After witnessed two championships change hands last Tuesday during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, AEW’s flagship returns to its regular time for our debut at the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX! With that debut comes the 2023 Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, the winner facing MJF for that Dynamite Diamond Ring, as well as a first-time encounter between Penta El Zero Miedo and Jay White, Kenny Omega answering Kyle Fletcher’s challenge, Toni Storm’s next blockbuster, “The Icon” Sting, and so much more!!!

This Wednesday night DYNAMITE is back in home time slot, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for our international fans! Before the night begins, nake sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Including: Dustin Rhodes, Juice Robinson, and more!!!

The first three years of the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale the format was such that the last two men standing would move on to a singles match the following week to determine ownership of the Dynamite Diamond Ring. 2019 Battle Royale result put MJF opposite Hangman Page in their only singles match to date, ultimately leading to Max becoming the inaugural holder of the pricey accessory. 2020’s winners would be MJF and Orange Cassidy, and that too would result in MJF retaining possession of the ring in their lone head-to-head clash. 2021’s Battle Royale took place in front of MJF’s hometown Long Island crowd, and resulted in he and Dante Martin meeting in their only one-on-one fight, as well as MJF once again keeping the ring on his finger.

2022 would be a different story though; with MJF having defeated Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship at FULL GEAR a few weeks prior, it was decided that the winner of the Battle Royale would face Max at WINTER IS COMING 2022 with both the ring and the title at stake. “Absolute” Ricky Starks would last eliminate Matt Hardy and Ethan Page to earn his shot, but unfortunately he would leave the match with MJF, their only singles meeting as well, with an empty finger and an empty waist. No ring, no championship, just MJF keeping the ring for the fourth straight year as well as making his first successful championship defense.

Now here we are nearly one year later with MJF still the AEW World Champion, and that ring still adorning his finger, although it hasn’t been put to nefarious use nearly as much over the last few months as it has in the past. This Wednesday night in Rosenberg, TX, when AEW debuts at the Fort Bend Epicenter, someone will earn an opportunity to give the Dynamite Diamond Ring its first new home, and we know that both Juice Robinson and Dustin Rhodes have claimed their spot in the Battle Royale. For the latter it’s about legacy, for the former its about taking something from MJF before he defends the AEW World Championship against “King Switch” Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023. But before anyone looks to the fight with Max, they’ve got to win the Battle Royal first, and that is never an easy feat!


Penta El Zero Miedo vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

Speaking of Jay White, though he will likely have an eye on the outcome of the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, he will have his own hands full in Texas when he meets Penta El Zero Miedo in singles combat! This first-time meeting of these two men comes as a result of Jay White and BC GOLD interrupting Renee Paquette asking Penta for an update on his brother Rey Fenix after Rey lost the AEW International Championship to Orange Cassidy.

White and company had no skin in that game, no stake in the status of Fenix, OC, or Penta, but yet there they were en masse choosing to insert their voice into the conversation and mock The Lucha Brothers for their lack of championship belts. Of course Jay White persists in his claim that he earned the Triple B rightfully belonging to Maxwell Jacob Friedman, a claim that in his heart even Jay knows is false, but it doesn’t stop him from running off at the mouth, and ending up in fights like the one he’s about to enter on Wednesday night.

Unlike Jay, Penta El Zero Miedo has earned multiple championships in All Elite Wrestling, posting status as a former AEW World Tag Team Champion with his brother, as well as a former AEW World Trios Champion with Rey and “The Bastard” PAC, but this fight will obviously not be held with anyone standing in Penta’s corner waiting for a tag. Nor will anyone be in White’s corner for a tag, but there’s a good chance the rest of the Bang Bang Gang will be there up to no good.


Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega

Kyle Fletcher is a brave man, possibly foolish, but absolutely brave, and on a mission to be, in his words, “…in the conversation of the best to ever do it”. Stepping into the ring with FTR twice, Bryan Danielson twice, Chris Jericho, and Kenny Omega in the span of the week between September 30th and October 7th is certainly one way to work the mission. Calling out the only former AEW World, Tag, and Trios Champion is absolutely another way to do it, and that’s exactly what Fletcher did on COLLISION following his victory over The Iron Savage’s Boulder when he challenged Kenny Omega to a fight!

The only way to become the best is to beat the best, and the only way to make that possible is to be in the ring with them in the first place, so kudos to the former ROH World Tag Champion for his gumption, but this Wednesday night Kyle has to put his proverbial money where his mouth is and actually fight “The Cleaner” one-on-one! Unlike their previous tag team encounter where Fletcher was a last minute substitute for the injured Sammy Guevara, both men have now had several days to prepare for this contest so we shall see if that opportunity shifts the outcome either way. Fletcher no doubt will spend those days with Don Callis in his ear pointing out Kenny’s supposed flaws and weak spots, and possibly with Don, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Takeshita in his corner during the match as well.

After the beating Omega took from Hobbs two weeks ago, is he anywhere near 100% and ready for a fight? And after they were there at Omega’s side during his recovery time last week, will The Young Bucks be at his side to balance the scales?



When last we saw Nick Wayne he was on the receiving end of a spear from Adam Copeland to close out COLLISION, but that may feel like a walk in the park on a crisp Autumn day compared to what’s in store for the young man this Wednesday night. For the first time since watching Nick betray Darby Wayne at WRESTLEDREAM, the AEW faithful will hear from Nick Wayne’s mother Shayna when she and her son sit-down with Jim Ross on DYNAMITE!

Given everything that Darby has meant to Nick and his family over the years, and what that family has in turn met to the former 2-Time TNT Champion, one can only imagine the disappointment Shayna feels about her son choosing Christian Cage over Darby Allin, especially given the way Christian has talked about Nick’s mother over the last several weeks!


And speaking of that betrayal, another man victimized by Nick Wayne’s betrayal was “The Icon” Sting and it was only the timely arrival of Adam Copeland at WRESTLEDREAM that saved him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of Wayne, Christian Cage, and Luchasaurus.

Now we have not heard from Sting since that night in Seattle, but this Wednesday in Texas “The Icon” will be back in the house to address the AEW faithful! What will Sting have to say about the events that unfolded at WRESTLEDREAM, about AEW’s newest arrival Adam Copeland, and about what the future holds for him?


Last week the AEW faithful witnessed the premiere of Toni Storm’s “Lover’s Lament”, a silent feature in two acts, that wrapped up shortly after a title screen that read “Miss Storm you are needed on set” came across the screen. Coincidentally, or not, it was shortly thereafter that the former 2-Time AEW Women’s Champion entered the scene during Shida’s title fight with Saraya to chase off Ruby Soho.

This week on DYNAMITE, it appears we are all invited to the premiere of “Timeless” Toni Storm’s next cinematic masterpiece! How can she possibly follow-up “Lover’s Lament”? Tune in Wednesday night to TBS to witness the next blockbuster added to Storm’s resume!

This Wednesday night, DYNAMITE returns to its regularly scheduled start of 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, and brings to the Fort Bend Epicenter the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, “Switchblade” versus Penta, Aussie Open versus Elite, “The Icon”, “Timeless” Toni, and so much more! Be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER to get prepared for AEW’s debut in Rosenberg, TX!


Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday was broadcast live from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means!

ROH World & NJPW Strong Openweight Title Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Minoru Suzuki!

Suzuki invited Kingston to chop him. Kingston took the straps down and he and Suzuki exchanged chops to the chest, blistering one another! Suzuki blasted Kingston with a forearm, knocking him to the mat and stunning him.

“Kingston on roller skates,” said Excalibur.

Kingston fired himself up and plastered Suzuki with a stiff chop. He followed up with rapid, machine gun style chops to Suzuki’s chest. Kingston backed Suzuki into the corner with more chops.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh were watching on the monitor.

After a Northern Lights Bomb, Kingston grabbed the pin on Suzuki and retained the title!

AEW President & CEO Tony Khan made an appearance backstage and advised that Jon Moxley hasn’t been medically cleared for tonight’s match.

FTW Champion HOOK interrupted, along with Orange Cassidy, and HOOK insisted Orange Cassidy fill in for Mox. Tony Khan agreed and made the match official between Orange Cassidy and AEW International Champion Rey Fenix!

Buy-In concluded, and AEW Dynamite: Title Tuesday kicked off with…

TNT Champion Christian Cage appearing from inside the production truck!

Christian Cage: “This is without a doubt the biggest AEW Dynamite ever, Title Tuesday. And how fitting is it that the first thing you see is Christian Cage. And there are serious implications for my title tonight, with Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson squaring off to determine who will face me this Saturday on Collision!

“In the main event, my right hand of destruction is going to end the run of Adam Copeland before it even gets started. But before that match, I may have to walk out and elaborate on those three words I left you hanging with last week.

“And as the face of TNT, the face of Warner Brothers Discovery, I’ve procured the first 30 minutes of Dynamite commercial free. You’re welcome. Now start this show!”

#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship!

The Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)


“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

There was a stalemate early on. Danielson tried for a knee bar, but Swerve escaped. Swerve slapped Danielson in the face and Danielson fired back with a slap to Swerve. After each man reversed cradles from the other, it was clear they were evenly matched.

The fans began to chant “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson booted Swerve in the jaw. They traded strikes on the apron. Swerve nailed Danielson with a side slam on the corner of the ring! Danielson came up clutching his back.

Swerve powerslammed Danielson and then transitioned into a brainbuster for a near fall on the American Dragon. Swerve went for a 450 splash, but Danielson raised his knees. Danielson rocked Swerve with a jumping knee strike off the apron! Danielson dropkicked Swerve from the top turnbuckle.

Danielson clocked Swerve with repeated round kicks. Danielson charged off the ropes, but Swerve connected with a kick to the body. Swerve positioned Danielson on the corner of the ring, hanging him by the feet and legs. Swerve crashed down on Danielson with a double foot stomp!

Swerve went for another foot stomp inside the ring, but Danielson countered with a single leg crab. Danielson transitioned into a heel hook, but Swerve managed to grab the bottom rope. Danielson back suplexed Swerve from the top turnbuckle! Danielson was clutching his surgically repaired arm.

Danielson captured Swerve’s wrists and hammered the face of Swerve with kicks! Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock, but Swerve used his leg to get to the bottom rope and force the break. Danielson was setting up to charge at Swerve, running first into the turnbuckle to gather speed, but upon impact he collapsed, holding onto his midsection. Swerve capitalized with the House Call! Swerve jumped down with the Swerve Stomp on Danielson, but Danielson kicked out at two! Excalibur and Taz speculated that Danielson injured his liver.

Prince Nana distracted the ref while Swerve went to grab the crown that Nana left behind. “Hangman” Adam Page grabbed it out of Swerve’s hands! Danielson went for the running knee, but Swerve tried to counter with the JML Driver, but Danielson countered that with a cradle, but Swerve kicked out! Danielson went back to the wishing well again and smacked Swerve with the running knee strike and pinned Swerve!

This Saturday on Collision it’ll be Christian Cage defending the TNT Championship against Bryan Danielson! Swerve and Prince Nana sneered at “Hangman” Adam Page after the match.

A vignette aired for ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe!

“This Saturday at Collision I begin my road to AEW World Championship gold. I’ll show the world why I am violence manifest. Domination made flesh. Why I am the man who goes out there and takes what he wants from anybody he wants to. This Saturday at Collision I begin my ascension towards greatness.”

Powerhouse Hobbs (with Don Callis) vs. Chris Jericho!

Jericho and Hobbs slugged it out! Hobbs got the upper hand. Hobbs nailed Jericho with a spinebuster for a near fall. Hobbs grounded and pounded Jericho and then delivered a second spinebuster!

Hobbs hoisted up Jericho and drilled him with a third spinebuster. Hobbs headbutted Jericho right between the eyes. Hobbs hit another spinebuster on Jericho.

Don Callis yelled “Hurt him! Hurt him!”

Hobbs planted Jericho with another spinebuster. Jericho cradled his midsection. Jericho fought back with shoulder tackles. Jericho connected with a Code Breaker on Hobbs for a two-count. Hobbs fired back with another spinebuster.

Jericho chop blocked Hobbs. Jericho applied the Walls on Hobbs, sitting back deep. Hobbs escaped and slammed Jericho. Hobbs hammered Jericho with punches. Hobbs spiked Jericho with another slam. Hobbs put his knee on Jericho’s face and pinned him!

“I’ve never seen Jericho dominated quite like this,” said Excalibur.

“Powerhouse Hobbs just dismantled one of the greatest ever in Chris Jericho,” said Taz.

“What a victory,” replied Tony Schiavone.

“And what a recruit for the Don Callis Family,” added Excalibur.

After the match Hobbs picked up Jericho and planted him hard on the mat again!

Footage was shown from earlier in the day from Roderick Strong’s humble abode.

Roderick Strong was in his backyard with the Kingdom and Adam Cole.

Adam Cole said he’d been there nearly a week, needed to get his surgery done, but wanted to know what else Roddy wanted him to do.

Strong: “I need you to cut my grass.”

Cole mowed the lawn on one leg while the other leg was on his injury mobility scooter. They went back into the house and Cole said he thought it was weird that there was no service and no TV in the house. He wanted to see what his friend MJF was up to.

Strong: “TV is the devil. The absolute devil.”

Cole wanted to leave to get surgery but Strong said he needed just one more thing.

AEW International Championship Match!

Rey Fenix (c.) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Orange charged at Rey Fenix and dished out forearms. Fenix fired back with lariats. Fenix was looking for a German Suplex, but his back gave out.

Rey Fenix cracked Orange with a thrust kick. Fenix hit a frog splash for a near fall, wrestling with purpose and trying to end the match quickly.

“When you’re hurting, you want to end it quickly,” said Taz.

Outside the ring, Orange Cassidy whipped Rey Fenix into the steel guardrail. Orange rammed Rey Fenix into the steel ring post. Orange swept out Rey Fenix’s leg. Orange climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Rey Fenix hit him with a flying uppercut. Rey Fenix was looking for a muscle buster, but his back gave out. Orange countered with a diving DDT and then another DDT for a two-count on Rey Fenix!

Orange tried for the Orange Punch, but Rey Fenix countered with a thrust kick. Rey Fenix tried to charge at Orange, but his back gave out again. Orange Cassidy blasted Rey Fenix with the Beach Break for a near fall. Orange pulped Rey Fenix with the Orange Punch and after tying him up in the mousetrap, Orange Cassidy pinned Rey Fenix!

And once again AEW International Champion…Orange Cassidy!

The Best Friends, Rocky Romero, and HOOK came out to congratulate Orange Cassidy.

Wardlow vs. Matt Sydal!

Wardlow ran at Sydal and rammed him into the turnbuckles. Wardlow powerbombed Sydal. He powerbombed Sydal again. And then again! Wardlow powerbombed Sydal again and the ref stopped the match, declaring Wardlow the winner!

Renee Paquette was backstage trying to get a medical update on Chris Jericho!

Daniel Garcia came to check on Jericho. Matt Menard grabbed Garcia by the shoulder and said, “What are you doing?”

Garcia said, “I’m being a human. I’m checking on somebody that we cared about.”

Menard: “I’ve had just about enough. We’re better than this. We’re better than this now.”

Menard walked away and then Garcia followed.

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White


ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion “Hangman” Adam Page!

Switchblade came out wearing the AEW World Championship Title. Bullet Club Gold rode out on big wheels.

“He stole that title from MJF,” said Taz.

Hangman flew over the top rope and landed on Jay White on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Jay White grabbed a chin lock on Page. They traded strikes. Jay White took down Adam Page with a dragon screw leg whip.

Hangman caught Switchblade and drilled him with a Death Valley Driver. Page sent White soaring with a fallaway slam and followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Hangman powerbombed Jay White on the apron!

“That was a thud right there,” said Taz.

Jay White suplexed Adam Page into the turnbuckles. White drilled Page with a knee breaker right on the apron! Hangman came back with a blockbuster off the top rope, but Page was clutching his knee after the landing.

Jay White connected with an uranage for a near fall. Hangman dropped Jay White with a rolling elbow. Hangman was looking for the Buckshot Lariat, but Jay White countered with a dragon screw.

Hangman guillotined Jay White on the top rope. Hangman nailed Jay White with a moonsault on the arena floor. Back in the ring Jay White lured Hangman in and rocked him with a German Suplex. Jay White chop blocked Hangman. Page got to his feet and walloped Jay White with a lariat!

Hangman went for the Buckshot, but Jay White tried to counter with the Blade Runner, but Page countered with the Dead Eye! Bullet Club Gold panicked outside the ring. Page covered White but White kicked out at two!

Bullet Club Gold distracted the ref while Prince Nana crept up with his crown in his hand. Hangman saw Prince Nana and turned his attention toward him, but Jay White grabbed a handful of Page’s tights, rolled him up and pinned him!

After the match, an enraged Hangman limped up the ramp and tried to catch up with the retreating Prince Nana!

AEW World Champion MJF came out on the ramp!

MJF: “Cut my music! Look at me Jay White! You wanted the main event match, bright lights, Full Gear for the World Title, you got it, you’re welcome. Now give me back my belt! Be a man!”

Jay White: “We don’t want to hear anymore from MJF. No, no, we want to hear from J-A-Y. Your scumbag wants the Triple B, you want the Bang Bang belt? I was going to say yes until you were so rude, so the answer is no.”

MJF: “I’ll be the bigger man here. Jay, I know you because I was you. You are the guy who doesn’t give a damn about anybody else. You will use and abuse people. You and I both know you don’t care about any of those three in the Bullet Club Gold. You are using them, and I know because that is right out of the MJF playbook.

“For the first time in my life I have earned the respect of these fans. Now Jay White there are two things in this life I care about: my brother, Adam Cole, who is out right now injured. And that’s my cross to bear. And there is that title you’re holding. You call it a belt. That’s not a belt. That is my livelihood. That is my legacy. Because when you win the AEW World Title, that makes you the best wrestler in the world.

“Jay, if you weren’t surrounded by those idiots, I would have already taken back what’s mine. Jay White, I know how talented you are. I am sure someday you will join the very exclusive club of being an AEW World Champion, however, that day is not today. Do you understand me? So, I’m going to ask you to do the hard thing for once in your life. Dig deep, be a man, show some dignity to this sport, to AEW and to these fans, and give me back what you have not yet earned.”

Jay White: “You’re just coming out here and asking me to give it back to you. How is that earning it? Thank you for coming out and asking me nicely instead of jumping me from behind in your cute little devil mask.

“But you’re just asking for this. You can’t just ask for this. You must earn it. You must earn it, officially. And you have a match coming up November 18th at Full Gear. You’ll get your chance, but you’ll fail. But if you can’t be patient, you could just come down and take it.

“But something tells me with us five here, and you don’t have no friends, but if you can find three friends who can tolerate you, you come up with your four against the Bang Bang Gang, and if you win, maybe you’ll get the Bang Bang Belt back.”

Juice Robinson: “And MJF, before you leave, I heard through the grapevine that next week there is a Dynamite Diamond Dozen Battle Royale for a chance to win that stupid ring that you care about so much! So, throw my name in because I’m going to win the battle royale and I’m going to win that ring and we’re going to take away everything you love. And I’ve got a roll of quarters here with your name on it. So, after we ruin your life, I’m going to—”

MJF: “Hey! You come at me with that roll of quarters and I’m going to end your life!”

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

Saraya shoved at Shida. Shida turned Saraya around and battered her with forearms. Shida scored with a running knee strike.

Shida rocked Saraya with a rising knee strike outside the ring. Someone dressed all in black tried to ambush Shida. They were holding a can of spray paint. It was Ruby Soho!

Shida turned the can around and sprayed Ruby Soho in the eyes! Soho ran up the ramp, but “Timeless” Toni Storm was there, clobbering her with the shoe! Toni Storm chased Ruby Soho over the guardrail and through the fans!

Shida drilled Saraya with a jumping knee strike. Shida hammered Saraya with punches. She followed up with a missile dropkick for a near fall on Saraya.

Saraya yanked Shida by the wrist, sending Shida tumbling onto the edge of the ring! Shida stunned Saraya with a stalling German Suplex on the ring apron. She followed up with a meteora off the apron onto Saraya. Shida rammed Saraya with a running knee for a near fall.

Shida clocked Saraya with a question mark kick. Shida climbed to the top turnbuckle and Saraya countered with a thrust kick. Saraya crushed Shida with the Knight Cap for a two-count! Saraya put a can of spray paint in her waistband and grabbed the kendo stick. Ref Paul Turner saw the kendo stick and pulled it away. As the ref turned his back to toss the kendo stick out of the ring, Saraya went to her backup plan and sprayed Shida in the eyes with the can of paint! Saraya drilled Shida with a second Knight Cap, but Shida kicked out at two!

“Hikaru Shida will not be denied!” said Excalibur.

Shida planted Saraya with the Falcon Arrow. She went to cover Saraya, but Saraya countered. Shida countered that, rolling up Saraya and pinning her!

And new AEW Women’s World Champion…Hikaru Shida!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW World Champion MJF!

MJF: “I’m just not in the mood to be interviewed. I just want to call my boy and get some advice. Please pick up Adam.”

Adam Cole answered. MJF said he’d been trying to get ahold of Adam Cole for days.

Adam Cole apologized and said he was still helping Roderick Strong because Strong was injured.

MJF: “Adam, I need your help. I’m getting attacked left and right by Bullet Club Gold. They stole the triple B. Samoa Joe apparently wants another title shot. And Juice Robinson has opened some old wounds, dude.”

Adam Cole: “Max, can you hear me? Roddy is in the middle of nowhere.”

The phone lost reception and the line went dead.

The Acclaimed walked up to MJF. Caster said he overhead the phone call. Caster said he figured the Acclaimed could team with MJF to take on the Bang Bang Gang. MJF walked away, upset.

Daddy Ass told Caster to hold on one second. “When did you think you could just offer up our services? And what is your infatuation with MJF?” asked Daddy Ass.

Caster: “We started wrestling together. I’ve known him for 10 years. And he’s my friend. I think he needs our help. Plus, I like when he plays hard to get.”

Main Event Time!

“Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland


Luchasaurus (with TNT Champion Christian Cage)!

Before the match, Christian Cage said he is not Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne’s leader. He is their father. Christian Cage asked why Adam Copeland didn’t want to help him when he was getting held back a few years ago and Adam was being pushed to the moon. “You need me. I don’t need you! But I can’t say I blame you for being a fan, Adam. I have a lot of fans around the world. In fact, I know your wife Beth is a huge fan.”

Adam Copeland charged to the ring! Nick Wayne grabbed onto Copeland’s leg. Luchasaurus booted Copeland in the face. Luchasaurus followed up with the Extinction lariat before the bell rang!

Luchasaurus spiked Adam Copeland with a tombstone piledriver for a near fall. Christian Cage sat on the ramp, watching the match.

Luchasaurus whipped Adam Copeland into the turnbuckles. Luchasaurus body slammed Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus fired off a combination of strikes to Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus suplexed Adam Copeland.

Outside the ring, Nick Wayne shoved Adam Copeland into the ring post! Luchasaurus pulled the ring steps. He was going to plant Copeland on them. Copeland fired back with shots and then DDT’ed Luchasaurus onto the arena floor!

Copeland splashed Luchasaurus across the back! Cope connected with elbow strikes but Luchasaurus countered with a headbutt. Copeland blocked a chokeslam and rocked Luchasaurus with an Impaler DDT for a near fall!

Copeland and Luchasaurus jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Cope superplexed Luchasaurus! Christian Cage walked closer to the ring and the ref was distracted. The ref turned around, ordering Christian Cage to back away. While this was happening, Nick Wayne propped up a chair between the turnbuckles. Copeland went for the spear, but Luchasaurus dodged him, sending Cope headfirst into the steel chair!

Luchasaurus choke slammed Copeland, but Copeland kicked out! Copeland avoided the Extinction from Luchasaurus. Copeland ran off the ring, jumped off the ring steps, and speared Luchasaurus on the arena floor!

Back in the ring, Cope was looking for another spear. Nick Wayne jumped onto the ring apron and distracted the ref while Christian Cage jumped on the other side of the ring. Christian Cage was going to hit Copeland with the TNT Championship, but Copeland yanked it out of Christian Cage’s hands and rammed it into Luchasaurus’ head! Copeland threw the title back to Christian Cage. Luchasaurus turned around and thought Christian Cage was the one who hit him with it! Luchasaurus turned around and Copeland speared him! Copeland covered Luchasaurus and pinned him for the victory!

After the match, Nick Wayne chop blocked Adam Copeland. Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus stomped Copeland. Danielson ran to the ring and clocked Christian. Danielson jumped into the ring and went after Nick Wayne. Luchasaurus drilled Danielson with a high boot. Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to even up the odds. The Mogul Embassy came down and began to brawl with the Blackpool Combat Club! “Hangman” Adam Page joined the fray and he and Swerve exchanged strikes. Copeland speared Nick Wayne. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock on Christian Cage and Cage tapped!

“Will this be the scene this Saturday on Collision at a special 7pm start time?! Christian Cage! Bryan Danielson! One on one for the TNT Championship!”

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

***Special start time at 7/6c! Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

It’s been seven months since All Elite Wrestling last visited the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO, but we are back this Tuesday night with a special edition of DYNAMITE! TITLE TUESDAY brings to the AEW faithful a loaded edition of our flagship show with two championship matches, a collection of other must-see battles, and AEW World Champion MJF ! Plus the first 30 minutes will air commercial-free!

On a special DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, All Elite Wrestling comes to you live on TBS, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, as well as at for our international fans! Be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Rey Fenix(c) vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley’s got one victory, Fenix has another, but the latter’s is absolutely the bigger win as it led to Fenix being called the new AEW International Champion, a title he’s defended twice in twenty days despite the pain racking his body. Being a singles champion is nothing unfamiliar to Fenix, though this is his first AEW solo title, he actually began his AEW career as AAA Mega Champion, and claimed both the AAA World Cruiserweight Title and AAA Latin American Title in June of last year, saying nothing of the singles titles he claimed prior to the inception of All Elite Wrestling.

As for Moxley, well he’s the first man to claim both the AEW World Championship and the AEW International Championship, and in fact the first AEW competitor to hold two different singles titles since the company began in 2019. He was also the man who ended the historic AEW International Championship reign of Orange Cassidy which left many assuming that Mox would enjoy a reign that possibly even surpassed the standard set by “Freshly Squeezed”. The BCC member was certainly off to a good start, cramming four title defenses in 17 days, but that fourth one against Rey Fenix would bring everyone’s expectations of Mox’s title reign to a screeching halt.

Rey Fenix, a former AEW World Tag Team Champion and former AEW World Trios Champion who’d never held an AEW singles title, would bring Moxley’s International Title run to an abrupt end at GRAND SLAM 2023, and put the man on the sidelines for the last several weeks as well. The former 3-Time AEW World Champion would miss WRESTLEDREAM as an in-ring competitor, though he’d provide stellar commentary on his fellow BCC members matches, but now Moxley is cleared for a return to action and he’s gunning to become the first 2-Time AEW International Champion just as he was the first 2-Time AEW World Champion.

Will Moxley be able to get back that which was shockingly lost, or will Fenix win this rubber match and move forward as the unquestioned International Champion?


Saraya(c) vs. Hikaru Shida

At ALL IN: LONDON Saraya won a Four Way Match to become the new AEW Women’s World Champion, ending the second reign of Hikaru Shida, and Saraya did so without actually defeating the champion in London.

Thus this Tuesday night, as part of TITLE TUESDAY, Hikaru Shida will get her chance at redemption, get her chance at regaining the title she never lost, and all she had to do to get there was defeat Ruby Soho in a singles bout. It wasn’t an easy task, not by any means, but Ruby’s failure to successfully play gatekeeper for Saraya has left the champion with no choice but to face the greatest to ever hold the title.

Though she managed to find a way to beat Toni Storm at GRAND SLAM 2023, and holds a victory over another former champion in Dr. Britt Baker from FULL GEAR 2022, Saraya enters this fight with her back against the wall. She doesn’t have Outcasts to save her in the event of an emergency, she is totally on her own, and has to fight the longest-reigning, most successful champion who’s ever held the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Can Saraya actually beat Hikaru Shida when the title is on the line, and there’s no one else to take advantage of to get the victory? We will see during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY live on TBS from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!


“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus (w/ Christian Cage)

Upon making his AEW debut at WRESTLEDREAM, Adam Copeland jumped straight into the fire when he chose to support Darby Allin and Sting in direct opposition to Luchasaurus, Nick Wayne, and most importantly, his best friend and reigning TNT Champion Christian Cage. Last week on DYNAMITE, when Copeland made his plea to Cage to finish their careers together and was summarily told to go f*** himself by the TNT Champion, it came as quite a shock to AEW’s newest acquisition. Perhaps what was more of a shock was how, after the cameras went off the air, Nick and Luchasaurus tried to attack Adam, only for both to be laid out with Spears from Copeland.

But that would not be the case on COLLISION, rather it would be “The Rated R Superstar” who was left battered and bruised when the cameras went off the air, he and Darby Allin victims of a two-pronged assault from Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus as Christian looked upon his works from the safety of a video wall.

But this Wednesday night there won’t be a spot of safety, not when Adam Copeland steps into the ring for his first All Elite Wrestling match, and has to do so against the behemoth Luchasaurus! Cage’s “Right Hand of Destruction” may be more interested in causing Copeland suffering than actually defeating the man, but the satisfaction Christian Cage will feel from seeing his man humiliate and defeat his best friend may be the desired result of the evening.

The TNT Champion has made it clear as crystal he does not want to partner himself up with Adam Copeland, he is not looking for the highlight video moment of their embrace; Christian Cage is on his own path as TNT Champion and as, quite frankly, the most repugnant human on the AEW roster, and that path does not include any bit of his past. But that doesn’t mean Christian Cage can avoid that past completely, and neither can his lackeys, especially not on TITLE TUESDAY when Luchasaurus is given the honor of being the first man to step into an AEW ring with Adam Copeland!


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland

Swerve Strickland is riding high after defeating Hangman Page at WRESTLEDREAM just a little over a week ago; it doesn’t matter how he got to the win or how Prince Nana may have lent a helping hand, what matters it that Strickland beat Page, left him with a lame arm, and is now in a position to do the same to “The American Dragon”!

Much like Swerve, Bryan Danielson is coming off a huge October 1st win as well, defeating Zack Sabre Jr. in their fight dubbed “Submissions in Seattle”, though it didn’t exactly come down to submissions for the decision. On top of that, Bryan also has the hard-fought victories over Ricky Starks bolstering his momentum, but that man is certainly not one to rest on his laurels and past accomplishments. If so, Danielson need never set foot in the ring again because the resume he’s built since starting in 1999 has justifiably built a reputation as “The Best Wrestler in the World”.

That reputation is what makes this such an attractive match for Swerve Strickland, not to mention the additional bonus of the winner receiving a shot at Christian Cage’s TNT Championship in Toledo on this Saturday’s COLLISION. That title opportunity is huge for both men, but the chance to knock Danielson down a notch is possibly an even richer prize for The Mogul Embassy’s leader. Imagine being able to say he took down both Hangman and The American Dragon in nine days time, and then potentially add Christian Cage to that list too; it could be a very sweet Tuesday night for Swerve, one that will definitely have Prince Nana dancing in the aisles. Conversely, if this is really the final leg of Danielson’s full-time career, than championships must be captured, and the best in the business must be beat; Swerve qualifies for the latter, and Danielson has to get through him to get to the former.

This is going to be a tremendous battle, of that there is no doubt, so which one will the TNT Champion have to prepared for this coming Saturday?


Chris Jericho vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Powerhouse Hobbs has only crossed paths with Chris Jericho one other time in their AEW career, as part of a tag match during the October 2021 Jericho Cruise where the original AEW World Champion and Orange Cassidy teamed up to defeating Hobbs and Ricky Starks.

Never since have their paths crossed, not until last week on DYNAMITE when Hobbs laid out Jericho and Kenny Omega following their victory over Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher. With Don Callis apparently directing the action, Hobbs absolutely destroyed Omega, though to his credit Jericho did try to put himself in the middle of the assault, only to be waylaid by the chair Hobbs was wielding.

So instead of being a savior, Jericho had to lay in a crumpled heap on the mat and hear the sound of Callis cracking a helpless Kenny across the skull with a chair. He had to watch as Callis and Powerhouse stood over him with their hands held up in triumph, helpless to do anything about it at that moment.

Well that moment has passed, and in the moment to come on Tuesday night, Chris Jericho is looking to even the score with Powerhouse Hobbs for that brazen assault! Thus it will be on TITLE TUESDAY that Hobbs and “The Ocho” go head-to-head for the very first time in their careers, and though he may be the veteran in this situation, it’s not unreasonable to say Chris Jericho is the underdog. Not only does he have to deal with the power of Hobbs, he will undoubtedly have other members of Callis’ Family making his life hell as well. After last week, who knows if Kenny Omega is in any condition to provide support to his new-found ally, and it’s very unlikely there’s another soul in AEW who is going to stick their neck out for Jericho after all he’s done since AEW’s inception.


“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

It’s been more than five years since the last time Hangman Page and Jay White went one-on-one inside the squared circle, and though they’ve fought several times previously, and twice in AEW since, their head-to-head record tilts in favor of “Switchblade” two matches to none.

That was a different time and both men have evolved a great deal since then; today Hangman stands as a former AEW World Champion, a former AEW World Tag Team Champion, and one-third of the current ROH World Six-Man Champions. Jay White, to his credit, can claim to be the first-ever NJPW Grand Slam Champion with his standing as a former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, IWGP U.S. Heavyweight Champion, NEVER Openweight Champion, and IWGP Intercontinental Champion, plus “King Switch” is also a former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. They each found their way to the top of the mountain, and now meet once more to see who is the best between the two at this moment.

“Switchblade” is already penciled in as MJF’s challenger for FULL GEAR 2023 on November 19th while “Hangman” is still recovering from a very physical, losing battle with Swerve Strickland at WRESTLEDREAM just a few weeks ago. So to say Hangman merely needs this win after that PPV loss would be a serious understatement, but so too would it be to say that about Jay White given his championship opportunity on the horizon. Both men are fighting for their history together, their present situations, and the future of their careers. Who will be the victor when this rivalry renews?


Well it’s hard to say if AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman has ever been left laying as low as he was by BULLET CLUB GOLD last week. Not only was he taken out by Jay White and his Bladerunner, but his cherished Triple B was also stolen by BC GOLD, forcing Max to listen to his FULL GEAR 2023 ( challenger talk as if he’s the true champion.

Well MJF will be in the house live this Tuesday night at the Cable Dahmer Arena and there’s no way he’s letting this situation go unanswered! But will the champion decide to respond with words or with violence?



Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

Coming off a successful title defense against Komander on COLLISION, Eddie Kingston is now set to defend both his ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship against the incomparable Minoru Suzuki! Though they’ve clashed a few times in tags and trios, this will mark the first singles meeting between two of the hardest-hitting men in professional wrestling today, and it goes down during the TITLE TUESDAY: BUY-IN starting at 7:30pm ET on the AEW YouTube Channel, Facebook page, and the app formerly known as Twitter! Do not miss out on this special double title bout that’s sure to be one of the most memorable in AEW to date.

With Adam Copeland’s 1st AEW match, a huge International Championship rematch between Fenix and Moxley, a Women’s World Championship fight pitting Shida against Saraya, and a slew of other must-see matches, DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, so be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER, all to get prepared for AEW’s return to Independence, MO!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, UT!

Nigel McGuinness and Ian Riccaboni were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AEW World Tag Team Title Match!

FTR (c.)—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler


“Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

Starks charged FTR! He nailed Dax with a satellite DDT after bashing Dax’s shoulder into the steel ring post. Big Bill tagged in a slugged Dax with a vicious lariat, knocking Harwood over the top rope and onto the arena floor.

Doc Sampson was checking on Cash on the arena floor. Starks ordered Big Bill to attack Cash. Big Bill choke slammed Wheeler onto the announcers’ table!

Back in the ring, Dax avoided Big Bill, dodging several splash attempts. Dax had no one to tag out to. Big Bill choke slammed Harwood! Starks ordered Big Bill to hit the move again, and Big Bill choke slammed Harwood a second time. Starks said, “One more time!” Big Bill choke slammed Cash a third time! Big Bill held Harwood while Starks speared Harwood. Starks covered Harwood and pinned him!

New AEW World Tag Team Champions… “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


Aussie Open’s Kyle Fletcher!

Fletcher blasted Bryan with a shoulder block. He followed up with a kick to Bryan Danielson’s bad arm.

Bryan Danielson regained momentum, applying a surfboard submission onto Fletcher. Bryan transitioned into the mount and grounded and pounded Kyle Fletcher.

Fletcher rocketed outside the ring with a tope suicida toward Danielson. Fletcher connected, but his own force carried him into the steel guardrail! Fletcher got back to his feet. Fletcher body slammed Danielson. Bryan got up and drilled Fletcher with round kicks for a near fall.

Fletcher clipped Danielson with a kick and followed up with a brainbuster for a two-count. Danielson blocked a thrust kick and applied an ankle lock on Fletcher. Danielson threw Kyle overhead with a German Suplex. Fletcher fired back with a dragon suplex on the American Dragon!

Fletcher planted Danielson with a Michinoku driver! Fletcher locked in a dragon sleeper!

“That was vicious!” said Nigel.

Fletcher put Danielson on the top rope. Fletcher hit a reverse suplex and went into the dragon sleeper again, but Danielson countered! Danielson escaped and put Fletcher in a European Clutch and pinned him!

After the match the Gates of Agony—Kaun and Toa—ambushed an exhausted Danielson and assaulted him! They wanted to soften him up ahead of his match this Tuesday against Swerve Strickland!

Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to save their Blackpool Combat Club partner!

Bullet Club Gold—Juice Robinson, and Austin & Colten Gunn


Metalik, Gravity, & Angelico (with Serpentico)!

“Switchblade” Jay White accompanied the Bang Bang Gang, wearing the AEW World Championship around his waist.

Austin decked Gravity on the chin. Juice and Metalik tagged in for their respective teams. Metalik nailed Juice with a sling blade bulldog!

Angelico tied up Juice and Gravity jumped from the top with a double foot stomp. Colten tagged in and drove his forearms into Gravity. Juice entered the fray and jabbed at Gravity. Austin wanted in. Austin used his left handed jabs on Gravity. Colten wanted in. Gravity could barely get to his feet and then rolled up Colten with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Angelico applied a double submission to the Gunns. Juice ran in and punched Angelico right in the face! Metalik tagged in and hit a high cross body on the Gunns. He planted Austin with a hurracanrana. But the Gunns fired back with the 3:10 to Yuma. Juice planted Metalik on his head and scored the pin!

Jay White: “Guys, we’re missing somebody. Card blade! We need the whole gang! The Collision Cowboys are back on Collision together. Except this time, we didn’t come empty handed. This time we brought some gold!

“To your scumbag, MJF…Max, I told you last week, we need a truly elite champion, and I told you that’s not you. And I told you I’d lead by example. And Max, take some notes, example number one, I am here. And where are you? At home nursing your wounds? Nursing Adam Cole’s wounds? I expected you to care a little bit.

“Example two, a champion needs challengers. So ‘Hangman’ Page, you want to challenge me on Dynamite Tuesday? You haven’t earned a chance at the championship, but our match can be an eliminator match. But you will do what you do so well. You will breathe with the Switchblade. And Max, sit back and take notes because I do it better than you and everybody knows it. And if you ain’t down with that, we have two words for you: ‘Guns up!’”

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed (c.)—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass


The Iron Savages— “Sauce Boss” Beefcake Boulder, “Dirty Bulk” Bronson, & Jacked Jameson!

Bronson and Boulder double teamed Bowens. Bronson smashed him with a senton. The Iron Savages isolated Bowens.

Boulder went for a moonsault, but Bowens rolled out of the way. Caster tagged in and cleaned house on the Iron Savages, dishing out back fists and thrust kicks. Caster connected with a cross body press on Jacked Jameson for a near fall.

The Iron Savages double choke slammed Caster. Bowens came to the aid of his partner and broke up the pin attempt. Daddy Ass and Caster double suplexed Beefcake Boulder. Bowens hit Beefcake with the Scissor Me Timbers! Caster planted Jameson with the Arrival. Caster hit the Mic Drop and pinned Jameson!

Kiera Hogan vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm!

Toni handed Kiera a script and Kiera ripped it up! Hogan dodged the hip attack. Hogan hit a hip attack of her own.

Toni flung Kiera across the ring by the hair! Hogan jumped off the top with a cross body for a two count. Toni knocked Hogan out of the ring with a hip attack.

Kiera blasted Toni Storm with a missile drop kick. Kiera rammed into Toni with a hip attack and then a baseball slide for a two-count. Hogan hit a step-up leg drop on Toni Storm.

Toni Storm nailed Hogan with a German Suplex. Storm rattled Hogan with her hip attack and then finished her off with the Storm Zero, grabbing the pinfall victory on Hogan!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Ruby Soho!

Ruby: “You can clearly see that I had Shida pinned to the mat. If it wasn’t for her and her fat fingers knocking out the referee, I’d be facing my girl Saraya for the World Championship. But I’ll be cheering her on at ringside.”

Renee: “I’ve been informed that you’ve been banned from ringside.”

Ruby: “That’s fine. Saraya doesn’t need me on Tuesday to beat Shida.”

Main Event Time!

ROH World Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Komander!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Komander was frustrating Kingston with his lucha prowess. Kingston nailed Komander with rapid fire strikes to the chest and then an exploder suplex.

Komander used a twisting corkscrew cross body and then a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Komander ran across the edge of the ring, flipped over the ring post and landed on Kingston on the arena floor. Komander followed up with a 450 splash for a near fall on the champ!

Kingston knocked Komander from his perch on the top rope. Eddie met him up there and they jockeyed for position. Kingston headbutted Komander and then superplexed him, but Komander countered.

“That was a great act of wrestling. They’re impressing me,” said Jim Ross.

Kingson clocked Komander with a short arm lariat. Eddie was looking for the Northern Lights Suplex, but Komander countered with a DDT. Kingston rocked Komander with a spinning backfist and pinned Komander!

“He’s tougher than a two dollar steak, is Eddie Kingston,” said Jim Ross.

The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland made his Collision debut to respond to Christian Cage!

Adam Copeland: “If you watched Dynamite on Wednesday, you know things didn’t go according to my plan. And I don’t get it. I’m really confused. The whole idea with me coming to AEW was for me to team with Christian Cage.

“I’ve got to rewind a bit. For nine years I was told I could never do this again. But I am standing here in an AEW ring through a hell of a lot of hard work and persistence. For seven years Christian Cage was told he could never do this again. And through a lot of work and persistence, he is here in AEW.

“Somewhere along the line he stopped taking my phone calls. I’ve said it before but he’s a dick. I love him and he’s been my best friend for 40 years. He’s in his Bond villain phase. I get it. So really what I’m out here for is some answers. I want to find out what is going on. I’m highly confused. So Christian, can you get out here and just tell me what’s going on since you won’t take my calls? What is up?”

TNT Champion Christian Cage appeared on the screen!

Christian Cage: “Same old Adam. You think you call the shots. As the TNT Champion, I come and go as I please. As far as your request for an answer, you’ll get it this Tuesday live on Dynamite. I’ll be there on Tuesday. The question is: are you going to make it?”

Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne walked out onto the ramp!

“This doesn’t look good for Adam Copeland whatsoever,” said Jim Ross.

Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne circled the ring. Adam Copeland booted Nick Wayne. He speared Luchasaurus.

Luchasaurus grabbed Adam Copeland and choke slammed him! Luchasaurus planted Adam Copeland with the Extinction!

“Copeland is not moving,” said Nigel.

Luchasaurus grabbed a steel chair and placed it under Adam Copeland’s head, looking for a con-chair-to!

Darby Allin jumped into the ring and swung a steel chair at Luchasaurus! Nick Wayne dropkicked Darby Allin! Luchasaurus whipped Darby into the corner turnbuckles! Luchasaurus held down Darby while Nick Wayne bashed Darby’s arm between two steel chairs!

***Special night*** Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday on TBS this Tuesday live at 8/7ct from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO featuring:

-AEW International Championship Match—Rey Fenix (c.) vs. Jon Moxley!

– “Switchblade” Jay White vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson!

-Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Chris Jericho!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Match—Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

– “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

8-Man Tag Match!

Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta

& The Hardys—Matt & Jeff


Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Daniel Garcia, & Jake Hager!

Chuck got slugged by Parker, but Chuck fired back with an arm drag. Jeff Hardy and Daniel Garcia tagged in for their respective teams. Hardy and Garcia had a dance off. Matt Menard blindsided Jeff with a cheap shot.

Menard tagged in and isolated Jeff Hardy. Garcia tagged back in but Jeff Hardy reversed Garcia, taking him off his feet with a lariat. Trent tagged in and he and Garcia traded strikes. Trent walloped Garcia with two consecutive German Suplexes. Trent launched a thrust kick at Garcia and followed up with a Death Valley Driver!

The Hardys sent Hager over the top rope with a double clothesline. Hager trucked Trent on the arena floor. Back in the ring, Trent was looking for a break as Menard chopped at him. Trent charged out of the corner with a knee strike to Menard, creating a huge opening. Matt Hardy tagged in and cleaned house with Side Effects on Hager and then on Garcia!

Hager hit Matt Hardy with a Hager Bomb! Trent DDT’ed Parker. Menard was there with a powerbomb for Trent. Matt Hardy shoved Garcia, inadvertently knocking Garcia into Menard, and Menard fell out of the ring onto Anna Jay.

Matt Hardy smashed Garcia with a Twist of Fate. Trent Crunched Garcia. Jeff Hardy finished off Garcia with a Swanton Bomb and pinned him for the victory!

Renee Paquette was interviewing ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston backstage!

Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jeff and Karen Jarrett interrupted.

Sonjay demanded that Kingston give Jay Lethal a shot at the championship.

Eddie Kingston: “I’ll defend it against Jay when he proves he’s still the same Jay, and not this clown that’s running around you guys. Then I’ll defend it. Tell him to prove it to me.”

Kingston walked away and Stokely Hathaway walked onto the set. He whispered into Sonjay’s ear, and they both grinned about some secret plan.

A teaser aired for the return of very nice, very evil Danhausen!

“Very nice and very evil, and very soon we will see the return of Danhausen here in AEW,” said Excalibur.

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta


Wise Guy Ruiz & Levi Shapiro!

Yuta tied up Shapiro. Shapiro got to his feet, but Wheeler knocked him right back down with stiff shots. Claudio tagged in and clobbered Shapiro with a clothesline. Claudio put Shapiro in the Giant Swing and then Yuta dropkicked the spinning Shapiro! Claudio threw Yuta with the Fastball Special, with Yuta splashing Shapiro and pinning him!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Anna Jay!

Garcia said he was trying to handle business all by himself tonight. Menard shook his head in disgust.

Parker said tonight was about going out there and proving they made the right decision, but they failed…as a family. “Now we’re taking Anna to the doctor…as a family!”

Johnny TV vs. Komander vs. Lince Dorado vs. Penta El Zero Miedo!

The winner receives an ROH World Title match!

ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Penta came around with a sling blade on Johnny TV. They exchanged arm drags. Komander and Lince Dorado hit stereo tope suicidas on Penta and Johnny TV!

Lince Dorada smashed Komander with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Penta El Zero Miedo connected with a diving cross body on Johnny TV. Penta rocked Johnny TV with a destroyer! Penta flew over the top rope and crash landed on the other three wrestlers.

Johnny TV staggered Penta with a neck breaker. Johnny TV splashed Dorado with a standing moonsault. Johnny TV powerslammed Komander in the center of the ring. Komander headbutted Johnny TV off the top turnbuckle.

Lince Dorado moonsaulted from the ring to Penta and Johnny TV on the arena floor! Komander ran the ropes and flipped onto the opposition outside the ring. Komander walked the ropes and then hit the 450 splash onto Lince Dorado, scoring the pin!

“Komander with the curveball and the win tonight,” said Excalibur.

Ortiz was backstage with a message for Mike Santana!

Ortiz: “You’re still that sad, little kid crying after a fight you caused. Your persona is a defense mechanism. Because if you were a man, you’d be standing here looking me in the eyes. You spit on the people who looked up at you as an idol. I’m going to expose you. Kharma took your one knee and I’m going to take the other!”

Main Event Time!

TBS Champion Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida


“The Native Beast” Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir!

Shida grounded and pounded Shafir. Nyla tagged in and body slammed Shida. Nyla followed up with a leg drop.

Marina blasted Shida with kicks, but Shida fired back with a running elbow strike. Nyla ran in and steamrolled Shida. Marina drove Shida down hard onto the mat.

Statlander tagged in and cleaned house on Nyla and Marina. Kris slammed Marina. She tried to body slam Nyla, but Kris couldn’t keep Nyla up. Kris tried a second time and was successful with the body slam. Nyla shut down the TBS Champion with a lariat for a near fall.

Statlander nailed Marina with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Shida grabbed a tag. Shida jumped to the outside from the apron on Nyla and Marina! Shida blasted Marina with the Falcon Arrow for a near fall!

Statlander hoisted up Nyla on her shoulders. Shida jumped from the top and wiped out Nyla with the Doomsday Device! Shida cracked Marina with the katana kick. She finished off Marina with the Knight Cap and pinned Marina!

“A message sent to the champion,” said Excalibur.

***Special night*** Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday on TBS this Tuesday live at 8/7ct from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO featuring:

-AEW International Championship Match—Rey Fenix (c.) vs. Jon Moxley!

– “Switchblade” Jay White vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson!

-Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Chris Jericho!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Match—Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

– “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus!

***Special start time*** Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 7/6c from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, UT featuring:

-Kiera Hogan vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm!

-The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland appears live to respond to Christian Cage!

-ROH World Championship Match:

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Komander!

– “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Kyle Fletcher!

-AEW World Tag Team Title Match:

FTR (c.) vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

This past Wednesday night, AEW celebrated the four year anniversary of DYNAMITE, and ushered in the Rated R Era with the DYNAMITE debut of Adam Copeland! He confronted Christian Cage, attempted to reforge their long-time partnership, and was instead rebuked rather rudely. Fans also witnessed “Switchblade” Jay White challenge MJF to a title fight at FULL GEAR 2023, Roderick Strong and The Kingdom put Adam Cole to work, and AEW International Champion Rey Fenix top Nick Jackson in a title match!

This Friday the action continues with RAMPAGE, featuring a big 8-Man Tag teaming The Hardys with Best Friends to take on the former members of J.A.S, a shot at the ROH World Championship will be at stake in a Four Way bout, and TBS Champion Kris Statlander will team up with Hikaru Shida to face Marina Shafir and Nyla Rose!

The night gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel before RAMPAGE begins to see highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, from WRESTLEDREAM, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) and The Hardys (Jeff & Matt) vs. Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, Jake Hager, & Matt Menard

As they continue to search for their path separate from Chris Jericho’s machinations, the former J.A.S. members will unite in competition this Friday against the unique team of The Best Friends and The Hardys!

One thing all eight of these men have in common is a desire to find their path forward in All Elite Wrestling, and this is the kind of fight that can help them all towards that goal. Are there championship challenges in their futures? Is it a quest for something else? All we can say is that given the eight man involved in this bout, and the presence of Anna Jay with her quartet, this is going to be one unpredictable situation! How will The Best Friends and Hardys function as a unit in their first time out? Will the former J.A.S members prove as cohesive now as they once were when that “J” was still a party of their careers? Tune in Friday night to find out!


TBS Champion Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida vs. Marina Shafir & Nyla Rose

Hikaru Shida is set to challenge Saraya for the AEW Women’s World Championship next week during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, her shot at regaining the title she lost at ALL IN: LONDON, lost without being pinned or submitted by Saraya. But before she gets there, Shida will unite with TBS Champion Kris Statlander for the first time since 2020 to take on two of women who long to get a championship back in their camp.

Nyla Rose and Marina Shafir, the former having once held the AEW Women’s World Championship herself, would both love nothing more than to be challengers for either the TBS or AEW Women’s World Championship, and taking home a victory on Friday night would help them both get towards that goal. Pinning Statlander could set one of them up for a shot at her TBS Championship, pinning Shida would put them in a prime position should she defeat Saraya on Tuesday, and Nyla Rose would love nothing more than to get one over on the woman who ended her title reign back in 2020.


Johnny TV vs. Komander vs. Lince Dorado vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

Coming off his hard-hitting ROH World Championship defense against Katsuyori Shibata at WRESTLEDREAM, Eddie Kingston is ready to face his next challenger, and this Friday night on RAMPAGE, we will all find out just who that man will be! Four men will clash in a single fall contest, commonly referred to in ROH Land as a Four Corner Survival, and to the victor goes a bout with Eddie Kingston and a shot at his ROH World Championship.

To Eddie, both Johnny TV and Komander are unknown entities having never clashed with either in a head-to-head situation, in fact between the two he’s only set foot in the ring with Komander as part of the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match earlier this year. As for the AEW newcomer, Eddie and Lince Dorado have a great deal of history, dating back to 2007 with their shared days in CHIKARA, and Dorado actually being connected to some of the issues between Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli. Then, of course, there is all the shared history between Kingston and his best friend Penta El Zero Miedo. They’ve been allies, they’ve fought, they even challenged The Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Titles several years ago, so it’s reasonable to say they know one another better than any other men involved in this fight.

Which man would Kingston rather face? Well the ROH World Champion will be joining the team on commentary for this fight so perhaps we will all hear it directly from the mouth of the man himself!

RAMPAGE gets started at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel prior to the show for highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, CO!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Taz!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Trios Championship Open Challenge Match!

The Acclaimed (c.)—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass


Brother Zay & The Hardys—Matt & Jeff!

Bowens and Brother Zay locked up and chain wrestled. Bowens hit a shoulder block on Zay. Bowens blocked an arm drag but Zay took down Bowens with a hurracanrana. Bowens spiked Zay on the top of his head with a nasty leg drop.

Jeff tagged in and splashed Caster from the middle rope. Billy Gunn tagged in and hit Matt Hardy with a shoulder tackle. Matt sent Billy into the turnbuckles. Jeff jumped off Matt’s back and splashed Billy in the corner.

The Acclaimed grabbed the upper hand, with Bowens dropping the Scissor Me Timbers on Brother Zay for a near fall. Billy Gunn stomped a mudhole in Brother Zay in the corner. Billy attempted a splash, but Brother Zay dodged it, and Billy collided with the top of the post.

“The winners face TMDK this Sunday as part of WrestleDream: Zero Hour,” said Excalibur.

Jeff Hardy smashed Bowens and Caster with the Whisper in the Wind. Matt clocked Billy with the Twist of Fate. Jeff climbed to the top rope and connected with a Swanton Bomb on Billy, but Bowens was there to break up the pin attempt.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Brother Zay took down Billy Gunn with a quebrada. The Acclaimed countered a springboard from Zay. Bowens and Caster planted Brother Zay and scored the win!

ROH World Champion and NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston was backstage!

Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett and Jeff Jarrett confronted Kingston. Jay Lethal interrupted Kingston and said Kingston was unfit to be ROH World Champion. Kingston laughed and walked away. Karen Jarrett said, “No one is laughing on this side.”

NJPW Strong Openweight Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Rocky Romero!

Rocky grabbed a wrist lock but Eddie reversed it. Rocky kicked Eddie in the midsection. Rocky rocketed outside with a tope suicida on Eddie Kingston. Rocky followed up with a second suicida. He tried for a third, but Kingston countered, catching Rocky and nailing him with a delayed vertical suplex on the arena floor.

Eddie charged at Rocky but Rocky countered with a jumping knee strike. Romero connected with a dropkick double stomp combination for a near fall on Kingston. Eddie hit a lariat and then followed up with machinegun chops. Rocky rocked Eddie with an avalanche sliced bread.

Rocky smashed Kingston with the forever clotheslines. Kingston clobbered Rocky with the spinning backfist and then forced Rocky to tap after applying the stretch plumb.

ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata walked to the ring after Kingston’s victory. Shibata shook Kingston’s hand, a sign of respect ahead of their match against one another this Sunday at WrestleDream.

Aussie Open were backstage and said they are taking away the titles from AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR this Sunday at WrestleDream, proving they are the best tag team in the world!

The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch


Gunnar and Caleb Crush!

Dutch bulldozed Gunnar and Crush with double lariats. Dutch served up Bossman Slams to both members of the opposing team. Vincent finished things quickly, grabbing the pin.

Backstage Nick Wayne said he’d be facing Luchasaurus this Sunday during WrestleDream: Zero Hour!

Main Event Time!

Title Tuesday Opportunity Match!

Ruby Soho vs. Hikaru Shida!

The winner will get an AEW Women’s World Championship match on Dynamite Title Tuesday on October 10th.

Ruby pulled Shida’s hair and then peppered her with stiff shots. Shida answered with a strike of her own. Shida sent Ruby face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Shida hammered Ruby with strikes and then followed up with a missile dropkick off the middle rope.

Soho and Shida traded forearms in the center of the ring. Shida rocked Ruby with elbow strikes. Shida struck with a jumping knee and then a brainbuster for a near fall.

Shida launched off the ring steps with a missile dropkick onto Soho on the arena floor. Shida hoisted up Soho, carried her up the ramp, but Ruby escaped. They brawled on the ramp and fought back into the ring. Soho took down Shida with a suplex for a two-count.

Ruby grabbed the kendo stick. The ref saw it and pulled it away. She wanted to get caught, because as the ref turned his back, Ruby pulled out a can of spray paint. Shida tried to pull it away from Ruby, but in the process, they inadvertently knocked ref Paul Turner down. Ruby headbutted Shida and then wiped her out with Destination Unknown.

The ref was outside the ring recovering. Ruby grabbed the kendo stick and swung it, but Shida blocked it and whacked Ruby with it. Shida clobbered Ruby with the katana kick. Shida covered Ruby and ref Aubrey Edwards sprinted to the ring, but Ruby kicked out of the pinfall attempt!

Soho avoided the meteora. Shida hit the mat after a back heel kick from Ruby Soho. Soho sat out with a senton, but Shida got her knees up. Shida blasted Ruby with the Falcon Arrow, but Ruby kicked out before the three-count. Shida caught Ruby flush with the katana kick and scored the pin!

“What a match these ladies had! Awesome stuff!” said Taz.

After the match, AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya walked to the ring and taunted Shida!

Catch the four year anniversary of AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA featuring:

-The Kingdom vs. The Best Friends!

-Andrade El Idolo vs. Juice Robinson!

-Julia Hart in action!

-Gates of Agony vs. Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega!

-All Star 8-Man Tag Match!

Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta, & AEW World Tag Champs FTR


“Absolute” Ricky Starks, Big Bill, & Aussie Open!

This Sunday, witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW WrestleDream!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Wednesday night began the final few days before WRESTLEDREAM goes down this Sunday night in Seattle. Fans learned that Adam Cole suffered an injury at GRAND SLAM 2023 that necessitated pulling himself from the ROH World Tag Team Championship match, but as seen above, rather than vacate the belts, MJF will fight The Righteous himself. In addition, through their contract signing, we all witnessed the kind of aggression Hangman Page is bringing to his fight with Swerve Strickland:

But that wasn’t all; Rey Fenix defeated Jeff Jarrett to retain his AEW International Championship while Nick Jackson defeated both Claudio Castagnoli and Brian Cage to earn the next shot at said title. Success wasn’t universal for The Young Bucks though as Matt Jackson ate the pinfall in his Four Way PPV preview bout. A lot of the pieces for WRESTLEDREAM fell into their final place, and that will continue this Friday night on RAMPAGE! The bouts begin at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel before RAMPAGE begins to see highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Rocky Romero

It’s been two years since the last time Rocky Romero and Eddie Kingston collided inside the squared circle, a fight won by Kingston, but not one in which any championships were involved. They celebrated July 4th with NJPW STRONG this year, teaming up to fight, and defeat, BULLET CLUB’s KENTA and Gedo in tag action one day before Eddie beating KENTA to earn the NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship.

This Friday night on RAMPAGE the circle comes back around as, after being Eddie’s ally two months ago, Rocky steps up as the next challenger for the NJPW STRONG Openweight title, and just two days before Kingston is set to defend both it and the ROH World Championship against Katsuyori Shibata. Should Kingston fall to Rocky, then obviously only the ROH World Championship would be on the line at WRESTLEDREAM, but win or lose, with a foe like Romero gunning for him on Friday, what kind of condition will Eddie be in on Sunday?


The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens, Daddy Ass, & Max Caster)(c)


Brother Zay & The Hardys (Jeff & Matt)

Ever since defeating The House of Black to claim the World Trios Championship titles, The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass have made it a point to be defending champions, taking on anyone willing to step up to the challenge, defending the belts on three occasions in the 33 days since ALL IN: LONDON. This week on RAMPAGE there will be another trio who answers the call to arms, forming a unit for the very first time, Brother Zay and The Hardys will take on the World Trios Champs!

Isiah Kassidy has been under the tutelage of Matt Hardy for quite some time now, both through good and bad, meaning they’ve united on plenty of instances, and there have been a few multi-man instances like The Firm Deletion, but this is the first time it’s just been Matt, Jeff, and Brother Zay.

The Hardys know plenty about being champions, though they’ve yet to achieve that here in All Elite Wrestling which is additional common ground with Zay, but that could all change this Friday night on RAMPAGE! Will the Scissor Party be brought to an end?


Ruby Soho vs. Hikaru Shida

This could have some very interesting ramifications; for the very first time Ruby Soho and Hikaru Shida will lock-up in a one-on-one match and to the victor comes an AEW Women’s World Championship opportunity on DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY on October 10th. So there is a possibility that, for the second time in as many weeks, Saraya will have to defend her title against someone who has stood by her side as an Outcast! Difference between Toni Storm and Ruby Soho though is that Ruby is still loyal to Saraya, making that potential title bout rife with potential drama.

The other possibility is that Hikaru Shida earns the opportunity to become the first 3-Time Women’s World Champion and beat the woman who ended her second reign in the process. Though Saraya may have been the one to leave ALL IN: LONDON as the new champion, it wasn’t the woman defending her title who she pinned but rather Toni Storm. That also makes this fight with Ruby one step away from revenge on Saraya, and one step away from Shida redeeming the indirect loss of her championship.

Will we see the remaining Outcasts have wedge drive in-between them, or will Shida get her shot at redemption for what happened at Wembley?


After learning that their ROH World Tag Team Championship match at WRESTLEDREAM will now be a handicap match against AEW World Champion MJF, Dutch and Vincent have to be quite ecstatic about their impending Sunday night fight.

Before they get their though, The Righteous will be in tag team action on RAMPAGE, one final tune-up before their date with destiny on pay-per-view! There has to be a great deal of confidence on their part knowing they’ll have a man advantage in the championship fight, hopefully it doesn’t make them overconfident in this Friday night fight and leave them ripe for an upset.

RAMPAGE gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel prior to the show for highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!

DYNAMITE: GRAND SLAM 2023 was as exciting a night as it gets here in All Elite Wrestling, featuring two championships changing hands to the detriment of The Blackpool Combat Club, but also MJF overcoming all the odds to not only defeat Samoa Joe in their AEW World Championship match, but also earn a handshake from the respected (and feared) ROH World TV Champion. In addition, Saraya retained the AEW Women’s World Championship, Chris Jericho relived a piece of his own history when Sammy Guevara betrayed him to Don Callis, and now RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2023 continues the excitement for two hours this Friday night!

The Ring of Honor World Six-Man titles will be on the line as The Mogul Embassy, one day removed from a successful defense on Honor Club, will put the titles on the line against The Elite of Hangman Page and The Young Bucks! Plus, the AEW World Trios Championship will be at stake between The Acclaimed and The Dark Order, Mike Santana returns to action, a big Mixed Trios match is going down, and the next contenders for the ROH World Tag Titles held by Adam Cole and MJF will be determined! Also, ahead of their three way championship match on COLLISION in Grand Rapids, Darby Allin and Sting will take on Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus in tag team competition.

The night begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel prior to RAMPAGE to catch highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE: GRAND SLAM, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


The Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, & Toa Liona) vs.

The Elite (Adam Page, Matt Jackson, & Nick Jackson

With Hangman Page and Swerve Strickland set to do battle at WRESTLEDREAM in less than two weeks time, The Elite and The Mogul Embassy will lock horns this Friday night on RAMPAGE, and the ROH World Six-Man Championship will be at stake! Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona come into this fight having held the titles since FINAL BATTLE 2022, some 286 days, and turned away nine challenges to their crowns, including one Thursday night on Honor Club (

Now no disrespect intended to their other challengers thus far, but this is unquestionably the toughest challenge Prince Nana’s unit has faced to date, despite the long layoff in their competing as a trio. See it’s only been a few weeks since this particular Elite group reformed as a trio, but they’ve experienced success in their reunion, scoring victories over both The BCC and Dark Order, and their past resume reinforces they danger The Elite represents.

See long before The Mogul Embassy was a gleam in the eye of Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana, BULLET CLUB reigned supreme over Ring of Honor, and with that came a 201 day reign as ROH World Six-Man Champions for Hangman Page and The Young Bucks. Sixth on the all-time list, this trio racked up eight championship victories over The Kingdom, CHAOS, and SCU, just to name a few, before losing to SCU in a rematch at the 16TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW.

Now, with the Seattle collision between Hangman and Swerve looming, The Elite aim to pick up their second run with the titles at the expense of Strickland’s crew. Fans have already seen one ROH championship change hands on AEW programming this week, will they bear witness to another on RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2023?


Darby Allin & Sting vs. TNT Champion Luchasaurus & Christian Cage

Christian Cage made the challenge for Saturday night on COLLISION, a Three Way TNT Championship bout between he, Darby Allin, and Luchasaurus, but in order to get there, he and his Right Hand of Destruction still have to through Friday night’s tag team battle against Darby Allin and “The Icon” Sting.

At ALL IN: LONDON, Darby and Sting shut down the tag team challenge of Christian and Swerve Strickland, in a Coffin Match no less, but that fight, in addition to everything he’s gone through since, has left Allin battered and bruised without giving himself time to heal up in the slightest. Christian may have gone through that battle as well, but he came out less the worse for wear, letting Swerve end up with much of that beating, and he’s got Luchasaurus on his side to throw in the way of the punishment as well.

Thankfully Darby has Sting to support him, genuine support not just the…human…shield who actually earned the TNT Championship that Christian Cage has been carrying around, and pick him up when the going gets rough, usually meaning when Darby is at the wrong end of the numbers game or his physically battered body needs a moment of rest.

Whoever comes out of RAMPAGE with the victory will have a distinct advantage heading into COLLISION in Grand Rapids, the kind of momentum that’s hard to fight, but when the numbers are essentially two-on-one in favor of the defending champion, the real one not Cage, a tag team victory may not amount to much. Still, every victory helps momentum, every victory helps psychologically, and every victory helps get Darby one step closer to bringing that TNT to his side in time for AEW’s WRESTLEDREAM return to his hometown!


Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) vs. The Hardys (Jeff & Matt) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent)


WRESTLEDREAM is less than two weeks away, and with this bout here, four teams are jockeying for the right to challenge Better Than You BayBay, Adam Cole and AEW World Champion MJF, for the ROH World Tag Team Championship! Of the four teams in contention, The Hardys and The Kingdom can both lay claim to previous status as champions, while The Best Friends have never held a championship of any kind together, and The Righteous can only claim status as former ROH World Six-Man Champions.

All have motivation to press on to Seattle on October 1st and try to claim the throne upon which Cole and Friedman sit, but which pair will be able to see through the chaos that is this sort of affair and find their way to victory? It’s going to be a wild time in Queens with this one come Friday night; which men will come out with their eyes on the prize?


The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens, Daddy Ass, & Max Caster) vs.

The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, & John Silver)

Last time AEW was at Arthur Ashe Stadium for GRAND SLAM 2022, The Acclaimed captured the AEW World Tag Team Championship from Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee. This year they enter that same hallowed ground as the defending World Trios Champions, and the aim to walk back out the same way they come in: titles around their waist, and surrounded by a sea of scissors.

All that Max Caster, Daddy Ass, and Anthony Bowens have to do is survive The Dark Order’s onslaught, something that Bowens proved unable to do last week when he fell to John Silver (not without some trickery from The Dark Order mind you). Alex Reynolds, Silver, and Evil Uno have proven quite the competent competitors, 8-2 on the year and 11-3 overall as a trio, with a huge victory over The Elite included in that 2023 total. But after all this time in AEW, championship success has continued to allude the group ever since Mr. Brodie Lee lost the TNT Championship back to Cody Rhodes several years ago. No tag team or singles title has found a home in The Dark Order, and this will mark The Dark Order’s second attempt to claim the titles, albeit the first for this particular unit, the only three left standing to hold up the claw.

Can The Dark Order finally find their way to being called champion? Or will Arthur Ashe Stadium continue to be Acclaimed territory as it was in 2022?


-TBS Champion Kris Statlander, FTW Champion HOOK, & Orange Cassidy

vs. “Cool Hand” Angelo Parker, Anna Jay, & “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard

-Mike Santana vs. Bronson

-Skye Blue vs. The House of Black’s Julia Hart

This Friday night, on a stacked two hour edition of RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2023, the AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed will defend against The Dark Order, The Elite will challenge The Mogul Embassy for the ROH World Six-Man Titles, we will see the return of Mike Santana to singles action, and a new #1 Contender for the ROH World Tag Team Titles will be set! All that and more is coming to fans this Friday night at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences! Be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel ahead of time for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE: GRAND SLAM 2023, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam was broadcast live from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Title vs. Title Match!

ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli (with Wheeler Yuta)


NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston!

Ian Riccaboni joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Claudio rushed at Eddie and booted him in the face. They traded chops and forearms. The fight spilled outside of the ring! Eddie whipped Claudio into the steel guardrail. Eddie headbutted Claudio but Claudio fired back with a lariat.

Back in the ring Claudio gut wrenched Eddie nearly into a doctor bomb, planting him hard on the mat. Eddie German suplexed Claudio. Eddie tried for a backfist, but Claudio countered with the crown of his head. Claudio back suplexed Eddie Kingston onto the ramp!

Claudio clotheslined Eddie over the top rope and back into the ring. Claudio double stomped down onto the left arm of Claudio. Eddie moved out of the way of Claudio’s diving headbutt.

Claudio battered Eddie in the corner turnbuckles. Claudio nailed Eddie with a TKO for a near fall. Claudio blasted Eddie with boots to the face. Kingston baited Claudio in and nailed Claudio with two suplexes for a two-count. Eddie fired off a straight right to Claudio’s jaw, knocking Claudio to his knees. Claudio answered with a right hand of his own.

Claudio staggered Eddie with European uppercuts. Claudio headbutted Eddie and followed up with a short arm lariat. Claudio went for the ricola bomb, but Eddie reversed it for a near fall. Claudio hit the ricola bomb, but Eddie kicked out at the two-count!

“This crowd coming unglued in support of their own Eddie Kingston,” said Excalibur.

Eddie clocked Claudio with three back fists and followed up with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall on Claudio. Kingston fired off another backfist and then powerbombed Claudio for the pinfall victory!

And new Ring of Honor World Champion Eddie Kingston!

Claudio extended his hand and Eddie accepted. The Code of Honor was adhered to.

“It’s a great moment in the long history of Dynamite,” said Tony Schiavone.

Footage was shown from earlier of the Kingdom watching over an ‘injured’ Roderick Strong in a hospital bed.

Adam Cole came to visit.

“Where have you been?” asked Matt Taven.

Cole said he got there as fast as he could.

Cole: “I’m glad you’re doing okay, but I have to go. Max has a huge match against Samoa Joe.”

Roderick Strong: “Just go. Just friggin’ go.”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus!

Christian Cage: “Rampage: Grand Slam, we are going to walk through Sting and Darby Allin. And Darby I am ready to move on. I am bored with you. I have a little proposition for you Darby. This Saturday on Collision how about you step in the ring for a three-way match for the TNT Championship against me and Luchasaurus. If you want this shot, Darby, then Sting isn’t allowed at ringside.”

Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara (with Monteasy)!

Monteasy rapped Sammy to the ring. Sammy was wearing a light up vest, an homage to Chris Jericho when he faced Shawn Michaels 21 years ago.

Sammy and Jericho exchanged chops right out of the gate. Jericho tripped and Sammy seized the moment with a corkscrew dropkick. Jericho hoisted up Sammy with an underhook and then hit a backbreaker. Sammy fired back with a corkscrew tornillo over the top rope onto Jericho on the arena floor.

Jericho countered a GTH attempt with the Codebreaker. Jericho suplexed Sammy off the apron and down onto the arena floor! Back in the ring Sammy lured in Jericho for a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Jericho retaliated with two nasty lariats.

Sammy grabbed Jericho and smashed his face with the Code Breaker for a two-count! Sammy charged at Jericho, knocking Jericho off the apron and onto the front of the announcer’s desk. Sammy jumped off the top rope with a moonsault onto Jericho. Sammy connected with a cutter.

“Both of these men have gone through a lot in a short amount of time,” said Tony Schiavone.

Jericho countered the GTH with the Walls! Sammy twisted his hips and escaped. Sammy cracked Chris with a rising knee strike. Sammy and Jericho jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Sammy got the upper hand with a cutter off the top rope!

Sammy attempted a top rope lionsault, but Jericho countered by raising his knees. Jericho hit a running bulldog on Sammy. Jericho nailed Sammy with the lionsault for a near fall. Sammy caught Jericho with a GTH! Sammy went for the shooting star press, but Jericho countered with the Code Breaker and scored the win!

Jericho and Sammy hugged after the match. Sammy kicked Jericho with a low blow!

“What have you done, Sammy?” asked Excalibur.

Don Callis walked down the ramp and into the ring! Don Callis patted Sammy on the shoulder and the two men left the ring together.

Earlier in the day MJF pulled up to the arena in his exotic sports car with Adam Cole!

MJF had strong words for Samoa Joe. Adam Cole’s phone rang and when he answered, it was Roderick Strong. Cole told Strong to calm down and walked away from MJF to console Roddy.

Renee Paquette tried to interview Sammy Guevara and Don Callis backstage!

Don said all would be revealed this Friday on Rampage.

Daniel Garcia got in Sammy’s face, but Callis insisted they walk away.

AEW International Championship Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Rey Fenix!

Fenix met Moxley on the ramp and they began to brawl before the bell even rang. Fenix jumped off the ramp, over the cameraman, and onto Moxley on the arena floor!

Moxley rocked Rey Fenix with a forearm and then stomped him face first into the mat. Moxley grounded and pounded Rey Fenix. Moxley tossed Rey Fenix over the barricade. Moxley drilled Rey Fenix with a draping DDT onto the arena floor!

“Fenix is in a world of hurt right now from Mox,” said Taz.

Rey Fenix caught Mox flush in the face with a kick and then followed up with a cutter. Rey Fenix frog splashed Moxley for a near fall! Rey Fenix charged at Moxley, but Moxley wiped him out with a King Kong Lariat!

Fenix propped Moxley onto the steel barricade, draping him over it. Rey Fenix jumped off the top rope and landed on Moxley with a leg drop to the back of the head! Back in the ring Moxley regained momentum with a Gotch style piledriver. But Rey retaliated with a diving double foot stomp for a two-count.

Moxley curb stomped Rey Fenix on the stage ramp! Moxley spiked Rey Fenix with a piledriver for a two-count. Rey Fenix hit Moxley with a senton atomico and then a piledriver. Fenix hit a second piledriver and pinned Moxley!

And new AEW International Champion Rey Fenix!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Saraya (c.) (with Ruby Soho) vs. Toni Storm!

Saraya slapped Toni in the face. Toni Storm smiled and chopped at Saraya. After a distraction from Ruby, Saraya capitalized with a thrust kick to Toni.

Toni swept out the leg of Saraya. As the ref was distracted, Toni Storm cracked Saraya in the head with a high heel shoe for a near fall!

Toni Storm pulled off the bottom turnbuckle pad. Toni had a can of spray paint, but Ruby grabbed it out of Toni’s hands and tossed it to Saraya. Saraya sprayed it in Toni’s eyes and went for the pin after a DDT, but Toni kicked out. Saraya grabbed Toni to ram her head into the exposed turnbuckle, but Saraya didn’t have the heart to do it.

Toni Storm grabbed Saraya, kissed her on the mouth, and then spiked her with the Storm Zero for a two-count! Saraya dodged the Hip Attack and nailed Toni with the Knight Cap, grabbing the pinfall victory!

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe!

The fans chanted “He’s our scumbag! He’s our scumbag!”

MJF thumbed Samoa Joe in the eye. MJF jumped on the back of Samoa Joe, but Joe shrugged him to the mat. Tony Schiavone pointed out that Adam Cole was not ringside for Adam Cole’s match, despite Adam Cole promising MJF he’d be there for him tonight.

Samoa Joe began to work over MJF’s neck. MJF thumbed Samoa Joe in the eyes again. Joe ran MJF over with a boot to the head. Samoa Joe attempted the muscle buster, but MJF escaped. MJF staggered Samoa Joe with three short arm lariats. MJF went for a fourth, but Samoa Joe swung for the fences and nearly decapitated MJF with a lariat.

Samoa Joe headbutted MJF but MJF fired up and raked Samoa Joe’s back! MJF hammered Samoa Joe with punches to the head. MJF bit down on Samoa Joe’s forehead. MJF connected with the kangaroo kick!

MJF ran for a tope, but Samoa Joe countered with a kick. Samoa Joe spiked MJF with a Death Valley Driver on the apron!

“That’ll change your career, man,” said Taz.

Samoa Joe pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Samoa Joe pulled MJF out of the ring and planted him through the table!

“Samoa Joe can feel the AEW World Championship in his grasp,” said Excalibur.

Samoa Joe pulled the padding off the floor, exposing the concrete beneath it. Samoa Joe was looking for a piledriver, but MJF bit him. MJF attempted a piledriver, but he had to let go because his injured neck began to spasm. Samoa Joe stuck MJF with a piledriver on the exposed concrete!

Samoa Joe told MJF to give up, but MJF spat at Samoa Joe. MJF pulled out a Liger Bomb out of nowhere on Samoa Joe for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Samoa Joe and MJF traded strikes in the center of the ring. Samoa Joe applied a sleeper. MJF pulled the ref in close and while the ref was distracted, MJF kicked back with a low blow to Samoa Joe. MJF pulled out the Dynamite Diamond Ring from his trunks.

MJF was about to clock Samoa Joe with the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but Samoa Joe pulled the ref in front of him, and the ref spotted the illegal object! As ref Paul Turner threw the diamond ring to the outside, Samoa Joe kicked MJF with a low blow!

Samoa Joe nailed MJF with the muscle buster but somehow MJF kicked out at the two-count! Samoa Joe applied a sleeper. Adam Cole sprinted down to the ring and tried to motivate MJF! MJF got to his feet! MJF applied the sleeper on Samoa Joe, but Joe shoved MJF into the corner. Adam Cole jumped onto the ring apron. Samoa Joe tried to take a swing at Adam Cole. As Samoa Joe and the ref had their backs turned, MJF used his wrist tape around Samoa Joe’s neck! MJF choked out Samoa Joe and the ref stopped the match, with MJF retaining! MJF dropped the evidence and Adam Cole quickly picked it up and hid it in his pocket.

Samoa Joe got to his feet, and he shoved Adam Cole. MJF jumped in between them, acting as a human shield. Samoa Joe offered his hand to MJF. Samoa Joe shook MJF’s hand, giving the devil his due.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, CO!

This Friday tune in to a stacked two-hour episode of AEW RAMPAGE: Grand Slam beginning at 10pm ET on TNT featuring:

-Mixed Trios Match!

Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK, & TBS Champion Kris Statlander


Anna Jay, Daddy Magic, & Cool Hand Ang!

-Mike Santana in action!

-Skye Blue vs. Julia Hart!

-The Kingdom vs. The Hardys vs. The Righteous vs. Best Friends!

The winner gets an ROH World Tag Team Championship Match at Wrestledream!

-AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.) vs. Dark Order!

-Darby Allin & Sting


Christian Cage & TNT Champ Luchasaurus!

-ROH World 6-Man Championship Match!

The Mogul Embassy (c.)


“Hangman” Adam Page & The Young Bucks!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

The night is upon us; for the third consecutive year, All Elite Wrestling descends upon the historic Arthur Ashe Stadium for GRAND SLAM, and with it comes two hours of the greatest professional wrestling in the world live on DYNAMITE this Wednesday! After winning the Grand Slam Eliminator Tournament, ROH World TV Champ Samoa Joe will challenge MJF for the AEW World Championship while Toni Storm takes on her former Outcasts’ ally Saraya with the AEW Women’s World Championship on the line!

Plus, the long-standing grudge between Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston comes to the forefront when both men put their respective championships on the line in a title versus title fight, and two long-time friends collide for the first-time when Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara lock horns! And in his fourth championship fight in seventeen days, Jon Moxley will meet Rey Fenix in an International Championship fight!

DYNAMITE gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, so be sure to check in on the official AEW YouTube channel and watch the highlights from last week’s action during DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, plus the CONTROL CENTER, and more!


MJF(c) vs. ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe

In the span of five days from 9/8 to 9/13, the ROH World Television Champion conquered three of the toughest competitors in All Elite Wrestling on path through the Grand Slam World Championship Eliminator Tournament. It began with Jeff Hardy on the 9/8 edition of RAMPAGE, continued with Penta El Zero Miedo the following night on COLLISION, and culminated in a 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament rematch with Roderick Strong. Nearly thirty-five minutes of battle was what it took to get Samoa Joe to the precipice of the AEW World Championship, now he just has to complete the mission by taking Maxwell Jacob Friedman down this Wednesday night at DYNAMITE: GRAND SLAM 2023.

For Joe, this is an issue that became more than just the desire to be AEW World Champion after MJF chose to attack Joe at ALL OUT 2023 following the ROH World TV Champion giving him a little shove as they crossed paths between matches. Given that MJF was coming out of a ROH World Tag Team Championship defense with a hurt neck, perhaps attacking the guy whose primary moves consist of either choking a man out or dropping them on their head with a Muscle Buster may not have been the brightest idea, but for Max it was about the insult of that moment, as well as an insult buried in their history.

As MJF tells it, and as video shows it, one day many years ago, long before Maxwell Jacob Freidman was a name on anyone’s lips, Samoa Joe showed him the kind of disregard that can often befall a rookie when engaging with their seniors. For Joe it was a moment he likely forgot about until MJF began to make his name thus leading the internet to incessantly share the clip, especially once Joe and Max came to share the same space here in AEW. But for MJF, much like his interactions with William Regal many years ago, it was not something that ever left his head space, and in truth something that helped to motivate Max to the heights he’s reached today. It’s pretty clear by now that MJF has had a career fueled by a mix of anger, self-loathing, a need for retribution, and false bravado.

In fact, it would be reasonable to say that it’s only through this friendship with Adam Cole that MJF has found a semblance of motivation based on more than just those things, based on discovering actual self-worth, and an appreciation for those who have supported him despite his massive shortcomings as a decent human being. So the fact that Joe chose to attack Adam Cole as his last statement to MJF prior to this fight, well that is something sure to push Maxwell back into his darkest places, deep into the devil inside, and to add those actions to the ones Samoa Joe committed in 2016 to further motivate his desire to smash the Samoan monster.

There’s just one problem: MJF’s neck, and that it represents a huge target for a man as merciless as the ROH World Television Champion. He will look to suplex Max on that weakened neck until MJF looks like a bobblehead, Joe will look to wrap his arms around that stem and squeeze it until no breath remains in the lungs of Maxwell Jacob Friedman, and he will aim to hoist Max from the top rope, his neck flush against Joe’s shoulder, and to drop the AEW World Champion down with a Muscle Buster to end the misery. Be it the Choke, the Muscle Buster, his signature Island Driver, a massive lariat, or even his underrated Brainbuster, Samoa Joe has a million ways to grind that injured neck of MJF’s to dust.

MJF is going to have to dip into every dirty trick he has in his book to survive this fight with the AEW World Championship still in his possession. Max’s devil will have to come out in all its wretched glory, and even then, it may not be enough to stop Samoa Joe from claiming his first AEW championship title. Just as was the case when he claimed the Ring of Honor Title on March 2003, it would be appropriate if Joe’s first AEW championship was the AEW World Championship, and at this point, in his condition, there may not be anything Max can do to stop Joe’s ascension.


ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli vs.

NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston

This is a journey that has encompassed the last two decades in the lives of Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston, a journey that started during the dawning days of their wrestling careers, and with their first time sharing the ring somewhere in Indiana back in October 2004. They trained together, lived together, fought together, and most importantly, fought each other both inside the ring and out. From their first singles match back in January 2006, through eleven bouts across five different wrestling promotions, up to March 13, 2011, the scales tipped heavily in favor of Claudio with nine wins to Kingston’s two.

One of those bouts was a Respect Match where, upon losing, Eddie was supposed to tell Claudio he respected him, but instead Kingston told the man he did not respect him, and then leveled him with a spinning backfist. As Claudio lay there unconscious, Kingston’s last words to him as he left the ring were “I know you”, and later that night Double C proved Eddie right when he betrayed the entire promotion they were working for at the time, but this is why several weeks ago, Claudio claimed Kingston still owed him a handshake.

There certainly wasn’t going to be respect shown after what ended up being their last one-on-one bout for twelve years, not after the match ended with Claudio beating Eddie thanks to a chain-assisted European Uppercut, and then proceeding to whip him with a belt. Sadly for Kingston, there was a chance to rectify the situation as Claudio departed for “the land of make-believe” as Eddie called it, and did so in a fashion that only served to further infuriate “The Mad King”.

Thus when Claudio came to All Elite Wrestling to join The Blackpool Combat Club, making him an immediate ally of Kingston’s in the second Blood & Guts Cage Match, it infuriated Eddie and it was only due to his relationship with Jon Moxley that Eddie played nice throughout the bout. Still, the hate burned strong, the kind of hate that not time nor distance can quell, the kind of hate that follows both men wherever they go, even to ROH’s SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2023 event where Kingston failed once more to defeat Claudio when the ROH World Championship was at stake.

It was a fight Kingston took injured, an injury that kept him on the shelf for three months, but the hate brought him back for FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023 and even united him with The Elite, men he despises but strange bedfellows and all that, to defeat The Blackpool Combat Club. Just like that, the war with Claudio picked up right where it left off, just as it had after a dozen years apart, and now it has brought them to this point, on Eddie Kingston’s home turf, in front of his family and loved ones, where he will put his NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship on the line against the ROH World Championship of Claudio Castagnoli. Two titles are on the line, but after two decades, this is a fight that means so much more than words can encapsulate, they can only hope to convey a fragment of what it all means.

Will this be the end? Can there ever be an end with hate that runs this deep, with disrespect this ingrained in their dynamic, and bonds shattered so completely? Are Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli destined for mutually assured destruction, or will Arthur Ashe Stadium finally be the place where their demons are exorcised?


Saraya(c) vs. Toni Storm

Speaking of demons, just what has possessed Toni Storm in the weeks since she lost the AEW Women’s World Championship to Hikaru Shida, and had her psyche further fractured by the actions of her fellow Outcasts? Since their formation, it’s always been a lingering question of what may happen should multiple members of The Outcasts find themselves in contention for the AEW Women’s World Champions, and while Saraya, Ruby Soho, and Toni Storm all insisted that things would be fine between them, the reality reared its ugly head as ALL IN: LONDON drew closer.

Then that night, when both Saraya and Toni Storm were in the title match aiming to end Shida’s second reign as champion, it became clear as crystal just what mattered most, and that was getting the championship title around the waist of Saraya. It didn’t matter that Toni striking Saraya’s mother was completely accidental, a fight still broke out between the two Outcasts, and it didn’t matter that Ruby had done nothing in that moment but try to quell the situation, she still got laid out by Toni for her efforts, and it all ultimately led to Saraya pinning Toni to claim the AEW Women’s World Championship.

And then the wheels fell off, though The Outcasts seemed to keep it together for a few days prior to ALL OUT 2023, but that was clearly not the case as Toni Storm cost Ruby Soho the TBS Championship, or rather it be said, prevented Soho from cheating to defeat Kris Statlander, and instead made sure the playing field was a bit more level. That choice made it clear that Toni Storm was an Outcast no more, and her winning the Four Way Eliminator Match to earn this championship fight absolutely solidifies Toni’s excommunication from the group.

But what has Toni become in the last several weeks? She’s clearly not in the same head space she was prior DYNAMITE #200 when she lost the belt to Shida, but just what is this space Toni occupies now? Is this all a mind game? Is it something Saraya and Ruby Soho can even prepare for heading into GRAND SLAM 2023 for the champ’s first title defense? One has to figure that no one knows Saraya like Ruby and Toni, but do Ruby and Saraya know this Toni Storm? After working so hard to come back from a career-ending injury, and having the fans embrace her a year ago at GRAND SLAM 2022 only to turn their backs on what she brought to the table, walking out of Arthur Ashe still champion is essential to Saraya. Can Toni Storm crush that dream and become the first 3-Time AEW Women’s World Champion? Or will Saraya find a way to not only top her old friend, but also rub it in the face of all those who turned away from her since last year?


Jon Moxley(c) vs. Rey Fenix

This Wednesday night, in a first-ever match-up, Jon Moxley will defend his AEW International Champion against one-half of the Lucha Brothers, a former AEW & ROH World Tag Team Champion, the incomparable Rey Fenix! As much as this is about the title, it’s also about revenge for Rey Fenix for what went down on the 8/9/23 edition of DYNAMITE between The Blackpool Combat Club and The Lucha Brothers, what was done to his brother in that match, and the injury that kept Fenix from competing in Stadium Stampede at ALL IN: LONDON.

Fenix has never held a singles championship in AEW, though he’s challenged Kenny Omega for the World Title, Hobbs for the TNT Title, Orange Cassidy for the All-Atlantic prior to its leveling up, even taking part in the Blackjack Battle Royale for the International Title at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023, but has yet to achieve that singles success to rival his tag team accolades.

So right here, this fight with Jon Moxley, it’s a chance to kill those two proverbial birds, Fenix can get his revenge for that Mox and The BCC did to him and his brother and claim his first AEW singles championship at the same time! Though Fenix prefers his competition honorable, he’s shown in the past a willingness to get down and dirty, even spilling blood in a fight with his own brother several years ago, so Moxley best be prepared for a man as willing to go there as he.

It is clear the defending International Champion intends to keep the same pace as the man he dethroned, likely aiming to surpass the lofty standard set by Orange Cassidy during his reign, but just like it did with “Freshly Squeezed”, eventually it will catch up to Moxley, the question is whether it will be sooner or later, and just who the man will be to lay him low? Will it be Rey Fenix this Wednesday night at GRAND SLAM 2023? Tune into TNT starting at 8pm ET/7pm CT to find out!


Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara

With a history dating back to the very first episode of DYNAMITE, looping from The Inner Circle to The Jericho Appreciation Society, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara have been through a great deal together, most of it standing side-by-side. They went through the introduction of concepts like Stadium Stampede and Blood & Guts together, competed for the AEW World Trios Championship and were early challengers to the AEW World Tag Team Championship together, and even fought each other over the ROH World Championship at FULL GEAR 2022.

Though Sammy walked away from Jericho and The Inner Circle when it was needed for his own well-being, he came back to the fold when The Jericho Appreciation Society was born, and even spoke of his allegiance to “The DemoGod” when all the others in The J.A.S. abandoned the man for how they felt he took them for granted.

But even with the closest of friends, between the dearest of partners, there comes a time when not all is right, and when even brothers come to blows. That is what is about to happen this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE when, for the first time, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara collide in singles competition! Though they’ve expressed their desire to unite and pursue tag team success, their egos, and pershaps even some ill will for recent events, has made it difficult for the two men to stay on the same page, even in victory. Perhaps Jericho feels that Sammy is more underling than equal, perhaps Guevara feels the student has surpassed the teacher, whatever the case may be, these two brothers came to the conclusion that the only way past their issues is to confront them with violence done unto each other.

So like a pair of Cain’s without an Abel in sight, Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara will lock horns inside Arthur Ashe Stadium, and we shall see if either survives to pursue their supposed tag team aspirations!

DYNAMITE begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel and catch up on highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Blackpool Combat Club—Bryan Danielson & ROH World Champ Claudio Castagnoli


“Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

Ricky Starks was playing mind games with Danielson and immediately tagged out to Big Bill before any contact was made. Big Bill shoved Bryan into the corner and chopped away at him. Danielson dropkicked Big Bill’s knee. Big Bill was thrown backwards into the corner. Claudio tagged in and Big Bill challenged him to a test of strength. Big Bill kicked Claudio in the midsection.

Claudio clocked Big Bill with a European uppercut. Big Bill hit Claudio and Danielson with a double clothesline and tagged out to Starks. Danielson walloped Starks with round kicks. Danielson unleashed a flurry of offense in the corner. Starks distracted Danielson long enough for Big Bill to sneak in a massive boot to Danielson’s head.

Claudio and Big Bill tagged in for their respective teams. Claudio served up multiple European uppercuts, staggering Big Bill. Claudio hoisted up Big Bill and then drove him down onto the mat for a near fall. Claudio was looking for the Big Swing, but Big Bill escaped and choke slammed Claudio for a two-count.

Ricky Starks tagged in, but Claudio grabbed him and twirled him around the ring like helicopter blades with the Big Swing! Danielson hit a tope suicida on Big Bill. Meanwhile, Starks transitioned into a DDT on Claudio for a near fall.

Starks charged at Claudio, but Claudio countered with a devastating uppercut for a near fall. Danielson tagged in and dished out his trademark kicks to Starks. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock, but Starks escaped and speared Danielson. Claudio jumped in to break up the pin attempt.

Danielson went for a belly to back suplex from the top rope, but Starks shifted his momentum midflight. Starks connected with a low blow when the ref was distracted. Starks rocked Danielson with the roshambo and pinned Danielson!

The Young Bucks were backstage with “Hangman” Adam Page!

The Bucks and Page challenged the Mogul Embassy to an ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship match on AEW Rampage: Grand Slam next week!

Powerhouse Hobbs said no one is safe in the next chapter in the Book of Hobbs!

Hobbs: “No one is safe!”

“The Redeemer” Miro said Hobbs should be thanking him and they’ll have to meet again someday! There is unfinished business between the two of them Miro also questioned his God about the temptation of Miro’s hot and flexible wife.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR (c.)—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


Iron Savages—Bronson & Boulder (with Jakked Jameson)!

The fans chanted “FTR! FTR! FTR!”

FTR quickly hit the Shatter Machine on Jakked Jameson, who taunted Dax before the match began.

Bronson and Boulder drilled Cash with splashes, but Dax jumped in to break up the pin attempt. The Iron Savages rocked Cash with a back breaker and then a powerbomb for a near fall.

Dax Harwood tagged in, but Boulder knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. Boulder went for a moonsault, but Dax dodged it. FTR rocked Bronson with the Shatter Machine. FTR finished off Boulder with the Power and Glory combo, with Cash scoring the pin!

The Workhorsemen jumped into the ring after the match and challenged FTR to an upcoming title match. Aussie Open were watching backstage on a monitor.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Keith Lee!

The interview was interrupted by Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty! Shane said Lee was the newest member of Shane Taylor Promotions. Things got tense between Keith Lee and Shane Taylor Promotions.

The Acclaimed’s Anthony Bowens (with Max Caster & Billy Gunn)


The Dark Order’s John Silver!

Before the match, John Silver grabbed a microphone.

Silver: “This contract you signed, I guess you didn’t read it, because it said Caster and Billy are banned from ringside. So hit the bricks.”

Silver attacked Bowens from behind. Bowens countered with strikes to Silver in the corner. Bowens body slammed Silver.

Bowens took down Silver with a leg lariat. Bowens and Silver exchanged forearms. Bowens blasted Silver with a clothesline. Silver fired back with explosive offense including a German suplex.

Bowens clocked Silver with a knee strike. Silver rolled out of the ring. Evil Uno climbed out from beneath the ring and blindsided Bowens! Silver took advantage of this, cracked Bowens and pinned him!

“What an upset!” said Nigel.

NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston was backstage!

Kingston said Claudio decided not to respect him. “He left potholes in that road that many of us had to clean up. Renee told me to fix it and I’ve been trying to fix it! You know what Claudio? This will be it. I don’t care, win or lose, this will be it! You think I’m going to let you come to New York and end this with my shoulders on the mat? You are out of your mind! All of New York has my back! You ain’t ready for the misery!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Orange Cassidy and FTW Champ HOOK!

Orange: “We should do a tag match or something. Grand Slam?”

HOOK: “Let’s do it.”

Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis


Pretty Boy Smooth & Wes Barkley!

The United Empire’s Aussie Open made quick work of their opponents and pinned Barkley after the pendulum spinebuster!

Davis: “FTR- you paying attention?”

Fletcher: “Yesterday we did the job in under a minute and I’m gonna guess we did it even quicker tonight! You talk about winning championships everywhere you’ve been, but so have Aussie Open. Right now, right here, we are calling our shot. October 1st, 2023, one year to the day since we last stepped into the ring together. Wrestledream. Seattle. Live on pay-per-view, AEW Tag Team Championships on the line or not, Aussie Open versus FTR!”

RJ City interviewed Toni Storm ahead of her match on Wednesday against AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya!

Toni Storm: “I haven’t changed. This business has. I thought this business was about being stars and making money. If it makes me the odd woman out, then so be it.”

Andrade El Idolo vs. Scorpio Sky!

Andrade offered to shake Scorpio Sky’s hand, but Sky declined. Andrade El Idolo worked over Sky’s arm. Sky tripped up Andrade and they chain wrestled. Andrade El Idolo punished Sky with a dragon screw leg whip. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Andrade shoved him off, with Andrade’s back crashing onto the edge of the ring!

Back in the ring, Andrade pummeled Sky with a series of dragon screw leg whips. Sky rallied back with a flip over the top rope, crashing onto Andrade El Idolo. Sky got up, clutching his knee.

“Not the best of landings,” said Kevin Kelly.

Back in the ring, Andrade rocked Sky with a vicious back elbow. Andrade locked on the Figure Eight and Scorpio Sky tapped out!

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White walked out with the Gunns and Juice Robinson!

Jay White: “I wasn’t here last week but I was watching my boys. And I was watching you watching my boys. It looked like you were having a lot of fun watching the Bang Bang Gang. Andrade, these are my boys, you can’t have them.

“But I think you want that Switchblade spotlight. Everyone wants it, no one can handle it. How about next week you can learn firsthand that those lights are too bright? This is the Switchblade Era! And if that doesn’t work for you, we can do it right now.”

Security had to separate Andrade El Idolo and Jay White!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with ROH Pure champion Shibata!

(Via his iPhone translator) Shibata: “Today I am one of the best wrestlers in the world. October 1st at Wrestledream, I’m coming.”

Up next: The Hardys—Jeff & Matt


The Righteous—Dutch & Vincent!

“You can feel the momentum starting to build with Matt and Jeff,” said Kevin Kelly.

Vincent grounded and pounded Matt Hardy. Matt got up and rammed Vincent’s head onto the turnbuckles. Jeff tagged in and connected with a jawbreaker on Vincent.

Dutch got a blind tag and planted Matt with the Black Out slam. Matt rallied back with a Side Effect to Vincent. Jeff tagged in and cleaned house on the Righteous. Matt and Jeff knocked Dutch over the top rope with a double clothesline.

Jeff was looking for the Swanton bomb, but Dutch knocked him down. Vincent rocked Jeff and pinned him!

“Can you believe it! This is a night of upsets like no other!” said Nigel.

Dutch: “We are the Righteous. Two believers who see truth in the liars’ eyes.”

Vincent: “Speaking of truth, man, we just defeated one of the greatest tag teams in the world. And like it or not, man, the people in the world are just prisoners to false icons. Fooled by the con man. Listening to the devil on their shoulder. But I don’t believe in the devil, man. We are here to tell you the truth.”

Vincent made it clear that the Righteous wants a piece of the team of Better Than You BayBay.

Tony Schiavone was backstage with “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Starks: “Bryan Danielson, next week on Collision it’s you and me in a Texas Death Match! I’m going to put a whole end to this fiasco that’s known as Bryan Danielson.”

Main Event Time!

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Statlander had the strength advantage and body slammed Baker. Britt fired back with a forearm. Things broke down and they traded strikes with one another. After dodging a sling blade attempt, Statlander powerslammed Baker for a near fall.

Statlander took down the champ with two sling blades! Kris rallied back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Kris planted her with another Bomb for a two-count. Baker curb stomped Kris.

Baker applied her surgical glove. Baker was looking for the Lock Jaw, but Kris blocked it. They got to their feet and traded shots again. Kris clocked Baker with a high kick, but Baker fired back with a thrust kick of her own. Statlander reared back and walloped Baker with a lariat.

Baker went for the Pittsburgh Sunrise, but Statlander blocked it. Kris went for a powerbomb, but Baker escaped. Baker planted Kris with the Angel’s Wings and followed up with a curb stomp for a near fall. Baker managed to apply the Lock Jaw, but Statlander cradled her and pinned Baker!

“That was a hell of a counter. She saved her championship,” said Jim Ross.

Julia Hart was seen watching from the rafters.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Big Bill (with “Absolute” Ricky Starks)!

Moxley used some round kicks to try to topple Big Bill. Bill blasted the champ with a massive right hand. Big Bill followed up with overhand chops. Big Bill was taking the fight right to Moxley and manhandling him.

Moxley fired off two clotheslines, but Bill booted Mox in the head, knocking him out of the ring. Ricky Starks kicked Moxley outside the ring. Moxley reversed an Irish whip and sent Big Bill into the steel ring steps.

Big Bill sent Jon Moxley over the timekeeper’s table. Moxley was busted wide open! Back in the ring, Moxley regained momentum and dug his fingers into Big Bill’s flesh! Moxley superplexed Big Bill.

Big Bill hit the Bossman Slam on Jon Moxley for a near fall. Moxley and Big Bill traded shots in the center of the ring. Moxley countered a boot with a King Kong lariat for a two-count. Moxley punished Big Bill with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Moxley planted Big Bill with a cutter, but Big Bill rolled out of the ring. Moxley climbed to the top rope, but Ricky shoved Mox as the ref was checking on Big Bill.

Bryan Danielson sprinted to the ring and peppered Ricky Starks with right hands, evening up the odds! Starks whipped Danielson into the ring steps. Big Bill chokeslammed Big Bill for a near fall on Moxley.

“Mox is losing a lot of blood right now. It looks like a crime scene,” said Taz.

Big Bill tried to hoist up Moxley with a chokeslam, but Moxley countered with a submission hold and forced Big Bill to tap out!

After the match Ricky Starks and Big Bill tried to continue their attack. ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli ran down to help his BCC teammates. Starks was furious with these developments. Starks and Big Bill retreated.

It was announced that Moxley will put his title on the line next week on Dynamite against Rey Fenix!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Roderick Strong and the Kingdom!

Adam Cole interrupted the interview and said Strong wrestling Samoa Joe was a horrible idea.

Strong: “You’re only worried about Max. And you should be because after I beat Joe, I’m going to beat MJF next week. Because I am a wrestling legend!”

Tony Schiavone was in the ring so Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita could reveal their next target!

Callis: “We just beat Kenny Omega twice in one week. Show some respect! We’ve been celebrating. I’ve learned a lot from Takeshita about Japanese culture. When you’re the top wrestler in a promotion, they call you the Ace. He’s better than Okada. Better than Inoki. When you beat Kenny Omega once, they call you the Ace. When you beat Omega twice in seven days, they call you the Alpha!

“Henceforth you will all refer to Takeshita as the Alpha. I never had the empathy thing. Because when you’re the Alpha, you don’t feel anything, you take. Kenny, beating you twice isn’t enough for us. We broke your body. Now we’re going to break your heart.

“I promise to reveal through our creation who the next target of the Alpha will be, and Kenny, this one is going to kill you. The next target is none other than the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Kota Ibushi!

“And Kenny, I want you to know right now, we’re not just going to beat Ibushi, we’re going to butcher him. We’re going to burn him. And I’m going to love the fact that while we’re spilling his blood in the ring, you’re going to be at home helpless, watching like the pathetic cuck that you are.”

Alex Marvez was backstage with the BCC!

Danielson: “We love it when things escalate. So, here’s a challenge. This Saturday at Collision, Ricky Starks, Big Bill, you two against me and Claudio Castagnoli!”

Rey Fenix entered the fray and began to shout at Moxley, but Alex Abrahantes and the refs held him back. Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston laughed in Claudio’s face and said, “One more week!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with FTW Champion HOOK!

Orange Cassidy interrupted!

Orange: “I was walking around and saw Hook all mad about something. What do you have to be mad about?”

Hook: “You were a great champion.”

Orange: “Thanks, you are too!”

They fist-bumped and Orange said he was still so tired.

Women’s World Title Eliminator Four Way Match!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose vs. Toni Storm!

The winner will face AEW Women’s Champion Saraya next week at Grand Slam.

Nyle Rose plowed into Baker and Shida with double clotheslines. Toni Storm shoved Shida into Britt Baker, with Baker tumbling out of the ring. Shida followed up with a crossbody onto the women on the arena floor!

Shida nailed Baker with a brain buster. Baker was looking for a thrust kick on Shida, but Shida turned around and Baker stopped herself. Nyla Rose chokeslammed Britt Baker. Shida cracked Nyla with the Katana Kick. As Shida was going for the cover, Britt Baker blasted Shida with a thrust kick. Toni Storm saw the opening, rolled up Britt Baker, and pinned her, stealing the victory!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s Champion Saraya and Ruby Soho!

Saraya: “Congrats, Toni, you did it and you did it without us. But Toni lost everything to me. She lost her top spot, and she lost her mind. She’s crazy. But she’s also going to lose the match against me at Grand Slam and then she’ll be left with nothing!”

Up Next: Le Sex Gods— “The Ocho” Chris Jericho and “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara had their face to face!

Jericho and Guevara will be wrestling each other next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam.

Jericho: “Next week, right here on Dynamite at Grand Slam in New York City, it’s Le Sex Gods going one on one, Jericho versus Guevara, for the first time ever. Lots of history between us. We’ve been together since the first episode of Dynamite.”

Jericho introduced a highlight package showing all the pivotal moments from Le Sex Gods’ history over the past four years.

“That was beautiful,” said Taz.

Sammy: “Chris, I have a confession. I still don’t know the lyrics to ‘Judas.’”

Jericho: “I saw a kid on one of the NWA pay-per-view prelim matches and I was blown away and told Tony Khan, we need to sign this kid Sammy. I knew he had what it took to be a big star and I wanted him to be with me so I could help him out as much as I possibly could.

“Over the years I’ve watched Sammy grow from a boy to a man. I’ve seen him win titles, get married, and now your wife is ready to give birth to a baby girl. I’m really proud of all you’ve accomplished over the past four years.”

Sammy: “I know the typical wrestling thing is to talk trash, but I don’t want to do that. I want to come out here before one of the biggest matches of my career and say thank you. Thank you for changing my life and for changing the lives of so many people in the back. Without Chris Jericho there is no AEW.

“But truthfully Chris, I didn’t come to this company to just be your sidekick. I want to become world champion. I want them to look at me the way they look at Mox or the way they look at you. I don’t want to be in your shadow, so that’s why I need to beat you next week.”

Jericho: “You were never brought in to be Chris Jericho’s side kick. You were brought in to be a main event player and you are getting closer and closer every week. And that’s why I told you that you have to do it on your own. Next week you have that opportunity. You have to beat me to get to the next level. But if you’re going to beat Chris Jericho, you’re going to have to be the best Sammy Guevara ever if you’re going to have a chance to beat me. But I don’t think you’re ready to beat me yet.”

Sammy: “And there it is. It’s whatever Jericho wants. So next week I’m going to beat you as this man, not the 2018 me at the NWA pay-per-view, but this Sammy is going to beat you, we’re going to shake hands, and we’re going to win some tag team titles.”

Jericho: “Let me make something perfectly clear, Sammy. Next week I’m going to give you the match of your life. And I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to beat the living hell out of you. And I expect the exact same thing from you.”

Sammy: “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Excalibur: “I think we might have a battle for the ages next week.”

Taz: “Sammy is a pro, and he knows what’s at stake.”

Clips were shown from after Dynamite last week with Renee Paquette interviewing MJF!

MJF was told he wasn’t cleared to wrestle until Grand Slam.

MJF: “There are two talents I want to make it to the finals because I hate their guts: Roddy Strong, if you make it through this tournament, I will rip your head off. You’re a manipulative person. Samoa Joe, you think I’m afraid of you? Nah. You might not realize this, but this New York Pitbull has got a lot of bite. If you wrestle me, I’m going to choke you out!

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)!

Cage clocked Page with an elbow strike. Page retaliated with two big boots to Brian Cage. Hangman hit a lariat off the turnbuckles to the Machine. Hangman went over the top rope, but Brian Cage intercepted him. Page reversed a powerbomb with a hurracanrana, sending Brian Cage into the steel ring post!

Brian Cage nearly decapitated Page with a lariat. Page sent Cage into the ropes after a hurracanrana. Page hit the area code shot on Cage.

Swerve Strickland’s music hit, and Swerve walked out onto the ramp!

Cage took advantage of the distraction and hurled Cage from the ring apron on the outside to the inside of the ring with a German Suplex! Brian Cage powerslammed Page and followed up with a moonsault, but Hangman dodged it.

Hangman rocked Brian Cage with a lariat, the momentum carrying both men over the top rope and onto the floor. Hangman jumped off the top rope and Cage caught him again. Adam Page countered with a crucifix bomb.

Hangman climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit Cage with a moonsault on the arena floor! Hangman followed up with a big crossbody press for a near fall on the Machine. Brian Cage dazed Page with a German Suplex.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Hangman swept out Cage’s legs. Hangman attempted the Buckshot Lariat, but Cage countered, but Page fired back with a Deadeye in the center of the ring, scoring the pin!

“Hell of a match by these two men,” said Taz.

“If Swerve was mad before, he has to be pissed off now,” added Excalibur.

“Well, he poked the bear,” added Taz.

Hangman Page: “What passion, what drive, just oozing out of your body as you brood on top of the ramp as you watched me kick Cage’s ass. Last week you said you wanted my spot, but you sent Cage out. Last week I thought you had some balls but tonight I’m pretty sure you’re just keeping them stowed away in Prince Nana’s Burger King crown.”

Swerve: “What up, turd? Them sound like fighting words to me, Hangman. You think this’ll be solved tonight? We do this when I say, where I say. And it just so happens I chose the great state that birthed Swerve Strickland. October 1st, in the City of Seatle, WrestleDream. Me and you, Hangman. But I’m going to make sure you don’t get comfortable by the time you get there, isn’t that right Brian Cage?”

Brian Cage ambushed “Hangman” Adam Page from behind! The Young Bucks jumped into the ring and superkicked the Machine! The Bucks served up superkicks for Prince Nana as well!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daniel Garcia!

Garcia: “I thought you came here to talk about me but you’re asking about Sammy or Jericho. Why don’t we talk about the career of Garcia”

Don Callis interrupted!

Callis: “The Don Callis family is going to create a Utopian Meritocracy—”

Garcia got in Callis’ face and did his dance, and then walked off!

Callis: “Wow, that’s money! Renee, that’s money!”

Don Callis chased after Daniel Garcia, grinning ear to ear.

Darby Allin & Nick Wayne


Matt Menard & Angelo Parker (with Jake Hager and Anna Jay)!

As the match started, Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp and then joined the broadcast booth.

Christian Cage said Nick Wayne needed a better mentor than Darby Allin.

Nick Wayne clipped Matt Menard with an enziguri. Jake Hager grabbed Darby from outside the ring. Matt Menard powerbombed Nick Wayne.

Darby tagged in and nailed Menard and Parker with the Coffin Splash! He followed up with a dropkick in the corner on both men. Darby connected with a Code Red on Parker for a near fall.

“Darby has issues with the back from that Coffin Match, you can tell,” said Taz.

Nick grabbed a blind tag and walloped Parker with Wayne’s World. Matt Menard pulled Parker out of the pinning predicament. Darby flew off the apron with a senton on Menard. Darby hit the Coffin Drop on Parker and pinned him!

Christian Cage stood up, saying he was getting tired of these guys.

Christian Cage: “Very impressive victory. Nick Wayne, after I went home last week, I was scrolling through your mom’s Instagram account. Your mom doesn’t post enough bikini pics. But don’t worry. I sent her a special request on the side.

“There’s still a lot of talk about Darby and Sting’s win in London, and as the Franchise here, it’s embarrassing. Now I just want to remind everyone I did not take the loss for that match, and I didn’t have my regular partner with me. So, I propose next week, Darby Allin and Sting against me and Luchasaurus. If you’ve got the balls, I’ll see you in New York City!”

Main Event Time!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Finals!

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom)!

Samoa Joe applied a wrist lock and then headbutted Roddy’s hands, trying to neutralize Roddy’s infamous chops. Roderick Strong was wiped out with a shoulder tackle from Samoa Joe. Joe followed up with jabs in the corner, breaking down Strong in the corner.

Roddy rallied back with a quick kick to Samoa Joe’s face. Strong connected with a dropkick. Strong cranked on Joe’s neck. Samoa Joe nailed Roddy with the Manhattan Drop and followed up with a senton.

Samoa Joe powerslammed Roderick Strong for a near fall. Roddy escaped a powerbomb and staggered Joe with a shoulder tackle. Roddy blasted Joe with a knee strike underneath the jaw. Samoa Joe planted Strong with a uranage! Samoa Joe was looking for the Muscle Buster, but Mike Bennett jumped on the apron to distract Samoa Joe. Roderick Strong stunned Samoa Joe with the Sick Kick for a near fall.

“What a battle here,” said Taz.

Samoa Joe battered Roderick Strong out of the air and then applied the submission, forcing Roderick Strong to tap out!

Samoa Joe will be facing AEW World Champion MJF next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam!

Samoa Joe: “Oh Max! It seems my little prophecy has come true and next week, I go to your backyard and I’m coming for you. Because I’m going to beat you down and take everything you have kid. Everything.”

Adam Cole came down to the ring. Roderick fell to the mat, clutching his neck. The Kingdom told Adam Cole that this was his fault.

Excalibur questioned whether or not Roderick Strong was really injured or if this was a ruse.

The medical staff placed Roderick Strong on a backboard and stretchered him to the back. The Kingdom told Adam Cole not to follow them or Roderick to the back. Samoa Joe struck from behind, blindsiding Adam Cole and choking him out!

“I’m going to take everything from you, Max!” said Samoa Joe.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

This Wednesday night All Elite Wrestling returns to Cincinnati’s Heritage Bank Center for a brand new DYNAMITE that will continue to give form to GRAND SLAM 2023 on September 20th! The Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Finals are going down between Roderick Strong and Samoa Joe, Hangman Page will go one-on-one with “The Machine” Brian Cage for a third time in their careers, Le Sex Gods will be in the building to discuss their collision at Arthur Ashe, and Jon Moxley returns home to defend his AEW International Championship against Big Bill!

DYNAMITE get underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, so be sure to check in on the official AEW YouTube channel and watch the highlights from last week’s action during DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, plus the CONTROL CENTER, and more!


ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong

This is where Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong have spent the last week fighting to get to: the precipice of an AEW World Championship match, a first for either man, taking place at GRAND SLAM 2023 on September 20th. There is just one last step to take on this road, a matter of either Roderick Strong defeating a man he’s only beaten once in their eight singles matches, or Samoa Joe once more beating a man he only lost to once back in January 2005.

Both Joe and Roderick have plenty of motivation pushing them towards victory, Roderick’s well-documented issues with Adam Cole’s friendship with MJF and Joe’s issues with the disrespect thrown his way by the AEW World Champion, but for both men that’s putting the cart before the horse. There’s a fight taking place this Wednesday night in Cincinnati that takes precedent, and while 87.5% of their fights have gone Joe’s way, Strong may have deeper reasons to fight than he ever has before, even when it was the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament that was at stake.

This is about the AEW World Title, ultimately that is the most primary reason to fight, but it’s also about broken trust and shattered friendships, it’s about respect and disrespect, and it’s about Roddy shaking the monkey off his back to finally defeat Samoa Joe, but if that neck is actually as hurt as Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett have claimed, than “Mr. ROH” is just one Choke or Muscle Buster away from ending up back on the shelf.


Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose vs. Toni Storm

Take four former AEW Women’s World Champions, all with plenty of history binding them to one another, and throw them in the ring together to see what happens. Add in the additional factor of a World Championship match being at stake, and this is an explosive formula worthy of DYNAMITE. Baker beat Shida for her first championship, Shida beat Nyla Rose for her first and Toni Storm for her second, Toni Storm won a Four Way that included Britt and Shida to claim her first shot, and then there is the whole issue of The Outcasts and what they’ve been aiming for with the AEW originals since they first united. Now Nyla Rose may have been left alone in that Outcasts mission, most likely out of fear, but reclaiming the Women’s World Championship is something that’s always been part of Nyla’s own personal mission.

Speaking of The Outcasts though, it is abundantly clear that Toni Storm is on the outs with Ruby Soho and AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya, especially since she insured Ruby couldn’t cheat to beat Kris Statlander at ALL OUT 2023. So add in that drama, on top of that mixed in with these four women, and this is quite the intriguing bout set for this Wednesday night.

Which of these four champions will get their chance to reclaim the gold they once lost, or in the case of Toni and Shida twice-lost? Will Britt get to face down Saraya in the same venue where the AEW Women’s World Champion made her AEW debut, the woman who beat her at FULL GEAR 2022? Will Toni Storm end up in a fight with the woman who pinned her at ALL IN: LONDON to claim the title? Or will we see first-time fights in Hikaru Shida or Nyla Rose?


Jon Moxley(c) vs. Big Bill (w/ Ricky Starks)

As he heads home to Cincinnati for his 3rd AEW International Championship defense in a week, Jon Moxley has to be feeling the effects of not only the two previous bouts, as well as the match at ALL OUT 2023 where he beat Orange Cassidy, but also the attack perpetrated by Big Bill on COLLISION while Ricky Starks choked the life out of Bryan Danielson with a BCC shirt just a few feet away.

This is the third year in a row that Cincinnati has welcomed AEW, the second at the Heritage Bank Center, and each year has presented Jon Moxley with a huge undertaking, but one in which he has proven victorious. The first year he fought Minoru Suzuki and walked away the winner after eight of the hardest-hitting minutes AEW has seen, while the second hosted an AEW World Championship defense as Hangman Page challenged Mox, with the challenger ultimately ending up on a stretcher after a vicious King Kong Lariat knocked Hangman out.

This year, with a new championship around his waist, Moxley comes home to face the indomitable threat of Big Bill, a man who laid out the International Champion with a single big boot last Saturday night. Now this isn’t their first engagement in singles competition, that took place in June 2019, but it is their first one-on-one encounter in All Elite Wrestling, having only met in a tag match during the HOUSE RULES: TROY event, some 75 miles north on I-75, back in March.

Moxley is hellbent on surpassing Orange Cassidy’s legacy as the best International Champion of all-time, which means defending the title more times than any champions in AEW history across all divisions, as well as holding it for more than 327 days (20 days shy of all three of Mox’s World Championship reigns combined). So that’s why Mox is on his third defense in a week, coming into it having won nine straight singles matches, and with an 11-3 record on the year in those ranks that includes a Steel Cage Match win over Kenny Omega.

As for Big Bill, most of his AEW competition has been in tag team and multi-man competition, but as a singles he’s run a 4-3 record on the year, including an International Championship loss to Orange Cassidy, and three wins in his last five bouts. Though he’s one of the most imposing figures on the AEW roster, Bill hasn’t tasted championship success yet in AEW, though he also united with Brian Cage to challenge FTR for the AEW World Tag Team Championship just over a month ago. Given his dominating presence, his strength and stature, it seems an inevitability that Big Bill will hold a title in All Elite Wrestling before too long.

Will that success come to Big Bill this Wednesday night in Cincinnati, or will Jon Moxley go three in a row in his hometown, as well as three in a row with International Championship defenses? Will Ricky Starks be the kind of presence in Big Bill’s matches the way Bill is in his? And if so, will there be any BCC at ringside to balance the scales? Tune into DYNAMITE this Wednesday night to see if we have a new AEW International Champion by night’s end!


As mentioned above, the last time All Elite Wrestling was in Cincinnati Hangman Page did not leave the arena on his own two feet, instead finding himself carted out on a stretcher and hoisted into an ambulance after a Jon Moxley lariat knocked him unconscious. Though Hangman would recover shortly thereafter, the fact that his last time in town ended the way it did had to be scratching at his brain as this event drew closer.

Well now the former AEW World Champion has an opportunity to redeem himself before the Cincy crowd when he enters into battle with ROH World Six-Man Champion Brian Cage for their third singles fight! Back in the spring of 2021, before AEW returned to a touring schedule, “The Machine” shocked everyone, including Hangman, when he beat Page on the April 28th edition of DYNAMITE. The loss came at a time when many fans felt Hangman was on the path to dethroning AEW World Champion Kenny Omega months before he actually did so at FULL GEAR 2021.

Hangman would rebound from that loss a month later at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2021, beating Brian Cage in a twelve minute slobber knocker, and evening the score. Though the two would meet one last time in a tag match on the subsequent DYNAMITE, a match won by Hangman and Dark Order’s Ten it should be noted, they never had that rubber match to truly decide who was the better man.

Not until now at least; though Hangman was out there to address his victory in the Over Budget Charity Battle Royal, his presence in the ring last week turned into a confrontation with Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana, and ultimately an assault perpetrated by “The Machine”. So with that in mind, as well as the history between Page and his assailant, the rubber match between Page and Cage has been set for this Wednesday night in Cincinnati! Will this be a repeat of Hangman’s last trip to town, or can the former World Champion shake that monkey off his back and score a second victory over “The Machine”? The presence of The Mogul Embassy is all but certain, the only question is just how much of an impact they will have on this contest!


So what’s next for Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita, the man that Callis has proclaimed as the “New God of Professional Wrestling”? Don has already stated, despite steering Takeshita towards two pinfall victories over Omega, and assisting in Will Ospreay’s victory over him at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023, that he’s not done utterly dissecting the life of Omega and anyone who supports him.

So what does that mean, and how does it pertain to this revelation Callis has promised for this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE? Who is their next target in this mission to bleed Kenny Omega dry?

One of The Elite seems the obvious choice, the most accessible targets possible, and it wouldn’t be improbable for Don Callis to throw his lot in with someone like Prince Nana to have his Mogul Embassy do the dirty work on Hangman. After all, he did it with BULLET CLUB GOLD and Kenny, but that’s just a bit of speculation about where Callis will attack next. Thankfully the guessing game doesn’t need last long and Don Callis will tell us himself in Cincinnati…


It is official that Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara, men who’ve been bonded since the very first episode of DYNAMITE back in 2019, who’ve fought together as members of The Inner Circle and The Jericho Appreciation Society, and who’ve been in Stadium Stampedes and Blood & Guts together, that they will go one-on-one at GRAND SLAM 2023 for the very first time.

Now they fought one another in a Four Way for the ROH World Championship at FULL GEAR 2022, and they’ve been on opposite sides of a few tag matches over the years, but they’ve never just straight up fought each other in a singles match. September 20th will change all that, but before we get to Arthur Ashe, these two men will both be on-hand in Cincinnati to address what is about to happen. Though this was presented as a way for the two men to get past their problems, and move onto being tag team championship challengers, there’s more than a little bit of ego at play, so it should be quite interesting to see what thoughts Jericho and Guevara have to share!

Come Wednesday night All Elite Wrestling brings to you the absolute best professional wrestling on the planet, this time emanating from the Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH and it will shape the face of both the GRAND SLAM 2023 World Title match as well as the Women’s World Championship bout! Plus, Hangman Page and “The Machine” collide for a third time, Le Sex Gods will be in the house with words before their singles bout, plus hometown hero Jon Moxley returns to defend his AEW International Championship against Big Bill!

DYNAMITE begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at for our international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel and catch up on highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

This Saturday night, AEW returns to Cleveland, OH for a night of COLLISION at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse! With two Grand Slam World Championship Eliminator Tournament Semi-Finals on tap, as well as a TBS Open Challenge, an International Champion defense pitting Jon Moxley against Action Andretti, BC GOLD, and more, this is quite the loaded edition of Saturday night’s premier wrestling program!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, “The Ocho” Chris Jericho, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

Jay Lethal vs. Penta El Zero Miedo!

Lethal and Penta began shoving one another. Penta escaped a wristlock. Penta El Zero Miedo connected with a thrust kick. They traded chops. Penta hit a double foot stomp on Jay Lethal.

Jeff Jarrett swiped at Penta’s foot from the outside, but Penta outsmarted him. Penta jumped over the top rope, but Satnam Singh caught him and smashed him into the ring post as the ref was distracted by Jeff Jarrett. Karen Jarrett tied the back of Penta’s mask onto the ropes. The ref saw it and ejected Lethal’s entire squad from ringside. Lethal stomped on Penta while the ref tried untying him.

Penta El Zero Miedo dropped Lethal with two sling blades. Penta crushed Lethal with a tope con hiro! Penta squashed Lethal with another foot stomp for a near fall. Lethal fired back with a Lethal Combination for a two-count.

Jay Lethal pulled Penta’s mask off! Penta immediately covered his face. Lethal tried to grab the guitar that Jeff Jarrett left behind, but Alex Abrahantes pulled it away from Lethal. Penta rocked Lethal with a backstabber and then spiked Lethal with the Fear Factor for the pin fall victory!

Sammy Guevara came out with a microphone with words for Chris Jericho!

Sammy: “You’re pissing me off and I want to punch you in the face.”

Jericho: “It’s funny you say that. I want to punch you in the face, too.”

Sammy: “I want to punch you right now.”

Jericho: “Let’s be honest here. We’re obviously getting on each other’s nerves and that’s okay because we’re brothers. We’re on our way to becoming AEW World Tag Team Champions but we still can’t seem to get over this little bit of animosity. We need to get this out of our system. Do you agree?”

Sammy: “I agree.”

Jericho: “So why don’t we have a match against each other. That way we can get all this crap out of our system.”

Sammy: “Now the question is where do you want to do that?”

Jericho: “How about one of the biggest shows in AEW history? New York City. Grand Slam.”

Sammy: “Hell yeah, let’s do it.”

Trios Match!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Hikaru Shida, & Skye Blue


Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, & The Bunny (with Penelope Ford)!

Skye rolled up Bunny for a near fall early on. Taya tagged in and blasted Skye with a forearm and then a chop. Sky hit Taya with a thrust kick and tagged in Shida.

Shida cleaned house and peppered Anna Jay with elbow strikes. Bunny tagged in but Skye Blue ran in to make the save. Taya speared Skye. Britt grabbed a tag and dropped the Bunny with a thrust kick. Baker suplexed Anna Jay. Shida and Britt inadvertently collided. Baker applied the Lock Jaw and forced the Bunny to tap out!

Baker tried to explain herself to Shida after the match, but Shida walked off.

The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Angelo Parker & Matt Menard (with Jake Hager)!

Nick and Matt used tandem offense on Parker and then on Menard, coming out of the gates hot. Matt hit a neck breaker on Parker and then Nick took down Daddy Magic.

Parker thumbed Matt Jackson in the eyes. Matt rocked Parker with a series of Northern Lights suplexes.

“Great strength,” said Tony Schiavone.

Matt Menard tagged in and suplexed Matt Jackson. The fans were taunting Jake Hager, chanting “Where’s your hat? Where’s your hat?”

Parker and Menard double teamed Matt Jackson. Parker got a near fall on Matt Jackson after a snap suplex. Nick Jackson tagged in and wiped out both opponents with a double crossbody press. The Bucks dished out a superkick party! They cracked Matt with the BTE Trigger and Nick grabbed the pin!

“A return to form for the Young Bucks, potentially building up some momentum in the tag team division,” said Excalibur.

Main Event Time!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy!

Hardy hit Samoa Joe with a basement dropkick. He followed up with a diving lariat to take Joe down. Samoa Joe gouged Jeff’s eyes and then connected with jabs.

Jeff Hardy stunned Samoa Joe with a jawbreaker. Jeff attempted a running cross body, but Samoa Joe side stepped it. Samoa Joe sent Jeff Hardy crashing to the floor with a sliding dropkick.

Samoa Joe softened up Jeff Hardy in the corner with body shots. Jeff jumped off the top rope with Whisper in the Wind, throwing his entire body at Samoa Joe.

“A desperation move but it worked,” said Tony Schiavone.

Jeff Hardy hit a Manhattan Drop on Samoa Joe. Jeff dropped an elbow for a near fall on Samoa Joe. Jeff Hardy went for the Twist of Fate, but Samoa Joe had it anticipated. Samoa Joe locked Jeff Hardy in the submission Clutch and put Jeff to sleep!

“Samoa Joe is one step closer to MJF,” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH!

Don’t miss AEW Collision live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, OH featuring:

-We’ll hear from AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya & Ruby Soho!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Semifinal Match: Roderick Strong vs. Darby Allin!

-We’ll hear from AEW World Trios Champions the Acclaimed & Daddy Ass!

-Bullet Club Gold will be in action!

-We’ll hear from “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

-AEW International Championship Open Challenge Match: Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Action Andretti!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

This past Wednesday on DYNAMITE the stage for GRAND SLAM 2023 began to take shape as the Grand Slam World Championship Eliminator Tournament began! The winner of said tournament will advance to Arthur Ashe on September 20th to challenge MJF for the AEW World Championship, and on Wednesday night both Darby Allin and Roderick Strong took one step closer to the prize. In addition, we learned there will be a Women’s Four Way Eliminator Match to determine Saraya’s challengers that night involving former champions Toni Storm, Dr. Britt Baker, Hikaru Shida, and Nyla Rose.

This Friday night on RAMPAGE we will find out the other two men advancing to the Semi-Finals in the tournament as Samoa Joe takes on a familiar foe in Jeff Hardy, and Jay Lethal meets Penta El Zero Miedo! Plus, The Young Bucks will be in tag team action after two disappointing nights between ALL IN: LONDON and ALL OUT 2023, and a Women’s Trios battle goes down involving six of the best AEW has to offer! The matches begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel ahead of time for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

From Universal Studios in Orlando to Abu Dhabi and Allentown, PA to Manchester, UK, Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy have locked horns some 70+ times over the course of the last 18 years, even in Indianapolis, albeit a different venue that where RAMPAGE emanates from this Friday night. Thirty-two of those bouts have been one-on-one fights, and the balance of the victories tips heavily in favor of Hardy, though their last singles encounter that took place in March 2019 did swing Joe’s way.

This Friday night, as part of the Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament, this storied rivalry will add a new chapter to its story, the first said chapter taking place in All Elite Wrestling, and at stake is the AEW World Championship bout awaiting the winner of the whole field. We’ve already seen Roderick Strong and Darby Allin advance to the Semi-Finals taking place this Saturday on COLLISION in Cleveland, now it’s a question of who will be the other two men to advance. One of those bouts will take place between Joe and Hardy, and the question is whether or not the ROH World Television Champion can buck his history with Jeff and actually defeat the man, or if Jeff Hardy will continue to dominate this rivalry in yet another promotion.


Jay Lethal vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

The other Quarter-Final match in this tournament runs quite contrary to that of Joe/Hardy; rather than a continuation of a rivalry that has crossed promotions for more than a decade, it is instead a first time singles match! While Jay Lethal and Penta El Zero Miedo have met previously in Battle Royales here in AEW, as well as in a non-AEW Three Way that included Matt Taven and took place one day shy of a year ago, they’ve never met in singles competition prior to this Friday night!

It’s a huge opportunity for both individuals, especially for Lethal given that he’s never challenged for the AEW World Championship, but to the victor of this comes the right to fight either Jay Lethal or Samoa Joe. Given the history between Joe and Lethal, one can imagine Lethal rooting for Hardy to win that bout, but he best stay focused on his own fight rather than worry about the outcome of the other.

Which of these warriors will move one step closer to that Grand Slam spotlight?


Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D, Hikaru Shida, & Skye Blue


Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, & The Bunny

Though they’ve managed to persevere through it, Dr. Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida have a history that primarily has them on opposite sides of a fight. Yet ever since the emergence of The Outcasts as a threat to the rest of the Women’s Division, these two AEW stalwarts have found common ground, even if if has occasionally resulted in some crucial miscommunications. Still, they persevere, and this Friday night on RAMPAGE they will do so once again, welcoming Skye Blue to the party for the first time, to form a trio for battle against another first-time unit of Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, and The Bunny!

With Britt and Shida both set for the Four Way Eliminator on Wednesday night’s DYNAMITE, and plenty of past issues swirling about between the women involved here, this one has the potential to be a powder keg between two brand-new trios!


The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Angelo Parker & Matt Menard

The Young Bucks have had a rather frustrating couple weeks: they lost to FTR at ALL IN: LONDON in front of the biggest crowd in AEW’s history, not only giving Cash and Dax the advantage in their trilogy of bouts, but failing to capture the AEW World Tag Team Championship for a third time. Then, a week later at ALL OUT 2023, they and FTR, working as a quartet, fell to BULLET CLUB GOLD; not the best week in Young Buck history, but a new one has dawned, meaning a new chance to make up for those losses and get back on track.

That begins with a fight against former J.A.S. members Angelo Parker and Matt Menard, two men the brothers Jackson haven’t clashed with in over ten years, and who are also looking to get their ship upright after the upheaval of the Jericho Appreciation Society. So will it be the former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champs who get back on track, or Parker and Menard who score a RAMPAGE victory? Tune in Friday night to see which team rises up!

On RAMPAGE this Friday night, we will see who else advances to the Semi-Finals in the Grand Slam World Title Eliminator tournament when Samoa Joe fights Jeff Hardy, and Jay Lethal battles Penta El Zero Miedo! Plus, The Young Bucks take on Matt Menard and Angelo Parker, while Dr. Britt Baker, Shida, and Skye Blue take on Taya Valkyrie, Anna Jay, and The Bunny in Trios action! The night begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel ahead of time for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


AEW presented All Out 2023 live from the United Center in Chicago, IL!

It’s Sunday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off! Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Kevin Kelly, and Nigel McGuinness.

The Over Budget Charity Battle Royale!

The winner earns $50K to give to the charity of their choice!

Tony Nese began the match by doing pushups. He was quickly eliminated. Serpentico was swarmed by Menard, Hager, Garcia, and Parker. They quickly tossed him out. Aussie Open knocked Shawn Spears out with stereo thrust kicks.

Brian Cage powerbombed Komander and then the Mogul Embassy hurled Komander over the top. The Boys eliminated Angelo Parker, and then Cage clocked Dalton Castle with a discus lariat, sending Castle to the floor. Garcia threw Action Andretti over the top rope. Best Friends blasted Brian Cage with a double chokeslam. “Hangman” Adam Page knocked Bishop Kaun to the floor with a clothesline. Scorpio Sky threw Jake Hager out.

Trent and Page worked in tandem to eliminate Mark Davis. Sky flung Garcia over the top. The Mogul Embassy worked together to take out Scorpio Sky. Fletcher knocked out Andretti with a leg lariat. Trent planted Kyle Fletcher with a half and half suplex on the apron, sending Kyle to the arena floor. Cage chucked out Trent. The final three entrants were Toa, Cage, and Page.

Page scored with a Buckshot Lariat to Toa and then sent him over the top. Cage clobbered Page with a neck breaker. Cage and Page battled on the ring apron. Adam Page nailed Brian Cage with the Deadeye and won the match!

Trios Match!

ROH Women’s World Champion Athena, Diamante, & Mercedes Martinez


Hikaru Shida, Skye Blue, & Willow Nightingale!

Skye Blue jumped off the top turnbuckle and landed on the opposition. Diamante hit a neck breaker on Skye Blue and then tagged out to Mercedes. Diamante and Mercedes used tandem offense on Blue.

Athena grabbed Blue, preventing her from making the tag. Athena powerbombed Skye Blue for a two-count. Willow grabbed a tag and clobbered Athena with a lariat and then a splash in the corner. Diamante ate a Falcon Arrow from Shida. Martinez dumped Skye with a Spider German Suplex. Athena smashed Willow with the O-Face. Shida, not impressed, entered the ring and shoved Athena. Shida and Athena traded strikes. Shida dropped Athena with a strike. Willow pounced Athena outside the ring! Skye Blue pinned Diamante after hitting the Code Blue!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed (c.)—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass (with Dennis Rodman)


Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, & Satnam Singh (with Sonjay Dutt & Karen Jarrett)!

Daddy Ass said he had his own referee and called out Aubrey Edwards to the ring. Bowens dropped the Scissor Me Timbers on Jeff Jarrett. Lethal tagged in and stomped a mudhole in Caster in the corner.

Bowens clipped Lethal with a series of thrust kicks. Billy Gunn tagged in and cleaned house until running into a massive boot from Satnam Singh! As Aubrey was ejecting Karen from ringside, Dennis Rodman smashed Jeff Jarrett’s guitar over the head of Satnam! Bowens hit the Mic Drop on Lethal and pinned him!

The pay-per-view portion of All Out kicked off with…

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!

Better Than You BayBay—AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole (c.)


Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & John Silver (with Evil Uno)!

The fans were chanting “Double Clothesline! Double Clothesline!”

Reynolds pulled Silver out of the ring before Cole and MJF could hit the double clothesline. MJF and Reynolds shook hands and then MJF thumbed him in the eyes. MJF got his neck banged up and the Dark Order blindsided MJF when Reynolds hit MJF with a chair to the base of the neck. Ref Paul Turner didn’t see it. Doc Sampson examined MJF on the arena floor.

“It appears they’ve taken MJF out of the equation,” said Excalibur.

Dark Order had Adam Cole to themselves and used their tandem offense on him. Cole went for the Panama Sunrise on Silver, but Silver avoided it. Silver lit up Cole with vicious kicks and followed up with a fisherman’s buster for a near fall.

Dark Order smashed Cole with a double clothesline. Silver grabbed one of the tag titles while Evil Uno distracted the ref. It didn’t matter as Cole served up superkicks in a last ditch effort.

MJF came back to the ring, holding his neck. He fought through adversity to assist his best friend, Adam Cole. MJF chomped on Reynolds’ forehead. MJF clobbered Dark Order with the kangaroo kick! Better Than You BayBay hit the double clothesline on Reynolds and Cole scored the pin!

ROH World Television Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Shane Taylor!

As Samoa Joe was making his entrance, he shoved MJF (who was still making his way to the back after his match)! MJF sprinted back to the ring and began to brawl with Samoa Joe! Joe locked MJF in a guillotine choke until AEW security separated the two men!

Shane Taylor dropped Samoa Joe after some stiff shots. Joe pulled Shane out of the ring and began to chop away at him. They slugged it out ringside. Back in the ring, Shane Taylor splashed Samoa Joe for a near fall.

Samoa Joe cracked Taylor with an elbow suicida. Joe used a Manhattan Drop and followed it up with a running senton. Joe jabbed away at Shane Taylor, but Taylor countered with a short arm clothesline.

“This isn’t boxing but it has a big fight feel,” said Kevin Kelly.

Shane Taylor rocked Samoa Joe with a hanging stunner! Taylor splashed Samoa Joe off the middle rope for a near fall on the champ. Taylor crumbled after a lariat from Samoa Joe! Taylor rallied back with body shots. Samoa Joe overwhelmed Taylor with knee strikes and then locked on the submission to force Taylor to tap!

TNT Championship Match!

Luchasaurus (c.) (with Christian Cage)


Darby Allin (with Nick Wayne)!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Darby charged right at Luchasaurus, swarming the champ. Luchasaurus whipped Darby into the steel guardrail. The champ swung Darby into the metal ring steps. Darby was busted open. Christian Cage ordered Luchasaurus to maim Darby.

Luchasaurus put the steps on Darby’s back and then walked up them, putting all of his weight on Darby. Nick Wayne lifted the steps off Darby, but the damage had been done already. Back in the ring, Luchasaurus hit Darby with a huge overhand chop. Luchasaurus headbutted Darby on the chin.

“Damn. It’s getting ugly. It’s getting uncomfortable,” said Jim Ross.

Somehow Darby mustered the strength to do a somersault off the top turnbuckle onto Luchasaurus on the arena floor! Back in the ring, Darby hit a crucifix bomb for a near fall! The fans rallied behind Darby. Luchasaurus caught Darby and suplexed him!

Christian Cage wanted Nick Wayne to toss in the towel. Darby rocketed out of the ring with a tope to Christian! Darby smashed Luchasaurus with an avalanche Code Red for a very near fall! Christian Cage whacked Nick Wayne with a chair. Darby saw it and got distracted. Luchasaurus seized the moment and hit Darby with two tombstones and then a lariat to the back of the head, more than enough to score the pin!

“Wow! Impressive victory for Luchasaurus,” said Jim Ross.

Christian Cage got in the ring, setting Darby up for a con-chair-to. Luchasaurus held Nick Wayne back. The locker room ran down to intervene and stop Christian Cage.

“Darby Allin dodged a hell of a bullet,” said Jim Ross.

“My heart was in my throat,” added Excalibur.

“This looks like a crime scene,” said Nigel.

“The Redeemer” Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs!

They locked horns right out of the gate! Both men refusing to yield ground. Miro shoved Hobbs to the mat and then ripped off his shirt. Hobbs was beaten down in the corner. Hobbs steamrolled Miro with a shoulder block.

“Two big meaty men slapping meat and this match has lived up to those expectations,” said Excalibur.

Miro used his quickness to hit Hobbs with a leg lariat.

Hobbs hurled Miro with a belly to belly suplex, sending the Redeemer for a ride.

The fans chanted “Slap that meat! Slap that meat!”

Miro and Hobbs exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Miro knocked Hobbs down after several lariats. Miro superplexed Hobbs! Powerhouse Hobbs dodged a kick and then powerslammed Miro!

Miro nailed Hobbs with a thrust kick for a two-count. Miro stomped Hobbs’ lower back. Miro applied the Game Over submission. Hobbs escaped, rising up and squashing Miro into the corner. Hobbs blasted Miro with a spinebuster for a near fall! Miro answered with a spinebuster of his own! Miro locked in Game Over for a second time and Hobbs tapped out!

“Hobbs ran out of options,” said Jim Ross.

“One of the best big man matches I’ve ever seen. And the fans are giving this a standing ovation,” replied Nigel.

Hobbs and Miro shook hands after the match. Miro turned to walk away, and Hobbs blindsided the Redeemer. Hobbs grounded and pounded Miro.

Miro’s wife ran to the ring and cracked Hobbs with a steel chair! Hobbs was distracted and Miro grabbed the chair and smashed it into Hobbs’ head! Miro walked away, without embracing his wife.

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Ruby Soho (with AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya)!

Kris cracked Ruby with a running knee strike. Kris whipped Ruby into the guardrail. Ruby rallied back, ramming Statlander’s head into the guardrail. Saraya hammered Kris with shots behind the ref’s back.

Kris nailed Ruby with a back breaker. She followed up with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Kris walloped Ruby with an avalanche powerslam for a near fall! Ruby nailed Kris with a poison rana, a DDT, and then a low hurracanrana for a two-count! Ruby smashed Kris with the No Future Kick and then Destination Unknown for a near fall.

Saraya distracted the ref while Ruby grabbed a can of spray paint. Toni Storm crawled out from beneath the ring and took the can away! Statlander spiked Ruby with the Sunday Night Fever and pinned Ruby Soho!

No Disqualification Strap Match!

“Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Starks attacked Danielson before the match began. Starks whipped Danielson with his weight belt! Starks targeted Bryan’s head and hit him with the buckle of the belt, busting Bryan Danielson wide open!

Starks stomped on Danielson’s head, sandwiching it on the steel ring steps. Starks used the strap around Danielson’s throat. Starks whipped Danielson with the strap.

“This is my house!” said Ricky Starks.

Danielson headbutted Starks and fired off round kicks. Starks walloped Bryan on the side of the head with the strap! Danielson rallied back and whipped Starks on the back over and over again! Danielson knocked Starks to the floor with a sliding dropkick. Bryan was going to jump out of the ring, but Starks countered by clocking him with the strap. Danielson pulled on the slack of the strap and pulled Starks headfirst into the steel ring post!

Danielson charged at Starks, but Starks turned Bryan inside out with a lariat! Bryan and Ricky nailed each other with the strap. Big Bill came down to the ring and jumped on the apron! Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat pulled Big Bill down to the floor! Danielson jumped off the turnbuckles and wiped out Starks and Big Bill!

Back in the ring, Starks speared Danielson for a near fall. Starks grounded and pounded Danielson. Danielson got to his feet and nailed Starks with the charging knee strike!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson stomped on Starks. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock! Danielson took the strap and wrapped it around Starks’ throat, pulled back, and Starks lost consciousness!

“Bryan Danielson returns from injury and defeats Ricky Starks,” said Excalibur.

“Starks made a statement in defeat. He refused to quit no matter what Bryan Danielson did to him,” replied Nigel.

NJPW STRONG Open Weight Champion Eddie Kingston

& ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata


Blackpool Combat Club—ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Shibata cracked Yuta with Kawada style kicks. Claudio tagged in and blasted Shibata with a European uppercut. Claudio dodged the PK from Shibata.

Eddie Kingston tagged in, and Claudio tagged out to Wheeler Yuta. Kingston charged out of the ring at Claudio, and they exchanged shots. Yuta blindsided Eddie with a tope. Eddie used a butterfly suplex on Wheeler in the ring.

Claudio tagged in and stomped on Kingston’s chest. Yuta tagged in and Eddie took him down with an STO leg sweep. Shibata grabbed a tag and rocked Claudio with rapid fire elbows in the corner. Shibata ran across the ring and dropkicked Claudio in the corner. Claudio escaped an arm bar with a powerbomb. Claudio and Wheeler hit the fastball special on Shibata for a near fall.

Shibata knocked Yuta off his feet with a spinning backfist. Shibata had Yuta in an inverted leg lock and then put Claudio in an ankle lock. Eddie tagged in and DDT’ed Yuta. Kingston charged in with a lariat in the corner on Yuta. Kingston threw Yuta with an exploder suplex. Claudio came in on Kingston’s blindside and kicked him in the head.

Shibata hit Yuta with a pump kick and Eddie hit a side suplex on Yuta. Claudio jumped into the ring and exchanged uppercuts with Shibata. Claudio whipped Shibata into the guardrail. Yuta German Suplexed Kingston for a near fall.

Claudio took down Kingston with a short arm lariat. Claudio used hammer and anvil strikes and followed up with the Neutralizer for a near fall on Kingston! Eddie knocked down Claudio with a spinning backfist. Kingston rocked Claudio with a Northern Lights Bomb but Yuta jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Claudio wrecked Kingston with a European Uppercut and pinned a stunned Kingston.

“The Cleaner” Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita!

Takeshita hit a dropkick on Omega. Takeshita followed up with a high angle back drop driver! Outside the ring, Omega used a moonsault off the barricade onto Takeshita.

Omega jumped at Takeshita with a springboard dropkick and followed up with the face dunk. Omega applied an Indian Death Lock on Takeshita.

Outside the ring, Takeshita spiked Omega with a brainbuster on the floor! Takeshita distracted ref Paul Turner while Don Callis piled chairs onto Omega’s injured midsection. Takeshita splashed Kenny with a senton. Takeshita wiped out Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb in the ring.

Takeshita dropped Omega with a forearm shiver. Takeshita attempted a senton, but Omega countered by raising his knees. Omega smacked Takeshita with Polish hammers. Takeshita charged at Omega with a jumping knee, Omega moved, and the momentum sent Takeshita spilling out of the ring. Omega took flight with the Terminator Dive!

Omega blasted Takeshita with a missile dropkick! Omega followed up with a snap dragon suplex. Omega stuck Takeshita on the back of his neck with a second snap dragon suplex. Omega spiked Takeshita with a reverse hurracanrana for a near fall.

Takeshita dodged a V Trigger, but Omega scored with the second attempt. Takeshita swung for the fences with a lariat to Omega. Kenny powerbombed Takeshita and then cracked him with a knee strike! Bang! Omega connected with a V Trigger! Takeshita countered the One Winged Angel! Takeshita got a near fall with a deadweight German Suplex on Omega.

Omega hoisted up Takeshita and began climbing up the turnbuckles, carrying the weight of Takeshita. Omega was looking for an avalanche One Winged Angel, but Takeshita escaped. Takeshita rocked Omega with an avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall on Omega!

“Man, I don’t know. This Kenny Omega is made out of something special,” said Taz.

Takeshita scored with a powerdrive knee right on target. Takeshita distracted the ref while Callis tried to spike Omega with a screwdriver. Omega dodged it. Omega nailed Takeshita with a V Trigger. Omega lifted up Takeshita for the One Winged Angel. Takeshita had the screwdriver, but ref Paul Turner saw it and pulled it away. Takeshita removed his knee pad and decimated Omega with a knee strike, and then pinned Kenny Omega!

“We just found out what Kenny Omega’s limit is,” said Nigel.

Eight-Man Tag!

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood & The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Bullet Club Gold—Austin & Colten Gunn, “Switchblade” Jay White, & Juice Robinson!

Colten and Cash chain wrestled. Austin got a blind tag and tripped up Cash Wheeler. Cash sent Austin flying with a hurracanrana. Matt Jackson tagged himself in. The Bucks hit tandem offense on Austin. Dax Harwood tagged himself in.

Dax and Jay White locked up. Jay White chopped Dax. Juice Robinson and Jay White worked over Dax in their corner of the ring. Cash Wheeler grabbed a tag and FTR double teamed Jay White.

Juice jabbed at Cash Wheeler. Juice gouged at Cash’s eyes. All eight men were in the ring and began brawling! FTR and the Bucks hit quadruple atomic drops and then quadruple sharpshooters!

Dax dodged a cannonball from Juice Robinson. Matt Jackson smoked Juice with a superkick. The Bucks used a classic combo on Jay White.

“Superkick party in Chicago,” said Nigel.

The fans chanted “Young Bucks! Young Bucks!”

Matt and Cash dished out superkicks. Matt and Dax stuffed Austin with a spiked piledriver. Dax superplexed Austin and Cash, Matt, and Nick all hit high risk moves off the top turnbuckles on Austin. Dax and Austin rattled each other with double clotheslines.

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Dax and Jay traded chops. Dax walloped Jay with a short arm lariat. Juice saved Jay from the Shatter Machine. Nick and Dax hit the Shatter Machine! Matt and Dax grabbed Jay and bashed him with the BTE Trigger! Colten made the save, breaking up the pin attempt. Jay White hit the Blade Runner on Cash and Austin was there to pin him!

Main Event Time!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshley Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley!

Cassidy was playing mind games, not looking at challenger Jon Moxley. Orange went to put his hands in his pockets and Mox decked him! Moxley stalked Cassidy, giving him no time to breathe. Moxley bit the head of Orange Cassidy.

Cassidy fired back with a shotgun dropkick. Mox suplexed Orange and Orange immediately clutched his neck. Moxley sent Cassidy flying with a second suplex. Orange connected with a diving crossbody press but Mox rolled through and stomped on Orange’s head.

Orange flew at Mox with an elbow suicida. Moxley countered a DDT, turning Orange inside out. Moxley took his boots to Orange’s head again. Moxley mauled Cassidy, whipping him into the steel ring post. Cassidy was split open. Moxley bit Orange’s forehead.

“Orange Cassidy is gushing,” said Nigel.

“There is a pool of blood at our feet,” added Excalibur.

Moxley spiked Orange with a stalling piledriver for a near fall. Moxley battered Orange with clubbing shots. Orange dug his nails into Moxley’s back and then hit Moxley’s head! Orange cracked Mox with a diving DDT and then a second DDT!

Cassidy rocked Mox with the PK. He followed up with the Orange Punch for a near fall! Mox countered the Beach Break with a Gotch Style piledriver! Mox locked in the bulldog choke. Mox transitioned to an arm bar. Mox put Orange in the Le Bell Lock. Moxley transitioned to the bulldog choke, but Orange forced the ref break by reaching the ropes with his foot.

Moxley pulled the protective padding off the floor, exposing the concrete. Moxley tried for a piledriver, but Orange countered with a Beach Break on the floor! Orange dropkicked Moxley’s head into the steps!

Orange cracked Moxley with two straight Orange Punches! Orange went for a third, but Moxley countered with a cutter! Orange hit another Orange Punch and then speared Moxley for a near fall! Moxley nearly decapitated Orange with two King Kong lariats! Moxley smashed Orange with the Death Rider for a near fall!

Orange flipped off Moxley. Jon Moxley grabbed Orange and spiked him with a high angle Death Rider and pinned Cassidy!

And new AEW International Champion…Jon Moxley!

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW All Out 2023! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Fite International, PPV.COM, and more! See AEW All Out 2023 for yourself!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Just seven days after the biggest night in All Elite Wrestling history, we are right back at it with our second pay-per-view offering in a week! ALL OUT has been at the heart of AEW since 2019 when Chris Jericho defeated Hangman Page to become the first AEW World Champion, and it has provided a lion’s share of memorable matches and moments every year since! The Chicagoland area has been home to this event every year save one, and 2023 will be no different, but for the very first time, ALL OUT will emanate from the United Center!

If you can’t be there in-person, click here for details on all the ways you can watch the pay-per-view event live no matter where you are in the world! Also be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest edition of CONTROL CENTER, highlights from ALL IN: LONDON, and more to get you up to speed for ALL OUT 2023!

AEW International Championship Match…

Orange Cassidy(c) vs. Jon Moxley

This past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, after Orange Cassidy bested Penta El Zero Miedo in his 31st International Championship defense, he was confronted by the next man scheduled to challenge for the title regardless of who won Wednesday night’s fight, former 3-Time AEW World Champion Jon Moxley.

Three years ago this would’ve seemed a largely lopsided fight, but in the time since Orange Cassidy fought his first AEW singles match at REVOLUTION 2020, coincidentally at the Wintrust Arena in Chicago as well as the same night Moxley won his first AEW World Championship, he has proven to be in a class all his own. There was never any question that Jon Moxley was at the top of the heap in All Elite Wrestling, he pretty much heralded that himself with how he arrived on the scene at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2019, but Orange Cassidy has been questioned, doubted, bullied, and tested at every step of his AEW career.

It didn’t matter how he performed in that first fight with PAC, that he beat Chris Jericho in two straight matches, that he beat Adam Cole in a Lights Out Match, or that he took Will Ospreay to his limits at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2022, he was still doubted. But since the October 12, 2022 edition of DYNAMITE where he defeated “The Bastard” to claim the AEW International Championship, Orange Cassidy has done nothing but proven himself as one of the elite competitors in pro wrestling. His first two title defenses took place in Three Way bouts, he took on “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata in his next, and from that point on, it has been a matter of fighting everyone who stepped up to the plate. Daniel Garcia, Wheeler Yuta, Big Bill, Jeff Jarrett, and Jay Lethal; they all fell before “Freshly Squeezed” and at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023 he really showed the world where he stood as champion when he took on 20 challengers simultaneously in the Blackjack Battle Royale. As a result of that many simultaneous challengers in Vegas, as Cassidy heads into this fight with Moxley, he has defended the AEW International Championship 31 times against 41 different men, and been champion for 326 days. He’s defended his title more times than any champion in AEW’s entire history across all divisions, and sits behind Jade Cargill’s 508-day TBS Title reign, Hikaru Shida 372-day AEW Woman’s World Championship reign, and Kenny Omega’s 346-day AEW World Championship run in terms of duration as champ.

And if that’s wasn’t enough to make the entire wrestling world stand-up and recognize the greatness of “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, perhaps it should be noted that at 121 overall victories, he’s got more wins than any man in All Elite Wrestling, topping Jon Moxley’s 118 overall wins, though Mox does surpass OC as a singles competitor, holding 75 victories to Cassidy’s 68.

As if that wasn’t enough, Cassidy also has the longest active singles win streak in AEW with thirty-one consecutive victories, eclipsing Moxley’s run of 25 from 11/13/19-12/2/20 and HOOK’s from 12/10/21-7/19/23. All that put together, it could be argued that Orange Cassidy is the absolute best in All Elite Wrestling, that he is the measuring stick for the company, and that he is the one everyone else should be looking to as their litmus test.

Jon Moxley clearly is not a man who sees that to be the case, and after their engagement the last several weeks, including Stadium Stampede at ALL IN: LONDON, he aims to put OC to the test this Sunday at ALL OUT 2023! Mox aims to put Cassidy through the wringer in the process of proving that it is he and The Blackpool Combat Club who run AEW, and given the AEW career path that has brought both men here, this may be one of the most important pay-per-view matches in AEW’s history. It is also a night Jon Moxley could make history as the first AEW World Champion to capture another AEW singles championship!

OC has already made history during his International Championship reign, it started with being the man to level the belt up from the All-Atlantic to the International Championship, and has continued with each title defense he survives. But eventually the rigorous schedule Orange has kept will catch up to him, but will that point come this Sunday at the United Center? If there is anyone likely to push OC past that point, it is Jon Moxley, and if the defending champion can’t find an even deeper level to his reservoir of strength, he’s in for a rough night and most likely the end of his historic championship reign.

TNT Championship Match…

Luchasaurus(c) vs. Darby Allin

As much as Christian Cage may claim otherwise, as much as he would rather have the fans believe an alternative truth, the reality is that Luchasaurus is the TNT Champion, not Christian Cage. Cage may carry the belt around, may consistently refer to the belt as “his” TNT Title, but it was Luchasaurus who won the belt from Wardlow, it’s been the former AEW World Tag Champion who’s defended it since that victory over “The War Dog”, and it will be Luchasaurus who faces former 2-Time TNT Champion Darby Allin this Sunday night at ALL OUT 2023!

But what condition is the challenger in? Like so many others at ALL IN: LONDON, Darby went through tremendous physical punishment, but the x-factor of the coffin elevated his to a whole other level. He was slammed on the metal lid, went for a Coffin Drop on Swerve while Strickland was draped across the top only for Allin to find no one home when he crashed down, he was battered and bruised, but ultimately victorious, though it also came at the expense of young Nick Wayne. Wayne, seeking to balance the scales of the bout, ended up being taken away by The Right Hand of Destruction, but that wasn’t the end of the story.

This week on COLLISION we heard Nick Wayne speak on Darby Allin’s actions pertaining to AR Fox, leading Darby out to the ring to publicly discuss the issue, but even that was interrupted by Christian Cage, who proceeded to say horrid things about Wayne’s mother, and of course promised destruction would rain down upon Allin’s head in his TNT Championship fight with Luchasaurus. Of course it wouldn’t have been Cage if he didn’t, yet again, imply he was the actual TNT Champion, but of course it won’t be he who steps into the ring to face Darby Allin, it will be the former AEW World Tag Team Champion.

Can Darby overcome the size of Luchasaurus, the numbers game that will be played by Christian Cage, and the injuries he sustained at ALL IN: LONDON’s Casket Match? If so, he will become the second man after Sammy Guevara to achieve 3-Time TNT Champion status, but if he cannot, and Cage has his way, will there be anything left of Darby to dust off and try again?

Singles Match…

“The Redeemer” Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Forty-two days, in the span of 42 days between 3/8/23 and 4/19/23 Powerhouse Hobbs managed to defeat Wardlow to claim the TNT Championship, defend it five times, and then lose it right back to Wardlow. It was not the way Hobbs anticipating his championship reign going when he won the belt, and after it ended, he spent some time on the House Rules loop getting back on track, leading to a five match win streak, including a smashing victory over Powerhouse Hobbs in the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarter-Finals.

Unfortunately he ran into a familiar foe named Ricky Starks in the Semi-Finals, and “Absolute” would best his former Team Taz partner en route to winning the entire tournament shortly thereafter. Again, not the way Hobbs wanted his COLLISION career to go, but he rebounded and has since won six consecutive bouts, including an eight-second victory last night in Chicago.

As impressive as that streak may be, as rapidly as Hobbs has dispatched those foes, perhaps the most impressive thing Hobbs has done is have the gumption to call out “The Redeemer” Miro for a fight! A former TNT Champion himself, Miro is one of the most intimidating men in all of professional wrestling, and to call him out for a fight is to court pain and punishment. Thus he is also the supreme test for a men looking to redeem himself for the key losses he’s experienced in 2023.

Will Hobbs live to regret his choice to goad Miro into battle? Will he be humbled before “The Redeemer”, or will Hobbs instead find that redemption he’s looking for?

TBS Championship Match…

Kris Statlander(c) vs. Ruby Soho

The challenge was made by Ruby Soho, a woman that Kris Statlander has yet to defeat, and it appears a challenge born out of this Outcasts frustration at having never won a championship during the last 13 years. Just in All Elite Wrestling, after making her debut at ALL OUT 2021 by winning the Women’s Casino Battle Royale, she was frustrated in her first World Championship match at GRAND SLAM 2021 against Dr. Britt Baker, and sadly that would not be the last time Ruby’s dreams were dashed. A month later, in the inaugural TBS Championship Tournament, Soho would make it past Penelope Ford, Kris Statlander, and Nyla Rose but end up stifled in the finals by Jade Cargill, having to watch her claim status as the first TBS Champion. Even the AAA Mixed Tag Title alluded her and Ortiz at ALL OUT 2022 when they faced Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo on the ZERO HOUR, and finally at REVOLUTION 2023, in a Three Way where she and Saraya challenged AEW Women’s World Champion Jamie Hayter, Ruby was again turned away. The frustration is understandable, she is unquestionably one of the best wrestlers competing today, but has repeatedly failed to achieve the trophies that cement that fact in the history books.

That being said, it’s not as if Kris Statlander has had the easiest road to the status she now holds. Injuries have slowed her professional growth on multiple occasions since she first came to All Elite Wrestling, even her first AEW championship bout at REVOLUTION 2020 was tainted as Stat fought Nyla Rose with a debilitating flu that had kept her on bed rest for several days leading up to that night in Chicago. Even in the COUNTDOWN TO ALL OUT Statlander shared about her feelings as champion, a rather open look at the thoughts spinning around in her head despite defending her title eight times in the last 100 days on DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and on the HOUSE RULES tour. She has been a fighting champion from the moment she beat Jade Cargill at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023, and yet doubt still creeps.

It’s not an easy road for champion or challenger, both are driven to be the best, both have had their frustrations and setbacks, but only one has taken those challenges and used them to make herself a better version of who she was. Statlander has gotten tougher, she’s gotten stronger, and it’s led her to the status as TBS Champion whereas Ruby Soho has thrown her lot in with The Outcasts which in turn led her to watching both Saraya and Toni Storm become champions, although Toni’s current situation makes one question whether or not becoming a champion was worth the ramifications of losing it.

This Sunday, when Kris Statlander and Ruby Soho meet in their third singles match, it’s clear there is a bit more than the TBS Championship on the line for each woman. Pride, ego, legacy; they are all wrapped up in this fight between two of today’s best, but only one can walk away as champion while they other will have to find a way to handle with the disappointment and frustration…

Grudge Match…

“The Cleaner” Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Kenny Omega has been betrayed by Don Callis on so many levels since that Cage Match against Jon Moxley back in May, and yet this Sunday night at ALL OUT 2023 he will still come to fight in the face of that sting. Whether it was Callis throwing his support behind Will Ospreay at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023, ripping Takeshita away from his growing alliance with The Elite, or signing up with BULLET CLUB GOLD, the man who was once akin to Omega’s uncle has done anything he can to wreck the former AEW World Champion’s life.

This all stems from some sense of ownership Callis has over Kenny’s career, some belief he is entitled to the credit though it is Omega who did the heavy-lifting of actually getting in the ring for the fight. Uncle Don may have shown a young Kenny the ropes, but it was Omega who did the work and earned monikers like “Best Bout Machine” and “The God of Pro Wrestling”. It was Kenny in the ring with Okada for their four matches that, over the course of three-plus hours, firmly established both men as the best in the world. It was Kenny in the ring with Chris Jericho at WRESTLE KINGDOM 12 and DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2019 not Don Callis, and point of fact, the only actual accomplishment in Kenny’s career that Callis could take some credit for would be Omega defeating Jon Moxley to become the AEW World Champion. It’s undeniable that “The Invisible Hand” played a part in assisting Kenny’s championship challenge, but it’s certainly possible that it was Don whispering in Kenny’s ear that he needed his Uncle’s help to achieve that success.

That loyalty is simultaneously both Kenny’s biggest positive and negative, especially since his return to action in August 2022 after taking 10 months to recover from a litany of injuries collected over his wrestling career. Despite Callis’ entire oeuvre being a stark contrast to where The Elite stood as people in the fall of 2022, Omega kept Don by his side and Callis clearly bristled at the fact Kenny was not on the same page as he when it came to how to conduct business. Omega’s loyalty was that strong, his love for everything Uncle Don had been to him and his family was that strong, and yet Callis clearly grew unhappy with the fact he was no longer the primary voice in Kenny’s ear as he’d been during Omega’s championship reign.

All that anger and disappointment led Callis to betraying Kenny inside that Steel Cage, allowing Jon Moxley to get some revenge for Omega’s equally shady victories several years prior, and has taken us all down this path to ALL OUT 2023. It led Callis to put Takeshita inside the Blood & Guts Cage, and to pull him away from the fight when things weren’t looking promising for The Blackpool Combat Club, it led to the BC GOLD attack on Kenny when he sat down to talk to Jim Ross in Jacksonville, and now has Takeshita fighting Omega on Sunday night.

The relationship between Omega and Takeshita dates back to the earliest years of the latter’s career, so far back that Kenny was the opponent for the fifth match on record in Takeshita’s career, the first of their thirteen encounters in DDT Pro Wrestling between 9/30/12 and 10/26/14, all which posted them as opponents. It wasn’t until Takeshita first came to AEW in April 2021 that the two men fought as partners, and when he became a regular part of the roster one year later, it looked as if Takeshita would ride alongside The Elite as he pursued the growth of his own career.

Then Don Callis got in his ear, promising the sky, and turned Konosuke against those who’d supported him, leading to Takeshita’s impact on Omega’s face during Anarchy in the Arena at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023, and now here we are, four months later, with the two men colliding in their first AEW singles match, and their first head-to-head in a decade. It should be noted, though they were over a decade ago during Takeshita’s early days as a wrestler, Omega is 2-0 in their singles matches, but obviously Takeshita has grown exponentially since that time.

So should Takeshita fail in this singles match, will this be the end of Don Callis’ pursuit of Omega’s end? If Kenny walks away with the victory, will Uncle Don give up this mission to end his nephew, or is Kenny stuck in this infinite loop of Don Callis throwing everything at Omega just hoping he breaks until the weight of it all? And what is the future if Takeshita pins Omega as he did at ALL IN: LONDON? That is the kind of victory that potentially bolsters Takeshita up into championship contention, but what would it mean for Kenny Omega’s immediate future? The ramifications for this one will be felt for some time by all parties involved, but just looking at it as a fight, this one could possibly steal the show at ALL OUT 2023!

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match…

AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole(c)

Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

After defeating Aussie Open at ALL IN: LONDON to become the new Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions, Adam Cole and AEW World Champion MJF were informed they’d have to defend their championship against the winner of a Tag Team Battle Royale at ALL OUT 2023. So, in typical MJF fashion, he took the week off to recover from his UK journey while Adam Cole came to work only to be confronted by Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett, including Roddy throwing his name in the hat for the Grand Slam Tournament of Champions and telling Cole he would do what Adam couldn’t: beat MJF.

While that is indeed a concern for Cole, the more immediate matter is the match this Sunday with the winners of the aforementioned Battle Royale: The Dark Order of Alex Reynolds and John Silver! Though they have been part of AEW since the earliest days of DYNAMITE, the pair have only challenged one time for the AEW World Tag Team titles, during the reign of Jurassic Express, and they were unsuccessful in that endeavor. Since coming into the ROH fold back in April, the duo has been embroiled in their own violent affair with The Righteous, one that culminated with victory in the first-ever Trios Fight Without Honor at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2023. But none of that matters to MJF who, having some experience with both Alex Reynolds and John Silver early in his career, doesn’t have a bit of respect for either man.

Well Dark Order is quite the motivated, driven duo, one whose bond runs far deep than just the last couple months of this year, and they aim to break this championship drought on Sunday night!

Adam Cole and Maxwell Jacob Friedman have proven themselves to be a strong tag team duo, with a genuine bond that defies all logic and reason, but they are facing a team who’ve been together for over a decade, and who have a whole lot to prove to themselves and the world. Adam Cole and MJF are in for a fight, and they will have to pull out every Double Clothesline, Kangaroo Kick, and any other offense to keep these ROH World Tag Team Titles around their waists.

ROH World Television Championship Match…

Samoa Joe(c) vs. Shane Taylor

The history of Samoa Joe in Ring of Honor has been well-documented; for 645 days he reigned as ROH World Champion, elevating the title from a regional one to World Championship status, and engaging in legendary fights that proved influential to the modern wrestling scene. Even after that reign ended at FINAL BATTLE 2004, Joe remained integral to the workings of ROH, claiming the ROH Pure Championship from Jay Lethal at MANHATTAN MAYHEM, and keeping that for 112 days until he was dethroned by Nigel McGuinness. Even then, his influence on both ROH and pro wrestling at large was felt as he engaged in one of the hardest-hitting, most memorable bouts in modern wrestling history when he fought the legendary Kenta Kobashi at JOE VS. KOBASHI, and even after Joe first parted ways with ROH in March 2007, his presence loomed large over every individual who held the ROH World Championship in his wake. All World Champions were compared to Joe and his legacy, and every big man who ever entered into ROH competition was sized up against Samoa Joe’s shadow as well.

That was the world into which Shane Taylor entered when he first joined Ring of Honor in November 2014 at GLORY BY HONOR XIII, and though he reigned as a dominating ROH World TV Champion for 218 days, and a ROH World Six Man Champion for 295 days, the comparisons to Samoa Joe never ceased, but Taylor never had a chance to tackle those comparisons head-on until now.

When Samoa Joe re-entered the ROH landscape at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2022, the fanbase was excited at the prospects of all that could be, speculating on if Joe would pursue the ROH World Championship he lost, or who he may want to lock horns with inside the squared circle. It turned out his first mission was to claim a championship that he had no opportunity to hold during his original ROH tenure simply because it did not exist until 2010, the ROH World Television Championship.

Shortly after his arrival, Joe dethroned Minoru Suzuki to claim the title, and 508 days later, he is still standing tall as the champion with 13 successful defenses to his reign! This makes Joe the second longest reigning TV champion of all time, behind Jay Lethal, and put him just above Shane Taylor on the list of successful defenses, a list Jay Lethal is also at the top of, having retained the belt on 36 occasions during his 567 days.

So it shall be this Sunday night in Chicago that two of Ring of Honor’s most dominant forces, two of the most imposing competitors in professional wrestling today, will engage in combat for the very first time, a right Taylor earned with victories over Serpentico, Christopher Daniels, and Gravity in an Eliminator Tournament. This is a fight about the championship, about legacy, and about who will be the dominant force moving forward, and for Shane Taylor, with a visit to his hometown of Cleveland looming next Saturday, it’s absolutely about being able to go home a champion!


“Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson

Well Ricky Starks certainly did not anticipate getting the match he’s got to face on Sunday night at ALL OUT 2023, he was looking to fight a 70 year old “Dragon” in a Strap Match, but instead he got a date with a different Dragon, an “American Dragon”. This came as a shock to the AEW faithful in Chicago, as well as those watching at home, as no one was aware Danielson was cleared for competition following his injury in the Kazuchika Okada match at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023.

To his credit, Starks recognized the mistake he had made, and essentially told the world “if this is the bed I made, than I’m going to make myself comfortable”. After all, it’s a huge opportunity for the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament winner, the chance to spoil Danielson’s return to action almost two years to the date since his AEW debut at ALL OUT 2021, and continue to rise up towards the championship status he craves.

Will Sunday night be Ricky Starks night, or will it be the night “The American Dragon” roars?

Tag Team Battle…

NJPW STRONG Open Weight Champion Eddie Kingston & ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata


Blackpool Combat Club (ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)

The bad blood between Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli has kept these two men bonded across many, many years, and even years wrestling in drastically different spheres did nothing to lessen the feelings of disdain. It’s spread from AEW to Ring of Honor and back again, putting Kingston inside Blood & Guts alongside The Golden Elite, putting him on the same side of Stadium Stampede as The Best Friends and Penta El Zero Miedo, and even putting him at odds with a man who was like a brother: Jon Moxley.

It’s been story of Eddie and his strange bedfellows, doing whatever he needs to do in order to get to Claudio, uniting with whoever has motivates that align with his, and hoping it leads to ending Castagnoli. This Sunday night in Chicago that means uniting with ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata to face the ROH World Champion and the man Shibata dethroned to claim that Ring of Honor title, the only 2-Time Pure Champion in ROH history, Wheeler Yuta!

The sad reality is that the animosity between Claudio and Kingston will probably never be satiated as long as both men are breathing. It’s shattered promotional boundaries, it’s bled across years and years, and sustained itself even when both men were on opposite sides of the wrestling world. Given that these men were once friends, roommates even, it’s a shame it’s gotten to this point, but that familiarity has bred contempt like none other. Is this a case of mutually assured destruction? Can either survive their own hate?

Eight-Man Fight…

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) and The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)


BULLET CLUB GOLD (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Jay White, & Juice Robinson)

It may come as a shock in 2023, but in 2020 The Young Bucks and FTR actually united on two occasions ahead of their first clash at FULL GEAR 2020. Neither ended up as positive moments for the four men, they lost both the eight and ten man tags in which they participated, and as history as shown, they’ve since fought it out in three landmark bouts. The first won by The Young Bucks at FULL GEAR 2020, the second by FTR on the April 6, 2022 edition of DYNAMITE, and the third also by FTR at ALL IN: LONDON just a week ago. Though the brothers Jackson walked away from the match without shaking the hands of Dax and Cash, a common foe had brought them together once again this Sunday night at ALL O UT 2023.

BULLET CLUB GOLD has been a thorn in the side of FTR since the inception of COLLISION, and have also inserted themselves in Elite business time and again, including Kenny uniting with Ibushi and Hangman Page in a losing effort to Jay White, Juice Robinson, and Takeshita at ALL IN: LONDON. Now all the worlds collide as FTR and The Young Bucks try to put aside their differences to fight BC GOLD live on pay-per-view! Is it possible? Or will BC GOLD celebrate in the Windy City tonight!


-AEW World Trios Championship Match: The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens, Daddy Ass, & Max Caster)(c) vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, & Satnam Singh

-ROH Women’s World Champion Athena, Diamante, & Mercedes Martinez vs. Hikaru Shida, Skye Blue, and Willow Nightingale

-Over Budget Charity Battle Royale: Winner gives $50K to the charity of their choice

ALL OUT 2023 emanates from the United Center in Chicago, IL this Sunday night, and live on pay-per-view beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT! Make a point to check out the official AEW YouTube channel ( to get up to date with highlights from the lastest episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the CONTROL CENTER, highlights from ALL IN: LONDON, and more to get you ready for ALL OUT 2023!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the United Center in Chicago, IL

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Tony Schiavone kicked off the show in the ring, introducing “Absolute” Ricky Starks, who had Big Bill with him!

Ricky Starks: “Well, here we are again, huh? I find myself back at square one. It seems that every time I climb up the hill I get dragged back down. But I get better. I am so tired of having to start over. But I do it because I show up and I show out and I deliver every single time.

“No matter how many people try to suck the life out of me, it doesn’t work. You cannot put a lid on a boiling pot because I will overflow. I am tired and sick of having to start over. Bill, I want you to know something. You are a hell of a dude, for real. I’m telling you from my heart, I believe in you. And I believe in myself.

“I’m so angry and I want to cry but I’m a man about it. And I will do what I need to do. You know it’s funny. I sat at home and watched All In, one of the biggest wrestling pay-per-view shows of all time on my couch. There wasn’t time for me? Because I got suspended for whipping Ricky Steamboat. And that is why I’m challenging Ricky Steamboat to a strap match at All Out.

“I am not letting a moment pass me by tomorrow night. That is why I’m calling my shot. So, I want an answer from the Dragon right now.”

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat walked to the ring with a vengeful look!

Steamboat: “Let me say something. What happened to you and me, Ricky, you took a couple of cheap shots on me, and I went down. I hear on social media that Ricky Starks wants to have a strap match with the Dragon. No disqualification. You talk a good game. You can perform in the ring when you want to. But I have a contract. I got a hold of AEW legal, let’s do it old school with a dragon. Let’s make sure the pen talks and not the mouth.”

Steamboat handed a contract to Tony Schiavone and told him to show Starks.

Steamboat: “Sign it!”

Starks put his signature on the contract.

Steamboat said they know him as the Dragon. But, he said, “They also know this guy.”

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson came out to the ring!

“My God, Ricky Starks what have you signed?” asked Kevin Kelly.

Bryan Danielson signed the contract!

Starks: “It’s supposed to be Steamboat.”

Danielson: “It says ‘The Dragon’ on the contract.”

“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a No DQ Strap Match for All Out,” said Tony Schiavone.

Starks: “Well, if this is the bed that I lay in, I’m going to make sure I’m real comfortable.”

Steamboat: “We just wanted to make sure you got what you wanted. You got your strap match!”

Danielson smiled at Starks across the ring.

Jon Moxley was backstage with words for Orange Cassidy!

Moxley: “Be the rock upon which the waves crash and eventually even the raging seas fall still around you. Or in other words, be Orange Cassidy, International Champion, the player that no one can checkmate. These idiots who call him a cosplayer wrestler, okay, in that case, who did they beat?

“When you’ve been doing this as long as I have been at this level, there’s always another bigger show, you wrestle the greats, the Chris Jerichos, the Bryan Danielsons, sometimes you win, sometimes they win. But there’s always another opportunity.

“This is a chance that only comes once in a lifetime because Orange Cassidy is on the run of a lifetime. I can smell BS from a mile away and I know the real thing when I see it. And Orange Cassidy looks like the real thing to me. And tomorrow we’ll find out.

“I am a technician of the highest order. My specialty, I’m going to target your soul, your heart, your guts, your endurance, your will to survive. A lot of these guys think they want to be wrestlers, but they don’t really want to be great wrestlers. Orange Cassidy, when it gets hard, and it’s really gonna get hard, will you look for a way out? I hope not. A lot of people believe in you Orange Cassidy. This Sunday at All Out, don’t disappoint us.”

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed (c.) vs. Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, & Daniel Garcia (with Jake Hager)!

Angelo Parker ate some right hands from Anthony Bowens. Garcia tagged in, as did Daddy Ass. Garcia cracked Billy Gunn with a chop across the chest. Billy Gunn and Bowens dropped double elbows on Garcia. Garcia put the Dragon Tamer on Bowens after some help from Parker and Menard. Billy Gunn broke up the hold.

Max Caster tagged in and cleaned house on the opposition. Caster connected with a cross body press on Garcia for a near fall. Garcia fired back with a uranage. Menard grabbed a tag and collided with Caster. Billy Gunn tagged in and smacked Menard with the Fame Asser. Caster soared down with the Mic Drop and pinned Menard!

Lexy Nair was backstage interviewing the Dark Order ahead of their ROH World Tag Team Title match against champs Adam Cole and MJF tomorrow at All Out!

John Silver: “Adam Cole used to be our best friend, but you threw it away to team with MJF?!”

Alex Reynolds: “And speaking of MJF, not a lot of people know this, but I actually trained MJF to become a pro wrestler. And I told him that if he wanted to succeed, he’d have to do whatever it took. And he did and I’m proud of him. But only one of us took that advice. But the Dark Order needs those titles more than you. Tomorrow night we do whatever it takes to beat you, because we have to!”

Tony Schiavone interviewed Ricky Starks backstage!

Starks: “Here’s the deal. Once again, every obstacle they throw in my way I knock it out of the park. Bryan Danielson, tomorrow night I’m going to show you why I am exactly what I say I am, and that is ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks!”

Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis


Nick Wayne & Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Davis charged at Nick Wayne. Davis whipped Wayne into the turnbuckles. Fletcher tagged in but Wayne knocked Kyle down with a European Uppercut. Komander and Nick Wayne hit Kyle with a double dropkick.

Mark Davis tagged in, but Komander stretched him in the Octopus submission. Davis escaped and tagged Fletcher. Aussie Open used their tandem offense on Komander to take control of the match.

Nick Wayne frog splashed Fletcher for a near fall. Fletcher nailed Wayne with a half and half suplex. Davis spiked Komander with a piledriver. Aussie Open crushed Wayne with the Coriolis and pinned him!

“Color me impressed,” said Nigel.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Nick Wayne in the ring after the match.

Nick Wayne: “I’m frustrated. I lost the match. But what I’m more frustrated about is why Darby Allin forgave AR Fox for what he did to me.”

Darby Allin walked onto the ramp.

Darby: “Nick, stop, just stop. Please stop. I’m going to explain why I forgave AR Fox. I’ve known Nick since he’s been eight years old. His father trained me. I’m going to explain why I forgave AR Fox. You know what happened between your father and me. You were there. There was a time I didn’t talk to your father, your mother, or you for three years.

“I got into a big fight with him, and I burnt that bridge. And before I could make things right, he passed away. And I have to live with that every single day, Nick. I wish I could have made things right. AR Fox is one of my trainers as well. And I refuse to live with the hate. I had to let it go. And that’s why I forgave him so fast. So please find it in your heart to forgive him.

“This Sunday at All Out I am fighting for the TNT Championship. It’d be an honor if you were in my corner for that match.”

Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp!

Christian Cage: “Nick Wayne. It was rude of me last week to speak so much about your father when I forgot to ask what your mom’s name is. Now I couldn’t help but notice her sitting at ringside. I know she’s not here tonight, so it was a missed opportunity on my part. So perhaps I should just slide into her DM’s and see if maybe we can change that.

“Now speaking of your parents, Nick, did I hear you right Darby? You didn’t speak to his parents for three years? So, let me get this straight, Darby, Nick Wayne is your personal pity project? You’re using him to justify that you’re actually a decent human being? Maybe you should take after me because I don’t pretend to be something that I’m not.

“Now in case where we’re at, Darby. We’re in Chicago. And these people can smell a loser a mile away. And you, my friend, are a loser in life and that will never change. Nick, if I can give you any advice it’s this. Carry a towel with you tomorrow to ringside because you’re going to need to throw that into the ring to stop this match. It’s going to be a massacre at the hands of not just my monster, but the most complete big man in the business today. And when it’s all said and done, I, we will be standing at the top of the mountain as the face of TNT, now and forever.”

Wheeler Yuta and ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli were backstage!

Claudio: “Congratulations Eddie. You beat Wheeler Yuta. You came back from Japan, and you beat the youngest member of the Blackpool Combat Club.”

Claudio smashed Yuta with a European Uppercut.

Claudio: “But I have a newsflash for you. We beat Wheeler every day of the week. You know what the difference is? Wheeler gets back up. He doesn’t stay down and moan like you do Eddie. Eddie, I thought Japan would change you. I was wrong. Eddie, I thought I couldn’t lose any more respect for you. But you proved me wrong.”

Lexy Nair interviewed AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya and Ruby Soho backstage!

Saraya: “I’m awesome. I won in front of 81,000 at Wembley but now I’m stuck in Chicago.”

Ruby: “Kris Statlander has never beaten me in the entire time I’ve been in AEW. And don’t worry about the Outcasts. We’re going to bring not one, but two titles back to the Outcasts. And Toni will be fine. Tonight, we’re going to drop the homegrowns like we’ve done the past few months.”

Tony Schiavone brought NBA Hall of Famer “The Worm” Dennis Rodman out to the ring!

Schiavone asked Rodzilla what he was doing here in AEW. Before Rodman could answer, Jeff Jarrett’s music began to play!

Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, and Jay Lethal came to the ring!

Jeff Jarrett: “The reality is we all have something in common. Satnam Singh is one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Jay Lethal, you’ve been a champion since day one. Dennis, you have too! Sonjay Dutt, wherever he goes, he strives for world peace. And Dennis, so do you. And I can’t forget Karen. She looks great in a dress and so do you!

“But all kidding aside, Dennis when it gets right down to it, I was a leader, and you were an integral part of one of the greatest factions of all time. And it was too sweet. And we used to say it was for life. You want to run with the bulls Why don’t you join this family?”

Rodman: “Chicago, it’s a great day to be in Chicago. It’s my first time here in 13 years. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here but I’m loving the fact you guys are loving AEW!”

Jeff Jarrett: “Don’t make me put Satnam on your ass. I want an answer and I want it now.”

Rodman: “When I was playing basketball, Shaq was as big at Satnam, and I whipped his ass.”

Sonjay told the rest of his crew to get out of the ring so he could talk to Rodman alone.

Sonjay: “Let’s talk, Dennis. Now that these guys are out of here, there’s no funny business involved. So, what do you say?”

Rodman threw Sonjay to the mat! The Acclaimed came out with Billy Gunn!

Bowens: “Hey, double jackass, if you want a fight, how about you three get your asses in the ring right now and fight the Acclaimed?”

Billy Gunn: “There is no way Daddy Ass is wrestling twice in one night. But I’ll tell you this. We have nothing to do tomorrow. So, All Out tomorrow, we’ll put the Trios Titles on the line tomorrow with Dennis Rodman in our corner.”

Trios Match!

The Outcasts vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Hikaru Shida, & TBS Champ Kris Statlander!

Statlander shoved Toni Storm to the mat. Kris caught Toni and slammed her. Britt Baker tagged in and walloped Toni with a sling blade.

Shida tagged in, as did Ruby. Saraya and Ruby double teamed Shida. Statlander tagged in and cleaned house on the Outcasts. Statlander nailed Saraya with a running knee strike. Statlander powerslammed Saraya. Britt and Ruby exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Britt blasted Ruby with a neck breaker. As the ref was distracted, Saraya sprayed Baker in the eyes with paint and Ruby pinned Baker.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. GPA!

Hobbs nailed GPA with a spinebuster and then pinned him!

“The Redeemer” Miro came out to the ring!

Hobbs and Miro brawled in the ring, and then on the arena floor! They’ll face each other tomorrow at All Out!

Main Event Time!

AEW World Tag Team Champion Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


“Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold)!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for the main event.

Jay White had Dax in a headlock. Dax escaped and chopped away at Switchblade. White retreated to the floor when Dax was looking for a submission.

Switchblade suplexed Dax into the turnbuckles. Jay White stomped a mudhole into Dax. Switchblade DDT’ed Dax for a near fall.

Harwood knocked down Jay White with a short arm clothesline. Dax superplexed Jay White!

“Jay White is in agony,” said Kevin Kelly.

Dax went for the diving headbutt, but Jay White dodged it. Dax followed up with a German Suplex and then a brainbuster for a two-count. Jay used a dragon screw leg whip on Dax. He followed up with a suplex to Dax. Jay rocked Dax with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Dax stuffed Jay with a piledriver for a near fall! Jay planted Dax with a uranage. Jay followed up with a sleeper suplex. Jay went for the Blade Runner, but Dax countered with a slingshot powerbomb for a near fall. Dax put Jay White in the Sharpshooter, but Jay White grabbed the ropes. Bullet Club Gold pulled Jay out of the ring, realizing he was in trouble. Dax got out of the ring and Jay White shocked him with a Sling Blade on the arena floor! Back in the ring, Jay White clocked Dax with a Blade Runner and pinned him.

After the match, Bullet Club Gold surrounded Cash Wheeler! The Young Bucks sprinted to the ring and chased off Bullet Club Gold! The Young Bucks offered their hands to FTR, but FTR walked away.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

This Sunday order AEW All Out 2023 from the United Center in Chicago, IL, live on pay-per-view at 8PM ET/5PM PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!