Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Holiday Bash was broadcast from the Frost Bank Center in San Antonio, TX!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Continental Classic: Blue League Standings-

Andrade El Idolo (9)

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (9)

Brody King (6)

Claudio Castagnoli (6)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (6)

Daniel Garcia (0)

Continental Classic: Blue League Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli!

Danielson and Claudio grappled on the mat, reaching a stalemate. The Blackpool Combat Club teammates know each other very well. Danielson stomped on the back of Claudio’s knees. Claudio fired back with a European Uppercut, stunning Danielson. Claudio slammed Danielson and then dropped an elbow on him. 

Claudio thumbed Danielson in the eye. Claudio tried for the Giant Swing, but Danielson cradled him for a near fall. Claudio rocked Bryan with a lariat for a two-count. Claudio tried again for the Giant Swing, but Danielson countered with the Le Bell Lock. Claudio escaped by grabbing the ring ropes. Danielson jumped off the apron and connected with a high knee to Claudio’s shoulder. Danielson whipped Claudio into the steel ring steps.

Back in the ring, Danielson charged at Claudio with a dropkick, but Claudio caught him and hurled him around in the Giant Swing! Claudio hit Danielson with a headbutt. Claudio followed Danielson out of the ring and ran at Danielson with a running European Uppercut. 

Claudio was perched on the top turnbuckle, but Danielson knocked him down, putting Claudio in a Tree of Woe type position. Danielson kicked Claudio and then walloped him with a belly-to-back suplex off the top rope!

Danielson managed to apply the Le Bell Lock again. Claudio touched the rope with his bottom rope and Danielson held onto the submission lock as long as legally possible. Finally, the ref saw Claudio’s boot and forced Danielson to relinquish the hold. Claudio made Danielson pay with an avalanche superplex from the top rope, and there was less than five minutes remaining.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

Claudio hoisted up Bryan for the Ricola Bomb. Danielson grabbed Claudio’s arm, looking for a triangle choke, but Claudio planted Danielson with the Neutralizer for a near fall! Danielson charged at Claudio with a running knee strike. Danielson grabbed Claudio’s wrists and began to stomp on Claudio’s head. Claudio reversed it and began to stomp on Danielson’s head! They kicked one another until Claudio applied the sharpshooter. There was one minute remaining!

Danielson clawed the mat, trying to reach the ropes. Claudio sat down, making the sharpshooter even tighter! Thirty seconds remained! Fans were on their feet! With ten seconds left, Claudio tried for the Ricola Bomb, but Danielson escaped. Claudio rocked Danielson with a knee and went for the cover but time expired! The match ended in a draw!

Bryan Danielson has advanced to the Blue League Finals!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens and Max Caster & Daddy Ass (c.) 


Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin, & Action Andretti!

Action went for a backdrop, but Bowens countered with a neck breaker. Bowens blasted Action with a thrust kick. Darius and Action hit the Acclaimed with stereo dropkicks. Daddy Ass tagged in and knocked Action Andretti to the mat. Daddy Ass planted Action with a side slam.

Top Flight used tandem offense on Max, and then Action splashed Max with a standing shooting star press. Dante jumped off the ropes, but Billy waffled him with a stiff uppercut. Billy planted Darius with a tilt awhirl slam!

Top Flight took flight and connected with topes to Daddy Ass and Anthony Bowens. Meanwhile, in the ring, Max Caster rolled up Action Andretti out of nowhere and pinned him!

“Wow, Max Caster saving this match for the Trios Champions, because Top Flight and Action Andretti were seconds away from scoring what some might call an upset,” said Nigel.

“Did Max pull the tights?” asked Kevin Kelly.

“Who cares?” replied Nigel.

FTW Champion HOOK had a message for Wheeler Yuta!

“You want to fight me for my title by my rules? That’s fine by me. Let’s do it next week at Worlds End!”

ROH World-Six Man Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)


“Limitless” Keith Lee!

Keith Lee and Brian Cage locked up. Keith shoved Cage away and smiled. Keith Lee charged at Cage, but Cage dodged him. Cage whacked Lee with a basement dropkick and then a tornado DDT!

Keith Lee splashed Cage in the corner and then clobbered Cage with body shots. Keith Lee threw Cage over Lee’s head for a two-count. Brian Cage superplexed Keith Lee!

“An incredible collision of man and mat!” said Tony Schiavone.

Cage hoisted up Lee and tossed him down with a faceplant. Prince Nana pulled a cinder block from beneath the ring. He slid it into the mat. Keith Lee headbutted Cage and then finished him off with a jackhammer, scoring the pin on Cage!

Keith Lee: “Almost exactly a year ago someone took me out for almost two months with this cinder block. And I’ve been trying to send a message to him, but he seems to not be listening. So, I guess at Dynamite I’ll come make my message clear. I’ve got a house to tear down and I’ll do it brick by brick!”

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, who was with Mariah May and Luther!

Renee asked Storm about her upcoming match with Riho at Worlds End. 

Storm acted like she’d never met Mariah May before tonight.

May: “Renee, I have an exciting announcement to make. My wrestler’s license has been approved, I’m medically cleared, and I’m good to go.”

Renee: “Incredible. Do you have any idea when you may be debuting?”

May: “It will be very soon and Ms. Storm, do you have any advice?”

Storm: “Sorry, darling, I wasn’t listening. And Riho, you are very small and very light. But the winter is coming, and I have no problem packing it on for a new role. You will leave me no choice but to gobble you up!”

TNT Champion Christian Cage, along with the “Prodigy” Nick Wayne, walked to the ring!

Christian Cage: “People want to know why Nick’s mom smashed Adam Copeland in the head with my TNT Championship. I can explain it to myself, but why should I when she can do it herself. So, get on your feet and show some respect for Shayna Wayne!”

Shayna Wayne came to the ring and joined Christian Cage and her son Nick Wayne.

Shayna: “You boo me? You boo a mother? How dare you? You all want to know why I did what I did to Adam Copeland? Nick Wayne is my son. He’s my baby boy. My pride and joy. I sat in this ring, and I watched Adam Copeland smash a steel chair into his head and you wonder why I made the choice that I did. I did what any loving mother would do. I protected my son.

“Really? Really? Boo a mother? Something has been made very clear to me. The one person who loves and cares for my son as much as I do is the “Patriarch” Christian Cage.”

Christian Cage: “Adam Copeland is a piece of crap. Shayna worked as a waitress just to put food on her plate and to help make her son’s dream come true to make it as a pro wrestling. But with one swing of the chair, you took that dream away, Copeland. If anyone should know better, it’s you, Copeland, as you grew up with a single mother. I wish your mother were still alive, Adam, so I could watch your mother disown you.

“You’ve never been able to harness your anger. I scored that night, and then scored when I walked out with Mother Wayne. And now that my family is complete, I’ll address the challenge that you made, when you challenge me for Worlds End in a No Disqualification Match. Adam, I’ll accept your invitation for a fight at Worlds End. But I will not accept your challenge because you are no challenger. I already beat you. And I am levels above you. I stand on the mountain top as the very best in this sport. And I am going to take you behind the shed and put you down for the last time!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Big Bill: “Kenny Omega, apparently you have diverticulitis. First of all, that sounds made up. Let me tell you what I think is really happening here. I think you’re afraid to face us.”

Starks: “Kenny, you don’t have the guts to face us, therefore, you and Chris forfeit your match at Worlds End. And we will go and party in New York City.”

Chris Jericho walked onto the scene and interrupted Starks. 

Chris Jericho: “You know, the Golden Jets are on hiatus, Kenny Omega is out indefinitely, but I’m not forfeiting anything. I’ve got a signed contract for an AEW World Tag Team Championship match against you two. I don’t know when it’s going to be or who my partner is going to be, but I’ll find somebody, and when I do, I’ll take those Tag Team Titles away from you. And that…is the absolute truth.”

Continental Classic: Blue League Match!

Daniel Garcia vs. House of Black’s Brody King!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Garcia slapped Brody in the face, making a statement. Brody immediately began to pummel Garcia and then clobbered him with a gigantic cannonball for a near fall. Brody hammered Garcia with forearm shots.

Brody fought off Garcia with boots to Brody’s face. Brody used a sit out senton on Garcia for a two-count. Brody crumpled Garcia with a knife edge chop. 

Brody invited Garcia to chop him, and Garcia obliged. Garcia was fighting like the rent was due. Garcia shocked Brody with a suplex.

“Holy smokes, he got him up! What an effort by Garcia,” said Schiavone.

Brody retaliated with a Death Valley Driver and then a lariat for a near fall. Brody spiked Garcia with the Gonzo Bomb but Garcia kicked out!

“What kind of superhuman is able to kick out of a Gonzo Bomb like that?” asked Kevin Kelly.

Brody picked up Garcia, who was like deadweight. Brody slapped at Garcia, but Garcia jackknifed Brody and pinned him!

“Unbelievable! What did we witness here tonight?” asked Schiavone.

“Garcia ended the Continental Classic for Brody King,” added Kevin Kelly.

The arena lights went dark! When the lights came back on, Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews were standing in the ring, holding Garcia up. Daddy Magic jumped into the ring, but Buddy booted him in the head! Brody yanked at Garcia’s fingers, trying to break them.

FTR—Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood, sprinted to the ring and the House of Black retreated!

Dax Harwood: “I’m tired of the fairy tales. I’m tired of all the magic tricks. If you want us to be in your family, well, damnit, I’ll be your tequila drinking uncle that whoops everybody’s ass! I want it, we want it, first time ever! FTR versus House of Black! Top guys out!”

TBS Champion Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Thunder Rosa & Abadon!

Skye Blue stomped on Abadon. Julia tagged in and began to bash Abadon’s head on the mat. Abadon caught Julia and planted her onto the mat. Abadon began to batter Julia on the mat and then connected with a running knee.

Abadon tried to make a tag, but Skye Blue charged in and prevented Abadon from reaching Thunder Rosa. Julia Hart and Skye Blue double teamed Abadon. Abadon double DDT’ed Blue and Hart. Thunder Rosa grabbed a tag and cleaned house on Julia and Skye!

Thunder Rosa smashed into Skye Blue with a flying lariat and then double knees! Thunder Rosa nailed Skye with a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Skye Blue clocked Thunder Rosa with a thrust kick. Julia Hart climbed to the top rope, but Abadon knocked her down. Thunder Rosa hit the Tijuana Bomb on Skye Blue and then pinned her!

Main Event Time! Continental Classic: Blue League Match!

Andrade El Idolo vs. ROH World Champ/NJPW Openweight Champ Eddie Kingston!

Kingston ducked Andrade’s back elbow at the start of the match. Andrade ducked Eddie’s spinning back fist. Kingston did a double foot stomp on Andrade’s abdomen. Andrade came off the ropes, but Kingston turned him inside out with a lariat.

Andrade wiped out Kingston with a dragon screw leg whip. He sent Kingston back down again with a flying forearm. Andrade smoked Kingston when he ran into Kingston in the corner with a double knee strike. Andrade rocked Kingston with the three amigos suplex.

Andrade jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Kingston countered with a boot. In the process, Kingston tweaked his knee. Kingston fired off the Kobashi chops to Andrade and followed up with an Exploder Suplex for a near fall!

Andrade snapmared Kingston through the ropes and to the arena floor. Andrade connected with a moonsault. Andrade went for another moonsault, this time in the ring, but Kingston moved, so Andrade adjusted and crashed onto Kingston with a standing moonsault!

Eddie sent Andrade flying with a belly to back suplex for a two-count. Andrade backed up Kingston into the corner. Andrade starched Kingston with a spinning back elbow but Kingston kicked out at the two-count! Andrade applied the figure four, bridged up for the figure eight, but Eddie grabbed the bottom rope to break the hold. Eddie stunned Andrade with two spinning back fists! Kingston hoisted up Andrade and planted him headfirst on the mat and pinned Andrade!

It’ll be Eddie Kingston vs. Bryan Danielson on Dynamite this Wednesday!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After an exciting pair of nights in Oklahoma City for DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, All Elite Wrestling returns to San Antonio for the first time in a year when the Freeman Coliseum hosted the 2022 Holiday Bash! This time we are coming to San Antonio’s Frost Bank Center and bringing COLLISION to River City with us! With the Gold League coming to a head in a Three Way fight between Moxley, Swerve, and Jay White in next week’s finals, eyes turn to the Continental Classic’s Blue League to see who will advance from this group!

This Saturday night, the final three matches in the Blue League take place to see whose points total puts them in the finals! The Blackpool Combat Club will be tested against itself when Bryan Danielson takes on Claudio Castagnoli for the first time in AEW, as well as their first bout in nearly three years! Andrade El Idolo and Eddie Kingston fight it out for the first time, and Daniel Garcia attempts to get on the board, and throw a monkey wrench in the works, by beating Brody King! The bouts begin at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the best way to get ready is to visit the official AEW YouTube channel (, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as events from last week’s COLLISION, the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!



Andrade El Idolo (9)

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (9)

Brody King (6)

Claudio Castagnoli (6)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (6)

Daniel Garcia (0)

Bryan Danielson (9) vs. Claudio Castagnoli (6)

For the first time in All Elite Wrestling, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli will go head-to-head in their final match of the Continental Classic’s Blue League! These two members of The Blackpool Combat Club have quite a checkered past with one another, first coming to blows in September 2005 as part of the Ted Petty Invitational Tournament, fighting in multiple independents around the country, but it was their shared time in Ring of Honor that created both a strong rivalry and a mutual respect. Beginning with their June 28, 2008 match at VENDETTA II, the two men could lock-up in four singles matches, culminating in a No Disqualification bout at SOUTHERN HOSTILITY. Danielson won three of those four one-on-one bouts, including that final match, but their rivalry also included tag matches, Three Way fights, and Four Corner Survival matches. One of those Four Corner bouts, a ROH World Championship one, actually saw Claudio try to stomp Bryan’s skull in with a Steel Chair! The two had a few other matches after that No DQ bout, including a memorable Three Way at INSANITY UNLEASHED that also included Kenny Omega, but their final singles match as independent wrestlers actually took place in Germany for wXw on May 1, 2009.

Now that’s not to say their paths didn’t continue to cross over the next several years when the two occupied the same space once again, in fact from 2013-2021 they went one-on-one seven times, five of which were won by Danielson, with the last two going to Claudio. Prior to entering AEW, the two were actually working on the same page, and it’s that, along with the respect forged through their wars together, that likely led Danielson to bring Claudio into The Blackpool Combat Club! 

Since FORBIDDEN DOOR 2022 when Claudio first arrived to replace Bryan in the scheduled match with Zack Sabre Jr., we’ve seen how well the two work together, and how The BCC operates like a well-oiled machine, but this night we will get to see how they operate as foes! Claudio is on a mission to fight his way into the finals, a real possibility if he defeats Danielson, while Bryan is on the precipice of securing his position with a victory. Unfortunately “The American Dragon” may be coming into this as the underdog, not due to skill or ability, but because of the injuries he’s sustained over the last year. We know he’s not 100% recovered from the broken arm suffered at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023, we’ve seen how foes in the Continental Classic have gone after the still-healing orbital bone injury, that eye patch serving as a constant reminder to his opponents of what to target.

So how will this play out? We know the phrase “iron sharpens iron” is embedded in the ethos of the Blackpool Combat Club, but does that mean doing whatever is necessary to win when it is one of your own group who is most vulnerable? Will Claudio follow in the footsteps of Andrade and Brody King and attack the weakest part of Danielson’s anatomy? Or are there some lengths the BCC members won’t go to in order to win? We will find out when Claudio and Bryan lock-up this Saturday night! As for the probable outcomes, let’s save that for a minute…

Eddie Kingston (6) vs. Andrade El Idolo (9)

The start of this tournament was not favorable to ROH World/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston. Despite putting both his titles into the mix to form, along with the Continental Championship, a modern American Triple Crown Championship, Kingston dropped his first two  atches to Brody King and Bryan Danielson. Fighting out of a hole heading into this three remaining matches, “The Mad King” rallied with victories over long-time nemesis Claudio Castagnoli and newer rival Daniel Garcia, to notch himself six points in the tournament. Those two victories restored some hope that Kingston could actually win this tournament but, in a tournament filled with the best fighters in the world, Eddie has what may be his toughest fight in this last fight.

Unlike Eddie, Andrade El Idolo started this tournament with three consecutive victories in large part as a result of his willingness to do whatever it took to win. He topped Daniel Garcia to begin his streak, took advantage of Danielson fighting with that eye injury to get his six points, and used an exposed turnbuckle to help defeat Brody King in their fight for nine points. It was only Claudio Castagnoli’s willingness to do the same in their fight that kept Andrade from hitting the 12-point mark, instead putting him in a tie for points lead with Danielson.

So that is what’s at stake here for Andrade, potentially a definitive lead in the Blue League depending on how Bryan/Claudio plays out, but for Eddie it’s a fight for survival, his survival in this tournament, and his survival as a dual champion. If Kingston loses here, he can absolutely say goodbye to his ROH World Title and his NJPW STRONG Openweight as well as he will be mathematically eliminated from any hope of the Blue League Finals, much less the full tournament. This is truly do or die for Eddie Kingston…

Daniel Garcia (0) vs. Brody King (6)

The one man in the Blue League who has no hope of seeing the finals in Orlando is Daniel Garcia, his inability to notch any points in the previous four matches guaranteed that, but there is still the possibility he can play spoiler to the aspirations of one Brody King. It wouldn’t be the first time Garcia surprised the AEW faithful with a victory over this House of Black member, he did it at ST. PATRICK’S DAY SLAM 2023 back in March, so it’s certainly possible for him to repeat that feat. It has to be incredibly frustrating for Garcia to have had this opportunity and get nothing more than experience out of these fights. So is one win redemption for the failures that have come before this Saturday night? Mark Briscoe certainly experienced something akin to an awakening with his lone tournament victory on Wednesday night, perhaps Garcia can have his own moment of clarity, his own personal epiphany about what the future could hold. Then again, he’s got to step inside The House to try and get to that moment…

As for Brody King, victory in this tournament is not yet out of reach despite his loses to Andrade and Bryan Danielson. This current situation putting Brody, Claudio, and Eddie in a three-way tie at six points is rich with possible outcomes, but any hope for making it to the Blue League Finals hinges on Brody winning his fight, as well as requiring either Eddie or Claudio to win their fight. Now this is where things can get complicated, given how close the scores are between the five men still in the race,  there are so many possible outcomes for this tournament.

The simplest outcome is that both Bryan and Andrade win, netting each 12 points, and putting those two in the finals next Wednesday night in Orlando. The outcome of Brody and Garcia is then irrelevant in the grand scheme of things because even with a win, the House of Black member has no choice with only nine points to his name. If Andrade and Claudio win, then El Idolo is the clear top man with 12 points, but the second place spot all depends on the outcome of King/Garcia. We could potentially see Bryan, Claudio, and Brody King all end up with 9 points to close the field, and that same situation plays out with Bryan and Eddie winning, only Bryan takes the top spot, while Andrade, Claudio, and Brody could potentially end with a three way 9-point tie.

There’s even one situation that could end the Blue League in a five-way tie! If Eddie Kingston, Claudio Castagnoli, and Brody King all win their respective fights, then everyone but Garcia ends this with 9 points to their name! It’s the wildest possible outcome, but given that we saw the Gold League end in a Three Way tie, anything is possible when athletes of this caliber are competing against one another. The most likely scenarios end with Bryan and/or Andrade in the top spot, but nothing will be certain until the bell rings at the end of each match! Who will head to Orlando next Wednesday to determine the winner of the Blue League?


TBS Champion Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Abadon & Thunder Rosa

We haven’t seen Thunder Rosa in action since the August 15, 2022 edition of DARK: ELEVATION where the then-AEW Women’s World Champion was victorious in a Trios match alongside Hikaru Shida and Toni Storm. Coming off a hard-fought title defense at BATTLE OF THE BELTS III against Jamie Hayter, and heading towards ALL OUT 2022, Rosa finally succumbed to a nagging back injury and was forced to relinquish her status as champion. Toni Storm would pick up that crown at ALL OUT 2022 in a Four Way with Dr. Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and Hikaru Shida to begin her first stint atop the division, and from there the landscape has continued to shift in numerous ways in Rosa’s absence from competition.

That’s not to say Thunder has been completely AWOL from AEW, since the beginning of COLLISION she has served as one of the Spanish announcers for the program, but was still quite removed from any in-ring competition. During Thunder’s time away, she watched the title shift from Toni Storm to Jamie Hayter, saw Saraya become a part of All Elite Wrestling and form The Outcasts en route to experiencing her own time atop the division, and she saw Hikaru Shida become the first-ever 3-Time Women’s World Champion. 

Rosa watched Toni Storm become “Timeless”, watched Skye Blue rise up the ranks through hard work and grit, saw Julia Hart transform from cheerleader to Princess of the House of Black, and watched the TBS Championship go from the grips of Jade Cargill to the waist of Kris Statlander to residing inside the walls of The House. That’s not all the Women’s division has experienced during the sixteen months Thunder has been unable to compete, there’s been a great deal of talent who’ve stepped up, some who have departed AEW, and some new faces who have entered the scene. Through it all, Thunder Rosa has had both the luxury of being able to observe it happen while suffering with the knowledge that she was unable to be in the mix herself.

That is until last week; when Abadon fell victim to the somewhat surprising attack of TBS Champion Julia Hart and Skye Blue, it was Thunder Rosa who rose up as an ally for “The Living Dead Girl”, saving them from a further beating, and surprising everyone with the later revelation that she would step up as Abadon’s partner in conjunction with AEW’s return to the city Thunder Rosa calls home! The last time Thunder competed for AEW in the River City was the ST. PATRICK’S DAY SLAM 2022 Cage Match where she bested Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D for the AEW Women’s World Championship, but by HOLIDAY BASH 2022 in December, “La Mera Mera” was on the sidelines.

So while the fight of this match is largely about Abadon’s issues with Julie Hart, the TBS Championship, and now Skye Blue, the return of Thunder Rosa in her hometown is a huge moment in her life, and a major moment for the Women’s Division! Once this match is done, win or lose, then the questions can be asked about what plans the former Women’s World Champion has for her return to competition, but for Saturday night at least, there will be at least a moment for San Antonio to celebrate  the return of a champion!


The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) and Daddy Ass(c) vs. Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin)

The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, though reigning as AEW World Trios Champions since August 27th, have been out of action since the November 8th edition of DYNAMITE where they were taken out by The Devil’s masked goons in response to their willingness to help MJF. That doesn’t change the fact that with nine defenses they are the most successful Trios Champions to date, but it does mean they may not be quite ready to get back into action with a fight like this against opponents such as these high-flying young men.

That’s right; in their first match in 45 days, The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass will put their AEW World Trios Championship on the line against Top Flight and Action Andretti! Though his layoff was much longer than that of the champions’, and the severity of his injuries potentially career-ending, Dante Martin has recently returned to competition alongside his brother and Andretti, and has looked superb in his handful of bouts.

Dante is coming off a strong singles victory during Thursday night’s ROH ON HONOR CLUB presentation, while Darius and Action scored a Three Way Tag Team win of their own, and collectively this trio has picked up two big trios wins in the month since Dante’s return. Stepping up to challenge the champions is a huge undertaking for this young trio, but this may be the perfect time to knock The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass off their throne! Can the champions pick up where they left off before The Devil’s henchmen knocked them off the playing field, or did the time away stall the momentum they’d worked so hard to build and leave them easier targets for their challengers? We shall see this Saturday night on TNT! 


ROH World Six-Man Champion Brian Cage vs. “Limitless” Keith Lee

Following his FINAL BATTLE 2023 victory over former tag team partner Shane Taylor, Lexy Nair interviewed Keith Lee under the assumption that Shane Taylor was the “him” Keith had been referring to, but “Limitless” quickly corrected her. Of course this would lead to speculation just who “him” actually was, but Keith Lee did not let that mystery simmer for very long when, as witnessed in the video above, he confronted The Mogul Embassy on COLLISION, making it abundantly clear that it was Swerve Strickland who he’d been talking about all along.

Clearly Keith feels like he’s let this unfinished business with this former AEW World Tag Team Championship partner go unresolved, and is ready to bring it to a conclusion, much like he did with the decade-long simmering issues with Shane Taylor. But before Keith can get his hands on Swerve, and while Strickland is still wrapped up in the Continental Classic, The Limitless One has to deal with “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Over the course of their careers, Cage and Lee have gone one-on-one three times, all prior to All Elite Wrestling’s existence, with the last being nearly four years ago. Each of those contests went in favor of Keith Lee, but a pair of Three Way contests they were involved in both went in Cage’s favor. But here in AEW, the only shared ring time these two behemoths have experienced has been mutual participation in the Blackjack Battle Royale at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023 and an 8-Man tag in June won by Keith, Orange Cassidy, Darby Allin, and Sting.

So thus begins Keith Lee’s road to settle his score with Swerve Strickland, and if every member of The Mogul Embassy is thrown in his path, this is going to be a very rough journey indeed. But if anyone is capable of surviving that grueling gauntlet, it is “Limitless”, and if there is anyone capable of matching the combination of power and speed Lee possesses, it is “The Machine” Brian Cage! Can this ROH World Six-Man Champion stifle Keith Lee’s aspirations at the starting line?

All Elite Wrestling is coming back to San Antonio, TX this Saturday night for our debut at the Frost Bank Center, and with it comes an all-new, loaded edition of COLLISION! The Blue League battle for points wraps up this Saturday with Castagnoli versus Danielson, Kingston battling Andrade, and Garcia fighting King! Plus, the AEW World Trios Championship will be at stake when Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed return to action against Top Flight and Action Andretti, while San Antonio’s own Thunder Rosa returns after sixteen months to team with Abadon for a fight with TBS Champion Julia Hart and Skye Blue!  COLLISION begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and to get prepared for it all, drop by the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from this week’s editions of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as events from the last COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!

Colman Domingo Interview by Big Gold Belt Media as apart of the @theaafcachannel2297 (AAFCA) Virtual Roundtable-Synopsis:Bayard Rustin, advisor to Martin Luther King Jr., dedicates his life to the quest for racial equality, human rights and worldwide…

DYNAMITE was absolutely action-packed this past Wednesday with three Gold League bouts, one Blue League contest, and several other exciting bouts as AEW heads towards WORLDS END on December 30th! Jon Moxley took the top spot in the Gold League with 12 points after his victory over Swerve Strickland, while Rush added three more points to his total after beating Jay Lethal, and Jay White also scored another trio of points after topping Mark Briscoe. Meanwhile, in the Blue, Brody King fell to Andrade El Idolo to put the latter competitor on top of that bracket with every man now having competed in three bouts.

We also learned that The Golden Jets will take on AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks at WORLDS END, fans witnessed Adam Page have a heated confrontation with Samoa Joe and then best Roderick Strong in the opening match of the night, only to be laid out in the parking lot during the closing moments of DYNAMITE.

This Friday night RAMPAGE hails from Arlington, TX and begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and features an intriguing collection of matches! AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy teams with The Von Erich’s to take on Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, and Jaker Hager in Trios action while Anna Jay and Red Velvet go head-to-head for the first time since 2020! Plus, The Don Callis Family will be in tag team action and, in the main event, Top Flight and Action Andretti will finally lock up with Penta, Vikingo, and Komander in their much anticipated Trios bout!! Before the show begins, make a point to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to get up to speed with highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & The Von Erichs (Marshall & Ross) vs. Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, & Matt Menard

The history of the Von Erichs in Texas is well known to wrestling fans around the world, and the newest generation of the fabled grappling family is set to make their first in-ring appearance for All Elite Wrestling this Friday night on RAMPAGE!

The issues between AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and the former J.A.S. members have been growing for several weeks, in fact it was only a couple weeks ago that he teamed with HOOK, Danhausen, and Trent Beretta to defeat Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, and The Dark Order, and on the Thanksgiving Eve DYNAMITE that he, Shibata, and HOOK bested Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, and Jake Hager.

But like a bad penny, they keep turning up in OC’s life, and this time the AEW International Champion is bringing some hometown help from Ross and Marshall Von Erich! The sons of Kevin Von Erich, Ross and Marshall have been competing for eleven years, learning from their father as well as the legendary Harley Race, and spending time in the Pro Wrestling NOAH Dojo under Naomichi Marufuji.  They are multi-time tag champions over the course of their career, certainly experienced competitors, and strong partners for “Freshly Squeezed” in this Trios bout.

But not being one of OC’s regular partners like Trent Beretta, Danhausen, Chuck Taylor, or even HOOK, how will they gel on this first outing? Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, and Jake Hager have been together virtually every week of their life for the last year and a half, but their current situations have not led to a great deal of success for any of the men. Can they take advantage of the inexperience of Orange Cassidy’s trio to get back on track?


Anna Jay vs. Red Velvet

It has been over three years since the last time Anna Jay and Red Velvet locked up as foes. That night, the September 1, 2020 edition of AEW DARK, it was Anna Jay who scored the victory and the two women would not share the ring again until last year on the 2/21/22 edition of DARK: ELEVATION, only that night it would be as partners in a Trios match, scoring victory alongside Tay Melo.

This Friday night on RAMPAGE, these two women, each looking to get their career back on the right track, will lock up in a rematch of that 2020 bout! Anna Jay is trying to focus on her career while dealing with her friends problems, Red Velvet is freshly returned from a long injury layoff and trying to get back in the mix, that makes this a must-win bout for both!


Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo, Komander, & Penta El Zero Miedo

This one stems from a challenge made by Penta El Zero Miedo, his way of welcoming Dante Martin back to the fight it seems, and perhaps a reminder that The Lucha Brothers were responsible for the gruesome injury he suffered at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2023. Top Flight and Action Andretti were more than willing to accept the challenge, and fans will be the ones lucky enough to experience it this Friday night on RAMPAGE!

Just look at the six competitors involved in this battle and one can predict the kind of insanity coming to TNT with this Trios bout! This is a “blink and you’ll miss it” kind of battle featuring six of the best high-flyers in professional wrestling today, and the kind of action you can only get with All Elite Wrestling!


-The Don Callis Family of Kyle Fletcher & Powerhouse Hobbs!

RAMPAGE comes your way from Arlington, TX this Friday night starting at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and will bring the legendary Von Erich family to AEW where Ross and Marshall will united with AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy for Trios action against Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, and Jaker Hager! We will also see The Don Callis Family in tag team action, Red Velvet take on Anna Jay, and, the trio of Top Flight and Action Andretti fighting with Penta El Zero Miedo, El Hijo del Vikingo, and Komander in a highly anticipated Trios bout!! 

Prior to the start of the show, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC!

Your broadcast team was Ian Riccaboni, “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) (with Danhausen & FTW Champion HOOK)


Angelico (with Serpentico)!

Orange and Angelico chain wrestled and then Cassidy loaded up for the Orange Punch. Angelico rolled to the outside to take a breather and collect his thoughts. Back in the ring, Angelico punted Orange in the hip.

Orange played mind games, placing his hands in his pockets. He used a wristlock takeover and flying head scissors on Angelico. Orange crumbled as Angelico chop blocked him. Angelico kicked Orange’s leg, inflicting more damage.

“Orange Cassidy is going to have to try to fight through this,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Angelico tied up Orange in a submission. Orange escaped, and nailed Angelico with the Stun Dog Millionaire. Orange followed up with the Beach Break, but he couldn’t make the cover because he was writhing in pain. The crowd willed him to his feet. Orange was looking for the Orange Punch, but Serpentico grabbed Orange’s leg. Angelico blasted Orange with a pump kick. Then Danhausen evened up the score by grabbing Angelico’s leg, tripping up Angelico. 

Danhausen placed a curse on Angelico, and then Cassidy grabbed Angelico with an O’Connor Roll. Angelico managed to kick out and Orange inadvertently collided with Danhausen, who was on the ring apron. 

Angelico twisted Orange in a grapevine ankle lock, while Serpentico had Danhausen in a camel clutch on the arena floor. Orange rolled to the ropes forcing the ref to break the hold. As ref Paul Turner was admonishing Angelico for not breaking the hold sooner, Serpentico tried to blindside Orange. Luckily Danhausen was there and cracked Serpentico with a low blow!

“Jingle Bells have rung in Montreal,” said Ian.

Orange rocked Angelico with the Orange Punch and pinned him!

Abadon vs. Trish Adora!

Abadon dared Adora to strike them in the face, and Adora complied. Trish Adora chopped Abadon, but Abadon shrugged them off, absorbing them. Abadon picked up Trish by the arms and then stomped on her.

Abadon cracked Trish with a knee strike and then began to pummel her with punches. Adora pump kicked Abadon, but Abadon got right to her feet. Abadon connected with two thrust kicks and then pinned Trish with the Black Diamond!

The arena lights went dark! The lights turned back on, and TBS Champion Julia Hart was standing in the ring behind Abadon! Julia placed the belt down in front of Abadon, drawing the battle line. Abadon picked up the title. The arena went dark again and this time, when the lights came back on, Julia Hart vanished, along with her title!

“Abadon is having a fit,” said Tony Schiavone.

The Don Callis Family— “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs


“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Daniels ducked a chop from Powerhouse and then hit him with elbows. Hobbs wasted no time and bulldozed Daniels. Hobbs body slammed Daniels halfway across the ring!

Takeshita tagged in and charged at Daniels with a running strike. Sydal tagged in and dished out kicks to Takeshita. The Alpha caught Sydal, looking for a front plant, but Sydal escaped and countered with a wrist lock takeover. 

Hobbs powerslammed Sydal and covered him for a near fall. Takeshita tagged back in, but Sydal used a hurracanrana on him. Hobbs grabbed a tag, but so did Daniels. CD used a drop toe hold and then a hurracanrana on Hobbs. Powerhouse Hobbs signaled for the end, though, and decimated Daniels with a spinebuster. Hobbs pinned Daniels after the world’s most dangerous slam!

Backstage Renee Paquette interviewed Action Andretti and Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin!

Dante: “What we’re not going to do is accept Penta’s disrespect walking in while we were talking. But what we are going to do is accept your little one, two, three challenge. So, guess what? There’s three things you need to know.”

Action Andretti: “It’s that Double A don’t play.”

Darius: “And it’s time to step up.”

Dante: “Or take flight!”

Main Event Time! Continental Classic Blue League Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia!

Garcia came out wearing trunks instead of his leather pants. Garcia grabbed a wrist lock. Danielson suplexed his way out of it. Garcia was looking for the Dragon Tamer, but Danielson grabbed the ropes.

Danielson blasted Garcia with kicks to the hamstring and the shin. Garcia backed up Danielson with rapid fire strikes. Garcia dropkicked Danielson in the corner for a near fall. Danielson sent Garcia flying with a German Suplex.

Danielson taunted Garcia: “Dance, Danny, dance!”

Garcia absorbed a kick and then exchanged open hand strikes with Danielson. Garcia suplexed Danielson for a near fall. Garcia tried for a powerbomb, but Danielson countered with a triangle choke. Garcia fought back but Danielson mounted Garcia with the ground and pound. Garcia got to the ropes and forced the ref to break the hold.

Garcia played possum and rolled up Danielson with an inside cradle for a two-count. Garcia applied the Dragon Tamer on Danielson. Garcia spiked Danielson with a piledriver for a near fall!

“What a main event!” said Daddy Magic. 

Garcia punted Danielson in the injured eye. Garcia stomped on Danielson, going to the orbital socket. Garcia started to dance but Danielson seized the moment and charged at Garcia with the running knee strike! Danielson applied the LeBell Lock, and the ref stopped the match after Garcia went unconscious!

“He had Danielson right where he wanted him but then Garcia just had to dance!” said Daddy Magic. 

“And now in less than 24 hours Danielson must climb back into the ring and take on Andrade El Idolo,” noted Tony Schiavone.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Winter Is Coming on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the College Park Center in Arlington, TX!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC featuring:

-Continental Classic Blue League Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Andrade El Idolo!

-Willow Nightingale vs. Mercedes Martinez!

-Continental Classic Blue League Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Eddie Kingston!

– “All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Kenny Omega!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN!

Excalibur and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event. They were joined by “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson as a guest commentator.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley vs. Jay Lethal!

Lethal and Moxley exchanged side headlock takeovers. Lethal slugged Moxley with a right fist. Lethal applied a figure four but Moxley rolled under the ropes and both men tumbled to the arena floor.

Jay Lethal rocketed outside with a tope suicida to Moxley. Jon Moxley fired back with a tope suicida of his own. Moxley was wrestling with a sense of urgency, while Lethal was showboating early on. Lethal retaliated with a knee breaker and a dragon screw leg whip, sensing Moxley tweaked his knee on the tope suicida landing.

Moxley scouted the Lethal Injection, but Lethal countered Moxley’s attempt at a jawbreaker with a knee breaker. Jay Lethal dropped an elbow off the top for a near fall.

“This is the Jay Lethal I want to see,” said Danielson.

Moxley nailed Lethal with a cutter. Moxley tried for a piledriver but Lethal pushed Mox into the turnbuckles. Lethal wrenched Moxley’s knee with a dragon screw off the ropes!

“This is a different Jay Lethal than we saw last week,” added Danielson.

Lethal and Moxley traded forearms. Moxley nearly decapitated Lethal with a King Kong lariat! Lethal blocked the Death Rider with the Lethal Combination. Lethal went to apply the figure four but Mox countered with a small package for a near fall.

Lethal locked on the figure four again. Moxley grabbed the ropes to force the ref to break the hold. Lethal swiped at Moxley’s knee with a kick. Moxley baited Lethal in and spiked him with a Paradigm Shift! Moxley hit the King Kong lariat and then a stuffed piledriver, but Lethal kicked out. Moxley transitioned into a rear naked choke and Jay Lethal tapped out! Moxley is the first man with six points in the tournament.

Tony Schiavone was backstage and announced Sting’s final match will be Sunday, March 3rd at the Greensboro Coliseum!

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Sting walked onto the set!

Sting: “March 1988, my very first World title match against Ric Flair, and I never would have guessed all these years later, I’d be standing here with Ric. The memories, that night, 45 minutes, draw, commercial free on TV. The big deal to me was I was in the ring with the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Thank you, Ric. He put me on the map. What a fitting place for me to end my career all these years later.”

Ric Flair: “Tony, just like before, the words cannot be spoken to the volume and the emphasis of what’s about to take place in Greensboro. Make no mistake. Sting made himself. I’m 74 years old, I’m lucky. I’m working for Tony Khan. I’m standing next to Sting. I’m honored to be there at your side. This will be one for the ages. Sting and the Nature Boy, and AEW, are coming to Greensboro. Wooooo!”

Sting: “It’s showtime!”

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Mark Briscoe vs. LFI’s Rush!

Both men charged at one another and began to fight. Rush landed a big strike. Mark followed up with a running dropkick. Mark unleashed rapid fire chops. Rush returned the favor to his opponent.

Rush kicked Mark in the spine. Mark jumped through the ropes with a dropkick, as Rush was playing to the crowd. Rush whipped Rush into the steel barricade. Mark back dropped Rush onto the top of the barricade. Mark dropped the Cactus elbow off the edge of the ring.

Back in the ring, Rush sent Mark flying with a release German Suplex. Mark threw his whole body into a vicious lariat. Briscoe baited Rush in and caught him with an exploder suplex. Rush rallied back with a belly to belly suplex.

Mark speared Rush for a two-count! Mark followed up with a neck breaker. Rush slipped free from the Jay Driller. Mark dropped Rush with a kick to the back of the head. Rush suplexed Mark off the apron and onto the arena floor!

Mark Briscoe smashed Rush with the Froggy Bow for a near fall. Rush fought out of the Jay Driller, backdropping Mark. Rush baited in Mark and suplexed Mark into the turnbuckles. Rush followed up with the Bull’s Horns, right on target, and pinned Mark!

“Rush is on the board!” said Excalibur.

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm was backstage!

Storm: “I’m feeling very fatigued after the championship celebration. I’ll be fine for my match next week!”

AEW World Champion and one half of the ROH World Tag Team Champions MJF came to the ring next!

MJF: “December 30th, World’s End, it’ll be Samoa Joe against yours truly for the AEW World Championship. When it comes to Samoa Joe as a person, I don’t like him. But professionally, I respect him. I respect what he’s done for this industry, and because he didn’t come here to line his pockets, but because he believes in AEW.

“Now back in the early 2000s, I remember getting a poster in my mailbox for TNA Wrestling. I tuned in and I couldn’t be happier. I saw the ‘Samoan Submission Machine.’ He looked unconventional, and he didn’t seem to care, and neither did we. Now unfortunately, later on in his career, his talents weren’t fully recognized, and he was not afforded the opportunity to be a world champion in WWE. But what Joe did, for this sport, was bigger than that.

“Samoa Joe proved you don’t have to be a massive, male model body builder to be a top guy in this sport. Samoa Joe broke the mold. He proved alternatives matter. And because of the roads he paved, it has allowed a man like me to stand in the ring in front of you today. Without a guy like Joe, there might not be an AEW. As much as it pains me to admit, thank you.

“I’m not too shabby myself, now am I? I managed to pave a road of my own. I’ve helped build a new alternative and I’ve helped build this place brick by brick. And I did that by defeating some of the biggest names in this industry. Guys like Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega, but of all the names I have had to face in this squared circle, the one name I look back on and say, not only was I lucky to be victorious, but I was also lucky to survive, that’d be you, Joe. Samoa Joe you are a wrestling legend. But December 30th is not about your wrestling legacy. December 30th is about my mine!

“December 30th is about can Max outlast the final boss of this sport one more time. So now, I’m going to make a promise. I’m going to make a promise to everyone watching at home and everyone in this arena. Joe, on December 30th, I don’t care if you beat me within an inch of my life, because I promise I am going to show the world it is not about the size of the dog in the fight, it is about the size of the fight in the dog! At World’s End, you are going to have to put me down!”

The arena went dark! Lights in the ring began to flicker. Men dressed all in black, their faces in black masks, with the devil logo on their backs, grabbed MJF and held him down. One of the men had a baseball bat and was about to use it on MJF!

Samoa Joe’s music hit! Samoa Joe sprinted to the ring and the men retreated!

A message on the screen read:

“In the shadows, our game begins. Next week, MJF & Samoa Joe…will you face the unknown in a tag match? Are you a hero, Max?”

MJF grabbed a microphone: “I’m so sick of your Scooby Doo BS! Let me explain something to you! I am not dealing with your crap when I’ve got Samoa Joe breathing down my back at World’s End. I am going to take out all of your men one by one. I am going to unmask you, you coward. And next week, you want a tag match? You’re one!”

Samoa Joe tried to calm down MJF and was upset when MJF accepted the challenge for next week.

Up next: Wardlow vs. AR Fox!

Fox jumped over the top rope and landed on Wardlow, but Wardlow seemed to shrug him off. Wardlow caught Fox and slammed him on the ring apron. Wardlow suplexed AR Fox back into the ring. Fox was sent flying from pillar to post!

Wardlow stalked his prey outside the ring. Wardlow threw AR Fox back into the ring. Wardlow tried to press slam Fox, but Fox escaped. Fox hit a 450 splash, but Wardlow kicked out right away! Fox booted Wardlow in the face. Wardlow absorbed it and then walloped Fox with a lariat.

Wardlow powerbombed AR Fox! Wardlow powerbombed Fox a second time! Wardlow climbed to the top and hit a huge senton on Fox! Wardlow powerbombed Fox again, and the ref stopped the match! Wardlow won via ref stoppage!

Trios Match!

Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin, and Action Andretti


The Hardys—Matt & Jeff, and Brother Zay!

Jeff and Matt used tandem offense on Action. Darius and Brother Zay tagged in. Zay crashed into Dante with a shoulder tackle. Darius dropkicked Zay. Dante tagged in and Dante splashed Zay with a stalling senton!

Matt Hardy drilled Action with a Side Effect for a near fall. Action countered a Twist of Fate and clipped Matt with a combo of moves, including a kick to the back of Matt’s head. Dante tagged in and springboarded onto Zay for a near fall. Top Flight had a flurry of offense on the Hardys.

The Hardys hoisted up Dante on their shoulders and Zay dropkicked Dante for a two-count. Dante pinned Zay after a German Suplex! Dante is back and better than ever!

After a commercial break, Renee Paquette interviewed Dante Martin, Darius Martin, and Action Andretti!

Penta El Zero Miedo, Komander, and El Hijo del Vikingo interrupted! It appeared Penta challenged Top Flight and Action Andretti to a trios match!

TBS Championship House Rules Match!

House of Black’s Julia Hart (c.) vs. Emi Sakura!

Emi Sakura picked the stipulation: the match cannot be won by submission.

Julia bashed Emi’s head into the turnbuckles, battering her in the corner. Julia charged into the corner with a lariat to Emi Sakura. Emi chopped at Julia.

Julia rocked Emi with a spinning kick to the head. Outside the ring, Emi reversed an Irish whip and sent Julia crashing hard into the ring steps. Emi followed up with a splash, sandwiching Julia against the ring steps!

Emi stunned Julia with a stalling back breaker! Emi applied the surfboard to Julia and then dropped her hard. Julia dodged a moonsault. Julia locked in the Heartless, but there is no victory via submission tonight. Julia clubbed Emi in the back of the head with a lariat. Julia moonsaulted Emi and pinned her!

RJ City interviewed Mariah May backstage!

Mariah May: “I know I’m the new girl, but I just came here from Stardom in Japan. I’m dying to show AEW what I can do.”

Mariah knocked on Tony Khan’s door and walked into his office.

TNT Champion “The Patriarch” Christian Cage responded to Adam Copeland’s challenge for next week’s Dynamite!

Christian Cage was flanked by AEW security in the ring.

Christian Cage: “What I’d like to do right now is go ahead and invite the Rated R Superstar Adam Copeland to this ring right now. Adam, I know you’re back there. I just want to speak to you about a few things about what you said last week. If you don’t mind making your presence felt, it’d be very much appreciated.

“Adam, I would like to speak to you in the ring, if you wouldn’t mind. If the truck can hit his music, something. Maybe I should come back there and speak to him then.”

Adam Copeland’s music hit, and Copeland stormed to the ring!

Christian: “Management wanted me to have this security. It wasn’t my idea. We don’t need security here tonight. So, I’m going to ask you gentlemen to vacate the ring.

“Last week you challenged me to a match to the TNT Championship December 6th on Dynamite. I’m here to tell you that we’re not going to make it to Montreal next week. We’re not going to make it because I’m sorry. Now look, I know what you’re thinking, that I’m only sorry because I’m on an island by myself. Last week you took out the Kill Switch. You took out the “Prodigy” Nick Wayne.

“I was so mad when you hit Kill Switch with two con-chair-tos, I ran out of my house and drove with the windows down. I just needed to think. It turned into a road trip of soul searching, digging down deep, trying to figure out how I became this guy who does and says such unsavory things. And then on that drive, it started to remind me of those times we borrowed my mom’s car.

“We didn’t care where we went. We were broke. We were having the times of our lives on the road, and we were going to make it. And did we ever make it! We went on to become multiple times tag team champions. The greatest tag team that ever lived. We both became multi time World champions. Take the wrestling part of our relationship away and it runs even deeper.

“Everyone knows you grew up with a single mom, Adam. Everyone knows you didn’t have a father figure. Yes, I’m the patriarch of AEW, but I am your brother. You might not have had a father, but in turn, my father became your father. To this day, he’s still your biggest fan. I’m just going to say, we weren’t just two random guys that were thrown together. I love you, man. We are family.

“And listen to me, when your mom passed away a few years ago, that was the hardest time of your life. But sometime before she passed, she said, ‘What I wouldn’t give to see you guys in that ring tagging one last time.’ And on my drive, I thought, let’s do it for her, let’s go on this journey again. For your mom! Let’s do it for her, man.”

Adam Copeland turned around to contemplate what he just heard from Christian Cage. Christian charged at Copeland, trying to strike with a cheap shot. But Copeland saw it coming and kicked Christian with a low blow!

Adam Copeland: “Nice try, dumb ass. Sit up when I’m talking to you. Shine this belt up real nice, because next week, she’s coming home with me! Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, go f—k yourself!”

Main Event Time!

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Swerve Strickland vs. Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White!

Jay White went right after Swerve. White whipped Swerve into the steel barricade. Back in the ring, Jay White went after Swerve’s taped out shoulder. Swerve chopped Jay White. Swerve suplexed Jay right onto the top of the barricade.

Swerve jumped off the apron and stomped on Jay White’s spine. As Swerve was entering the ring, Jay White grabbed him and planted him with a DDT. Swerve got dropped on his head after a suplex from Jay White.

Swerve intercepted a chop and countered with a suplex to Switchblade. Swerve blasted Jay with a flatliner and followed up with a vertical suplex for a near fall. Jay White retaliated with a German Suplex. Swerve rallied back with a discus lariat!

“These two men! How incredible are these two men?!” said Danielson.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jay White chop blocked Swerve’s knee. Jay White nailed Swerve with a uranage. Jay White applied an arm bar. Swerve escaped and blasted Jay with a kill shot to White’s arm. Jay White almost inadvertently collided with the ref. As the ref had his back turned, Jay White went for a low blow, but Swerve had it scouted! Swerve rocked White with a back breaker. Swerve hit the House Call on Jay White. Swerve connected with the Swerve Stomp, but Jay White kicked out at the two-count!

“You have to be impressed with Jay White’s resiliency here,” said Danielson.

Jay White shocked Swerve with the Blade Runner. Swerve was knocked out of the ring, perhaps a saving grace. Back in the ring, Jay chopped at Swerve, and Swerve fired back with his own shots. Jay White planted Swerve with a sleeper suplex! Swerve countered the Blade Runner, rolling up Jay White and pinned him!

“Impressive roll counter right there,” said Taz.

“Cerebral wrestling from Swerve,” replied Excalibur.

“That got him another three points to put him at six,” added Danielson.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Erie Insurance Arena in Erie, PA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW RAMPAGE & AEW COLLISION shows were broadcast live from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PA!

Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly, and Nigel McGuinness were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

FTW Champion HOOK vs. Rocky Romero!

Rocky escaped a suplex and both men ran across the ring, delivering lariats, knocking one another down. Hook was first back to his feet. Hook hurled Rocky with a bigtime German Suplex. Rocky struck Hook with a rising knee strike and then a vertical suplex on the apron! Rocky followed up with the forever clotheslines back in the ring.

Hook rallied back with a vicious exploder suplex on Rocky. It was a high impact match in a very short time. Hook hit Rocky with body blows in the corner. Hook headbutted Rocky and got a near fall after a Northern Lights Suplex.

Rocky stunned Hook with Sliced Bread #2. Hook employed a leg sweep on Rocky. Hook countered a second attempt at the Sliced Bread with RedRum, and Hook won via ref stoppage!

Kris Statlander vs. Diamante!

Diamante tried to outpower Statlander, but once she realized she couldn’t, Diamante slapped Statlander. Kris knocked down Diamante with a shoulder block. Statlander powerslammed Diamante for a near fall. Mercedes Martinez walked out onto the ramp to scout Statlander.

Statlander was rolled up by Diamante for a two count. Diamante charged at Statlander, but Statlander was waiting for her with a powerslam. Diamante covered Kris after a cutter, but Kris kicked out. Diamante charted at Statlander, but Statlander countered with a discus lariat and scored the pin on Diamante!

Mercedes jumped in the ring and she and Diamante began to double team Kris. Willow Nightingale sprinted to the ring to even up the odds, coming to the rescue of the former TBS Champ Statlander!

The Kingdom—Mike Bennett and Matt Taven came out, asking the audience if they wanted to celebrate #NeckStrengthNovember!

Bennett said that Roderick Strong wasn’t here tonight because he was recovering from the match last week against Action Andretti, but luckily, Roddy is #neckstrong. Taven said MJF was the devil. Taven told MJF they are coming back for what’s theirs.

Duke Davis and Danny Jones got blindsided by the Kingdom, and the match began! Taven hit the Climax on Jones. Bennett spiked Davis on the ramp with a piledriver! Taven then connected with the aurora borealis for the pin!

Rampage Main Event Time!

ROH Pure Championship Match!

Katsuyori Shibata (c.) vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta!

Jerry Lynn, Jimmy Jacobs, and Christopher Daniels were the judges.

The fans chanted “Shi-ba-ta! Shi-ba-ta!”

Shibata applied the bow and arrow submission to Yuta. Wheeler escaped and Shibata followed up with strong knee strikes. Shibata applied a leg submission and Wheeler grabbed the ropes, utilizing his first rope break of the match. Yuta was immediately issued a warning after a closed fist to Shibata’s face.

Shibata dropkicked Yuta’s head against the turnbuckle. Shibata applied the STF and Wheeler managed to reach the ropes, utilizing his second rope break of the match. Shibata put a sleeper on Yuta, but Yuta shucked him off. Wheeler fired himself out of the ring with a tope suicida to Shibata!

Yuta whipped Shibata into the guardrail. Shibata returned the favor, whipping Yuta into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Yuta ducked a PK from Shibata. Yuta knocked Shibata into the ref, hit a low blow while the ref had his back turned, and DDT’ed Shibata right on his head to score the pin!

And new ROH Pure Champion…Wheeler Yuta!

Shibata tried to shake Yuta’s hand after the match, but Yuta nailed Shibata with another low blow and then DDT’ed him.

FTW Champion Hook came down to the ring to check on Shibata. Yuta left, scowling at Hook and holding up the ROH Pure Championship.

The RAMPAGE portion of the evening kicked off!

Continental Classic Match—The Blue League!

Daniel Garcia vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli!

Claudio Castagnoli quickly hit Garcia with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Claudio followed up with a body slam. Garcia lunged at Claudio with a guillotine, but Claudio muscled his way out of it. Garcia chopped at Claudio, but Claudio fired back with a European Uppercut.

Garcia charged at Claudio, knocking Claudio out of the ring with a running knee. Daniel hammered Claudio with stiff shots to the head. Garcia ran at Claudio, but Claudio caught him and swung him into the steel guardrail.

Claudio applied a sharpshooter in the ring. Garcia managed to trap Claudio and cradle him for a near fall. Claudio blasted Garcia with a European Uppercut. Claudio rocked Garcia with the Ricola Bomb and pinned him, earning three points!

Representing the Patriarchy…Killswitch vs. The Boys—Brent & Brandon Tate!

Brent was thrown overhead by Killswitch with a wheelbarrow suplex. Killswitch choke slammed Brandon over the top rope and down onto the edge of the ring! Killswitch clobbered Brent with a lariat to the back of the head and pinned him!

Killswitch grabbed two chairs and placed them into the ring. Killswitch choke slammed Brent onto the chair! Killswitch grabbed Brandon but then the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland jumped into the ring and cracked a chair over the back of Killswitch! Copeland smashed Killswitch with the con-chair-to!

Killswitch tried to get to his knees but Copeland curb stomped Killswitch onto the chair! Copeland nailed Killswitch with another con-chair-to!

After a commercial break, Lexy Nair interviewed Adam Copeland backstage.

Copeland: “Lexy, I like you, but go. You know what I have to say? I’m coming straight down the barrel to you, Jay. Or should I call you Christian Cage? Or better yet should I call you the Patriarch now? All of this, what just happened to Nick Wayne on Wednesday, what just happened to Killswitch, it’s all because of your insecurity!

“You couldn’t get past your own ego, could you, man? The night I got here, you were about to con-chair-to Sting. Last Wednesday, you were about to have Killswitch con-chair-to Nick Wayne. You know I’ve got a short fuse. You said you were going to break my neck while my children looked at me. You’re not just threatening me and my future, you’re threatening theirs. Now I’m hunting you. I’ve already got two heads on my wall. I’m going to change your soul. I’m going to kick your face in. I am going to take your TNT Title because it’s the most important thing in your world.

“I am challenging you. Dynamite, December 6th, Montreal, Adam Copeland versus Christian Cage for the TNT Championship. And I am going to go places you can’t go, and you haven’t been to because you don’t have that dog in you. I am going to take your TNT Title!”

The House of Black’s Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews


Komander & Gravity (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Buddy punted Gravity in the face and tagged out to Black. Malakai had a flurry of strikes for Gravity. Komander had a blind tag and caught Black off guard with a hurracanrana. Black planted Komander with a German Suplex for a near fall.

Komander connected with a shotgun dropkick off the top to both House of Black members. Komander nailed Black with a gut buster for a near fall. Gravity took flight with a tope con hiro but Black and Matthews caught him and blocked it. Komander walked the ropes from one turnbuckle from another and then springboarded off the top, taking out Black and Matthews on the arena floor!

Komander and Gravity each jumped off turnbuckles, but Black and Matthews countered by raising their knees. Black cracked Gravity with a knee lift, and Matthews smashed Komander with a knee lift!

Black ravaged Komander with a spinning back elbow and then sat on the mat, waiting for Komander to crawl to him. It was a trap. Buddy curb stomped Komander and then pinned him!

TBS Championship Match! House Rules Match!

Julia Hart (c.) vs. Lady Frost!

Lady Frost chose no count-outs for this match.

Julia Hart whipped Lady Frost into the steel guardrail. The rules were favoring Julia Hart here. Julia picked up a steel chair and placed it on the ground after being admonished by the ref. Lady Frost tried for a moonsault off the ring steps, but Julia dodged it. Lady Frost landed on her feet, but Julia was one step ahead with a thrust kick to the challenger.

Julia propped Lady Frost on the steel chair. Julia ran down the ramp and clotheslined a prone Lady Frost. Back in the ring, Julia applied the Heartless Submission and forced Lady Frost to tap out!

“Julia Hart’s first title defense is a successful one,” said Tony Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs!

Don Callis: “I can’t figure out the calculation that got the Golden Jets—Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega—a tag team title shot. I can’t figure out how you make that calculation when the last time Hobbs had his hands on Jericho and Omega, he broke them, sent them to the hospital. And as Will would say, anyone can get got. And Kenny and Chris, we don’t need two guys to beat the Golden Jets. Hobbs is a one man wrecking crew.”

Powerhouse Hobbs: “It’s simple. I’m big, I’m black, and I’m jacked, and anybody can get it.”

FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler


The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch!

Dax used a lariat to knocked Dutch over the top rope. Dax backdropped Vincent out of the ring, and Vincent landed on Dutch. Back in the ring, Dutch splashed Dax for a two-count. Dutch was looking for a senton off the turnbuckles, but Dax dodged it. Vincent grabbed a tag, but Dax used a baseball slide through Vincent’s legs to tag out to Cash!

Cash cleaned house on the Righteous. Dutch grabbed a blind tag and planted Cash with a bossman slam! Dax tagged in and FTR hit the Shatter Machine on Vincent, allowing Dax to score the pin.

Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews walked toward the ring.

Black: “If we would come to the ring right now there would be no one coming to save you. No Claudio, no Yuta. See the misconception is that this place is not the brotherhood that you two think it is.”

The arena went dark. When the lights came back on, FTR were alone in the ring, but the House of Black had vanished.

Action Andretti and Darius Martin were backstage!

Action Andretti: “Eight months, that’s how long it’s been since Darius, and I have been teaming together. Darius, these past eight months, I feel like we’ve grown such a bond together. We’ve had so many great opportunities and I’ve heard that this Wednesday Dynamite is returning to your hometown in Minneapolis.”

Darius Martin: “Yeah, man, we have been building a lot of chemistry. But it seems like there’s something just a little bit off and I think I know what that might be.”

Dante Martin walked onto the scene!

Darius turned to Dante and said, “You ready to step up? It’s time to take flight.”

Dante Martin: “I’m back!”

Tony Schiavone interviewed AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Ricky Starks: “We thought there was going to be more of a fight from Jericho.”

Big Bill: “These two guys call themselves the Golden Jets. To us you look more like the Golden Girls.”

Starks: “Nice. I like that. They traveled up and down the roads together. Me and Bill don’t even know each other that well. Bill, when’s my birthday?”

Big Bill: “No idea.”

Starks: “Exactly. But what I do know is that you two aren’t built like him.”

Big Bill: “Four years ago when I was in and out of the emergency room having seizures from alcohol withdrawal, I always knew I’d make it back to the top. When I couldn’t get out of bed and I was at the lowest point of my entire life, I always knew I’d make it back to the top! And when nobody believed in me and they counted me out, they said he’s washed, he’s done, I always knew I’d make it back to the top!

“And standing in this ring with this guy, with these titles, I’d say I was right. I made it back to the top. Now Chris and Kenny, we know all about you. We’re very aware of all of the accolades. And you two are two of the best to ever do this. But I don’t think you two realize what you’re dealing with. We are angry, we are motivated, and we’re not only going to beat the living hell out of you, we’re going to embarrass you. When I look at you two, I don’t see Jordan, I don’t see Pippen. When I look at you two, all I see are the dudes that hand Michael Jordan his Bazooka Joe bubble gum before starting lineups are introduced.”

Starks: “I don’t even watch basketball and I know all those people are really good. And I also know two things: one guy tells everybody he’s the best, and the other actually is. After you are done with me and Big Bill, I’m going to let you know one thing. Ricky Starks likes his gum minty fresh and Big Bill likes his Big Red, baby.”

“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. Lee Moriarty!

Lee Moriarty kicked Keith Lee on the thigh. Keith fired back with a kick of his own, but Moriarty ducked it. Keith Lee came back with a pounce on Moriarty!

Lee Moriarty grabbed an arm bar, but Keith Lee pulled him up with a bicep curl. Keith Lee walloped Moriarty with a lariat. Moriarty stunned Keith with a bulldog from the top rope. Moriarty springboarded but Keith countered with a headbutt and then finished him off with a powerslam for the pin!

After commercial break, Lexy Nair interviewed Keith Lee!

Keith Lee: “Initially I planned to come in here and tell you about how good and talented Lee Moriarty is. He is that damned good. But he’s no Keith Lee. And I’m tired of the misrepresentation and the lack of opportunity given to me. And now I’m here to take it. And when I say take it, that means him. You are who I want. And you know who you are.”

Nigel: “Smart money has got to be on Shane Taylor.”

Tony: “That’s the question for us to ponder.”

Main Event Time!

Continental Classic Match—The Blue League!

ROH World Champion & NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston


House of Black’s Brody King!

Brody and Eddie traded shoulder blocks. Then they exchanged chops in the center of the ring. Brody battered Kingston in the corner with a running cannonball. Outside the ring, Brody pummeled Kingston with more chops and then whipped Kingston into the steel ring steps. Brody charged at Kingston, but Kingston countered with a drop toehold, sending Brody colliding into the steps.

Brody rallied back, splashing Kingston against the barricade. Back in the ring Brody body slammed Kingston and then connected with a senton splash. Brody tried to whip Kingston into the turnbuckles, but Kingston’s legs gave out and he crumbled to the mat.

Kingston collected himself and out of nowhere, in a desperate move, Kingston clubbed Brody with a lariat. Eddie went for an exploder suplex, but Brody countered with a German Suplex. Kingston shocked Brody with a spinning backfist for a near fall!

They traded chops again! Brody switched to forearms. Eddie spiked Brody with a DDT for a near fall! Eddie charged at Brody King, but Brody planted Kingston. Brody was looking for a lariat, but Eddie countered with an exploder and then a half-and-half suplex. Kingston followed up with a third suplex for a two-count on Brody!

Brody nailed Kingston with a piledriver for a two-count. Eddie ducked a lariat and cracked Brody with a spinning backfist! Brody decimated Kingston with Dante’s Inferno and then pinned him! Brody has earned three points!

“Holy smokes! What have we just seen? This is what the Continental Classic is all about,” said Tony Schiavone.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

What a week it has been in All Elite Wrestling! Starting with FULL GEAR 2023 this past Saturday, and continuing into DYNAMITE on Wednesday night, the landscape of AEW continues to be the most exciting in all of professional wrestling! We know that Samoa Joe and MJF are scheduled to collide at WORLDS END, providing MJF doesn’t end up in a situation where the belt is at risk, but in addition the culmination of the Continental Classic will go down that night in Long Island as well!

This week in Chicago, as part of AEW’s Thanksgiving Eve tradition, fans witnessed Jon Moxley, Swerve Strickland, and Jay White each score three points in the Gold League, leaving Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal, and Rush with zero points to their names, with the first bouts in the Blue League going down in Pittsburgh this Saturday night!

This Saturday night, with three hours of action between RAMPAGE and COLLISION, the Petersen Center on the campus of Pitt will be rocking! The first bouts in the Blue League of the Continental Classic are set to go down with ROH World/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston fighting Brodie King and Claudio Castagnoli taking on Daniel Garcia during COLLISOIN. But before that, on a special Satu night edition of RAMPGE, the ROH Pure Championship will be at stake with a SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2023 rematch between 2-Time champ Wheeler Yuta and the man who dethroned him, Katsuyori Shibata into the mix, and it all begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans. Be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, to get caught up on the action with highlights from FULL GEAR 2023, as well as recent episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and this week’s CONTROL CENTER!



Katsuyori Shibata(c) vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta

Perhaps it’s his experience as a member of the Blackpool Combat Club that has beaten any fear from the former 2-Time ROH Pure Champion, perhaps it is cockiness due to that affiliation, but whatever the reason, it is clear that Wheeler Yuta fears little. Why else would he, all by himself, step the AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK, and ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata ahead of their Trios match on DYNAMITE and talk trash on all three of them? There is plenty of history between Yuta and all three of these individuals; Orange served as a mentor to Yuta for much of his career before The BCC came calling while HOOK’s association with OC led to Yuta holding a pinfall victory over the FTW Champion on the November 15th DYNAMITE, and finally, it was Katsuyori Shibata who ended Yuta’s second reign as ROH Pure Champion earlier this year at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2023, a loss that Yuta has certainly not forgotten.

It seems the sting of that memory, and standing just feet away from Shibata hold the title belt, encouraged Yuta to dip his toes back into the Pure Division this past Thursday during ROH ON HONOR CLUB (, and score a victory over Shane Taylor Promotions member Lee Moriarty.

Earlier in the night, in a tremendous Pure Championship bout, Shibata retained the title over Trent Beretta, a man quite familiar to Yuta albeit the one member of the Best Friends unit who didn’t care for Wheeler’s presence, and as a result of these respective victories, this Saturday night on RAMPAGE, Wheeler Yuta will get the rematch he’s been waiting for since March 31st! With almost 240 days under his belt as champion, Shibata heads into this ninth title defense as strong as he’s ever been, and as imposing a presence as ever, and the history between these two men does not tilt in Yuta’s favor.

In addition to their SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2023 fight, there was that ALL OUT 2023 tag team bout that may have been won by The Blackpool Combat Club, but Shibata’s offensive barrage actually put Yuta on concussion protocol for several weeks. So while this is primarily about the Pure Championship, and Yuta’s desire to be the only 3-time Pure Champion (he’s already the only two-timer), there’s also a whole lot of other reasons for Yuta to want this fight on Saturday evening!

The Blackpool Combat Club is woefully lacking any championships at this moment, but with Moxley’s victory in his first Continental Classic match serving as a moral booster to the unit, and Castagnoli’s fight with Garcia following shortly after Yuta’s, this could be a week that shines in the history of The BCC. The question may then be whether Yuta or Shibata will bring the violence needed to emerge from this fight as reigning Pure Champion!


Kris Statlander vs. Diamante

Coming off losing the TBS Championship to Julia Hart at FULL GEAR 2023, Kris Statlander is back in action against one of her long-time rivals, a woman she’s got history with dating back to 2018, but who she’s surprisingly never gone one-on-one with in a televised bout! Diamante and Stat had a pair of singles matches on DARK, in addition to two trios bouts, and they even clashed in a tag on COLLISION back in September, but this Saturday night will be their first televised singles match ever!

Statlander certainly holds upper hand in their rivalry, having been on the winning side for four of their five AEW bouts, but will she be there for it after watching the TBS Championship slip out of her grasp last week in Los Angeles? This may be the prime moment for Diamante to strike and score a huge victory over her rival!




Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. Daniel Garcia

They were trapped inside the Blood & Guts Cage together 17 months ago, and they fought in tags and trios over the ensuing months once Chris Jericho defeated Claudio Castagnoli to become ROH World Champion, but this Saturday night in Pittsburgh will be the first time that Claudio and Daniel Garcia fight in singles competition, and what stakes there are at hand!

This bout marks each man’s first in the Blue League of the Continental Classic, and Garcia is undoubtedly the underdog, not just in this match, but in the big picture of the entire twelve-man tournament! Though he is a former ROH Pure Champion, and the current PWG Champion, Garcia is absolutely the dark horse of the Blue League. After all this is a bracket consisting of the men involved in this match as well as Bryan Danielson, Andrade El Idolo, Eddie Kingston, and Brody King. That being said, regardless of how they came to be, Garcia’s record book shows victories over Brody and Bryan, though they are balanced by losses to Andrade and Kingston.

So the question is whether or not Garcia can find an amalgamation of his pro wrestler side and his sports entertainer side, because if he can find a balance of the two, he could evolve into the most dangerous wrestler in the whole of All Elite Wrestling. There is not doubt he is one of the most gifted wrestlers in the game today, he is also one of the most entertaining, but he’s yet to find a balance of the two that leads to consistent success.

With so much at stake in each Continental Classic match it becomes imperative that Daniel Garcia find his identity, and decide who he wants to be. Nothing dictates he has to be one or the other, but he has to figure out a balance between his best attributes if he hopes to defeat the complete package that is Claudio Castagnoli. One would be hard-pressed to find a professional wrestler more adept at every style in the game than Castagnoli, or one more powerful than the former ROH World Champion. Though there are several more matches to be fought before WORLDS END comes, that first victory is imperative to setting the town for the Continental Classic; will it be Claudio’s victory in the record books or will it belong to Daniel Garcia

ROH World/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston vs. The House of Black’s Brody King

The enhanced stakes of this tournament, the situation where the winner will walk out not only as AEW Continental Champion, but also as ROH World Champion and NJPW STRONG Champion, are a direct result of the fighting spirit that burns in the soul of Eddie Kingston. Call him “The Mad King”, call him “The Last of a Dying Breed”, whatever you call him, you have to call Eddie Kingston a fighter with a respect for professional wrestling above and beyond the call of duty. There is no reason for Eddie to put both his hard-earned championship titles at stake save for his belief that a champion should be defending their title any time they are in a prize fight.

That leads to this situation where Eddie has laid both his championship titles on the line for the ultimate winner of this Round Robin-Style Tournament, thereby creating a modern American Triple Crown Championship, and adhering the Continental Classic winner to three separate promotions. But that’s what comes at WORLDS END for the winner of the entire field, this Saturday night during COLLISOIN, Eddie Kingston will first have to deal with a man he first met in La Boom back in 2018, and first fought in Wilmington, CA one month later: The House of Black’s Brody King!

These two men had issues in All Elite Wrestling earlier this year, problems that created the fissure in the relationship between Ortiz and Kingston that ultimately put those two on opposite sides of the Stadium Stampede at ALL IN: LONDON, but seem quelled based on recent Ring of Honor activity, but the Kingston/HoB issues never put Eddie in the ring with Brody here in AEW.

That all changes this Saturday night on COLLISION when, as part of the Blue League, Eddie and Brody lock horns in singles competition for the first time in AEW, and for the first time time since an AAW title fight in December 2018. These are two men who were inspired to this trade because of their love for Puroesu, because of their love for the concept of Fighting Spirit, and though they’ve traveled very different paths to get to this point, now are engaged in a tournament that owes a great deal of inspiration to those that elevated the men Brody and Eddie love into inspirational figures.

This is going to be a hard-hitting affair, one in which bombs will be thrown from the outset, and neither man will emerge in perfect health. No matter who wins, both Brody and Eddie will know they’ve been through a battle to score their first 3 points, and they will feel the repercussions of the bout throughout the rest of the Continental Classic.


After assaulting Chris Jericho following the FULL GEAR 2023 Media Scrum, reigning AEW World Tag Champions Ricky Starks and Big Bill will be on-hand this Saturday during COLLISION for an interview with Tony Schiavone.

With that Ladder Match victory under their belt, the duo were already riding high, but putting the boots to Jericho the way they did, and doing more damage to the arm already injured by The Young Bucks has left them even higher on the hog than they were. There’s no doubt Starks and Big Bill will have a lot of gloating to do on Saturday, but eventually they will have to answer for their attack, and given that The Golden Jets are owed a championship match, the champions’ actions may cost them the titles!


This past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, fans watched in horror as Christian Cage prepared to deliver a One-Man Conchairto to Shayna Wayne. If it wasn’t for the timely intervention of Adam Copeland, one can imagine the kind of damage that would’ve been done to Nick Wayne’s seemingly-estranged mother. Unfortunately for Nick, it was young Mr. Wayne who ended up with his head sandwiched between chairs and felt the cold sting of the steel across his skull, but also unfortunate was the fact this happened right in front of Shayna.

Whether or not “The Rated R Superstar” even realized there was a distraught mother crumbled in the corner crying for a stay of execution is something only Adam can answer, and perhaps that’s what he will address this Saturday night on COLLISION!


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent)

FTR were within moments of claiming the AEW World Tag Team Titles at FULL GEAR 2023 but Ricky Starks played spoiler to their moment of redemption, and instead pulled down the titles to keep them around the waists of himself and Big Bill. Frustrating as that may be, it’s not the first time Cash and Dax have been on the losing end of a fight and it certainly won’t be the last, and that loss is not going to stop them from getting right back into the hunt for a third reign as champions!

The road that hopefully ends in another title opportunity begins tonight on COLLISION when FTR faces The Righteous for the very first time! Dutch and Vincent recently took up with Jake Roberts, a match certainly made in the most devilish of fires, pooling a wealth of knowledge with a bent towards wickedness that could certainly lead The Righteous towards championship success.

Will Dutch and Vincent be able to blaze that trail at the expense of FTR, or will Dax and Cash rebound from their PPV heartbreak and set their sights right back on the AEW World Tag Titles?


“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. Shane Taylor Promotions’ Lee Moriarty

The issues between Shane Taylor and Keith Lee date back over a decade to the earliest days of the wrestling careers, into their time in Ring of Honor as The Pretty Boy Killers, even spilled over into the New Era of Honor with their fight at FINAL BATTLE 2022 last December, and into AEW with their Mixed Tag Team bout during the ZERO HOUR for WRESTLEDREAM 2023. Now, with Shane Taylor having recruited Lee Moriarty into his fold, it looks like Pittsburgh’s own is taking up the fight on his mentor’s behalf!

It was just a little over two years ago that Moriarty wrestled his first match for AEW, losing to Dante Martin on the August 17, 2021 edition of DARK, and his drive to become one of the best in the game led him to championship bouts with Orange Cassidy, HOOK, Wardlow, and Katsuyori Shibata, to mention a few, and caught the attention of Shane Taylor.

Stepping up this Saturday to fight Shane’s former tag partner, will Lee Moriarty come to regret his choice of partnering with STP, or will that association be the thing that bolsters the master of #TaigaStyle to the level he has been striving for since coming into AEW?


The House of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black) vs. Gravity & Komander

FULL GEAR 2023 was not an ideal night for the men of The House of Black, though Julia Hart did bring the TBS Championship into their fold, all three of the men honoring The House were unsuccessful in their respective fights. Buddy Matthews fell to Claudio Castagnoli during the ZERO HOUR, while The Kings of the Black Throne came up short in the AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match.

Thankfully for all three of them, today is a new day for a fresh fight, and while Brody King is embroiled in the Continental Classic Tournament and his opening fight with Eddie Kingston, Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews will team for the first time to take on the high-flying duo of Gravity and Komander! The Luchador duo have been sporadically tagging up for several years, though this will be there first time working as a team in All Elite Wrestling, and what a challenge they face in this House pairing!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means! Friday night’s alright for fighting!

To kick off the show Tony Schiavone was in the ring with TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne!

Christian Cage: “It’s lucky for you that tomorrow night at Full Gear, not only do you get to see Sting’s last match you Los Angeles, you’ll get to see Sting’s last match ever. I’m sick of people calling him an ‘icon.’ Tomorrow night Sting, it’s all gonna be over.

“And what’s interesting to me is what’s going to happen to Darby Allin when he loses that mentor of his. Hey Darby, if you ever find yourself in need of some fatherly guidance, you know who to turn to. And Ric Flair, I know you’ll be ringside tomorrow, but if you stick your nose in our business tomorrow, it’ll be your literal come to Jesus moment.

“Adam Copeland, if you haven’t already, after Full Gear tomorrow you’re going to regret signing that contract with AEW. You came here to try to steal my spotlight. Here’s the thing, Adam, I am not the same person I was back when. I am Christian Cage, the patriarch of AEW. While you were the golden boy, I was in the trenches, clawing and scratching for every inch. And Beth, keep the girls up late and keep them close to the TV, because Adam I’m going to guarantee you that I will break your neck.

“As the TNT Champion, the powers-that-be want me on the program every second I can. So, I’ll be in action tonight in the four-way. After the four-way tonight, I’m going to keep running things here in AEW. I don’t work within the system. I am the system.”

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Big Bill: “Ricky or myself do not have to be pinned or submitted tomorrow to lose the tag team titles. So, Ricky went and spoke with Tony Khan.”

Ricky Starks: “Tony is a fair man and he allowed me to pick a stipulation in our favor. I am selecting a ladder match. That’s right, a very short climb for Big Bill here. Tomorrow at Full Gear, when we walk out of L.A., we’re walking out as champions, we’re walking out in style, and most importantly, we’re walking out at the greatest tag team champions you’ve ever seen.”

“The Redeemer” Miro vs. Daniel Garcia!

Miro snatched Garcia and threw him overhead with a suplex. Miro stomped on Daniel Garcia in the corner. Miro followed up with another suplex. Miro smashed Garcia with a short arm lariat. He suplexed Garcia yet again!

Miro turned his back for a moment and Garcia charged at him. Garcia jabbed at Miro with right hands. Miro stopped a cross body and planted Garcia hard on the mat. Garcia backed up Miro with strikes after a chop block. Garcia dropkicked Miro. “The Redeemer” clobbered Garcia with a big boot to the face!

Garcia hit a belly to back suplex on Miro. Garcia was about to dance, but Matt Menard ran to the ring, jumped on the apron and told him not to dance. Miro charged at Garcia, but Garcia moved. Miro collided into Matt Menard. Garcia applied a cross face to Miro, but Miro escaped. Miro then muscled his way out of a sharpshooter. Miro locked on the Game Over submission hold and Garcia was out. The ref stopped the match and awarded the victor to Miro!

CJ Perry and Andrade El Idolo were backstage with Lexy Nair!

Andrade: “I’m so happy.”

CJ Perry: “Andrade is the best wrestler in my opinion. And that’s why I have entered him into the Continental Classic.”

Andrade: “You spoke with Tony?”

CJ Perry: “Yes, and if you win, you’re going to get an extra bonus.”

CJ whispered into Andrade’s ear. “Are you sure?” he asked. CJ nodded. Andrade said, “I trust you,” and they shook hands.

Kings of the Black Throne—Malakai Black & Brody King


The Boys—Brent & Brandon!

Malakai Black applied a wrist lock to Brent. Black blasted Brent with a spinning back elbow. Brody King tagged in, and Brent tagged out to his brother Brandon.

Brent grabbed Brody’s leg and Brandon charged at Brody. Brody backdropped Brandon out of the ring. The Kings finished off Brent with Dante’s Inferno and pinned him.

Trent Beretta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Komander!

The winner receives a TNT Championship match tonight during Rampage.

Penta El Zero Miedo got in Brian Cage’s face, but “The Machine” knocked him right down. Komander and Penta nailed Cage with thrust kicks, knocking Cage out of the ring. Komander followed up with a tornillo. Trent hit Penta with a back elbow.

Trent and Penta traded chops in the middle of the ring. Trent cracked Penta with a knee strike and then sent him flying with a half and half suplex. Komander walked the top rope, but Cage shook the ropes and knocked Komander down. Cage suplexed Komander out of the ring and down onto Trent and Penta on the arena floor!

Brian Cage whipped Trent into the steel guardrail. Cage sent Penta in the guardrail. Cage planted Komander on the ring apron. Penta and Komander teamed up to hit Cage with an assisted cannonball. Trent nailed Komander with a high angle German suplex. Trent rocked Penta with German suplexes. Trent took down Cage with a poison rana, but Cage got up and clobbered Trent with a lariat.

Penta punted Cage in the head. Penta drilled Trent with a thrust kick. Penta walloped Cage with a sling blade. Penta got a near fall on Trent after hitting him with the Made in Japan! Penta jumped off Komander’s back and flew out of the ring with a tope con hiro on Cage. Trent crushed Komander with the Strong Zero and pinned him!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs!

Don Callis: “Paul Wight is out on the shelf. Done! Powerhouse Hobbs slammed a 450 pound giant, a living legend, through the windshield of a car, and broke him.”

Hobbs: “Anyone can get it! I took out a giant. A multiple time world champion. I’m big, I’m black, I’m jacked. Paul, I know you’re resting away. But stay away because anyone can get it.”

Wardlow vs. Evan Daniels!

Wardlow rushed his opponent and power bombed him! Wardlow followed up with a swanton off the top. Wardlow hit the powerbomb symphony. The ref stopped the match as Daniels was unable to continue.

“Wardlow has only one thing on his mind: MJF,” said Tony Schiavone.

FTR’s Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


LFI’s Rush (with Dralistico, Preston Vance, & Jose the Assistant)!

AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks joined the broadcast booth for this match. His tag partner Big Bill stood behind him.

Rush rocked Dax with a shoulder tackle. Dax dodged Rush and nailed him with a flying forearm. They brawled outside the ring, with Rush running Dax into the steel guardrail. Back in the ring they traded chops to the chest.

“They’re just wearing the leather out of each other!” said Nigel.

Dax drilled Rush with two German Suplexes. Rush shoved Dax as Dax was on the top turnbuckle. Dax lost his balance. Rush superplexed Dax Harwood for a near fall.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Both men blasted the other with open palm strikes until they knocked one another down! Rush rocked Dax with a belly to back suplex for a two-count. Dax spiked Rush with a piledriver for a near fall!

Rush got out of the ring and shoved Ricky Starks! Rush was about to go for the Bull’s Horns, but Starks jumped into the ring and speared Rush! The match was declared a no-contest.

Cash Wheeler ran down to the ring and began to brawl with Big Bill. The Kings of the Black Throne came down the ramp. Brody King and Big Bill tried to pull a ladder out from beneath the ring, but Cash flew out onto them. Security ran down to break up the melee!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Action Andretti!

The Kingdom and Roderick Strong interrupted Andretti as he was trying to give a medical update on Darius Martin.

Mike Bennett: “He’s got a bruised ego and a weak neck.”

Roderick Strong: “Fellas, I found my next victim.”

Matt Taven: “Who is it?”

Roderick Strong: “Action!”

Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta vs. The House of Black’s Buddy Matthews!

Wheeler dropkicked Buddy and sent him out of the ring. Buddy hip tossed Yuta into the steel guardrail. Buddy blasted Wheeler with a pump kick to the face.

Both men fought on the ring apron. Buddy hurled Wheeler off the apron, sending Wheeler colliding with the announcers’ table. Back in the ring, Buddy unleashed an array of kicks. Yuta connected with a wild swing.

Wheeler tried for a German Suplex, but Buddy broke loose. Buddy walloped Wheeler with a back kick. Yuta grabbed a near fall after a German Suplex. Wheeler rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida. Buddy picked up Yuta and dropped him across the turnbuckles. Wheeler jumped off with a double ax handle to the back of Buddy’s neck and back. Buddy connected with a running powerbomb and then curb stomped Yuta, grabbing the pin!

Buddy Matthews grabbed a steel chair after the match, hoping to continue the punishment. Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to protect Wheeler.

Claudio: “If you want the attention of the Blackpool Combat Club, you don’t have to cut some spooky promo. All you have to do is ask. You’ve been pissing me off for a few weeks now and honestly, I like to make my challenges here in the light. What do you say if it’s you and me right here tomorrow at Full Gear?”

Buddy Matthews nodded and said “Okay.”

Collision Main Event Time!

AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & TBS Champion Kris Statlander


The Outcasts—Ruby Soho & Saraya!

Shida hit Ruby with a throwaway slam. Kris tagged in and swept out Ruby’s legs. Saraya grabbed a tag, but Kris shoulder tackled her for a two-count.

Julia Hart was watching Kris with a keen eye backstage on a monitor.

Statlander double suplexed Saraya and Soho. Shida tagged in and knocked down Saraya and Soho with a cross body from the top rope.

Skye Blue was watching backstage on a monitor.

Angelo Parker was sitting in the front row, cheering on Ruby Soho.

Kris connected with a spinning discus lariat on Soho. Kris followed up with a running knee to Ruby Soho. Statlander hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Ruby for a near fall. Saraya tagged in and she and Ruby tried a double suplex on Shida, but Shida blocked it. Saraya and Shida traded forearms.

Shida wiped out Saraya with a running knee strike. Shida jumped off the top rope, but Saraya countered with a thrust kick. Angelo Parker jumped over the barricade to check on Ruby Soho. Saraya didn’t like what she saw, as she was left alone to fend for herself. Kris Statlander speared Angelo Parker on the arena floor. Meanwhile, in the ring, Shida wiped out Saraya with the Katana and pinned her!

Earlier in the day, Tony Schiavone had a sitdown interview with AEW World & ROH Tag champ MJF!

MJF: “I made a promise and I intend to keep it. As much as I know Austin and Colten Gunn are ugly, they’re very talented. I’m going to do whatever it takes to win during Zero Hour. Because I told my best friend Adam Cole that these ROH Tag titles will be waiting here when he comes back from injury. And let’s be honest, I’m responsible for him being injured.

“When Jay White stole my belt, I realized Jay White is insecure. He stole that belt not to prove anything to the world, but he’s trying to prove something to himself. The championship doesn’t make the man. The man makes the championship. That’s why tomorrow you’re going to lose because nobody is on the level of the devil.

“When you ask me about the likelihood about beating the Gunns and Jay White all in one night, I’d say slim to none. But unfortunately for Jay White and all my detractors, I just so happen to like those odds.”

The Rampage portion of the evening kicked off!

“The Ocho” Chris Jericho joined the broadcast table for Rampage.

TNT Championship Match!

Christian Cage (c.) (with Luchasaurus & Nick Wayne)


Trent Beretta!

Trent flew over the top rope with a huge crossbody to Christian on the arena floor. Nick Wayne grabbed Trent from behind and Christian charged at Trent, nailing him with a cheap shot. Trent speared Christian through the ropes.

Trent went for a spinning DDT, but Christian dodged it. Trent blocked a DDT from Christian. Trent hit a hurracanrana on Christian for a near fall. Christian moved out of the way of Trent’s crossbody press. Trent countered a spear with a knee strike and then spiked Christian with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

“Trent has the momentum here. Christian is on the run,” said Jericho.

Trent clobbered Christian with the Strong Zero for a two-count! Luchasaurus distracted Trent. Christian Cage seized the moment and blindsided Trent. Christian Cage crushed Trent with the Kill Switch and pinned Trent!

After a commercial break, Chris Jericho had a message for the Young Bucks!

Jericho: “Matt and Nick seem to have an issue because I stole their buddy Kenny. I didn’t steal anyone. The Golden Jets are going to beat the Bucks tomorrow and become the number one contenders. See you tomorrow kids!”

“Timeless” Toni Storm (with Luther the Butler) vs. Emi Sakura!

Toni tried to hand Emi a script, but Emi ripped it up. Emi chopped at Toni Storm. Toni knocked Emi out of the ring with her hip attack. Toni stood up on the apron and Emi fired back with a cross body press.

Toni rocked Emi with a running bulldog. Toni was looking for a hip attack, but Emi countered with a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Emi followed up with a backbreaker across the knee for a two-count. Toni dodged a moonsault from Emi.

Toni rammed Emi with a hip attack. Toni planted Emi with a piledriver and pinned Emi!

“Tomorrow is Toni’s Hollywood homecoming as she faces AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida,” said Tony Schiavone.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh. Standing across them was ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston!

Jay Lethal: “I’ve asked for this time because I wanted to make things crystal clear for Eddie Kingston. You have one day left as the ROH World Champion because we have spoken to Stokely, and he has made it official. Tomorrow night at Zero Hour it’s going to be Eddie Kingston versus Jay Lethal for the ROH World Championship. Ever since you lost in that Memphis Street Fight against Jeff Jarrett granting me a shot at your championship, you’ve done nothing but duck and hide from us the whole time.”

Eddie Kingston: “Look at me. You know me. Why are you speaking like them? You know what I can do. And I know what you can do, but not with them. You have become a coward just like them.”

Kingston turned around and Ortiz showed up and nodded at him.

Rampage Main Event Time!

Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)


Action Andretti!

Strong charged at Action as Action entered the ring. Action hit back with a dropkick to Roderick Strong. Action Andretti chopped Roderick in the chest. Roderick cracked Action with a backbreaker.

Action rocked Roderick with a spinning neck breaker. Action countered a sunset flip with a suplex. Action blasted Roddy with a back elbow. The Kingdom checked on Roddy outside the ring. Action wiped out the Kingdom with a running kick. Action hit a Spanish Fly on Strong.

The fans chanted “Neck Strong!”

Roddy got to his feet! Roddy finished off Action with the End of Heartache and pinned Action Andretti!

Renee Paquette had a sitdown interview with “Switchblade” Jay White!

Jay White: “Who is the devil? In my mind, all you have to focus on is that the AEW World Championship is with someone that lives up to the E in All Elite Wrestling. Remember MJF isn’t going to even make it to the main event with me because the Gunns will take care of him first during Zero Hour.

“MJF is trying to brainwash everyone and make them think MJF belongs in the same breath as J-A-Y. When things go my way, you’re going to get more of the Bang Bang Gang.”

MJF stormed onto the scene and attacked Jay White! “Switchblade” begged Max to stop. Juice Robinson blindsided MJF and then threw MJF into Jay White’s locker room! MJF smashed the TV monitor over Juice Robinson’s head!

MJF chased Jay White to the ring. MJF grounded and pounded Jay White! The Gunns sprinted to the ring to try to help Jay White, but MJF took them down too! MJF picked up his belt and kissed it! MJF was about to bash Jay White with the belt, but the Gunn Club hit MJF from behind! Bullet Club Gold triple teamed MJF and ripped the belt out of his hands! The Gunns held back MJF as Jay White was about to ram the belt into MJF’s head when Samoa Joe ran to the ring!

Bullet Club Gold retreated!

“It looks like MJF has found a tag team partner,” said Nigel.

“But has he?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Samoa Joe stared at MJF and extended his hand. MJF accepted!

“Joe will team with MJF tomorrow!” said Tony Schiavone.

“The AEW World Champion has made a deal with the devil,” replied Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

This Saturday witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW FULL GEAR 2023 from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

Watch AEW Full Gear Zero Hour at 7:00 PM ET/4:00 PM PT on YouTube, hosted by Renee Paquette, RJ City, and Stokely Hathaway!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Andrade El Idolo vs. Daniel Garcia (with Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)!

Before the match began, CJ Perry walked down the ramp and stood next to Andrade. They nodded and smiled at one another.

“It looks like Andrade and CJ Perry have made an agreement,” said Tony Schiavone.

Miro was watching on a monitor backstage.

Garcia and Andrade locked up with a stiff collar and elbow tie up. Andrade grabbed a full arm twist, but Garcia escaped. Andrade applied a side headlock.

Garcia was about to perform his dance, but Andrade rocked him with a shoulder tackle. Garcia fired off forearm shots to Andrade El Idolo. Garcia dropkicked Andrade. Garcia missed a knee drop. Andrade jumped off the top turnbuckle with a big crossbody to Garcia.

Daniel Garcia caught Andrade with a dragon screw leg whip through the ropes. Garcia charged at Andrade El Idolo with a running knee strike. Garcia danced in front of CJ Perry.

Daniel Garcia nailed Andrade with a German Suplex. Garcia attempted a superplex but Andrade El Idolo headbutted Garcia, knocking him to the mat. Garcia grabbed an ankle lock on Andrade. Garcia wrenched on the leg. Andrade tried to fight the pain instead of going to the ropes. Garcia chop blocked Andrade, but Andrade retaliated with two dragon screw leg whips. Andrade hit Garcia with a running forearm shot!

Andrade got a full head of steam and rammed Garcia with a double knee strike in the turnbuckles! Garcia managed to pick up Andrade with a vertical suplex. Andrade returned the favor with vertical suplexes of his own. Garcia answered with a brainbuster for a near fall!

Andrade scoop slammed Daniel Garcia. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a moonsault for a two-count.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Garcia absorbed a flurry of forearms from Garcia. Andrade connected with a pump kick and applied the figure four. Andrade transitioned into the figure eight and forced Daniel Garcia to tap out!

CJ Perry hugged Andrade after the match. Miro was watching backstage, grinning at the sight of CJ Perry and Andrade celebrating Andrade’s victory.

Nick Wayne (with TNT Champion Christian Cage & Luchasaurus)


Dalton Castle (with The Boys)!

Dalton Castle grappled Nick Wayne to the mat. Dalton Castle suplexed Nick Wayne and rammed his knee into Wayne’s back. Castle rocked Wayne with another gut wrench suplex.

Nick Wayne stunned Castle with a flying forearm shot. Nick Wayne followed up with a snap mare. Nick Wayne countered a German Suplex attempt with a forward roll. Dalton Castle threw Nick Wayne with a suplex. Nick Wayne tried for Wayne’s World, but Castle blocked it with a German Suplex.

Luchasaurus chokeslammed the Boys on the arena floor! Dalton charged at Nick, but Nick moved, sending Dalton right into the ring post. Nick Wayne planted Dalton with Wayne’s World and won the match via pin fall!

“Hangman” Adam Page was backstage with words for Swerve Strickland!

Page: “At Full Gear, I take you down into a fiery abyss for eternity. And you’ll face me in a Texas Death Match!

“Take some time and look around your house. Look at pictures of your family and imagine every single moment that you could have had with them. I want you to know that you will never be there, not while you can walk, not while you can talk, Swerve. Because at Full Gear I take you to the bottom. I take you to the abyss. And every November, I’ll walk with my son, and I’ll piss on your grave. Swerve Strickland, what could have been.”

LFI’s RUSH & Dralistico (with Jose the Assistant & Preston Vance)


The Workhorsemen—Anthony Henry & JD Drake!

Dralistico and Henry chain wrestled at the start of the match. Henry back kicked Dralistico in the stomach. JD Drake tagged in and splashed Dralistico. Dralistico chopped Drake but Drake absorbed it.

Rush tagged in and traded chops with JD Drake. Rush rocked Drake with a shotgun dropkick and then stomped Drake. Henry ran in but Rush shoved Henry over the top rope, sending Henry tumbling to the arena floor.

Rush and Dralistico connected with a double dropkick on JD Drake. The Workhorsemen double teamed Dralistico. Rush tagged in and cleaned house on the Workhorsemen. Rush clobbered Henry with a spinning forearm.

JD Drake and Anthony Henry staggered Dralistico with tandem offense. Drake connected with a cannonball on Dralistico. Drake went for a moonsault, but Dralistico dodged it. Rush charged at Drake with the Bull’s Horns and pinned JD Drake!

“A great win for the LFI,” said Tony Schiavone.

The House of Black were backstage!

Malakai Black: “Perhaps we have not been direct enough. How about we obtain the one thing that you desire the most in this company and make you chase us?”

Brody King: “Big Bill, Ricky Starks, the Kings of the Black Throne are coming for the AEW World Tag Team Championships.”

Julia Hart: “How about if I beat Willow tonight on Collision, you, Kris Statlander, have to give me a rematch for the TBS Title at Full Gear?”

Darius Martin (with Action Andretti) vs. Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom)!

The Kingdom rolled Roderick to the ring in a wheelchair.

Strong bullied Darius into the corner. Strong wrenched on Martin’s arm and wrist. Darius retaliated with a beautiful dropkick.

Darius connected with a big cross body off the top rope for a near fall on Roderick Strong. Roddy lured Darius in and then blasted him with a back breaker. Roddy chopped Darius in the corner. Roderick followed up with another back breaker.

Roderick hit Darius with a perfect dropkick. Darius stunned Roderick with a jawbreaker. Darius battered Roderick in the corner with chops. Roderick waffled Darius with the Sick Kick and finished him off with the End of Heartache, scoring the pin on Darius!

“The King of Neck Health Awareness, Roderick Strong, victorious tonight,” said Nigel.

The Kingdom assaulted Darius after the match with the wiener punch and then a spiked piledriver. Action Andretti sprinted to the ring, but the Kingdom ran away.

The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King) vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow pointed at her eye, remembering what Julia Hart did to her. Willow hurled Julia across the ring. Willow body slammed Julia Hart.

Skye Blue was watching on a monitor backstage.

Willow planted Julia with a side slam. Outside the ring, Julia and Willow traded strikes. Willow connected with a vertical suplex on Julia on the arena floor.

Back in the ring, Julia stomped on Willow’s left arm and hand. Willow powered out with a clothesline to Julia Hart. Willow splashed Julia with a hip attack in the corner. Willow booted Julia in the chest. Willow planted Julia with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Julia charged at Willow with a hip check in the corner. Julia applied the Heartless Lock, but Willow stood up. Julia hammered away at Willow’s back. Willow pounced Julia! Outside the ring, Willow shoved Julia into the steel ring steps. Willow charged at Julia, but Julia moved, sending Willow crashing into the steps. Willow slammed Julia with a half and half full nelson for a near fall. Julia cracked Willow with a lariat to the back of the head. Julia scored the pin after a moonsault press!

“The bride of darkness wants revenge!” said Nigel.

Powerhouse Hobbs (with Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher) vs. Alexander!

Paul Wight joined the commentary team for the next match.

Hobbs clubbed his opponent and then planted him with a spinebuster. Hobbs quickly pinned his opponent and then stared at Paul Wight.

Don Callis: “I have one thing to say. The Don Callis Family is the greatest family in the history of professional wrestling. In just a few short days the family will be involved in the street fight on Dynamite. Not too long enough Will Hobbs broke Chris Jericho. So, what did Jericho do? Jericho found the last friend he had after I deserted him and he picked up the phone and he called the last friend he could call, would just happens to be the biggest man in professional wrestling, Mr. Paul Wight.

“And when Chris called, I’m sure Paul said, ‘Anything you need my friend.’ Paul, I’m thinking you got shortchanged in the brain department because only an idiot would face the Don Callis Family after what we’ve done to Omega, Jericho and Ibushi. But Paul, it’s not too late. Paul, we both know Jericho is going to try to use you like he tried to use me.

“Paul, I’m a big fan of your work. It’s not too late to pull the pin and leave Jericho hanging in the street fight. I see a scared giant. It’s okay to be scared of me because I run things up in here. I think I might just have to do a little something here. I buried two giants in my career and I’m happy to do it to a third. Will, bury this fool!”

Hobbs taunted Paul Wight and Paul Wight did not back down!

Main Event Time!

Trios Match!

Sting, Darby Allin, & “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland


“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer, & The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Big Dutch knocked Copeland down to the mat. Copeland connected with a flying lariat and tagged out to Darby Allin.

Darby put Vincent in a side headlock. Vincent kicked Darby in the face and headbutted Darby’s jaw. Lance Archer tagged in, and Sting demanded Darby tag him in.

Sting ducked a lariat from Archer. Sting chopped at Archer. Sting knocked Archer over the top rope with a clothesline.

Sting punted Dutch off the top turnbuckle pad. Archer caught Sting midflight and planted him. Archer and the Righteous worked over Sting in their corner. Vincent chomped down on Sting’s forehead. The Righteous collided with Sting in the corner with running elbows, one after another. Lance Archer stomped on Sting.

Sting rocked Vincent with a shoulder tackle. Darby tagged in and blasted Vincent with a shotgun dropkick. Darby tried for a Code Red on Vincent but Dutch nailed Darby with a lariat.

Lance Archer launched Darby with a suplex. The Righteous tried tandem offense but Darby shoved Vincent into Dutch! Archer pulled Sting off the apron and rammed him into the guardrail. Copeland tagged in and flew off the top turnbuckle with a double clothesline for the Righteous. Copeland speared Lance Archer. Copeland jumped through the rope with a tope suicida onto the Righteous and Archer!

Darby Coffin Dropped Archer outside the ring. Copeland went for the spear, but Dutch countered with a Bossman slam! Sting grabbed Dutch in a Scorpion Death Drop and Copeland dropped an elbow on Dutch! Sting splashed Vincent in the corner and Copeland speared Vincent for the pinfall victory!

“Big win, to say the least,” said Tony Schiavone.

TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne walked onto the ramp!

Christian Cage raised his title overhead and smirked at Sting, Copeland, and Darby!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After an impactful RAMPAGE Friday night in Oakland, All Elite Wrestling is right back at it this Saturday with a tremendous edition of COLLISION also emanating from The Oakland Arena! Friday we saw AEW World Tag Champ Ricky Starks conquer Preston Vance, albeit with a little help from his partner Big Bill, which brought Rush to the rescue. Plus, Ruby Soho got a surprise gift during the midst of her match with Red Velvet, a gift that very well may have cost her the match, and is clearly creating some issue within The Outcast members and the former J.A.S. To top it all off, FTR were victorious in a must-see classic against two of AAA’s finest champions in El Hijo Del Vikingo and Komander!

Now on Saturday night, we’ve got a huge Trios match pitting two nascent units against one another: The Righteous and Lance Archer clash with Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, and Sting as the latter trio prepare for their FULL GEAR 2023 battle! COLLISION is coming to you this Saturday night on TNT, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, so before the night begins swing over to the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, & Sting vs.

The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) and “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer

In a week’s time, the trio of Darby Allin, Sting, and Adam Copeland will lock horns at FULL GEAR 2023 with TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and young Nick Wayne. Though that bout is rife with history, some of it dating back decades, this trios match taking place on Saturday night has history just over a week old.

Last Saturday night, after Darby found a way to best “The Murderhawk Monster”, Jake “The Snake” Roberts brought out The Righteous of Dutch and Vincent as his newest pieces of “artillery”, leaving Darby distracted and vulnerable for Archer to drop him with a Blackout. Still, ever resilient, Darby bounced back on Wednesday night to team with Sting for a victory over The Outrunners, looking battered and bruised but still quite game.

Still, between everything he’s gone through since Christian Cage’s merciless assault at WRESTLEDREAM 2003, particularly the fight with Lance Archer last week, Darby has to be feeling perpetual pain throughout his body. That doesn’t mean he’s going to stop the fight, after all Darby has friends to rely on, friends to count on, and friends to fight alongside both this Saturday night on COLLISION and next Saturday at FULL GEAR 2023 as well!

This Saturday will give everyone a taste of what this Copeland/Allin/Sting trio looks like in action, but so too will it give the world a look at the devastation that the Dutch/Vincent/Archer/Roberts quartet can unleash upon the world! Come to think of it, given the Jake Roberts and Sting dynamic involved here as well, this is a battle with roots thirty-plus years old, roots that ironically first grew in the Jacksonville Coliseum down in Florida…


Daniel Garcia vs. Andrade El Idolo

He’s been frustrated by the last several months of not getting to demonstrate his full potential, but last Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, when Daniel Garcia had the opportunity to fight MJF for the AEW World Championship, he finally got a chance to be the professional wrestler that fans have wanted to see for quite some time. The sports entertainer died, making way for one of the best technical wrestlers in the game today, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to bring Garcia the AEW World Title.

But Garcia isn’t crying over spilled milk; he allowed himself that privilege in the immediate aftermath of the loss to MJF, but clearly Daniel is ready to get right back on the horse and ride it straight into the toughest fights he can find.

So for this first foray back into the fray Garcia has picked himself quite the challenge; one of the hardest-hitting men in AEW, one of the most complete professional wrestlers competing today, none other than Andrade El Idolo! Andrade is coming off a classic fight with Bryan Danielson, albeit one he lost, and certainly looking to redeem himself from that defeat, but so too is he coming into the fight with the specter of CJ Perry hanging over his head.

Andrade has promised to answer Perry’s offer of managerial services, but will that pull the attention of “The Redeemer” Miro as it did when Ryan Nemeth and Action Andretti tried to acquire CJ’s services over the last few weeks?


Roderick Strong vs. Darius Martin

Lexy Nair asked a perfectly reasonable question; is Roderick Strong even cleared to compete in All Elite Wrestling?After all, he’s been wearing this neck brace for a ridiculous amount of time and though the last nights have seen Roddy miraculously rip off the brace to do some damage to The Kingdom’s foes, he still wants to claim injury as much as possible.

Yet, when The Kingdom were confronted by Darius Martin and Action Andretti, it wasn’t Matt Taven and Mike Bennett who jumped up to fight foes who’d previously bested The Kingdom, but rather Roddy Strong who put himself out there for the fight!

Apparently, neck brace or not, this fight is going to take place on Saturday night’s COLLISION, Strong’s first bit of combat since his September 13th fight with Samoa Joe! Is Roderick Strong up for the task, or will Darius rise up and prove himself the better man?


Willow Nightingale vs. Julia Hart

The future of the TBS Championship hangs in the balance of this of this rematch from the September 27th edition of DYNAMITE! Their last fight took place just a few days after Julia assaulted, and misted, Willow prior to COLLISION on the 24th, and then when Willow Nightingale and Julia Hart collided on AEW’s flagship, it was The House of Black member who scored the victory with her impressive moonsault.

Unlike Skye Blue, Willow Nightingale was not changed by her exposure to Julia’s poison, but that doesn’t mean the former NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion doesn’t want revenge for all that’s been done to her and her friends. The fact that a future TBS Championship match hangs in the balance is icing on the cake, the cherry on the sundae, the prize awaiting the winner of this one-on-one fight!

Will Julia Hart get her rematch with Kris Statlander and put the fight with Willow to rest on Saturday night? Or will it be Nightingale who gets another shot at the TBS Championship, another opportunity to finally score that AEW championship victory that’s alluded her thus far?


LFI (Dralistico & Rush) vs. The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

It’s very clear that many forces are amassing to challenge Big Bill and Ricky Starks for the AEW World Tag Team Championships, and despite the loss Preston Vance sustained at the hands of “Absolute” Ricky Starks on Friday night’s RAMPAGE, La Faccion Ingobernable are chief among those potential challengers. Whether it’s Rush and Vance, Rush and Dralistico, or Dralistico and Vance, LFI has designs on the titles, and nothing is going to stop these paragons of violence from getting what they desire.

With that in mind, the Dralistico/Rush pairing will be in tag team action against The Workhorsemen, a duo who had their brush with greatness several months ago the night they almost eked out a World Tag Team Championship victory over FTR. JD Drake and Anthony Henry have been craving that feeling ever since, and hope to get near to it once again by scoring a victory over LFI this Saturday night on COLLISION!





Before the evening gets underway, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast live from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

Your broadcast team was Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)


LFI’s Preston Vance (with Jose the Assistant)!

Big Bill joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Vance pushed Starks into the corner turnbuckles. Preston Vance stomped on Starks. Preston Vance followed up with a big pump kick to Ricky Starks. Preston whipped Starks into the steel guardrail. Starks reversed things, ramming Preston into the steel ring post!

Starks suplexed Preston onto the entrance ramp! Back in the ring, Vance regained momentum by planting Starks with a massive spinebuster! Starks fired back with discus lariat. Preston tried for this full nelson, but Ricky countered with a cradle for a near fall.

Big Bill jumped up onto the apron and distracted Preston Vance. Starks seized the opportunity to spear Preston Vance and pin him! The AEW World Tag Champs double teamed Preston until Rush and Dralistico ran to the ring to even up the odds for their LFI partner Preston Vance. Big Bill and Ricky Starks quicky retreated out of the ring!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Chris Jericho!

Jericho: “Takeshita has been on a roll lately. He’s one of the best pro wrestlers in the world today. But you’re facing one of the best pro wrestlers in the history of the business. Takeshita, this Sunday, in Tokyo, I am going to get my revenge on you. I’m going to teach you a lesson at DDT in Tokyo. You’re facing Chris Jericho. I’ve done it all. And Takeshita, as good as you are, I am better. And I’m going to show you what it’s like to be in the ring with an angry and pissed off Chris Jericho. This Sunday in Tokyo, Japan, Takeshita, I am going to get my revenge on you!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Don Callis and Prince Nana!

Nana: “Lexi, I’m doing my due diligence. When you dig deep into your pockets, Don, what happens?”

Callis: “Sammy is on the shelf. Jericho is going to get taken care of by Takeshita. And I have made a deal with Prince Nana to rent the services of “the Machine” Brian Cage to team up with my family this Wednesday in the Man Who Erased His Name Street Fight!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt.

Jay Lethal: “I’m going to prove to the world that I outclass ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston in every way.”

Ortiz walked onto the scene!

Ortiz: “You had a lot to say about me last week. How about you say it to my face?”

Karen Jarrett: “If I were you, I’d watch what you say.”

Jay Lethal: “You might get jumped.”

Ortiz: “See, Jay, you need all these people to fight for you.”

Ortiz swung at Jay Lethal. Satnam Singh grabbed Ortiz and planted him hard on a cargo case!

Red Velvet vs. Ruby Soho (with Saraya)!

Tony Schiavone reminded us that Ruby said she wanted to do this alone, so Saraya went to the back.

Ruby got right in the face of Red Velvet. Ruby stomped on Red Velvet’s foot and then rammed her with a shoulder block. Red Velvet retaliated with a big leg lariat, staggering Ruby into the corner. Red Velvet worked over Ruby with body shots.

Red Velvet rammed Ruby with double knees and followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Ruby hoisted Red Velvet on the top rope and then rocked her with a running kick. Ruby nailed Red Velvet with two consecutive back drop drivers!

“Ruby is relentless!” said Tony Schiavone.

An AEW production assistant delivered flowers to Ruby Soho during the middle of the match.

“Apparently she’s got a secret admirer,” said Tony Schiavone.

Red Velvet ducked punches from Ruby. Red Velvet cracked Ruby with a kick and pinned her!

“Clearly the distraction from the bouquet of flowers played into this match,” said Nigel.

“Wow! What a win for Red Velvet!” replied Tony Schiavone.

The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett (with Roderick Strong)


Two Local Wrestlers!

The Kingdom made short order of the competition, finishing them off with the Neck Check and grabbing a decisive victory. After the match, Roderick Strong ripped off his neck brace, jumped in the ring, hit a back breaker on one of the Kingdom’s downed opponents, and then ran back to his wheelchair!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker!

Garcia: “I am really sick of being sad. I went through the AEW roster page. I found Andrade El Idolo. This Saturday on Collision, let’s get it on!”

Ruby Soho and Saraya walked by. Saraya was clearly upset with the bouquet of flowers that Ruby was sent. Saraya looked at Matt Menard and said, “We’ve got big problems.” Menard agreed!

After a commercial break, Lexy Nair was backstage with The Kingdom and Roderick Strong!

Action Andretti and Darius Martin interrupted. Action said last time the four of them wrestled, he and Darius beat the Kingdom. Roderick Strong said he found his first victim. “Darius!” he shouted, and pointed at Darius Martin.

Main Event Time!

AAA Cruiserweight Champion Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)

& AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo


FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood!

Komander swiped at Dax’s thigh with a stiff kick. Dax fired back with a snap mare and a shoulder block. Komander dropkicked Dax Harwood. El Hijo del Vikingo and Cash Wheeler tagged in for their respective teams.

Vikingo, unabated, flipped off the top rope into a hurracanrana on Cash. Vikingo rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida straight at Cash. Vikingo’s momentum sent him crashing headfirst into the commentary team’s table!

FTR used tandem offense in the ring to double team Vikingo. Komander and Vikingo utilized their own tandem offense with a fiery flurry. Vikingo dropkicked Dax from the top rope. Komander took down Dax with a hurracanrana for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Dax Harwood superplexed Vikingo, but Vikingo countered midflight and landed on top of Dax. Vikingo and Komander hit stereo 630 splashes on FTR for a near fall! Dax countered a shooting star press from Vikingo with a piledriver for a near fall!

Dax used a slingshot powerbomb on Vikingo, but Komander was there to break up the pin attempt. Komander walked the ropes, but Dax dodged it and FTR smashed Komander with the Big Rig, scoring the pin on Komander!

All four competitors embraced after the match.

“Pro wrestling at its best,” said Nigel.

After the match, the House of Black were seen watching the match backstage.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision tomorrow on TNT at 8/7c from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After witnessed two championships change hands last Tuesday during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, AEW’s flagship returns to its regular time for our debut at the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX! With that debut comes the 2023 Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, the winner facing MJF for that Dynamite Diamond Ring, as well as a first-time encounter between Penta El Zero Miedo and Jay White, Kenny Omega answering Kyle Fletcher’s challenge, Toni Storm’s next blockbuster, “The Icon” Sting, and so much more!!!

This Wednesday night DYNAMITE is back in home time slot, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for our international fans! Before the night begins, nake sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Including: Dustin Rhodes, Juice Robinson, and more!!!

The first three years of the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale the format was such that the last two men standing would move on to a singles match the following week to determine ownership of the Dynamite Diamond Ring. 2019 Battle Royale result put MJF opposite Hangman Page in their only singles match to date, ultimately leading to Max becoming the inaugural holder of the pricey accessory. 2020’s winners would be MJF and Orange Cassidy, and that too would result in MJF retaining possession of the ring in their lone head-to-head clash. 2021’s Battle Royale took place in front of MJF’s hometown Long Island crowd, and resulted in he and Dante Martin meeting in their only one-on-one fight, as well as MJF once again keeping the ring on his finger.

2022 would be a different story though; with MJF having defeated Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship at FULL GEAR a few weeks prior, it was decided that the winner of the Battle Royale would face Max at WINTER IS COMING 2022 with both the ring and the title at stake. “Absolute” Ricky Starks would last eliminate Matt Hardy and Ethan Page to earn his shot, but unfortunately he would leave the match with MJF, their only singles meeting as well, with an empty finger and an empty waist. No ring, no championship, just MJF keeping the ring for the fourth straight year as well as making his first successful championship defense.

Now here we are nearly one year later with MJF still the AEW World Champion, and that ring still adorning his finger, although it hasn’t been put to nefarious use nearly as much over the last few months as it has in the past. This Wednesday night in Rosenberg, TX, when AEW debuts at the Fort Bend Epicenter, someone will earn an opportunity to give the Dynamite Diamond Ring its first new home, and we know that both Juice Robinson and Dustin Rhodes have claimed their spot in the Battle Royale. For the latter it’s about legacy, for the former its about taking something from MJF before he defends the AEW World Championship against “King Switch” Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023. But before anyone looks to the fight with Max, they’ve got to win the Battle Royal first, and that is never an easy feat!


Penta El Zero Miedo vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

Speaking of Jay White, though he will likely have an eye on the outcome of the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, he will have his own hands full in Texas when he meets Penta El Zero Miedo in singles combat! This first-time meeting of these two men comes as a result of Jay White and BC GOLD interrupting Renee Paquette asking Penta for an update on his brother Rey Fenix after Rey lost the AEW International Championship to Orange Cassidy.

White and company had no skin in that game, no stake in the status of Fenix, OC, or Penta, but yet there they were en masse choosing to insert their voice into the conversation and mock The Lucha Brothers for their lack of championship belts. Of course Jay White persists in his claim that he earned the Triple B rightfully belonging to Maxwell Jacob Friedman, a claim that in his heart even Jay knows is false, but it doesn’t stop him from running off at the mouth, and ending up in fights like the one he’s about to enter on Wednesday night.

Unlike Jay, Penta El Zero Miedo has earned multiple championships in All Elite Wrestling, posting status as a former AEW World Tag Team Champion with his brother, as well as a former AEW World Trios Champion with Rey and “The Bastard” PAC, but this fight will obviously not be held with anyone standing in Penta’s corner waiting for a tag. Nor will anyone be in White’s corner for a tag, but there’s a good chance the rest of the Bang Bang Gang will be there up to no good.


Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega

Kyle Fletcher is a brave man, possibly foolish, but absolutely brave, and on a mission to be, in his words, “…in the conversation of the best to ever do it”. Stepping into the ring with FTR twice, Bryan Danielson twice, Chris Jericho, and Kenny Omega in the span of the week between September 30th and October 7th is certainly one way to work the mission. Calling out the only former AEW World, Tag, and Trios Champion is absolutely another way to do it, and that’s exactly what Fletcher did on COLLISION following his victory over The Iron Savage’s Boulder when he challenged Kenny Omega to a fight!

The only way to become the best is to beat the best, and the only way to make that possible is to be in the ring with them in the first place, so kudos to the former ROH World Tag Champion for his gumption, but this Wednesday night Kyle has to put his proverbial money where his mouth is and actually fight “The Cleaner” one-on-one! Unlike their previous tag team encounter where Fletcher was a last minute substitute for the injured Sammy Guevara, both men have now had several days to prepare for this contest so we shall see if that opportunity shifts the outcome either way. Fletcher no doubt will spend those days with Don Callis in his ear pointing out Kenny’s supposed flaws and weak spots, and possibly with Don, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Takeshita in his corner during the match as well.

After the beating Omega took from Hobbs two weeks ago, is he anywhere near 100% and ready for a fight? And after they were there at Omega’s side during his recovery time last week, will The Young Bucks be at his side to balance the scales?



When last we saw Nick Wayne he was on the receiving end of a spear from Adam Copeland to close out COLLISION, but that may feel like a walk in the park on a crisp Autumn day compared to what’s in store for the young man this Wednesday night. For the first time since watching Nick betray Darby Wayne at WRESTLEDREAM, the AEW faithful will hear from Nick Wayne’s mother Shayna when she and her son sit-down with Jim Ross on DYNAMITE!

Given everything that Darby has meant to Nick and his family over the years, and what that family has in turn met to the former 2-Time TNT Champion, one can only imagine the disappointment Shayna feels about her son choosing Christian Cage over Darby Allin, especially given the way Christian has talked about Nick’s mother over the last several weeks!


And speaking of that betrayal, another man victimized by Nick Wayne’s betrayal was “The Icon” Sting and it was only the timely arrival of Adam Copeland at WRESTLEDREAM that saved him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of Wayne, Christian Cage, and Luchasaurus.

Now we have not heard from Sting since that night in Seattle, but this Wednesday in Texas “The Icon” will be back in the house to address the AEW faithful! What will Sting have to say about the events that unfolded at WRESTLEDREAM, about AEW’s newest arrival Adam Copeland, and about what the future holds for him?


Last week the AEW faithful witnessed the premiere of Toni Storm’s “Lover’s Lament”, a silent feature in two acts, that wrapped up shortly after a title screen that read “Miss Storm you are needed on set” came across the screen. Coincidentally, or not, it was shortly thereafter that the former 2-Time AEW Women’s Champion entered the scene during Shida’s title fight with Saraya to chase off Ruby Soho.

This week on DYNAMITE, it appears we are all invited to the premiere of “Timeless” Toni Storm’s next cinematic masterpiece! How can she possibly follow-up “Lover’s Lament”? Tune in Wednesday night to TBS to witness the next blockbuster added to Storm’s resume!

This Wednesday night, DYNAMITE returns to its regularly scheduled start of 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, and brings to the Fort Bend Epicenter the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, “Switchblade” versus Penta, Aussie Open versus Elite, “The Icon”, “Timeless” Toni, and so much more! Be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER to get prepared for AEW’s debut in Rosenberg, TX!

Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, OH!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, “The Ocho” Chris Jericho, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and know what that means!

ROH Tag Team Battle Royale!

The winners face ROH World Tag Team Champions MJF & Adam Cole at All Out this Sunday.

Teams included:

-Dark Order’s John Silver & Alex Reynolds

-Aussie Open

-Best Friends

-Action Andretti & Darius Martin

-The Outrunners

-The Butcher & The Blade

-Gates of Agony’s Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona

-The Hardys—Matt & Jeff

-The Righteous

-Ryan Nemeth & Peter Avalon!

Butcher blasted the Outrunners with a double clothesline. Aussie Open were on the floor, waiting for things to clear out a bit before entering the match.

Vincent nailed Matt and Jeff Hardy with punches to the head. Aussie Open were softening up the competitors on the outside of the ring, pulling Bishop Kaun out and whipping him into the guardrail. Trent tossed Peter Avalon over the top.

Kyle Fletcher dropkicked Toa Liona, eliminating him from the match. Dutch hurled Butcher over the top rope. Vincent pulled Matt Hardy out of the ring, and then the Dark Order eliminated Jeff Hardy.

Fletcher and Davis sandwiched Chuck Taylor with double clotheslines and then threw him out of the ring. Trent, John Silver, and Aussie Open were the last four remaining in the match. Trent tried to fight off both members of Aussie Open, but they cracked him with double forearms. Trent hit a half and half suplex on Davis. Trent pulled Davis over the top. John Silver blindsided Trent and eliminated him!

“Dark Order with a huge opportunity,” said Excalibur.

After the match, Aussie Open approached the broadcast booth and trash talked Jericho. They attacked Jericho. Sammy Guevara came out with the baseball bat, evening up the odds. Aussie Open retreated.

Nick Wayne & AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo


Kip Sabian & Gringo Loco!

Gringo Loco and Vikingo chain wrestled, countering one another’s flurry of offense. Nick Wayne tagged in, as did Kip Sabian.

Nick Wayne nailed Kip with a flying European uppercut. Penelope Ford jumped on the apron to distract the ref. Kip hit a moonsault to Nick Wayne on the arena floor.

Kip crashed into Nick in the corner with a cannonball. Gringo Loco tried for a moonsault but Nick Wayne countered with his knees. Vikingo tagged in and caught Kip in the face with a corkscrew kick. Vikingo rocked Gringo Loco with an avalanche poison rana! Nick nailed Kip with Wayne’s World! Vikingo used the 630 senton on Gringo Loco and scored the pin!

“I’ve never seen anybody like El Hijo Del Vikingo in my life,” said Tony Schiavone.

Bryan Keith vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

Hangman booted Bryan in the face. Page charged at Bryan in the corner and then chopped away at him. Bryan Keith turned things around with a suplex throw to Page.

Page sent Keith across the ring with a fallaway slam. Keith clipped Page with a kick, but Hangman fired back with a Buckshot Lariat. Hangman grabbed the victory with a pin.

Renee Paquette interviewed Roderick Strong backstage.

Strong: “This is between me and Adam. Adam knows what he did. If you don’t know that that is, I can’t help you. I don’t appreciate the fact that you’re questioning me like I’m on trial, Renee. Let’s go, fellas. Why don’t you ask Adam about him, since you’re so concerned.”

Roderick Strong walked away with the Kingdom!

Main Event Time!

Skye Blue & Willow Nightingale


Taya Valkyrie & Anna Jay!

Willow grabbed in inside cradle on Taya for a near fall. Willow suplexed Taya and then splashed her in the corner. Skye Blue tagged in and cracked Taya with an elbow strike.

Taya nailed Willow with the backstabber after Anna distracted Willow from the apron. Skye tagged in and blasted Anna with a shotgun dropkick. Anna blocked a thrust kick. Skye connected with a diving cross body to Anna for a near fall.

Skye rocked Anna with a knee strike for a two count. Willow walloped Taya with a spinebuster. Taya speared Skye Blue. Willow fired back with a pounce to Taya!

Anna inadvertently hit Taya with a thrust kick. Skye wasted no time and used the Code Blue to pin Anna Jay. Taya blindsided Skye, not taking the loss easily. Willow chased Taya out of the ring.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

Don’t miss AEW Collision live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the United Center in Chicago, IL, featuring:

-AEW World Trios Championship Match: The Acclaimed (c.) vs. Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, & Daniel Garcia!

-Trios Match: The Outcasts vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Hikaru Shida, & TBS Champ Kris Statlander!

-AEW World Tag Team Champ Dax Harwood vs. “Switchblade” Jay White!

– “Absolute” Ricky Starks challenges Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat to a Strap Match at All Out!

-NBA Hall of Famer “The Worm” Dennis Rodman returns to the United Center!

This Sunday order AEW All Out 2023 from the United Center in Chicago, IL, live on pay-per-view at 8PM ET/5PM PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Fyter Fest was broadcast live from Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Caprice Coleman and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

The FTW Championship Retirement Ceremony with FTW Champ Jack Perry opened the show!

Jack Perry: “These things are never easy. As the greatest FTW Champion who ever lived, I felt a personal responsibility to come out here and say a few nice things about this title. It was a good title. It had its ups and downs.

“This thing has grown near and dear to my heart. Because in a 100 years when they look up FTW in the history books, there’ll be a picture of my face. What a beautiful legacy that will be left behind for this title thanks to me. And you know what, I think that it’s finally time that we send this title to a better place.”

Jack Perry pulled out a sledgehammer. Jack Perry was about to smash the title when Hook appeared on the screen. “I’ll be back for what’s mine,” said Hook on a voiceover.

When the video of Hook was over, Hook appeared in the ring, behind an unsuspecting Jack Perry! Jack swung the sledgehammer at Hook, but Hook dodged it and T-bone suplexed Jack Perry! Hook followed up with a T-bone suplex to Perry through the table!

“Whoa, that’s FTW style!” said Kevin Kelly.

Hook: “Wembley, Sunday!”

Trios Match!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Penta El Zero Miedo, & NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston


The Butcher, The Blade, & Kip Sabian!

Sabian shoved Penta El Zero Miedo. Butcher and Kingston rammed each other with shoulder blocks. Blade and Butcher double teamed Kingston. Penta tagged in and hit Blade with a thrust kick. Penta threw Blade on top of Butcher in the corner.

Kip pulled Penta’s legs from outside the ring, crotching Penta on the ring post. Orange Cassidy took offense to this and connected with a tope suicida to Kip Sabian. Cassidy cracked Kip with a thrust kick. Kip distracted the ref long enough for Butcher and the Blade to double team Orange.

Blade nailed Orange with a swinging neck breaker. Blade held Cassidy while Kip jumped off the top rope with a double stomp to Cassidy. Penta tagged in and cleaned house on Butcher, Blade, and Sabian.

Butcher and Kingston clobbered one another with lariats. Sabian tagged in but Kingston fired off machine gun style chops. Kingston blasted Butcher with a spinning back fist. Sabian jumped from the top turnbuckle, but Kingston caught him with an Exploder suplex. After Cassidy hit the Orange Punch for good measure, Kingston used the sliding lariat to pin Kip Sabian!

After the match, the Best Friends got in the ring. Trent said at Stadium Stampede, they were seeking revenge for Sue’s van.

The Blackpool Combat Club, along with Santana and Ortiz, appeared on the stage screen from backstage.

Moxley: “Eddie Kingston, I want you to calm down and remember that you made the challenge for All In and for Stadium Stampede and that we could pick the partners we wanted. So why are you surprised?”

Santana: “Wembley Stadium, are ya’ll ready to walk through the fire?”

Kingston left the ring to chase down the BCC!

Kingston: “You want a message? I’m not surprised Santana and Ortiz. I’m not surprised you turned. I get it. But it doesn’t mean I’m not gonna gut you up at Stadium Stampede. Jon, get out of my way. Yuta, I’m gonna bury you. But Claudio, I’m gonna leave you for last. I’m gonna burn you. I’m gonna make sure you’re scarred forever.”

Dark Order’s John Silver & Alex Reynolds


Action Andretti & Darius Martin!

Action reversed a wrist lock from Silver, but Silver shoved Action into the Dark Order’s corner. Reynolds tagged in and worked over Action Andretti.

Darius tagged in and he and Action used their tandem tactics on Reynolds. After a blind tag, Silver power bombed Action onto Reynold’s knees.

Darius was able to tag in and he regained momentum for his team. Darius nailed Reynolds with a brain buster, and Action, the legal man, followed up with a 450 splash for a near fall. Dark Order had enough though, and used their flurry of tandem offense, including a German suplex and then Reynolds scoring the victory with the jackknife pin!

Footage aired from an interview that Darby Allin and Nick Wayne had with Lexy Nair from last Wednesday after Dynamite.

AR Fox interrupted the interview!

Fox: “Nick, I’m sorry. 16 years, man. It took me 16 years to get here, and I never thought I’d make it. When I lost that match to Orange Cassidy, I just thought everybody lost faith in me. I just panicked, man.”

AR Fox offered his hand, but Nick Wayne walked off.

Darby Allin: “I know you’re sorry.”

Darby accepted AR Fox’s hand.

Big Bill (with “Absolute” Ricky Starks) vs. Vary Morales!

Big Bill picked up Vary and threw him halfway across the ring!

“A seek and destroy mission,” said Kevin Kelly.

Big Bill charged and splashed Morales in the corner. Big Bill rocked Vary with a massive boot to the face. Big Bill planted Vary Morales with a chokeslam and pinned him!

After the match, Ricky Starks grabbed a microphone and said Vary reminded him of a young Ricky Steamboat. He proceeded to whip Vary with the same belt he whipped Steamboat with.

Lexy Nair was backstage with The Outcasts’ Ruby Soho!

Ruby Soho: “Kris Statlander, I challenge you for your TBS Championship in Chicago at All Out. And I’m going to beat you once again. You may be more than a woman, but you’ll always be less than an Outcast.”

Willow Nightingale vs. Robyn Renegade (with Charlotte Renegade)!

Willow escaped a headlock, but Robyn connected with a solid right hand shot. Willow fired back with a splash for a near fall. Willow took down Robyn with two snap suplexes. Robyn tripped up Willow and planted her on the ring apron.

Willow clobbered Robyn with a clothesline. She rocked Robyn with a spinebuster for a near fall. Mercedes Martinez and Diamante were watching the match on a monitor backstage.

Robyn dodged a cannonball from Willow and followed up with a missile dropkick. Willow was almost double teamed outside the ring, but she was able to double suplex the Renegade sisters on the arena floor. Willow power bombed Robyn in the ring and pinned her!

Lexy Nair interviewed TBS Champion Kris Statlander!

Statlander: “I am the TBS Champion, so if you want to call me out, I will see you Ruby, at All Out!”

“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. Zicky Dice!

Keith Lee ran over Dice with a lariat. Keith Lee pounced Dice! Keith Lee hit the powerbomb and pinned Zicky Dice!

“That is a decisive victory,” said Caprice.

Main Event Time!

All In All-Star 8-Man Tag!

Jay White, Swerve Strickland, Luchasaurus, & Brian Cage


AEW “Real World Champion” CM Punk, Darby Allin, Sting, & Hook!

Ring of Honor World TV Champion Samoa Joe was on commentary for this match.

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Swerve mocked CM Punk after taking him down. Jay White tagged in and said he wanted Sting! Punk turned around to tag in Sting but Jay White blindsided Punk. CM Punk answered back with knife edge chops. Punk suplexed “Switchblade” and then tagged out to Hook. After some grappling, Hook tagged in Darby. Darby held the wrist lock on Jay White and tagged Punk back into the match.

Punk was going to tag Sting in, but Jay White retreated and tagged Luchasaurus. Darby slapped Luchasaurus in the face. Darby blind tagged Sting. Darby and Sting splashed Luchasaurus in the corner.

Hook battered Swerve in the corner. He hurled Swerve overhead with a suplex. Jay White distracted Hook and Swerve hit Hook from behind. Brian Cage came in and stomped Hook in the corner. Hook suplexed “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Punk and Jay tagged in for their respective teams. Punk cleaned house on the opposition. Punk used a running bulldog. He body slammed Jay White. Punk hit the Macho Man elbow drop on “Switchblade.”

Hook came in but Luchasaurus choke slammed him. Brian Cage ate a roundhouse kick from Punk. CM Punk lifted up Cage and nailed him with the GTS, the whole time staring down Samoa Joe who was sitting at the commentary booth. Punk locked on Samoa Joe’s finisher and forced Brian Cage to tap out!

Samoa Joe ran into the ring! He and Punk began to brawl! Samoa Joe headbutted CM Punk. Jack Perry sprinted to the ring and blindsided Hook! CM Punk whipped Samoa Joe into the guardrail. Sting hit Swerve with a kendo stick! Samoa Joe smashed CM Punk with the Real World Title!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

Be a part of history! This Sunday order All In: London from Wembley Stadium, live on pay-per-view at 6pm BST / 1pm ET! Zero Hour begins at 5pm BST / Noon ET / 9am PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Last week on COLLISION, fans witnessed CM Punk retain his “Real” World Championship over Ricky Starks, in part thanks to Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat having a keen eye for Starks’ cheating, and stepping in when referee Stephon Smith was knocked out of commission. Still, it didn’t save Steamboat from getting attacked by Ricky after the match, of course after Punk had already left the ring, necessitating Punk to come in with chair in hand to chase the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament winner away.

In addition, FTR retained their AEW World Tag Team Championship over Big Bill and Brian Cage in a hard-fought battle while Kris Statlander bested Mercedes Martinez in their TBS Championship clash only to fall victim to an assault from both Martinez and Diamante! The House of Black retained their World Trios Champions titles, Samoa Joe challenged CM Punk to meet him at ALL IN: LONDON, and Jay White was back in action as well!

This week all of those champions will be in action once again, six of them in the same match, as The House of Black defends their AEW World Trios Championship against the team collectively known as CMFTR! On top of that, TBS Champion Kris Statlander will team up with Willow Nightingale to face Mercedes and Diamante in tag team action, and speaking of tag teams, The Acclaimed will be back in the mix this Saturday night when COLLISION comes to Greensboro, NC and the historic Greensboro Coliseum! The show begins at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT, as well as at for AEW’s international fans, so make it a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest edition of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


The House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black)


CMFTR (AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR & CM Punk)

It was far from an off-week for all the men involved in this bout as all six defended their titles on COLLISION. The House of Black, unarguably, had the easiest night of them all, and that’s meant as no slight to Action Andretti, Lee Johnson, or Darius Martin, it’s just that they were a trio fighting in their first outing together, and while they pushed The House for nine minutes, ultimately they were left decimated by Brody, Buddy, and Malakai. Now the CMFTR side of this coin, they put in 35 minutes of ring time between their two respective matches:

Now Dax and Cash may have been facing a team rather inexperienced in working together, but who have been quite the destructive force in their limited outings as a pair. Big Bill and Brian Cage ran the table on the Eliminator Battle Royale to earn this shot, and that was after several impressive outings in the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament that earned MJF and Adam Cole their title opportunity. So while they may have successfully defended their AEW World Tag Team Championship against Big Bill and Brian Cage, Dax and Cash took quite a beating from the monsters in the process, and that was after facing MJF and Cole the week prior, going nearly an hour with Juice and Jay White two weeks before that, and nearly thirty minutes with that BULLET CLUB GOLD duo the week before that. Suffice it to say FTR has been putting in the work since the debut of COLLISION, as well as making their presence known on DYNAMITE several times, and thus they are feeling it coming into this Trios bout.

And the same could be said for their partner, the self-proclaimed “Real” World Champion, CM Punk. Coming off a tremendous victory over Ricky Starks in which he put in 22 minutes of ring time, Punk has to walk around knowing what happened to Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat in the aftermath of the match, a match he was responsible for bringing Steamboat into in the first place. On top of that, though he may have been off the week prior, two weeks earlier he and Darby Allin were topped by Ricky Starks and Christian Cage, the week before that he lost in the finals of The Owen Hart Foundation Tournament to Ricky Starks, and the week before that he took an absolute beating from Samoa Joe en route to squeaking out a win over the ROH World TV Champion. So yeah, Punk is feeling it too coming into this Trios Championship contest.

Perhaps that is where CMFTR is most dangerous, when they are worn out, tired, and exhausted from their fights, perhaps that is where they are most likely to risk it all to end this House of Black reign, but that is what they will have to do in order to have hope in winning. Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Malakai Black have far more experience working as a trio, and their seven championship defenses are testament to that resume. In fact, in all of AEW, The Elite and Death Triangle are the only active threesomes with more matches under their proverbial belt, and no active trio has more victories, though The House and Elite are tied with 17 wins each. So it is going to take every ounce of fight CMFTR has left in their body after these last two grueling months if they hope to dethrone The House of Black and head into Wembley Stadium holding the AEW World Trios Championship Titles.

Of course, both Punk and FTR have other ALL IN: LONDON issues to worry about, FTR with an officially scheduled World Tag Team Championship match against The Young Bucks and CM Punk with a challenge laid out by ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe, so they’ve already got plenty to worry about without even adding these championship titles to their plate! Should they win, would these six men pull double duty at Wembley as MJF and Adam Cole appear set to do? And even if they do not win, the question remains who will step up to fight The House of Black should they too make the excursion on August 27th?


TBS Champion Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale


Diamante & Mercedes Martinez

Perhaps Diamante took to heart the words Athena shared with her after their ROH World Championship fight, telling her fallen foe that she has what it takes, but she’s missing something, and needed to step it up to reach championship level. It certainly seems likely given that, just two days later, Diamante joined Mercedes Martinez in assaulting TBS Champion Kris Statlander following her title victory over “The OG Badass”.

Prior to that moment, there was little common ground between the women other than both had multiple losses to Kris Statlander on their resume, and that both had fallen to Athena when the ROH Women’s World Championship was at stake. Well after the events that took place following Mercedes loss to Stat, these two women can add another commonality, an enemy named Willow Nightingale!

Now both are familiar with the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament winner; her and Diamante have split a pair of singles matches in AEW while Mercedes bested Willow for the Interim ROH Women’s World Championship at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2022. But now “The Babe with the Power”, after her epic collision with Athena at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2023, is primed to prove that she’s a dominating force in AEW, and siding up with Kris Statlander in this confrontation is quite the way to do just that.

Two top shelf athletes from Long Island facing two of the baddest women in pro wrestling today; it goes down this Saturday night on COLLISION and will no play a part in the future of the TBS Championship!


With Daddy Ass leaving his boots in the ring and apparently retiring from in-ring competition, The Acclaimed of Anthony Bowens and Max Caster will be stepping back into tag team action this Saturday night on COLLISION! As former AEW World Tag Team Champions, they know what it takes to get back to the top of the division, and although they’ve not been in a traditional tag team bout since the March 25th edition of RAMPAGE, they still have the most victories of any team in All Elite history with 54, and with 66 tag matches they’ve fought in more tag team bouts than any team in AEW history.

Will this Saturday mark the start of another climb towards the World Tag Team Championship for The Acclaimed? Or will their time spent in trios competition leave them a little out of practice from working the game from this angle.

AEW swings into Greensboro, NC and the historic Greensboro Coliseum for an all-new COLLISION featuring one massive AEW World Trios Championship bout pitting The House of Black against CMFTR, a tag team grudge match with TBS Champion Kris Statlander being joined by Willow Nightingale to face Mercedes Martinez and Diamante, and the return of The Acclaimed to tag team action! The night kicks off at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT, as well as at for AEW’s international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s COLLISION, this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest edition of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

**CONTAINS SPOILERS** Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, SC! Nigel McGuinness…

**CONTAINS SPOILERS** Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the XL Center in Hartford, CT! Nigel McGuinness and Ian Riccaboni…

Last week’s edition of COLLISION saw CM Punk and Darby Allin fall to Ricky Starks and faux-TNT Champion Christian Cage in tag team…