This is Episode #199 (part 1 of 3) Broken Matt tells us the rules of a Squash Match. Nick wants one thing from Matt. Luchasaurus confides in some old friends. Plus some in ring action from the BTE Compound! SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) VS Team High Risk (Simon Lotto & Steven Andrews) in a Squash Match. Scorpio Sky vs The Librarian (Peter Avalon) vs Brandon Cutler in a Triple Threat Match. We at BTE are fully aware of the gravity of the current situation. At this point in time we are obeying all stay at home orders and following all necessary precautions. At the time of this taping, we followed all guidelines that were in effect at the time, most importantly the limit on gatherings larger than 10 people. Rest assured that all participants of this taping were examined prior to filming and perceived to be healthy enough to participate. As important as we believe entertainment be in this difficult time, we would never risk our health or the health of our family to pursue it. Please enjoy this episode in the safety of your homes, and continue to follow all current health guidelines.

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** We fade in to Jake “the Snake” Roberts, sitting alone in a room. He addresses “The American Nightmare” Cody. “Tick…tock…tick…tock, here were are again folks. My history will not be my destiny. Famous words…quoted by me. Let me ask you a simple question: Would you stand in front of a train that was barreling down that track? “Would you jump out of an airplane without a parachute? “Would you stand in the ring and look at Lance Archer and think you’ve got a prayer of winning? “See all three things, you’ll wind up in the same position: done. You step in the ring with Lance Archer and it is done! “You see what happened to poor Marko, and I know what happened to you, Marko. Nobody else wanted it and you saw that as an opportunity to prove to everybody—you thought—that you were willing and you were a man. Marko sometimes it’s better to be thought a fool than to speak up or take action and erase all doubt. You’re an idiot. “Now Cody please don’t let this one slip away from you. I gotta funny feeling about this one that you might just get beat by Shawn Spears. That’d surprise everyone but me. See I’m looking for you to do that, to let him get away from you, banana peel slip, ‘Oh, I didn’t mean for that to happen.’ So you don’t have to face us. Cody are you a man or a mouse? Squeak up. Tell me.” Fade out. This week’s DYNAMITE kicked off with Tony Schiavone and Le Champion Chris Jericho doing commentary. Tony asked Jericho what he thought of Jake “the Snake” Roberts’ comments. “He’s the master of manipulation. Jake Roberts is one of the greatest minds the wrestling business has ever seen and now he’s instilling all of that knowledge and attitude into Lance Archer,” said Jericho. Our opening contest was The Murderhawk Monster Lance Archer against Alan Angels! The Murderhawk Monster began right away mauling the competition. Archer gave Angels an overhand suplex from a chokeslam position! “I’ve never seen anything like that before, Tony!” said Jericho. “Archer will face Colt Cabana in the first round of the tournament coming up,” added Tony. Lance Archer finished up with a running elbow and then “the Blackout” for the three-count! “He blacks out another one, decimating Alan Angels,” said Tony. “Lance Archer dominates tonight!” concluded Jericho. Our next match was Dr. Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida (10th week as #1 Title Contender)! Baker ducked out of the way from Shida. They got into a shoving match, but Baker pulled Shida’s hair. Shida fought back with forearm strikes. Baker took out Shida’s educated feet, and began pulling Shida’s hair again. Shida had enough and started pulling Baker’s hair. Baker gave a high knee lift to Shida and almost scored an early victory. Shida kicked out at two! Baker was throwing hard punches to Shida’s face! Baker stretched Shida over the ropes, pulling back on her arms. Baker and Shida started brawling on the outside. Baker was draped over the steel barricade and Shida delivered a running knee! Shida almost got the win with a vertical suplex on Baker. Shida rolled up Baker with a triangle choke/armbreaker combo, but Baker was able to grab a rope to cause the ref to break the hold. Baker countered with a sling blade and then a butterfly suplex for a near fall! “These two ladies have turned it on!” said Tony. Baker used a side leg sweep and tried for the mandible claw, but this time Shida grabbed a rope! The two slugged it out in the center of the ring and then traded thrust kicks. Baker was bleeding from the nose. “She might have a busted nose,” observed Jericho. Shida hit the Tiger Driver on Baker! Baker countered by rolling up Shida for a two-count! Baker trapped Shida and asked the ref for a rubber glove before she applied the mandible claw. Shida capitalized on the momentary delay and blasted Baker with a running knee to the bloodied nose! “These girls are pounding the hell out of each other,” said Tony. Shida deadlifted Baker on the turnbuckles and dropped her straight down! Shida finished Baker with a giant running knee for the three-count! “We have seen a battle!” said Tony. Kenny Omega and Michael Nakazawa were shown from earlier in the day getting ready for tonight’s match. “What’s it been like, six, seven years? We made a good team in DDT. But we need a name. Any ideas?” asked Kenny. “Yeah. The Best Friends,” replied Nakazawa. “AEW already has a team named ‘The Best Friends,’” laughed Kenny. “Yeah, but we really are best friends. You’re an EVP. You can make it happen. Change it,” said Nakazawa. “I’ll think about it,” said Kenny. The door opened from inside their trailer and Orange Cassidy popped out, seemingly having listened to the entire conversation. Cassidy was not pleased and he let Trent and Chuck Taylor inside. “We heard everything you said and you should be ashamed. You wanna take our name?!” yelled Trent. “We’ll put it on the line!” added Chuckie T. “I guess it’s a match and if we win, we’ll be ‘The Best Friends,’” Kenny said to Nakazawa. A highlight package aired previewing next week’s Empty Arena No Holds Barred Match! It’ll be “The Big Hurt” Jake Hager challenging the champ Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship! “Me and Jake Hager are not in the business of putting smiles on people’s faces. This is a fight. This is gonna be ugly. This is violent,” said Moxley. Hager: “I’m a prizefighter. I don’t want to be champion for the love of the sport. I want to be champion because it pays more.” The next match was Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent (accompanied by “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy) vs. Kenny Omega & Michael Nakazawa! Shawn Spears was sitting in the front row and yelled to Michael Nakazawa to impress him, because Spears is still looking for a tag-team partner. Omega and Taylor squared off first for their respective teams. Taylor took down Omega with two quick arm drags a la Ricky Steamboat. Trent was tagged in and came down with a double-ax handle onto Kenny’s arm. Nakazawa poured baby oil down his chest. Trent tried to chop him, but he kept slipping off. Omega and Nakazawa showed off some tremendous tag-team strategies, working over Trent in the corner. “This is part of Kenny Omega’s brilliance. He has many different styles,” said Le Champion. The Best Friends showed off tandem offense of their own with twin topes. Orange Cassidy entered the ring and was able to distract Omega and Nakazawa for The Best Friends. Nakazawa squirted baby oil into Orange’s eyes, but Orange’s sunglasses protected him. Orange jumped onto Omega on the outside! Omega connected with a backstabber and then the snapdragon suplex on Trent! Omega went after Chuckie T., but Trent stopped Omega with a running boot. Chuck planted Omega with a powerbomb, but Michael Nakazawa stopped the count short with interference. Nakazawa put the Ultimate Venom Arm on Trent! He tried again and inadvertently connected with partner Kenny Omega! Trent gave Michael Nakazawa a nasty piledriver, and then The Best Friends spiked him with their combo for the three count! Both teams gave a big group hug of friendship after the match. A video aired of The Exalted One—Brodie Lee. He pulled up in a Mercedes and asked the minions awaiting outside if they understood the concept that perception equaled reality. “I am here to make every single life I touch extraordinary. And when it gets laborious, when it becomes a sacrifice to you, that means you are looking at the exit ramp and not the highway ahead where the next sign reads: Unlimited Power. Unlimited Success.” Mr. Brodie pointed to one of the minions who was wearing a necktie and said he had a job for him, and he escorted him through a back door marked with a sign that read:“AEW”. Matt Hardy greeted us at the Hardy compound. “Chris Jericho, last week you insulted my allies The Elite. I know the Circle that is Internal thinks they are going to take over All Elite Wrestling. But I cannot and will not allow that!” Hardy called for Vanguard 1, who had set fire to the shirt that it had taken from Chris Jericho last week. “It’s a dumpster fire. This is what is going to happen to the Inner Circle. They are going to become a dumpster fire because they shall be broken! Myself and The Elite shall Delete! Delete! Delete them!” Hardy challenged Le Champion Chris Jericho. “I have a very special offer for you. Accept my invitation. Come to the Hardy compound. Face me in the Elite Deletion!” Lee Johnson vs. “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee was next! Lee Johnson tried for a dropkick as the bell rang, but he was swatted away by The Exalted One! Mr. Brodie used a senton on his opponent, and then a spinning slam! He followed up with a spinning discus lariat, making short work of Lee Johnson! In a Quarter Final Match in the TNT Championship Tournament—it was “The Chairman” Shawn Spears vs. “The American Nightmare” Cody (accompanied to the ring by Brandi Rhodes)! The two locked horns and Cody took down Spears with a headlock. Spears grappled his way out from Cody’s grip. Spears lifted a knee to Cody’s midsection and lit him up with chops! Cody took down Spears again, this time with a leg sweep. Spears rolled to the outside to buy some time. Cody used the ropes to springboard into a cutter for a two-count on Spears! Cody worked over Spears arm, but Spears rolled Cody up for a near fall. Cody knocked Spears into the corner with stiff forearm shots. Spears kicked out of multiple pinning attempts by Cody. Spears rolled out of the way of a moonsault and then planted Cody with a piledriver! Spears whipped Cody into the turnbuckles. Cody rolled to the outside and Spears followed him. Spears disassembled one of the guardrails and propped it against the side of the ring. Spears suplexed Cody down onto the metal guardrail! Back in the ring, Spears scoop slammed Cody. Spears went for a springboard splash but Cody lifted up his knees just in time! Cody started a comeback with knees and a big powerslam! Cody missed “Beautiful Disaster” and Spears countered for a two-count! Spears slid a table from underneath the ring, but Cody knocked him down with a running dive! Cody climbed to the top rope but Spears met him there and launched him onto the mat! Spears countered the Cross Rhodes and went for his C4, and instead he flung Cody over the top rope, sending him crashing down through the table! Cody managed to get back to the ring before ref Aubrey Edwards counted to 10! Spears tried for the C4 again but Cody countered with not one, but two Cross Rhodes! Spears kicked out at two! Cody applied the figure four leglock onto Spears! Cody shifted his body weight, never letting go of the figure four, and the ref counted Spears shoulder down for the three-count victory! “The American Nightmare” Cody advances to the next round of the tournament! Catch all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT next week!

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It’s that time, time for another exciting week of AEW “Dynamite” coming at you on TNT at 8pm EST/7pm CST, and it is going to be one for the history books! Why you ask? Because this week marks the beginning of the tournament to crown the very first TNT Champion! Between AEW “Dark” and “Dynamite” last week the eight men competing in this tournament were announced, as were their quarter-final match-ups, and now it all kicks off this week before your very eyes with an “All Out” rematch. In addition to that, two of the top athletes in the women’s division will collide with both looking to get a shot at the championship held by Nyla Rose and Kenny Omega will be in tag team action against The Best Friends with Michael Nakazawa as his partner! ***RANKINGS AS OF 4/1*** TNT CHAMPIONSHIP QUARTER-FINAL MATCH… (#3) CODY VS. SHAWN SPEARS It’s a rivalry born many moons ago in a world far from that of AEW, one that exploded when Shawn blasted a chair across the skull of Cody, and one that was ultimately quelled when Cody defeated Spears at “All Out” last year. Between the commentary Cody offered on “AEW Dark” during a Spears match, the announcement of this first round match-up, and the tag team match that took place last week on “Dynamite”, it’s safe to state that eight months have done nothing to tame the animosity, especially from Spears towards Cody. Now put the factor of the TNT Championship into the picture, and this rematch has a whole new meaning beyond just some sense of redemption for Shawn Spears. The loss to Cody was devastating to his AEW career, it can be argued it sent Spears into a downward spiral and that even the tutelage of the legendary Tully Blanchard has not been able to bring consistency to Shawn’s career. But now he has the opportunity to be the first man to advance to the Semi-Finals, to be one step closer to being the first TNT Champion, those are things that may bring the fight in Spears to a whole new level. And in the case of Cody, also add in the factor that he now finds himself in a position to actually claim a singles championship in AEW after boxing himself out of the World Title picture with that heart-breaking loss to Chris Jericho some 6 months ago at “Full Gear”. Cody can become a champion, a destiny may thought was set in stone from the dawn of AEW, but he has to put down the challenge of The Chairman one more time to get closer to that dream. ONE-ON-ONE… (#1) HIKARU SHIDA VS. (#4) DR. BRITT BAKER D.D.S It was 5 months ago, Indianapolis, AEW “Dynamite” with Shida versus Baker on the card…and to the shock of many, it was Hikaru Shida who left with the win that night. And although she suffered a few defeats in the aftermath of that surprising win, Shida now sits at the top spot in the Women’s Rankings and has won seven of her last eight matches, with the one blemish there coming in a tag team contest. Baker, on the other side of the ring come Wednesday night, has been frustrated in her attempts to become the “Face of the Women’s division” in fact, and not just in her own words. Britt challenged, unsuccessfully, for the championship on two occasions during the reign of Riho, and as of late, has seemed content in running her mouth. She’s done it to Tony Schiavone, she’s done it to Big Swole, and as seen in that video embedded above, she’s done it to Hikaru Shida as well. Britt Baker has been disrespectful to her peers, because quite frankly she does not see any of them as her peers, even a chicken sandwich apparently ranked higher on her concerns than Shida last week. Well this week Baker will have to focus her concerns on the #1 Ranked Woman in AEW, because Brit is set to go one-on-one with Hikaru Shida on Wednesday night! It’s the good doctor’s first singles match since February 26th, and it is one tremendous opportunity for Baker to knock Shida off the top of the mountain and to move up from her #4 spot. And for Shida, well it’s a golden opportunity to knock some respect into Dr. Baker and continue to exert her dominance over the Women’s division in preparation for a match with AEW Women’s World Champion Nyla Rose. TAG TEAM ACTION… WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPION KENNY OMEGA & MICHAEL NAKAZAWA VS. (#5) THE BEST FRIENDS (TRENT & CHUCK TAYLOR) W/ ORANGE CASSIDY It’s starting to sound like a broken record these last several week’s on “Dynamite”, but last week when Kenny Omega and Trent collided in a singles bout, it undoubtedly stole the show. It more than demonstrated that Omega is firing on all cylinders after that wrist injury, and certainly showed the world that Trent can hang with the cream of the crop in singles action, just as he does in tag team competition. Now those two will meet once more, this time in tag team action, as The Best Friends of Trent and Chuck Taylor unite to take on Omega and his erstwhile tag team partner Michael Nakazawa! It has been nearly 6 years since the last time Kenny and Michael united as a tag team, and even longer since they were a duo competing together on the regular. But now, for this one night, they will reunite to take on Chuck and Trent! Will Omega and Nakazawa rekindle their old successes this Wednesday night, or will the #5 ranked team in AEW add another win to their 2020 record and clear that .500 mark? Tune in to TNT to find out first-hand! “THE EXALTED ONE” BRODIE LEE IN ACTION… Be it in the ring, or sitting at a dinner table, the presence of “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee is an intimidating one to foes and followers alike. The method in which he rules over The Dark Order strikes fear into the hearts of his minions, and the decimating force he brings into the squared circle strikes fear into the hearts of Mr. Brodie’s opponents. Just ask QT Marshall what it’s like to stand across the ring from The Exalted One, or ask #8 what it feels like to disappoint him…if that individual is still present in The Dark Order. So it is with great trepidation that we announce that this week Brodie Lee will be in action once again, and heaven help whomever is standing across the ring from The Exalted One. It’s AEW “Dynamite” coming to you at 8pm EST/7pm CST each and every week on TNT! Don’t miss a moment as the Quarter-Finals of the TNT Championship begin, Shida and Baker bring the best in Women’s wrestling, the finest tag team division in wrestling continues to shine, and plenty more coming your way this Wednesday night!!

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Does two losing streaks equal a winning streak? Colt Cabana keeps his promise to make an appearance on BTE. What will it take to get Nick back to 100 percent? – Peter Avalon & Brandon Cutler vs SCU (Chris Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) – Young Bucks VS Team High Risk (Simon Lotto & Steven Andrews) We at BTE are fully aware of the gravity of the current situation. At this point in time we are obeying all stay at home orders and following all necessary precautions. At the time of this taping, we followed all guidelines that were in effect at the time, most importantly the limit on gatherings larger than 10 people. Rest assured that all participants of this taping were examined prior to filming and perceived to be healthy enough to participate. As important as we believe entertainment be in this difficult time, we would never risk our health or the health of our family to pursue it. Please enjoy this episode in the safety of your homes, and continue to follow all current health guidelines.

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** Tony Schiavone and “The American Nightmare” Cody (& Pharaoh) kicked off the show from ringside, running down tonight’s card! They revealed the matches for the other side of the TNT Championship Tournament Bracket: “Superbad” Kip Sabian vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes & “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer vs. “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana The tournament begins next week! Our first bout of the evening was AEW World Tag-Team Champion Kenny Omega (on a 6-match singles winning streak) vs. TRENT (accompanied by Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy)! Cody noted that TRENT is a 16-year pro in the wrestling ring. Kenny and Trent chain-wrestled early on in the matchup. They traded forearms and then Kenny began stomping on Trent. “Kenny is an absolute mauler of a striker,” said Cody. Kenny ran into the corner where TRENT put the double-stomp on him, and then pulled off a moonsault to the outside. Kenny retaliated with a tope con giro to The Best Friends. Kenny followed up with a Bret Hart-style backbreaker on TRENT. “He smells blood here,” said Cody. Kenny went for the pin attempt after three consecutive backbreakers. Kenny continued to work over TRENT’S back, throwing him hard into the turnbuckle. TRENT stomped on Kenny’s hand out of desperation. He dropped a knee along Kenny’s jaw, and then took him over with a snapmare. Trent dropped sledgehammer fists on Kenny, who rolled out of the ring to buy some time. Kenny blasted TRENT with a deadlift German suplex on the outside floor! He then threw TRENT into the ringside barrier. “This is a donnybrook!” said Tony Schiavone. Kenny caught TRENT and spiked him spine-first into a post on the outside of the ring! TRENT grabbed Kenny with a tornado DDT, a la Jerry Lynn! TRENT was still alive in this match! TRENT followed up with a baseball slide snap German suplex to Kenny! “These guys have entered the fourth quarter here,” said Cody. Kenny nailed TRENT with a half-nelson suplex and a knee! TRENT fought back but missed a running knee strike of his own. Kenny countered with a quick snapdragon suplex. TRENT threw heavy back elbows and a lariat to Kenny! “The Cleaner” came back with a V-trigger! With two minutes left, TRENT suplexed Kenny off the top rope, and almost got the three count with a running knee! Kenny battled back with a knee strike and with barely a minute remaining, Kenny pulled out the victory with the One-Winged Angel! In a show of mutual respect, Kenny and TRENT shook hands when the match concluded. This was followed by (#1 ranked) Hikaru Shida vs. Anna Jayy! Shida took down Jayy with a shoulder block, but Jayy countered with a running knee. Shida gave a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to Jayy. Shida gave a running knee to Jayy, while Dr. Britt Baker was on the outside of the ring advising Shida not to approach her. “Don’t come any closer!” said Baker. Shida knocked down Jayy with an ultra stiff forearm! Shida blocked Jayy’s attempt at a knee strike. Jayy rolled up Shida with a schoolgirl pinning attempt, but Shida countered with a submission. Jayy escaped by clutching the bottom rope! Shida won after planting Jayy on her head! “Shida has now won seven of her last eight matches in AEW,” noted Tony Schiavone. Shida approached Dr. Baker at ringside. Shida kicked the barricade to intimidate Dr. Baker. Dr. Baker took off her shoe and threatened to club Shida with it if she got in her personal space. Up next was a video package highlighting the escalating tension between “Big Hurt” Jake Hager and AEW World Champion Jon Moxley! “I guarantee Mox will get everything Jake Hager has,” said Hager. “He is just a man. There is a formula. There is an Achilles’ heel. I’m not looking for applause. I’m looking to fight Jake Hager!” said Moxley. In two weeks on DYNAMITE, tune in for Hager against Moxley in an Empty Arena No Holds Barred match for the AEW World Championship! “Boom Boom” Colt Cabana joined Tony Schiavone at the commentary table. The next match was the official AEW in-ring debut of “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer vs. Marko Stunt! Archer knocked Marko down with a lariat before the bell rang. He chopped at Marko and yelled threats over to Colt Cabana. Archer invited Marko to give him his best shot. Marko threw some fists at Archer and “The Murderhawk Monster” shrugged them off! “He is laying waste to Marko Stunt,” said Tony Schiavone. Archer ran right into Stunt, who ricocheted out of the ring. Archer pulled Marko back in and choke slammed him. Archer won decisively with his finisher, the Blackout! Archer picked up Marko and launched him out of the ring, over the barricade, crashing onto the Gunn Club and Orange Cassidy. “I’ve never seen a wrestler handled like that ever!” said Tony Schiavone. “Lance Archer made a statement in his debut tonight,” added Cabana. A video package of Brodie Lee and The Dark Order played. Brodie Lee stood at the head of a conference table. He ordered the members of The Dark Order to refer to him as “Mr. Brodie.” One of The Dark Order minions was caught yawning. “Don’t you ever yawn in front of me again! It shows weakness!” said Brodie Lee. #8 & #9 of The Dark Order vs. The Natural Nightmares—“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall (with Brandi Rhodes) was next! QT slapped one of the members of The Dark Order and tagged in Dustin. The Natural Nightmares utilized quick tags to work over #8 and #9 of The Dark Order. Dustin picked up one of the minions and threw him hard onto the mat. #8 and #9 were having their way with QT Marshall. Dustin got the tag and clotheslined the minions and followed through with a bulldog. Dustin powerslammed #9. The Natural Nightmares worked like a well-oiled machine and got a great win over Mr. Brodie’s minions from The Dark Order! The Exalted One, Brodie Lee, walked out of the entrance tunnel. He gave a wicked powerbomb to #8 and stared at #9 of The Dark Order, making his point! #JoinDarkOrder A video package played of Le Champion Chris Jericho. “Today is a holiday,” said Jericho, from his hot tub at home. “Today is April Fool’s Day, and I’ve never met a bigger group of fools than The Elite!” Vanguard 1 snuck up on Jericho and hovered overhead. Jericho wanted to apologize for his harsh comments last week. He invited Vanguard 1 to join The Inner Circle, offering him an Inner Circle t-shirt. Vanguard 1 flew away with the free shirt. “That little bastard stole my t-shirt!” said Jericho. There was an update on Nick Jackson of The Young Bucks. Matt Jackson was shown at his brother Nick’s home, and said, “We can’t really go anywhere, so I brought a ring to you.” There was a wrestling ring set up on Nick’s property. Matt ran Nick through some drills to help him train for a return date. “How’d it feel? Are you ready to get back in there?” asked Matt. “Not yet,” replied Nick. It was time for the main event! “The American Nightmare” Cody (with Brandi Rhodes) & Darby Allin vs. “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara & “The Chairman” Shawn Spears! These four men will be in the first half of the TNT Championship Tournament Bracket! Darby and Sammy started for their respective teams, but Sammy quickly tagged out to Spears. Cody was tagged in after Spears demanded for him. Spears snatched a side headlock on Cody. A big pump kick took Spears down, and then Cody tagged in Darby. Sammy entered the ring and was vlogging for his YouTube channel. Sammy found himself distracted by Brandi at ringside, and Darby capitalized, knocking the “Spanish God” into the guardrail! In the ring, Darby rolled up Shawn Spears but Sammy kneed Darby to break the count! Sammy snap suplexed Darby for a two-count. Sammy wrenched Darby in a headlock, and then jumped onto him with a double stomp! “There’s so much fight in Darby Allin. It’s gonna take a lot,” said Colt Cabana. Sammy and Spears were placing bets on the match while it was taking place! And while this was happening, Darby pulled out a vertical suplex on Spears! Darby tagged in Cody, who scoop slammed Sammy G! Cody followed up with a springboard cutter on Sammy for a two-count! Cody applied a sharpshooter onto Sammy, and then a figure four onto Shawn Spears! Sammy attempted a cutter, but Cody caught him with the Cross-Rhodes! Cody and Spears traded fists and chops in the center of the ring. Cody came off the top with a moonsault onto Spears, possibly injuring his knee upon landing. Darby got the hot tag and cleaned house, hitting a Coffin Drop onto Spears and Sammy! Darby jumped through the ropes to the outside but Spears caught him and chucked him into the steel barricade! Sammy took flight with a missile dropkick onto Darby. Spears connected with a C4 onto Cody on the inside of the ring. Cody rolled out of the ring, but Spears and Sammy double-teamed him. Darby climbed a pole in the venue and from great heights hit the Coffin Drop! Cody took down Sammy with a reverse suplex, but Spears was ready and splashed down on Cody. Spears pulled out a chair to use on Cody, but Darby made the save, and in doing so, was rolled up and pinned by Spears. Cody reached for Darby, and out of frustration, Darby decked Cody clean! Catch all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT next week!

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– Cody and Darby Allin vs. Shawn Spears and Sammy Guevara – Nick Jackson is on the road to recovery – Vanguard 1 invades the Jericho compound – The Natural Nightmares with Brandi Rhodes vs. 8 and 9 – “There Is No Reason For You To Yawn In My Presence” – Lance Archer vs. Marko Stunt – Hikaru Shida vs. Anna Jayy – Kenny Omega vs. Trent (with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy)

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Another Wednesday brings to you, the amazing fans of All Elite Wrestling, another edition of “Dynamite”! Hitting the airwaves at 8pm EST/7pm CST on TNT, we are bringing to you the absolute best wrestling on television. Last week fans saw “Broken” Matt Hardy and “Le Champion” Chris Jericho have a face-to-face confrontation, as well as Kenny Omega retain the AAA Mega Championship in an epic clash with Sammy Guevara. Plus Cody heard the words (embedded below) from Jake Roberts pertaining to Lance Archer, after going through a tremendous battle with Jimmy Havoc. What will this week have in store for the athletes of AEW when we take to the airwaves for “Dynamite”? ***RANKINGS AS OF 3/25*** THE TNT CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE TOURNAMENT!

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— Eight-Man, Single-Elimination Tournament Culminates with Final Match at DOUBLE OR NOTHING in Las Vegas — March 30, 2020 – AEW announced its first-ever “TNT CHAMPIONSHIP,” a high-stakes, eight-man tournament which kicks off on Wednesday, April 8, on the weekly AEW: DYNAMITE show on TNT. The single-elimination tournament will feature the biggest names in AEW all vying for the inaugural TNT CHAMPIONSHIP belt. Wrestlers in the first half of the tournament bracket will be revealed this Tuesday, March 31, on AEW’s YouTube show, AEW DARK. The second half of the bracket will be announced this Wednesday, April 1, during the live AEW: DYNAMITE show on TNT. The TNT CHAMPIONSHIP will culminate with an epic final match at DOUBLE OR NOTHING, AEW’s highly anticipated PPV event on Saturday, May 23, in Las Vegas. “It’s been a privilege working with Kevin Reilly and TNT to bring fans the best live wrestling show week after week on AEW: DYNAMITE, especially during these tumultuous times,” said Tony Khan, president and CEO of AEW. “I’m glad we’re now able to announce the TNT CHAMPIONSHIP. The first ever titleholder will be determined by an unforgettable tournament that fans will not want to miss, and that our wrestlers will be desperate to win. I’m excited for the announcement of the full bracket live on Dynamite this week. And, it’s only fitting that the champion and the title belt will carry the logo of the globally-respected TNT brand, and that they’ll represent not only AEW but also the great quality programming, massive reach, and storied history in the wrestling business that are all associated with TNT.” About AEW AEW is a new professional wrestling promotion headlined by members of The Elite (Cody & Brandi Rhodes, Matt & Nick Jackson, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page) and Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley. For the first time in many years, AEW is offering an alternative to mainstream wrestling, with a growing roster of world-class male and female wrestlers who are poised to bring new spirit, freshness and energy to the industry. The inaugural event under the AEW banner was DOUBLE OR NOTHING in Las Vegas in May 2019. AEW: DYNAMITE is a two-hour weekly show airing on Wednesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. ET on TNT. The action-packed matches take place in different cities across the nation each Wednesday. For more info, check out @AEWrestling (Twitter), @AllEliteWrestling (Instagram), / AllEliteWrestling (FB), AllEliteWrestling (YouTube).

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***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** Tony Schiavone, Kenny Omega, and “The American Nightmare” Cody kicked off the show from the broadcast table, running down tonight’s card! And the opening contest was “The American Nightmare” Cody vs. Jimmy Havoc! Brandi Rhodes was the ring announcer tonight! She gave Cody a kiss as he entered the ring. Havoc got Cody down with some leg sweeps, and an arm drag. Cody used his bulk and brawn to push Havoc into the corner, but Havoc rolled through for a near fall. “I think the more this match becomes a mat-based contest, the more it favors Cody,” said Kenny Omega. Cody hit a cutter off the ropes, and then went for a figure four leg-lock. Havoc poked Cody’s eyes to break the hold. Cody knocked Havoc outside and then blasted him with a tope suicida! They brawled on the outside, and this style favored Havoc. Jimmy Havoc suplexed Cody into the turnbuckle, wrenching Cody’s legs on the ropes in the process. Havoc stomped on Cody’s hands and right elbow. Cody went back to the entrance tunnel, ran down the ramp, and used a running lariat on Jimmy Havoc…”shades of the Great Muta!” said Tony Schiavone. Cody attempted a cutter but was caught in an arm bar by Havoc! Cody rolled to the ropes, and Havoc took him down with a clothesline. Jimmy Havoc was laying in the shots in the corner, but Cody put the brakes on it. Down to the mat they crashed as Cody gave Havoc a reverse suplex! Cody spiked Havoc with two CrossRhodes for the victory via pin fall! Jake “the Snake” Roberts had a message for Cody, played over the big screen. Cody watched from inside the ring. “Lance Archer is chomping at the bit just to get in the ring with somebody from All Elite Wrestling,” Jake said. “Here I am, the best mind that wrestling’s ever had, yet not a phone call when All Elite Wrestling started last year. And not a phone call for Lance Archer, who was in Japan, romping and stomping. Because you guys were afraid. Bring your people. Bring Arn Anderson. Bring all of ‘em. Give us something to sign that says you, Cody, will meet us, one time. One time! That’s all I’m asking for Cody. What are you going to do? It’s up to you, Cody. Trust me.” Cody joined Tony Schiavone at the broadcast table. Tony asked Cody about Jake’s challenge. “I’m aware of Lance Archer’s work in Japan, but he doesn’t have a body of work here. I don’t want to be a whiny babyface so Lance can debut next week. Spoiler!” replied Cody. Next was “SuperBad” Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford) vs. Darby Allin! “Do you get the young Sting vibes when you look at Darby Allin?” asked Cody. “I get that,” replied Schiavone. Darby got tremendous elevation off the top rope and pulled Kip down with an arm drag. Things escalated quickly on the outside of the ring, with Darby getting launched into the metal barricade. Penelope Ford got physically involved in the match, and Cody compared her to legendary pro wrestling valet Baby Doll. Darby smashed Kip with the John Woo dropkick, and then a stunner, good for a two count! From the ring apron, Ford grabbed Darby’s legs, giving Kip enough time to switch gears. Kip smacked Darby with a right hook, but Darby pulled out the win using the Last Supper leg submission! “Big Hurt” Jake Hager squared up with Chico Adams! Hager rammed Chico into the corner post. He followed up with a Vader Bomb! Chico tried to fight back but Hager squashed him with a chokeslam. Hager put him to sleep with an arm triangle in a quick, decisive victory! The AEW World Champion Jon Moxley walked down to the ring. Moxley wasted no time and nailed Hager with the Paradigm Shift! Hager rolled up and snatched Moxley’s leg, applying the ankle lock! Hager retreated out of the ring as Mox swung the AEW championship belt at him! There was a camera backstage and Mox had some choice words for Hager. “I’m 100% good to go, cleared for action, and I’m ready for blood! When this belt is on the line, you’re not walking away, you’re getting carted out on a stretcher, or I’m gonna die trying!” In a video package taped earlier, Brodie Lee was shown eating a steak dinner as two of his Dark Order minions waited for permission at the table to have their first bite. “Strength in numbers. This is the new Dark Order. We do what we want, when we want to now, ok? You understand that? We are the lions of AEW. We prey on the weak. What is wrong with you two? You don’t eat before I’m done. You understand that? That’ll smarten you!” yelled the Exalted One. QT Marshall vs. “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee was next! “QT has an uphill battle for sure,” said Cody on commentary. Brodie booted QT to the mat! He slammed QT into the metal barricade on the outside. Brodie used a running back elbow in the corner and then two vertical suplexes! “QT may have a stinger,” said Cody. Brodie picked up QT and after a few glimmers of hope from QT’s offense, Brodie gave him a spinning sidewalk slam. Brodie then turned QT inside out with a discus lariat. Brodie was victorious in his AEW debut! One of the minions dropped a Dark Order mask onto the torso of QT Marshall, who was writhing in pain. Tony Schiavone said there was an update on Nick Jackson’s condition, brought to us via Vanguard 1 (v 2.0). The drone flew down to Nick Jackson’s house in Rancho Cucamonga, California, where it transmitted its signal. Vanguard 1 spied Nick training his way back to good health! Jackson’s recovery was reported as being at 61%! In an AAA Mega Campeon Championship Match—Kenny Omega defended the title against “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara! “Sammy needs to stay light on his feet here,” said Tony Schiavone. Sammy and Kenny grappled on the mat until Sammy gouged Kenny’s face. They went to the outside and traded chops, slugging it out. Sammy lured Kenny in and clocked him with a forearm! Sammy ducked a clothesline but Kenny followed up with a vertical suplex onto the floor. “I love Kenny but he’s a shark and he smells blood,” said Cody. Kenny went up top for a crossbody block on Sammy. Kenny missed a splash and Sammy countered with an arm bar. Kenny forced the break when he touched the ropes. Sammy continued to work over Kenny’s arm and hand. Sammy missed a moonsault and Kenny capitalized with strikes and a head-butt. Somehow Sammy managed to roll up Kenny with a pinning combination but Kenny kicked out! The AAA Mega Campeon was in trouble as Sammy was connecting with serious shots to Kenny’s jaw! Sammy was rocked with a swift boot from Kenny! He followed that up with double ax handles to Sammy G.! Kenny hooked Sammy and attempted a snapdragon suplex but Sammy rolled out and stomped onto the Cleaner with double boots to the midsection! Sammy used the ropes to springboard and drop Kenny with a cutter! Sammy was caught by Kenny, who powerbombed the Spanish God, then used a V-Trigger! Sammy escaped a Liger Bomb attempt by Kenny! Sammy missed a shooting star press, as Kenny moved just in the nick of time! Kenny wiped out Sammy with a V-Trigger, and then another! Sammy flipped out of Kenny’s snapdragon suplex, but Kenny outsmarted Sammy with the J-Driller! Kenny Omega grabbed the victory after the One-Winged Angel! Le Champion Chris Jericho and Matt Hardy met face to face inside an AEW ring for the first time! “Those arrogant S.O.B.’s got Matt Hardy to pledge his allegiance to The Elite last week. Come down to the ring Matt Hardy.” Vanguard 1 flew down to the ring instead. Jericho said Vanguard 1 was a piece of trash. And then Jericho asked the drone to join The Inner Circle. Vanguard 1 flew away and it outraged Jericho. Matt Hardy was standing at the top of the arena, and then in the blink of an eye, he was teleporting to different parts of the arena, until finally appearing ringside. “Maker of pain, you knew I’d come!” said Matt Hardy. “How did you do that?” asked Jericho. “Because I am magic!” replied Matt Hardy. “When you show up in AEW, you want to align yourself with me, not with the arrogant Elite,” said Jericho. “No, I owe the Bucks of Youth a debt, because they helped resurrect me. And AEW represents freedom. It is my Arcadia. And I cannot allow you and The Inner Circle to run roughshod on AEW!” said Hardy. “I’m gonna give you another shot to join The Inner Circle.” “I am Damascus. And Damascus is over 3,000 years old,” said Hardy. “Then you must be extremely wise. Outside you look very different. But inside you’re the same Matt Hardy that I’ve known for 25 years. Always living in the shadow. The shadow of your brother, the shadow of bad booking, and now the shadow of Le Champion. I’m gonna ask you one more time: are you Inner Circle or are you Elite?” asked Jericho. “Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete!” shouted Matt Hardy. Hardy continued: “Take off your sunglasses because I want you to take a good look at the entity that will delete you and The Inner Circle!” Jericho slapped Hardy, but Hardy punched back, knocking Jericho to the mat! Sammy G. jumped Hardy from behind. Kenny Omega and Cody ran down to help Matt Hardy, swinging steel chairs at Sammy and Le Champion! Catch all the explosive action as AEW DYNAMITE is broadcast on TNT next week!

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