Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

8-Man Tag Match!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK,

Danhausen, & Trent Beretta


Angelo Parker & Matt Menard (with Jake Hager),

and The Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno!

Danhausen cleaned house on the Dark Order. Hook tagged in and suddenly things broke down into a donnybrook with both teams brawling. Menard nailed Hook with a backbreaker. Menard power bombed Trent. Cassidy came in, pushed the pace and DDT’ed Menard. Evil Uno ate a German Suplex from Danhausen. Hook sent Parker for a ride with a T-bone suplex. Hook followed up with a suplex to Evil Uno!

ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta walked onto the ramp and had a stare down with Hook. Menard blindsided Hook as Hook was looking at Yuta.

Wheeler Yuta joined the broadcast booth.

“Hook should really learn not to take his eye off the ball,” said Wheeler Yuta.

The Dark Order double teamed Hook with running lariats. Hook fought back and made a tag to Trent. Trent walloped Alex Reynolds with German Suplexes. Trent hurled Evil Uno overhead with a half and half.

Orange Cassidy tagged in and dropkicked both Dark Order members. Orange staggered Evil Uno with a Stun Dog Millionaire. Reynolds ran in and booted Orange in the face. Trent went to the aid of Orange and tossed Evil Uno with a release German Suplex from the turnbuckles!

Danhausen squared off with Matt Menard, cursing Menard. Danhausen pulled out Jake Hager’s purple hat from his trunks and began to wear it and taunt Hager! Jake Hager was livid, jumping into the ring and immediately spilling out on the opposite side as he charged (and missed) Danhausen. Hook applied Red Rum on Parker while Danhausen cradled Menard and scored the pin!

Renee Paquette was interviewing Anna Jay, Ruby Soho and Saraya backstage!

Angelo Parker ran back from his match and told Anna Jay he was ready to go, and it’d be a team effort. Anna Jay said she didn’t want him out there tonight for the match.

“This is why I love her! Isn’t she great?” said Saraya.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Sting and “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair!

Sting: “Lots of great memories here. Thank you for the memories, thank you Tony Khan, thank you Tony Schiavone, and the Nature Boy, Ric Flair!”

Ric Flair: “Wow! From 1972 to today and believe it or not, I’m still alive. And that’s saying a lot. Because I’ve covered a lot of ground and had a lot of fun. But there’s three or four people that are always going to be special in my life. Dusty Rhodes, Ricky the Dragon, and the guy I think I’ve wrestled at least 1500 times, Sting.

“To be back in my hometown and to be part of this ride. Think about the history of our business. I’ve been with him since ’88 and I’ll be with him until the end. And man, that doesn’t happen in real life, guys. And we’ve stayed as honest and as respectful with each other as the day we met, and that’s really unusual. We’re gonna dance all night and dance a little longer. Wooooo!”

The Don Callis Family—Powerhouse Hobbs, Konosuke Takeshita, & Kyle Fletcher (with Don Callis)


Three Local Wrestlers!

Hobbs, Takeshita, and Fletcher put on a total display of domination, planting their opponents hard onto the mat. Hobbs scored the pin with ease!

Don Callis: “Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega, the Golden Jets! You put two of the greatest of all time in a tag team and what do you got? You’ve got a team that could be the most dominant of all time. I know that wins and losses matter here in AEW, but in the Don Callis Family, the only thing that matters is winning! The Don Callis Family will continue dominating until there is nowhere for the Golden Jets to hide in All Elite Wrestling!”

Footage played from earlier in the night of Prince Nana with “The Machine” Brian Cage and the Workhorsemen!

Prince Nana: “Hey Brian, it’s an unbelievable time for the Mogul Embassy! We have the Gates of Agony out in Japan, killing it! But tonight, I need to go ahead and hire some people to help us out. Tonight, I’m going to need the Workhorsemen’s services.

“This can be a huge opportunity for both of you guys to prove a point to Swerve Strickland and to the Mogul Embassy. I paid you guys, do the job tonight, and we’ll see if you can be a part of the team. I believe in you guys!”

Trios Bout!

Hikaru Shida, Kris Statlander, & Skye Blue


Anna Jay and The Outcasts—Ruby Soho & Saraya!

Kris powered Anna to the mat and tagged in Shida. Kris and Shida dropped a double elbow on Anna. Skye Blue tagged in and hit a spinning kick on Anna Jay. Shida and Saraya tagged in for their respective teams. Shida hoisted up Saraya in a torture rack.

Kris planted Saraya with a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Anna Jay ran in to break up the pin. Anna tried to apply the Queen Slayer on Statlander, but Statlander escaped. Shida cracked Saraya with a jumping knee strike. Anna walloped Kris with the Flatliner. Ruby Soho inadvertently kicked Anna Jay in the face. Statlander picked up Ruby Soho and planted her. Skye Blue pinned Soho with the Code Blue!

“At the end of the night it was Skye Blue and Kris Statlander working together,” said Excalibur.

Saraya grabbed Ruby by the hair and dragged her away.

Main Event Time! Trios Bout!

ROH World Six-Man Champion Brian Cage & The Workhorsemen—Anthony Henry & JD Drake (with Prince Nana)


El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, & Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Brian Cage suplexed Komander. Penta tagged in and hit a cross body on Cage from the top rope. Anthony Henry grabbed a tag and ate a missile dropkick from El Hijo del Vikingo.

El Hijo del Vikingo wiped out Henry with an implosion dragon rana. JD Drake grabbed a tag and invited Vikingo to chop him. Vikingo chopped Drake and left a handprint on Drake’s chest. Drake fired back and leveled Vikingo!

Penta and Komander dropped Henry and Cage with stereo thrust kicks. Komander dropkicked Cage out of the ring with a boost from Penta. Cage was taken down with a series of sling blades from Penta. He followed up with a DDT to the Workhorsemen!

Komander used a springboard lung blower on Cage, held him, and allowed Vikingo to drop down with a double foot stomp. Penta followed up with a foot stomp of his own onto Cage for a near fall!

“That’s an amazing escape by Cage because he was hit by all three men,” said Schiavone.

Komander jumped in but got shoulder blocked by Cage in mid-air. Cage monkey flipped Komander into the waiting arms of Drake, who power bombed Komander. Drake catapulted Komander into a thrust kick from Henry! Drake held onto Komander so Henry could drop a double foot stomp from the top rope on Komander. Henry covered Komander for the pin, but Vikingo broke it up!

Henry spiked Vikingo with a piledriver. Penta was there and grabbed Henry and drilled him with the Made in Japan! Drake ran in and wiped out Penta. Cage held onto Komander, and Henry tried to boot Komander in the head, but Komander ducked. Henry inadvertently hit Cage instead!

“A miscommunication there,” said Excalibur.

Cage was furious and rocked Henry with a discus lariat! Prince Nana and Brian Cage walked away from the ring, abandoning the Workhorsemen!

Penta smashed Henry with the Fear Factor! Komander flipped onto Henry with a splash. Vikingo finished off Henry with a 630 senton and pinned Anthony Henry!

“The short fuse of Brian Cage would ultimately lead to the win,” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Erie Insurance Arena in Erie, PA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Wednesday night was a wild on at the Target Center as the Gold League in the Continental Classic resumed action with three huge matches! Opening the night, Jon Moxley defeated Jay Lethal to mark himself the first competitor with six points in the league while Lethal continued without a point to his name. Then, fighting through tremendous pain, “El Toro Blanco” Rush managed to score his first 3 points over Mark Briscoe, leaving “The Sussex County Chicken” in the same boat as Jay Lethal. Finally, in the main event, Jay White and Swerve Strickland battled it out to see who would join Moxley with six point status, with the head of The Mogul Embassy notching the victory!


In addition, fans witnessed a tense confrontation between TNT Champion Christian Cage and Adam Copeland that has led to a championship bout next week in Montreal, saw Julia Hart retain her TBS Championship over Emi Sakura, and heard AEW World Champion MJF, whether Samoa Joe likes it or not, accept a challenge from The Devil!

Things are back to normal this Friday night as RAMPAGE begins at its regularly scheduled 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for international fans. Drop by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, before showtime to up to speed with highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and this latest CONTROL CENTER!


AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK, Danhausen, & Trent Beretta vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno), Angelo Parker, & Matt Menard


This one is stacked! Last week we saw Danhausen return to the AEW stage to lend a hand to his friends and now he’s jumping right into the fray this Friday night on RAMPAGE alongside them! Orange Cassidy, HOOK, and Trent Beretta welcome Danhausen to the fight as they take on a very unlikely quartet in The Dark Order’s Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds who are joined by Angelo Parker and Matt Menard!

The Dark Order have had issues with Parker and Menard dating back at least two years so it will be quite intriguing to see how they work together despite those past problems, just as it will be interesting to see if the tensions between Parker and Menard swirling around the former’s…interest…in Ruby Soho interfere in their ability to function as a team. Oh, and what about that hat?


Hikaru Shida, Kris Statlander, & Skye Blue vs. Anna Jay and The Outcasts (Ruby Soho & Saraya)


Just last week, on the Thanksgiving Eve edition of DYNAMITE, we witnessed Skye Blue take advantage of the Angelo Parker distraction and pin Anna Jay while Ruby Soho was otherwise occupied. To say all of this has been a major annoyance to Saraya and Matt Menard would be an understatement, and it has certainly cost all parties victories since it first began some weeks ago. The fact that Saraya is now going to play nice with Anna Jay, perhaps because Anna’s also the one for her group trying to keep focused, is not going to sit well with Ruby either, but that’s a bit of the case for both sides of this Trios contest.

Ever since Skye Blue was misted by Julia Hart, with the subsequent transformation that has stemmed from it, she and Kris Statlander have been at odds. They haven’t come to blows, save for the TBS Championship victory Stat holds over Skye, but they are certainly not the friends they were six months ago. That leaves Hikaru Shida as the woman whose responsibility it will be to keep her partners on the same page, and not let their personal issues get in the way of winning this fight. For at least five of the six women involved this is about getting back into championship contention, for Ruby Soho, well one can only speculate if her head is on business or more personal matters, but both trios are capable of great things if they can stay on a unified front. Will that be the case this Friday night on RAMPAGE, or will one teams problems sink this opportunity?


ROH World Six-Man Champion Brian Cage & The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) vs. El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, & Penta El Zero Miedo

With The Gates of Agony embroiled in New Japan Pro Wrestling’s 2023 World Tag League that lasts until December 10th, The Mogul Embassy is down a few soldiers, and Brian Cage is out his ROH World Six-Man Championship partners. For Prince Nana that means recruitment season is upon us, and it begins (possibly also ends) with The Workhorsemen of JD Drake and Anthony Henry getting their opportunity to impress!

Unfortunately for this newborn trio, they’ve got their handful with another rather nascent unit in the form of Lucha Libre’s finest: former ROH World Tag & AEW World Tag Champion Penta El Zero Miedo, AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo, and AAA World Cruiserweight Champion Komander! Now these three men have worked together before, but as a quartet with Rey Fenix on several ROH ON HONOR CLUB events, and they’ve also fought as foes on several occasions, though always for the competition rather than any animosity.

With the Lucha contingent clearly looking ahead towards Top Flight and Action Andretti, will they be focused on the task at hand? Or will fans see two new men join The Mogul Embassy should JD Drake and Anthony Henry impress the Prince?


-The Don Callis Family in action!

-“The Icon” Sting & “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair!!

-And more!!!

RAMPAGE returns to its regularly scheduled 10pm ET/9pm CT time slot on TNT this Friday night, as well as at AEWPlus.com for international fans, and it is loaded with multi-man action all night long! Eight man tags, a huge Women’s Trios bout, The Mogul Embassy giving The Workhorsemen a tryout, and unfortunately Don Callis leading his “Family” into action! Be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, before showtime to up to speed with highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and this latest CONTROL CENTER!

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Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Continental Classic Match—The Gold League!

Swerve Strickland vs. Jay Lethal!

Lethal clocked Swerve with a big right hand. They traded strikes on the ring apron. Lethal yanked on Swerve’s right arm. Lethal drove Swerve into the barricade after a tope suicida. Lethal followed up with a short arm lariat.

Swerve targeted the knee of Lethal with a basement dropkick. Swerve tied up Lethal’s legs and wrenched on them, putting all of his body weight on them. Swerve kicked Lethal’s leg and then chopped it!

Swerve sent Lethal flying with a German Suplex. Lethal rallied back with a shoulder breaker. They jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle, and Swerve brought Lethal down hard with a superplex. Swerve followed up with a flatliner and then a brainbuster for a near fall on Lethal.

Jay Lethal stunned Swerve with an elbow drop from the top rope worthy of a king. Swerve avoided a dropkick and applied a stretch muffler, but Lethal grabbed the bottom rope. Lethal cracked Swerve with a pump kick. Lethal went for the Lethal Injection but Swerve countered with a dropkick. Swerve hit the House Call and then the Swerve Stomp to score the pin on Lethal. Three points for Swerve!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK, & ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata!

Wheeler Yuta interrupted Orange Cassidy and mocked him, Hook, and Shibata. Yuta told Shibata that he’d be taking his championship back!

Up next: AEW World Champion & ROH Tag Champion MJF came out with his ROH Tag Champion partner Adam Cole!

MJF: “Cut the music. Now ladies and gentlemen, it appears the devil has arrived in Chicago. After I just freshly beat an undefeated Jay White. I learned in those 30 minutes that you are truly one of the best professional wrestlers in the world. Fact. However, nobody is on the level of the devil. Chicago, I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking: you’re looking at the greatest AEW World Champion of all time. Now none of that is possible without my brochacho for life, Mr. Cole.”

Adam Cole: “Who’s ready for story time with Adam Cole, baybay? It’s great that me and Max are still your ROH World Tag Team Champions with a little help from Samoa Joe, as well. My ankle is in really bad shape. I’ve got a long road ahead of me. But I’m going to work my ass off every single day to make sure I can get back her in AEW to do what I love to do.

“Max, I’m really worried about you. I wish for nothing more than to be here by your side, but I can’t. It feels like you’ve got the entire world gunning for you.”

MJF: “You don’t gotta worry about me, Adam. To the man behind my devil mask, I’m going to find you and the hell I send you to is going to feel like heaven.”

Someone appeared on the screen wearing the devil mask, laughing, and then the feed disappeared!

Samoa Joe’s music played and out walked Samoa Joe to the ring!

Samoa Joe: “This is a time for celebration, Max. Two massive victories over a weekend. You stand here today AEW World Champion. But you know what else happened? Earlier in the night, MJF, you went out there with Samoa Joe and defended your ROH World Tag Championship for the simple price of giving me my rematch. So, I’ve come to Chicago to ensure that honorable men honor their deals.”

MJF: “Maybe you should take a couple of steps back because you have bad breath. And secondly, I thought long and hard about our deal. And I feel I’ve come up with a reasonable mature response. My response is no!”

Samoa Joe grabbed MJF by the throat, but Adam Cole begged Samoa Joe to stop and listen to him!

Adam Cole: “Thank you! Max, you can’t do this, man. The new MJF, he’s a man of his word. I get it, Joe is a killer. Max, that’s why you are who you are. They don’t just love you because you’re a great wrestler. They love you because when MJF says something is going to happen, damnit it happens. Max, be a man of your word.”

MJF: “You know what Joe, you want to face me for this belt? You wouldn’t be the first Ring of Honor legend I’ve beaten in Chicago twice! So how about Samoa Joe versus MJF right here, right now in Chicago!”

Samoa Joe: “Absolutely not. Let’s discuss what’s really gonna happen. You’re going to get on the Internet tomorrow and complain that you weren’t 100% and it wasn’t fair. Boo Hoo. No, Max, I want the best version of you, I want the fully healed Max. So, I say by World’s End, you should be nice and chipper to get in that ring and defend that title.”

MJF: “Let me get this straight. You want to wrestle MJF at Nassau Colliseum on December 30th at World’s End? You want MJF in the main event for the World Title? Is that correct?”

Samoa Joe: “That is correct, Max.”

MJF: “You’ve got yourself a deal, Joe. But let me explain something to you. Wrestling MJF in Long Island, that’s about as bright as copping head from an alligator. But based on the way you’re looking these days, I bet you don’t have many options.”

Samoa Joe: “I understand what this is and I’m really great at picking fights too, Max. But Max all this worrying you’re doing about the devil goes away today. Because you see from now on, you’re considered my property. And people don’t touch my property unless I say so. I’m going to deliver the very best MJF to Nassau Colliseum and then I’m going to take your World Championship in front of your family and friends and everyone you know and love!”

Trios Match!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK,

& ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata


“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard, “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker, & Jake Hager!

Before the match, Orange Cassidy said he had a Thanksgiving surprise. Very nice, very evil Danhausen made his return!

Hook hurled Menard overhead with judo throws. Hook sent Angelo Parker to the mat too! Hager hit Hook with a blindsided shot.

Parker clocked Hook with a running knee to the head. Hager nailed Hook with a Hager Bomb for a near fall. Hook fired back with a lariat to Angelo Parker, exploding out of the corner. Hook planted Parker with a T-bone suplex and then tagged out to Orange Cassidy.

Hager intercepted the Orange Punch from Cassidy and then planted him on the mat. Shibata tagged in and he and Hager traded forearms. Shibata pump kicked Hager. Shibata chopped down Hager in the corner. Shibata followed up with a running dropkick to Hager! Menard and Parker doubled up on Shibata. Hager went to powerbomb Shibata, but Danhausen jumped on the apron, distracting Hager with Hager’s purple hat.

Danhausen cursed Hager and Cassidy stunned Hager with a tope suicida. Shibata put the sleeper on Menard while Hook made Parker tap out with the Red Rum!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Adam Cole!

Roderick Strong and the Kingdom interrupted!

Strong: “I saw you were there on Saturday. I’m sorry I missed you. Friday, where were you? I was dropped right on my head.”

Cole: “Shut up! When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I am not your best friend anymore? Do me a favor. Back off and leave me the hell alone!”

Up next: TNT Champion Christian Cage rechristened Luchasaurus & Nick Wayne!

Christian Cage: “Now everybody knows a true champion is gracious in victory and humble in defeat. And as you all know this past Saturday at Full Gear, it didn’t exactly go as we planned. I can tell you that I did not lose that match. Nick Wayne did not lose that match. Luchasaurus lost that match! And that’s unacceptable to me.

“And I went home, and I thought, how do I get rid of this stench of losing. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. Since you’re both my children, it’s time that I recreate you both in my image. Luchasaurus, take a knee. I said take a knee. I’m not sure what you’re not understanding about this you moron. Take a knee right now!

“The name Luchasaurus to me will forever be associated with me with being a loser. I thought long and hard about your name and I came up with a name of strength. A name of toughness. A name that means certain victory. A name that has served me well throughout my career. You are my finisher. This Saturday on Collision you will have the chance to prove that you are worthy of this moniker because from here on out you will be known as Kill Switch!

“Nick Wayne, get on your feet. You don’t ever get on your knees for another person, do you understand me? You’re different, Nick. You’re special. You are my golden boy. I see things in you that I’ve never seen in another person. You are me. I love you, Nick. Nick, you are a golden boy, and you will be known as ‘the Prodigy, Nick Wayne.’”

Nick Wayne’s mother walked to the ring.

Christian Cage: “What the hell are you doing here anyway? You are a terrible mother! Maybe you love Nick unconditionally but that isn’t good enough. This kid is a prodigy. It’s a good thing that your husband is dead because Nick would have disowned his father because he knows his father was never as good of a wrestler that I am. So do me a favor and get the hell out of my ring!”

Luchasaurus stepped between Nick Wayne’s mom and Christian Cage and stared at Christian!

Christian Cage: “Get back on your knees! I didn’t stutter. Get on your knees Kill Switch!”

Christian Cage slapped Luchasaurus in the face!

Christian Cage: “Get on your knees or I’ll make you take off that mask!”

Christian shoved Luchasaurus, who inadvertently fell back against Nick Wayne’s mother, knocking her to the mat!

Nick Wayne left the ring and looked under it. Nick Wayne pulled out a steel chair and slid it into the ring. He pulled out a second chair and slid it into the ring. Shanna Wayne’s head was placed onto one of the steel chairs. Christian held up the second steel chair and handed it to Luchasaurus. “Be the Kill Switch! Be the finisher!”

Luchasaurus held up the chair and contemplated what he had just been ordered to do. Adam Copeland sprinted to the ring and speared Nick Wayne! Copeland booted Luchasaurus in the face! Copeland had the chair and looked at Christian Cage, but Luchasaurus pulled Christian out of the ring to safety. Copeland speared Nick Wayne a second time and then nailed him with the Impaler! Copeland propped Nick Wayne’s head on one of the chairs. Copeland cracked Nick Wayne with the steel chair, right in front of Nick’s mom!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Anna Jay, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager!

Matt Menard: “Renee, I don’t know what’s going on around here. Garcia with his dancing, Parker with his little girlfriend, someone tell me what’s going on!”

Hager: “And Danhausen with the hat!”

Anna Jay: “Stop, this is about me! I just want to wrestle. I am so tired of the losing, the infighting, and I don’t know if you guys are here to help me or hurt me.”

Parker’s phone rang and it was Ruby Soho calling.

Anna Jay: “Really? You’re in my corner tonight, right?”

Parker: “Anna, of course. It’s family first. You got this!”

Continental Classic Match—The Gold League!

LFI’s Rush vs. Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White!

Rush and Jay White locked horns, with Rush backing Jay into the corner. Rush dropkicked Jay White and then stomped on him. Rush splashed Switchblade in the corner and followed up with a beautiful dropkick.

Rush rammed Jay White into the barricades. Rush pulled a cable out from beneath the ring. Ref Paul Turner threatened to disqualify Rush, so Rush dropped the cable. Rush wrecked Jay White with more chops to the chest.

Jay White suplexed Rush right into the turnbuckles. Rush took Jay White off his feet with a flying forearm. Rush cracked White with a massive elbow strike and followed up with a brainbuster for a near fall.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jay White dodged a senton from Rush. Jay White nailed Rush with a brainbuster for a near fall! Jay White gouged the eye of Rush, but Rush answered with a rising knee strike. White fired back with a uranage for a two-count.

Rush escaped the Blade Runner attempt. Rush staggered White with a German Suplex. Jay White took down Rush with a dragon screw leg whip. Rush hurled Jay White with a belly-to-belly suplex into the turnbuckles. Rush went for the Bull’s Horns but White countered and tried for the Blade Runner. Rush escaped, shoving White, who inadvertently connected with the ref. As the ref had his back turned, Jay White hit Rush with a low blow and then pinned Rush after the Blade Runner! Jay White gained three points!

Footage was shown from after this past Saturday’s media scrum, with AEW World Tag Team Champs “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill attacking Chris Jericho, targeting his injured arm!

RJ City and Renee Paquette were on the ramp to present AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm with her championship!

Mariah May presented Toni with the title.

Toni Storm: “I didn’t have anything prepared. I would first like to thank Mr. Anthony Khan and the wonderful people at Warner Discovery. I would like to thank whoever trained me, and the little Toni Storms out there who want to be me. This is my spot. You will not take it. You will not make it. So, stay in school. Thank you!”

The celebration was interrupted as Skye Blue made her entrance for the next match.

Three-Way Match!

Ruby Soho (with Saraya)


Skye Blue

vs. Anna Jay (with Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)!

Parker and Ruby smiled at each other. Anna Jay rolled up Skye for a near fall. Skye took down Anna with a shoulder tackle. Ruby Soho suplexed Skye Blue, planting her on the back of her head.

Skye Blue took down both members of the opposition at once with creative offense. Anna Jay cracked Ruby with a thrust kick, after Ruby was flirting with Angelo Parker. Skye Blue connected with a diving cross body press onto Anna and Ruby.

Skye Blue rocked Ruby with two knee strikes. Skye Blue pump kicked Ruby off the ring apron, sending Ruby right into the arms of Angelo Parker! Anna Jay stunned Skye with a pump kick of her own! Before Ruby and Angelo kissed, Saraya pulled Ruby away from Angelo.

Blue escaped the Queen Slayer and followed up with a thrust kick. Skye Blue scored the pin after the cutter on Anna Jay! Saraya and Ruby argued with one another after the match.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Wardlow!

Wardlow: “The world doesn’t revolve around MJF. The downfall of the devil is going to happen on my time.”

AR Fox interrupted. “Hey man, I see what you’re doing here. Putting the blame on everybody else. I get it. I was doing the same to Darby.”

Wardlow: “Listen, I don’t need advice from anyone.”

Wardlow headbutted AR Fox and laughed.

Main Event Time!

Continental Classic Match—The Gold League!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley vs. Mark Briscoe!

Mox and Mark slugged it out in the center of the ring. Briscoe used his redneck kung fu, chopping Moxley in the throat. Moxley chomped down on Briscoe’s head. Briscoe nailed Moxley with a neck breaker off the apron and onto the arena floor!

Moxley smashed Mark in the mouth with a big boot! Mark was busted wide open. Moxley spiked Briscoe with a piledriver for a near fall. Briscoe tossed Mox with a suplex. Moxley applied an arm bar on Mark, but Mark got his boot on the bottom rope to force the break.

Moxley nailed Mark with the Paradigm Shift, but Mark got right up and dropkicked Moxley! Briscoe used a Death Valley Driver to set up the Froggy Bow, but Moxley kicked out at two! Moxley escaped a J Driller attempted and planted Mark with the Death Rider for a near fall!

Moxley hit Mark with a half and half suplex. Moxley curb stomped Briscoe and pinned him after a second Death Rider! Moxley earned three points!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN!

Special Programming note: this Saturday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 7/6c and then COLLISION at 8/7c on TNT from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland came out to the ring to kick off the show!

Adam Copeland: “This week on Dynamite, Christian Cage had a whole lot of things to say. In his deluded mind, I think he actually believes them. I had to come out here and address what he had to say…”

Christian Cage’s music began to play!

The TNT Champion walked onto the ramp with Nick Wayne, Luchasaurus, and a team of AEW security!

Christian Cage: “You gotta lot of nerve and you really proved my point. You really think you’re that special, huh? You just walk out here on Collision, my show, by the way, take up this opening segment while I’m in the main event. That doesn’t sit right with me, so I brought my security detail out here because I’m sure you’re upset with what I said. But this security is for your protection, not mine.

“I’m just going to cut to the chase here. Why don’t you nicely step out of that ring, walk back up that ramp, and hit the bricks, because you see what’s going to happen if you stick around much longer here in AEW? It’s going to be like you’re from Toledo, Ohio, because it’s like you’ll be known for nothing.

“So, get to stepping or I’ll have my security team remove you. Just like I had the BCC escorted from the arena so there won’t be any funny business tonight with Bryan Danielson. I want a straight up fight with Bryan Danielson, and I know that’s not going to happen if you’re here and they’re here. I’m going to prove what I have known all along, as the TNT Champion, I am without a doubt the best wrestler in the world.”

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson walked down the ramp!

Danielson: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You know, Christian Cage, I’m happy to hear that you want a fair fight because I’ve got some news for you. I’ve talked to Tony Khan and in the interest of having a fair fight, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne have been banned from ringside.

“And now we’re going to find out between you and me, who is the better man and who deserves to be the TNT Champion!”

“Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill—the AEW Tag Team Champions, walked down the ring next!

Ricky Starks: “No, no, no. I’m looking at a bunch of guys who are taking up my time, and Big Bill’s time. So, excuse me for breaking up this little bash here but I’ll be damned if I let it go any longer. And truthfully speaking, I have no respect for you Adam Copeland, I have no respect for you Bryan. But I have respect for you, Christian, the only AEW Champion who stands in this ring until, well, right now.”

Ricky Starks stepped into the ring.

Ricky Starks: “Bryan Danielson, don’t think I forgot about the things I had to do to deal with you and the BCC and all this other crap. The difference between you and me, Bryan, is I’m actually a real AEW champion. So, if you two don’t like what I said, how about you guys get with me and my friends and we can do the damn thing right now, if it’s a fight you’re looking for.”

FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood—walked to the ring next!

Cash Wheeler: “Seven days ago AEW medical gave us an option. They said we didn’t have to go out and defend the titles because we are banged up. But the show must go on, so we said we’d defend the titles. Obviously, that was the wrong choice. But that doesn’t make you, Ricky and Big Bill, the best tag team on the planet. That is reserved for FTR.

“So maybe we don’t get an immediate rematch. That’s fine. We will earn a rematch. But titles or not, you gotta now we’re coming for those necks.”

Dax Harwood: “Everybody is banged up. We all gotta work and we made a decision and last week, one night only, you were better than FTR. And I heard you and your friends wanted a fight. And Saturday night’s alright for a fight, Toledo.”

Danielson: “And speaking of that, Christian Cage, why don’t you and I do our match right now!”

Security charged at Danielson, Copeland, and FTR! Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, and Christian Cage high tailed it out of the ring and Danielson, Copeland, and FTR cleaned house on the security!

Ring Of Honor World TV Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Willie Mack!

Willie tried a shoulder block on Samoa Joe and Joe didn’t budge. Samoa Joe rammed into Willie Mack and knocked him off his feet! Samoa Joa jabbed at Willie Mack in the corner turnbuckles.

Willie Mack fired off the ropes with a leg lariat. He connected with a plancha on Samoa Joe!

Willie crushed Samoa Joe with a cannonball in the corner! Samoa Joe booted Willie and then splashed him with a running senton for a near fall.

Samoa Joe powerslammed Willie Mack for a two-count. Willie nailed Joe with a cutter in the center of the ring for a near fall. Willie climbed to the top for the 6-star frog splash, but Samoa Joe countered with a muscle buster! Samoa Joe covered Willie and pinned him!

Lexy Nair was backstage with “the hot and flexible” CJ Perry!

CJ Perry: “I would ask my future clients if they ever sat on the side and felt like someone else was getting the spotlight? If you feel that way, I know exactly how you feel. That’s the story of my life and I am here to help guide people in AEW. So, if you’re in the locker room and you want to become champion, come find the woman that helps make men.”

Action Andretti walked onto the set.

Action: “CJ, I’ve gotta say, I feel like I could really benefit from having someone like you guide and manage me. And I’m just one phone call away. And if you don’t know, now you know I’m Action Andretti.”

CJ: “Nice to meet you. Can’t wait to get a call.”

Juice Robison (with Bullet Club Gold)


“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels!

Daniels took down Juice with an arm drag. CD applied the pressure on Juice.

Juice rocketed Daniels into the ropes, throat first. Juice charged at Daniels with a stiff elbow shot. Juice jabbed at the Fallen Angel. Juice followed up with a standing senton for a near fall. Christopher Daniels suplexed Juice and hit Juice with an STO.

Daniels smashed Juice with a high angle Death Valley Driver. Daniels tried for the Angels Wings, but Juice shoved Daniels into the turnbuckles. Juice crushed CD with a running cannonball. Juice planted Daniels and pinned him.

“The juice is loose. Juice Robinson now sets his sights on Wednesday night as part of the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale to see who will go on to face MJF for the Dynamite Diamond ring,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Jay White versus Penta El Zero Miedo as well,” added Kevin Kelly.

After the match, “Switchblade” Jay White placed a ring on Juice’s finger. The Gunns held up Christopher Daniels and Juice clocked Daniels with the lethal left hand!

Juice Robinson: “MJF, you think you’re the only man in the world who can knock a guy out with a ring on his fist? I’ve been knocking losers out like you for years with nothing on this hand. In fact, this ring right here, I got from TJ Maxx. It ain’t the ring when it comes to the Stray Bullet. It’s the left hand I got, and I don’t need anything on it. Wednesday after I win your little battle royal, I’m gonna take that ring from you Max and then we’re gonna take a trip to the local pawn shop. And we’re gonna pawn that and the Bang Bang Gang will go on a vacation.”

“Switchblade” Jay White: “Look Max, when you wonder why this is all happening to you, you have one boy to blame and that is MJF. You see, MJF, you brought this all on yourself when you jumped me from behind in your devil mask with your paid off gimp squad because we all know you have no friends.

“So now your world is falling apart, and it starts when Juice takes your precious little ring, and it culminates at Full Gear when your world crumbles for good when I am officially crowned the AEW World Heavyweight Champion! Guns up!”

A vignette aired for Dustin Rhodes!

Dustin Rhodes: “Well Houston, we have a problem! Because I am the storm. ‘The Natural’ Dustin Rhodes is coming back to Texas where he belongs. And Dustin Rhodes today, in 2023, is as good as he’s ever been. And this Wednesday, I am coming to win the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal. And then MJF, I’m coming for that diamond ring, but more importantly, a chance for a lifelong dream of mine—to become the AEW World Heavyweight Champion. My path to glory starts this Wednesday night on TBS where it all began and where legends live forever!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Nick Wayne! Lexy informed him that this Wednesday he would have a sit down interview with Jim Ross and Nick Wayne’s mom!

Nick Wayne: “A sit down interview? With my mom? For what? The whole world wants to know what I did to Darby Allin and apparently my mom wants to know? Then I guess they can find out on Dynamite.”

Aussie Open’s Kyle Fletcher vs. Iron Savages’ Boulder!

Boulder shoved Fletcher to the mat. Fletcher applied a side headlock. Fletcher clubbed Boulder with forearms. Boulder press slammed Kyle Fletcher.

Fletcher rocked Boulder with a leg lariat, knocking Boulder to the arena floor. Fletcher flew over the top rope with a dive onto Boulder!

Kyle Fletcher powerbombed Boulder from the top rope. Fletcher locked on the dragon sleeper and made Boulder tap out!

“Interesting with the dragon sleeper,” said Tony Schiavone.

Renee Paquette was backstage with the AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!

Billy Gunn: “We have been Trios Champs for 48 days!”

Max Caster: “I just hope MJF sees all the hard work we’ve been putting in.”

Billy Gunn: “We have to work on your relationship skills because they’re absolutely rotten.”

Anthony Bowens: “The Twitter stuff, it’s all a bit aggressive. We can make friends and we can help you make friends.”

Billy and Anthony coached Caster with a few pointers and told him to try them on Renee for practice. Caster asked Renee about the “Oral Sessions” and totally offended her.

Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia and Jake Hager crashed the interview.

Menard: “Real smooth, idiot.”

Parker: “MJF thinks you’re an absolute loser.”

Menard: “How about Memphis, you put those titles on the line. We’re getting a taste of the title.”

Caster: “We’ll see you in Memphis!”

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Skye Blue!

Skye Blue’s demeanor has changed since Julia Hart blew mist in her eyes. Blue grabbed a handful of Kris’ hair. Skye Blue cracked Kris with a back elbow.

Skye Blue nailed Kris with a neck breaker across the ropes. Kris fired back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Blue planted Kris with a satellite DDT for a two-count.

Blue hit an avalanche powerbomb. Blue jumped off the top rope with a crossbody, but Statlander countered with a powerslam. Blue rocked Kris with thrust kicks. Statlander caught Blue with Saturday Night Fever and pinned Skye Blue!

Statlander tried to help up Skye Blue after the match. Skye Blue slapped away Kris’ hand. Willow Nightingale sprinted to the ring to try to talk some sense into Skye.

Kyle Fletcher was backstage!

Fletcher: “First off, I want to send some well wishes to Mark Davis. But saying that, Davis being out gives me an opportunity to prove that on my own two feet, I am one of the best professional wrestlers in this world. There is a man in this company that I consider to be the measuring stick. This Wednesday I am calling you out, Kenny Omega, and I will prove I am one of the best, with or without someone in my corner!”

“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. The Outrunners’ Turbo Floyd!

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty of Shane Taylor Promotions had a vested interest, watching this match on a monitor backstage.

Keith Lee threw Floyd over his head! Lee pounced on Turbo Floyd! Keith Lee powerbombed Floyd and pinned him!

“The Redeemer” Miro was backstage with some thought provoking words…and actions!

Miro: “The last few weeks have been testing with my wife being around. But I know what’s going to happen now that she’s here. Because evil seduces you under bright lights. So now she’ll be surrounded by all the things she loves. Let this be a warning, I am willing to destroy every man to protect the one woman. This is the promise of the Redeemer!”

Miro threw Action Andretti to the ground!

Main Event Time!

TNT Championship Match!

Christian Cage (c.) vs. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide main event analysis.

Danielson worked over Cage in a bow and arrow submission move. Danielson whipped Christian Cage into the steel barricade. Danielson followed up with a running dropkick. Danielson threw Christian Cage back into the ring and worked on Christian Cage’s knee.

Christian Cage charged at Danielson, but Danielson back dropped Cage out of the ring. Danielson sprinted at Christian Cage, looking for a tope suicida, but Christian Cage countered with a massive uppercut!

“What a smart move by the TNT Champion,” said Jim Ross.

Danielson tried to suplex Christian off the ring apron, but Christian kicked Danielson and shoved him into the ring post. Chrisitan Cage planted Danielson with a hammerlock slam on the apron, right on Danielson’s surgically repaired arm!

They jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Danielson headbutted Cage, knocking him off the turnbuckles. Bryan rocked Cage with a diving headbutt. Christian Cage was busted wide open!

Danielson clobbered Christian Cage with toxic round kicks. Danielson jumped onto Christian with a tope suicida.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Christian Cage poked Danielson in the eye. Christian followed up with a frog splash for a near fall! Christian was looking for the Kill Switch, but Danielson countered with kicks to Cage’s sternum. Danielson missed a round kick and Christian planted him on his face! Christian Cage charged at Danielson, looking for the spear, but Danielson countered with a knee! Danielson blasted Christian with a stiff kick for a near fall!

Danielson captured Christian’s wrists and stomped on his head. Danielson ran towards Christian, ready to hit with his knee strike, but Christian Cage countered with a spear! Christian planted Bryan with the Kill Switch but somehow Bryan kicked out at two!

Christian ran at Danielson with another spear, but Danielson dodged it! Danielson hit the running knee on Christian Cage! Danielson covered Cage but Cage kicked out! Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock! Christian reached the ropes with his boots. Danielson pulled Christian back to the center of the ring and tried for the Le Bell Lock again, but his damaged arm wouldn’t allow him to complete the hold and lock it in.

Big Bill came to the ring and distracted the ref! Ricky Starks jumped into the ring and blasted Danielson in the head with his tag team title belt! Christian covered Danielson and pinned him!

“It took three guys to get it done,” said Jim Ross.

After the match, Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, Big Bill, and Ricky Starks stomped and kicked Danielson! FTR rushed down to help even up the odds for Danielson! Adam Copeland hit the ring and hit anything that moved! Copeland was going toe to toe with Luchasaurus! FTR clobbered Big Bill, knocking him out of the ring! Big Bill pulled Starks out of the ring before FTR could inflict anymore punishment. Copeland booted Luchasaurus right in the face and out of the ring! Copeland speared Nick Wayne!

“You asked for it, kid, you got it,” said Tony Schiavone.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

8-Man Tag Match!

Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta

& The Hardys—Matt & Jeff


Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Daniel Garcia, & Jake Hager!

Chuck got slugged by Parker, but Chuck fired back with an arm drag. Jeff Hardy and Daniel Garcia tagged in for their respective teams. Hardy and Garcia had a dance off. Matt Menard blindsided Jeff with a cheap shot.

Menard tagged in and isolated Jeff Hardy. Garcia tagged back in but Jeff Hardy reversed Garcia, taking him off his feet with a lariat. Trent tagged in and he and Garcia traded strikes. Trent walloped Garcia with two consecutive German Suplexes. Trent launched a thrust kick at Garcia and followed up with a Death Valley Driver!

The Hardys sent Hager over the top rope with a double clothesline. Hager trucked Trent on the arena floor. Back in the ring, Trent was looking for a break as Menard chopped at him. Trent charged out of the corner with a knee strike to Menard, creating a huge opening. Matt Hardy tagged in and cleaned house with Side Effects on Hager and then on Garcia!

Hager hit Matt Hardy with a Hager Bomb! Trent DDT’ed Parker. Menard was there with a powerbomb for Trent. Matt Hardy shoved Garcia, inadvertently knocking Garcia into Menard, and Menard fell out of the ring onto Anna Jay.

Matt Hardy smashed Garcia with a Twist of Fate. Trent Crunched Garcia. Jeff Hardy finished off Garcia with a Swanton Bomb and pinned him for the victory!

Renee Paquette was interviewing ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston backstage!

Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jeff and Karen Jarrett interrupted.

Sonjay demanded that Kingston give Jay Lethal a shot at the championship.

Eddie Kingston: “I’ll defend it against Jay when he proves he’s still the same Jay, and not this clown that’s running around you guys. Then I’ll defend it. Tell him to prove it to me.”

Kingston walked away and Stokely Hathaway walked onto the set. He whispered into Sonjay’s ear, and they both grinned about some secret plan.

A teaser aired for the return of very nice, very evil Danhausen!

“Very nice and very evil, and very soon we will see the return of Danhausen here in AEW,” said Excalibur.

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta


Wise Guy Ruiz & Levi Shapiro!

Yuta tied up Shapiro. Shapiro got to his feet, but Wheeler knocked him right back down with stiff shots. Claudio tagged in and clobbered Shapiro with a clothesline. Claudio put Shapiro in the Giant Swing and then Yuta dropkicked the spinning Shapiro! Claudio threw Yuta with the Fastball Special, with Yuta splashing Shapiro and pinning him!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Anna Jay!

Garcia said he was trying to handle business all by himself tonight. Menard shook his head in disgust.

Parker said tonight was about going out there and proving they made the right decision, but they failed…as a family. “Now we’re taking Anna to the doctor…as a family!”

Johnny TV vs. Komander vs. Lince Dorado vs. Penta El Zero Miedo!

The winner receives an ROH World Title match!

ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Penta came around with a sling blade on Johnny TV. They exchanged arm drags. Komander and Lince Dorado hit stereo tope suicidas on Penta and Johnny TV!

Lince Dorada smashed Komander with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Penta El Zero Miedo connected with a diving cross body on Johnny TV. Penta rocked Johnny TV with a destroyer! Penta flew over the top rope and crash landed on the other three wrestlers.

Johnny TV staggered Penta with a neck breaker. Johnny TV splashed Dorado with a standing moonsault. Johnny TV powerslammed Komander in the center of the ring. Komander headbutted Johnny TV off the top turnbuckle.

Lince Dorado moonsaulted from the ring to Penta and Johnny TV on the arena floor! Komander ran the ropes and flipped onto the opposition outside the ring. Komander walked the ropes and then hit the 450 splash onto Lince Dorado, scoring the pin!

“Komander with the curveball and the win tonight,” said Excalibur.

Ortiz was backstage with a message for Mike Santana!

Ortiz: “You’re still that sad, little kid crying after a fight you caused. Your persona is a defense mechanism. Because if you were a man, you’d be standing here looking me in the eyes. You spit on the people who looked up at you as an idol. I’m going to expose you. Kharma took your one knee and I’m going to take the other!”

Main Event Time!

TBS Champion Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida


“The Native Beast” Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir!

Shida grounded and pounded Shafir. Nyla tagged in and body slammed Shida. Nyla followed up with a leg drop.

Marina blasted Shida with kicks, but Shida fired back with a running elbow strike. Nyla ran in and steamrolled Shida. Marina drove Shida down hard onto the mat.

Statlander tagged in and cleaned house on Nyla and Marina. Kris slammed Marina. She tried to body slam Nyla, but Kris couldn’t keep Nyla up. Kris tried a second time and was successful with the body slam. Nyla shut down the TBS Champion with a lariat for a near fall.

Statlander nailed Marina with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Shida grabbed a tag. Shida jumped to the outside from the apron on Nyla and Marina! Shida blasted Marina with the Falcon Arrow for a near fall!

Statlander hoisted up Nyla on her shoulders. Shida jumped from the top and wiped out Nyla with the Doomsday Device! Shida cracked Marina with the katana kick. She finished off Marina with the Knight Cap and pinned Marina!

“A message sent to the champion,” said Excalibur.

***Special night*** Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday on TBS this Tuesday live at 8/7ct from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO featuring:

-AEW International Championship Match—Rey Fenix (c.) vs. Jon Moxley!

– “Switchblade” Jay White vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson!

-Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Chris Jericho!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Match—Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

– “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus!

***Special start time*** Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 7/6c from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, UT featuring:

-Kiera Hogan vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm!

-The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland appears live to respond to Christian Cage!

-ROH World Championship Match:

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Komander!

– “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Kyle Fletcher!

-AEW World Tag Team Title Match:

FTR (c.) vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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