Director of Ep 207 Sharon Lewis Interview By Big Gold Belt MediaSharon Lewis – Bio 207 DIRECTORSharon Lewis’s directing work has been well received on premium broadcasters such as HBO, NBC, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, STARZ, FX…


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland came out to the ring to kick off the show!

Adam Copeland: “This week on Dynamite, Christian Cage had a whole lot of things to say. In his deluded mind, I think he actually believes them. I had to come out here and address what he had to say…”

Christian Cage’s music began to play!

The TNT Champion walked onto the ramp with Nick Wayne, Luchasaurus, and a team of AEW security!

Christian Cage: “You gotta lot of nerve and you really proved my point. You really think you’re that special, huh? You just walk out here on Collision, my show, by the way, take up this opening segment while I’m in the main event. That doesn’t sit right with me, so I brought my security detail out here because I’m sure you’re upset with what I said. But this security is for your protection, not mine.

“I’m just going to cut to the chase here. Why don’t you nicely step out of that ring, walk back up that ramp, and hit the bricks, because you see what’s going to happen if you stick around much longer here in AEW? It’s going to be like you’re from Toledo, Ohio, because it’s like you’ll be known for nothing.

“So, get to stepping or I’ll have my security team remove you. Just like I had the BCC escorted from the arena so there won’t be any funny business tonight with Bryan Danielson. I want a straight up fight with Bryan Danielson, and I know that’s not going to happen if you’re here and they’re here. I’m going to prove what I have known all along, as the TNT Champion, I am without a doubt the best wrestler in the world.”

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson walked down the ramp!

Danielson: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You know, Christian Cage, I’m happy to hear that you want a fair fight because I’ve got some news for you. I’ve talked to Tony Khan and in the interest of having a fair fight, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne have been banned from ringside.

“And now we’re going to find out between you and me, who is the better man and who deserves to be the TNT Champion!”

“Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill—the AEW Tag Team Champions, walked down the ring next!

Ricky Starks: “No, no, no. I’m looking at a bunch of guys who are taking up my time, and Big Bill’s time. So, excuse me for breaking up this little bash here but I’ll be damned if I let it go any longer. And truthfully speaking, I have no respect for you Adam Copeland, I have no respect for you Bryan. But I have respect for you, Christian, the only AEW Champion who stands in this ring until, well, right now.”

Ricky Starks stepped into the ring.

Ricky Starks: “Bryan Danielson, don’t think I forgot about the things I had to do to deal with you and the BCC and all this other crap. The difference between you and me, Bryan, is I’m actually a real AEW champion. So, if you two don’t like what I said, how about you guys get with me and my friends and we can do the damn thing right now, if it’s a fight you’re looking for.”

FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood—walked to the ring next!

Cash Wheeler: “Seven days ago AEW medical gave us an option. They said we didn’t have to go out and defend the titles because we are banged up. But the show must go on, so we said we’d defend the titles. Obviously, that was the wrong choice. But that doesn’t make you, Ricky and Big Bill, the best tag team on the planet. That is reserved for FTR.

“So maybe we don’t get an immediate rematch. That’s fine. We will earn a rematch. But titles or not, you gotta now we’re coming for those necks.”

Dax Harwood: “Everybody is banged up. We all gotta work and we made a decision and last week, one night only, you were better than FTR. And I heard you and your friends wanted a fight. And Saturday night’s alright for a fight, Toledo.”

Danielson: “And speaking of that, Christian Cage, why don’t you and I do our match right now!”

Security charged at Danielson, Copeland, and FTR! Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, and Christian Cage high tailed it out of the ring and Danielson, Copeland, and FTR cleaned house on the security!

Ring Of Honor World TV Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Willie Mack!

Willie tried a shoulder block on Samoa Joe and Joe didn’t budge. Samoa Joe rammed into Willie Mack and knocked him off his feet! Samoa Joa jabbed at Willie Mack in the corner turnbuckles.

Willie Mack fired off the ropes with a leg lariat. He connected with a plancha on Samoa Joe!

Willie crushed Samoa Joe with a cannonball in the corner! Samoa Joe booted Willie and then splashed him with a running senton for a near fall.

Samoa Joe powerslammed Willie Mack for a two-count. Willie nailed Joe with a cutter in the center of the ring for a near fall. Willie climbed to the top for the 6-star frog splash, but Samoa Joe countered with a muscle buster! Samoa Joe covered Willie and pinned him!

Lexy Nair was backstage with “the hot and flexible” CJ Perry!

CJ Perry: “I would ask my future clients if they ever sat on the side and felt like someone else was getting the spotlight? If you feel that way, I know exactly how you feel. That’s the story of my life and I am here to help guide people in AEW. So, if you’re in the locker room and you want to become champion, come find the woman that helps make men.”

Action Andretti walked onto the set.

Action: “CJ, I’ve gotta say, I feel like I could really benefit from having someone like you guide and manage me. And I’m just one phone call away. And if you don’t know, now you know I’m Action Andretti.”

CJ: “Nice to meet you. Can’t wait to get a call.”

Juice Robison (with Bullet Club Gold)


“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels!

Daniels took down Juice with an arm drag. CD applied the pressure on Juice.

Juice rocketed Daniels into the ropes, throat first. Juice charged at Daniels with a stiff elbow shot. Juice jabbed at the Fallen Angel. Juice followed up with a standing senton for a near fall. Christopher Daniels suplexed Juice and hit Juice with an STO.

Daniels smashed Juice with a high angle Death Valley Driver. Daniels tried for the Angels Wings, but Juice shoved Daniels into the turnbuckles. Juice crushed CD with a running cannonball. Juice planted Daniels and pinned him.

“The juice is loose. Juice Robinson now sets his sights on Wednesday night as part of the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale to see who will go on to face MJF for the Dynamite Diamond ring,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Jay White versus Penta El Zero Miedo as well,” added Kevin Kelly.

After the match, “Switchblade” Jay White placed a ring on Juice’s finger. The Gunns held up Christopher Daniels and Juice clocked Daniels with the lethal left hand!

Juice Robinson: “MJF, you think you’re the only man in the world who can knock a guy out with a ring on his fist? I’ve been knocking losers out like you for years with nothing on this hand. In fact, this ring right here, I got from TJ Maxx. It ain’t the ring when it comes to the Stray Bullet. It’s the left hand I got, and I don’t need anything on it. Wednesday after I win your little battle royal, I’m gonna take that ring from you Max and then we’re gonna take a trip to the local pawn shop. And we’re gonna pawn that and the Bang Bang Gang will go on a vacation.”

“Switchblade” Jay White: “Look Max, when you wonder why this is all happening to you, you have one boy to blame and that is MJF. You see, MJF, you brought this all on yourself when you jumped me from behind in your devil mask with your paid off gimp squad because we all know you have no friends.

“So now your world is falling apart, and it starts when Juice takes your precious little ring, and it culminates at Full Gear when your world crumbles for good when I am officially crowned the AEW World Heavyweight Champion! Guns up!”

A vignette aired for Dustin Rhodes!

Dustin Rhodes: “Well Houston, we have a problem! Because I am the storm. ‘The Natural’ Dustin Rhodes is coming back to Texas where he belongs. And Dustin Rhodes today, in 2023, is as good as he’s ever been. And this Wednesday, I am coming to win the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal. And then MJF, I’m coming for that diamond ring, but more importantly, a chance for a lifelong dream of mine—to become the AEW World Heavyweight Champion. My path to glory starts this Wednesday night on TBS where it all began and where legends live forever!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Nick Wayne! Lexy informed him that this Wednesday he would have a sit down interview with Jim Ross and Nick Wayne’s mom!

Nick Wayne: “A sit down interview? With my mom? For what? The whole world wants to know what I did to Darby Allin and apparently my mom wants to know? Then I guess they can find out on Dynamite.”

Aussie Open’s Kyle Fletcher vs. Iron Savages’ Boulder!

Boulder shoved Fletcher to the mat. Fletcher applied a side headlock. Fletcher clubbed Boulder with forearms. Boulder press slammed Kyle Fletcher.

Fletcher rocked Boulder with a leg lariat, knocking Boulder to the arena floor. Fletcher flew over the top rope with a dive onto Boulder!

Kyle Fletcher powerbombed Boulder from the top rope. Fletcher locked on the dragon sleeper and made Boulder tap out!

“Interesting with the dragon sleeper,” said Tony Schiavone.

Renee Paquette was backstage with the AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!

Billy Gunn: “We have been Trios Champs for 48 days!”

Max Caster: “I just hope MJF sees all the hard work we’ve been putting in.”

Billy Gunn: “We have to work on your relationship skills because they’re absolutely rotten.”

Anthony Bowens: “The Twitter stuff, it’s all a bit aggressive. We can make friends and we can help you make friends.”

Billy and Anthony coached Caster with a few pointers and told him to try them on Renee for practice. Caster asked Renee about the “Oral Sessions” and totally offended her.

Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia and Jake Hager crashed the interview.

Menard: “Real smooth, idiot.”

Parker: “MJF thinks you’re an absolute loser.”

Menard: “How about Memphis, you put those titles on the line. We’re getting a taste of the title.”

Caster: “We’ll see you in Memphis!”

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Skye Blue!

Skye Blue’s demeanor has changed since Julia Hart blew mist in her eyes. Blue grabbed a handful of Kris’ hair. Skye Blue cracked Kris with a back elbow.

Skye Blue nailed Kris with a neck breaker across the ropes. Kris fired back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Blue planted Kris with a satellite DDT for a two-count.

Blue hit an avalanche powerbomb. Blue jumped off the top rope with a crossbody, but Statlander countered with a powerslam. Blue rocked Kris with thrust kicks. Statlander caught Blue with Saturday Night Fever and pinned Skye Blue!

Statlander tried to help up Skye Blue after the match. Skye Blue slapped away Kris’ hand. Willow Nightingale sprinted to the ring to try to talk some sense into Skye.

Kyle Fletcher was backstage!

Fletcher: “First off, I want to send some well wishes to Mark Davis. But saying that, Davis being out gives me an opportunity to prove that on my own two feet, I am one of the best professional wrestlers in this world. There is a man in this company that I consider to be the measuring stick. This Wednesday I am calling you out, Kenny Omega, and I will prove I am one of the best, with or without someone in my corner!”

“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. The Outrunners’ Turbo Floyd!

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty of Shane Taylor Promotions had a vested interest, watching this match on a monitor backstage.

Keith Lee threw Floyd over his head! Lee pounced on Turbo Floyd! Keith Lee powerbombed Floyd and pinned him!

“The Redeemer” Miro was backstage with some thought provoking words…and actions!

Miro: “The last few weeks have been testing with my wife being around. But I know what’s going to happen now that she’s here. Because evil seduces you under bright lights. So now she’ll be surrounded by all the things she loves. Let this be a warning, I am willing to destroy every man to protect the one woman. This is the promise of the Redeemer!”

Miro threw Action Andretti to the ground!

Main Event Time!

TNT Championship Match!

Christian Cage (c.) vs. “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide main event analysis.

Danielson worked over Cage in a bow and arrow submission move. Danielson whipped Christian Cage into the steel barricade. Danielson followed up with a running dropkick. Danielson threw Christian Cage back into the ring and worked on Christian Cage’s knee.

Christian Cage charged at Danielson, but Danielson back dropped Cage out of the ring. Danielson sprinted at Christian Cage, looking for a tope suicida, but Christian Cage countered with a massive uppercut!

“What a smart move by the TNT Champion,” said Jim Ross.

Danielson tried to suplex Christian off the ring apron, but Christian kicked Danielson and shoved him into the ring post. Chrisitan Cage planted Danielson with a hammerlock slam on the apron, right on Danielson’s surgically repaired arm!

They jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Danielson headbutted Cage, knocking him off the turnbuckles. Bryan rocked Cage with a diving headbutt. Christian Cage was busted wide open!

Danielson clobbered Christian Cage with toxic round kicks. Danielson jumped onto Christian with a tope suicida.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Christian Cage poked Danielson in the eye. Christian followed up with a frog splash for a near fall! Christian was looking for the Kill Switch, but Danielson countered with kicks to Cage’s sternum. Danielson missed a round kick and Christian planted him on his face! Christian Cage charged at Danielson, looking for the spear, but Danielson countered with a knee! Danielson blasted Christian with a stiff kick for a near fall!

Danielson captured Christian’s wrists and stomped on his head. Danielson ran towards Christian, ready to hit with his knee strike, but Christian Cage countered with a spear! Christian planted Bryan with the Kill Switch but somehow Bryan kicked out at two!

Christian ran at Danielson with another spear, but Danielson dodged it! Danielson hit the running knee on Christian Cage! Danielson covered Cage but Cage kicked out! Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock! Christian reached the ropes with his boots. Danielson pulled Christian back to the center of the ring and tried for the Le Bell Lock again, but his damaged arm wouldn’t allow him to complete the hold and lock it in.

Big Bill came to the ring and distracted the ref! Ricky Starks jumped into the ring and blasted Danielson in the head with his tag team title belt! Christian covered Danielson and pinned him!

“It took three guys to get it done,” said Jim Ross.

After the match, Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, Big Bill, and Ricky Starks stomped and kicked Danielson! FTR rushed down to help even up the odds for Danielson! Adam Copeland hit the ring and hit anything that moved! Copeland was going toe to toe with Luchasaurus! FTR clobbered Big Bill, knocking him out of the ring! Big Bill pulled Starks out of the ring before FTR could inflict anymore punishment. Copeland booted Luchasaurus right in the face and out of the ring! Copeland speared Nick Wayne!

“You asked for it, kid, you got it,” said Tony Schiavone.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Paul Wight, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, & Angelo Parker (with Jake Hager)


Brother Zay & The Hardys—Matt & Jeff!

Garcia grappled Brother Zay to the mat. Zay fired back with an arm drag and a dropkick. Matt Hardy tagged in and dropped an elbow on Garcia. Jeff tagged in and hit a diving splash on Garcia.

After Parker distracted Brother Zay, Garcia nailed Zay with a running forearm. Angelo Parker and Matt Menard whipped Garcia into Brother Zay in the turnbuckles. Brother Zay blasted Garcia with a cutter and then tagged out to Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy cleared the ring and hammered away on Parker. Matt Hardy followed up with a powerbomb on Parker for a near fall. Garcia was about to do his dance, but Matt Menard tagged himself in and scolded Garcia.

Jeff Hardy tagged in and clobbered Angelo Parker with clotheslines. Jeff followed up with a basement dropkick. Matt Menard ran in to break up Jeff’s pin attempt on Parker. Angelo Parker ran in, but Matt Hardy caught him with a Side Effect. Brother Zay splashed Parker with the Poetry in Motion. Jeff Hardy went up top for the swanton, but Jake Hager knocked Jeff off his balance. Inside the ring Daniel Garcia spiked Brother Zay with a DDT and pinned him!

Matt Menard stormed off and left the ring after seeing Garcia dancing again.

Footage was shown from Dynamite. Renee Paquette tried to interview Penta El Zero Miedo who was with Alex Abrahantes.

Renee was asking for an update on Rey Fenix’s condition when Penta was interrupted by Bullet Club Gold!

Ahead of their match this Wednesday on Dynamite, “Switchblade” Jay White said Penta had “zero fear and zero belts.”

Penta El Zero Miedo called Jay White a thief for stealing the AEW World Title.

After a commercial break, Renee Paquette interviewed Daniel Garcia, Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, and Jake Hager!

Renee said she sensed some tension amongst them.

Matt Menard: “Great team victory here tonight but I can’t stand Garcia’s dancing.”

Parker told Menard to chill out because the dancing got it done tonight.

Hager: “Enough! We won, boys. Squash this.”

Menard: “You want me to squash this? Everybody needs to squash it!”

Matt Menard stormed off!

Jay Lethal (with Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jeff & Karen Jarrett)

vs. Trent Beretta (with Chuck Taylor)!

Lethal got the jump on Trent. Lethal looked into the camera and told Eddie Kingston that he was going to be the next ROH World Champion.

Trent smashed Lethal with double knees. Lethal scoop slammed Trent. Lethal was looking for the figure four but Trent countered and grounded and pounded Lethal.

Trent took down Lethal with a hurracanrana and followed up with a thrust kick. Trent went for a running cross body press but Lethal ducked! Trent’s momentum sent him crashing into the ropes! Trent speared Lethal outside the ring. Jay Lethal ran the knee of Trent into the steel ring post.

Trent wiped out Lethal with a pescado, but Trent came up clutching his knee. Trent nailed Lethal with a German Suplex. Trent hit a second German Suplex. Lethal was looking for the Lethal Injection but Trent countered with the half-and-half for a near fall.

Lethal locked on the figure four in the center of the ring. Lethal clocked Trent with a thrust kick to Trent’s face. Trent countered a rolling elbow with a jumping knee strike to Lethal. Jay Lethal kicked the back of Trent’s knee, followed up with the Lethal Injection and pinned Trent!

Ortiz was backstage with harsh words for Mike Santana, saying Santana stood next to him for many years, but never stood with him.

Mike Santana walked onto the scene. “Where were you for the past 14 months after my surgery? Where were you?”

Ortiz: “Holding you up!”

Santana: “I’m going to end you!”

Skye Blue vs. Emi Sakura!

“Skye Blue seems a little dour,” said Paul Wight.

“I’m sure it has something to do with what Julia Hart did to her,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Skye Blue tried to cradle Emi, but Emi stomped on Blue. Emi dumped Skye Blue over the top rope. Emi charged at Skye Blue and crushed her against the steel ring steps.

Emi Sakura chopped away at Skye Blue. Sakura charged at Skye, but Skye got her boot up. She followed up with a DDT for a near fall. Sakura countered the Skye Fall by chomping on Skye’s hands. Sakura nailed Skye Blue with a back breaker.

Skye Blue nailed Emi with a thrust kick and pinned Emi after the Code Blue!

Main Event Time!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta


The Mogul Embassy’s Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona (with Prince Nana)!

Wheeler Yuta grappled Bishop to the mat with a deep hammer lock. Bishop Kaun fought out of it and shoved Yuta into the corner turnbuckles. Wheeler Yuta slapped him. Yuta scoop slammed Kaun and then squashed him with a senton.

Claudio tagged in and smashed Kaun with a double foot stomp. Yuta tagged back in, but Bishop Kaun shoved Yuta into a stiff elbow from Toa Liona. Bishop Kaun whipped Yuta back and forth into the barricade.

Claudio clobbered Toa Liona with European Uppercuts. Claudio tried for the Neutralizer, but Liona back dropped out of it. Claudio was looking for the Giant Swing, but Bishop Kaun had a blind tag and blindsided Claudio.

Claudio put Kaun in the Giant Swing and then Yuta dropkicked Kaun in the head! Prince Nana jumped into the ring and Claudio chased him out and to the back. Inside the ring, Yuta was isolated. Kaun smashed Yuta with a double underhook face buster, but Yuta kicked out at two!

Wheeler Yuta chopped away at the Gates of Agony. The Gates planted Yuta and Toa covered him, but Yuta kicked out! Claudio ran back to the ring and cleaned house on the Gates! Yuta climbed to the top turnbuckle and Claudio threw him with the Fast Ball Special, and Yuta pinned Bishop Kaun!

“What a showcase of Wheeler Yuta’s heart tonight! So impressed with that young man,” said Paul Wight.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH featuring:

-TBS Champion Kris Statlander putting her title at stake against Skye Blue!

-AAA World Cruiserweight Champ Komander vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage!

-We’ll hear from the new AEW World Tag Team Champs Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

-The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland appears live!

-ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe defending against Willie Mack!

-TNT Champion Christian Cage putting his title on the line against “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Andrade El Idolo vs. Bullet Club Gold’s Juice Robinson (with The Gunns)!

Andrade started things off fast with a double leg takedown and went for the figure four. Juice retreated outside the ring to collect his thoughts and regroup. Andrade hit the three amigos suplexes. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle and wiped out Bullet Club Gold on the outside with a moonsault!

As Andrade was trying to get back in the ring, Juice shoved him back out. Juice distracted the ref while the Gunns stomped a mudhole into Andrade. Juice planted Andrade face first right on the edge of the ring.

Juice smashed Andrade in the corner with the running cannonball. Juice followed up with a suplex and then blew snot rockets onto Andrade, showing complete disrespect for his opponent. Andrade slapped Juice and cranked him with a dragon screw leg whip. Hot and flexible CJ was shown scouting the match on the monitor backstage.

“Who was she looking at?” wondered Kevin Kelly.

Juice grabbed the ref and used him as a human shield. Juice thumbed Andrade in the eye and then powerbombed Andrade for a near fall. Juice connected with a high flying press from the top turnbuckle. Andrade rallied back, going for the Figure 8, but the Gunns tried to interfere. The ref ejected the Gunns from ringside!

Andrade drilled Juice with a back elbow for a two-count. Andrade spiked Juice with a DDT and pinned him!

Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta (accompanied by Rocky Romero)


The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett!

The Kingdom walked to the ring with their rolling luggage bags.

Trent nailed Bennett with forearms and chops. Chuck Taylor tagged in, and Best Friends hit a double shoulder tackle on Bennett. Taylor used a back suplex on Mike Bennett. Trent tagged back in and chopped Bennett’s chest. Taven grabbed a tag and drilled Trent with a dropkick off the turnbuckles.

Outside the ring, Trent charged at Bennett, but Bennett countered by using Trent’s momentum and sending him soaring into the steel guardrail. Bennett followed up with a drop toehold on Taylor onto a steel chair.

Trent rocked the Kingdom with a double dropkick off the turnbuckles. He followed up with a big swinging DDT on Taven for a near fall. Taven fired back with a running knee strike. Bennett was looking for a piledriver on the ring steps, but Trent countered with a Death Valley Driver!

Chuck Taylor hoisted Bennett on his shoulders and Trent followed through with a knee strike from the stop rope. Best Friends spiked the Kingdom with stereo piledrivers. Trent covered Bennett but Bennett got his boot on the bottom rope before the three-count.

As the ref was distracted, Bennett hit two low blows on Taylor. The Kingdom nailed Taylor with a spiked piledriver, and Bennett scored the pin!

Mike Bennett: “Weiner punch, piledriver, Roddy Strong!”

Matt Taven: “We gotta go! We’re flying right back to you, Roddy! We have a message for Adam Cole. Adam, I know you’re supposed to have doctors’ appointments all week and you delayed your surgery. Please, come meet us at Roddy’s house right now. If we’ve ever meant anything to you, Adam, please, meet us at Roddy’s.”

Alex Marvez tried to interview Don Callis and Prince Nana backstage, who appeared to be conspiring about something!

Don Callis was whispering into Nana’s ear and then walked away.

Prince Nana: “There’s a saying, Marvez. If you dig deep into the universe, you will find something that is very, very unique. And tonight, once the Gates of Agony get through with Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega—we’re in the money!”

The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King) vs. Vertvixen!

Julia charged at Vertvixen with a running clothesline. Julia slammed Vertvixen’s head on the mat repeatedly. Julia followed up with a cartwheel forearm. Julia Hart splashed Vertvixen with a moonsault from the top rope and then pinned her!

Julia Hart: “Oh Kris, I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow. I think you should come out here right now!”

TBS Champion Kris Statlander walked out onto the ramp. Best Friends followed her to the ring. Julia and Kris pushed their contemporaries aside and had a stare down. Julia smiled and left the ring, clearly playing mind games.

Kris: “Tomorrow, you’re going to be in the ring with not only the TBS Champion, but the defeater of the undefeated! Your clock is ticking and tomorrow your time is up!”

Claudio Castagnoli threw out an open challenge and Josh Barnett answered!

Josh Barnett: “Tomorrow night, Claudio, you’ll see what a challenge can become!”

Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega


Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona (with Prince Nana)!

Jericho chopped at Toa, but Toa answered with a headbutt. Kaun tagged in and rocked Jericho with a lariat. The Gates of Agony pummeled Jericho in their corner.

Omega tagged in and hit Toa with a flying cross body press. Omega and Jericho double suplexed Toa Liona. Omega and Jericho took down Toa with double shoulder blocks.

Prince Nana distracted Omega. Toa rammed Omega and Omega inadvertently knocked Jericho off the apron! Bishop Kaun used a backstabber on Omega and then Toa followed up with a running elbow, proving to be a truly effective combo.

Jericho tagged in and cleaned house on the Gates of Agony. Jericho dropped a double ax handle on Bishop and followed up with the Lion Sault! Jericho tried for the lion tamer, but Kaun kicked Jericho away. Toa blasted Jericho with a back elbow. Jericho fired back with a dropkick off the turnbuckles to Toa.

Omega cracked Bishop with the V Trigger. Kenny followed up with the terminator dive to the outside on Toa. Jericho applied the lion tamer to Bishop and forced him to tap!

Chris Jericho: “I have to say after what you just saw, Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho proved we can coexist together.”

Kenny Omega: “You said it yourself, Chris. Coexisting isn’t just part of some grand scheme to be the greatest tag team in AEW history. Nope, this is about something bigger. I was blinded by Don Callis but now I’ve seen the light. And all it took was for you, Don, to take Takeshita to Japan to hurt the ones I love. Ibushi takes a beating like that as an invitation. So tomorrow at WrestleDream, it’s time for the original Alpha and the original Omega to spell the beginning of the end of Don Callis.”

Jericho: “Tomorrow at WrestleDream, Kenny, Ibushi, and the Ocho, versus the Don Callis Family! Sammy, you are the ultimate Judas, you little bastard. I’m going to ruin your dreams, your goals, I’m going to ruin your entire life. And tomorrow at WrestleDream, I’m going to take out all my frustrations from teaming with you for the last four years, onto you! We’re coming for the Don Callis Family!”

The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch


Travis Williams & Judas Icarus!

Williams dropkicked Vincent in the corner. Vincent cracked Icarus with a running elbow and then tagged out to Dutch.

Dutch dished out overhand chops to the competition. Dutch planted Williams with the Bossman slam. Vincent finished off Icarus and pinned him.

“I would not like to be MJF come tomorrow night,” said Nigel.

Vincent: “Dutch, look at all the paper people strung together. It’s the same paper people who believe that MJF truly is the devil. You know something, he is the devil. The devil pulls the strings that make us dance. The same strings that are tied to that liar Adam Cole. So, at WrestleDream, not only is the Righteous going to become the ROH World Tag Team Champions, but we’re also going to make sure that the devil leaves with one hoof. Just like Adam Cole. Dutch, dig what I’m saying?”

Dutch pulled a block of wood out from beneath the ring and handed it to Vincent. Dutch held the block of wood between Icarus’ legs while Vincent slammed a steel chair against it!

Main Event Time!

All-Star 8-Man Tag Match!

AEW World Tag Champions FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood, & Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta & “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis, Big Bil, & “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Zach Sabre Jr. was on commentary for this match.

Jim Ross was also at the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Wheeler grappled on the mat with Kyle Fletcher. They got to their feet and Yuta chopped Fletcher and then backdropped him. Dax tagged in and Mark Davis suplexed him. Things broke down with both teams brawling outside the ring.

“What the hell is going on here?” asked Jim Ross.

Ref Aubrey Edwards regained control of the match. Cash dropkicked Davis and then suplexed Fletcher. Cash cradled Fletcher for a near fall.

Yuta grabbed a blind tag. Yuta jumped off the top turnbuckle with a flying forearm to Fletcher. Wheeler Yuta wiped out Fletcher with a German Suplex. Big Bill booted Yuta right in the face!

“Man, that was a hard shot!” said Jim Ross.

Fletcher tagged in and he and Davis double teamed Yuta with a sit out powerbomb. Danielson tagged in and fired into Starks with chops and kicks! Danielson rocketed at Starks with a tope suicida. Danielson dropkicked Starks from the top rope.

Danielson charged at Starks, but Starks countered with a clothesline. Starks drilled Danielson with a DDT. Big Bill tagged in. Big Bill went for a choke slam, but Danielson countered and applied the LeBell Lock. Fletcher kicked Danielson from behind, breaking the submission hold.

Cash and Danielson held Big Bill while Wheeler dropkicked him from the top. Dax followed up with a diving headbutt to Big Bill.

Dax slugged Big Bill with knife edge chops. Dax tried for a sharpshooter on Big Bill, but Bill kicked him away. Big Bill chokeslammed Dax and then Starks speared him, and Starks scored the pin on Dax Harwood!

Just because the match was over didn’t mean the fight was! Both teams began to brawl after the bell! Danielson pointed at Sabre, and Sabre got into the ring. Danielson and Sabre had a face off and then Sabre shoved Danielson.

Danielson slapped back! Sabre grabbed Danielson by the throat, but Danielson was about to counter when Sabre abandoned the ring, saving his energy for his match tomorrow.

Catch the four year anniversary of AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

This Sunday, witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW WrestleDream!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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