioner.

“And Swerve, one thing I forgot to mention. Tonight’s stipulation was that you and I couldn’t lay hands on one another. But Nana, they didn’t say anything about us!”

Hangman Page jumped on Prince Nana and grounded and pounded him! Security separated Page from Nana and Page nailed the security team, blasting one with the Buckshot Lariat!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Roderick Strong and the Kingdom!

Roddy said he knew who the devil was and needed to call his best friend, Adam Cole. They called Adam Cole over Skype. “It’s definitely Max!”

Adam Cole: “Max is not the devil! With all the accusations, maybe you’re the devil, Roddy.”

Adam Cole hung up.

“Why will he not listen to me?” asked Roderick Strong.

TBS Title Eliminator Match!

Red Velvet vs. Skye Blue

The winner moves on to the TBS Title Match at Full Gear on Saturday.

Red Velvet grabbed a wrist lock on Blue but Blue escaped and countered with a hammer lock. TBS Champion Kris Statlander was watching the match from backstage.

Red Velvet swept out Skye’s legs and hit her with a standing moonsault. Red Velvet boxed Blue in the corner. Skye Blue rocked Red Velvet with a DDT on the apron. Blue whipped Red Velvet into the steel guardrail.

Skye Blue cracked Red Velvet with a thrust kick. They exchanged rollups and then knocked each other down with simultaneous thrust kicks. Red Velvet nailed with double knees to the back. Skye Blue hit the Skye Fall on Red Velvet for a near fall! Red Velvet countered a rising knee from Skye Blue with a powerbomb for a two-count!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Skye Blue countered the Just Desserts with a thrust kick. Red Velvet returned first. Skye Blue intercepted a corkscrew and pinned Red Velvet after the Code Blue!

Julia Hart was seen watching from backstage.

“The Redeemer” Miro had words for CJ Perry!

“My eyes have been open for awhile now. Truth is, CJ doesn’t just bring out the worst in herself. She brings out the worst in me too. Let the Redeemer give you a piece of advice Daniel Garcia. I don’t pray to God anymore, but you should start. This is the word of the Redeemer!”

Mariah May was backstage with RJ City, waiting to meet Toni Storm!

Mariah knocked on the door and the butler let her in. Toni Storm was on a couch, resting. Toni Storm didn’t give much time for Mariah, and then told Luther to have him contact Tony Khan to book her a tune-up match for Friday.

Samoa Joe vs. Jon Cruz!

Samoa Joe jabbed at Cruz. Samoa Joe splashed him in the corner. Samoa Joe leveled Cruz with the lariat and then won via tap out!

Samoa Joe: “My name is Samoa Joe. And I come from Southern California. So MJF, since you’re in my hood, once again I extend my offer of friendship. And trust me, the time is limited Max, because you’re going to find out whether you have my friendship or not, because I am Samoa Joe and I am inevitable!”

The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Komander and Nick Jackson traded a flurry of fiery offense. All four men entered the ring and the Bucks superkicked their opponents, while Penta and Komander had the same idea with thrust kicks. The Bucks shook the hands of their opponents and then superkicked them!

“The Bucks firing on all cylinders here tonight,” said Excalibur.

Komander connected with a crossbody on Matt Jackson. The Bucks were there waiting though and hit Komander with their tandem offense. Komander took down Nick Jackson with a step up hurracanrana. Komander did the tightrope walk into a hurracanrana on Nick, and then sent Nick flying onto Matt Jackson on the arena floor!

Penta flipped over the top rope and crashed onto Nick with a tope con hiro! Penta blasted the Bucks with thrust kicks. Komander nailed the Bucks with a double DDT off the shoulders of Penta. Penta rocked Matt with a Made in Japan for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Matt Jackson tossed Komander and Penta with a double Northern Lights Suplex! The Bucks were looking for a Meltzer Driver, but Komander sent Matt crashing into Nick. Penta destroyed Nick with a Fear Factor on the apron! Komander surprised Matt with a hurracanrana for a near fall!

“That was super close!” said Taz.

“I’ve seen things here in this match that I’ve never seen before,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Matt Jackson and Penta El Zero Miedo traded shots in the center of the ring. Penta stunned Matt with a thrust kick, but then Matt fired off a superkick. Nick Jackson tagged in and scored with a superkick. Komander springboarded but Nick Jackson cracked him with a low blow and followed up with the Judas Effect! The Bucks bashed Komander with the BTE Trigger and scored the pin!

“I’ve seen the Bucks stretch the rules before but never blatantly kick a man between the legs when the ref’s back was turned,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Will this be a taste of what the Golden Jets get on Saturday at Full Gear?” wondered Excalibur.

Lexy Nair was backstage with the Young Bucks after a commercial break.

Kenny Omega approached them and questioned why they cheated during their match tonight.

Nick Jackson: “Our heat is not with you. It’s with Jericho.”

Chris Jericho: “Don’t waste your time with these jackasses. We’ve got a match to win tonight.”

Matt Jackson shoved Chris Jericho and security had to separate them.

The Gunns—Austin and Colten Gunn (with Juice Robinson)


Peter Avalon and Jacoby Watts!

The Gunns made a statement win with the 3:10 to Yuma, quickly winning the match!

Colten: “Max, that match was two on two, so imagine at the pay-per-view when it’s two on one. Those titles are about to be gone!”

“Who will MJF find? Will he turn to Samoa Joe to tag with him this Saturday to defend the ROH World Tag Team Championship? Or will it go to Bullet Club Gold?” asked Excalibur.

A highlight package aired of Wardlow!

“Max, as God as my witness, I’m going to make the devil my b—ch!”

Like A Dragon Gaiden Street Fight!

Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, & Paul Wight


“The Machine” Brian Cage, & The Don Callis Family—Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher, & Powerhouse Hobbs!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

The teams began to brawl on the ramp! Jericho hit Fletcher with his baseball bat. Hobbs went right after Paul Wight. Paul Wight choke slammed Fletcher off the stage and through a table!

Takeshita hit Ibushi with an elbow strike, but Ibushi absorbed it. Omega jumped in the ring and face planted Takeshita. Paul Wight smacked Hobbs into a car outside the arena. Jericho rattled Cage with a crate over the head!

Takeshita whipped Omega headfirst into a sign! Ibushi rode a bike down the ramp, but Cage struck him with a lariat! Hobbs body slammed Paul Wight onto the hood of a car! Takeshita swung the bike around the ring and hit Jericho, Omega, and Ibushi. Takeshita nailed Ibushi with a brain buster on the bike!

Omega pulled a table out from beneath the ring and set it up. Takeshita and Jericho brawled out to the VIP Club area of the arena. Cage and Fletcher isolated Omega in the ring. Cage and Fletcher suplexed Omega onto a pallet in the ring! Omega connected with a jumping knee strike and followed up with a snap dragon suplex on Cage. Omega had a bottle in his hand and smashed it on Fletcher’s head!

Takeshita jumped off a refrigerator, but Jericho sprayed a fire extinguisher at him and then nailed him with the Judas Effect. Hobbs charged in the ring and nailed Omega and Ibushi with double clotheslines. Hobbs drove Omega down with the World’s Most Dangerous Slam! Brian Cage superplexed Omega out of the ring and through the tables on the arena floor! Hobbs planted Ibushi with a spinebuster!

Hobbs splashed Jericho in the corner. Fletcher rocked Omega with a snap dragon suplex. Fletcher grabbed Ibushi and spiked him with a piledriver off the apron and through a sign that was propped up on steel chairs!

Omega connected with a rising knee strike to Hobbs and Jericho followed up with the Judas Effect! Jericho and Omega taped Hobbs to the ropes! Omega smacked Hobbs with a glass bottle! Cage drove Jericho down into the mat and then tried for a Drill Claw on Omega. Omega escaped and spiked Cage with a reverse hurracanrana! Omega fired off the V Trigger on Cage and then on Hobbs. Omega pinned Cage after spiking him with the One Winged Angel!

AEW World Champion & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF had some strong words after last week’s brutal attack on the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!

MJF: “It’s become very apparent to me that no matter how hard I try to outrun my past, it’s going to catch up with me. And every time I try to open myself up, those people get hurt. So, what I’d like to say to the Acclaimed is the same thing I said to Adam Cole—I’m sorry that you got hurt and I hope you feel better.

“Ever since I could remember all I wanted to be was a World Champion and I have spent every moment of my life trying to make that happen. I am proud to say that I have made it to that mountain top. The air up here is thin. And as I look down this mountain, I see men climbing with the only intention to shove me off the top.

“And I’m afraid I could lose everything I worked for in the blink of an eye. And I’m afraid I’m going to let you guys down. The old me in this situation would have tucked and ran. But I’m done letting the past dictate my future. Yeah, I’m afraid, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up my spot at the top of the mountain. You’d better send a whole damn army up that mountain to knock me down!

“Jay White, November 18th at Full Gear, you have a chance to take my spot. But I don’t think you can. I don’t think anyone can because my name is MJF, and I am better than you and you know it! And a message to the man who stole my devil mask who hired those goons. I am going to find out who you are and when I do there will be hell to pay!”

“Switchblade” Jay White walked onto the ramp!

Jay White: “Max, you’re going to make me sick so just stop. Drop the act because you are embarrassing yourself. You’re trying so hard to be the hero and that’s not who you are. You are the villain. Always have been, always will be. And you’re not fooling anyone. You’ve told us time and time again, you are the devil. You’re not the hero, Max. You’re not these peoples’ hero.

“Max you should know better. You should know how quickly they will drop you because you mean nothing. You haven’t changed. I know that you know that I am speaking truth right now. And I know that you know your days as the AEW World Champion are numbered. You know at Full Gear you will bleed with the Switchblade. And if you’re not down with that I have two words for you: get him.”

Bullet Club Gold jumped into the ring. Max was able to fend off the Gunns for a bit but then Juice Robinson blasted MJF with his infamous left hand punch. The Gunns spiked MJF with the 3:10 to Yuma. Switchblade rocked MJF with the Blade Runner and mockingly pinned him for the three count!

Samoa Joe was watching on a monitor backstage.

“That offer still stands, MJF. You might want to take Joe up on it,” said Taz.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

Special Programming note: this Friday tune in to AEW COLLISION at 8/7c and then RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

This Saturday witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW FULL GEAR 2023 from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, KS!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Fox attacked Swerve as the show was coming onto the air. They brawled onto the ramp. AR Fox jumped off the stage and landed on Swerve with a crossbody press! They made it to the ring and Fox flipped over the top rope and landed on Swerve on the arena floor, Fox clearly taking the fight to Strickland!

Swerve hip tossed Fox onto the ring apron, with Fox’s legs taking the brunt of the impact. Swerve whipped Fox into the steel guardrail. Prince Nana called down the Gates of Agony to ringside.

Back in the ring, Swerve flung Fox onto the top turnbuckle. Swerve superplexed AR Fox, with Prince Nana yelling for Swerve to finish off Fox. AR Fox fired back with an offensive flurry, including a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on Swerve!

“Look at the rotation and the added impact of the 450,” said Nigel.

Swerve stunned Fox with a neck breaker and then a kick to the back of the head. Swerve squashed Fox with a double foot stomp and pinned Fox!

“That is a lethal move, guys,” said Tony Schiavone.

After the match AR Fox was surrounded by the Gates of Agony, Swerve, and Prince Nana! FTR sprinted to the ring and began to brawl with the Gates of Agony! Ricky Starks and Big Bill came down to the aid of the Mogul Embassy. LFI sprinted down and helped clear the ring of the AEW World Tag Champs and the Mogul Embassy! FTR offered to shake LFI’s hands, but LFI declined and left the ring.

The House of Black were watching from somewhere in the arena.

Lexy Nair was backstage with a very angry Kip Sabian!

Sabian said the Workhorsemen are underrated, and if Mark Briscoe can find two partners, Sabian and the Workhorsemen will wrestle them tonight!

The Kingdom came out, wheeling Roderick Strong onto the ramp!

Taven and Bennett charged into the ring against their opponents, James McGregor and Brixton Nash! Mike Bennett nailed McGregor with a Death Valley Driver. Taven jumped off the top rope and they hit a spiked piledriver, quickly pinning their opponent. Roderick Strong jumped into the ring and connected to one of the Kingdom’s opponents with a jumping knee strike, and then quickly rolled out of the ring and back into his wheelchair.

Lexy Nair was backstage interviewing Mark Briscoe when FTR walked onto the scene and greeted their friend Mark!

Cash offered to pull double duty and tag with Mark tonight. Mark said he appreciated that, but he already had partners lined up for his match tonight.

Darby Allin vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!

Lance Archer hurled Darby to the mat. Darby fired back with a big right hand. Lance Archer pounced at Darby Allin, sending Darby crashing outside of the ring. Lance followed up with a knee breaker.

Lance tried to walk the top rope, but Darby knocked him off. Darby rocketed out of the ring and right at Archer with a tope suicida. Lance Archer rocked Darby with a release suplex! Lance cracked Darby with a knee strike in the ring. Darby escaped a Black Out attempt and cradled Archer for a near fall.

Archer blocked Darby’s modified Coffin Drop attempt. Archer drilled Darby with a choke slam! Archer picked up Darby again and choke slammed Darby over the top rope and onto the edge of the ring! Jake Roberts was about to hit Darby with Darby’s skateboard, but the ref saw it and then ejected Roberts from ringside.

Lance Archer clocked Darby with a stiff right hand! Darby scraped at Archer’s back and connected with a Destroyer off the top rope, scoring the pin on Archer!

Jake Roberts came back out and had words for Darby! “You think I came to a fight with only one piece of artillery? No, I’ve got a couple more guys you may have seen on the street!” said Jake Roberts.

The Righteous walked onto the ramp!

Vincent: “Revenge is forever. It’s showtime.”

Archer grabbed a distracted Darby Allin and planted him with the Black Out!

Lexy Nair was backstage with TBS Champion Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Skye Blue!

Statlander and Willow had requested the time to speak with Skye Blue.

Kris: “You had us going there for a second, but you showed up and picked the right side. I wanted to say thank you for making the right decision.”

Skye: “You don’t have to thank me because I didn’t do anything for you. I did it for Willow because I always have Willow’s back. And good luck out there tonight, Willow.”

Kris: “I have your back too.”

Lexy Nair interviewed Alex Abrahantes next!

Abrahantes said he and Penta El Zero Miedo showed last night that lucha is life.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana interrupted.

Alex said it was disgraceful what Swerve did, invading Hangman Page’s house. Alex said the only thing Penta puts ahead of lucha is his family, and he challenged Swerve to a match against Penta El Zero Miedo at Dynamite!

Up next: The AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed’s 69 Day Championship Celebration!

Daddy Ass: “It seems everyone here is ready to have a little fun. We have been Trios Champs for 69 days!”

The fans chanted “69! 69! 69!”

Bowens: “It is a very special day because it’s been 69 days of the Acclaimed and we are fired the hell up. So, I wanted to introduce a little surprise. And that surprise is for Max Caster. Because he had a pretty good week. So, Billy and I got you a special gift. Roll the clip please.”

AEW World Champion MJF appeared on the big screen with a message for Caster. MJF said Caster earned his respect. “You’re starting to grow on me, Caster. I’m kind of starting to like the Acclaimed.”

Caster: “Thank you so much! I love it, Billy! Thank you, Anthony! It means a lot and this holiday means a lot to us because it’s a culmination of all of our hard work at the top of the Trios division. And that hard work is symbolized by that trophy sitting on the announce desk right there. As much as that trophy belongs to us, we couldn’t have done it without the people And since we are the people’s choice and the people’s voice, this trophy goes out to all the fans.”

Dalton Castle and the Boys walked onto the ramp, crashing the party!

The Boys grabbed the trophy off the announcers’ table and handed it over to Dalton Castle. Castle threw the trophy to the floor, destroying it! The two teams began to brawl!

Tony Khan made the match official!

Daddy Ass flung Castle overhead. The Boys dropkicked Billy Gunn. Bowens blasted the Boys with a double clothesline.

Dalton Castle was taken down with a fameasser from Bowens. Daddy Ass tagged in, and body slammed a Boy. Bowens jumped from the top with a Scissor Me Timbers. Caster crashed down with the Mic Drop and the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass retained the titles!

“That’s nine title defenses, one more than the House of Black,” said Kevin Kelly.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo, asking if he put any more consideration into CJ’s offer.

Andrade: “Next week I will give my answer to CJ face to face.”

Trios Match!

Kip Sabian & The Workhorsemen—JD Drake and Anthony Henry


Mark Briscoe, “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, and “Limitless” Keith Lee!

Kip cracked Briscoe with a cannonball in the corner. The Workhorsemen came in, but Mark stopped Henry and then threw JD Drake out of the ring. Sabian hit an Arabian moonsault onto Mark Briscoe.

Mark threw Henry down with an exploder suplex and tagged in Dustin Rhodes. “The Natural” powerslammed JD Drake. Keith Lee powerbombed Henry onto Sabian. Mark Briscoe dropped the Froggy Bow on Sabian and pinned him!

Lexy Nair interviewed Mark Briscoe after the match!

Mark Briscoe challenged “Switchblade” Jay White to a singles match on Wednesday at Dynamite!

Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura!

They rammed each other with shoulder tackles. Willow got the upper hand, her power knocking Emi to the mat. Emi slapped Willow in the face. Emi connected with a cross body, knocking Willow off the apron. Emi splashed Willow, sandwiching her against the steel ring steps.

Outside the ring, Willow smashed Emi with a Death Valley Driver on the arena floor. Willow followed up with a shotgun dropkick for a near fall. Emi clobbered Willow with a swinging neck breaker.

Willow dropped Emi with a spinebuster. Willow finished off Emi with the Doctor Bomb, pinning Emi!

Lexy Nair was backstage with ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe: “No, I haven’t heard back from MJF yet. You need me to make moves on your behalf and to watch your back properly. Until you realize that man is me, you will continue to endure that pain week after week.”

Keith Lee walked onto the set and said Samoa Joe hasn’t beaten him yet. Samoa Joe said they could remedy that situation this Wednesday!

Keith Lee: “Count me in.”

Main Event Time!

Eight-Man Tag Match!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood, and LFI—Preston Vance & Rush (with Jose the Assistant & Dralistico)


AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks,

and Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Big Bill and Preston Vance locked up. Preston battered Big Bill with forearms in the corner. Big Bill walloped Vance with a lariat. Bishop Kaun tagged in and suplexed Preston Vance.

Cash Wheeler tagged in and jabbed at Bishop Kaun. Dax grabbed a tag and FTR hit Kaun with a drop toehold elbow combo. Toa Liona rocked Dax with headbutts. Dax answered with chops to Toa’s chest. Toa nearly knocked Dax out of his boots with a lariat.

Rush tagged in and rammed Ricky into the guardrails! Rush kicked Ricky in the corner and then powerslammed him for a near fall.

Big Bill blocked a discus elbow from Preston with a chokeslam. FTR were looking for the Big Rig, but Big Bill ran over them with a double clothesline. Ricky Starks speared Rush out of nowhere!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ricky starched Rush with a thrust kick. Rush fired back and then tagged to Dax. Rush and Dax smashed Kaun with the Big Rig! Rush charged at Kaun and nailed him with the Bull’s Horns, grabbing the pinfall victory on Bishop Kaun!

“A demonstrative victory for the leader of LFI,” said Nigel.

LFI walked away without shaking the hands of FTR.

“Rush is a difference maker,” said Jim Ross.

The House of Black appeared on the big screen, with words of warning for FTR!

It was a ruse, as the House of Black blindsided FTR from behind in the ring!

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta ran to the ring to even up the odds for FTR! Claudio tried to put the Giant Swing on Malakai Black, but Brody pulled Black out of the ring! The BCC and FTR shook hands.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

UK Invasion Event in Glasgow to Be Taped for IMPACT! On AXS TV News / October 24, 2023 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Get tickets Breaking News: The live IMPACT Wrestling show on Thursday, October

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It’s been seven months since All Elite Wrestling last visited the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO, but we are back this Tuesday night with a special edition of DYNAMITE! TITLE TUESDAY brings to the AEW faithful a loaded edition of our flagship show with two championship matches, a collection of other must-see battles, and AEW World Champion MJF ! Plus the first 30 minutes will air commercial-free!

On a special DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, All Elite Wrestling comes to you live on TBS, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans! Be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Rey Fenix(c) vs. Jon Moxley


Moxley’s got one victory, Fenix has another, but the latter’s is absolutely the bigger win as it led to Fenix being called the new AEW International Champion, a title he’s defended twice in twenty days despite the pain racking his body. Being a singles champion is nothing unfamiliar to Fenix, though this is his first AEW solo title, he actually began his AEW career as AAA Mega Champion, and claimed both the AAA World Cruiserweight Title and AAA Latin American Title in June of last year, saying nothing of the singles titles he claimed prior to the inception of All Elite Wrestling.

As for Moxley, well he’s the first man to claim both the AEW World Championship and the AEW International Championship, and in fact the first AEW competitor to hold two different singles titles since the company began in 2019. He was also the man who ended the historic AEW International Championship reign of Orange Cassidy which left many assuming that Mox would enjoy a reign that possibly even surpassed the standard set by “Freshly Squeezed”. The BCC member was certainly off to a good start, cramming four title defenses in 17 days, but that fourth one against Rey Fenix would bring everyone’s expectations of Mox’s title reign to a screeching halt.

Rey Fenix, a former AEW World Tag Team Champion and former AEW World Trios Champion who’d never held an AEW singles title, would bring Moxley’s International Title run to an abrupt end at GRAND SLAM 2023, and put the man on the sidelines for the last several weeks as well. The former 3-Time AEW World Champion would miss WRESTLEDREAM as an in-ring competitor, though he’d provide stellar commentary on his fellow BCC members matches, but now Moxley is cleared for a return to action and he’s gunning to become the first 2-Time AEW International Champion just as he was the first 2-Time AEW World Champion.

Will Moxley be able to get back that which was shockingly lost, or will Fenix win this rubber match and move forward as the unquestioned International Champion?


Saraya(c) vs. Hikaru Shida


At ALL IN: LONDON Saraya won a Four Way Match to become the new AEW Women’s World Champion, ending the second reign of Hikaru Shida, and Saraya did so without actually defeating the champion in London.

Thus this Tuesday night, as part of TITLE TUESDAY, Hikaru Shida will get her chance at redemption, get her chance at regaining the title she never lost, and all she had to do to get there was defeat Ruby Soho in a singles bout. It wasn’t an easy task, not by any means, but Ruby’s failure to successfully play gatekeeper for Saraya has left the champion with no choice but to face the greatest to ever hold the title.

Though she managed to find a way to beat Toni Storm at GRAND SLAM 2023, and holds a victory over another former champion in Dr. Britt Baker from FULL GEAR 2022, Saraya enters this fight with her back against the wall. She doesn’t have Outcasts to save her in the event of an emergency, she is totally on her own, and has to fight the longest-reigning, most successful champion who’s ever held the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Can Saraya actually beat Hikaru Shida when the title is on the line, and there’s no one else to take advantage of to get the victory? We will see during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY live on TBS from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!


“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus (w/ Christian Cage)


Upon making his AEW debut at WRESTLEDREAM, Adam Copeland jumped straight into the fire when he chose to support Darby Allin and Sting in direct opposition to Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, and most importantly, his best friend and reigning TNT Champion Christian Cage. Last week on DYNAMITE, when Copeland made his plea to Cage to finish their careers together and was summarily told to go f*** himself by the TNT Champion, it came as quite a shock to AEW’s newest acquisition. Perhaps what was more of a shock was how, after the cameras went off the air, Nick and Luchasaurus tried to attack Adam, only for both to be laid out with Spears from Copeland.

But that would not be the case on COLLISION, rather it would be “The Rated R Superstar” who was left battered and bruised when the cameras went off the air, he and Darby Allin victims of a two-pronged assault from Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus as Christian looked upon his works from the safety of a video wall.

But this Wednesday night there won’t be a spot of safety, not when Adam Copeland steps into the ring for his first All Elite Wrestling match, and has to do so against the behemoth Luchasaurus! Cage’s “Right Hand of Destruction” may be more interested in causing Copeland suffering than actually defeating the man, but the satisfaction Christian Cage will feel from seeing his man humiliate and defeat his best friend may be the desired result of the evening.

The TNT Champion has made it clear as crystal he does not want to partner himself up with Adam Copeland, he is not looking for the highlight video moment of their embrace; Christian Cage is on his own path as TNT Champion and as, quite frankly, the most repugnant human on the AEW roster, and that path does not include any bit of his past. But that doesn’t mean Christian Cage can avoid that past completely, and neither can his lackeys, especially not on TITLE TUESDAY when Luchasaurus is given the honor of being the first man to step into an AEW ring with Adam Copeland!


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland


Swerve Strickland is riding high after defeating Hangman Page at WRESTLEDREAM just a little over a week ago; it doesn’t matter how he got to the win or how Prince Nana may have lent a helping hand, what matters it that Strickland beat Page, left him with a lame arm, and is now in a position to do the same to “The American Dragon”!

Much like Swerve, Bryan Danielson is coming off a huge October 1st win as well, defeating Zack Sabre Jr. in their fight dubbed “Submissions in Seattle”, though it didn’t exactly come down to submissions for the decision. On top of that, Bryan also has the hard-fought victories over Ricky Starks bolstering his momentum, but that man is certainly not one to rest on his laurels and past accomplishments. If so, Danielson need never set foot in the ring again because the resume he’s built since starting in 1999 has justifiably built a reputation as “The Best Wrestler in the World”.

That reputation is what makes this such an attractive match for Swerve Strickland, not to mention the additional bonus of the winner receiving a shot at Christian Cage’s TNT Championship in Toledo on this Saturday’s COLLISION. That title opportunity is huge for both men, but the chance to knock Danielson down a notch is possibly an even richer prize for The Mogul Embassy’s leader. Imagine being able to say he took down both Hangman and The American Dragon in nine days time, and then potentially add Christian Cage to that list too; it could be a very sweet Tuesday night for Swerve, one that will definitely have Prince Nana dancing in the aisles. Conversely, if this is really the final leg of Danielson’s full-time career, than championships must be captured, and the best in the business must be beat; Swerve qualifies for the latter, and Danielson has to get through him to get to the former.

This is going to be a tremendous battle, of that there is no doubt, so which one will the TNT Champion have to prepared for this coming Saturday?


Chris Jericho vs. Powerhouse Hobbs


Powerhouse Hobbs has only crossed paths with Chris Jericho one other time in their AEW career, as part of a tag match during the October 2021 Jericho Cruise where the original AEW World Champion and Orange Cassidy teamed up to defeating Hobbs and Ricky Starks.

Never since have their paths crossed, not until last week on DYNAMITE when Hobbs laid out Jericho and Kenny Omega following their victory over Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher. With Don Callis apparently directing the action, Hobbs absolutely destroyed Omega, though to his credit Jericho did try to put himself in the middle of the assault, only to be waylaid by the chair Hobbs was wielding.

So instead of being a savior, Jericho had to lay in a crumpled heap on the mat and hear the sound of Callis cracking a helpless Kenny across the skull with a chair. He had to watch as Callis and Powerhouse stood over him with their hands held up in triumph, helpless to do anything about it at that moment.

Well that moment has passed, and in the moment to come on Tuesday night, Chris Jericho is looking to even the score with Powerhouse Hobbs for that brazen assault! Thus it will be on TITLE TUESDAY that Hobbs and “The Ocho” go head-to-head for the very first time in their careers, and though he may be the veteran in this situation, it’s not unreasonable to say Chris Jericho is the underdog. Not only does he have to deal with the power of Hobbs, he will undoubtedly have other members of Callis’ Family making his life hell as well. After last week, who knows if Kenny Omega is in any condition to provide support to his new-found ally, and it’s very unlikely there’s another soul in AEW who is going to stick their neck out for Jericho after all he’s done since AEW’s inception.


“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “Switchblade” Jay White


It’s been more than five years since the last time Hangman Page and Jay White went one-on-one inside the squared circle, and though they’ve fought several times previously, and twice in AEW since, their head-to-head record tilts in favor of “Switchblade” two matches to none.

That was a different time and both men have evolved a great deal since then; today Hangman stands as a former AEW World Champion, a former AEW World Tag Team Champion, and one-third of the current ROH World Six-Man Champions. Jay White, to his credit, can claim to be the first-ever NJPW Grand Slam Champion with his standing as a former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, IWGP U.S. Heavyweight Champion, NEVER Openweight Champion, and IWGP Intercontinental Champion, plus “King Switch” is also a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. They each found their way to the top of the mountain, and now meet once more to see who is the best between the two at this moment.

“Switchblade” is already penciled in as MJF’s challenger for FULL GEAR 2023 on November 19th while “Hangman” is still recovering from a very physical, losing battle with Swerve Strickland at WRESTLEDREAM just a few weeks ago. So to say Hangman merely needs this win after that PPV loss would be a serious understatement, but so too would it be to say that about Jay White given his championship opportunity on the horizon. Both men are fighting for their history together, their present situations, and the future of their careers. Who will be the victor when this rivalry renews?



Well it’s hard to say if AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman has ever been left laying as low as he was by BULLET CLUB GOLD last week. Not only was he taken out by Jay White and his Bladerunner, but his cherished Triple B was also stolen by BC GOLD, forcing Max to listen to his FULL GEAR 2023 (https://www.allelitewrestling.com/aew-event/aew-full-gear-2023) challenger talk as if he’s the true champion.

Well MJF will be in the house live this Tuesday night at the Cable Dahmer Arena and there’s no way he’s letting this situation go unanswered! But will the champion decide to respond with words or with violence?



Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Minoru Suzuki


Coming off a successful title defense against Komander on COLLISION, Eddie Kingston is now set to defend both his ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship against the incomparable Minoru Suzuki! Though they’ve clashed a few times in tags and trios, this will mark the first singles meeting between two of the hardest-hitting men in professional wrestling today, and it goes down during the TITLE TUESDAY: BUY-IN starting at 7:30pm ET on the AEW YouTube Channel, Facebook page, and the app formerly known as Twitter! Do not miss out on this special double title bout that’s sure to be one of the most memorable in AEW to date.

With Adam Copeland’s 1st AEW match, a huge International Championship rematch between Fenix and Moxley, a Women’s World Championship fight pitting Shida against Saraya, and a slew of other must-see matches, DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, so be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER, all to get prepared for AEW’s return to Independence, MO!

Co-creators Alissa Nutting and Alyson Levy review by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:In Season 2, Uncle Pete discovers the existence of foreskin and makes friends with a mobster’s limo. Trophy is elected mayor of Fort Gator and…

The Morning Show Season 3 review by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:“The Morning Show” explores the cutthroat world of morning news and the lives of the people who help America wake up in the morning. In season…


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Big Bill (with “Absolute” Ricky Starks)!

Moxley used some round kicks to try to topple Big Bill. Bill blasted the champ with a massive right hand. Big Bill followed up with overhand chops. Big Bill was taking the fight right to Moxley and manhandling him.

Moxley fired off two clotheslines, but Bill booted Mox in the head, knocking him out of the ring. Ricky Starks kicked Moxley outside the ring. Moxley reversed an Irish whip and sent Big Bill into the steel ring steps.

Big Bill sent Jon Moxley over the timekeeper’s table. Moxley was busted wide open! Back in the ring, Moxley regained momentum and dug his fingers into Big Bill’s flesh! Moxley superplexed Big Bill.

Big Bill hit the Bossman Slam on Jon Moxley for a near fall. Moxley and Big Bill traded shots in the center of the ring. Moxley countered a boot with a King Kong lariat for a two-count. Moxley punished Big Bill with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Moxley planted Big Bill with a cutter, but Big Bill rolled out of the ring. Moxley climbed to the top rope, but Ricky shoved Mox as the ref was checking on Big Bill.

Bryan Danielson sprinted to the ring and peppered Ricky Starks with right hands, evening up the odds! Starks whipped Danielson into the ring steps. Big Bill chokeslammed Big Bill for a near fall on Moxley.

“Mox is losing a lot of blood right now. It looks like a crime scene,” said Taz.

Big Bill tried to hoist up Moxley with a chokeslam, but Moxley countered with a submission hold and forced Big Bill to tap out!

After the match Ricky Starks and Big Bill tried to continue their attack. ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli ran down to help his BCC teammates. Starks was furious with these developments. Starks and Big Bill retreated.

It was announced that Moxley will put his title on the line next week on Dynamite against Rey Fenix!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Roderick Strong and the Kingdom!

Adam Cole interrupted the interview and said Strong wrestling Samoa Joe was a horrible idea.

Strong: “You’re only worried about Max. And you should be because after I beat Joe, I’m going to beat MJF next week. Because I am a wrestling legend!”

Tony Schiavone was in the ring so Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita could reveal their next target!

Callis: “We just beat Kenny Omega twice in one week. Show some respect! We’ve been celebrating. I’ve learned a lot from Takeshita about Japanese culture. When you’re the top wrestler in a promotion, they call you the Ace. He’s better than Okada. Better than Inoki. When you beat Kenny Omega once, they call you the Ace. When you beat Omega twice in seven days, they call you the Alpha!

“Henceforth you will all refer to Takeshita as the Alpha. I never had the empathy thing. Because when you’re the Alpha, you don’t feel anything, you take. Kenny, beating you twice isn’t enough for us. We broke your body. Now we’re going to break your heart.

“I promise to reveal through our creation who the next target of the Alpha will be, and Kenny, this one is going to kill you. The next target is none other than the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Kota Ibushi!

“And Kenny, I want you to know right now, we’re not just going to beat Ibushi, we’re going to butcher him. We’re going to burn him. And I’m going to love the fact that while we’re spilling his blood in the ring, you’re going to be at home helpless, watching like the pathetic cuck that you are.”

Alex Marvez was backstage with the BCC!

Danielson: “We love it when things escalate. So, here’s a challenge. This Saturday at Collision, Ricky Starks, Big Bill, you two against me and Claudio Castagnoli!”

Rey Fenix entered the fray and began to shout at Moxley, but Alex Abrahantes and the refs held him back. Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston laughed in Claudio’s face and said, “One more week!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with FTW Champion HOOK!

Orange Cassidy interrupted!

Orange: “I was walking around and saw Hook all mad about something. What do you have to be mad about?”

Hook: “You were a great champion.”

Orange: “Thanks, you are too!”

They fist-bumped and Orange said he was still so tired.

Women’s World Title Eliminator Four Way Match!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose vs. Toni Storm!

The winner will face AEW Women’s Champion Saraya next week at Grand Slam.

Nyle Rose plowed into Baker and Shida with double clotheslines. Toni Storm shoved Shida into Britt Baker, with Baker tumbling out of the ring. Shida followed up with a crossbody onto the women on the arena floor!

Shida nailed Baker with a brain buster. Baker was looking for a thrust kick on Shida, but Shida turned around and Baker stopped herself. Nyla Rose chokeslammed Britt Baker. Shida cracked Nyla with the Katana Kick. As Shida was going for the cover, Britt Baker blasted Shida with a thrust kick. Toni Storm saw the opening, rolled up Britt Baker, and pinned her, stealing the victory!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s Champion Saraya and Ruby Soho!

Saraya: “Congrats, Toni, you did it and you did it without us. But Toni lost everything to me. She lost her top spot, and she lost her mind. She’s crazy. But she’s also going to lose the match against me at Grand Slam and then she’ll be left with nothing!”

Up Next: Le Sex Gods— “The Ocho” Chris Jericho and “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara had their face to face!

Jericho and Guevara will be wrestling each other next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam.

Jericho: “Next week, right here on Dynamite at Grand Slam in New York City, it’s Le Sex Gods going one on one, Jericho versus Guevara, for the first time ever. Lots of history between us. We’ve been together since the first episode of Dynamite.”

Jericho introduced a highlight package showing all the pivotal moments from Le Sex Gods’ history over the past four years.

“That was beautiful,” said Taz.

Sammy: “Chris, I have a confession. I still don’t know the lyrics to ‘Judas.’”

Jericho: “I saw a kid on one of the NWA pay-per-view prelim matches and I was blown away and told Tony Khan, we need to sign this kid Sammy. I knew he had what it took to be a big star and I wanted him to be with me so I could help him out as much as I possibly could.

“Over the years I’ve watched Sammy grow from a boy to a man. I’ve seen him win titles, get married, and now your wife is ready to give birth to a baby girl. I’m really proud of all you’ve accomplished over the past four years.”

Sammy: “I know the typical wrestling thing is to talk trash, but I don’t want to do that. I want to come out here before one of the biggest matches of my career and say thank you. Thank you for changing my life and for changing the lives of so many people in the back. Without Chris Jericho there is no AEW.

“But truthfully Chris, I didn’t come to this company to just be your sidekick. I want to become world champion. I want them to look at me the way they look at Mox or the way they look at you. I don’t want to be in your shadow, so that’s why I need to beat you next week.”

Jericho: “You were never brought in to be Chris Jericho’s side kick. You were brought in to be a main event player and you are getting closer and closer every week. And that’s why I told you that you have to do it on your own. Next week you have that opportunity. You have to beat me to get to the next level. But if you’re going to beat Chris Jericho, you’re going to have to be the best Sammy Guevara ever if you’re going to have a chance to beat me. But I don’t think you’re ready to beat me yet.”

Sammy: “And there it is. It’s whatever Jericho wants. So next week I’m going to beat you as this man, not the 2018 me at the NWA pay-per-view, but this Sammy is going to beat you, we’re going to shake hands, and we’re going to win some tag team titles.”

Jericho: “Let me make something perfectly clear, Sammy. Next week I’m going to give you the match of your life. And I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to beat the living hell out of you. And I expect the exact same thing from you.”

Sammy: “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Excalibur: “I think we might have a battle for the ages next week.”

Taz: “Sammy is a pro, and he knows what’s at stake.”

Clips were shown from after Dynamite last week with Renee Paquette interviewing MJF!

MJF was told he wasn’t cleared to wrestle until Grand Slam.

MJF: “There are two talents I want to make it to the finals because I hate their guts: Roddy Strong, if you make it through this tournament, I will rip your head off. You’re a manipulative person. Samoa Joe, you think I’m afraid of you? Nah. You might not realize this, but this New York Pitbull has got a lot of bite. If you wrestle me, I’m going to choke you out!

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)!

Cage clocked Page with an elbow strike. Page retaliated with two big boots to Brian Cage. Hangman hit a lariat off the turnbuckles to the Machine. Hangman went over the top rope, but Brian Cage intercepted him. Page reversed a powerbomb with a hurracanrana, sending Brian Cage into the steel ring post!

Brian Cage nearly decapitated Page with a lariat. Page sent Cage into the ropes after a hurracanrana. Page hit the area code shot on Cage.

Swerve Strickland’s music hit, and Swerve walked out onto the ramp!

Cage took advantage of the distraction and hurled Cage from the ring apron on the outside to the inside of the ring with a German Suplex! Brian Cage powerslammed Page and followed up with a moonsault, but Hangman dodged it.

Hangman rocked Brian Cage with a lariat, the momentum carrying both men over the top rope and onto the floor. Hangman jumped off the top rope and Cage caught him again. Adam Page countered with a crucifix bomb.

Hangman climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit Cage with a moonsault on the arena floor! Hangman followed up with a big crossbody press for a near fall on the Machine. Brian Cage dazed Page with a German Suplex.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Hangman swept out Cage’s legs. Hangman attempted the Buckshot Lariat, but Cage countered, but Page fired back with a Deadeye in the center of the ring, scoring the pin!

“Hell of a match by these two men,” said Taz.

“If Swerve was mad before, he has to be pissed off now,” added Excalibur.

“Well, he poked the bear,” added Taz.

Hangman Page: “What passion, what drive, just oozing out of your body as you brood on top of the ramp as you watched me kick Cage’s ass. Last week you said you wanted my spot, but you sent Cage out. Last week I thought you had some balls but tonight I’m pretty sure you’re just keeping them stowed away in Prince Nana’s Burger King crown.”

Swerve: “What up, turd? Them sound like fighting words to me, Hangman. You think this’ll be solved tonight? We do this when I say, where I say. And it just so happens I chose the great state that birthed Swerve Strickland. October 1st, in the City of Seatle, WrestleDream. Me and you, Hangman. But I’m going to make sure you don’t get comfortable by the time you get there, isn’t that right Brian Cage?”

Brian Cage ambushed “Hangman” Adam Page from behind! The Young Bucks jumped into the ring and superkicked the Machine! The Bucks served up superkicks for Prince Nana as well!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daniel Garcia!

Garcia: “I thought you came here to talk about me but you’re asking about Sammy or Jericho. Why don’t we talk about the career of Garcia”

Don Callis interrupted!

Callis: “The Don Callis family is going to create a Utopian Meritocracy—”

Garcia got in Callis’ face and did his dance, and then walked off!

Callis: “Wow, that’s money! Renee, that’s money!”

Don Callis chased after Daniel Garcia, grinning ear to ear.

Darby Allin & Nick Wayne


Matt Menard & Angelo Parker (with Jake Hager and Anna Jay)!

As the match started, Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp and then joined the broadcast booth.

Christian Cage said Nick Wayne needed a better mentor than Darby Allin.

Nick Wayne clipped Matt Menard with an enziguri. Jake Hager grabbed Darby from outside the ring. Matt Menard powerbombed Nick Wayne.

Darby tagged in and nailed Menard and Parker with the Coffin Splash! He followed up with a dropkick in the corner on both men. Darby connected with a Code Red on Parker for a near fall.

“Darby has issues with the back from that Coffin Match, you can tell,” said Taz.

Nick grabbed a blind tag and walloped Parker with Wayne’s World. Matt Menard pulled Parker out of the pinning predicament. Darby flew off the apron with a senton on Menard. Darby hit the Coffin Drop on Parker and pinned him!

Christian Cage stood up, saying he was getting tired of these guys.

Christian Cage: “Very impressive victory. Nick Wayne, after I went home last week, I was scrolling through your mom’s Instagram account. Your mom doesn’t post enough bikini pics. But don’t worry. I sent her a special request on the side.

“There’s still a lot of talk about Darby and Sting’s win in London, and as the Franchise here, it’s embarrassing. Now I just want to remind everyone I did not take the loss for that match, and I didn’t have my regular partner with me. So, I propose next week, Darby Allin and Sting against me and Luchasaurus. If you’ve got the balls, I’ll see you in New York City!”

Main Event Time!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Finals!

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom)!

Samoa Joe applied a wrist lock and then headbutted Roddy’s hands, trying to neutralize Roddy’s infamous chops. Roderick Strong was wiped out with a shoulder tackle from Samoa Joe. Joe followed up with jabs in the corner, breaking down Strong in the corner.

Roddy rallied back with a quick kick to Samoa Joe’s face. Strong connected with a dropkick. Strong cranked on Joe’s neck. Samoa Joe nailed Roddy with the Manhattan Drop and followed up with a senton.

Samoa Joe powerslammed Roderick Strong for a near fall. Roddy escaped a powerbomb and staggered Joe with a shoulder tackle. Roddy blasted Joe with a knee strike underneath the jaw. Samoa Joe planted Strong with a uranage! Samoa Joe was looking for the Muscle Buster, but Mike Bennett jumped on the apron to distract Samoa Joe. Roderick Strong stunned Samoa Joe with the Sick Kick for a near fall.

“What a battle here,” said Taz.

Samoa Joe battered Roderick Strong out of the air and then applied the submission, forcing Roderick Strong to tap out!

Samoa Joe will be facing AEW World Champion MJF next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam!

Samoa Joe: “Oh Max! It seems my little prophecy has come true and next week, I go to your backyard and I’m coming for you. Because I’m going to beat you down and take everything you have kid. Everything.”

Adam Cole came down to the ring. Roderick fell to the mat, clutching his neck. The Kingdom told Adam Cole that this was his fault.

Excalibur questioned whether or not Roderick Strong was really injured or if this was a ruse.

The medical staff placed Roderick Strong on a backboard and stretchered him to the back. The Kingdom told Adam Cole not to follow them or Roderick to the back. Samoa Joe struck from behind, blindsiding Adam Cole and choking him out!

“I’m going to take everything from you, Max!” said Samoa Joe.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

This Saturday night, AEW returns to Cleveland, OH for a night of COLLISION at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse! With two Grand Slam World Championship Eliminator Tournament Semi-Finals on tap, as well as a TBS Open Challenge, an International Champion defense pitting Jon Moxley against Action Andretti, BC GOLD, and more, this is quite the loaded edition of Saturday night’s premier wrestling program!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the historic Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC!

Nigel McGuinness and Ian Riccaboni were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Tony Schiavone informed Ricky Starks that he has been banned from wrestling for AEW for 30 days due to his attack on Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat last week on Collision.

Ricky Starks: “You have to have consequences for your actions. And I’m not talking about myself. I’m talking about Steamboat. Steamboat cost me the match, so I had to whoop his ass. Every single parent here understands.

“The other thing I want to touch on…yeah, I figured you guys would suspend me. All you people backstage want to play in my face like I’m some type of joke. So, I went and got a manager’s license. I’m still going to be on this show each and every week because this is my show!

“You don’t have to like me, but you don’t have to love me, but guess what, you will respect me. I’m unhinged right now. CM Punk, I want you to know one thing. Blood is on your hands, brother. You brought that man into this ring, and you are the reason that he got 10 lashes. So, my question to you is, you got the W, and I got the L, but guess what? I can live with mine, can you? No. You aren’t Superman, you aren’t bulletproof, and you damn sure ain’t ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks.

“Right here, right now, I am proclaiming that I am going to set this whole damn company on fire and I’m going to start next week. You want a war? Guess what? I’m going to bring a war to your front door and I’m going to make sure your mommy, your daddy, and your sister all understand that I am ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks and there ain’t nobody like me on Dynamite and on this damn show!”

The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens


Iron Savages—Bronson & Boulder!

Bowens traded forearms with Bronson. Bowens got the upper hand, and then tagged out to Max. Boulder got chopped by Max. Boulder held up both members of the Acclaimed and hurled them overhead and to the mat.

Bowens cleaned house on the Iron Savages. Boulder and Bronson planted Bowens. Caster ran in to break up the pin attempt on Bowens. Caster springboard dropkicked Bronson off the shoulders of Boulder.

Jack Jameson jumped into the ring and Bowens nailed him with Scissor Me Timbers. The Acclaimed hit double FameAssers on their opponents and scored the victory.

Caster: “Yo! Yo! Yo! Listen! Tonight, the best two man team in this sport has returned because the Acclaimed is back! This Wednesday on Dynamite we’re wrestling again baby. And even though Billy’s not with us, we’ve got the spirit of Billy with us always.”

Bowens: “And in the spirit of Billy Gunn, last week Max and I got to say goodbye, but you guys didn’t get to say goodbye. I know Billy is at home watching. So, Greensboro, throw those scissors in the air and make some noise for the legend that is Billy Gunn. We love you, Billy! The world loves you, Billy! And everyone loves the Acclaimed!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Bullet Club Gold!

Jay White: Lexy you need to be smiling a bit. Because you’re hanging out with the Bang Bang Gang! Not only are we the best, this is the most elite version of Bullet Club ever. I know there’s a handful of guys that like to call themselves the Elite, but they don’t have the right to.

“Two of those guys walk around calling themselves the best brother tag team ever. They also don’t have the right to do that. That right is reserved for a couple of top guns.”

The Gunns said they would ride into Dynamite this Wednesday and show the Young Bucks why the Gunns are the best brother tag team in AEW.

TBS Champion Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale


Diamante & Mercedes Martinez!

Diamante and Statlander slugged it out. Willow tagged in and splashed Diamante for a near fall. She booted Diamante in the face.

Martinez and Diamante double dropkicked Willow after placing her in the Paradise Lock. Willow rallied back by choke slamming Diamante onto a prone Martinez. Statlander grabbed the hot tag and dished out clotheslines to the opposition.

Kris and Willow hit their opponents with double sentons. Diamante rocked Kris with a cutter. Martinez threw Diamante over the top rope and out onto her opponents outside the ring. Willow came back with a pounce onto Martinez. Kris smashed Diamante with a fisherman busterman spin driver. Martinez rolled up Willow and pinned her, with the help of Diamante giving leverage to Martinez.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Toni Storm!

Storm: “Listen, I don’t know who you are, but I demand a little respect. I’ve been a little depressed since losing my title but today I’m feeling a little better because not only do I have my rematch at Wembley Stadium but also because my girl Saraya will be in the match. Which means no funny business. That means I’m finally going to get a fair fight because these other girls are trouble, and everybody knows it.”

Ring of Honor World TV Champion Samoa Joe vs. Andrew Everett!

Samoa Joe jabbed at Everett. Joe crushed Andrew in the corner with a splash. Samoa Joe rocked Everett with a lariat and then locked in his submission to force the tap out!

Samoa Joe: “My name is Samoa Joe. I stand here as your now and forever king of television. And your king came here tonight looking for the answer of a champion. But as I stand in the ring right now, I’m met with the deafening silence of a coward. And as far as I’m concerned, your Real World Champion is acting like a real b—tch right now!

“I gave you the courtesy of asking. I gave you the mercy of letting you know what would happen. And since you don’t seem very talkative tonight, allow me to say this. I began coming out here by asking you for what I want. But now Punker, I’m going to convince you.”

Next Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus came out to the ring!

Christian Cage: “I know there’s a lot of second bests to come out of North Carolina. We all know that Michael Jordan isn’t the greatest basketball player of all time. And as far as professional wrestling goes, everybody knows that I am far superior to Ric Flair or any other wrestler from North Carolina for that matter.

“As the TNT Champion, I, we, don’t expect, we demand respect. Lately I felt a little disrespected by Darby Allin. Now Darby, I’ve already told you this, as long as this TNT Championship is in my possession, you will never touch it again. Do you understand me?

“I heard you say that you paint half your face because you’re 50% dead inside. I’m building a legacy. Do you understand me? If you keep pursuing my TNT Championship, I’ll give you the other 50%.”

Arn Anderson walked out with Brock Anderson!

Arn: “That’s about enough. This is not Darby Allin. We’re the Andersons. They know us around here. This is hallowed ground in professional wrestling. This is horsemen country. Before we get too much further into this, I would like to point something out to the sea monster to your left. Breaking news: you’re the champion, not him!

“If this was 20 years ago, I’d slide into the ring and I’d spinebuster you and I’d walk out with that title. I’ll tell you what. You didn’t think this was over did you? Go get him, son.”

Brock Anderson jumped into the ring and the match began!

Luchasaurus booted Brock in the face. He followed up with another thrust kick. Luchasaurus planted Brock hard onto the mat!

Brock battled back with right hands to Luchasaurus. The champ choke slammed Brock. Luchasaurus plowed into Brock with a lariat from behind and then pinned him!

Darby Allin jumped into the ring with a skateboard! Darby wasted no time, jumping off the turnbuckle with his skateboard and landing right onto Luchasaurus’ back!

Darby: “You’re a dinosaur, right? You’ve been around for 65 billion years. In that whole time have you ever had a skateboard up your ass?! And Christian, I’m getting really sick of you talking. Don’t you want to be a fighting champion? Next week on Collision, Darby Allin against Christian, what do you say?!”

Christian Cage: “You’re on!”

Darby Allin: “And when I’m done with you, at All Out, Luchasaurus, I’m going to put some respect back on that championship’s name when I become the new face of TNT!”

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Powerhouse Hobbs!

Hobbs: “So last week an opportunity presented itself. Chicago, the United Center, All Out. The very place where Collision began. Now Schiavone, you know over the last few months I haven’t found any peace. So, what did I do? I took myself back to the Bay and I found the one thing that means something to me. That’s the Book of Hobbs.

“Like I said last week, I don’t want anyone’s help and I don’t need anyone’s help. The next chapter is entitled ‘Redemption.’ I’ll tell you how I’m going to redeem myself. I need to call out the Redeemer. So, Miro, bring your ass out!”

“The Redeemer” Miro’s music began to play!

Miro walked onto the ramp! Miro walked to the ring and was glaring at Hobbs. Out of nowhere, Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto ran out and ambushed Miro! They rammed Miro into the steel ring steps! They threw Miro into the ring. Hobbs planted Miro with a spinebuster!

Main Event Time!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The House of Black—Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black


CMFTR—AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR & “Real World Champion” CM Punk!

Jim Ross joined the commentary team for this match!

Buddy backed Punk into the turnbuckles. Buddy blasted Punk with a shoulder block. Cash Wheeler tagged in. Cash used an arm drag on Buddy and tagged in Dax Harwood.

Dax suplexed Buddy Matthews and followed up with a leg drop. Brody King grabbed a tag and chopped Dax in the chest. Dax used some smash mouth tactics to bring Brody to his feet.

FTR dropkicked Brody, knocking him to the arena floor. Malakai Black tagged in. Punk ducked a roundhouse kick from Black. Both teams entered the ring and began to brawl!

Brody King helped isolate Dax into the House of Black’s corner. Harwood DDT’ed Malakai Black! Dax tagged out to CM Punk. Punk nailed Buddy with a running knee strike. Punk hoisted up Buddy for the GTS, but Buddy escaped. Punk rocked Buddy with a clothesline. Punk climbed to the top turnbuckle. Julia Hart distracted the ref just long enough for Malakai Black to knock Punk down.

Brody tagged in and ran into Punk with a cannonball in the corner! Brody followed up with a snap suplex. Punk was caught in the wrong corner. Punk came back out of nowhere with a GTS on Buddy Matthews!

Punk tagged out to Wheeler. Cash cut Brody King down to size. He caught Black with a powerslam. FTR sent all three members of the House of Black out of the ring. Wheeler flew out, through the ropes and right at the House of Black!

Cash nailed Brody with a bulldog off the top rope. Brody rallied back with a double DDT on FTR! Dax and Cash cut off his momentum with a superplex! Punk dropped an elbow off the top rope and onto Brody for a near fall!

CMFTR blasted Brody with a Super Shatter Machine! But Buddy hit a meteora on Cash! Harwood got nailed with a running knee from Black. Punk and Black dropped one another with massive kicks!

Punk drove Black into the barricade with a tope suicida! Harwood hit a diving headbutt on Brody King! Out of the shadows, Samoa Joe grabbed CM Punk and locked on a sleeper in the front row! Julia Hart jumped onto the ring apron and distracted the referee. Brody wrecked Dax with a spinning lariat and pinned him!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Fight for The Fallen on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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