AEW presented REVOLUTION live from the sold out Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC!

It’s showtime and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off! 

Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur and Nigel McGuinness.

12-Man Tag Match!

The Bang Bang Scissor Gang—AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass, and ROH World Six-Man Champions Bullet Club Gold


Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Willie Mack, and Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen!

Caster flubbed his rap at the end and seemed a bit rattled. Caster hit the Scissor Me Timbers on Marq Quen. Lethal interfered and Quen dropkicked Colten. Jeff Jarrett tagged in and did the Fargo strut after Karen choked Colten when the ref had his back turned. Willie Mack walloped Colten with a massive lariat. Satnam Singh sent Bowens for a ride, hurling him halfway across the ring. Lethal followed up with a delayed vertical suplex on Bowens, showing off his strength. Jarrett, as cunning as they come, tagged in and stomped on Bowens. Anthony Bowens bounced back with a neck breaker on Jeff Jarrett. 

Daddy Ass made the tag and cleaned house until Satnam Singh tripped him from outside the ring. Private Party, Willie Mack, and Jay Lethal blasted Billy Gunn with a flurry of offense. Mack went for the frog splash, but Billy rolled out of the way. The Bang Bang Scissor Gang turned the tables on the opposition. Jay White chop blocked Satnam and Billy followed up with the fame-asser. Jay White drilled Mack with the Blade Runner and scored the pin!

“Things working out once again for the Bang Bang Scissor Gang,” said Excalibur.

Jay White: “Yo! Listen! See Max, it’s not that hard. Guns up! Now I’m always telling the gang about how much I love Greensboro. So, what better place to have an event like AEW Revolution! We are the greatest faction in the greatest professional wrestling company, All Elite Wrestling. The Bang Bang Scissor Gang is led by one of the greatest of all time. And I can remind all of you at any time what made me the “Catalyst” of professional wrestling. In 10 days, in Boston on Wednesday, March 13th, maybe I’ll handle some big business of my own!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Doc Sampson, the Best Friends, and AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy!

Orange: “Tonight I want you guys to stay in the back. I’m sick and tired of my friends getting hurt because of me. I’ll handle this by myself.”

A vignette aired for the impending return of “The Bastard” PAC! 

“You cannot get rid of me, Tony Khan!” said PAC.

TBS Champion Julia Hart & Skye Blue


Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale (with Stokely Hathaway)!

Skye Blue took some wild swings at Willow and Kris, but Kris whipped Blue into the turnbuckles. Skye tagged out to Julia, but Statlander body slammed Julia. Willow entered the match and connected with a running crossbody for a near fall on Julia. Kris blistered Julia with stiff chops and followed up with a back suplex.

Julia dodged a high boot from Willow. Skye Blue punted Willow in the back. Skye and Julia double teamed Willow in their corner, isolating her with quick tags. Kris tagged in and fired shots to Julia and Skye. She took both of them down with a jumping double elbow. Julia Hart had a blind tag and clubbed Kris from behind with a running lariat. Willow ran toward the corner and nailed Skye with a senton. Willow drilled Julia with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. 

Skye Blue tagged in and walloped Willow with a thrust kick. Willow dropkicked Skye off the middle rope. Kris tagged in and slugged it out with Julia in the center of the ring. Julia connected with a moonsault press to Kris. Julia covered Statlander but Willow ran in to break up the cover. Statlander clobbered Julia and Skye with a double lariat. Willow rocked Skye with the pounce! Willow planted Skye with the Doctor Bomb and pinned Skye Blue!

The main portion of the card kicked off with Tony Schiavone, Excalibur and Nigel McGuinness at the broadcast booth. 

TNT Championship Match!

“The Patriarch” Christian Cage (c.) (with Nick Wayne, Mother Wayne, & Killswitch)

vs. Daniel Garcia!

Christian Cage crunched Garcia with a perfectly executed neck breaker. Garcia rallied back with swift strikes, backing Christian into the corner. Christian Cage shoved Garcia to the arena floor and the leaped over the ring post, down onto Garcia!

Nick Wayne charged at Garcia, but Garcia backdropped him, with Wayne crashing onto the timekeeper’s table. Garcia willed himself back onto the ring apron and landed a series of shots on Christian Cage. Garcia connected with a running forearm. Garcia pulled Christian’s turtleneck over Christian’s head and blasted him with strikes. 

Daniel Garcia whipped Christian Cage into the steel ring steps. Christian Cage retreated to the relative safety of the ring. Christian went for a diving headbutt, but Garcia dodged it and countered with an ankle lock! Christian escaped but Daniel Garcia planted him with a suplex. Garcia was looking for a piledriver, but Chrisitan Cage countered with a catapult to the corner. Christian had the ref distracted while Killswitch choke slammed Garcia. Christian Cage nailed Garcia with frog splash for a near fall. Killswitch was going to interfere again, but “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard ran down to even up the odds for Garcia! Menard and Killswitch brawled at ringside! Christian attempted the spear, but his leg gave out. Garcia grabbed him and spiked him with a piledriver for a two-count!

“So close!” said Excalibur.

Garcia almost scored the victory with a jackknife pin, but Christian grabbed the ropes. Mother Wayne jumped onto the apron to distract the ref, while a lurking Nick Wayne rocked Garcia, whiplashing Garcia’s neck on the ropes! Christian Cage smashed Garcia with the Killswitch and pinned Garcia!

“Highway robbery by Christian Cage and the Patriarchy,” said Excalibur. 

Continental Crown Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Kingston headbutted Danielson and hit a backdrop driver early on. Kingston followed up with a tope suicida. Kingston chopped Danielson on the apron but after luring Kingston in, Kingston inadvertently struck the ring post with his hand! Danielson suplexed Kingston off the apron and onto the arena floor!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson began to punish Kingston’s right arm with kicks. Danielson’s gameplan was clear: take away Kingston’s ability to chop and strike. Danielson jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Kingston caught him and countered with an exploder suplex.

Danielson retaliated with a dragon suplex, Kingston landing high on his neck. Danielson employed chops and kicks on Kingston in the corner. Kingston knocked Danielson back with a headbutt. Danielson climbed back up the turnbuckles and stunned Kingston with a butterfly suplex off the turnbuckles.

Kingston played possum and wrecked Danielson with a spinning backfist. Kingston followed up with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall on Danielson! Somehow Danielson found the energy to smash Kingston with a running knee strike. Danielson covered Kingston but Kingston found the energy deep down to survive and kicked out at the two-count! Danielson captured the wrists of Kingston and stomped Kingston. Danielson locked Kingston in the triangle sleeper. Eddie managed to reach the ropes with his boot, forcing the ref to break the hold.

Kingston taunted Danielson, inviting him to strike him. Danielson kicked at Kingston. Danielson sent Kingston flying with a suplex, but Kingston got right back up! This time it was Kingston who dished out the pain, suplexing Danielson. The fans got to their feet and applauded both competitors! 

Kingston and Danielson traded rapid fire strikes. Danielson was dazed. Kingston drove his knee into the head of Danielson. Kingston power bombed Danielson and pinned him!

“And now Bryan Danielson must shake Kingston’s hand!” said Nigel.

Danielson lived up to his word, showed respect to Kingston, and the two shook hands!

All-Star 8-Man Scramble Match!

FTW Champion HOOK vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Dante Martin vs. “The Ocho” Chris Jericho vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer vs. CMLL’s Magnus vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow!

The winner earns an AEW World Championship Match.

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Adam Cole was rolled out on a wheelchair by ROH Tag Champs Mike Bennett and Matt Taven to accompany Wardlow to the ring.

“It’s every man for himself,” said Taz.

Wardlow and Hobbs joined forces to beat down Jericho. Cage press slammed Hook over the top rope and to the floor. Wardlow looked at the Tron and began to flex. Archer clocked Cage with a big boot. Wardlow and Archer exchanged strikes. Archer walked the top rope and backflipped onto Wardlow. Archer tried a second time, but this time Hobbs spiked him with a spinebuster.

Magnus and Dante paired off, while Hook and Jericho tangled with one another. Jericho jumped over the ring post and crashed onto Hobbs on the arena floor. Dante flew through the ropes with a tope to Wardlow. Hook climbed to the top and took flight, landing with a double sledge to Cage on the floor. 

Dante connected with a crossbody to Jericho for a near fall. Magnus clocked Dante with a cutter for a two-count. Archer hip tossed Magnus off the ropes. Archer planted Magnus with a chokeslam for a near fall. Jericho and Magnus double suplexed Archer and they both followed up with stereo lionsaults on Archer!

Hobbs bulldozed Archer with a running powerslam. Brian Cage hurled Hobbs with a backdrop suplex. Wardlow rocked Cage, Archer, and Magnus with German Suplexes. Hook jumped on Wardlow’s back, looking to lock on Red Rum. Jericho came in and put Wardlow in the Lion Tamer while Hook still had Red Rum locked in. Cage broke up the submissions but Hook German Suplexed Cage for his efforts!

Hobbs massacred Jericho with the World’s Most Dangerous Slam on the arena floor! Hobbs charged at Jericho but Jericho blinded Hobbs with a canister of liquid fog from the fog machine. Wardlow took Cage down with a lariat. Wardlow power bombed Cage. Meanwhile Dante planted Magnus on the mat. Hook went back for the Red Rum on Wardlow, but Wardlow escaped and headbutted Hook. Wardlow clobbered Dante with a power bomb and pinned Dante Martin!

“Action from bell to bell!” said Excalibur.

“What a battle,” added Taz.

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong!

Strong targeted Orange’s back, nailing Orange with repeated back breakers. Roddy chopped away at Orange in the corner. Orange retaliated with elbow strikes. Roderick picked up Orange Cassidy and gut wrench power bombed Orange onto the top turnbuckle and ropes! Roddy grabbed Orange by the arms and began to wrench back against the ring post, making it difficult for Orange to breathe. 

“Roderick really has Orange in a bad way,” said Schiavone.

Roderick countered Orange’s swinging DDT with a rib breaker! Roddy put Orange in the Strong Hold! Orange willed himself to the bottom rope and grabbed it. Strong put Orange back in the Strong Hold! Cassidy escaped and this time connected with a DDT to Strong. Orange Cassidy followed up with a diving DDT for a near fall!

Orange rocked Roderick with the Panama Sunrise for a near fall! Roderick dodged the Orange Punch and countered with a back breaker. Orange fired back with the Orange Punch! Orange blasted Roddy with the Beach Break, but Roddy escaped the pin by touching the bottom rope with his boot. Orange got to his feet, but Roderick was there, pulping Orange with the End of Heartache and pinning Orange!

And new AEW International Champion…Roderick Strong!

Kyle O’Reilly made his return! Kyle came into the ring and he and Roderick embraced one another. Mike Bennett took off the Undisputed Kingdom t-shirt he was wearing and handed it to Kyle. Kyle handed the shirt back, whispered something into Roderick’s ear, and left the ring!

“Kyle looks pretty emotional as he’s walking away,” said Schiavone.

The fans chanted “Welcome back! Welcome back!”

The Blackpool Combat Club—Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley


FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood!

Mox and Claudio came to the ring wearing spiked shoulder pads, eager to snack on danger and dine on death!

Claudio and Dax traded cradles and pinning combinations at the start of the match, both going for the win early on. They exchanged open palm strikes. Claudio decked Dax with a European Uppercut. 

Mox grabbed a tag, as did Cash. Cash Wheeler ran into Mox with a shoulder tackle. Moxley fired in chops, but Cash came back with a big back body drop to Moxley. Dax took down Claudio with a drop toe hold and Cash hit an elbow drop on Claudio, FTR putting their famous tandem offense on display.

Moxley and Cash brawled in the front row! Moxley returned Cash to the ring and Claudio came in with a gut wrench to Cash. Claudio hammered Cash with a clothesline. Dax was busted wide open as he collided with the steel ring post, courtesy of Claudio. Claudio hoisted up Dax for an Air Raid Crash and Moxley jumped off the top rope, spiking Dax.

Dax and Moxley swung at each other with wild forearms and then right hands! Dax power bombed Moxley. Dax held up Moxley for a piledriver while Cash stuffed him from the top rope! Cash connected with a tope to Claudio! Dax was looking for the power plex on Moxley, but Claudio knocked Cash down. Moxley put Dax on his shoulders and Claudio rocked Dax with a European Uppercut Doomsday Device!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

FTR went for the Shatter Machine, but Claudio blocked it! Moxley clocked Cash with a cutter while Claudio put Dax in the Giant Swing! Moxley dropkicked Dax as Claudio was swinging Dax! 

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

FTR finally nailed Mox with the Shatter Machine. Dax had Moxley covered but Claudio pulled Dax off Moxley and out of the ring! Cash flew out of the ring with a tope, but Claudio countered with a European Uppercut! Claudio nailed Cash with a Neutralizer on the arena floor. Dax was right there, though, and hit Claudio with a piledriver! 

Back in the ring, Moxley drilled Dax with a Death Rider for a near fall! Moxley applied a rear choke. Cash jumped in to try to break up the submission, but Claudio grabbed him and put Cash in a rear naked choke! Moxley sat back with his submission and put Dax to sleep! The BCC won the match via ref stoppage!

“Classic match! I loved it!” said Taz.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

“Timeless” Toni Storm (c.) vs. “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo!

Toni Storm trolled Deonna, sending Mariah May dressed up in Toni’s throwback ring attire. 

Deonna and Toni chain wrestled at the start of the match. Deonna baited in Toni and tried for an arm bar, but Toni got to the ropes. Deonna hit Toni with a shoulder tackle. Toni rolled to the outside, trying to collect her thoughts. Deonna caught Toni off guard with a sliding dropkick. 

Toni mule kicked Deonna as the ref had her back turned. Toni headbutted Deonna, her confidence growing as she gained more control over her challenger. Deonna slapped Toni across the cheek. Toni fired back. Deonna hammered the jaw of her former friend with elbow strikes. Deonna pump kicked Toni in the face.

Toni tripped Deonna in the corner. Toni smashed Deonna with the running hip attack and followed up with a DDT for a near fall! Toni tripped Deonna and was looking for the Break A Leg submission. Deonna rolled out of it. Deonna pump kicked Toni and Toni fell into Luther’s arms. Deonna jumped off the ropes and wiped out both of them on the outside! Deonna applied the Fujiwara arm bar. Toni was tapping to the Venus De Milo, but Luther distracted the ref. Mariah May jumped on the ring apron and distracted Deonna. When Deonna turned around, Toni drilled Deonna with a piledriver and pinned her. 

The Don Callis Family’s “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita 


The Don Callis Family’s Will Ospreay!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

“This is the match of the decade!” said Don Callis.

“The match hasn’t even happened yet,” replied Tony.

“I can say that because these are the two best rope to rope wrestlers in the world,” said Callis.

“I hate to agree with Don,” said Excalibur.

Will took Takeshita down with a hurracanrana. Takeshita fired back with the Takeshita Line! Takeshita hit a delayed vertical suplex off the ropes. Ospreay rallied back with a corkscrew kick and then jumped over the top rope, landing on Takeshita on the floor mats.

Ospreay hit Takeshita with Kawada kicks to the face. Takeshita retaliated with a dive over the top rope and onto Will with all of his body weight! Takeshita tried for a senton off the top, but Will countered by raising his knees into Takeshita’s back. Takeshita wasted no time, though, wiping out Will with a German Suplex. Takeshita charged at Will, but Will countered with a Spanish Fly!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Will took down Takeshita with a spinning kick to the face. Will Ospreay had Takeshita in trouble with a rolling elbow strike. Takeshita rocked Ospreay with a shot of his own! Will planted Takeshita with a Tiger Driver for a near fall!

Takeshita countered an Os Cutter with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Ospreay dodged a flurry of strikes and landed the Os Cutter on Takeshita. Will attempted the Hidden Blade but Takeshita had it scouted and countered it with his own strike for a near fall.

Takeshita blocked a hurracanrana from the top and countered with a brutal brain buster off the top rope! Ospreay found his footing somehow and took down Takeshita with a Poison Rana. Takeshita trucked Will with a running lariat. Ospreay countered a jumping knee with a Styles Clash!

“Who in the hell is going to win this thing? My God!” said Schiavone. 

Ospreay nailed Takeshita with a Tiger Driver 91, smashed Takeshita with the Hidden Blade, and pinned Takeshita!

“We all won tonight, guys. The family is stronger than ever,” said Callis.

“That was unbelievable. We will never forget this one,” added Schiavone.

ROH TV Champion Kyle Fletcher came down to the ring and hugged his best friend Will Ospreay. 

“I’ve just been informed that coming up this Wednesday on Dynamite it’ll be Kyle Fletcher against Will Ospreay, one on one!” said Excalibur. 

AEW World Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Samoa Joe took the fight to Page and Strickland. Hangman hit a fallaway slam on Swerve, but Swerve popped right up and hit Hangman with a high boot. Samoa Joe power bombed Hangman and transitioned to the STF. Samoa Joe was looking for a muscle buster on Swerve, as Joe had Swerve in the ropes. Samoa Joe headbutted Swerve and knocked him to the arena floor. 

Hangman and Swerve teamed up and double power bombed Samoa Joe off the top turnbuckle. Hangman Page and Swerve tore each other apart with strikes in the middle of the ring. Swerve developed a mouse under his eye. Swerve laughed at Hangman. Page was looking for Dead Eye, but Swerve countered with a sunset flip until Samoa Joe broke up the pin attempt. 

Hangman hoisted up Swerve with a tombstone piledriver. Once again Samoa Joe jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Hangman booted Samoa Joe, catching him flush on the chin. Swerve snatched up Hangman in a vertical suplex and went for the cover, and Samoa Joe was there to break up the pin attempt once again. 

Samoa Joe planted Hangman with the Muscle Buster. Swerve connected with the Swerve Stomp on Samoa Joe and followed up with the House Call. Instead of going for the cover on Samoa Joe, Swerve rocked Page with the House Call to the back of the head for a two-count!

Swerve squashed Samoa Joe with a 450 splash! Samoa Joe was clutching his ribs. Swerve nailed Joe with the Swerve Stomp! Samoa Joe kicked out, and then Page pulled the ref out of the ring! Hangman grabbed the World title and smashed Swerve in the head with it!

“Ref Paul Turner is face first on the floor here,” said Schiavone.

Hangman connected with the Buckshot Lariat on Samoa Joe! Hangman hit Joe with a second Buckshot Lariat and went for the pin. Another ref ran down to make the count, but Samoa Joe kicked out at the two-count. Samoa Joe grabbed Hangman in a submission, but Swerve jumped off the top rope with a sky twister press, throwing his body onto the pile to break it up!

“Adam Page was likely on the verge of tapping out,” said Excalibur.

Prince Nana handed Swerve Nana’s crown. Swerve threw it back, saying he didn’t need it. Samoa Joe grabbed Swerve in a rear naked choke, but Swerve countered, rolling up Joe. Hangman Page jumped into the ring and began to hammer the referee in the back of the head, and then threw the ref out of the ring!

Samoa Joe was looking for the Muscle Buster on Swerve but Page smashed Joe with the Buckshot Lariat. Swerve served up one of his own Buckshot Lariats to Page! Swerve drilled Page with the JML Driver! Samoa Joe jumped in and put the half and half on Hangman, trapping Page. Hangman Page tapped out!

“Samoa Joe wins it, and what a fight it was!” said Jim Ross. 

“Was Hangman Page tapping out because he was trapped in the grips of Samoa Joe or was he tapping to deny Swerve?” asked Excalibur. 

“You can tell Swerve is heartbroken, but he will have another shot down the road,” added Tony Schiavone.

On Sunday, April 21st, AEW presents DYNASTY, live on pay-per-view at 8pm ET/5PM PT! Tickets go on sale this Friday at 10AM CT at!

Sting’s Final Match!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Tornado Tag Match!

Darby Allin & “The Icon” Sting (c.)


The Young Bucks—Matthew & Nicholas Jackson!

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair came to the ring! Next came the special guest timekeeper, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat!

Sting’s sons were by his side, each representing a different era of Sting’s career. 

The match started off with a bang! Sting hit the Stinger splash on the Bucks while Darby connected with Coffin Splashes. Sting’s sons got in the ring and delivered Stinger splashes on the Bucks, getting retribution for when the Bucks attacked them on Dynamite! Sting applied a double Scorpion Death Lock on the Bucks, but they managed to escape.

The fans chanted “Thank you Sting! Thank you Sting!”

Sting whipped Matthew and Nicholas into the barricade. Sting smacked the Bucks with a steel chair. Sting’s sons set up tables around the ring, and Darby brought out a ladder. Matthew went for a piledriver on the floor but Sting countered with a back drop. Darby jumped off the ring post with a Coffin Drop to the Bucks on the floor!

Sting pulled a pane of glass out from beneath the ring. Sting pulled out another pane of glass. Sting’s sons and Darby placed the panes of glass across chairs at ringside. The Bucks tried to retreat through the crowd, but Darby and Sting chased after them. Nicholas walloped Darby with a Falcon Arrow off the stage and through tables. Matthew Jackson gouged at Sting’s eyes. Matthew suplexed Sting off the stage and through tables on the side of the stage!

Nicholas propped up a ladder on the turnbuckles. Matthew Jackson power bombed Darby against the ladder! Darby drilled Nicholas with a stunner and then nailed Matthew with a Code Red! Darby rammed Nicholas’ head into the steel ring steps. Darby climbed up and jumped off the top of the ladder that was set up in the ring, but Matthew pulled Nicholas out of the way just in time. This proved to be extremely costly for Darby, as his body crashed through the pane of glass below!

“Look at all those lacerations on the back of Darby,” said Excalibur.

“Yeah, he could bleed out,” replied Jim Ross.

The Bucks double teamed Sting in the ring as Doc Sampson checked on Darby on the outside. Sting fought off the Bucks and set Matthew on a table. Sting climbed the ladder, but Matthew met him up there and power bombed him down through a table! Sting popped right up!

“It’s Sting!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Unbelievable!” added Excalibur.

The Bucks grabbed Sting and whipped him into a pane of glass that was propped against the turnbuckles, sending shards of glass everywhere! Matthew Jackson kicked Sting with a low blow. Matthew planted Sting with the Scorpion Death Drop for a near fall. 

“There are car crashes, and then there is this,” said Excalibur.

Nicholas Jackson went to grab one of the Tag Championships so he could use it as a weapon. Ricky Steamboat saw what was about to happen and yanked it away from Nicholas. Matthew Jackson clocked Steamboat with a steel chair! Ric Flair rolled into the ring to check on Sting. Matthew grabbed one of the tag belts and was about to blast Sting with it, but the “Nature Boy” acted as a human shield and begged Matthew not to do it. The Young Bucks blasted Ric Flair with superkicks!

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat jumped onto the ring apron, but the Bucks rocked him with stereo superkicks too! 

“Flair is out, Steamboat is out!” said Jim Ross.

“The Bucks are trying to wipe out every one of the icons,” replied Tony Schiavone. 

Matthew Jackson smashed the tag belt in Sting’s face. Matthew covered Sting but Sting kicked out! The Bucks dished out a pair of superkicks to Sting but Sting did not leave his feet! Sting beat his chest and bulldozed the Bucks with clotheslines. Sting drilled Matthew with a Scorpion Death Drop! Sting went for the cover, but Nicholas broke up the pin. Sting tried for another Scorpion Death Drop but Matthew countered, pulled Sting down with a snap mare. The Bucks eviscerated Sting with the EVP Trigger! Matthew covered Sting but Sting kicked out at the two-count!

The Bucks nailed Sting with another EVP Trigger. Matthew covered Sting but Sting kicked out at the one-count and laughed! The Bucks set up Sting for the TK Driver, but Darby appeared out of nowhere and shoved Nicholas off the top rope! Nicholas crashed through ringside table! Sting planted Matthew with the Scorpion Death Drop but Matthew managed to kick out somehow! Sting held onto Matthew while Darby nailed Matthew with the Coffin Drop! Sting applied the Scorpion Death Lock and Matthew tapped out!

“My God what a scene! What an unbelievable scene!” said Jim Ross.

And still undefeated AEW World Tag Team Champions…Darby Allin and Sting! (16-0)

“This is what life is all about,” said Jim Ross.

“This is what AEW is all about. You know what’s great about Sting? He is a better man than he is a pro wrestler,” replied Tony Schiavone.

The fans chanted “Thank you Sting! Thank you Sting! Thank you Sting!”

Sting: “Thank you Greensboro. To be honest with you, I’ve been thanking you all since March of 1988. The Nature Boy and Sting 45 minute draw for the World title. Thank you, Ric. I just want this to be a night that wrestling fans will not forget. A night of wrestling that will be etched in your mind for years to come. And it is me saying this is a night that I will never forget!

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW REVOLUTION event! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Triller.TV (international), YouTube (international), and more! See AEW REVOLUTION 2024 for yourself!

Catch all the fallout from AEW REVOLUTION 2024 on AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: New Year’s Smash was broadcast live from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Continental Classic League Final Standings:

Gold League

Jon Moxley (12)

Swerve Strickland (12)

Jay White (12)

Rush (6)

Mark Briscoe (3)

Jay Lethal (0)

Blue League

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (10)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (9)

Andrade El Idolo (9)

Brody King (6)

Claudio Castagnoli (6)

Daniel Garcia (3)

Continental Classic: Gold League Final!

Jon Moxley vs. “Switchblade” Jay White vs. Swerve Strickland!

“Here we go! Who is going to go into the final for the Gold League?” wondered Taz.

Swerve was looking for a quick win, rolling up Mox from behind. Mox kicked out and then he and Swerve traded forearms. Moxley delivered some big headbutts. Swerve and Moxley brawled around the ring while Jay White watched on. Swerve and Mox grabbed White and tossed him over the barricade. Mox then chucked Swerve over the barricade!

Swerve put Moxley on a chair and then charged into him with a running knee. The forced pushed Moxley backwards, with Moxley landing on his shoulder. “Switchblade” Jay White snuck up behind Moxley and nailed him with a chop block. Jay White hammered down right hands on the head of Moxley. Jay White suplexed Moxley onto a steel chair.

Back in the ring, Jay White chopped at Swerve and then suplexed Swerve into the corner. Jay White tried to suplex Swerve but Swerve countered with a kick from the apron. Moxley took down Jay White with a pump kick. Swerve was there waiting but Moxley got a boot up and then raked the back of Swerve. Swerve connected with a big lariat to Moxley and then a flying European Uppercut to the back of Moxley’s head and neck.

Swerve backdropped Moxley over the top rope. Swerve climbed to the top and rocked Mox and White with a diving frog splash to them on the arena floor! Moxley retaliated with a tope suicida, driving Swerve back to the barricade. 

Moxley spiked Swerve with a piledriver for a near fall. Moxley followed up with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Moxley tried for a superplex, but Swerve fought it way out. Swerve jumped off the turnbuckles, but Moxley countered with a boot and a DDT for a two-count. Moxley cleared off the timekeeper’s table. Mox was looking for a piledriver but Jay White whacked Mox with a chair to the back, and then he hammered Moxley’s leg and left knee with the chair. Jay White jumped back into the ring and Swerve cradled him for a near fall.

Swerve blasted Jay White with a solid right hand shot. Swerve plastered White with the House Call kick! Swerve powerslammed White. Swerve smashed White with a 450 splash, but Mox was there to kick Swerve and break up Swerve’s pin attempt on White!

“We are witnessing a classic,” said Excalibur.

Moxley locked a bulldog choke on Jay White! Swerve rocked Mox with the House Call! Jay White pushed Swerve into Moxley and Moxley defended with a King Kong Lariat. Jay White planted Mox with the Blade Runner and went for the cover but Swerve shoved Mox off White, breaking the pin to protect his own chances at winning the match.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

Jay White smacked Moxley with a steel chair and then cracked Swerve in the ribs. Jay White propped the chair between the turnbuckle pads. Swerve grabbed Jay White and whipped him into the chair. Moxley and Swerve stood there and traded open hand shots in the center of the ring! Swerve caught Moxley with two pump kicks. Swerve walloped Mox with a discus lariat! Swerve was looking for the JML Driver but Mox bit on Swerve’s fingers. Swerve climbed up for the Swerve Stomp, but Jay White knocked him down. Moxley impaled Jay White with the Death Rider and scored the pin!

Jon Moxley is the winner of the Gold League and is going to the finals this Saturday at the Worlds End pay-per-view!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana!

Swerve: “I wanted this so bad. This Continental Classic was bringing life back into this business. I proved I’m one of the best in the industry, if not the best. I didn’t get pinned. Jay White got pinned. Somebody is looking for me on Collision? Keith Lee, yeah? You want me? I got nothing to do this Saturday, I’ll be there at Worlds End!”

Tony Schiavone presented Swerve with a contract to wrestle Keith Lee on Saturday at Worlds End.

Swerve: “We’ll see if he shows up this Saturday,” said Swerve.

Renee Paquette interviewed Mariah May on the ramp!

Mariah May: “You’ve all waited so patiently for my debut and I’m here to tell you when it’s going to be. I didn’t feel 2023 had the best energy. Not enough glamour. So, my debut will be next week on the first Dynamite of the new year. Because 2024 is all about Mariah.”

Riho ran out and chased Mariah May to the ring!

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm sprinted down, but Riho tripped her up! Riho jumped off the top rope, crashing onto Toni Storm and Luther the Butler with flying crossbody press!

Backstage, Top Flight—Darius and Dante Martin, and Action Andretti had some words after their match last week with the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!

Dante: “There are plenty of trios for us to fight.”

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, and Trent walked onto the set.

Orange: “We’ll see you guys Friday.”

Rocky: “Honestly, Orange did the same thing to me last week. See you guys Friday.”

Action: “Well, this Friday, Rampage, challenge accepted.”

A highlight package aired of “The Redeemer” Miro, and Miro threw out a challenge to Andrade El Idolo at Worlds End this Saturday!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring for Don Callis Family’s Boxing Week Celebration! 

ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher, Konosuke Takeshita, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Don Callis came out!

Don Callis: “I have something important to say. As you may or may not know, there’s been a lot of stuff going around outside the wrestling business the past couple of weeks. Family stuff. It’s been a very difficult two weeks for me. And guys you know what I’m talking about and at times like this, you need your family. And I couldn’t have gotten through it without my family by me. And I’ve gotten all of you guys some Boxing gifts to show my appreciation.

Don Callis unveiled a painting of him and Powerhouse. And then one of him with Takeshita. He had one of him and Kyle revealed. 

Don Callis: “Finally, the Don Callis Family feels complete.”

Sammy Guevara’s music hit, and Sammy walked to the ring, making his return!

Don Callis: “What’s up?”

Sammy: “Long time no talk, Don.”

Don: “Didn’t you get the gift I sent for the kid? I’m glad you’re here. To show my appreciation, I got a gift for you. This is a painting just for you I did specially.”

Sammy unveiled the painting, and it was a portrait of Sammy holding his newborn, surrounded by the Don Callis Family.

Sammy: “Don, I have one question for you. Who the hell told you to put my baby on that?”

Don: “No one but look at it again. You’ve got your whole family there supporting you and Sammy, let’s be honest, you’re not exactly mentally capable of being a parent.”

Sammy: “You’re worried about my parenting when you need to be worried about leading this group. You make everything about you. I’ve head people that I would never expect ask me how I was going when I got concussed. But I never got a message from you.”

Don: “You’re disappointed that I didn’t call you? I’m disappointed that you dropped the ball when you got hurt and dropped the ball when you had the greatest opportunity you’ve ever had. I’m disappointed that you were on leave while you were out having a baby. So, you choose the other family, or you choose the Don Callis Family. If you answer wrong, you’re going to be remembered as just as big a failure as a wrestler as you’re about to be as a parent.”

Sammy heard enough and shoved Don Callis to the mat!

Powerhouse Hobbs bulldozed Sammy and the rest of the Callis Family began to stomp on Sammy. Chris Jericho ran to the ring and hit Hobbs and Takeshita with Floyd, his baseball bat. The rest of the Callis family retreated from the ring. Jericho swung at the paintings and smashed them with his bat. For the final painting, he offered his bat to Sammy and invited him to smash it. Sammy swung the bat and shattered the portrait!

Jericho and Sammy hugged. AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill blindsided Jericho and Sammy from behind!

“Where did they come from?” asked Excalibur.

Starks and Big Bill swarmed Sammy and Jericho!

The arena lights went black! When the arena lights came back on, Sting and Darby Allin were in the ring! Sting whacked Big Bill with his baseball bat! Darby dropkicked Starks! Sting and Jericho took turns hammering away at Big Bill with their baseball bats!

“Sting and Darby Allin and they had the back of Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara! What an improbably turn of events,” said Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Roderick Strong!

Roddy: “Renee! Thank you for this time. Me and the fellows have been working on something for the past five days.”

The Kingdom had a bulletin board full of suspects, connected by yarn, trying to decipher who the Devil was.

Roddy: “All roads lead to…Max is the devil. Listen to me, Max. I’m going to prove you’re the devil. You are eventually going to be exposed. Because Max is the devil!”

Continental Classic: Blue League Final!

ROH World & NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston 


“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Danielson was testing Eddie’s patience, but Eddie grabbed Danielson with a suplex and followed up with a tope suicida. Kingston chopped at Danielson outside the ring. Danielson whipped Kingston into the barricade, but Kingston came back with a double sledge.

Danielson gouged at Kingston’s eyes. Danielson connected with round kicks, tenderizing Kingston in the corner. Eddie cracked Danielson with headbutts. Danielson staggered Kingston on the apron with a DDT and then followed up with a flying knee!

Back in the ring, Danielson was looking for the Le Bell Lock, but Kingston scooted away back towards the ropes. Danielson taunted and berated Kingston: “They’re all saying you’re a bum!” Kingston sent Danielson for a ride with an exploder suplex!

Kingston went for the spinning backfist, but Danielson blocked it. Kingston followed up with a DDT and now the fans chanted “Let’s go Eddie!” Kingston wrecked Danielson in the corner with brutal chops. 

“Danielson wanted this aggression from Kingston,” said Excalibur.

“Well, he’s getting it,” replied Taz.

Danielson managed to put Kingston in the Le Bell Lock! Kingston crawled to the ropes to force the ref to break the hold. Danielson blasted Kingston with kicks and then a snap suplex. Danielson climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Eddie charged to the corner and chopped Danielson, stalling Bryan’s progress. Danielson slipped between Eddie’s legs and then pulled him backwards in a Tree of Woe. Danielson kicked Eddie, who was tied up in the ropes. Danielson smashed Eddie with a running dropkick. 

Danielson tried to suplex Eddie off the turnbuckles, but Eddie shifted and landed on top of Bryan’s injured eye. Danielson kicked Eddie on the inside of the knee and brought him down. Kingston fired back with more chops, bringing Danielson to his knees! Danielson blocked a chop and hurled Eddie with a shoulder capture suplex for a near fall!

Kingston connected with a lariat and then followed up with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall on Danielson! Bryan found the strength to connect with a running knee strike for a two-count on Eddie! Danielson battered Kingston with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Danielson captured Eddie’s wrists and stomped on Eddie’s head! Eddie flipped off Danielson. Eddie blocked Danielson’s running knee strike with a spinning back fist! Kingston hurled Danielson with a half and half. Danielson caught Kingston with a roundhouse kick! Eddie smashed Danielson again with a spinning backfist! Kingston power bombed Danielson and pinned him!

Eddie Kingston is the winner of the Blue League Division!

“Not only has Eddie finally defeated Bryan Danielson, but he is also one step closer to that Continental Crown,” said Excalibur.

Jon Moxley walked down the ramp and entered the ring to check on Danielson. Kingston sneered at Moxley. 

Moxley: “Eddie, all I’ve ever asked of you, every time I stuck my neck out for you, all I’ve ever asked is for you to give 100%. And for a guy who thinks the whole world is against him, you’ve got a lot of people who love you. Listen to this building, man. Everybody here in Orlando loves Eddie Kingston. AEW fans across the country and the world love Eddie Kingston. 

“Every person in the building on Saturday at Worlds End in New York City is going to love Eddie Kingston. And they don’t care whether you win or lose. But they deserve your very best. They deserve your maximum effort. Problem is, I know you better than you know yourself. I know you can’t beat me, and you know you can’t beat me. So, for my money, you’ve already lost. You’ve already given up. You’re already making excuses, but that’s not going to fly this time. A couple years ago I gave you the shot of your lifetime and I let you off the hook. This time you’re not going to get one single favor. You want to be a Triple Crown Champion just like all your heroes? You’re going to have to earn every inch.”

Kingston: “You talked enough. Let me tell you something. Don’t come out here and treat me like your young boy Yuta. Because I ain’t no young boy. Remember something: I broke in before you. You’re lucky I let you breathe. But I’m going to tell you something. You’re right. I’m one of the most down people. I hate myself more than I hate anybody else. But on Saturday the king of the bums is going to push you. You told me once when I wanted to quit AEW, you said, ‘You are not allowed to quit because we need people like you around to shape the younger guys. So, is that what you want, Jon? I’m going to give you everything I have. You better show your fighting spirit because I’m going to show you mine and I’m going to bust you up and enjoy it.”

Lexy Nair had a sitdown interview with TNT Champion Christian Cage and “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Lexy introduced the viewers to Shayna Wayne, Nick Wayne, and the TNT Champion Christian Cage. 

Christian Cage: “First of all, it’s Mother Wayne and the ‘Prodigy’ Nick Wayne, and I’ve been sitting here all night waiting for Adam Copeland to show up.”

Copeland stormed the set!

Copeland threw Nick Wayne into a cargo box. Christian and Copeland began to slug it out! AEW Security did their best to pry Copeland off Christian. Copeland fought free while Christian Cage tried to escape through a side door. Adam Copeland caught up with Christian Cage and shoved him against a concrete wall! Wrestlers pried them apart while Copeland yelled, “You’re mine! You’re mine!”

Kris Statlander vs. Skye Blue!

Stokely Hathaway joined the broadcast booth for this match.

“Skye Blue has changed. She looks different, she approaches her matches differently,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Well, I think her buddy Julia Hart rubbed off on her,” replied Taz.

Skye slapped Kris in the face. Kris rammed Skye with a shoulder tackle and followed up with a scoop slam. Kris took down Skye with a dropkick.  Kris blocked a suplex from Skye. Kris countered with a delayed vertical suplex.

Skye cracked Kris with a rising knee strike and then a pump kick to the side of the head. Skye planted Statlander on the ring apron, using Kris’ own momentum against her. Kris rolled through with a deadlift German Suplex for a near fall on Skye.

Skye ducked a kick and connected with a thrust kick. Skye hit the Code Blue for a near fall on Statlander. Skye jumped off the top rope looking for a hurracanrana, but Statlander caught her and rocked Skye with a powerbomb for a two-count. Kris kicked Skye and Skye played possum while the ref checked on her. Julia Hart jumped out of nowhere and clocked Kris Statlander with the TBS Championship. The ref didn’t see it! Skye walloped Kris with an avalanche Code Blue and pinned Statlander!

Skye Blue attacked Kris Statlander after the match. Julia Hart and Skye Blue double teamed Statlander. Willow Nightingale ran to the ring to help Kris! Willow dished out clotheslines and Skye and Julia ran from Willow!

As Skye Blue and Julia Hart retreated from the ring, Abadon appeared and stared at Julia! Skye Blue and Julia Hart jumped off the ramp and took a side route away from Abadon!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Ruby Soho and Saraya!

Renee asked Ruby how she felt knowing she’s taking on Marina Shafir this Friday on Rampage.

Saraya: “I’m really excited for you, but I can’t keep this in. I’m so sorry, Ruby, but you know it’s your birthday next month and I’ve been giving you so many gifts. Well, I thought I’d give you something special for Rampage. I got you a little help. C’mon in Harley! Look at her, she’ll do anything.”

Ruby’s phone rang and she apologized but she had to take the call.

Saraya: “Is that Angelo? Tell him I said hi. I love that guy.”

Ruby left to answer the phone. Renee asked how Saraya’s partnership with Harley came together.

Saraya: “Why don’t I show you. Go on.”

Harley pulled a knife from behind her back! 

Saraya: “Whoa, let’s try the other thing. We’ll fill you in next week Renee. Put that knife back. Put that back.”

Main Event Time! Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match!

AEW World & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF & Samoa Joe


The Devil’s Masked Men!

The masked men were in the ring. And then MJF was introduced, and he walked down the ramp. When Samoa Joe was introduced by Justin Roberts, he didn’t walk out to the ring. Footage played on the big screen from backstage, where Samoa Joe was on the ground, injured. Samoa Joe was holding his right leg, writhing in pain. 

MJF told the ref, “I’m doing this match!”

MJF took the fight right to the masked men, stomping one of them in the corner. Samoa Joe tried to pull the mask off, but the other masked man pulled MJF’s throat first across the top rope. MJF rammed one of the masked men into the steel ring post. He tried to pull off the mask, but a third masked man crawled out from beneath the ring and clocked MJF with a steel pipe on MJF’s injured shoulder. One of the masked men nailed MJF with the heat seeker and scored the pin while the other masked man held his legs. The Devil’s Masked Men are the new ROH World Tag Team Champions!

More masked men began to swarm MJF in the ring! Samoa Joe hobbled to the ring with a steel chair under his arm! The masked men retreated away from Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe helped MJF to his feet and then the Devil appeared on the big screen. The Devil disappeared but the following words appeared:

“Pleasure doing business with you.”

MJF stared at the message and then Samoa Joe cracked MJF in the back with the steel chair!

“Has Joe been working with the Devil this whole time?” asked Excalibur.

“I think Joe definitely has been working with the Devil,” replied Taz.

“Guys, I agree. He’s in league with the Devil himself,” added Tony Schiavone.

Samoa Joe was walking fine now and picked up MJF. Joe planted MJF with the Muscle Buster in the center of the ring!

Samoa Joe picked up the AEW World Title and held it up overhead!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE: New Year’s Smash at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Worlds End live on pay-per-view on Saturday beginning with Zero Hour at 6:30PM ET/3:30PM PT from the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island, NY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Holiday Bash was broadcast from the Frost Bank Center in San Antonio, TX!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Continental Classic: Blue League Standings-

Andrade El Idolo (9)

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (9)

Brody King (6)

Claudio Castagnoli (6)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (6)

Daniel Garcia (0)

Continental Classic: Blue League Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli!

Danielson and Claudio grappled on the mat, reaching a stalemate. The Blackpool Combat Club teammates know each other very well. Danielson stomped on the back of Claudio’s knees. Claudio fired back with a European Uppercut, stunning Danielson. Claudio slammed Danielson and then dropped an elbow on him. 

Claudio thumbed Danielson in the eye. Claudio tried for the Giant Swing, but Danielson cradled him for a near fall. Claudio rocked Bryan with a lariat for a two-count. Claudio tried again for the Giant Swing, but Danielson countered with the Le Bell Lock. Claudio escaped by grabbing the ring ropes. Danielson jumped off the apron and connected with a high knee to Claudio’s shoulder. Danielson whipped Claudio into the steel ring steps.

Back in the ring, Danielson charged at Claudio with a dropkick, but Claudio caught him and hurled him around in the Giant Swing! Claudio hit Danielson with a headbutt. Claudio followed Danielson out of the ring and ran at Danielson with a running European Uppercut. 

Claudio was perched on the top turnbuckle, but Danielson knocked him down, putting Claudio in a Tree of Woe type position. Danielson kicked Claudio and then walloped him with a belly-to-back suplex off the top rope!

Danielson managed to apply the Le Bell Lock again. Claudio touched the rope with his bottom rope and Danielson held onto the submission lock as long as legally possible. Finally, the ref saw Claudio’s boot and forced Danielson to relinquish the hold. Claudio made Danielson pay with an avalanche superplex from the top rope, and there was less than five minutes remaining.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

Claudio hoisted up Bryan for the Ricola Bomb. Danielson grabbed Claudio’s arm, looking for a triangle choke, but Claudio planted Danielson with the Neutralizer for a near fall! Danielson charged at Claudio with a running knee strike. Danielson grabbed Claudio’s wrists and began to stomp on Claudio’s head. Claudio reversed it and began to stomp on Danielson’s head! They kicked one another until Claudio applied the sharpshooter. There was one minute remaining!

Danielson clawed the mat, trying to reach the ropes. Claudio sat down, making the sharpshooter even tighter! Thirty seconds remained! Fans were on their feet! With ten seconds left, Claudio tried for the Ricola Bomb, but Danielson escaped. Claudio rocked Danielson with a knee and went for the cover but time expired! The match ended in a draw!

Bryan Danielson has advanced to the Blue League Finals!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens and Max Caster & Daddy Ass (c.) 


Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin, & Action Andretti!

Action went for a backdrop, but Bowens countered with a neck breaker. Bowens blasted Action with a thrust kick. Darius and Action hit the Acclaimed with stereo dropkicks. Daddy Ass tagged in and knocked Action Andretti to the mat. Daddy Ass planted Action with a side slam.

Top Flight used tandem offense on Max, and then Action splashed Max with a standing shooting star press. Dante jumped off the ropes, but Billy waffled him with a stiff uppercut. Billy planted Darius with a tilt awhirl slam!

Top Flight took flight and connected with topes to Daddy Ass and Anthony Bowens. Meanwhile, in the ring, Max Caster rolled up Action Andretti out of nowhere and pinned him!

“Wow, Max Caster saving this match for the Trios Champions, because Top Flight and Action Andretti were seconds away from scoring what some might call an upset,” said Nigel.

“Did Max pull the tights?” asked Kevin Kelly.

“Who cares?” replied Nigel.

FTW Champion HOOK had a message for Wheeler Yuta!

“You want to fight me for my title by my rules? That’s fine by me. Let’s do it next week at Worlds End!”

ROH World-Six Man Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)


“Limitless” Keith Lee!

Keith Lee and Brian Cage locked up. Keith shoved Cage away and smiled. Keith Lee charged at Cage, but Cage dodged him. Cage whacked Lee with a basement dropkick and then a tornado DDT!

Keith Lee splashed Cage in the corner and then clobbered Cage with body shots. Keith Lee threw Cage over Lee’s head for a two-count. Brian Cage superplexed Keith Lee!

“An incredible collision of man and mat!” said Tony Schiavone.

Cage hoisted up Lee and tossed him down with a faceplant. Prince Nana pulled a cinder block from beneath the ring. He slid it into the mat. Keith Lee headbutted Cage and then finished him off with a jackhammer, scoring the pin on Cage!

Keith Lee: “Almost exactly a year ago someone took me out for almost two months with this cinder block. And I’ve been trying to send a message to him, but he seems to not be listening. So, I guess at Dynamite I’ll come make my message clear. I’ve got a house to tear down and I’ll do it brick by brick!”

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, who was with Mariah May and Luther!

Renee asked Storm about her upcoming match with Riho at Worlds End. 

Storm acted like she’d never met Mariah May before tonight.

May: “Renee, I have an exciting announcement to make. My wrestler’s license has been approved, I’m medically cleared, and I’m good to go.”

Renee: “Incredible. Do you have any idea when you may be debuting?”

May: “It will be very soon and Ms. Storm, do you have any advice?”

Storm: “Sorry, darling, I wasn’t listening. And Riho, you are very small and very light. But the winter is coming, and I have no problem packing it on for a new role. You will leave me no choice but to gobble you up!”

TNT Champion Christian Cage, along with the “Prodigy” Nick Wayne, walked to the ring!

Christian Cage: “People want to know why Nick’s mom smashed Adam Copeland in the head with my TNT Championship. I can explain it to myself, but why should I when she can do it herself. So, get on your feet and show some respect for Shayna Wayne!”

Shayna Wayne came to the ring and joined Christian Cage and her son Nick Wayne.

Shayna: “You boo me? You boo a mother? How dare you? You all want to know why I did what I did to Adam Copeland? Nick Wayne is my son. He’s my baby boy. My pride and joy. I sat in this ring, and I watched Adam Copeland smash a steel chair into his head and you wonder why I made the choice that I did. I did what any loving mother would do. I protected my son.

“Really? Really? Boo a mother? Something has been made very clear to me. The one person who loves and cares for my son as much as I do is the “Patriarch” Christian Cage.”

Christian Cage: “Adam Copeland is a piece of crap. Shayna worked as a waitress just to put food on her plate and to help make her son’s dream come true to make it as a pro wrestling. But with one swing of the chair, you took that dream away, Copeland. If anyone should know better, it’s you, Copeland, as you grew up with a single mother. I wish your mother were still alive, Adam, so I could watch your mother disown you.

“You’ve never been able to harness your anger. I scored that night, and then scored when I walked out with Mother Wayne. And now that my family is complete, I’ll address the challenge that you made, when you challenge me for Worlds End in a No Disqualification Match. Adam, I’ll accept your invitation for a fight at Worlds End. But I will not accept your challenge because you are no challenger. I already beat you. And I am levels above you. I stand on the mountain top as the very best in this sport. And I am going to take you behind the shed and put you down for the last time!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Big Bill: “Kenny Omega, apparently you have diverticulitis. First of all, that sounds made up. Let me tell you what I think is really happening here. I think you’re afraid to face us.”

Starks: “Kenny, you don’t have the guts to face us, therefore, you and Chris forfeit your match at Worlds End. And we will go and party in New York City.”

Chris Jericho walked onto the scene and interrupted Starks. 

Chris Jericho: “You know, the Golden Jets are on hiatus, Kenny Omega is out indefinitely, but I’m not forfeiting anything. I’ve got a signed contract for an AEW World Tag Team Championship match against you two. I don’t know when it’s going to be or who my partner is going to be, but I’ll find somebody, and when I do, I’ll take those Tag Team Titles away from you. And that…is the absolute truth.”

Continental Classic: Blue League Match!

Daniel Garcia vs. House of Black’s Brody King!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Garcia slapped Brody in the face, making a statement. Brody immediately began to pummel Garcia and then clobbered him with a gigantic cannonball for a near fall. Brody hammered Garcia with forearm shots.

Brody fought off Garcia with boots to Brody’s face. Brody used a sit out senton on Garcia for a two-count. Brody crumpled Garcia with a knife edge chop. 

Brody invited Garcia to chop him, and Garcia obliged. Garcia was fighting like the rent was due. Garcia shocked Brody with a suplex.

“Holy smokes, he got him up! What an effort by Garcia,” said Schiavone.

Brody retaliated with a Death Valley Driver and then a lariat for a near fall. Brody spiked Garcia with the Gonzo Bomb but Garcia kicked out!

“What kind of superhuman is able to kick out of a Gonzo Bomb like that?” asked Kevin Kelly.

Brody picked up Garcia, who was like deadweight. Brody slapped at Garcia, but Garcia jackknifed Brody and pinned him!

“Unbelievable! What did we witness here tonight?” asked Schiavone.

“Garcia ended the Continental Classic for Brody King,” added Kevin Kelly.

The arena lights went dark! When the lights came back on, Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews were standing in the ring, holding Garcia up. Daddy Magic jumped into the ring, but Buddy booted him in the head! Brody yanked at Garcia’s fingers, trying to break them.

FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood, sprinted to the ring and the House of Black retreated!

Dax Harwood: “I’m tired of the fairy tales. I’m tired of all the magic tricks. If you want us to be in your family, well, damnit, I’ll be your tequila drinking uncle that whoops everybody’s ass! I want it, we want it, first time ever! FTR versus House of Black! Top guys out!”

TBS Champion Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Thunder Rosa & Abadon!

Skye Blue stomped on Abadon. Julia tagged in and began to bash Abadon’s head on the mat. Abadon caught Julia and planted her onto the mat. Abadon began to batter Julia on the mat and then connected with a running knee.

Abadon tried to make a tag, but Skye Blue charged in and prevented Abadon from reaching Thunder Rosa. Julia Hart and Skye Blue double teamed Abadon. Abadon double DDT’ed Blue and Hart. Thunder Rosa grabbed a tag and cleaned house on Julia and Skye!

Thunder Rosa smashed into Skye Blue with a flying lariat and then double knees! Thunder Rosa nailed Skye with a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Skye Blue clocked Thunder Rosa with a thrust kick. Julia Hart climbed to the top rope, but Abadon knocked her down. Thunder Rosa hit the Tijuana Bomb on Skye Blue and then pinned her!

Main Event Time! Continental Classic: Blue League Match!

Andrade El Idolo vs. ROH World Champ/NJPW Openweight Champ Eddie Kingston!

Kingston ducked Andrade’s back elbow at the start of the match. Andrade ducked Eddie’s spinning back fist. Kingston did a double foot stomp on Andrade’s abdomen. Andrade came off the ropes, but Kingston turned him inside out with a lariat.

Andrade wiped out Kingston with a dragon screw leg whip. He sent Kingston back down again with a flying forearm. Andrade smoked Kingston when he ran into Kingston in the corner with a double knee strike. Andrade rocked Kingston with the three amigos suplex.

Andrade jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Kingston countered with a boot. In the process, Kingston tweaked his knee. Kingston fired off the Kobashi chops to Andrade and followed up with an Exploder Suplex for a near fall!

Andrade snapmared Kingston through the ropes and to the arena floor. Andrade connected with a moonsault. Andrade went for another moonsault, this time in the ring, but Kingston moved, so Andrade adjusted and crashed onto Kingston with a standing moonsault!

Eddie sent Andrade flying with a belly to back suplex for a two-count. Andrade backed up Kingston into the corner. Andrade starched Kingston with a spinning back elbow but Kingston kicked out at the two-count! Andrade applied the figure four, bridged up for the figure eight, but Eddie grabbed the bottom rope to break the hold. Eddie stunned Andrade with two spinning back fists! Kingston hoisted up Andrade and planted him headfirst on the mat and pinned Andrade!

It’ll be Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Danielson on Dynamite this Wednesday!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE: Holiday Bash was broadcast from the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, OK!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, “The Ocho” Chris Jericho, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) (with Trent) vs. Rocky Romero!

Cassidy hit a dropkick but Rocky came back with a step up hurracanrana. Rocky followed up with a tope suicida! Rocky jumped off the steps and connected with another hurracanrana on Orange! Rocky connected with two clotheslines, but Orange countered the third attempt with a rollup for a near fall.

Orange charged off the turnbuckles and nailed Rocky with a swinging DDT. Orange connected with a diving crossbody press off the top rope. Rocky rallied back with a vertical suplex. Rocky rocked Orange with a snap suplex on the edge of the ring!

Rocky and Orange exchanged forearms in the center of the ring. Orange clobbered Rocky with a thrust kick and then the Orange Punch out of nowhere! Both men collapsed to the mat, so Orange couldn’t capitalize.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Orange began to stomp Rocky and then knocked Rocky for a loop with a running PK kick! Rocky jumped up and landed a sliced bread on Orange Cassidy. Rocky hit a DDT and then a Strong Zero on Orange for a two-count!

“I think there’s a lot of conflict going on in Trent,” said Excalibur.

Orange avoided a knee strike from Rocky. Orange countered with the Orange Punch and then the Beach Break and pinned Rocky!

Orange, Trent, and Rocky hugged after the match! They’ve got to give the people what they want!

Tony Schiavone interviewed former TBS Champion Kris Statlander backstage!

Kris: “Willow and I have been through a lot and whatever might have slightly gone off the rails, we got them right back on track. No hard feelings. We’re a team and we’re stronger than ever. Nothing can come between us.”

Stokely Hathaway walked onto the set and interrupted Kris!

Stokely: “You know what’s crazy? The fact that Willow has been telling everyone that she carried you on Saturday. That if it wasn’t for her, you two would have lost on Collision.”

Kris: “Interesting. Is that what she said?”

Stokely: “Oh yeah. And the other thing that’s crazy about AEW is the fact that everyone feels like they need to be in a group or in a faction. Yeah, that may work temporarily, but long term, it does not. And trust me, I know. So how about tomorrow morning you look in the mirror and I want you to see the Kristen Statlander that I see, the former TBS champion, the woman who could do anything on the roster if she set her mind to it. But listen, if you want to hang out with Willow, Orange Cassidy, and Danhausen, that’s on you. What do I know?”

Tony Schiavone: “Do you believe that?”

Kris: “Did he call me Kristen?”

Tony: “Yeah.”

Kris: “That’s not even my name.”

Prince Nana was backstage with “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Nana: “This Saturday it’s the Vanilla Gorilla going up against that fool Keith Lee!”

Cage: “I’m in a hell of a mood! You know why, Nana It’s Christmas time! And I must have been an extra good Machine because Santa is bringing me a giant-sized gift—Keith Lee! And don’t worry, Keith, it’s better to give than to receive. So, I’m going to return the favor and give you a giant-sized ass-kicking in front of the world on Collision!”

The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett (with Roderick Strong)


The Hardys—Jeff & Matt!

Matt Hardy drove his shoulder into Matt Taven in the corner. Hardy backdropped Taven. Jeff tagged in and hit a leg drop and a splash on Taven for a near fall. Matt and Jeff used tandem offense on Taven. Finally, Taven kicked Matt in the back of the head and tagged out to Mike Bennett.

Mike Bennett slugged Matt Hardy, but Matt tagged Jeff. Jeff jumped off Matt’s back and splashed Bennett in the corner. Jeff climbed to the top rope, but after some interference from Taven, Bennett knocked Jeff off his perch.

Matt Hardy tagged in and began to repeatedly send Taven’s face into the turnbuckles. Matt Hardy power bombed Taven out of the corner! Bennett ran in the ring and Matt Hardy retaliated with a Twist of Fate. Matt followed Taven out of the ring and sent Taven flying over the timekeeper’s table! Matt Hardy whipped Bennett into the steel ring steps. Matt Hardy grabbed a chair, but the ref pulled it away. Matt Hardy got back into the ring and began to argue with the ref, but Taven snuck up behind him and rolled up Matt Hardy for the pin!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Ruby Soho!

Ruby: “I haven’t had any time to speak with Saraya since her loss to Riho.”

Angelo Parker walked onto the set and began flirting with Ruby. 

Parker: “Look, I’ve been trying to get some alone time with you for a really long time. It’s the Christmas season, there’s magic in the air. I know this is the time of year when you just ask for what you want, so, Renee, could you do me a big favor and ask me what I want for Christmas?”

Renee: “What do you want for Christmas?”

Parker: “I would love to take this beautiful lady out for a drink tonight.”

Ruby: “Wow, um…”

Saraya interrupted!

Saraya: “Ruby! I’m wearing my comfy sweater and I’m not here to fight right now. I just want to say I’m so sorry. I am so sorry, Ruby. You are so right. I need you. I absolutely need you. And if that comes with him, then I am all for it. I like this actually. I support this. I love what’s happening. I know you guys have some plans tonight, but I actually have some Christmas gifts for her, if that’s all right. But yeah, it’s in the locker room. And Renee, you too. There’s some gifts in there for you guys. Go ahead. I just want to have a chat with him.”

Renee and Ruby left to go get their presents, leaving Saraya with Angelo.

Parker: “It means a lot that you’re coming around…”

Saraya: “Listen here you piece of crap. She’s my friend. She’s mine entirely. I know what you’re trying to do, and you cannot have her. Do you understand me?”

Parker: “She’s yours for now.”

Saraya: “No. For always. I hate you.”

Skye Blue vs. Queen Aminata!

Skye and Aminata traded hard forearms. Aminata headbutted Blue. Aminata cracked Skye with a twisting neck breaker. Skye Blue drove Aminata face first onto the ring apron, looking at the camera with disdain.

Aminata sent Skye flying with a German Suplex. Aminata rammed into Skye with a modified hip attack and then a running boot for a two-count on Skye. Aminata was looking for the Best Moonsault Ever, but Skye avoided it and blasted Aminata with a thrust kick. Skye Blue sat out with a TKO and then forced Aminata to tap out with a dragon sleeper!

“Something more for Thunder Rosa to think about tomorrow ahead of Collision,” said Excalibur.

Main Event Time! AAA Mega Championship Match!

El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Black Taurus!

Vikingo avoided a power bomb attempt early on. Black Taurus applied a side headlock, but Vikingo fought out of it. He charged at Black Taurus, but Taurus rammed Vikingo with a shoulder block. 

The fans chanted “Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!”

Vikingo cracked Taurus with a pump kick. Black Taurus retaliated with a flurry of offense and then put an exclamation point on it with an elevated Samoan Drop! Vikingo hit a springboard dropkick, but Taurus shrugged it off. Taurus blocked a poison rana and followed up with a tope!

“Wow! Deceptively agile,” said Chris Jericho.

Vikingo shoved Black Taurus into the steel ring post! Vikingo flew over the top rope, but Taurus caught him! Vikingo escaped and powerslammed Taurus on the arena floor! Vikingo walloped Taurus with a sky twister press to the floor!

Vikingo performed a rope walk and then followed up with a poison rana on Black Taurus! Vikingo spiked Taurus with a crucifix bomb! Black Taurus found the strength to gore Vikingo! 

Appreciative of the state of the art pro wrestling being displayed in front of them, the fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Black Taurus press slammed Vikingo off the top rope for a near fall! Taurus decimated Vikingo with a powerbomb to the knee and then a discus lariat for a two-count! And now the crowd was chanting “Fight forever!”

Vikingo charged off the ropes and flipped over Taurus and transitioned into a power bomb. Vikingo rammed into Taurus with running knees. Vikingo lowered his knee pads and cracked Taurus in the back of the head again! Vikingo splashed Taurus with the 630 senton and pinned Black Taurus!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL!

Don’t miss AEW Collision: Holiday Bash on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Frost Bank Center in San Antonio, TX featuring:

-TBS Champ Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Thunder Rosa & Abadon!

– Continental Classic Blue League Match!

Andrade El Idolo vs. ROH World Champ/NJPW Openweight Champ Eddie Kingston!

-AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.) vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti!

– Continental Classic Blue League Match!

Daniel Garcia vs. Brody King!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast from the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Continental Classic Blue League Standings:

Brody King (6)

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (6)

Claudio Castagnoli (3)

Andrade El Idolo (3)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (0)

Daniel Garcia (0)

Continental Classic Tournament: Blue League Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli 


ROH World Champion/NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston!

Kingston cracked Claudio with a spinning backfist. Claudio left the ring and Eddie followed up with a tope suicida. Things were intense right out of the gates, with Kingston trying to finish Claudio early. Claudio pancaked Kingston, his face slammed into the mat, good for a two-count.

Claudio clotheslines Kingston, who was on the apron of the ring. Claudio connected with a big double stomp on the sternum of Kingston. Claudio ducked a chop and put Kingston in the Giant Swing! Claudio transitioned into the sharpshooter. Kingston reached the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold.

Claudio battered Kingston in the corner with vicious forearms. Eddie was dazed. Claudio blasted Kingston with a short arm lariat. 

The fans chanted “Let’s go Eddie! Let’s go Eddie!”

“Eddie may be out here. He can’t even get his hands up,” said Tony Schiavone.

Claudio pulled Eddie to his feet and hoisted him up onto the top turnbuckle. Claudio dug his fingernails into Eddie’s back and then superplexed Eddie! Claudio grabbed a waist lock suplex for a two-count on Eddie.

“Claudio just toying with Eddie, asking him to fire up,” said Schiavone.

Eddie responded with two exploder suplexes on Claudio for a near fall.

“It looks like Eddie has flipped the switch,” said Kevin Kelly.

Kingston fired off machine gun chops to Claudio. Kingston rocked Claudio with a lariat for a two-count. Claudio countered a knee strike with a suplex. Claudio applied an STF on Kingston at the 15 minute mark. Kingston crawled to the ropes and forced the ref to break the hold. 

Claudio went for the Ricola bomb, but Kingston tried to counter with a spinning backfist. Claudio ducked it and hit a clothesline for a two-count on Kingston. Eddie hit the half-and-half and then two spinning backfists for a near fall on Claudio! Claudio used a hurracanrana, but Eddie rolled up Claudio, pinning him with a cradle!

“Eddie Kingston stays alive! An incredible gut check win for Kingston,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Renee Paquette interviewed FTW Champion HOOK backstage about the consistent issues he’s been having with Wheeler Yuta!

Paquette: “What’s going on with you two?”

ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta walked onto the set and interrupted Renee before HOOK could answer.

Wheeler Yuta: “Renee, I’ll tell you what’s up. Hook you are a paper champion. Renee you shouldn’t be wasting your time with amateurs like this when you could be interviewing honorable guys like myself.”

Hook: “Yeah, real honorable. You kicked Shibata in the balls.”

Wheeler: “Hook, I pinned Shibata in the middle of the ring to become a record-setting three-time Ring of Honor Pure champion. I can do it under Pure rules, but I can do it under your rules too. And I am tired of dealing with you. You’re the one who started this. I’m ready to put you out. So, let’s do it under FTW Rules.”

Hook: “All right.”

Willow Nightingale vs. Mercedes Martinez (with Diamante)!

Willow clocked Martinez with a clothesline. Willow clubbed Martinez with repeated shots and then a shoulder block. Willow splashed Martinez with a senton. Willow followed Martinez to the floor and Martinez rammed Willow into the edge of the ring. Martinez whipped Willow into the steel barricade.

“That is one vicious lady right there,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Martinez spiked Willow with a draping DDT off the timekeeper’s table! Back in the ring Martinez hit Willow with two vertical suplexes, but Willow countered with her own suplex and then face planted Martinez for a near fall. 

Willow smashed Martinez with a cannonball splash in the turnbuckles. Diamante jumped onto the apron, but Willow knocked her to the arena floor. Martinez used the distraction to her advantage and stunned Willow with a fisherman’s bomb for a two-count. Martinez followed up with a backdrop driver, and then another. Martinez hoisted up Willow and planted her, but Willow managed to roll up Martinez with a small package and pin her!

“How did Willow do it?” asked a shocked Kevin Kelly.

Martinez and Diamante attacked Willow after the match. Diamante pulled a ladder out from beneath the ring and slid it to Martinez, who used it on Willow. 

Kris Statlander ran to the ring with a chain wrapped around her fist! Martinez and Diamante retreated while Statlander checked on Willow.

Renee Paquette interviewed Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, and Jake Hager backstage!

Hager was outraged that Danhausen had stolen his purple bucket hat. “I got bad hat fever!” said Hager.

Ruby Soho showed up and began to smile at Cool Hand Ang. Saraya and Anna Jay walked onto the set. Saraya ordered Daddy Magic to handle the situation. 

Saraya: “We’ve been looking for you all day. What are you hiding?”

Ruby: “Nothing. It’s cold.”

Saraya pulled Ruby’s jacket open and saw she was wearing a Cool Hand Ang t-shirt underneath. 

Saraya: “You’re an evil witch. You’re going to leave me just like her! You haven’t been there for me and I’m not going to be there for you next week when you face Riho, unless you prove to me that you still want to do this.”

Up next: Wardlow vs. Willie Mack!

“Willie Mack is AR Fox’s friend, but you’ve got to be some kind of friend to want to fight Wardlow,” said Kevin Kelly. 

Willie hammered Wardlow with some strikes but then Wardlow dropkicked Willie. Wardlow rocked Willie with uppercuts in the corner. Wardlow headbutted Willie Mack. Willie fired back with a standing moonsault, but Wardlow kicked out at the one-count. Wardlow caught Willie in midair and powerbombed him!

Wardlow powerbombed Willie Mack again and then walloped Willie with a lariat. Wardlow devastated Willie Mack with another powerbomb, and the ref stopped the match! Wardlow was victorious via ref stoppage!

The House of Black had a message for FTR!

Malakai Black: “So your best friend is gone. And the only people that truly seem to care about you, well, it’s us. 

“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega!

“Ethan Page is not 100% right now, after being put through a table by Tony Nese,” noted Tony Schiavone.

Omega charged into Page with a shoulder tackle. Page wailed away at Omega in the corner with stiff shots. Tony Nese was seen scouting the match backstage. 

Ethan Page jumped through the ropes with a cutter on Omega out of nowhere! Omega immediately rolled to the outside, clearly hurt from the cutter. Page followed Omega and whipped Omega into the guardrail. Kenny put the brakes on and then hit a moonsault off the guardrail onto Ethan Page!

Back in the ring Page scoop slammed Omega. Kenny lured Page in and suplexed Page over the ropes and both men spilled out onto the arena floor!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Omega powerbombed Page and then targeted him with a V-trigger for a near fall. Page brought down Omega with an Iconoclasm and then a DDT for a near fall. Omega retaliated with a snapdragon suplex. Omega hit a second snapdragon on Ethan Page. 

Page rocked Omega with an avalanche slam off the top rope for a near fall. Omega tried for the One-Winged Angel, but Page countered with a cradle for a near fall. Kenny smashed Page with two V-triggers and then finished him off with the One-Winged Angel, scoring the victory over Page!

“Standing ovation here in Montreal,” said Nigel.

After the match, Big Bill blindsided Kenny Omega with a big boot to the head!

“So now the World Tag Team Champions have put both the Golden Jets down,” noted Kevin Kelly. 

Lexy Nair interviewed CJ Perry backstage when “The Redeemer” Miro interrupted!

Miro: “I am your husband, and I’m trying to figure out when was the last time you said so many good things about me, like you do about Andrade El Idolo? Why are you so mad because I told you to stay home? I am the bread earner and you’re my queen.”

CJ Perry: “Are you really that delusional Miro? I mean, you told me to stay home and cook, clean and listen. And then you denounce me. Make up your mind.”

Miro: “A lady needs to get her hands dirty every now and again. When my dad goes fishing, my mom cleans the fish. When my dad kills bull with his bare hand, my mom guts them. When I hunt, you clean. But don’t worry. I’m not going to touch your client Andrade in this tournament. But once it’s finished, so is he.”

Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)


“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard & “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker!

The hometown crowd chanted “Daddy Magic! Daddy Magic!”

Penta El Zero Miedo punted Daddy Magic in the face. Menard offered his hand to Penta, shook it, and then blindsided him. Komander and Parker tagged in for their respective teams. Komander took down Parker with two arm drags and a dropkick. 

Komander and Penta used tandem offense on Parker. Menard charged in and was staggered but stereo thrust kicks. Penta monkey flipped Komander into Parker and Menard! Komander and Penta went for double dives but Menard and Parker crashed the party with stereo forearms.

Penta rallied back with sling blades to Menard and Parker. Komander and Penta connected with double thrust kicks to Parker and Menard. 

“The fans are chanting ‘This is awesome!’ and I would agree,” said Schiavone. 

Menard applied a Montreal Crab to Penta, but Komander charged in and broke it up. Penta picked up Parker for the Fear Factor and then Komander walked the ropes and crashed onto Parker, more than enough to score the pin on Cool Hand Ang!

Main Event Time! Continental Classic Tournament: Blue League Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson vs. Andrade El Idolo!

“The crowd seems to be evenly split with respectful chants for both Andrade and Danielson,” said Kevin Kelly. 

Andrade had a tight side headlock on Danielson, putting pressure on Danielson’s surgically repaired orbital socket. Andrade shoulder blocked Danielson but Danielson came back with a suplex. 

Danielson kicked Andrade but Andrade countered with a dragon screw leg whip. Andrade tried to smash into Danielson with the double knees, but Danielson dodged it. Danielson rocketed out of the ring with a dive to Andrade. 

Andrade ripped off Danielson’s protective mask and nailed him in the eye with a forearm! Danielson was busted open. Andrade El Idolo applied a figure four to Danielson in the center of the ring. Danielson rolled and managed to reach the ropes. 

Andrade headbutted Danielson on the top turnbuckle. Andrade put his thumb in Danielson’s eye socket. They hit one another with open palm strikes. Danielson slapped Andrade off the turnbuckles. Danielson connected with a missile dropkick!

Bryan Danielson punished Andrade El Idolo with round kicks. Danielson tried for the LeBell Lock, but Andrade fought it off. Both men went down after they collided into one another with clotheslines. 

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

Andrade superplexed Danielson at the 15 minute mark. Andrade grabbed a near fall after the three amigos suplex. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle, looking for a moonsault, but Danielson countered with an avalanche belly to back suplex for a two-count. Danielson applied the LeBell Lock and screamed for Andrade to tap!

Andrade escaped and caught Danielson with a spinning back elbow for a near fall! Danielson’s eye was swelling up. Both men peppered one another with stiff shots to the face. Andrade smashed Danielson with another spinning elbow and then rocked him with double knees in the corner. Andrade spiked Danielson with an arm bar DDT and pinned the American Dragon!

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have seen an unforgettable match here tonight,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta ran to the ring to check on Danielson. Claudio shoved Andrade away, but Andrade was merely trying to check on Danielson.

“The concern right now is the condition of Bryan Danielson,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Winter Is Coming on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the College Park Center in Arlington, TX!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. “Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold)!

Jay White grappled Fox to the mat with a side headlock takedown. Fox came back with a cutter. Fox followed up with a swift kick to Jay White, knocking White out of the ring. Fox nailed Jay White with a shooting star press, posting off the turnbuckles and landing on White on the arena floor.

Back in the ring, Jay White threw Fox into the turnbuckles with a half and half suplex. Jay White spiked AR Fox with a DDT. AR Fox regained momentum, hitting Bullet Club Gold with a tope con hiro, and then he hit one on Jay White! AR Fox smashed Jay White with a twisting vertical suplex and then a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on “Switchblade”!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jay White rocked Fox with a half and half suplex and then finished him off with the Blade Runner, scoring the pin.

“You make one mistake against Jay White, and he will make you pay every single time,” said Kevin Kelly.

After the match, MJF snuck to the ring in a hoody and tried to steal his world title back from Jay White. He was outnumbered by Bullet Club Gold and had to leg go of the title, discretion being the better part of valor.

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass said next week on Collision they’re going to celebrate 69 days as champs!

The Boys—Brandon & Brent (with Dalton Castle)


The Gunns—Austin & Colten (with Bullet Club Gold)!

The Boys showed off their quickness, getting in some great tandem offense on Austin. The Gunns fired back with the 3:10 to Yuma and won in decisive fashion.

The Gunns will be facing MJF and a yet-to-be-named partner at AEW Full Gear: Zero Hour, on Saturday, November 18th for the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

Lexy Nair was backstage with “Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth!

Ryan: “I have a huge surprise. Big movie coming out next month. National comedy tour. But I want the success I’m having in Hollywood translate to success in AEW, which is why I brought you here.”

Nemeth turned and pointed to the dressing room door of “Hot And Flexible” CJ Perry.

Nemeth knocked on the door and “The Redeemer” Miro answered! Miro invited him in, the door closed, and Miro mauled Nemeth!

Fright Night Fight!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Abadon!

Shida and Abadon locked up. Abadon was looking to bite Shida, but Shida kicked her away. Abadon grabbed a skeleton bone and swung it at Shida, but Shida countered with a dropkick.

Abadon hid under the ring and tried to pull Shida under the ring. Abadon snuck up from the other side and ambushed Shida. Abadon cracked Shida across the back with a trash can lid.

Abadon and Shida collided against each other with double clotheslines, both having the same idea. Abadon found a baseball bat, but Shida got behind Abadon and choked her with it. Abadon cracked Shida with a kick in the face. Abadon poured out a bucket of candy and smashed Shida with a blockbuster on the candy!

Shida rocked Abadon with a shot from the kendo stick. Shida placed a pumpkin on top of Abadon’s head and smashed her with the katana kick, scoring the pinfall victory!

“What a win for Shida,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Timeless” Toni Storm came out and pranced around the ring.

ROH World Television Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Rhett Titus!

Rhett wrenched on Samoa Joe’s wrist. Samoa Joe bulldozed his way right through Titus. Samoa Joe drove Titus down with jabs in the corner. Samoa Joe chopped at Titus. Rhett Titus jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Samoa Joe simply walked out of the way.

Rhett Titus ran into Samoa Joe with two big boots. He went for a third time, but Samoa Joe planted Titus and then forced Titus to tap out!

“Domination made flesh!” said Kevin Kelly.

Footage aired from last night’s Rampage of Renee Paquette interviewing the QTV crew!

QT Marshall said that when he won the AAA Latin American Title, he told the world he was going to defend it with honor and prestige across the world. “I’m back in AEW and I plan on defending it against some of the luchadores because I’m told AEW has the best luchadores in the world.”

Up Next: An Injury update on the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Claudio Castagnoli said Danielson had a broken orbital bone and it was either from the Orange Punch or the Rainmaker. “I don’t know, and I don’t care because I’m going to make both of you pay for what you’ve done for my friend. Okada, be it in the Unites States or Japan, I am coming for you. I will find you and I will make you pay.

“Orange, you and me on Wednesday on Dynamite for your International Championship. I know what I’m going to do and what I’m capable of and it frightens me. You hurt one of the Blackpool Combat Club and now I’m going to hurt you. See you on Wednesday. Good luck.”

FTR’s Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)!

Before the match began the lights in the arena went dark.

The lights came back on, and The House of Black were seen scouting the match.

Dax and Starks chain wrestled. They traded arm drags. Dax grabbed a side headlock takeover.

“What is the House of Black’s motivation for being here?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Dax tried for a diving headbutt, but Ricky moved out of the way. Starks nailed Dax with a leg drop across the throat while Dax was on the edge of the ring. Dax went for a baseball slide, but Starks trapped him in the ring skirt. Starks started to pummel him with shots and then nailed him with a suplex on the ramp.

Dax rallied back and superplexed Ricky Starks. Both men hit the mat hard! Ricky rammed Harwood with a lariat. Dax clobbered Ricky with strikes. Dax grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall.

Dax blocked a tornado DDT and countered with a brainbuster for a near fall on Starks. Starks went for the spear, but Dax cracked him with a rising knee. Dax spiked Ricky with a piledriver. Dax went for the cover, but Big Bill pulled Dax out of the ring by the boot. Back in the ring, Ricky crushed Dax with a piledriver and pinned him!

“That’s the door closing on FTR, at least for the time being,” said Kevin Kelly.

“I’m not so sure about that,” replied Tony Schiavone.

The arena went dark again. This time when the lights returned on, Julia Hart was standing on the ramp surrounded by a shroud of fog. The lights went back out and this time when the came back on, the House of Black were in the ring, circling Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

“They’ve surrounded the champions,” said Kevin Kelly.

The House of Black then turned their attention to FTR!

La Faccion Ingobernable stormed down to the ring!

“It’s LFI!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Who are they looking at?” asked Kevin Kelly.

LFI helped FTR and began to slug it out with the House of Black! Big Bill and Ricky Starks retreated!

“LFI and FTR together in the ring! Incredible! Who would have thought this?” said Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo!

Lexy asked about Andrade’s dealings with CJ Perry, as well as the return of LFI.

Andrade El Idolo: “I am a businessman. This is my business. Nobody else.”

TBS Champion Kris Statlander was backstage with Lexy Nair.

Statlander asked for some time to speak with Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue. Statlander said whatever was going on between Willow and Skye needed to be settled now.

Willow: “Skye, I felt this tension between us, and it’s growing stronger. And ever since we both got misted from Julia, something is getting worse with you.”

Skye: “Anything that I have to say with Julia is between her and I.”

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli


“Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams!

Claudio Castagnoli clobbered Tracy Williams with repeated European Uppercuts! Claudio clubbed Tracy with lariats. Claudio finished off “Hot Sauce” with a European Uppercut and then pinned him.

MJF was seen getting warmed up backstage.

MJF was approached by Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe: “I could be your friend, Max. You just need to give me a rematch at your championship. If you find yourself in a bad way tonight, you just gotta scream my name and I’ll be your friend. Good luck. Dangerous opponent. I’ll keep my ears pricked up.”

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Kenny Omega!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Both men had each other scouted out early in the match, going hold for hold with one another. MJF offered his hand to Omega as a sign of good sportsmanship. Omega accepted and then MJF poked Omega in the eyes.

Omega backdropped MJF out of the ring. Omega hit the Terminator Dive on MJF! The champ fired back, jumping over the top rope and flipping onto Omega!

Omega jumped off the top rope with a cross body press to MJF. Omega tried for a hurracanrana, but MJF countered with a powerbomb back breaker combo. MJF planted Kenny with a stuffed DDT, good for a near fall.

Omega nailed MJF with a snapdragon suplex. Omega dropkicked MJF’s kneecap. Omega wiped out MJF with a lariat, sending MJF to the arena floor. Omega followed up with a moonsault to MJF. Omega rocked MJF with a missile dropkick from the top rope to the back of the head. Omega went for a moonsault, but MJF countered by raising his knees!

MJF chomped down on Omega’s forehead. MJF arm whipped Omega into the turnbuckles. MJF cracked Kenny with the kangaroo kick.

Omega connected with a sliding baseball kick, sending MJF into the broadcast booth. Kenny pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Back in the ring, they exchanged cradles. Kenny buckle bombed MJF, but the champ came out of the corner with a massive lariat to the Cleaner!

They battled on the ring apron. Kenny drilled MJF with a snapdragon suplex on the edge of the ring! Omega powerbombed MJF off the apron and through the table on the floor!

“My God what a main event here on Collision!” said Jim Ross.

Back in the ring, Kenny connected with a knee strike. MJF countered the One Winged Angel with a Poison Rana! Omega fired back with a Poison Rana of his own!

“Back and forth, back and forth!” said Jim Ross.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

MJF hit a double stomp on Omega’s arm. Omega rallied back with a jumping knee strike. MJF planted Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

“State of the art pro wrestling,” said Nigel.

MJF stunned Omega with a thrust kick. Omega came back with a piledriver, but MJF got his boot on the rope to stop the ref’s count. Omega powerbombed MJF on the guardrail. Omega removed the protective guard from the rail. He threw MJF back into the ring, so they didn’t get counted out.

Kenny was on the top turnbuckle, but MJF charged into the ropes, knocking Omega down. MJF climbed to the top, but Omega countered with a snake eyes from the top. Omega drove his knee into the back of MJF’s head. Omega blasted MJF with a snap dragon suplex and a running knee strike for a near fall! Kenny smashed MJF with the V Trigger. He followed up with another V Trigger. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel, but Don Callis ran to the ring. Omega put MJF down when he saw Callis.

As Omega was distracted by a screwdriver wielding Callis, MJF rolled up Omega from behind. Omega countered by reversing the rollup. MJF kicked out but Omega came back with a running knee strike! MJF kicked out of the pin attempt!

Don Callis climbed the ring steps. Ref Paul Turner ejected Don Callis. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel again, but MJF rolled forward for a pin. Omega rolled back to counter. It was another stale mate.

MJF caught Kenny in the Heat Seeker, but Kenny kicked out at the two-count! MJF went for the Panama Sunrise on Kenny and Kenny ended up countering with a pin attempt, but MJF kicked out! MJF kicked Kenny in the face and drilled Kenny with the Panama Sunrise. MJF finally finished off Omega with another Heat Seeker, pinning the Cleaner!

Samoa Joe was shown watching the match from backstage. Wardlow was also seen scouting the match from backstage. Powerhouse Hobbs was watching the match too. Jay White and Bullet Club Gold were taking mental notes as well.

“Everybody gunning for MJF,” said Tony Schiavone.

Kenny Omega and MJF hugged after the match.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

The biggest week in AEW history is upon us!

AEW All In London is LIVE on pay-per-view THIS SUNDAY from Wembley Stadium!

AEW Fight Forever Stadium Stampede mode launches within the next 24 hrs!

TONIGHT! Don’t miss Wednesday Night AEW Dynamite Fyter Fest LIVE at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TBS presented by AEW Fight Forever!

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