This Friday’s edition of RAMPAGE hails from the Footprint Center in Phoenix, and gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, with a collection of amazing match-ups! We will see Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander, with Stokely Hathway at their side, take on The Outcasts of Ruby Soho and Saraya, while Matt Sydal battles CMLL’s Mistico in singles competition! Plus, as their REVOLUTION 2024 date nears, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy teams with Roppongi Vice to take on The Undisputed Kingdom of Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett! And for the first time since last November’s FULL GEAR 2023 loss to Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho, The Young Bucks will actually step inside the ring to compete!

Before the show begins, swing by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, & Trent Beretta vs. Undisputed Kingdom (ROH World Tag Champions Matt Taven & Mike Bennett and Roderick Strong)

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong are set to do battle at REVOLUTION 2024 provided “Freshly Squeezed” remains champion until that point. Strong is in no hurry to get to the title fight, though Orange has been more than willing to put the belt up at any point, instead he’d rather wear the champion down and bring down those around him. We witnessed it on DYNAMITE with the attack on Chuck Taylor, and that assault brings us to this Trios bout taking place on RAMPAGE!

Though he is set to battle fellow CHAOS member Tomohiro Ishii on COLLISION this Saturday, Orange Cassidy is more than willing to step into this Friday night fight alongside Roppongi Vice of Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero! Frankly Trent seemed less than enthusiastic about Orange fighting Ishii, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be game to pick up this battle alongside a trio he absolutely cannot stand, and Rocky is ready to stand right alongside his brothers-in-arms!

The Undisputed Kingdom, on behalf of Roderick, seems more than willing to remove all the pieces from the chess board before REVOLUTION 2024, leaving Orange all by himself for that championship bout, so that means Trent and Rocky best be wary of what The UK is capable of doing. This may not be about winning for them, and more about hurting Orange and those around him in advance of March 3rd’s pay-per-view extravaganza!


Mistico vs. Matt Sydal

Last week on RAMPAGE, Matt Sydal was one of the members of Team AEW who welcomed the CMLL contingent to their first taste of All Elite competition. Though it was Christopher Daniels who ultimately took the pinfall at Hechicero’s hands, Sydal still felt the sting of that loss though he, and the rest of the men in the match, were taken out of the climax by a Mascara Dorada dive to the floor.

Looking for some redemption, Sydal was on hand Wednesday night to back up The Blackpool Combat Club against the CMLL contingent’s swelling numbers, and this Friday night he will step back into the ring for singles competition against one of the preeminent members of that roster. Unquestionably, Mistico is one of the biggest names on that CMLL side of this fight, his resume includes championships won around the globe, and these two even have a bit of shared history in the form of one lone match over a dozen years ago won by Mistico. 

As representatives from CMLL continue to assert their forces on the members of the AEW locker room, each match pitting one side against the other becomes increasingly important, meaning Sydal isn’t just fighting for himself anymore, but rather for the entirety of All Elite Wrestling! 


Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale vs. The Outcasts (Ruby Soho & Saraya)

Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale, despite the presence of Stokely Hathaway, have managed to persevere through whatever drama he’s tried to kick up, with a friendship that seems tighter than ever. They both come into this Friday having had a successful 2024 thus far, scoring singles wins, tag wins, and even a DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024 multi-woman victory over a team that included The Outcasts!

Speaking of Ruby Soho and Saraya, they are the two women who will face off with Statlander and Nightingale this Friday on RAMPAGE, but in stark contrast to their opponents, The Outcasts don’t seem to be any where near the same page! The source of their tension is clear, it’s all been about the Ruby/Cool Hand Ang relationship, and all that has been done to disrupt it from taking place. The inclusion of Harley Cameron into the dynamic has really poisoned the well, but with this tag team bout, can The Outcasts find that good place again? Can their friendship be restored to the place where it mirrored what Willow and Kris have?



Phoenix, AZ and the Footprint Center host this Friday’s RAMPAGE, beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and featuring AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, and Rocky Romero battling The Undisputed Kingdom in Trios action! Plus, CMLL’s Mistico takes on Matt Sydal, Willow & Statlander take on The Outcasts in tag team competition, and the EVP’s get back to work inside the ring after four months away!

Before the night gets underway, be sure to drop by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER!

Weruche Opia and Jayme Lawson Interview by Big Gold Belt Media with @CamsCollectionWeruche Opia as Coretta ScottJayme Lawson as Betty Shabazz-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Kelvin Harrison, Jr.) and Malcom X (Aaron…

Aaron Pierre Interview by Big Gold Belt Media at the National Museum of African American History & Culture Red CarpetPremiere in Washington D.CAaron Pierre as Malcom X-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Kelvin…

Gina-Prince Bythewood & Reggie Rock Bythewood Interview by Big Gold Belt Media at the National Museum of African American History & Culture Red CarpetPremiere in Washington D.CReggie Rock Bythewood, Executive ProducerGina-Prince Bythewood, Executive Producer-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows…

Weruche Opia Interview by Big Gold Belt Media at the National Museum of African American History & Culture Red CarpetPremiere in Washington D.CWeruche Opia as Coretta Scott-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Kelvin…

Jayme Lawson Interview by Big Gold Belt Media at the National Museum of African American History & Culture Red CarpetPremiere in Washington D.CJayme Lawson as Betty Shabazz-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Kelvin…

Kelvin Harrison Jr. Interview by Big Gold Belt Media at the National Museum of African American History & Culture Red CarpetPremiere in Washington D.CKelvin Harrison Jr. as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows both Dr….

This Friday’s edition of RAMPAGE comes to you from New Orleans and the UNO Lakefront Arena, beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and includes some monumental match-ups! In your main event, the quartet from CMLL will take on the four men who assisted Jon Moxley on Wednesday night, and Willow Nightingale will throwdown with Queen Aminata! Plus, we will hear from AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends, witness a rematch between Private Party and Top Flight, and see AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks take on The Dark Order in an Eliminator match! 

Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, Mistico, & Volador Jr. vs. Angelo Parker, Christopher Daniels, Matt Menard, & Matt Sydal

When the announcement was made that four competitors from the CMLL promotion in Mexico would be appearing for All Elite Wrestling, the excitement level was through the roof. Mistico stoked those fires back in October with this 2/3 Falls bout against Rocky Romero, and the additions of Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, and Volador Jr, only amplified AEW fans’ desire to see their brand of professional wrestling injected into All Elite Wrestling.

Well on Wednesday night those four men certainly injected their presence right into the top of AEW by assaulting Jon Moxley following his victory over Jeff Hardy! Without the rest of The Blackpool Combat Club in the house, one would’ve thought Mox was a man on an island, but perhaps due to the amount of respect he’s built over the years, a most unlikely assortment of men from the AEW locker room hit the ring to stand by his side. Christopher Daniels, Matt Sydal, Angelo Parker, and Matt Menard all stepped up in defense of Moxley, as well as AEW, in the face of this assault by the CMLL quartet!

Well this Friday night, in the main event of RAMPAGE, those four AEW stalwarts will have another opportunity to stand tall for the land they love when they fight all four Luchadors in an eight-man tag! This comes less than twenty-four hours before Hechicero battles Bryan Danielson on COLLISION, and is sure to be a wild ride for the fans experiencing it in-person, as well as those watching on TNT! What will this CMLL contingent bring to the table, and will the AEW quartet be prepared?


AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill & Ricky Starks vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

Big Bill and Ricky Starks have a major challenge on their plate next Wednesday night when AEW returns to Phoenix and the Footprint Center for DYNAMITE. It’s not just that they’ll be defending their AEW World Tag Team Championship, it’s that they will be defending them against the unbeaten tandem of Darby Allin and Sting! There’s an irony in the fact that Sting and Darby began their alliance fighting Ricky Starks, and that they could win their first championship together by beating him as well, but that’s something “Absolute” will have to put out of his mind for the time being as this Friday on RAMPAGE, they’ve got potential challengers gunning for them!

The Dark Order of Alex Reynolds and John Silver have been on a bit of a tag team roll lately; they’ve won six straight tag team bouts dating back to November 1st, are 3-0 in 2024, and that record has landed them the number two position in the Tag Team rankings released Wednesday night! In addition, it has earned Silver and Reynolds this Eliminator contest where they could potentially score a championship match with Big Bill and Ricky Starks! The Dark Order has strong momentum heading into this one, but so do the champions, the only difference is Alex and John have nothing else to focus on while Bill and Ricky have Sting and Darby looking over their shoulders and lingering on their brain!

Can that be the key to The Dark Order earning themselves their first AEW Tag Team Championship match in over two years?


Willow Nightingale vs. Queen Aminata

It’s been over two years since these two women last met inside the squared circle, but this Friday night on RAMPAGE, Willow Nightingale and Queen Aminata will lock-up in the first AEW meeting! On September 11, 2021 it was Willow who walked out of the match with the victory, but with how both have grown as competitors in the time since, it’s going to be very intriguing to see how this one plays out. Queen Aminata, though failing to score any victories, has impressed fans and pundits alike with her fights against Thunder Rosa, Mariah May, Hikaru Shida, and Kris Statlander over recent weeks, proving herself to be on the cusp of breaking through to that next level. She hits hard, and she can take the return fire, and that alone will take her right to the brink, but to truly become next level, Aminata has to start picking up the wins. 

Now with all the drama going on between Kris Statlander, Willow, and Stokely Hathaway (or should that be drama created by Stokely), this may be the most opportune time to score a marquee victory for Queen Aminata. If Willow is distracted by that business, especially with both Stat and Stoke coming ringside with her, then Aminata will certainly score her first major victory in All Elite Wrestling. 


Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Several weeks ago, when DYNAMITE swung through North Charleston, SC, Private Party scored a huge tag team victory over Top Flight in the former’s first match since December 2, 2022. It was a tremendous fight, one that showcased the skills of both young teams, and Private Party looked exceptional despite Marq Quen’s long road to recovery stalling their tag team momentum. Unfortunately, after being unable to put down the Martin brothers for a three count, Marq resorted to a rope-assisted pinfall in order to get the victory, somewhat dampening the overall feel of the contest, and what should’ve been a comeback to celebrate.

That’s not wholely accurate, Private Party has certainly been celebrating the victory like it was perfectly legit, like Marq didn’t mean to hook the ropes for leverage, and he and Isiah are certainly walking around like they proved themselves the better team. Well this Friday night on RAMPAGE, Private Party will have a chance to show once and for all who is the best between these two young teams because Top Flight is getting their rematch! Not only that, but this time Action Andretti has promised to be at ringside to make sure there are no more shenanigans from Isiah or Marq that cost Top Flight the bout!


On Wednesday night we saw The Undisputed Kingdom’s Wardlow decimate Komander, the latest ally of AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy to be targeted by The UK, and as if that wasn’t enough, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett were primed to continue assaulting the man after the bout. Thankfully Rocky Romero, Trent Beretta, and Orange Cassidy were on-the-spot to prevent any further damage from being inflicted on Komander, but rather than fight with them, The Undisputed Kingdom elected to leave the ring.

OC knows that Roderick Strong is trying to drag their potential fight out to REVOLUTION 2024, likely to see “Freshly Squeezed” get worn out the way he was before Jon Moxley ended the last International Championship reign, but Cassidy has made it clear he’s got no intention of stopping his way of doing business. That being said, this Friday night on RAMPAGE, we will hear from Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, and Trent Beretta about this situation!

The UNO Lakefront Arena in The Big Easy is where the fights go down this Friday night on RAMPAGE, and it gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans! We will hear from AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends, as well as witness four of CMLL’s best take on four of AEW’s best, Willow and Queen Aminata go head-to-head, and The Dark Order attempt to earn a shot at the AEW World Tag Titles in an Eliminator fight with the champs! To top it all off, two of AEW’s most impressive young teams will dance again when Top Flight goes a second round with Private Party!

Before the night gets underway, be sure to drop by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER!

On Wednesday night’s DYNAMITE, fans watched as Samoa Joe stood in the center of the ring and told  the AEW locker room just how things were going to go moving forward. Showing he still had no fear despite their vicious fight a week prior, HOOK shook Joe’s hand but told him they would meet again down the line. With that, Joe watched ringside as Adam Page bested Penta El Zero Miedo, saw Swerve Strickland beat Jeff Hardy later in the night, as well as Wardlow defeat Trent Beretta; three men all with aspirations of dethroning the AEW World Champion, all picking up wins as they await the new ratings to drop. On top of that, we saw Thunder Rosa score victory over Red Velvet, the AEW World Trios Championship titles at stake, and that gritty fight between Adam Copeland and Minoru Suzuki!

This Friday RAMPAGE comes your way from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and featuring a quartet of top shelf battles! AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy has laid it out, he wants another challenger, and one will be set when The Butcher, El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, and Kip Sabian battle it out for the next title fight! Jon Moxley has promised to bring the fight to RAMPAGE to which Shane Taylor Promotions’ Lee Moriarty has stepped up to the challenge, Anna Jay and Ruby Soho will lock horns, and Konosuke Takeshita will battle “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels!

Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!F



Kip Sabian vs. El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Komander vs. The Butcher

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy knows that Roderick Strong wants a shot at the title, but  rather than pushing for the immediate fight that “Freshly Squeezed” is willing to give, he wants to wait until March 3rd at REVOLUTION 2024. Well OC isn’t going to just sit around and wait until then, he’s been a defending champion since the moment he beat “The Bastard” PAC to win this championship the first time, and he’s been the same since beating Rey Fenix to kick off the second reign.

That is why he requested a championship fight this Saturday night on COLLISION when AEW debuts in Bossier City , and why this Freshly Squeezed Four Way is going down on RAMPAGE to determine who gets the title opportunity! Cassidy has plenty of history with all four of these men, be it as friend or foe, and successfully defended the International Championship against Kip Sabian, The Butcher, and Komander over the course of his first championship reign, though the last one was only as part of the Blackjack Battle Royale at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023 rather than a singles match. Vikingo is the only one OC has never competed against as a foe, only as an ally in a Trios Match last summer. So it’s reasonable to believe that Cassidy is fine with any one of these men being the one to challenge him Saturday, but what makes the getting there interesting is the alliances that exist between the men here; Kip Sabian and Butcher have been close allies for quite some time now, competing regularly as a trio with The Blade, while Komander and Vikingo have a relationship as both friend and foe dating back several years, with quite a bit of teamwork exhibited on Ring of Honor programming.

All this means that alliances could be made to help accomplish goals, like Kip and Butch working together to eliminate their foes, and then settling the matter between each other after the fact. Will that be how it plays out on Friday night, or will it truly be every man for himself with a championship opportunity on the line?


Jon Moxley vs. Lee Moriarty

Last week on COLLISION, Jon Moxley made his return to All Elite Wrestling after several weeks away competing with NJPW, and even making a challenge towards IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuyo Naito for a championship fight. Waiting for Mox was one of the hardest-hitting individuals in professional wrestling today, the namesake of Shane Taylor Promotions himself, former ROH World TV Champion Shane Taylor. Shane gave Mox a tremendous fight, putting the 3-Time AEW World Champion on his heels several times, but eventually Mox was able to overcome. It was a loss that didn’t sit well with Taylor, but one which he clearly intends to learn from and move on a better fighter than he was beforehand. 

After all, Shane has a young man at his side by the name of Lee Moriarty who also has aspirations of being the best fighter in the world, and that means taking on the best in the game in order to evolve. With that in his mind, #TAIGASTYLE has stepped up to face Jon Moxley this Friday night on RAMPAGE, answering the former champ’s challenge to the rest of the AEW locker room. 

Moriarty danced these steps with Jon Moxley before, and was found wanting when the final bell rang, but that was many moons ago, and Lee has garnered quite a bit of experience since that night. Is it enough to push Moriarty to the next level of competition and give him the biggest victory of his life?


Anna Jay vs. Ruby Soho

This all feels like a set-up, Saraya and Harley Cameron framing Anna Jay for something she’s not remotely responsible for, but Ruby Soho has enough trust left in her Outcast sister to follow in the direction that she is pointing. That brings Ruby to this Friday night on RAMPAGE where, in retaliation for that kiss and how she believes it came to pass, she will fight Anna Jay one-on-one! 

Now the intriguing part of this fight is that Anna Jay will be stepping into the ring just 75 miles away from her hometown of Brunswick, GA, meaning she will have the support of the fans on her side, all while insisting that this drama is not of her doing.

Ruby isn’t hearing that though, all she knows is her relationship with “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker has been put in jeopardy and apparently Anna Jay is to blame! It’s time for vengeance, at least in Ruby’s world, and getting it so close to Anna’s home is just icing on the cake. Will Ruby listen to reason and hear Anna Jay out, or has her anger made her unwilling to listen? And can the relationship between Ruby and Angelo survive all this drama being heaped upon it from outside forces?


-“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita

Savannah, GA hosts this Friday’s edition of RAMPAGE beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and features four men vying for a shot at AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy on COLLISION, Anna Jay and Ruby Soho looking to settle their issues, Jon Moxley taking on Lee Moriarty, and Takeshita battling “The Fallen Angel” in singles competition! Prior to showtime, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER!

Genius: MLK/X review by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:GENIUS: MLK/X follows both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Kelvin Harrison, Jr.) and Malcom X (Aaron Pierre) from their formative years, where they were molded by strong fathers and…

Saturday night is loaded up with All Elite Wrestling action as we present three loaded hours of the best professional wrestling action on the planet between two back-to-back programs! For the first time since October 26, 2022, AEW returns to Norfolk’s Chartway Arena and with it comes both COLLISION and BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX! The former will feature “Hangman” Adam Page coming back to Norfolk for the first time since November 2021 where he arrived the new AEW World Champion, Adam Copeland laying out another Open Challenge as he fights towards another TNT Championship opportunity, The Mogul Embassy defending the ROH World Six-Man Championship against Lance Archer and The Righteous, and Deonna Purrazzo making her COLLISION debut against Red Velvet!

For the ninth edition of BATTLE OF THE BELTS, Chris Jericho will use the title opportunity he earned at FULL GEAR 2023 when he teams with Sammy Guevara to challenge Big Bill and Ricky Starks for the AEW World Tag Team Championship titles! Plus, after Anna Jay’s team defeat Julia Hart’s on DYNAMITE this past Wednesday night, “The Queen Slayer” will face “The Princess of the Black Throne” for her TBS Championship title, and Orange Cassidy will put his AEW International Championship on the line against LFI’s Preston Vance!

The night begins with COLLISION at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, followed immediately by BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, and fans can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!



Adam Copeland vs. ???

After being robbed of his TNT Championship triumph by Killswitch at WORLDS END, and then having to watch that monster turn his moment over to Christian Cage rather than capitalize on it himself, Adam Copeland is a very angry man. But as someone who understands taking advantage of opportunities when they present themselves, Copeland can’t fault the former Luchasaurus from trying to seize his moment, but he can look towards Christian Cage as the target of his rage. Copeland may be able to claim a rematch as the former champion, but he’s chosen to play the game “The Patriarch” has laid out, start from scratch, and work his way back towards another shot at Christian and the TNT Championship.

It began last week when a brave Griff Garrison slapped Copeland across the face in response to Adam’s first Open Challenge, and although it ended with Griff tapping out, it showed a more aggressive side to the young man than we’ve seen in the past. This week on COLLISION, Copeland will lay out another Open Challenge and wait to see just who answers the call for a fight! There are plenty of men in the AEW locker room who dream of using the Hall of Famer as their own personal stepping stone, but all they have to do is ask Griff Garrison just how different that dream can be from the reality!


The Mogul Embassy (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona)(c) vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) 

What an unexpected treat this fight is going to be! Six of the roughest, toughest competitors in professional wrestling locking horns with the ROH World Six-Man Championship titles at stake this Saturday night on COLLISION! The Mogul Embassy are in the midst of their second reign with the titles, having defeated The Elite back on the November 1st edition of DYNAMITE, and sending The Gates of Agony off to New Japan’s World Tag League Tournament on a high note. 

Upon their return, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona reunited with Brian Cage at ROH’s FINAL BATTLE 2023 event to make their first successful defense of this second reign over TMDK representatives Bad Dude Tito, Kosei Fujita, and Shane Haste. The trio were back in action together this past Wednesday night during DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024, only this time joined by a fourth man in Lance Archer, as they faced Preston Vance, Adam Copeland, Dustin Rhodes, and AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy. Communication broke down, Archer accidentally hit Toa Liona, which in turn led to Brian Cage and Lance Archer coming to blows, and the whole thing falling apart until Bishop Kaun got pinned by Vance.

So this Saturday night on COLLISION, the ROH World Six-Man Champions look to even the score with Lance Archer, but in order to do so they’ll have to put those titles on the line against the nascent team of The Righteous and “The Murderhawk Monster”! Under the guidance of Jake “The Snake” Roberts, they are a dangerous trio who could easily bring an end to The Mogul Embassy’s grip on this Six-Man Championship titles! Vincent and Dutch are familiar with them, having held the belts with Bateman for 224 days from FINAL BATTLE 2021: END OF AN ERA to DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2022, and would love to have them in their possession once again, especially with a behemoth like Lance Archer at their side!


“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. Red Velvet

It was just over a week ago that “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo crashed the in-ring debut of Mariah May, declared herself to be All Elite, and made it clear her sights were set on “Timeless” Toni Storm’s AEW Women’s World Championship! It was the first time Purrazzo had been in an AEW ring since her ROH Women’s World Title fight with Mercedes Martinez on May 4, 2022, but back then she was not a part of the AEW roster. This Saturday night on COLLISION, when she steps into the ring against Red Velvet, Purrazzo will be an official member of All Elite Wrestling, and thus beginning her own march towards the title coveted by all the women under the AEW banner. 

Eleven times in her career Deonna has worn a championship around her waist, including that ROH Women’s World Title and the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship, but her aim to make the AEW crown her twelfth could very well be stifled by Red Velvet with their mutual COLLISION debut! In November, Red returned from a nine month injury layoff hungry to get back into a title picture, but she has instead been frustrated by the competitors she has faced. This moment that Deonna Purrazzo aims to make her own could be the one Red Velvet steals to put the spotlight back on her own quest to become the top women in AEW.

It’s a tremendous opportunity for Red Velvet, but the pressure is certainly on Deonna Purrazzo to deliver in her debut as an official member of the All Elite Wrestling roster! Purrazzo has the experience advantage, ten years already under her belt at just 29 years of age, but AEW has been Red Velvet’s home for nearly four years, and she intends to remind everyone just who stirs it up around here!


Daniel Garcia and FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews

Last week FTR defeated The House of Black, as honored by Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black, in their very first tag team contest, but the meatier story was all that surrounded Dax’s pinfall on Buddy. Prior to the end, Brody King made his way to ringside to help his brothers, but was instead cutoff by a chair-wielding Daniel Garcia, the young man serving as equalizer for The House’s attempt to tip the scales in their favor.

What followed was an all-out assault by The House perpetrated on Dax, Cash, and Garcia, while TBS Champion Julia Hart rang the bell in what can only be likened to a ten bell salute. The message was clear, as was The House’s intent to bury these three individuals, and it looks like the former AEW World Trios Champions will have their opportunity this Saturday night on COLLISION! Aside from a common foe, the only crossing of paths between Daniel Garcia and FTR was a superb HOUSE RULES: TUPELO fight between Garcia and Dax Harwood back in June. They are an inexperienced trio fighting former Trios Champions who hold the record for longest reign in the history of the titles; there’s no doubt FTR and Daniel Garcia are at a disadvantage from the standpoint of working together, but their hunger for a fight, and for revenge after last week, may just be the x-factor that carries them to victory in Saturday night’s fight!



Big Bill & Ricky Starks(c) vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are no strangers to tag team competition, they netted their very first tag team victory on the second episode of DYNAMITE way back on 10/9/19, and unsuccessfully challenged for the AEW World Tag Titles a month later against Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian. All told, the pair are 7-5 as team since the inception of All Elite Wrestling, but this championship bout on Saturday night comes after a strained relationship turned to betrayal which in turn led to a reunion only a few weeks ago. Jericho and Sammy lived through The Inner Circle together, through the Jericho Appreciation Society together, and even after The J.A.S. fell apart, it seemed Guevara would at least be the one who remained a Jericho-supporter. Yet shockingly, “The Spanish God” did betray Jericho to ally himself with Don Callis and even fought Jericho at WRESTLEDREAM 2023 with Takeshita and Will Ospreay as his partners.

But that match would ultimately tell Guevara everything he needed to know about the poor choice he had made in picking Don Callis, not to say that Jericho himself was a saint over the course of AEW, but neither was Guevara. See “The Spanish God” suffered a serious concussion over the course of that Trios fight in Seattle, and while he was absent from AEW competition, so too was he absent from the mind of Don Callis. No contact, no care, Callis showed not the least bit of concern for Guevara’s health, and that became abundantly clear when Guevara did finally return to AEW during Callis’ self-congratulatory Boxing Day Celebration.

Guevara ended up on the wrong end of an assault from The Don Callis Family, not that it was a surprise Callis sicced his dogs on “The Spanish God”, but what was a shock was Chris Jericho rushing to the aid of his former friend. An even bigger shock was the two men hugging after the fact, Sting and Darby Allin helping them out when an Ricky Starks and Big Bill launched an attack of their own, and the foursome actually beating Starks, Bill, Takeshita, and Powerhouse Hobbs at WORLDS END. 

With that victory it was clear that Guevara and Jericho were back on the same page, and that in turn led Chris Jericho to choose Sammy as his partner for this AEW World Tag Team Championship bout! The title shot came about from Jericho and Kenny Omega defeating The Young Bucks at FULL GEAR 2023, but when Omega was forced to step away from AEW to handle his diverticulitis, that left Jericho without a partner to take advantage of the championship opportunity. After all, given everything he’d done to the men in AEW, who would possibly want to team up with “Le Champion” even with a guaranteed title match as part of the deal?

To look towards the future, Jericho certainly had to repair the past, and apparently make amends for what he’d done to Sammy Guevara, and presumably “The Spanish God” also making his apologies for those actions taken several months ago. So now that they’re back on the same page, now that the bond of friendship has been reignited, can they topple Big Bill and Ricky Starks? Unlike Jericho and Guevara, the defending champions are not friends, their relationship is not contingent on being best friends, in fact sometimes it seems like they barely know one another outside of the time they spend fighting side-by-side. The important part to Big Bill and Ricky Starks isn’t a personal relationship, but rather a professional one that keeps the AEW World Tag Team Championship in their possession as long as humanly possible, and if the day comes that it ends, the two men will bid each other farewell and head back onto their own paths. 

So in some ways, this fight is a question of which method of conducting your business proves better? Is it the bonds of friendship that make for stronger tag team success, or the bond of business? Will the history of Sammy and Chris be their key to ending the reign of Big Bill and Ricky Starks, or will all their drama over the last five year be their undoing? We will see this Saturday night during BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX!


Julia Hart(c) vs. Anna Jay

This past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, TBS Champion Julia Hart and Anna Jay were on opposite sides of an Eight-Woman Tag, with the latter competing in memory of her late-mentor Mr. Brodie Lee. Perhaps it was Lee’s memory, perhaps it was being back in Jacksonville at Daily’s Place, whatever the case may be, it motivated Anna Jay’s team towards victory, with “The Queen Slayer” herself scoring the deciding pinfall over Julia Hart!

Clearly it was a very emotional situation for Anna Jay, but that victory has catapulted her into this championship situation on Saturday night during BOTB IX! Riding on the motivation of that Wednesday night victory, Anna Jay has to remember that Julia Hart holds two decisive victories over her, one in a wild No Holds Barred Match back on May 10th of 2023. Conversely, Anna Jay has no wins over Julia, not directly at least, just this multi-man pinfall over a member of Hart’s team on Wednesday night. In addition, this match marks Anna Jay’s fifth TBS Championship bid since the title’s inception at the beginning of 2022, will it be the night she finally claims it as her own?


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. LFI’s Preston Vance

On Wednesday night, as part of DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and Preston Vance were on the same side of an eight-man tag bout, a match won by Vance when he pinned Bishop Kaun. As a reward for that victory, Orange Cassidy has offered Preston Vance an opportunity to vie for the International Championship this Saturday night during BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, coincidentally also the last championship Vance challenged for back in October 2022. That night it was as part of a Three Way bout with RUSH and then All-Atlantic Champion Orange Cassidy, with Cassidy in the earliest days of his historic championship reign, making his first defense after defeating PAC a week prior.

Fast forward some 15 months and these two competitors will meet again, only now in a singles bout, their first since September 30, 2020, and with the International Championship at stake! Can Vance take that next step in his career and rise to championship status? Or will Cassidy continue on in his goal to surpass the records he set with his previous title run?

The night begins with COLLISION at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, followed immediately by BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, and fans can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more! Between the two events, we’ve got an AEW World Tag Team Championship match, a ROH World Six-Man Championship Match, a TBS Championship fight, Adam Copeland in action, Hangman Page returning to Virginia, and so much more! Do not miss out on this loaded night featuring the premiere professional wrestlers of All Elite Wrestling!

The Devil has been revealed and his name is Adam Cole, surround by the Undisputed Kingdom of Wardlow, Roderick Strong, and ROH World Tag Champs Mike Bennett & Matt Taven, they have promised to reign down hell upon the rest of AEW with eyes set on all the titles! DYNAMITE brought us that proclamation, as well as Orange Cassidy defending his International Championship against Dante Martin, Mariah May making her in-ring debut only to have it spoiled by the arrival of Deonna Purrazzo, and plenty more as AEW launched full-force into 2024!

That brings us to this Friday on RAMPAGE, emanating from the Prudential Center in New Jersey, and getting underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans! 3-Time ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta will take on the high-flying Komander, Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander will be in tag team action, The Hardys and The Briscoes collide with Kip Sabian, Butcher, and Blade in Trios competition, and Anna Jay aims to finally score a victory on 3-Time Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida! Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


The Hardys (Jeff & Matt) and Mark Briscoe vs. Kip Sabian, The Butcher, & The Blade

This ought to be a hard-fought Trios affair as there’s plenty of history wrapped up in the competitors involved! For months, The Butcher and The Blade worked for Matt Hardy as part of his Hardy Family Office, and while they seemed content with just making money as Hardy’s henchmen, Matt has shown tremendous regret for his behavior during those months of his AEW career. It’s let to multiple confrontations between them in the time since, including a wild Tag Team Tables Match in April 2022, and The Hardys most recently winning an non-televised Three Way Tag in Ontario, CA over Butch and Blade. Back in August, with Keith Lee at their side, Matt and Jeff also scored a victory over this trio, but this time around, the brothers Hardy have allied with one of their most fearsome foes from years past: Mark Briscoe!

Mark and Matt had their lone singles match in June 2013 for Ring of Honor, and battled over the ROH World Tag Titles in March 2017, with Matt and Jeff beating Mark and Jay in that Las Vegas battle, and they’ve even fought in AEW once before just prior to REVOLUTION 2023 with Mark and The Lucha Brothers defeating The Firm of Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, and Lee Moriarty. So with this first time uniting, can Mark and The Hardys look past their history as opponents and work together as allies?


ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta vs. Komander

This is going to be quite the fascinating clash of styles, of that there is no doubt, after all Komander is know for his high-flying, death-defying style of Lucha Libre not for grappling, technical wrestling, and submissions. That being said, Pure Wrestling is not necessarily defined by the style that current champion Wheeler Yuta employs, but rather the intent of emphasizing competition in its purest form. It’s all in the hands of the competitors involved on how to proceed under the rules a Pure Championship match engages, or in the case of someone like the man Yuta has become, how to circumvent the rules when possible.

Now in his third reign atop the Pure Division, Yuta comes into this first-ever fight with Komander having bested Katsuyori Shibata to claim the belt, and successfully defended it on two instances over the last 40 days, one against Matt Sydal and the other opposite “Filthy” Tom Lawlor. Will Komander be the one to bring an end to the reign of Yuta, or will The BCC’s youngest member continue to find ways to win while the rest of us watch his ego grow ever larger with each one?


Anna Jay vs. Hikaru Shida

Hikaru Shida has been the bane of many competitors existence since her AEW debut at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2019; Abadon, Emi Sakura, and Penelope Ford are just a few of the women who have battled the former 3-Time AEW Women’s World Champion on multiple occasions yet have never been able to defeat “The Shining Samurai”. Another such competitor is Anna Jay, a woman who made her AEW debut on the April 1, 2020 DYNAMITE opposite Shida, and has yet to find victory over the course of three singles match, two being title fights.

The most recent of those took place on August 9th of 2023 with an end result the same as every previous encounter, but Anna Jay remains undaunted in her self-belief, and what better way to start 2024 then by breaking this Shida curse! Away from the 2023 drama of Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho, or that of Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia, can the new year start with a clean slate for Anna Jay?


Coming to you from Newark, NJ, RAMPAGE begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and features Wheeler Yuta putting his ROH Pure Championship on the line against Komander, Anna Jay trying to break the Shida curse, The Hardys uniting with Mark Briscoe for Trios competition, and the Statlander/Nightingale duo in action! Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!

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All Elite Wrestling returns to pay-per-view this Saturday night, November 18th, for FULL GEAR 2023 live from the fabulous KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA! AEW’s return to the West Coast has already been an exciting endeavor, and now it comes to a head with multiple championship bouts, epic grudge matches, strained friendships, and the top shelf professional wrestling the world has come to expect from the athletes of All Elite Wrestling! Click here for all the details on how the AEW faithful around the world can watch our November tradition, then sit back, strap in, and get ready for a rocket ship of a ride in Cali!


MJF(c) vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

On November 1st, just four days after beating Kenny Omega on COLLISION, Maxwell Jacob Friedman became the longest reigning AEW World Champion in AEW’s history, surpassing the 346-day marker set by “The Cleaner” between WINTER IS COMING 2020 when he beat Jon Moxley and FULL GEAR 2021 when he lost to Hangman Page. One week later, on the November 8th DYNAMITE in Portland, MJF defeated Daniel Garcia in a World Championship defense, thereby tying the mark of 9 successful defenses set by Moxley during his reign from REVOLUTION 2020 where be bested Chris Jericho to the aforementioned WINTER IS COMING 2020 loss.

These are two huge milestones in the history of All Elite Wrestling, as well as in the professional career of Maxwell Jacob Friedman, not to neglect his fifth consecutive victory where the Dynamite Diamond Ring is concerned, but unfortunately MJF has had to celebrate both this championship milestones without his precious Triple B, the AEW World Championship title. For weeks now “Switchblade” Jay White has been parading around with the physical title belt and using his possession of it to proclaim himself the real AEW World Champion. While White is certainly championship material, his status as a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion is testament to that, he is not the AEW World Champion regardless of his physically holding the title belt.

While he’s not champion, what “King Switch” has been is a thorn in MJF’s side that he’s been unable to remove, a foe Max has been unable to get a leg up on, and man surrounded by three other men willing to get their hands dirty in order to lend “Switchblade” an assist when it is need. Jay White is also one of just two people who’ve pinned MJF’s shoulders to the mat since he returned to the fold at ALL OUT 2022, the other being Dax Harwood the night Better Than You BayBay challenged FTR for the AEW World Tag Team Championship. To say Jay White has the psychological edge heading into this fight would be an understatement, and though initially it seemed the Devil-masked individual, and their gang of black clad thugs, that have encircled this bout was MJF’s balance to everything White had done, it became clear after White’s victory over Mark Briscoe that they (a) The Devil was not MJF and (b) they were not on the side of the World Champion either. Even though their initial arrival on the scene was at the expense of Jay White, this time around they left The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass laying, even chucking Anthony Bowens through a window.

So after everything that has gone done between MJF, his allies, Jay White, and BULLET CLUB GOLD, the two men will finally go one-on-one for the AEW World Championship! It’s MJF’s chance to become the most successful champion in AEW history by breaking Mox’s record, it’s Jay White’s opportunity to ascend to the throne in All Elite Wrestling just as he did in New Japan, and it plays out this Saturday night live on pay-per-view from the legendary KIA Forum!


Hikaru Shida(c) vs. Toni Storm

Though it’s been a little more than ten years since the very first time Toni Storm and Hikaru Shida stepped into the ring with one another, that fight from the REINA promotion is their lone fight away from All Elite Wrestling and a tag team one won by Storm and her partner.

It would be nine years before Storm and Shida saw each other inside the squared circle again, only now they were working as partners on DARK: ELEVATION #74, teaming with Willow Nightingale as their third to top Emi Sakura, Marina Shafir, and former AEW Women’s World Champion Nyla Rose. The two women would actually team up several more times in 2022, actually proving quite successful both as a team and a trio, but the AEW Women’s World Championship would enter the picture.

At ALL OUT 2022, with the title having been vacated as a result of Thunder Rosa’s injury, Toni Storm bested Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D, Jamie Hayter, and Shida to win her first title, acquired by pinning Hayter, and since she was not the woman pinned, lining up Shida for a title fight of her own. That first singles bout between the women would go down on TITLE TUESDAY 2022, and end with Toni Storm still the reigning champion.

The two women would go their separate ways, reconnecting in May 2023, but unlike Shida who had stayed true to the side of angels, Toni Storm had aligned herself with Ruby Soho and Saraya to form The Outcasts. The alliance-turned-rivalry would blossom into a Women’s World Championship match at the 200th episode of DYNAMITE and that fight would end with “The Shining Samurai” becoming a 2-Time World Champion. Sadly it was a short-lived title reign as Saraya would bring it to an end just 25 days later at ALL IN: LONDON, though not by pinning Shida, but rather by putting down Toni Storm to claim the victory. That pinfall on Toni would prove a breaking point for Storm’s role in The Outcasts as she began to spiral out into the woman we see now, and the Women’s World Champion defeating Toni at GRAND SLAM 2023 completely broke the camel’s back.

The Women’s World Championship would end up back in Shida’s possession after TITLE TUESDAY 2023, making her the first 3-Time champ in the division, but as for Toni Storm, a week prior to Shida’s win at DYNAMITE: 2023 ANNIVERSARY, we all witnessed Toni spiral out on RJ City before making her “Timeless” declaration.

Now lost in this “Timeless” Hollywood starlet delusion, Toni has declared this year’s FULL GEAR event as her “Hollywood Homecoming” and “Quest for the Gold”, heaping a great deal of the blame for her woes on Shida’s lap despite it being The Outcasts, Toni’s former friends, who caused much of that misfortune. As for Shida, while Toni has been experiencing this break from reality, she has posted three successful title defenses against Ruby Soho, Willow Nightingale, and that unforgettable Fright Night Fight with Abadon on COLLISION. Meanwhile Storm has not been inside the ring since an October 7th victory over Kiera Hogan, which means she may be well-rested and healed up from any nagging issues, but heading into FULL GEAR 2023 is she ready for a fight, especially the type of fight Hikaru Shida will undoubtedly bring?

The defending Women’s World Champion does not want this third reign to end as abruptly as the second, and thus she will throw every bit of her arsenal at “Timeless” Toni Storm to insure this go-round isn’t a repeat of the second. While she may hold the spot as longest-reigning Women’s World Champion of all-time at 372 days, so too does Shida hold the position for shortest with that 25 days reign, and if Toni beats her on Saturday night, she’ll also have the second shortest time with the title as well. That’s not the history Shida intends to make…


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. Jon Moxley

After 326 days and 31 championship defenses, Orange Cassidy had the AEW International Championship ripped from his waist by former 3-Time AEW World Champion Jon Moxley at ALL OUT 2023. It was a violent bout, one in which Cassidy was brutalized like never before in his career, but it was a beating that earned him the respect of Mox, not an easy thing to acquire by any means.

Unfortunately for Moxley, his time as International Champion did not come close to touching the records set by Cassidy during his reign because on his fourth defense of the title, just 17 days in, Rey Fenix dropped Moxley hard, and wrested the championship from The BCC member’s grasp. It was a shock to be certain, a win many considered an upset despite Fenix’s championship pedigree, and one that actually put Mox on the injury list for several weeks as far as AEW was concerned, though that didn’t stop the man from fighting for OTT in England and Ireland, for NJPW in Osaka, and at NJPW STRONG’s event at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, the home of FINAL BATTLE 2023.

Meanwhile, during the month that Moxley was kept on the sidelines before his OTT trip, Orange Cassidy had the opportunity to challenge Fenix for the International Championship, a one-on-one rematch of their 11/2/22 Three Way title fight early in Orange’s reign, and just like that fight, it ended with “Freshly Squeezed” getting his hand raised in victory. So not only was OC the longest-reigning International Champion in that title’s short life, not only is he the most successful champion in all of AEW history with those 31 defenses, but now he is also the only 2-Time Champion in the history of the International Title.

Seeming somewhat lost after losing the title to Mox, Cassidy seems rejuvenated by his reclamation of the championship, as if it helped salve the lingering injuries he’d sustained over those 326 days, and reinvigorated him for this second run atop the division. He’s already bested John Silver and Mox’s BCC brother Claudio Castagnoli in championship defenses, but this Saturday night at The KIA Forum, he’s got to get back into the fight with the man who battered him not that long ago.

It’s obvious that Cassidy wants this fight, why else would he have shoulder-bumped Mox after the show of respect Moxley gave him after their fight, provoking the man, almost rubbing it into his face that OC had taken the belt back from the man who beat Moxley. The situation began to blow up this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE as The BCC of Moxley and Yuta met Cassidy and HOOK in a tag team battle, and not only did The BCC defeat championship pair when Yuta pinned HOOK, but Moxley ate a straight shot from an Orange Punch and did not even go down to a knee! It very clearly shook OC to see his primary weapon have no effect on the man he’s got to fight on Saturday night; will we see the same reaction if Cassidy scores with an Orange Punch in the championship match, or can it actually put the 3-Time AEW World Champion and former International Champion down?

Moxley says FULL GEAR 2023 will be a course correction, a moment where he shows the world that Cassidy is actually who Jon Moxley says he is, and he puts the 2-Time International Champion back in his place. Will this be the case when the final bell rings, or will Cassidy do what he has done repeatedly since coming to All Elite Wrestling and show Jon Moxley he is as real as The BCC?


“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland

Swerve Strickland came into this entire ordeal with former AEW World Champion Hangman Page with the intent of proving he was worthy of a top spot in the AEW pantheon. A former AEW World Tag Champion, just like Hangman, Swerve has relentlessly pursued that top tier status ever since violently parting ways with Keith Lee and nothing has deterred those aspirations, not even being locked in a coffin by Darby Allin and Sting.

So when Page and Swerve went into battle at WRESTLEDREAM, Strickland viewed it as his opportunity to snatch the spot while Hangman saw it as his moment to get back on track with his own career after spending a great deal of 2023 wrapped up in Elite business with Blackpool Combat Club and then, surprisingly, winning the ROH World Six-Man Titles from Swerve’s allies in The Mogul Embassy. But instead of Swerve proving his merits on his own, he resorted to an assist from Prince Nana and his crown to defeat Hangman, and shortly thereafter, when the opportunity arose to fight Bryan Danielson for a shot at TNT Championship, Swerve tried the same tactic. Thankfully Hangman was on the spot to stop that crime from being committed, but that only served to escalate the issues, and next thing Hangman knew, Swerve and Prince Nana were breaking into Page’s house.

That disturbing scenario is best left untouched, suffice to say that Swerve committed the heinous sin of dragging family into this issue that started as a professional jockeying for position, making it as personal as any issues experienced in All Elite Wrestling. We heard Hangman speak his mind about this, tearing Swerve down to the core with every bit of personal drama Strickland has experienced, and capping it all off by assaulting Nana since the two Texas Death combatants were forbidden from any physical content on DYNAMITE.

But that rule doesn’t extend beyond the borders of AEW…

At Pro Wrestling Revolver’s UNREAL event, as Swerve and Nana stood in the ring talking about the FULL GEAR 2023 fight, Hangman attacked out of nowhere, and promised that he would beat Swerve’s ass this Saturday night. Swerve chose to make this personal, messing with a man’s family, so much so that it led others like Penta El Zero Miedo to fight the him, but once Hangman chose to oblige Swerve and join him in the muck and mire, it was bound to get ugly. Fans have seen the former AEW World Champion in Texas Death before, he’s undefeated in that stipulation here in AEW, and that’s because he’s willing to get uglier and dirtier than anyone else when the fight comes.

Swerve led this into ugliness by his actions outside the ring, will he be able to get that ugly when the bell rings on Saturday night?


Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, & Sting vs. TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, & Nick Wayne

It was a huge moment at WRESTLEDREAM when “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland arrived on the scene in All Elite Wrestling and stood side-by-side with Sting and Darby Allin in opposition to TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and sadly also Nick Wayne. In the weeks since then, we have heard Sting announce to the world that he would bring his legendary career to its end at REVOLUTION 2024, we heard Copeland repeatedly say he would not fight his best friend, we saw Ric Flair come into the equation to ride this home stretch out with “The Icon”, and we’ve watched Christian Cage continue to be a horrible human being.

But after hearing Cage after being attacked by Cage’s “sons”, after hearing Christian threaten to break his neck, Adam Copeland has agreed to ride into battle alongside Sting and Darby Allin this Saturday night at FULL GEAR 2023! We witnessed these three men get their first reps in as a trio against The Righteous and Lance Archer, and though they looked very solid in action, they are still new to the idea of working with one another. In truth, it’s not all that different from the situation with Christian’s Patriarchy, much like Darby and Sting, Christian and Luchasaurus have spent a great deal of time together and formed their own dynamic, and much like Adam Copeland, Nick Wayne is a new ingredient to that formula. Unlike the Darby/Sting/Copeland trio though, The Patriarchy all fall under the direction of Christian Cage, they do not think for themselves, they follow the direction of their erstwhile father figure, and only his direction.

Their opponents are individuals, allies, friends; it’s not a case of Darby falling into a subordinate role just because of Sting and Copeland’s seniority or being led by their direction. This will be a trio operating on the same page but making use of their varied levels of experience, pooling their assorted resources and knowledge, and applying each other’s best attributes to the fights. There is obviously a concern about the history between Christian Cage and Adam Copeland, how all that friendship, those roads traveled together, those championships held as a team, the time spent with each other’s families, how will all that play into this Trios fight at FULL GEAR 2023? All of it has to be nagging at the back of Copeland’s skull, but will it effect his ability to fight? We will all see this Saturday night…


The Golden Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)


It was at WRESTLEDREAM that The Young Bucks earned a future shot at the AEW World Tag Team Titles at a moment of their choosing; they did so by defeating The Lucha Brothers, The Gunns, as well as the team of HOOK and Orange Cassidy. Since that PPV event, we’ve seen Nick Jackson lose to AEW International Champion Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks & Hangman Page lose the ROH World Six-Man Championship back to The Mogul Embassy after just one successful defense, and watched The Young Bucks completely lose their cool after that championship defeat.

Over the last few months we’ve also seen Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho form one of the most unlikely pairings in AEW’s history, brought together by their mutual issues with Don Callis and his Family, putting aside their own sordid history in order to fight against Callis’ relentless onslaught. Clearly this is not a situation that sits well with the brothers Jackson; call it jealousy over the relationship with Jericho or call it caution given that the history between Jericho and The Elite created Stadium Stampede, either way it is driving a rift between Omega and The Young Bucks.

Now we now from history that The Young Bucks do not deal well with their friends having other friends, we witnessed it many moons ago with Adam Cole and reDRagon, but when it’s a man such as Jericho with whom there was so much bad blood from the first year of AEW, it’s got to be infinitely worse. That is why this match is going down, after all when there’s an issue between professional wrestlers the best place to settle it is inside the squared circle, and why not amp up the stakes when both teams have something to lose?

And what are those stakes? If The Young Bucks win, then the existence of The Golden Jets comes to an end. There will be no more team of Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho, no more fighting the good fight together against a common foe, they will just be quits as soon as that bell rings. But if The Golden Jets win, then Matt and Nick will have to say goodbye to the World Tag Team Championship match they earned at WRESTLEDREAM! That opportunity will belong to The Golden Jets, no Young Bucks championship match on the horizon, just Jericho and Omega maintaining their dynamic to challenge whoever wins Saturday night’s Ladder Match. And what of the relationship between Omega and The Young Bucks? Well it has survived a great deal, and it has endured, but they haven’t been at this point before where so much hostility has put them at odds.

Previously that was Hangman with Omega trying to keep the peace as best he could for as long as he could; only now there is no cooler head trying to prevail, just four men looking to fight, and we shall see if the friendship between The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega can survive the ordeal.


Kris Statlander(c) vs. Julia Hart vs. Skye Blue

Kris Statlander is a breakneck pace as the TBS Champion; in the span of 174 days, Stat has successfully defended the title on 16 occasions against fourteen different women. For perspective, by that point in her historic TBS Championship reign, the longest title reign in AEW history across all divisions, Jade Cargill had only defended the title eight times while Orange Cassidy, the most successful champion across all divisions in AEW, was also heading towards his 17th defense against Dralistico.

This Saturday at FULL GEAR 2023, Statlander heads into her 17th defense against two foes she’s already beaten in one-on-one contests, but who she now must contend with in a Three Way situation. To make matters more intriguing, there is an entire other dynamic between Julia Hart and Skye Blue that has little to do with Statlander. Ever since Hart misted Skye, the latter has taken a turn towards the dark, so much so that there was absolutely a concern she’d walk through the doors of The House of Black and be lost to her friends forever. Though Skye would repeatedly rebuke the handshake of help of the TBS Champion, when the moment came between choosing between Willow Nightingale and Julia Hart, Skye turned and sprayed her own blue mist into the face of The House of Black’s Hart.

So with each woman’s position set, the light of Statlander, the dark of Julia, and the chaotic middle of Blue, they will now collide on Saturday night with the TBS Championship on the line! This will mark the first defense for Stat that’s involved multiple challengers, will that be the ticket to ending this potentially historic reign? Or will the strife between Julia Hart and Skye Blue be the key to the champion retaining her championship?


Big Bill & Ricky Starks(c) vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. LFI (Dralistico & Rush) vs. The House of Black (Brody King & Malakai Black)

A Ladder Match, only one other time in the history of AEW have the World Tag Team Titles been at stake in a Ladder match, and that was the night The Young Bucks beat Jurassic Express to start their defenseless 28-day second reign, as well as the night Christian Cage first stabbed Jack Perry in the back.

But four teams fighting to climb the rungs to championship status? That is a whole new ballgame, and one likely to end up in plenty of pain, suffering, and punishment! Just yesterday the AEW faithful witnessed the chaos that erupted between these eight men, especially Dax and Rush as they battled to a No Contest, now put that into a situation with no rules, the freedom to use weapons, and with a title at stake. This will be an intensely physical situation, and even though Ricky Starks is the one who laid the stipulation on the table, not necessarily the best one for the champions to retain their titles. They may not have to worry about a pinfall or submission happening to someone else to lose their status, but Big Bill and Ricky Starks constantly have to be concerned about stopping someone else climbing the ladder. There are six bodies besides theirs all with the same goal, but only one has to ascend to the top of the ladder and pull down the belts.

Can the defending champions survive six other opponents, as well as the Ladder itself, or will they be hoisted on their own petard?



Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Jay Lethal


MJF(c) & Samoa Joe vs The Gunns (Austin & Colten)


Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. House of Black’s Buddy Matthews

All Elite Wrestling is back on pay-per-view this Saturday night with FULL GEAR 2023 coming to you live from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles! This PPV experience is loaded with multiple championship bouts, including a Four Way Ladder Match for the AEW World Tag Titles, as well as huge grudge matches, and all the elite class professional wrestling fans expect from an All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view! All the details on how to watch FULL GEAR 2023 can be found here, so if you can’t be there in-person, you have to join us through your preferred method for the greatest PPV experience professional wrestling has to offer! And don’t forget to join us for the FULL GEAR: ZERO HOUR prior to the start of the PPV where the ROH World Title and the ROH World Tag Team Titles will be defended!

Morgaine “Moo” Smith Interview by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:Hosted by TV personalities Brie and Nikki Garcia, Twin Love is a social dating experiment that explores the love lives of identical twins. Ten sets of twins will…

Twin Love review by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:From the producers of Love Island and hosted by TV personalities Brie and Nikki Garcia, Twin Love is a social dating experiment that explores the love lives of identical…

Director Sarah Boyd Interview by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:In Upload Season Three, we pick back up with Nora and freshly downloaded Nathan as they navigate their relationship, while racing to stop the mysterious conspiracy that threatens…

Series Showrunner/EP/Writer Gary Lennon Interview By Big Gold Belt MediaGARY LENNON Bio:Gary Lennon is an award-winning playwright, showrunner, producer, writer, and director. Lennon is currently the showrunner and executive producer of “Power” franchise spinoff, “Power Book…