Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, KS!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Fox attacked Swerve as the show was coming onto the air. They brawled onto the ramp. AR Fox jumped off the stage and landed on Swerve with a crossbody press! They made it to the ring and Fox flipped over the top rope and landed on Swerve on the arena floor, Fox clearly taking the fight to Strickland!

Swerve hip tossed Fox onto the ring apron, with Fox’s legs taking the brunt of the impact. Swerve whipped Fox into the steel guardrail. Prince Nana called down the Gates of Agony to ringside.

Back in the ring, Swerve flung Fox onto the top turnbuckle. Swerve superplexed AR Fox, with Prince Nana yelling for Swerve to finish off Fox. AR Fox fired back with an offensive flurry, including a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on Swerve!

“Look at the rotation and the added impact of the 450,” said Nigel.

Swerve stunned Fox with a neck breaker and then a kick to the back of the head. Swerve squashed Fox with a double foot stomp and pinned Fox!

“That is a lethal move, guys,” said Tony Schiavone.

After the match AR Fox was surrounded by the Gates of Agony, Swerve, and Prince Nana! FTR sprinted to the ring and began to brawl with the Gates of Agony! Ricky Starks and Big Bill came down to the aid of the Mogul Embassy. LFI sprinted down and helped clear the ring of the AEW World Tag Champs and the Mogul Embassy! FTR offered to shake LFI’s hands, but LFI declined and left the ring.

The House of Black were watching from somewhere in the arena.

Lexy Nair was backstage with a very angry Kip Sabian!

Sabian said the Workhorsemen are underrated, and if Mark Briscoe can find two partners, Sabian and the Workhorsemen will wrestle them tonight!

The Kingdom came out, wheeling Roderick Strong onto the ramp!

Taven and Bennett charged into the ring against their opponents, James McGregor and Brixton Nash! Mike Bennett nailed McGregor with a Death Valley Driver. Taven jumped off the top rope and they hit a spiked piledriver, quickly pinning their opponent. Roderick Strong jumped into the ring and connected to one of the Kingdom’s opponents with a jumping knee strike, and then quickly rolled out of the ring and back into his wheelchair.

Lexy Nair was backstage interviewing Mark Briscoe when FTR walked onto the scene and greeted their friend Mark!

Cash offered to pull double duty and tag with Mark tonight. Mark said he appreciated that, but he already had partners lined up for his match tonight.

Darby Allin vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!

Lance Archer hurled Darby to the mat. Darby fired back with a big right hand. Lance Archer pounced at Darby Allin, sending Darby crashing outside of the ring. Lance followed up with a knee breaker.

Lance tried to walk the top rope, but Darby knocked him off. Darby rocketed out of the ring and right at Archer with a tope suicida. Lance Archer rocked Darby with a release suplex! Lance cracked Darby with a knee strike in the ring. Darby escaped a Black Out attempt and cradled Archer for a near fall.

Archer blocked Darby’s modified Coffin Drop attempt. Archer drilled Darby with a choke slam! Archer picked up Darby again and choke slammed Darby over the top rope and onto the edge of the ring! Jake Roberts was about to hit Darby with Darby’s skateboard, but the ref saw it and then ejected Roberts from ringside.

Lance Archer clocked Darby with a stiff right hand! Darby scraped at Archer’s back and connected with a Destroyer off the top rope, scoring the pin on Archer!

Jake Roberts came back out and had words for Darby! “You think I came to a fight with only one piece of artillery? No, I’ve got a couple more guys you may have seen on the street!” said Jake Roberts.

The Righteous walked onto the ramp!

Vincent: “Revenge is forever. It’s showtime.”

Archer grabbed a distracted Darby Allin and planted him with the Black Out!

Lexy Nair was backstage with TBS Champion Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Skye Blue!

Statlander and Willow had requested the time to speak with Skye Blue.

Kris: “You had us going there for a second, but you showed up and picked the right side. I wanted to say thank you for making the right decision.”

Skye: “You don’t have to thank me because I didn’t do anything for you. I did it for Willow because I always have Willow’s back. And good luck out there tonight, Willow.”

Kris: “I have your back too.”

Lexy Nair interviewed Alex Abrahantes next!

Abrahantes said he and Penta El Zero Miedo showed last night that lucha is life.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana interrupted.

Alex said it was disgraceful what Swerve did, invading Hangman Page’s house. Alex said the only thing Penta puts ahead of lucha is his family, and he challenged Swerve to a match against Penta El Zero Miedo at Dynamite!

Up next: The AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed’s 69 Day Championship Celebration!

Daddy Ass: “It seems everyone here is ready to have a little fun. We have been Trios Champs for 69 days!”

The fans chanted “69! 69! 69!”

Bowens: “It is a very special day because it’s been 69 days of the Acclaimed and we are fired the hell up. So, I wanted to introduce a little surprise. And that surprise is for Max Caster. Because he had a pretty good week. So, Billy and I got you a special gift. Roll the clip please.”

AEW World Champion MJF appeared on the big screen with a message for Caster. MJF said Caster earned his respect. “You’re starting to grow on me, Caster. I’m kind of starting to like the Acclaimed.”

Caster: “Thank you so much! I love it, Billy! Thank you, Anthony! It means a lot and this holiday means a lot to us because it’s a culmination of all of our hard work at the top of the Trios division. And that hard work is symbolized by that trophy sitting on the announce desk right there. As much as that trophy belongs to us, we couldn’t have done it without the people And since we are the people’s choice and the people’s voice, this trophy goes out to all the fans.”

Dalton Castle and the Boys walked onto the ramp, crashing the party!

The Boys grabbed the trophy off the announcers’ table and handed it over to Dalton Castle. Castle threw the trophy to the floor, destroying it! The two teams began to brawl!

Tony Khan made the match official!

Daddy Ass flung Castle overhead. The Boys dropkicked Billy Gunn. Bowens blasted the Boys with a double clothesline.

Dalton Castle was taken down with a fameasser from Bowens. Daddy Ass tagged in, and body slammed a Boy. Bowens jumped from the top with a Scissor Me Timbers. Caster crashed down with the Mic Drop and the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass retained the titles!

“That’s nine title defenses, one more than the House of Black,” said Kevin Kelly.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo, asking if he put any more consideration into CJ’s offer.

Andrade: “Next week I will give my answer to CJ face to face.”

Trios Match!

Kip Sabian & The Workhorsemen—JD Drake and Anthony Henry


Mark Briscoe, “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, and “Limitless” Keith Lee!

Kip cracked Briscoe with a cannonball in the corner. The Workhorsemen came in, but Mark stopped Henry and then threw JD Drake out of the ring. Sabian hit an Arabian moonsault onto Mark Briscoe.

Mark threw Henry down with an exploder suplex and tagged in Dustin Rhodes. “The Natural” powerslammed JD Drake. Keith Lee powerbombed Henry onto Sabian. Mark Briscoe dropped the Froggy Bow on Sabian and pinned him!

Lexy Nair interviewed Mark Briscoe after the match!

Mark Briscoe challenged “Switchblade” Jay White to a singles match on Wednesday at Dynamite!

Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura!

They rammed each other with shoulder tackles. Willow got the upper hand, her power knocking Emi to the mat. Emi slapped Willow in the face. Emi connected with a cross body, knocking Willow off the apron. Emi splashed Willow, sandwiching her against the steel ring steps.

Outside the ring, Willow smashed Emi with a Death Valley Driver on the arena floor. Willow followed up with a shotgun dropkick for a near fall. Emi clobbered Willow with a swinging neck breaker.

Willow dropped Emi with a spinebuster. Willow finished off Emi with the Doctor Bomb, pinning Emi!

Lexy Nair was backstage with ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe: “No, I haven’t heard back from MJF yet. You need me to make moves on your behalf and to watch your back properly. Until you realize that man is me, you will continue to endure that pain week after week.”

Keith Lee walked onto the set and said Samoa Joe hasn’t beaten him yet. Samoa Joe said they could remedy that situation this Wednesday!

Keith Lee: “Count me in.”

Main Event Time!

Eight-Man Tag Match!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood, and LFI—Preston Vance & Rush (with Jose the Assistant & Dralistico)


AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks,

and Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Big Bill and Preston Vance locked up. Preston battered Big Bill with forearms in the corner. Big Bill walloped Vance with a lariat. Bishop Kaun tagged in and suplexed Preston Vance.

Cash Wheeler tagged in and jabbed at Bishop Kaun. Dax grabbed a tag and FTR hit Kaun with a drop toehold elbow combo. Toa Liona rocked Dax with headbutts. Dax answered with chops to Toa’s chest. Toa nearly knocked Dax out of his boots with a lariat.

Rush tagged in and rammed Ricky into the guardrails! Rush kicked Ricky in the corner and then powerslammed him for a near fall.

Big Bill blocked a discus elbow from Preston with a chokeslam. FTR were looking for the Big Rig, but Big Bill ran over them with a double clothesline. Ricky Starks speared Rush out of nowhere!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ricky starched Rush with a thrust kick. Rush fired back and then tagged to Dax. Rush and Dax smashed Kaun with the Big Rig! Rush charged at Kaun and nailed him with the Bull’s Horns, grabbing the pinfall victory on Bishop Kaun!

“A demonstrative victory for the leader of LFI,” said Nigel.

LFI walked away without shaking the hands of FTR.

“Rush is a difference maker,” said Jim Ross.

The House of Black appeared on the big screen, with words of warning for FTR!

It was a ruse, as the House of Black blindsided FTR from behind in the ring!

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta ran to the ring to even up the odds for FTR! Claudio tried to put the Giant Swing on Malakai Black, but Brody pulled Black out of the ring! The BCC and FTR shook hands.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


This Saturday night in Wichita, KS All Elite Wrestling makes its debut at the Intrust Bank Arena with a stacked up edition of COLLISION! The AEW World Trios Champions Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed will celebrate their 69th Day as the reigning champions and plan to celebrate it in style! Plus, Darby Allin and Lance Archer will clash in their first-ever bout, Willow Nightingale and Emi Sakura lock up in a rematch of their NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship match, and AR Fox looks for vengeance when he faces Swerve Strickland. But that’s not all, in addition there is a huge eight-man tag on tap featuring the unique pairings of FTR and LFI against the AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks and their partners in The Gates of Agony.


COLLISION is coming to you this Saturday night on TNT, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, so before the night begins swing over to the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!



At ALL IN: LONDON, before the largest crowd in All Elite Wrestling history, The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass defeated The House of Black to become the 5th AEW World Trios Champions and begin this reign that is already bordering on historic. In just 69 days, this trio has matched the number of successful defenses that The House achieved in their 175 days atop the division, leaving Billy Gunn and The Acclaimed just one victory away from being the most successful championship trio to date. In fact, aside from Billy and his sons 24-1 record, they are the winningest active trio at 19-2; in other words they have a lot to celebrate, and this Saturday night on COLLISION the World Trios Champions are having their 69-Day Celebration!

Join them in-person in Wichita, or live on TBS, for what will certainly be a one-of-a-kind party that only Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed could deliver!


Darby Allin vs. “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer

To date, the only interaction Darby Allin and Lance Archer have had inside the squared circle is their mutual participation in the ALL OUT 2020 Casino Battle Royale and the June 8, 2022 Casino Battle Royale on DYNAMITE. Besides that, they’ve never locked up in a tag, a trios, a singles, nothing, but that all changes this Saturday night on COLLISION!

For the first time, one of the most daredevil high-risk combatants in AEW’s history will clash with one of the most violent destructive forces AEW has ever tried to contain: Darby Allin versus Lance Archer. Archer’s last outings in AEW were when he challenged Orange Cassidy for the AEW International Championship at BATTLE OF THE BELTS VII and followed that up with the destruction of Barrett Brown on the October 18th edition of DYNAMITE.

Now fresh off challenging the Guerrillas of Destiny for the NJPW STRONG Openweight Tag Titles at FIGHTING SPIRIT UNLEASHED 2023, Archer comes back to try and lay waste to Darby. Allin, coming into this fight, is possibly more banged up than he’s ever been, with a nagging shoulder injury that’s been affecting him since WRESTLEDREAM 2023 to the point that he hasn’t competed since that night in Seattle. Though he’s got a huge match on the horizon at FULL GEAR 2023, Darby is putting himself at risk to not even make it to the KIA Forum by taking this fight with “The Murderhawk Monster”. Win or lose, what condition will Darby Allin be in when he leaves Wichita and this fight with Archer?


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) and LFI (Preston Vance & Rush)


AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill & Ricky Starks and Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)


Last week, after months away from the spotlight, the AEW faithful saw La Faccion Ingobernable return in full force on COLLISION to help FTR when Cash and Dax were faced with the combined might of Ricky Starks, Big Bill, and The House of Black. It was quite the surprising moment as one would anticipate LFI joining in on the gang assault of the former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champion, but instead Rush, Preston Vance, Dralistico, and Jose stood at their side to even out the numbers.

Well this Saturday night LFI will stand by the side of FTR once again as AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks are joined by The Mogul Embassy’s Gates of Agony for a big eight-man tag team battle! This is going to be a wild one with eight men who just love to fight, and may even have some implications on the future of tag team division. A pinfall on Big Bill or Ricky Starks could be the ticket to a championship challenge, but a loss to them could knock one out of contention as well. Can any referee manage to contain the chaos that this fight will be, especially given what we’ve seen out of LFI in their recent videos?


AR Fox vs. Swerve Strickland

It wasn’t that long ago that AR Fox stood side-by-side with Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana to invade the home of Nick Wayne for the purpose of assaulting the young man to send Darby Allin a message. The reality of it was simply Swerve using AR Fox, preying on his anxieties and worries, to drive a wedge between he and Darby, and it worked, albeit temporarily, but once it was no longer convenient, Swerve dumped Fox cold prior to ALL IN: LONDON.

Seeing the error of his ways, Fox attempted to make amends with both Darby and Nick Wayne, though only the former was willing to accept the apology, and perhaps that willingness of Allin’s played a role in Nick’s decision to join up with Christian Cage. That’s neither here nor there for tonight though, tonight is all about AR Fox setting his sights on revenge against Swerve Strickland for what was done to him. Though it was Fox’s decision to sign up with The Mogul Embassy, it certainly wasn’t with the expectation of being stabbed in the back as soon as his usefulness to Swerve was done.

So this is a night of hopeful redemption for AR Fox, a chance to wash away his sins, and begin anew free of the stain of the Mogul Embassy! Can he do it, or will Swerve stomp Fox’s chest in as part of his message to Hangman Page ahead of FULL GEAR 2023?


Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura


On the June 2nd edition of RAMPAGE, in her first defense of the NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship, Willow Nightingale bested Emi Sakura in a hard-hitting bout indicative of what the newborn championship means to those involved. That wasn’t their first encounter, they’ve been on opposing sides of several tags and trios over the last year, but it was their only singles match to date prior to this Saturday night!

So with that June loss in mind, Emi Sakura steps back into the ring with Willow to try and even the score, while Willow has this week’s happenings with Skye Blue and Julia Hart, as well as her loss to Hikaru Shida, floating around her mind. As AEW makes its debut in Wichita, will it be Emi’s night or Willow’s night?



After making his return to All Elite Wrestling in Philadelphia last week on RAMPAGE, Mark Briscoe will be in the house this Saturday night to make his COLLISION debut! It’s been some time since the 13-Time ROH World Tag Champion has been in action, an injury keeping him sidelined for the last several months, so what brings him to Wichita this weekend? Tune in to find out!

This Saturday night AEW makes its debut in Wichita at the Intrust Bank Arena with a stacked night of COLLISION! LFI and FTR take on Big Bill, Ricky Starks, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona while Mercedes Martinez and Willow Nightingale go head-to-head, Darby Allin and Lance Archer lock up, AR Fox and Swerve Strickland go one-on-one, and so much more!


Prior to the night getting started, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Paul Wight, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo


Penta El Zero Miedo


AAA World Cruiserweight Champion Komander!

Penta hit the Made in Japan on Vikingo, but Komander broke up the pin attempt. Vikingo flew out of the ring with a tope suicida crashing into Komander. Penta served up sling blades to Komander and El Hijo del Vikingo!

Vikingo connected with a phoenix splash onto Komander for a near fall. Penta ran in with a foot stomp to Vikingo. Penta El Zero Miedo flipped over the top rope and wiped out Vikingo and Komander. The QTV crew were watching the match on a monitor backstage.

Penta El Zero Miedo chopped Komander on the chest. Penta cracked Vikingo with a kick in the corner. Vikingo was looking for a dropkick off the ropes, but Komander countered with a powerbomb. Komander attempted a shooting star press, but Penta anticipated it and blocked it with a lung blower.

Vikingo smashed Penta with a poison rana on the ring apron! Penta rocked Komander with the Fear Factor on the edge of the ring. Penta planted Vikingo for a near fall. Vikingo fired back with a kick to Penta’s jaw. Vikingo stunned Penta with a 630 senton but Komander broke up Vikingo’s pin attempt.

Komander used an implosion phoenix splash on Vikingo. Penta grabbed Komander and nailed him with the Fear Factor on top of El Hijo del Vikingo. Penta covered Komander and grabbed the pinfall victory!

Alex Marvez was backstage with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh!

Sonjay: “Last week I saw that Ortiz was a man down on his luck, defeated by his former best friend. So, I extended an invitation to him to the hottest group in pro wrestling today. And can you believe he said no to me! And there’s no man that knows Eddie Kingston better than Ortiz. He could have ben a big help for us guys.”

Karen Jarrett: “We don’t need him! We never needed him!”

Jeff Jarrett: “Sonjay does everything he can for this group, but the fact of the matter is you’re looking at the greatest faction in all of AEW. And we don’t need any help. And Jay Lethal is the next ROH World Champion.”

Jay Lethal: “You’re damn straight. Ortiz isn’t even a factor. Because when I cash in my ROH champion shot, it’s a one on one, it’s me against Eddie. I will be the next Ring of Honor World Champion. You can bet on that!”

They walked away and then Ortiz walked onto the set!

Ortiz: “Damn, my ears are burning. Somebody was definitely talking about me. I’ll deal with them next week, though.”

The Gunns—Austin & Colten Gunn (with Bullet Club Gold)


“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal!

Daniels and Sydal used tandem offense on Austin Gunn. Daniels chopped at Austin. Colten clocked Daniels with a sucker punch.

Colten tagged in and grounded and pounded Daniels. Colten dropkicked Daniels. CD German Suplexed the Gunns and tagged into Sydal. Matt Sydal smashed Austin with the meteora but Colten was there to break up the pin. The Gunns hit the 3:10 to Yuma on Sydal and Austin pinned him!

Austin: “MJF, Dynamite belongs to the Bang Bang Gang. Collision belongs to the Bang Bang Gang. And now Rampage belongs to the Bang Bang Gang. And at Full Gear, November 18th, we take the ROH Tag Team Championships!”

RJ City was backstage with Danhausen!

Danhausen: “No, no, no. I made a mistake. The return is actually next week. Sorry!”

RJ City: “Well, there you have it. Next week, the return of Danhausen.”

Danhausen: “Thank you!”

Alex Marvez was backstage with Ruby Soho and Saraya!

Ruby: “Yeah, I’d say I’ve been having a rough go at it in the ring as of late. I mean, ever since Toni Storm left the Outcasts, we’ve been in a downward spiral. Saraya lost the title. And I lost my opportunity at the title. I really wish you were there for that, Saraya, I’m not going to lie to you.”

Saraya: “Ruby, shut up. Be quiet. You keep talking about Toni like she’s a big star and without her we’d be nothing, when actually it’s the other way around. And without me, you wouldn’t be on TV. I’m sorry, I feel like I’m taking this whole thing out on you. And I just want the best for you. Stick with me and you are going to be a star, kid.”

Angelo Parker walked onto the set and offered to comb Ruby’s hair. “Don’t even think about it,” she said.

Matt Menard walked onto the scene and asked Parker what happened last Wednesday night. “All you had to do was take the bat and take two years of frustration out on Chris Jericho. Smash him in the face and win the match, but you couldn’t do it. You don’t have the dog in you, that’s why you couldn’t do it. I don’t think you have the dog in you. How about it?”

Parker: “Did you ever think that maybe not everyone is as frustrated as you are? I’m gonna go be a friend to Garcia. He’s got a big match tonight.”

Marina Shafir (with Nyla Rose) vs. Skye Blue!

Skye Blue stomped on Marina’s feet, but Marina didn’t even flinch. Marina kicked Skye away. Skye Blue spiked Shafir with a DDT on the apron! Skye Blue clubbed Marina with aggressive forearm shots on the floor.

Marina planted Skye with a Judo throw for a near fall. Skye Blue fired back with a dropkick. Blue blasted Marina with a boot. Marina applied a neck crank on Blue. Skye Blue bit Marina to escape. As Marina was telling the ref, Skye Blue rolled her up for a near fall.

Skye Blue crumbled Marina with a thrust kick and then pinned her after the Code Blue!

Main Event Time!

Daniel Garcia vs. Trent Beretta!

Garcia chopped Trent. Trent charged at Daniel Garcia. Trent hit Garcia with a moonsault off the middle turnbuckle. Trent spiked Garcia on the arena floor with a brainbuster!

Trent superplexed Garcia for a near fall. Trent knocked Garcia down with a short arm lariat. Garcia backdropped Trent. Garcia punched and stomped down Beretta. Garcia charged at Trent with a double knee strike in the corner. Garcia followed up with a brainbuster for a near fall.

Trent rocked Garcia with a half and half suplex and then the Death Valley Driver for a two-count. Garcia came back with German Suplexes of his own. Trent and Garcia battered one another with elbow strikes. Trent spiked Garcia with a piledriver for a two-count!

Garcia did his dance and the blasted Trent with a piledriver. Garcia applied the cross face and Trent tapped out!

Garcia: “Man, I don’t know about y’all, but Daniel Garcia has a very good track of time. And I’ve been keeping score, alright. So, because I’m so good at keeping time, it has been six months since Daniel Garcia has had a singles match at AEW. I feel like there’s one way to jump in the line at AEW. And that is winning a title.

“I have a fetish for greed. I have a fetish for gold. That’s why I’m calling out the biggest dog…MJF! I know you got a lot of targets on your back. But I promise you there’s not a person in the back that wants that belt more than I do. So, Max if you’re up for the test to step in the ring with one of the best professional wre—, sports entertainers in the world, you know where to find me!”

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, KS featuring:

-AEW World Trios Champs The Acclaimed’s 69 Day Championship Celebration!

-Swerve Strickland vs. AR Fox!

-Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura!

-Darby Allin vs. The “MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer!

-8-Man Tag Match: FTR, Rush, & Preston Vance

vs. AEW World Tag Champs Ricky Starks & Big Bill, & ROH 6-Man Champs Gates of Agony!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Saturday night’s edition of COLLISION brought the AEW faithful an epic World Championship match between Kenny Omega and Maxwell Jacob Friedman that saw the defending champion top his challenger to not only retain, but to also cement his status as the longest-reigning AEW World Champion of all time. As of Wednesday November 1st MJF has officially hit the 347-day mark of his reign atop the mountain, thus surpassing Kenny Omega’s record, and leaving him with one World Championship record left to break, that being Moxley’s nine successful defenses. A win over Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023 would tie that marker, but Max still has a ways to go before he gets to The KIA Forum, and part of that is his fight with The Bang Bang Gang on DYNAMITE!

Also last Saturday, Hikaru Shida continued her third reign as AEW Women’s World Champion by defeating Abadon in a Fright Night Fight, the aforementioned BULLET CLUB GOLD was successful in picking up two victories in their Saturday night fights, and Samoa Joe continued his march towards breaking Jay Lethal’s 567-day record reign as ROH World TV Champion with his victory over Rhett Titus!

DYNAMITE is stacked for AEW’s debut in Louisville, KY at the KFC YUM! Center with MJF possibly taking on the entirety of BULLET CLUB GOLD by himself, Hikaru Shida facing Willow Nightingale’s challenge, the AEW International Championship on the line, and more! The night begins at at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, so swing by the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, an unforgettable COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF, ???, ???, & ???

vs. BULLET CLUB GOLD (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Jay White, & Juice Robinson)


As of Wednesday, after topping Kenny Omega in their epic COLLISION bout, Maxwell Jacob Friedman has officially become the longest-reigning AEW World Champion in history, surpassing Omega, with the only record associated with that championship left to break being the most championship defenses. That record is currently held by Jon Moxley during his first title reign, holding steady at nine, with MJF having the potential to tie it at FULL GEAR 2023 when he faces “Switchblade” Jay White in his next title defense. The fact that Jay has physical possession of the MJF’s prized Triple B is meaningless to the actual lineage, just merely a tool for “King Switch” to use to antagonize the actual champion as long as the belt sits in the BC GOLD camp.

Clearly the issue is getting to Max as he attempted, despite having that match with Omega on his plate later in the night, to reclaim the title belt following Jay White’s victory over AR Fox. Once again unsuccessful in his attempt, MJF now has to take on the whole of The Bang Bang Gang this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE if wants to get the Triple B back from Jay White. There’s only one problem, Max has essentially told everyone willing to help him out to kick rocks, not The Kingdom, not Roderick Strong, not The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, and as far as Samoa Joe’s offer, well Max didn’t scream Joe’s name for help, but he didn’t say no either.

So who will it be? Will it even be anyone? Is there anyone MJF will accept help from, or who will even be willing to stick their neck out for him? After all, despite his recent titling towards the side of the angels, this man is still The Devil who perpetrated a great deal of pain and suffering on many individuals throughout All Elite Wrestling, and why anyone would trust him is generally beyond logic. Yet here is Joe offering a hand, albeit with that championship caveat, and Max Caster searching for friendship based on their shared history at the Create A Pro Academy, while The Kingdom and Roderick Strong are doing it to stay in Adam Cole’s good graces.That’s a lot of firepower that could be on Max’s side, but he doesn’t want a part of any of it, even with the full power of BULLET CLUB GOLD standing in front of him. There’s brave, and then there is foolhardy, and it is very clear which of the two that the AEW World Champion is choosing…


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

On Wednesday night in Philadelphia, Claudio Castagnoli pinned AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy to win the bout for the Blackpool Combat Club. Unfortunately that victory came at a cost to “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson as Claudio detailed Saturday night on COLLISION. Whether it was The Rainmaker Clothesline or The Orange Punch, the end result was Danielson suffering a fracture to his orbital bone. So while Claudio had the thrill of pinning a champion, he also had the agony of knowing his BCC brother was down at the hands of their opponents.

For Claudio, there can at least be some solace knowing that he can get revenge for Danielson in short order because, as a result of pinning Cassidy on DYNAMITE, the former 2-Time ROH World Champion will challenge for the AEW International Championship! This marks the first time Castagnoli, a former 2-Time ROH World Champion, will challenge for a singles title in All Elite Wrestling, with that recent AEW World Tag Title loss to Big Bill & Ricky Starks being Claudio’s only other AEW title fight.

Orange has proven he won’t back down from any fight, he even had the gumption to shoulder into Jon Moxley unprovoked which nearly led into a brawl of its own at BATTLE OF THE BELTS VIII, and he has stated his intention to move forward in his second reign as International Champion just like he did with the first. That means defending at every opportunity against every opponent who wants an opportunity, despite the physical and mental toll it took on the man. It was obvious, and OC didn’t hide it, that losing the title shook him to the core and he lost some sense of identity without it around his waist. Reclaiming it, albeit from Rey Fenix rather than Mox, restored some of that identity, but it is not a reach to assume Cassidy wants another fight with Moxley; why else purposefully run into the man? But before that’s even a possibility, Cassidy has to survive the onslaught of The Swiss Superman in his next championship defense! Will the AEW International Championship return to The Blackpool Combat Club this Wednesday night in Louisville?


Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ang vs. Golden Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega)

Much to the chagrin of Daniel Garcia, and the utter annoyance of Anna Jay, last Friday on RAMPAGE Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, and maybe even Jake Hager, seemed buy into the garbage that Don Callis was selling to them. It certainly took some of the focus of Anna’s attempts to earn that COLLISION title match with Shida, in fact she was the one that Abadon defeated to take the title match, and perhaps knowing that some of her friends were focused on other business kept her from focusing 100% on her own.

Disappointingly, Menard and Parker have decided to take Don Callis up on his offer and this Wednesday night in Louisville, they will face Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho in tag team action! The Golden Jets, as Jericho dubbed them, are coming into this one with Omega fresh off a hard-fought AEW World Championship bout with MJF this past Saturday night and Chris Jericho hopefully recovered from the assault he suffered at the hands of Powerhouse Hobbs!

Will Callis’ newfound allies be successful against the two former AEW World Champions, or will the unlikely allies be victorious and frustrate Callis?


Hikaru Shida(c) vs. Willow Nightingale


Coming off a COLLISION’s Fright Fight with Abadon, the AEW Women’s World Champion is right back in action defending her title against all-comers, and the next one to step up to the plate is fan favorite Willow Nightingale!

As of late Willow has invested her time in whatever is going on with Skye Blue since both were misted by Julia Hart’s “spooky dust” (as Willow dubbed it), and we’ve all seen it bring some changes to Skye while Nightingale has remained true to herself. TBS Champion Kris Statlander tried to bridge the gap on COLLISION to no avail, and now with this opportunity on her table, Willow Nightingale is really going to have to put Skye on the back burner and focus on the task at hand. This is just Willow’s second opportunity at the title, the first coming back at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023 against Toni Storm, and her second ever match with Hikaru Shida with the first actually taking place on the Jericho Cruise earlier this year.

Will Willow be frustrated by Shida in this championship bid, or can the first-ever NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion add an AEW title to her trophy case as well? Tune in Wednesday night to see how it all goes down!

DYNAMITE comes your way with AEW’s Louisville, KY debut hailing from the KFC YUM! Center. We will see AEW World Champion MJF, and perhaps some partners, taking on the whole of The Bang Bang Gang, Hikaru Shida defends her title against Willow Nightingale, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy fights The BCC’s Claudio Castagnoli, and much more in store! The show kicks off at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, and at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel to catch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. “Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold)!

Jay White grappled Fox to the mat with a side headlock takedown. Fox came back with a cutter. Fox followed up with a swift kick to Jay White, knocking White out of the ring. Fox nailed Jay White with a shooting star press, posting off the turnbuckles and landing on White on the arena floor.

Back in the ring, Jay White threw Fox into the turnbuckles with a half and half suplex. Jay White spiked AR Fox with a DDT. AR Fox regained momentum, hitting Bullet Club Gold with a tope con hiro, and then he hit one on Jay White! AR Fox smashed Jay White with a twisting vertical suplex and then a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on “Switchblade”!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jay White rocked Fox with a half and half suplex and then finished him off with the Blade Runner, scoring the pin.

“You make one mistake against Jay White, and he will make you pay every single time,” said Kevin Kelly.

After the match, MJF snuck to the ring in a hoody and tried to steal his world title back from Jay White. He was outnumbered by Bullet Club Gold and had to leg go of the title, discretion being the better part of valor.

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass said next week on Collision they’re going to celebrate 69 days as champs!

The Boys—Brandon & Brent (with Dalton Castle)


The Gunns—Austin & Colten (with Bullet Club Gold)!

The Boys showed off their quickness, getting in some great tandem offense on Austin. The Gunns fired back with the 3:10 to Yuma and won in decisive fashion.

The Gunns will be facing MJF and a yet-to-be-named partner at AEW Full Gear: Zero Hour, on Saturday, November 18th for the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

Lexy Nair was backstage with “Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth!

Ryan: “I have a huge surprise. Big movie coming out next month. National comedy tour. But I want the success I’m having in Hollywood translate to success in AEW, which is why I brought you here.”

Nemeth turned and pointed to the dressing room door of “Hot And Flexible” CJ Perry.

Nemeth knocked on the door and “The Redeemer” Miro answered! Miro invited him in, the door closed, and Miro mauled Nemeth!

Fright Night Fight!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Abadon!

Shida and Abadon locked up. Abadon was looking to bite Shida, but Shida kicked her away. Abadon grabbed a skeleton bone and swung it at Shida, but Shida countered with a dropkick.

Abadon hid under the ring and tried to pull Shida under the ring. Abadon snuck up from the other side and ambushed Shida. Abadon cracked Shida across the back with a trash can lid.

Abadon and Shida collided against each other with double clotheslines, both having the same idea. Abadon found a baseball bat, but Shida got behind Abadon and choked her with it. Abadon cracked Shida with a kick in the face. Abadon poured out a bucket of candy and smashed Shida with a blockbuster on the candy!

Shida rocked Abadon with a shot from the kendo stick. Shida placed a pumpkin on top of Abadon’s head and smashed her with the katana kick, scoring the pinfall victory!

“What a win for Shida,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Timeless” Toni Storm came out and pranced around the ring.

ROH World Television Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Rhett Titus!

Rhett wrenched on Samoa Joe’s wrist. Samoa Joe bulldozed his way right through Titus. Samoa Joe drove Titus down with jabs in the corner. Samoa Joe chopped at Titus. Rhett Titus jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Samoa Joe simply walked out of the way.

Rhett Titus ran into Samoa Joe with two big boots. He went for a third time, but Samoa Joe planted Titus and then forced Titus to tap out!

“Domination made flesh!” said Kevin Kelly.

Footage aired from last night’s Rampage of Renee Paquette interviewing the QTV crew!

QT Marshall said that when he won the AAA Latin American Title, he told the world he was going to defend it with honor and prestige across the world. “I’m back in AEW and I plan on defending it against some of the luchadores because I’m told AEW has the best luchadores in the world.”

Up Next: An Injury update on the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Claudio Castagnoli said Danielson had a broken orbital bone and it was either from the Orange Punch or the Rainmaker. “I don’t know, and I don’t care because I’m going to make both of you pay for what you’ve done for my friend. Okada, be it in the Unites States or Japan, I am coming for you. I will find you and I will make you pay.

“Orange, you and me on Wednesday on Dynamite for your International Championship. I know what I’m going to do and what I’m capable of and it frightens me. You hurt one of the Blackpool Combat Club and now I’m going to hurt you. See you on Wednesday. Good luck.”

FTR’s Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)!

Before the match began the lights in the arena went dark.

The lights came back on, and The House of Black were seen scouting the match.

Dax and Starks chain wrestled. They traded arm drags. Dax grabbed a side headlock takeover.

“What is the House of Black’s motivation for being here?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Dax tried for a diving headbutt, but Ricky moved out of the way. Starks nailed Dax with a leg drop across the throat while Dax was on the edge of the ring. Dax went for a baseball slide, but Starks trapped him in the ring skirt. Starks started to pummel him with shots and then nailed him with a suplex on the ramp.

Dax rallied back and superplexed Ricky Starks. Both men hit the mat hard! Ricky rammed Harwood with a lariat. Dax clobbered Ricky with strikes. Dax grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall.

Dax blocked a tornado DDT and countered with a brainbuster for a near fall on Starks. Starks went for the spear, but Dax cracked him with a rising knee. Dax spiked Ricky with a piledriver. Dax went for the cover, but Big Bill pulled Dax out of the ring by the boot. Back in the ring, Ricky crushed Dax with a piledriver and pinned him!

“That’s the door closing on FTR, at least for the time being,” said Kevin Kelly.

“I’m not so sure about that,” replied Tony Schiavone.

The arena went dark again. This time when the lights returned on, Julia Hart was standing on the ramp surrounded by a shroud of fog. The lights went back out and this time when the came back on, the House of Black were in the ring, circling Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

“They’ve surrounded the champions,” said Kevin Kelly.

The House of Black then turned their attention to FTR!

La Faccion Ingobernable stormed down to the ring!

“It’s LFI!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Who are they looking at?” asked Kevin Kelly.

LFI helped FTR and began to slug it out with the House of Black! Big Bill and Ricky Starks retreated!

“LFI and FTR together in the ring! Incredible! Who would have thought this?” said Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo!

Lexy asked about Andrade’s dealings with CJ Perry, as well as the return of LFI.

Andrade El Idolo: “I am a businessman. This is my business. Nobody else.”

TBS Champion Kris Statlander was backstage with Lexy Nair.

Statlander asked for some time to speak with Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue. Statlander said whatever was going on between Willow and Skye needed to be settled now.

Willow: “Skye, I felt this tension between us, and it’s growing stronger. And ever since we both got misted from Julia, something is getting worse with you.”

Skye: “Anything that I have to say with Julia is between her and I.”

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli


“Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams!

Claudio Castagnoli clobbered Tracy Williams with repeated European Uppercuts! Claudio clubbed Tracy with lariats. Claudio finished off “Hot Sauce” with a European Uppercut and then pinned him.

MJF was seen getting warmed up backstage.

MJF was approached by Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe: “I could be your friend, Max. You just need to give me a rematch at your championship. If you find yourself in a bad way tonight, you just gotta scream my name and I’ll be your friend. Good luck. Dangerous opponent. I’ll keep my ears pricked up.”

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Kenny Omega!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Both men had each other scouted out early in the match, going hold for hold with one another. MJF offered his hand to Omega as a sign of good sportsmanship. Omega accepted and then MJF poked Omega in the eyes.

Omega backdropped MJF out of the ring. Omega hit the Terminator Dive on MJF! The champ fired back, jumping over the top rope and flipping onto Omega!

Omega jumped off the top rope with a cross body press to MJF. Omega tried for a hurracanrana, but MJF countered with a powerbomb back breaker combo. MJF planted Kenny with a stuffed DDT, good for a near fall.

Omega nailed MJF with a snapdragon suplex. Omega dropkicked MJF’s kneecap. Omega wiped out MJF with a lariat, sending MJF to the arena floor. Omega followed up with a moonsault to MJF. Omega rocked MJF with a missile dropkick from the top rope to the back of the head. Omega went for a moonsault, but MJF countered by raising his knees!

MJF chomped down on Omega’s forehead. MJF arm whipped Omega into the turnbuckles. MJF cracked Kenny with the kangaroo kick.

Omega connected with a sliding baseball kick, sending MJF into the broadcast booth. Kenny pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Back in the ring, they exchanged cradles. Kenny buckle bombed MJF, but the champ came out of the corner with a massive lariat to the Cleaner!

They battled on the ring apron. Kenny drilled MJF with a snapdragon suplex on the edge of the ring! Omega powerbombed MJF off the apron and through the table on the floor!

“My God what a main event here on Collision!” said Jim Ross.

Back in the ring, Kenny connected with a knee strike. MJF countered the One Winged Angel with a Poison Rana! Omega fired back with a Poison Rana of his own!

“Back and forth, back and forth!” said Jim Ross.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

MJF hit a double stomp on Omega’s arm. Omega rallied back with a jumping knee strike. MJF planted Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

“State of the art pro wrestling,” said Nigel.

MJF stunned Omega with a thrust kick. Omega came back with a piledriver, but MJF got his boot on the rope to stop the ref’s count. Omega powerbombed MJF on the guardrail. Omega removed the protective guard from the rail. He threw MJF back into the ring, so they didn’t get counted out.

Kenny was on the top turnbuckle, but MJF charged into the ropes, knocking Omega down. MJF climbed to the top, but Omega countered with a snake eyes from the top. Omega drove his knee into the back of MJF’s head. Omega blasted MJF with a snap dragon suplex and a running knee strike for a near fall! Kenny smashed MJF with the V Trigger. He followed up with another V Trigger. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel, but Don Callis ran to the ring. Omega put MJF down when he saw Callis.

As Omega was distracted by a screwdriver wielding Callis, MJF rolled up Omega from behind. Omega countered by reversing the rollup. MJF kicked out but Omega came back with a running knee strike! MJF kicked out of the pin attempt!

Don Callis climbed the ring steps. Ref Paul Turner ejected Don Callis. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel again, but MJF rolled forward for a pin. Omega rolled back to counter. It was another stale mate.

MJF caught Kenny in the Heat Seeker, but Kenny kicked out at the two-count! MJF went for the Panama Sunrise on Kenny and Kenny ended up countering with a pin attempt, but MJF kicked out! MJF kicked Kenny in the face and drilled Kenny with the Panama Sunrise. MJF finally finished off Omega with another Heat Seeker, pinning the Cleaner!

Samoa Joe was shown watching the match from backstage. Wardlow was also seen scouting the match from backstage. Powerhouse Hobbs was watching the match too. Jay White and Bullet Club Gold were taking mental notes as well.

“Everybody gunning for MJF,” said Tony Schiavone.

Kenny Omega and MJF hugged after the match.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


After witnessed two championships change hands last Tuesday during DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY, AEW’s flagship returns to its regular time for our debut at the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX! With that debut comes the 2023 Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, the winner facing MJF for that Dynamite Diamond Ring, as well as a first-time encounter between Penta El Zero Miedo and Jay White, Kenny Omega answering Kyle Fletcher’s challenge, Toni Storm’s next blockbuster, “The Icon” Sting, and so much more!!!

This Wednesday night DYNAMITE is back in home time slot, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans! Before the night begins, nake sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Including: Dustin Rhodes, Juice Robinson, and more!!!

The first three years of the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale the format was such that the last two men standing would move on to a singles match the following week to determine ownership of the Dynamite Diamond Ring. 2019 Battle Royale result put MJF opposite Hangman Page in their only singles match to date, ultimately leading to Max becoming the inaugural holder of the pricey accessory. 2020’s winners would be MJF and Orange Cassidy, and that too would result in MJF retaining possession of the ring in their lone head-to-head clash. 2021’s Battle Royale took place in front of MJF’s hometown Long Island crowd, and resulted in he and Dante Martin meeting in their only one-on-one fight, as well as MJF once again keeping the ring on his finger.

2022 would be a different story though; with MJF having defeated Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship at FULL GEAR a few weeks prior, it was decided that the winner of the Battle Royale would face Max at WINTER IS COMING 2022 with both the ring and the title at stake. “Absolute” Ricky Starks would last eliminate Matt Hardy and Ethan Page to earn his shot, but unfortunately he would leave the match with MJF, their only singles meeting as well, with an empty finger and an empty waist. No ring, no championship, just MJF keeping the ring for the fourth straight year as well as making his first successful championship defense.

Now here we are nearly one year later with MJF still the AEW World Champion, and that ring still adorning his finger, although it hasn’t been put to nefarious use nearly as much over the last few months as it has in the past. This Wednesday night in Rosenberg, TX, when AEW debuts at the Fort Bend Epicenter, someone will earn an opportunity to give the Dynamite Diamond Ring its first new home, and we know that both Juice Robinson and Dustin Rhodes have claimed their spot in the Battle Royale. For the latter it’s about legacy, for the former its about taking something from MJF before he defends the AEW World Championship against “King Switch” Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023. But before anyone looks to the fight with Max, they’ve got to win the Battle Royal first, and that is never an easy feat!


Penta El Zero Miedo vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

Speaking of Jay White, though he will likely have an eye on the outcome of the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, he will have his own hands full in Texas when he meets Penta El Zero Miedo in singles combat! This first-time meeting of these two men comes as a result of Jay White and BC GOLD interrupting Renee Paquette asking Penta for an update on his brother Rey Fenix after Rey lost the AEW International Championship to Orange Cassidy.

White and company had no skin in that game, no stake in the status of Fenix, OC, or Penta, but yet there they were en masse choosing to insert their voice into the conversation and mock The Lucha Brothers for their lack of championship belts. Of course Jay White persists in his claim that he earned the Triple B rightfully belonging to Maxwell Jacob Friedman, a claim that in his heart even Jay knows is false, but it doesn’t stop him from running off at the mouth, and ending up in fights like the one he’s about to enter on Wednesday night.

Unlike Jay, Penta El Zero Miedo has earned multiple championships in All Elite Wrestling, posting status as a former AEW World Tag Team Champion with his brother, as well as a former AEW World Trios Champion with Rey and “The Bastard” PAC, but this fight will obviously not be held with anyone standing in Penta’s corner waiting for a tag. Nor will anyone be in White’s corner for a tag, but there’s a good chance the rest of the Bang Bang Gang will be there up to no good.


Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega

Kyle Fletcher is a brave man, possibly foolish, but absolutely brave, and on a mission to be, in his words, “…in the conversation of the best to ever do it”. Stepping into the ring with FTR twice, Bryan Danielson twice, Chris Jericho, and Kenny Omega in the span of the week between September 30th and October 7th is certainly one way to work the mission. Calling out the only former AEW World, Tag, and Trios Champion is absolutely another way to do it, and that’s exactly what Fletcher did on COLLISION following his victory over The Iron Savage’s Boulder when he challenged Kenny Omega to a fight!

The only way to become the best is to beat the best, and the only way to make that possible is to be in the ring with them in the first place, so kudos to the former ROH World Tag Champion for his gumption, but this Wednesday night Kyle has to put his proverbial money where his mouth is and actually fight “The Cleaner” one-on-one! Unlike their previous tag team encounter where Fletcher was a last minute substitute for the injured Sammy Guevara, both men have now had several days to prepare for this contest so we shall see if that opportunity shifts the outcome either way. Fletcher no doubt will spend those days with Don Callis in his ear pointing out Kenny’s supposed flaws and weak spots, and possibly with Don, Powerhouse Hobbs, and Takeshita in his corner during the match as well.

After the beating Omega took from Hobbs two weeks ago, is he anywhere near 100% and ready for a fight? And after they were there at Omega’s side during his recovery time last week, will The Young Bucks be at his side to balance the scales?



When last we saw Nick Wayne he was on the receiving end of a spear from Adam Copeland to close out COLLISION, but that may feel like a walk in the park on a crisp Autumn day compared to what’s in store for the young man this Wednesday night. For the first time since watching Nick betray Darby Wayne at WRESTLEDREAM, the AEW faithful will hear from Nick Wayne’s mother Shayna when she and her son sit-down with Jim Ross on DYNAMITE!

Given everything that Darby has meant to Nick and his family over the years, and what that family has in turn met to the former 2-Time TNT Champion, one can only imagine the disappointment Shayna feels about her son choosing Christian Cage over Darby Allin, especially given the way Christian has talked about Nick’s mother over the last several weeks!


And speaking of that betrayal, another man victimized by Nick Wayne’s betrayal was “The Icon” Sting and it was only the timely arrival of Adam Copeland at WRESTLEDREAM that saved him from suffering a worse fate at the hands of Wayne, Christian Cage, and Luchasaurus.

Now we have not heard from Sting since that night in Seattle, but this Wednesday in Texas “The Icon” will be back in the house to address the AEW faithful! What will Sting have to say about the events that unfolded at WRESTLEDREAM, about AEW’s newest arrival Adam Copeland, and about what the future holds for him?



Last week the AEW faithful witnessed the premiere of Toni Storm’s “Lover’s Lament”, a silent feature in two acts, that wrapped up shortly after a title screen that read “Miss Storm you are needed on set” came across the screen. Coincidentally, or not, it was shortly thereafter that the former 2-Time AEW Women’s Champion entered the scene during Shida’s title fight with Saraya to chase off Ruby Soho.

This week on DYNAMITE, it appears we are all invited to the premiere of “Timeless” Toni Storm’s next cinematic masterpiece! How can she possibly follow-up “Lover’s Lament”? Tune in Wednesday night to TBS to witness the next blockbuster added to Storm’s resume!

This Wednesday night, DYNAMITE returns to its regularly scheduled start of 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, and brings to the Fort Bend Epicenter the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale, “Switchblade” versus Penta, Aussie Open versus Elite, “The Icon”, “Timeless” Toni, and so much more! Be sure to check out the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER to get prepared for AEW’s debut in Rosenberg, TX!


All Elite Wrestling has made it abundantly clear that Saturday night’s alright for fighting, and this Saturday on COLLISION will be no different! With AEW’s debut at Toledo’s Huntington Center, there are three championship fights on tap with the TBS, the TNT, and ROH World TV Championships at stake. The first contested between Kris Statlander and Skye Blue with the second between defending champion Christian Cage and challenger Bryan Danielson, the man who defeated Swerve Strickland on DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY to earn the opportunity! As for the latter, as Samoa Joe nears a championship record currently held by Jay Lethal, he welcomes the challenge of Willie Mack! These two hard-hitting big men are looking forward to throwing down in Toledo, and we know Joe also has his eye on the prize currently around MJF’s waist: the AEW World Championship!

COLLISION is back at its normal start time of 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT on TNT, so make a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Christian Cage(c) vs. “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


When last we saw Christian Cage he was trapped in Bryan Danielson’s LaBell Lock, with best friend Adam Copeland looking on, as DYNAMITE:TITLE TUESDAY faded to black. The efforts of Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne to bring harm to Adam after he bested Cage’s “Right Hand of Destruction” were ultimately for naught as a scene also involving Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, The Gates of Agony, Swerve Strickland, and Hangman Page played out until it was just Bryan, Copeland, and Christian left inside the squared circle.

Though there is clearly a level of respect between The BCC and Adam Copeland, the primary reason for Danielson’s involvement in this entire scenario is the TNT Championship. Earlier in the night, in the opening match of DYNAMITE, Bryan Danielson survived the fight with Swerve Strickland, with a little help from Hangman to prevent Swerve’s cheating, to earn this shot at the TNT Championship. Danielson, coming off victories over Swerve, Zack Sabre Jr. Ricky Starks, and Kyle Fletcher, not to mention defeating Kazuchika Okada with a broken arm, is operating on a level unlike any he has before. Perhaps it’s the knowledge that this is his last full-time year in professional wrestling that is driving him to that next echelon, perhaps it’s because he chose to share that information with the world that is really causing him to push himself harder than ever before.

Whatever the case may be, Christian Cage has to be prepared to deal with a version of Danielson unlike any with which he is familiar, and these two are rather familiar with one another. Though it’s been since February 17, 2014 that they last went one-on-one, they shared the ring here in All Elite Wrestling as friends on October 2021, and before either called AEW home, they’d been on opposite sides of the ring as far back as May 12, 2006 at Ring of Honor’s HOW WE ROLL event.

But just as this Danielson is unlike any version of the man Christian Cage has faced, so too is this TNT Champion version of Christian a far worse, far more vile, far more despicable man than “The American Dragon” has dealt with previously. Cage’s list of crimes and insults has been well documented, the official AEW YouTube Page even has a playlist detailing his despicable act, and his (ab)use of Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne has only made it even clearer how low Christian Cage will stoop to claim he is the greatest wrestler in the world.

Given that Bryan is frequently labeled with that G.O.A.T tag, Cage might consider this a battle of the greatest to do it, but that would require the TNT Champion to actually recognize anyone else as being close to his level, and the AEW faithful know that Christian gives credit to no man or woman other than himself. So on Saturday night, when COLLISION comes to Toledo for the very first time, can Bryan Danielson defy the odds and Cage’s willingness to cut any corners and finally capture his first championship in All Elite Wrestling? He was unable to do so at REVOLUTION 2023 when faced with MJF, unable to do so when he twice challenged Adam Page, and unable to do it when he fought Jon Moxley in the 2022 Grand Slam Tournament of Champions. With this being his first chance at claiming the TNT Championship, will it be the American Dragon’s night, or will Christian Cage somehow find another way to escape seeming certain demise with the TNT Title still in his possession?


Samoa Joe(c) vs. Willie Mack

Ten years ago; that was the one and only time Samoa Joe and Willie Mack ever shared a ring prior to this coming Saturday night, and on that November night in California’s City of Commerce, it was Samoa Joe who emerged triumphant. By that point Joe had already been a multi-time World Champion, had helped establish Ring of Honor as the most influential wrestling promotion of the 21st Century, had traversed the globe, and become one of the most feared competitors in pro wrestling. Willie Mack, six or seven years into his career at that point, was really building steam in places like PWG, APW, CWFH, and had begun to branch out beyond the West Coast in tournaments like CZW’s Best of the Best and AIW’s JT Lightning Invitational, but California would generally remain his home base.

Fast forward a decade later and the two men find themselves inside the same circles once again, competing for Ring of Honor and All Elite Wrestling, with Joe the dominant champion once again. With 549 days spent as ROH World TV Champion, Joe is just 19 days away from surpassing his former protege Jay Lethal as the longest reigning TV Champion of all-time, a feat that would give Samoa Joe that designation with two different Ring of Honor championships. While Lethal’s 36 successful defenses are likely a number that will remain forever out of reach, Joe has absolutely asserted himself with a dominance that no other Television Champion has before him.

Shane Taylor may be a close second in that regards, but the victory Samoa Joe has over him puts Joe on top of that comparison. So can Willie Mack be the one to step up to the throne and knock the King of Television off? Mack is a hard-hitting man just like the TV Champion, has no problem throwing down with fists and elbows, and it very well may be the biggest night of his wrestling career if Willie can actually be the one to end Joe’s reign. It is clear that, in addition to his duties as ROH World TV Champion, Joe still has designs on the AEW World Championship held by MJF, but before he concerns himself with Max, Joe best keep his eye on Willie Mack this Saturday night lest he find himself leaving Toledo short a championship title.


Kris Statlander(c) vs. Skye Blue


After defeating Emi Sakura Friday night on RAMPAGE, Skye Blue will get what she’s been chasing, a championship opportunity, this time in the form of a TBS Championship challenge against friend Kris Statlander! Though Skye has been a bit…off…since her encounter with The House of Black’s Julia Hart got her misted, it did lead to that victory, and now she’ll face Statlander for the very first time!

Despite their friendship, these two have never shared a ring with one another as friend or foe prior to Saturday night. Whether or not that is beneficial to either woman’s goal of being champion remains to be seen; neither has first-hand knowledge of each other’s capabilities making it a bit harder to prepare counters and counters-to-counters, leaving tape study as the best way to prepare for this bout, also the fact each has had barely 24 hours to game plan leaves both on something close to equal footing.

Will Statlander continue to push towards her goal of surpassing Jade Cargill as the most dominant TBS Champion in AEW history? Or will Skye Blue claim her first AEW title and begin to build her legacy?



Tuesday night on DYNAMITE fans witnessed Adam Copeland make his AEW in-ring debut with a victory of “The Right Hand of Destruction” Luchasaurus. While that moment was triumphant, Nick Wayne and TBS Champion Christian Cage did their best to make the remainder of the night a terrible one for “The Rated R Superstar”. Luckily Copeland had some support in the form of The Blackpool Combat Club, and even though the situation ended in chaos also involving Adam Page and The Mogul Embassy, ultimately Christian Cage ended up in Bryan Danielson’s LaBell Lock while Adam stood on and witnessed it.

This Saturday on COLLISION Adam Copeland will be back in the house to address what went down on Tuesday, and perhaps lay out what his next steps will be! Copeland made it clear that he initially came to AEW to reunite with his best friend Christian, but with the events that have gone down since his debut at WRESTLEDREAM, is that still Copeland’s goal?


-AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill & Ricky Starks in the house!

-AAA Cruiserweight & AAA World Tag Champion Komander vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage!

COLLISION debuts in Toledo, OH at the Huntington Center this Saturday night and brings three titles fights to the dance! The ROH World TV Title is at stake between Samoa Joe and Willie Mack while Christian Cage puts his TNT Championship on the line against “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and TBS Champion Kris Statlander defends against Skye Blue! The bouts begin at a our regular time of 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT on TNT, so make a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY was a landmark night in AEW as the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland made his triumphant in-ring debut opposite Luchasaurus, leading to a wild situation involving the TNT Champion, his two “sons”, The BCC, and The Gates of Agony. Plus the AEW faithful witnessed the crowning of two new champions as Orange Cassidy reclaimed the AEW International Championship and Hikaru Shida did the same with the AEW Women’s World Championship! That makes her the first 3-Timer and OC the first 2-Timer for their respective titles, but it also means there’s fresh targets on their backs with all those gunning for the titles themselves.

This Friday RAMPAGE picks up the action where DYNAMITE left off, featuring a Trios bout pitting Garcia, Menard, and Parker against Brother Zay and The Hardys, Lethal versus Beretta as the former eyes the ROH World Championship, Skye Blue and Emi Sakura colliding, and The Blackpool Combat Club going head-up with The Gates of Agony!

The night gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel before RAMPAGE begins to see highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and a great deal more!


Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, & Matt Menard vs. Brother Zay & The Hardys (Jeff & Matt)

Last week, in an 8-Man Tag, it was The Best Friends and The Hardys who got a victory over the former J.A.S quartet of Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Jake Hager, and Daniel Garcia, and suffice to say it caused a great deal of friction among the members of that little family who’ve chosen to stay together after they all walked away from Chris Jericho.

Thus when Daniel Garcia chose to check in on Jericho after Powerhouse Hobbs’ utter domination of “The Ocho”, it did not sit well with Matt Menard, nor the others who chose to leave Jericho in their past. Garcia may have had a rational reason for checking on his former mentor’s health, but given the bad taste left in the mouth of Menard, Parker, Anna Jay, and Hager, no excuse would have sufficed.

So this Friday night on RAMPAGE, when Garcia, Menard, and Parker go into Trios action against The Hardys and Brother Zay it will be quite interesting to see how the machine functions. The three of them have been quite successful as a trio in the past, winning 10 of their 15 fights to date, but they’ve never been quite so strained as they are right now. Everyone else seems to be looking to move on with their life while Garcia is feeling some sort of way about the situation; will that prevent the three men from working together to defeat The Hardy Party, or will they pull together like they did when they left Jericho behind and be a success?


Jay Lethal vs. Trent Beretta

It was very clear during the TITLE TUESDAY: BUY-IN that Jay Lethal and his motley crew have a vested interest in Eddie Kingston, specifically in his ROH World Championship. As a former 2-Time Champion whose combined reigns just squeeze him past Samoa Joe’s lone run to make Lethal the man with the most time spent as ROH World Champion, he has designs on joining the Adam Cole club as a 3-Time Champion, and doing so at the expense of “The Mad King”. Now we know Eddie is willing to fight anyone, anywhere, and even put both his ROH World and NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship on the line in the same match. He did it against Shibata and won, he did it on Tuesday night against Minoru Suzuki and survived, so there’s no doubt he’d give Lethal the chance as well if he were to ever step up and request the title shot.

But that’s not the way Lethal, Jeff and Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, or Satnam Singh do business; it’s far more likely they will attack the man behind his back, and run their mouths off when the numbers are heavily in their favor. It doesn’t matter that Lethal has the skill inside the squared circle to make all their shenanigans unnecessary, it’s just that the whole contingent would rather do everything they can to try and insure success for one another.

And that’s what Trent Beretta has to look out for when he and Lethal go one-on-one this Friday night on RAMPAGE! There is little doubt Lethal will be accompanied by his entourage to this match, it just falls on Beretta to have eyes in the back, the sides, and the top of his head to try and stay wary of their actions. Trent fell victim to Lethal once before in November 2022, hopefully he can avoid the same fate on Friday night and put a little damper on Lethal’s championship aspirations!


Skye Blue vs. Emi Sakura

Both of these woman are arguably at a crossroads in their AEW career as both have their championship aspirations, but both have been frustrated in actually achieving that goal. Emi Sakura was one of Kris Statlander’s recent challengers for the TBS Championship, but failed to dethrone Stat in that endeavor, and it’s been almost four years, FULL GEAR 2019 to be exact, since the last time Emi challenged for the Women’s World Title.

As for Skye Blue, though one of the youngest competitors in the division, she has put in a tremendous amount of work since coming into AEW. From her first match on April 21, 2021 to now, Skye has competed in 100 matches, leaving only Nyla Rose, Hikaru Shida, Emi Sakura, and Dr. Britt Baker ahead of her. With that century mark has come one TBS Championship bout against Jade Cargill at BATTLE OF THE BELTS V, and a trio of AEW Women’s World Title fights with Toni Storm. All of those championship opportunities have come in 2023, but none have borne any fruit for Skye.

So that leaves both women coming into this singles match on Friday night with a goal to get back on the right track, get back into title contention, and finally put a championship belt around their waist! The last time these two met in a singles bout was the October 4, 2021 edition of DARK: ELEVATION, a match won by Emi, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t fought plenty in tags and trios in the years since. Unfortunately for Skye, the balance of the scales tips heavily in the favor of Emi Sakura with 12 of the 18 encounters going in Sakura’s favor.

Can Skye begin to tip those scales a little more in her favor this Friday night on TNT?


Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

We saw it at the end of DYNAMITE: TITLE TUESDAY when chaos erupted in the aftermath of Adam Copeland’s victory over Luchasaurus, and it all began with Nick Wayne attacking Copeland after the match. That brought Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage’s opponent for COLLISION down to the ring, which in turn brought Yuta and Claudio, which begot Gates of Agony and Swerve, which brought out Hangman Page, and utter madness ensued. When the dust cleared, we were left with Christian Cage trapped in the LaBell Lock by Danielson as Adam Copeland looked on.

So while Cage and Danielson have their date on Saturday in Toledo, this Friday night on RAMPAGE it’s his Blackpool Combat Club compatriots who have theirs with Gates of Agony! Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun are two of the most fearsome men in all of professional wrestling, a mix of savagery, speed, and power like few others competing in AEW. Their tools are part of the dynamic that have made this iteration of Prince Nana’s Embassy the most feared that has every existed. Those two, combined with Brian Cage and Swerve Strickland, have made The Mogul Embassy a dominating force and on RAMPAGE The Gates of Agony will clash with one of AEW’s other dominant units in The BCC.

Whose skill set will prove the better on Friday night? Tune into TNT beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT to watch the fights go down!

RAMPAGE gets started at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international audiences, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel prior to the show for highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday was broadcast live from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means!

ROH World & NJPW Strong Openweight Title Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Minoru Suzuki!

Suzuki invited Kingston to chop him. Kingston took the straps down and he and Suzuki exchanged chops to the chest, blistering one another! Suzuki blasted Kingston with a forearm, knocking him to the mat and stunning him.

“Kingston on roller skates,” said Excalibur.

Kingston fired himself up and plastered Suzuki with a stiff chop. He followed up with rapid, machine gun style chops to Suzuki’s chest. Kingston backed Suzuki into the corner with more chops.

Backstage, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh were watching on the monitor.

After a Northern Lights Bomb, Kingston grabbed the pin on Suzuki and retained the title!

AEW President & CEO Tony Khan made an appearance backstage and advised that Jon Moxley hasn’t been medically cleared for tonight’s match.

FTW Champion HOOK interrupted, along with Orange Cassidy, and HOOK insisted Orange Cassidy fill in for Mox. Tony Khan agreed and made the match official between Orange Cassidy and AEW International Champion Rey Fenix!

Buy-In concluded, and AEW Dynamite: Title Tuesday kicked off with…

TNT Champion Christian Cage appearing from inside the production truck!

Christian Cage: “This is without a doubt the biggest AEW Dynamite ever, Title Tuesday. And how fitting is it that the first thing you see is Christian Cage. And there are serious implications for my title tonight, with Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson squaring off to determine who will face me this Saturday on Collision!

“In the main event, my right hand of destruction is going to end the run of Adam Copeland before it even gets started. But before that match, I may have to walk out and elaborate on those three words I left you hanging with last week.

“And as the face of TNT, the face of Warner Brothers Discovery, I’ve procured the first 30 minutes of Dynamite commercial free. You’re welcome. Now start this show!”

#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship!

The Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)


“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

There was a stalemate early on. Danielson tried for a knee bar, but Swerve escaped. Swerve slapped Danielson in the face and Danielson fired back with a slap to Swerve. After each man reversed cradles from the other, it was clear they were evenly matched.

The fans began to chant “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson booted Swerve in the jaw. They traded strikes on the apron. Swerve nailed Danielson with a side slam on the corner of the ring! Danielson came up clutching his back.

Swerve powerslammed Danielson and then transitioned into a brainbuster for a near fall on the American Dragon. Swerve went for a 450 splash, but Danielson raised his knees. Danielson rocked Swerve with a jumping knee strike off the apron! Danielson dropkicked Swerve from the top turnbuckle.

Danielson clocked Swerve with repeated round kicks. Danielson charged off the ropes, but Swerve connected with a kick to the body. Swerve positioned Danielson on the corner of the ring, hanging him by the feet and legs. Swerve crashed down on Danielson with a double foot stomp!

Swerve went for another foot stomp inside the ring, but Danielson countered with a single leg crab. Danielson transitioned into a heel hook, but Swerve managed to grab the bottom rope. Danielson back suplexed Swerve from the top turnbuckle! Danielson was clutching his surgically repaired arm.

Danielson captured Swerve’s wrists and hammered the face of Swerve with kicks! Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock, but Swerve used his leg to get to the bottom rope and force the break. Danielson was setting up to charge at Swerve, running first into the turnbuckle to gather speed, but upon impact he collapsed, holding onto his midsection. Swerve capitalized with the House Call! Swerve jumped down with the Swerve Stomp on Danielson, but Danielson kicked out at two! Excalibur and Taz speculated that Danielson injured his liver.

Prince Nana distracted the ref while Swerve went to grab the crown that Nana left behind. “Hangman” Adam Page grabbed it out of Swerve’s hands! Danielson went for the running knee, but Swerve tried to counter with the JML Driver, but Danielson countered that with a cradle, but Swerve kicked out! Danielson went back to the wishing well again and smacked Swerve with the running knee strike and pinned Swerve!

This Saturday on Collision it’ll be Christian Cage defending the TNT Championship against Bryan Danielson! Swerve and Prince Nana sneered at “Hangman” Adam Page after the match.

A vignette aired for ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe!

“This Saturday at Collision I begin my road to AEW World Championship gold. I’ll show the world why I am violence manifest. Domination made flesh. Why I am the man who goes out there and takes what he wants from anybody he wants to. This Saturday at Collision I begin my ascension towards greatness.”

Powerhouse Hobbs (with Don Callis) vs. Chris Jericho!

Jericho and Hobbs slugged it out! Hobbs got the upper hand. Hobbs nailed Jericho with a spinebuster for a near fall. Hobbs grounded and pounded Jericho and then delivered a second spinebuster!

Hobbs hoisted up Jericho and drilled him with a third spinebuster. Hobbs headbutted Jericho right between the eyes. Hobbs hit another spinebuster on Jericho.

Don Callis yelled “Hurt him! Hurt him!”

Hobbs planted Jericho with another spinebuster. Jericho cradled his midsection. Jericho fought back with shoulder tackles. Jericho connected with a Code Breaker on Hobbs for a two-count. Hobbs fired back with another spinebuster.

Jericho chop blocked Hobbs. Jericho applied the Walls on Hobbs, sitting back deep. Hobbs escaped and slammed Jericho. Hobbs hammered Jericho with punches. Hobbs spiked Jericho with another slam. Hobbs put his knee on Jericho’s face and pinned him!

“I’ve never seen Jericho dominated quite like this,” said Excalibur.

“Powerhouse Hobbs just dismantled one of the greatest ever in Chris Jericho,” said Taz.

“What a victory,” replied Tony Schiavone.

“And what a recruit for the Don Callis Family,” added Excalibur.

After the match Hobbs picked up Jericho and planted him hard on the mat again!

Footage was shown from earlier in the day from Roderick Strong’s humble abode.

Roderick Strong was in his backyard with the Kingdom and Adam Cole.

Adam Cole said he’d been there nearly a week, needed to get his surgery done, but wanted to know what else Roddy wanted him to do.

Strong: “I need you to cut my grass.”

Cole mowed the lawn on one leg while the other leg was on his injury mobility scooter. They went back into the house and Cole said he thought it was weird that there was no service and no TV in the house. He wanted to see what his friend MJF was up to.

Strong: “TV is the devil. The absolute devil.”

Cole wanted to leave to get surgery but Strong said he needed just one more thing.

AEW International Championship Match!

Rey Fenix (c.) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Orange charged at Rey Fenix and dished out forearms. Fenix fired back with lariats. Fenix was looking for a German Suplex, but his back gave out.

Rey Fenix cracked Orange with a thrust kick. Fenix hit a frog splash for a near fall, wrestling with purpose and trying to end the match quickly.

“When you’re hurting, you want to end it quickly,” said Taz.

Outside the ring, Orange Cassidy whipped Rey Fenix into the steel guardrail. Orange rammed Rey Fenix into the steel ring post. Orange swept out Rey Fenix’s leg. Orange climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Rey Fenix hit him with a flying uppercut. Rey Fenix was looking for a muscle buster, but his back gave out. Orange countered with a diving DDT and then another DDT for a two-count on Rey Fenix!

Orange tried for the Orange Punch, but Rey Fenix countered with a thrust kick. Rey Fenix tried to charge at Orange, but his back gave out again. Orange Cassidy blasted Rey Fenix with the Beach Break for a near fall. Orange pulped Rey Fenix with the Orange Punch and after tying him up in the mousetrap, Orange Cassidy pinned Rey Fenix!

And once again AEW International Champion…Orange Cassidy!

The Best Friends, Rocky Romero, and HOOK came out to congratulate Orange Cassidy.

Wardlow vs. Matt Sydal!

Wardlow ran at Sydal and rammed him into the turnbuckles. Wardlow powerbombed Sydal. He powerbombed Sydal again. And then again! Wardlow powerbombed Sydal again and the ref stopped the match, declaring Wardlow the winner!

Renee Paquette was backstage trying to get a medical update on Chris Jericho!

Daniel Garcia came to check on Jericho. Matt Menard grabbed Garcia by the shoulder and said, “What are you doing?”

Garcia said, “I’m being a human. I’m checking on somebody that we cared about.”

Menard: “I’ve had just about enough. We’re better than this. We’re better than this now.”

Menard walked away and then Garcia followed.

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White


ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion “Hangman” Adam Page!

Switchblade came out wearing the AEW World Championship Title. Bullet Club Gold rode out on big wheels.

“He stole that title from MJF,” said Taz.

Hangman flew over the top rope and landed on Jay White on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Jay White grabbed a chin lock on Page. They traded strikes. Jay White took down Adam Page with a dragon screw leg whip.

Hangman caught Switchblade and drilled him with a Death Valley Driver. Page sent White soaring with a fallaway slam and followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Hangman powerbombed Jay White on the apron!

“That was a thud right there,” said Taz.

Jay White suplexed Adam Page into the turnbuckles. White drilled Page with a knee breaker right on the apron! Hangman came back with a blockbuster off the top rope, but Page was clutching his knee after the landing.

Jay White connected with an uranage for a near fall. Hangman dropped Jay White with a rolling elbow. Hangman was looking for the Buckshot Lariat, but Jay White countered with a dragon screw.

Hangman guillotined Jay White on the top rope. Hangman nailed Jay White with a moonsault on the arena floor. Back in the ring Jay White lured Hangman in and rocked him with a German Suplex. Jay White chop blocked Hangman. Page got to his feet and walloped Jay White with a lariat!

Hangman went for the Buckshot, but Jay White tried to counter with the Blade Runner, but Page countered with the Dead Eye! Bullet Club Gold panicked outside the ring. Page covered White but White kicked out at two!

Bullet Club Gold distracted the ref while Prince Nana crept up with his crown in his hand. Hangman saw Prince Nana and turned his attention toward him, but Jay White grabbed a handful of Page’s tights, rolled him up and pinned him!

After the match, an enraged Hangman limped up the ramp and tried to catch up with the retreating Prince Nana!

AEW World Champion MJF came out on the ramp!

MJF: “Cut my music! Look at me Jay White! You wanted the main event match, bright lights, Full Gear for the World Title, you got it, you’re welcome. Now give me back my belt! Be a man!”

Jay White: “We don’t want to hear anymore from MJF. No, no, we want to hear from J-A-Y. Your scumbag wants the Triple B, you want the Bang Bang belt? I was going to say yes until you were so rude, so the answer is no.”

MJF: “I’ll be the bigger man here. Jay, I know you because I was you. You are the guy who doesn’t give a damn about anybody else. You will use and abuse people. You and I both know you don’t care about any of those three in the Bullet Club Gold. You are using them, and I know because that is right out of the MJF playbook.

“For the first time in my life I have earned the respect of these fans. Now Jay White there are two things in this life I care about: my brother, Adam Cole, who is out right now injured. And that’s my cross to bear. And there is that title you’re holding. You call it a belt. That’s not a belt. That is my livelihood. That is my legacy. Because when you win the AEW World Title, that makes you the best wrestler in the world.

“Jay, if you weren’t surrounded by those idiots, I would have already taken back what’s mine. Jay White, I know how talented you are. I am sure someday you will join the very exclusive club of being an AEW World Champion, however, that day is not today. Do you understand me? So, I’m going to ask you to do the hard thing for once in your life. Dig deep, be a man, show some dignity to this sport, to AEW and to these fans, and give me back what you have not yet earned.”

Jay White: “You’re just coming out here and asking me to give it back to you. How is that earning it? Thank you for coming out and asking me nicely instead of jumping me from behind in your cute little devil mask.

“But you’re just asking for this. You can’t just ask for this. You must earn it. You must earn it, officially. And you have a match coming up November 18th at Full Gear. You’ll get your chance, but you’ll fail. But if you can’t be patient, you could just come down and take it.

“But something tells me with us five here, and you don’t have no friends, but if you can find three friends who can tolerate you, you come up with your four against the Bang Bang Gang, and if you win, maybe you’ll get the Bang Bang Belt back.”

Juice Robinson: “And MJF, before you leave, I heard through the grapevine that next week there is a Dynamite Diamond Dozen Battle Royale for a chance to win that stupid ring that you care about so much! So, throw my name in because I’m going to win the battle royale and I’m going to win that ring and we’re going to take away everything you love. And I’ve got a roll of quarters here with your name on it. So, after we ruin your life, I’m going to—”

MJF: “Hey! You come at me with that roll of quarters and I’m going to end your life!”

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

Saraya shoved at Shida. Shida turned Saraya around and battered her with forearms. Shida scored with a running knee strike.

Shida rocked Saraya with a rising knee strike outside the ring. Someone dressed all in black tried to ambush Shida. They were holding a can of spray paint. It was Ruby Soho!

Shida turned the can around and sprayed Ruby Soho in the eyes! Soho ran up the ramp, but “Timeless” Toni Storm was there, clobbering her with the shoe! Toni Storm chased Ruby Soho over the guardrail and through the fans!

Shida drilled Saraya with a jumping knee strike. Shida hammered Saraya with punches. She followed up with a missile dropkick for a near fall on Saraya.

Saraya yanked Shida by the wrist, sending Shida tumbling onto the edge of the ring! Shida stunned Saraya with a stalling German Suplex on the ring apron. She followed up with a meteora off the apron onto Saraya. Shida rammed Saraya with a running knee for a near fall.

Shida clocked Saraya with a question mark kick. Shida climbed to the top turnbuckle and Saraya countered with a thrust kick. Saraya crushed Shida with the Knight Cap for a two-count! Saraya put a can of spray paint in her waistband and grabbed the kendo stick. Ref Paul Turner saw the kendo stick and pulled it away. As the ref turned his back to toss the kendo stick out of the ring, Saraya went to her backup plan and sprayed Shida in the eyes with the can of paint! Saraya drilled Shida with a second Knight Cap, but Shida kicked out at two!

“Hikaru Shida will not be denied!” said Excalibur.

Shida planted Saraya with the Falcon Arrow. She went to cover Saraya, but Saraya countered. Shida countered that, rolling up Saraya and pinning her!

And new AEW Women’s World Champion…Hikaru Shida!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW World Champion MJF!

MJF: “I’m just not in the mood to be interviewed. I just want to call my boy and get some advice. Please pick up Adam.”

Adam Cole answered. MJF said he’d been trying to get ahold of Adam Cole for days.

Adam Cole apologized and said he was still helping Roderick Strong because Strong was injured.

MJF: “Adam, I need your help. I’m getting attacked left and right by Bullet Club Gold. They stole the triple B. Samoa Joe apparently wants another title shot. And Juice Robinson has opened some old wounds, dude.”

Adam Cole: “Max, can you hear me? Roddy is in the middle of nowhere.”

The phone lost reception and the line went dead.

The Acclaimed walked up to MJF. Caster said he overhead the phone call. Caster said he figured the Acclaimed could team with MJF to take on the Bang Bang Gang. MJF walked away, upset.

Daddy Ass told Caster to hold on one second. “When did you think you could just offer up our services? And what is your infatuation with MJF?” asked Daddy Ass.

Caster: “We started wrestling together. I’ve known him for 10 years. And he’s my friend. I think he needs our help. Plus, I like when he plays hard to get.”

Main Event Time!

“Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland


Luchasaurus (with TNT Champion Christian Cage)!

Before the match, Christian Cage said he is not Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne’s leader. He is their father. Christian Cage asked why Adam Copeland didn’t want to help him when he was getting held back a few years ago and Adam was being pushed to the moon. “You need me. I don’t need you! But I can’t say I blame you for being a fan, Adam. I have a lot of fans around the world. In fact, I know your wife Beth is a huge fan.”

Adam Copeland charged to the ring! Nick Wayne grabbed onto Copeland’s leg. Luchasaurus booted Copeland in the face. Luchasaurus followed up with the Extinction lariat before the bell rang!

Luchasaurus spiked Adam Copeland with a tombstone piledriver for a near fall. Christian Cage sat on the ramp, watching the match.

Luchasaurus whipped Adam Copeland into the turnbuckles. Luchasaurus body slammed Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus fired off a combination of strikes to Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus suplexed Adam Copeland.

Outside the ring, Nick Wayne shoved Adam Copeland into the ring post! Luchasaurus pulled the ring steps. He was going to plant Copeland on them. Copeland fired back with shots and then DDT’ed Luchasaurus onto the arena floor!

Copeland splashed Luchasaurus across the back! Cope connected with elbow strikes but Luchasaurus countered with a headbutt. Copeland blocked a chokeslam and rocked Luchasaurus with an Impaler DDT for a near fall!

Copeland and Luchasaurus jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Cope superplexed Luchasaurus! Christian Cage walked closer to the ring and the ref was distracted. The ref turned around, ordering Christian Cage to back away. While this was happening, Nick Wayne propped up a chair between the turnbuckles. Copeland went for the spear, but Luchasaurus dodged him, sending Cope headfirst into the steel chair!

Luchasaurus choke slammed Copeland, but Copeland kicked out! Copeland avoided the Extinction from Luchasaurus. Copeland ran off the ring, jumped off the ring steps, and speared Luchasaurus on the arena floor!

Back in the ring, Cope was looking for another spear. Nick Wayne jumped onto the ring apron and distracted the ref while Christian Cage jumped on the other side of the ring. Christian Cage was going to hit Copeland with the TNT Championship, but Copeland yanked it out of Christian Cage’s hands and rammed it into Luchasaurus’ head! Copeland threw the title back to Christian Cage. Luchasaurus turned around and thought Christian Cage was the one who hit him with it! Luchasaurus turned around and Copeland speared him! Copeland covered Luchasaurus and pinned him for the victory!

After the match, Nick Wayne chop blocked Adam Copeland. Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus stomped Copeland. Danielson ran to the ring and clocked Christian. Danielson jumped into the ring and went after Nick Wayne. Luchasaurus drilled Danielson with a high boot. Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to even up the odds. The Mogul Embassy came down and began to brawl with the Blackpool Combat Club! “Hangman” Adam Page joined the fray and he and Swerve exchanged strikes. Copeland speared Nick Wayne. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock on Christian Cage and Cage tapped!

“Will this be the scene this Saturday on Collision at a special 7pm start time?! Christian Cage! Bryan Danielson! One on one for the TNT Championship!”

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Fort Bend Epicenter in Rosenberg, TX!

***Special start time at 7/6c! Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT from the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s special 4th Anniversary episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Renee Paquette interviewed Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega backstage!

Adam Copeland interrupted and shook Jericho’s hand, saying it was good to see him. He introduced himself to Kenny Omega and said it was good to meet him. Kenny said Copeland had kept him on the edge of his seat the other night during the WrestleDream pay-per-view.

AEW International Championship Match!

The Lucha Bros’ Rey Fenix (c.) (with Alex Abrahantes & Penta El Zero Miedo)


ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion The Young Bucks’ Nick Jackson (with Matt Jackson)!

Rey Fenix and Nick Jackson traded and countered a flurry of offense. Rey Fenix rolled out to the edge of the ring, checking on his injured back. Nick tried to powerbomb Rey onto the floor, but Rey Fenix countered with an arm drag off the post and onto the arena floor. Nick stood up clutching his back.

Nick took down Fenix with a hurracanrana off the guardrail. Nick nailed Fenix with a backstabber in the ring. Rey Fenix kicked Nick Jackson’s leg out from beneath him, with Nick landing on the crown of his head on the ring apron!

Fenix connected with a thrust kick, but Nick answered with two superkicks of his own. Both men had the same idea, Fenix with a strike, Nick with a round kick, and they knocked one another down. Fenix got a near fall with a hurracanrana. Nick blasted Fenix with a cutter on the arena floor!

Nick planted Rey with a facebuster for a two-count! Nick rocked Rey with a roundhouse kick. Nick drilled Fenix with an avalanche cutter but somehow Fenix was able to kick out! The fans erupted in applause!

Nick had Fenix rattled after a poison rana and then a destroyer, but Fenix kicked out at two! Nick nearly took off Fenix’s head with a running knee strike. Nick smashed Fenix with a BTE Trigger to the back of the head for a near fall!

Rey Fenix rallied back with a punt kick to the side of Nick’s head. Fenix used a frog splash on Nick Jackson for a near fall. Nick rolled up Rey Fenix, but Fenix countered with a roll-up of his own and pinned Nick Jackson!

“A tip of the cap to both men,” said Tony Schiavone.

Footage was shown from earlier in the day with Adam Cole visiting Roderick Strong’s house.

Roddy was there with the Kingdom. Roddy was rolling around in a wheelchair and had a scooter for Cole as a present. “I couldn’t be the only one on wheels,” said Roddy. They did laps in the house while the Kingdom watched on. Roddy said he had an emergency and wanted Cole to move some furniture for him. Again, the Kingdom simply watched as Cole did all the work.

Wardlow vs. Griff Garrison!

Wardlow charged Griff when the bell rang! Wardlow stomped Garrison in the corner. Wardlow powerbombed Griff! He hit Griff with a second powerbomb, and then a third! Wardlow powerbombed Garrison a fourth time! Griff was hearing the notes of the powerbomb symphony! After five consecutive powerbombs, the ref stopped the match and awarded the match to the returning Wardlow!

Renee Paquette interviewed Don Callis and Takeshita backstage.

Don Callis: “AEW has been shaken to its foundation by Sammy pinning Chris Jericho at WrestleDream. So much so, the crack AEW medical staff has deemed Sammy unable to perform. At the recommendation of Will Ospreay, I have requested Kyle Fletcher to be the partner of the ‘Alpha’ Takeshita tonight. I’m going to win this war, no matter what it takes.”

AEW Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.)


The Butcher, The Blade, & Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford)!

Butch dropped a leg on the chest of Caster. Kip Sabian moonsaulted onto the Acclaimed, wiping them out on the arena floor.

Bowens cleaned house on Sabian, the Butcher and Blade. Bowens dropped the Scissor Me Timbers on Blade. After tandem offense, Bowens pinned Sabian!

“Hard fought victory right there by the Acclaimed but they pulled it off,” said Taz.

Up next: We heard from Juice Robison and The Gunns after last week’s mysterious attack on “Switchblade” Jay White!

Austin Gunn: “Who’s ready for story time with the Bang Bang Gang? We came out to address the one they call ‘the devil.”

Colten Gunn: “You mean the people’s scumbag? Max, the reason you jumped Jay is because you’re scared. You know you’re about to suffocate when you breathe with the ‘Switchblade.’”

Juice: “MJF, get your ass out here! You’ve got some explaining to do! If you’re a man, you’ll come out here and face us like one. But you’re not a man, are you?”

AEW World Champion MJF’s music hit!

MJF: “Cut my music! It appears the devil has arrived in Stockton! And we’ve got an interesting trio here making a lot of accusations. We’ve got the assboys. And then we’ve got their best friend, Juice Robinson, aka talentless taint.

“Just call me mystic Max, I have a premonition that we’re going to have a dueling chant of ‘Ass Boys’ and ‘Talentless taint’. Stockton, I’m magic. Isn’t that nuts! It’s our four year anniversary of Dynamite, so I thought I’d list some of my highlights. I whipped Cody Rhodes with a belt. I threw Chris Jericho off a cage. And I almost got us kicked off TV when I called my boss Tony Khan a mark!

“I know for a fact that I didn’t attack your boy, Jay White. But if you don’t want to talk it out like gentlemen…I’ve got an idea. How about right here, right now, we have ourselves a Stockton Street Fight!”

MJF went to the ring and Bullet Club Gold backed out. “Switchblade” Jay White ambushed MJF from behind with the Blade Runner!

Jay White left with the AEW World Title belt!

“Switchblade” Jay White: “Max, I don’t know what type of caliber athlete you’re used to dealing with, but I’m a cut above. You got the best of me last week, but you’re not fooling anybody. We’re not buying what you’re selling. We use our brains. We know the real MJF. We know that MJF is a pathetic, dirty liar, a slimy gutless coward. And we need a truly elite champion. And you are not him, MJF.

“But hey, I’m a fair man. You want to prove me wrong. Put it all on the line at Full Gear! MJF versus ‘Switchblade’ Jay White for the AEW World Championship. You can try to prove me wrong, and you will fail. But don’t worry, I’ll lead by example tonight, and I’m taking this belt. And I’ve got two words for you: guns up!”

MJF: “Nah, you want me at Full Gear? Well, I’ve got two words for you: you’re on!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with FTW Champion HOOK and Orange Cassidy!

Orange: Hook is a great champion because he has a great championship.”

Hook: “It should be you next week against Rey Fenix instead of Mox.”

Orange: “Whatever.”

The Golden Jets—Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega


The Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Takeshita hit Jericho with a shoulder block. Jericho got back up to his feet and traded strikes with Takeshita. Jericho fired back with a shoulder block of his own.

Omega tagged in and he and Jericho hit tandem offense on Takeshita. They double suplexed Takeshita. Takeshita blasted Jericho with the Takeshita-line.

Jericho drilled Kyle with a lionsault! Omega tagged in and Omega dished out Polish Hammers to the opposition. Omega hoisted up Takeshita, vaulted off his chest, and nailed Fletcher with a backstabber.

Fletcher sent Omega flying with a half and half suplex. Fletcher rocked Jericho with a thrust kick. Takeshita and Fletcher used a Blue Thunder-Michinoku Driver combo on Omega and Jericho.

Kenny planted Kyle with a snap dragon suplex. Jericho tagged in and dazed Fletcher with a running clothesline. Jericho sent Fletcher flying with a hurracanrana. Takeshita laid out Jericho with a lariat. Omega cracked Takeshita with a jumping knee strike. Fletcher fired back with a thrust kick to Omega and followed up with a brainbuster!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Jericho and Fletcher had the same idea—going for lariats—and they knocked one another down. Omega tagged in and powerbombed Fletcher. He followed up with a knee strike to Kyle for a near fall. Omega got wiped out with a leg lariat from Fletcher. Jericho rattled Fletcher with the Code Breaker and Omega was there to finish off Fletcher with the One-Winged Angel, pinning Fletcher!

Powerhouse Hobbs ambushed Jericho and Omega after the match! He knocked them both down with lariats. Don Callis was smiling. Hobbs smashed Jericho with a spinebuster! Hobbs whipped Omega into the guardrail. Hobbs hurled Omega over the timekeeper’s table, over the barricade, and onto a row of chairs. Hobbs punished Omega out on the arena floor. Hobbs slammed a guardrail onto Omega. Hobbs trapped Omega’s throat in the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Don Callis taped Omega by the wrists to the top rope. Takeshita dropkicked Jericho out of the ring. Hobbs whacked Jericho with the chair, as Jericho was trying to take the bullet for Omega.

Hobbs was about to waffle Omega with the chair, but Don Callis asked for the chair. Callis smacked the chair over Omega’s head!

“Look at the dent left in that chair,” said Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was in the trainer’s room with AEW World Champion MJF!

Renee asked how MJF was doing.

MJF: “It’d be an easier pill to swallow if Adam was here.”

Max Caster snuck up behind MJF and MJF freaked out and told Caster to leave. “Stop stalking me!” MJF said he was going to call Adam Cole. The call went to voicemail.

“Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Skye Blue!

Toni hit Skye with a short arm lariat. Toni Storm whipped Skye across the ring by the hair! Skye fired back with a dropkick. Skye slugged Storm with a forearm. Toni sent Skye crashing to the floor with a hip attack.

Skye Blue was relentless with elbow strikes to Toni Storm. Skye connected with a high roundhouse and then a big cross body press for a near fall. Toni rattled Skye with a powerbomb.

Toni sent Skye flying with a German Suplex. Storm cracked Skye with the hip attack and finished her off with the Storm Zero for the pin!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Stokely Hathaway!

Hathaway said this Friday on Rampage there would be a four way match to determine the next challenger for Eddie Kingston’s ROH World Championship!

The Rated-R Superstar Adam Copeland made his Dynamite debut!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring and asked everyone to welcome to Dynamite— “The Rated-R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Adam Copeland: “Tony, I grew up and your voice was the soundtrack to my childhood. So, to stand in the ring with you is a pretty big deal for me.

“I came out here to talk to you all. Let’s rewind back to 2011, I’m told I can never do this again. But guys, we’re in 2023 and I am standing in an AEW ring! There’s quite a few reasons why I came here. There’s one major one but I’ll get to that last.

“I’m pretty sure the AEW World Championship would look good around my waist. Check it out, we’re talking first ever matches. Adam Copeland versus Jon Moxley, Adam Copeland versus Kenny Omega, versus Miro, versus Powerhouse Hobbs, versus Juice Robinson. So those are all amazing reasons to be here, to challenge myself 31 years into my career.

“And I’ve already said this before, and this’ll be the last time I say it. The main reason I decided to come to AEW is I sat with my family. I asked my daughter Lyric, ‘Should I retire?’ She said, ‘You should go have fun with Uncle Jay.’

“So, I’ll call him what you all call him—Christian Cage. And I’d like him to come out here so I can tell him the real reason why I’m here. C’mon Jay.

TNT Champion Christian Cage came down to the ring!

Adam Copeland: “For 40 years we’ve been best friends. But it was this industry that made us realize we’d be best friends for life. And I know what you’re thinking. Why did I do those things at WrestleDream to Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus? And even though I know that about you, I still love you. That’s never gonna go away. But I saw you standing over Sting. A guy whose poster you took to the barber and put it on the mirror so she could give you the same haircut.

“And I see you standing over Sting. A man who has entertained people for four decades. My wife’s parents couldn’t speak English, but they loved Sting. I know that Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne are going to drop you like a bad habit as soon as they’ve sucked all the information from your brain.

“You’re so egotistical that you can’t see it. But Jay, it’s time. For the first time since 2011, for the first time properly in over 20 years, it’s time for you and me to team together again. To face a team like FTR. To face a team like the Young Bucks. To show an entire generation of fans why we are inarguably one of the greatest tag teams of all time! So, I am out here, hat in hand, and I am asking you, let’s do it. Let’s end our careers together as a team. Let’s show them all what we can do.”

Christian Cage hugged Adam Copeland.

Christian Cage: “Go to hell!”

Christian Cage walked out of the ring, leaving Adam Copeland behind.

Christian Cage: “Just a quick reminder of what you’ll be up against this Tuesday, live on Dynamite.”

Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp, with Nick Wayne by his side. They all stared at Adam Copeland!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

***Special night*** Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday on TBS next Tuesday live at 8/7ct from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

***Special start time*** Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 7/6c from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, UT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


This Sunday night, live on pay-per-view (https://www.allelitewrestling.com/watchwrestledream), All Elite Wrestling presents WRESTLEDREAM (https://www.allelitewrestling.com/aew-event/aew-wrestledream) from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA! Headlined by the Danielson/ZSJ “Submissions in Seattle” dream match over a year in the waiting, this event is as loaded as it gets, and with AEW PPV’s that is saying quite a lot!

Six championships will be on the line, including a match with both the ROH World and NJPW STRONG Openweight at stake, plus we will see the next contender to the AEW World Tag Team Titles crowned in an all-star Four Way Tag! In addition, Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi will be joined by the unlikeliest of allies in Chris Jericho to take on The Don Callis Family, Hangman Page faces Swerve Strickland, and more!

The action begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT, with the ZERO HOUR getting underway at 7pm ET/6pm CT on the official AEW YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@AEW/videos). Before the ZERO HOUR gets underway, be sure to check out the highlights from all the week’s action to get ready for the first-ever WRESTLEDREAM event!

TNT CHAMPIONSHIP/2 OUT OF 3 FALLS MATCH: Christian Cage(c) vs. Darby Allin


This is as personal as a rivalry in the AEW career of Darby Allin has gotten, and it should come as little surprise that it’s due to Christian Cage picking, poking, and prodding at any vulnerability he sees. He’s not the first man to pick at the scab of Darby’s late-uncle, but he might be the one whose gotten the most reaction from Darby out of it. He’s likely not the first man in the life of Nick Wayne to prod at the memory of his late father Buddy Wayne, but Cage has managed dig in deeper than anyone else. And he’s certainly not the first individual to manipulate others to find a way to his goals, but Christian Cage has done it so masterfully with Luchasaurus that the former TNT Champion is still standing at the side of the man who took the title from him.

It’s clear that Christian Cage is a horrible human, at his core possibly the worst man to ever set foot in an AEW ring, and that’s saying something when Don Callis is also part of the scene. This is a man who has used the deaths of loved ones as a tool against his foes, who has dismissively addressed his own children on live television, and treated everyone around him like pawns on that proverbial chessboard. He’s scum, and this Sunday night in Seattle, in front of the people who have witnessed Darby’s rise to the top from the very beginning of his career, in front of those who watched his TNT Championship triumph over Samoa Joe back in January, Christian Cage is going to get his comeuppance two times over.

In a two out of three falls match, Christian Cage will defend the TNT Championship against Darby Allin and he may well have to do so all by himself depending the outcome of the Luchasaurus/Nick Wayne match during ZERO HOUR. His Right Hand of Destruction may not be available for the assist if Nick Wayne gets his way during their fight, because even though Darby challenged Cage to leave Luchasaurus behind, it’s highly unlikely Christian will stick to his word that he doesn’t need Luchasaurus to beat Darby. Also it won’t be enough for Cage to beat Darby once, if he beats him at all, he’s got to do it twice in a single match, and given Allin’s ability to take the pain and use it as fuel, that may be an impossible task for even the lowliest of men.

Will this be the night that Christian Cage finally beats Darby Allin after losing to him twice in recent months, or will it be a triumphant night for the 2-Time TNT Champion, one where he hoists the title up for the third time, and shuts up Christian Cage for the moment?


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. NJPW TV Champion Zack Sabre Jr.

Over a year ago at the inaugural FORBIDDEN DOOR pay-per-view, this fight was on the table, but an injury Bryan Danielson sustained during Anarchy in the Arena at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2022 forced a change to the line-up, and introduced Claudio Castagnoli into the AEW landscape.

Fast forward to September 9th’s episode of COLLISION, just a few days removed from defeating Ricky Starks in a No DQ Strap match at ALL OUT 2023, and Bryan Danielson issued the challenge to Zack Sabre Jr. to finally make their dream match a reality. It is not their first meeting, that took place in March 2008 in the United Kingdom where Bryan beat ZSJ in a 2 Out of 3 Falls match, nor is it their second as that took place in March 2009 in Germany and was won by Zack Sabre Jr., but both of those matches too place in the early years of the NJPW TV Champion’s career, before he evolved into the fight he is today.

As talented a wrestler as ZSJ was at that point, just 4 and 5 years into his career, the reality of being a wrestler is that he was still just only beginning to understand the intricacies of the game. Even Bryan’s experience, nearly double that of Zack when they first faced, was still just only beginning to elevate and even in 2009 many considered “The American Dragon” the best wrestler in the world. In the fourteen years since their clash each has grown exponentially as a competitor and as a man, and though Danielson has dealt with injuries that many considered the death knell of his in-ring career, he has rebounded back better than he ever was before, and considering the G.O.A.T moniker that was already being applied in 2015, that’s speaks volumes to just how vast a pro wrestler’s knowledge can get.

Much like Bryan, Zack Sabre Jr. has only gotten better with age, his already superb submission skills honed to a lethal edge, and with that so too has his ego grown. There is little doubt foisted about any who claim ZSJ to be the greatest technical wrestler alive, he’s shown the skills it time and again all around the world, be it as part of SUZUKI-GUN, or since he become the first, and thus far only, NJPW World TV Champion earlier this year at WRESTLE KINGDOM 17.

But there are those who also put that crown on Bryan Danielson’s head, and with “The American Dragon” telling the world that he’s in his last full-time year of competition, every wrestler worth their salt is going to want to test the man on his way out, and try to snatch the crown. What’s interesting here is that this is not a case of Zack wanting Bryan as that time draws near, but rather Bryan wanting the fight after being unable to bring the rubber match to fruition last year.

And that brings us to this “Submissions in Seattle” fight between two of best grapplers in the history of professional wrestling, not just best of today, but best of all-time, and that is an undisputed fact. After confronting each other in the aftermath of COLLISION’s All-Star 8-Man tag, what is this fight going to look like? Will ZSJ live up to his promise to end Bryan’s career in 2023? It may be a homecoming for Bryan, but is he coming home just to say goodbye?


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)(c) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis)

One year ago, New Japan’s ROYAL QUEST II event at the Crystal Palace in London, FTR and Aussie Open went to battle with the IWGP Tag Titles hanging in the balance. For thirty-two minutes Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler, Kyle Fletcher, and Mark Davis battled their hearts out, leaving every bit of themselves in that ring, but when the final bell rang it was FTR, the defending champions, who walked away with the titles still in their possession. Three months later at WRESTLE KINGDOM 17 Kyle and Mark would have to watch Bishamon, the team that beat them in the 2022 World Tag League Finals, dethrone FTR, and though Aussie Open would in turn take the IWGP Tag Titles from Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASHI in April, as well as win the NJPW STRONG Openweight Tag Titles, they would end up having to vacate bout due to Mark Davis’ injury.

Still, while Mark healed and Kyle flew solo for a bit, that loss to FTR clearly ate them up, and hearing Dax and Cash continue to proclaim themselves the greatest tag team in professional wrestling, even after losing all three of their titles between December 2022 and January 2023, didn’t help matters. The fact that FTR claimed the AEW World Tag Titles for a second time only exacerbated those feelings, and winning the ROH World Tag Titles at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2023 upon Mark’s return to action didn’t prove a salve for Aussie Open either. Listening to FTR, watching them with the AEW World Tag Titles, and losing the ROH World Tag Titles to Adam Cole and MJF, well it all just threw gasoline on the fire. The match that finally blew it all up for Kyle and Mark was watching FTR engage in Open Challenges and facing teams that Aussie Open didn’t deem worthy of the opportunity they felt they’d earned many times over.

So it was set, just prior to The Workhorsemen of JD Drake and Anthony Henry getting their shot, that Aussie Open would face FTR at WRESTLEDREAM, and should Dax and Cash retain the titles in their fight with The Workhorsemen, they would be on the line in Seattle! Well here we are, the bell set to ring in just a short time, and after Saturday night’s clash on COLLISION, all four men are anxious to throw down without anyone else involved. No Blackpool Combat Club, no Starks and Big Bill, just two teams that each believe they are the greatest competing in professional wrestling today, and possibly even of all-time.

FTR wants a fight with the toughest version of Aussie Open, not the ones who may have taken an MJF and Adam Cole team lightly, but the ones who carried two sets of tag belts simultaneously last year, the ones who gave FTR the fight of their lives at ROYAL QUEST II. Conversely, Aussie Open want the belts and they want to desecrate the legacy of Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood. Kyle and Mark want to desecrate the work that earned FTR those seven stars, and expose them as subpar to Aussie Open. With The Young Bucks, with The Briscoes, as heated as the fights got, for FTR there was at least some level of respect shared between the four men, but here with Aussie Open, there is no respect for the champions, only disdain.

Can Aussie Open tarnish the names of FTR and take the AEW World Tag Team Championship from their hands, or will it be Dax and Cash who continue to show why they are the best tag team in wrestling today while simultaneously building their legacy towards being known as the best team to ever do it?


Eddie Kingston(c) vs. ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata

Twice now Eddie Kingston and Katsuyori Shibata have shared the ring as partners, one victory and one defeat, but that defeat at ALL OUT 2023, where Eddie took his eye off the prize for a moment and fell victim to Claudio Castagnoli proved to be the final thing Kingston needed to have happen to push him over the hump. Seventeen days later, in front of his hometown fans and his family at DYNAMITE: GRAND SLAM 2023, Eddie did the one thing that has evaded him since September 2009, he beat Claudio Castagnoli, and not only did he beat the man, Eddie dethroned him as ROH World Champion.

Shockingly Claudio also shook Kingston’s hand after the match, a sign of respect for the fight they had, and hearkening back to a Respect Match they had in November of 2009, but little more than that. These are not to men who will ever be friends again, but at least they can respect the fight and acknowledge one another for their skills.


That acknowledgment of skill, the recognition of a fighter, that is the reason why Eddie Kingston made the challenge to Katsuyori Shibata, the Ring of Honor Pure Champion, to meet him at WRESTLEDREAM for a championship bout. While the Pure Title will not be at stake, after Eddie retained the NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship on RAMPAGE, both that and the ROH World Championship will be on the line in Seattle! This will mark the first time Shibata has challenged for either of Kingston’s championships, as well as their first-ever meeting as foes, and Kingston could would’ve been hard-pressed to find a tougher first challenger to his ROH reign than “The Wrestler”.

A lethal striker, a submission specialist, and man who loves to dish out pain, Shibata is the kind of man to absorb every one of Kingston’s blows and channel them into himself like some kind of fuel. He will not go down easily, this is a man who survived near-death and fought to return to professional wrestling after all, and Eddie will have to throw every bomb he has at the man to put him down. Should Eddie Kingston emerge from this fight with his belts intact, he will have earned it the hard way, just as he has done throughout his entire life, and the same will be said for Shibata as Kingston will rain punishment down upon him as well.

This is going to be a hard-hitting war, of that there is no doubt, and when it ends, no matter who comes out on top, there will be a show of respect and sportsmanship because that is what Ring of Honor is about at its core, and that is what both Shibata and Kingston want from pro wrestling at theirs.


The Gunns (Austin & Colten) vs. ROH World Six-Man Champions The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) vs. FTW Champion HOOK & Orange Cassidy


Between the FTR/Aussie Open clash, and this Four Way fray right here, the immediate future of the AEW’s tag team division will be shaped. The former will determine which duo moves forward as champion while this bout will set another pair up as future challengers to the throne at any time of their choosing. Three of the teams, The Young Bucks, Lucha Brothers, and Gunns, are former champions, two times over in the case of the brothers Jackson, while the fourth team in this bout will mark this fight as their first outing together. HOOK and Orange Cassidy did the Mixed Trios thing at RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2023, but this high stakes situation is their first actual tag team bout, putting the FTW Champion and the former International Champion in a serious underdog situation.

One thing working in their favor though is that just this past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, Orange Cassidy knocked Matt Jackson out with the Orange Punch and secured the victory in a Four Way singles match that also included Penta El Zero Miedo and Austin Gunn. That victory may be a sign of things to come, or it could simply the most experienced singles competitors of that quartet getting one over the man with the least. Either way, the world will soon found out just who the next contenders for either Aussie Open or FTR will be!


ROH World Six-Man Champion “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana)


“What’s a buckshot to a killshot?”

That was the question posited by Swerve Strickland when he and Hangman Page sat down to sign the contract for their fight this Sunday night, and by the end of their face-to-face Swerve had a piece of the answer in the form Hangman manically stabbing a pencil into his hand.

After an exchange of harsh words, after Swerve questioning Hangman in the weeks before the signing, after having the audacity to laugh in the face of the former AEW World Champion, Strickland awoke the ugliness inside Page. That ugliness in Hangman is what helped pushed him into the position he is in now, the position that Swerve Strickland covets, but before he woke up that ugliness perhaps Strickland should’ve looked at what else it did for Hangman. That ugliness pushed him to victory in Texas Death Matches with Adam Cole, Lance Archer, and Jon Moxley, the latter of which he actually made quit, something no man in All Elite Wrestling can say. It helped him survive in Blood & Guts, Anarchy in the Arena, and Stadium Stampede, and it helped him survive through some of the toughest times when Hangman Page was riding alone through the wilds of AEW.

Swerve, for as talented a performer as he is, has not ridden alone in All Elite Wrestling, not when he has had his greatest successes. His reign as champion came in the form of tag team gold, and with that came a partner in Keith Lee, a tremendous partner who helped Swerve reach new heights in AEW, but a partner that Swerve casually discarded when he found others with which surround himself. First born as The Mogul Affiliates, a merger with Prince Nana’s Embassy gave birth to The Mogul Embassy, and with that Swerve Strickland surrounded himself with, to be frank, a trio of killers in Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona.

They have insulted Swerve in many ways, a great example of that being how in their absence at Wembley it was Strickland shoved into that casket by Darby and Sting rather than Christian Cage, and done his dirty work too many times to count. Just look at the moment Swerve elected to engage in this fight with Hangman Page, it was Brian Cage who committed the physicality rather than Swerve, just as it was Cage who had to step into the ring with Hangman first. That gave “The Machine” his second loss to Hangman, and then it was Cage and The Gates of Agony who had to step up to The Elite with their ROH World Six-Man Championship on the line, and they who paid the price for this fight Swerve started when the lost said titles to The Young Bucks and Hangman.

But now Swerve has to fight for himself, and though it may be in his hometown thus creating a situation likely to make him the crowd’s chosen one that night, the crowd isn’t inside the ring throwing down with a former AEW World Tag Champion, a former AEW World Champion, and current ROH World Six-Man Champion. It is Swerve, ideally Swerve alone, who has to fight this fight, a fight he picked mind you, and who now has to elevate his game against one of the elite competitors in professional wrestling.

The world knows Swerve Strickland has the talent in the ring, and the world knows he can talk the game, but now he has to prove that the spot Hangman has earned through blood, sweat, tears, and beers, that spot is now Swerve’s House.


Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, & Kota Ibushi vs. The Don Callis Family (“The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara, & IWGP UK Champion Will Ospreay


Don Callis has done his best to decimate the lives of men he once considered family, all in the name of some imagined sleight created in his own mind, one in which Kenny Omega was an ungrateful wretch rather than an unbelievably loyal nephew and in which Don falsely believed Chris Jericho would refuse his help, thus painting that portrait that triggered their splintering, creating his own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Callis sees both men’s successes, and by proxy the success of AEW, as belonging to him rather than those two men or all the forces that have helped create All Elite Wrestling over the last four years. Don believes that without him Jericho never goes to New Japan, Kenny never goes to Japan, their WRESTLE KINGDOM 12 match in 2018 never happens, and thus AEW is never born. With all his heart and soul, Callis believes those to be facts, and on an even grander scale, he essentially wants credit for everything Kenny Omega has accomplished in his storied career.

So he has stabbed Omega in the head with a screwdriver, turned Takeshita to his side opposite The Elite, aligned himself with The BCC heading into Blood & Guts (bailing when it was no longer convenient of course), aligned with BULLET CLUB GOLD when it was beneficial, facilitated Will Ospreay coming to AEW for fights with Jericho and Omega, poisoned the well of the Jericho Appreciation Society which led to their fracturing, and finally turned Sammy Guevara against his best friend and mentor, though given their tense history it may not have taken much persuasion to pull Guevara away.

But for all his manipulation and plotting and scheming, it is highly unlikely that Don Callis ever saw Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega coming together over their mutual disdain for Don and all he’s done to their lives over the last several months. For years now Jericho and Omega have stayed as far away from each other as possible, and yet it was the only Triple Crown champion in AEW history who rushed to Jericho’s aid when “The Ocho” was at his lowest, totally alone.

To say it was shocking to both Callis and the AEW faithful would be a massive understatement, but it was likely just as shocking to Jericho to see the form his salvation took, and likely shocking to Kenny as well that he would even take up arms alongside Jericho. Only Don Callis could bring together two men with such a heated history and make them allies, but perhaps it was only Don Callis who could whisper the right words in the ears of Takeshita, Guevara, and Ospreay to get them on his side of this fight. It’s clear Don will stoop to any low in his mission to destroy Jericho and Omega, in a situation eerily similar to how he got BC GOLD to attack Kenny Omega in Jacksonville, Callis and Takeshita traveled to Tokyo in order to get at Ibushi while he was without any support.


After Saturday night’s tag team bout it is clear that they can figure out a way to work together, as long as Nana isn’t around to distract, so this Sunday night the unlikely trio of Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, and Chris Jericho will have to do the same to try and end Don Callis’ family. Callis has done nothing but wreak havoc on the lives of Jericho, Omega, and now Ibushi, and used men like Takeshita, Guevara, and Ospreay as his chess pieces to do so. Whether or not this can ever end while Callis occupies the same space as those he once called family is a reasonable question, one that may be answered comes Sunday in Seattle live on pay-per-view.


Kris Statlander(c) vs. The House of Black’s Julia Hart



27)Willow Nightingale

26)Kiera Hogan

25)Skye Blue

24)Bambi Hall

23)No Holds Barred: Anna Jay AS

22)Kiera Hogan

21)Anna Jay AS

20)Kelsey Heather

19)Zoey Lynn

18)Devlyn Macabre

17)Leva Bates

16)Promise Braxton

15)Sahara Seven

14)Tiara James

13)Missa Kate

12)Alice Crowley

11)Arie Alexander

10)Vickie Dreamboat

9)Hayley Shadows

8)Free-Range Kara


6)Renee Michelle

5)Amber Nova


3)Valentina Rossi

2)Jacey Love

1)Abby Jane

Starting with last night’s COLLISION and working backwards to DARK: ELEVATION #61 on 5/2/22, those are the women that have fallen before Julia Hart on this road to WRESTLEDREAM on Sunday night, but to truly see where this all began, one need only look a week prior to that first win, April 25th’s edition of ELEVATION, the night that Julia Hart lost to Kris Statlander in just over six minutes. A month after that loss to Statlander, Hart would align herself with The House of Black, and ever since then fans have witnessed a slow, systematic descent by Julia into a sadistic bent for punishment. Hart has come to relish the pain she inflicts on individuals, both the women in her division and the men with whom her House compatriots fight, and it has been particularly noticeable in the last several weeks as Hart’s desire to avenge her last loss became apparent.

Meanwhile, just a few months after that victory over Julia, Kris Statlander would find herself on the outside looking in, recovering from a devastating knee injury that kept her out of action for nearly a year from August 9, 2022 until her shocking reemergence at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023 on May 28th of this year. That night in Vegas, not only did Stat return to AEW, but she returned to in-ring competition to dethrone Jade Cargill as TBS Champion, thereby bringing an end to Cargill’s dominating run as champion, and her record-setting unbeaten streak.

Since then Kris Statlander has been a true fighting champion, turning away 13 challenges to her reign, including a rematch with Jade and a bout with Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D, and has done nothing but prove herself as worthy of the crown. No challengers would ever be turned away by Statlander, and certainly not one being made by a woman with an undefeated streak as lengthy as that of Julia Hart’s. Julie has earned this opportunity, of that there is no doubt, but she elevated the stakes over the last several weeks with her attacks on the women Statlander calls friends, namely Willow, Skye, and Kiera.

The defending champion knows she’s not dealing with the same animal she did last time around, that The House of Black has turned Julie Hart into something, someone, far darker than ever before, and unleashed a ferocity in the woman that seems barely contained. Going into this fight Statlander has to remember to meet the woman Julia Hart is now, not the girl she was in 2022, but be aware that where Julia walks she never walks alone. Does The House always wins? Not if Kris Statlander can help it…


AEW World Champion MJF(c) vs. The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent)

After winning their #1 Contender’s Match at RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2023, The Righteous of Vincent and Dutch were all set to challenge MJF and Adam Cole for the ROH World Tag Team Championship titles, but fate had other plans in store. As we all found out this past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, Adam Cole is injured and won’t be cleared to compete for some time, a situation that would generally dictate the champions vacate their titles, leaving the ROH Board of Directors to decide their future. AEW World Champion MJF had other ideas though and made a promise to Adam Cole that Max would make sure the belts were waiting for him when Adam returned to action, and that he would take on The Righteous in a Handicap Match this Sunday at WRESTLEDREAM! Call it crazy brave or just down right stupid, it goes to show just how much this partnership with Cole means to MJF, and just how much these titles may actually mean to Maxwell as well. He’s not just holding them for Adam Cole’s sake, perhaps he’s taking some pride in being a tag team champion and proving he can work with someone else to great success. Unfortunately he’s now headed down a path where he’s fighting alone, but fighting for two, and doing that against Vincent and Dutch may not be the smartest idea.


It’s clear that The Righteous are ready for this fight, ready to dig into the mess that is the situation between MJF, Cole, Roderick, and The Kingdom, and ready to use that situation to engage in psychological warfare against the champion. In addition to their man advantage, that mental game just may be what The Righteous need to leave Seattle as the new ROH World Tag Team Champions, but should MJF find a way to escape this situation with titles in tow, is this his plan from now until the day Adam Cole is cleared? Taking on that role, along with his duties as AEW World Championship, that is a sure way to find himself with no titles to his name…


Wheeler Yuta vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks

Wheeler Yuta still has a problem with “Absolute” Ricky Starks, and this Sunday night at WRESTLEDREAM he aims to pick up right where “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson left off and kick Starks’s head right in. Whether or not picking a fight with Ricky after the hell he went through with Bryan is the smartest idea, well that remains to be seen after the final bell rings and we see whose hand is raised. Starks is not about to let this affront from Yuta go unpunished, and Yuta isn’t about to let Ricky skate with what he thought was disrespect to Bryan after their Texas Death Match. This fight between two young and hungry dogs is going to be something to see, and it will be interesting to see if that violence Bryan showed Starks in their two encounters brought that side of Ricky closer to the surface.


-AEW World Trios Championship Match: The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass(c) vs. TMDK (Bad Dude Tito, Mikey Nichols, & Shane Haste)

-Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne

-Claudio Castagnoli vs. Josh Barnett

-Diamante, Lee Moriarty, Mercedes Martinez, & Shane Taylor vs. ROH Women’s World Champion Athena, Billie Starkz, Keith Lee, & Satoshi Kojima

With the ZERO HOUR getting underway at 7pm ET/6pm CT, and WRESTLEDREAM proper going live at 8pm ET/7pm CT, Sunday night is loaded with the greatest professional wrestling available anywhere on the planet! Do not miss out as All Elite Wrestling returns to pay-per-view, something no one does as consistently amazing as AEW, and especially this time around when it has been called the end of one era and the beginning of another!



Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Andrade El Idolo vs. Bullet Club Gold’s Juice Robinson (with The Gunns)!

Andrade started things off fast with a double leg takedown and went for the figure four. Juice retreated outside the ring to collect his thoughts and regroup. Andrade hit the three amigos suplexes. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle and wiped out Bullet Club Gold on the outside with a moonsault!

As Andrade was trying to get back in the ring, Juice shoved him back out. Juice distracted the ref while the Gunns stomped a mudhole into Andrade. Juice planted Andrade face first right on the edge of the ring.

Juice smashed Andrade in the corner with the running cannonball. Juice followed up with a suplex and then blew snot rockets onto Andrade, showing complete disrespect for his opponent. Andrade slapped Juice and cranked him with a dragon screw leg whip. Hot and flexible CJ was shown scouting the match on the monitor backstage.

“Who was she looking at?” wondered Kevin Kelly.

Juice grabbed the ref and used him as a human shield. Juice thumbed Andrade in the eye and then powerbombed Andrade for a near fall. Juice connected with a high flying press from the top turnbuckle. Andrade rallied back, going for the Figure 8, but the Gunns tried to interfere. The ref ejected the Gunns from ringside!

Andrade drilled Juice with a back elbow for a two-count. Andrade spiked Juice with a DDT and pinned him!

Best Friends—Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta (accompanied by Rocky Romero)


The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett!

The Kingdom walked to the ring with their rolling luggage bags.

Trent nailed Bennett with forearms and chops. Chuck Taylor tagged in, and Best Friends hit a double shoulder tackle on Bennett. Taylor used a back suplex on Mike Bennett. Trent tagged back in and chopped Bennett’s chest. Taven grabbed a tag and drilled Trent with a dropkick off the turnbuckles.

Outside the ring, Trent charged at Bennett, but Bennett countered by using Trent’s momentum and sending him soaring into the steel guardrail. Bennett followed up with a drop toehold on Taylor onto a steel chair.

Trent rocked the Kingdom with a double dropkick off the turnbuckles. He followed up with a big swinging DDT on Taven for a near fall. Taven fired back with a running knee strike. Bennett was looking for a piledriver on the ring steps, but Trent countered with a Death Valley Driver!

Chuck Taylor hoisted Bennett on his shoulders and Trent followed through with a knee strike from the stop rope. Best Friends spiked the Kingdom with stereo piledrivers. Trent covered Bennett but Bennett got his boot on the bottom rope before the three-count.

As the ref was distracted, Bennett hit two low blows on Taylor. The Kingdom nailed Taylor with a spiked piledriver, and Bennett scored the pin!

Mike Bennett: “Weiner punch, piledriver, Roddy Strong!”

Matt Taven: “We gotta go! We’re flying right back to you, Roddy! We have a message for Adam Cole. Adam, I know you’re supposed to have doctors’ appointments all week and you delayed your surgery. Please, come meet us at Roddy’s house right now. If we’ve ever meant anything to you, Adam, please, meet us at Roddy’s.”

Alex Marvez tried to interview Don Callis and Prince Nana backstage, who appeared to be conspiring about something!

Don Callis was whispering into Nana’s ear and then walked away.

Prince Nana: “There’s a saying, Marvez. If you dig deep into the universe, you will find something that is very, very unique. And tonight, once the Gates of Agony get through with Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega—we’re in the money!”

The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King) vs. Vertvixen!

Julia charged at Vertvixen with a running clothesline. Julia slammed Vertvixen’s head on the mat repeatedly. Julia followed up with a cartwheel forearm. Julia Hart splashed Vertvixen with a moonsault from the top rope and then pinned her!

Julia Hart: “Oh Kris, I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow. I think you should come out here right now!”

TBS Champion Kris Statlander walked out onto the ramp. Best Friends followed her to the ring. Julia and Kris pushed their contemporaries aside and had a stare down. Julia smiled and left the ring, clearly playing mind games.

Kris: “Tomorrow, you’re going to be in the ring with not only the TBS Champion, but the defeater of the undefeated! Your clock is ticking and tomorrow your time is up!”

Claudio Castagnoli threw out an open challenge and Josh Barnett answered!

Josh Barnett: “Tomorrow night, Claudio, you’ll see what a challenge can become!”

Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega


Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona (with Prince Nana)!

Jericho chopped at Toa, but Toa answered with a headbutt. Kaun tagged in and rocked Jericho with a lariat. The Gates of Agony pummeled Jericho in their corner.

Omega tagged in and hit Toa with a flying cross body press. Omega and Jericho double suplexed Toa Liona. Omega and Jericho took down Toa with double shoulder blocks.

Prince Nana distracted Omega. Toa rammed Omega and Omega inadvertently knocked Jericho off the apron! Bishop Kaun used a backstabber on Omega and then Toa followed up with a running elbow, proving to be a truly effective combo.

Jericho tagged in and cleaned house on the Gates of Agony. Jericho dropped a double ax handle on Bishop and followed up with the Lion Sault! Jericho tried for the lion tamer, but Kaun kicked Jericho away. Toa blasted Jericho with a back elbow. Jericho fired back with a dropkick off the turnbuckles to Toa.

Omega cracked Bishop with the V Trigger. Kenny followed up with the terminator dive to the outside on Toa. Jericho applied the lion tamer to Bishop and forced him to tap!

Chris Jericho: “I have to say after what you just saw, Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho proved we can coexist together.”

Kenny Omega: “You said it yourself, Chris. Coexisting isn’t just part of some grand scheme to be the greatest tag team in AEW history. Nope, this is about something bigger. I was blinded by Don Callis but now I’ve seen the light. And all it took was for you, Don, to take Takeshita to Japan to hurt the ones I love. Ibushi takes a beating like that as an invitation. So tomorrow at WrestleDream, it’s time for the original Alpha and the original Omega to spell the beginning of the end of Don Callis.”

Jericho: “Tomorrow at WrestleDream, Kenny, Ibushi, and the Ocho, versus the Don Callis Family! Sammy, you are the ultimate Judas, you little bastard. I’m going to ruin your dreams, your goals, I’m going to ruin your entire life. And tomorrow at WrestleDream, I’m going to take out all my frustrations from teaming with you for the last four years, onto you! We’re coming for the Don Callis Family!”

The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch


Travis Williams & Judas Icarus!

Williams dropkicked Vincent in the corner. Vincent cracked Icarus with a running elbow and then tagged out to Dutch.

Dutch dished out overhand chops to the competition. Dutch planted Williams with the Bossman slam. Vincent finished off Icarus and pinned him.

“I would not like to be MJF come tomorrow night,” said Nigel.

Vincent: “Dutch, look at all the paper people strung together. It’s the same paper people who believe that MJF truly is the devil. You know something, he is the devil. The devil pulls the strings that make us dance. The same strings that are tied to that liar Adam Cole. So, at WrestleDream, not only is the Righteous going to become the ROH World Tag Team Champions, but we’re also going to make sure that the devil leaves with one hoof. Just like Adam Cole. Dutch, dig what I’m saying?”

Dutch pulled a block of wood out from beneath the ring and handed it to Vincent. Dutch held the block of wood between Icarus’ legs while Vincent slammed a steel chair against it!

Main Event Time!

All-Star 8-Man Tag Match!

AEW World Tag Champions FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood, & Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta & “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis, Big Bil, & “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Zach Sabre Jr. was on commentary for this match.

Jim Ross was also at the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Wheeler grappled on the mat with Kyle Fletcher. They got to their feet and Yuta chopped Fletcher and then backdropped him. Dax tagged in and Mark Davis suplexed him. Things broke down with both teams brawling outside the ring.

“What the hell is going on here?” asked Jim Ross.

Ref Aubrey Edwards regained control of the match. Cash dropkicked Davis and then suplexed Fletcher. Cash cradled Fletcher for a near fall.

Yuta grabbed a blind tag. Yuta jumped off the top turnbuckle with a flying forearm to Fletcher. Wheeler Yuta wiped out Fletcher with a German Suplex. Big Bill booted Yuta right in the face!

“Man, that was a hard shot!” said Jim Ross.

Fletcher tagged in and he and Davis double teamed Yuta with a sit out powerbomb. Danielson tagged in and fired into Starks with chops and kicks! Danielson rocketed at Starks with a tope suicida. Danielson dropkicked Starks from the top rope.

Danielson charged at Starks, but Starks countered with a clothesline. Starks drilled Danielson with a DDT. Big Bill tagged in. Big Bill went for a choke slam, but Danielson countered and applied the LeBell Lock. Fletcher kicked Danielson from behind, breaking the submission hold.

Cash and Danielson held Big Bill while Wheeler dropkicked him from the top. Dax followed up with a diving headbutt to Big Bill.

Dax slugged Big Bill with knife edge chops. Dax tried for a sharpshooter on Big Bill, but Bill kicked him away. Big Bill chokeslammed Dax and then Starks speared him, and Starks scored the pin on Dax Harwood!

Just because the match was over didn’t mean the fight was! Both teams began to brawl after the bell! Danielson pointed at Sabre, and Sabre got into the ring. Danielson and Sabre had a face off and then Sabre shoved Danielson.

Danielson slapped back! Sabre grabbed Danielson by the throat, but Danielson was about to counter when Sabre abandoned the ring, saving his energy for his match tomorrow.

Catch the four year anniversary of AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

This Sunday, witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW WrestleDream!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


One night before WRESTLEDREAM, COLLISION comes to the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle with an event that will test the fortitude of all involved, especially as some head into another fight on Sunday night! After his sketchy loss to Jay White last week, Andrade El Idolo resumes his fight with BULLET CLUB GOLD, this time against Juice Robinson, but will the rest of his unit be on hand as well? Boiling over out of last week’s contender’s Four Way on RAMPAGE, The Kingdom of Matt Taven and Mike Bennett will clash with The Best Friends in their first tag team foray, and a huge all-star 8-Man tag links BCC with AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR to take on Aussie Open, Ricky Starks, and Big Bill!


COLLISION begins at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT on TNT, just make a point to swing by the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, plus COUNTDOWN, and so much more!


Andrade El Idolo vs. Juice Robinson


Like so many wars fought inside the professional wrestling ring, it’s rare that they are ever truly over, especially when it is a case of the one fighting the many, and that is the situation with Andrade El Idolo stepping into the ring with BULLET CLUB GOLD. It is a situation with which El Idolo is quite familiar, running the numbers game to ones advantage, but that doesn’t mean he enjoys being a victim of it himself, though that is precisely what happened last week when he took on “Switchblade” Jay White in “singles” competition.

First it was Juice saving White from a three count by sliding Jay’s foot on the ropes, then shenanigans committed by The Gunns provided the necessary distraction for Robinson to crack Andrade across the head with his “Collision Cowboy” plaque, knocking the man lifeless enough for “Switchblade” to needlessly deliver a Bladerunner to Andrade before the pinfall.

But if Juice Robinson thought he was going to get away with that affront without suffering any repercussions, then he’s got another thing coming. Andrade doesn’t forgive, he doesn’t forget, and this Saturday on the eve of WRESTLEDREAM, he’s going to make Juice Robinson suffer for his crimes. Jay White’s brain may be a bit occupied with MJF now while The Gunns need to get prepared for their pay-per-view Four Way match, so will they be on hand to help Juice the way he was there to bail out “King Switch”? Or will Robinson have to go this one with only Cardblade at his side?


Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)


Last week, with a shot at the ROH World Tag Team Championship at stake, Chuck Taylor was on the wrong end of a Righteous pinfall victory, albeit one rightfully belonging to Jeff hardy, and saw another chance for The Best Friends to finally win a championship slip away. Yet it wasn’t just The Hardys, The Righteous, and The Best Friends involved in this situation, The Kingdom also had skin in the game, and their frustration at not being the next contenders to Better Than You BayBay erupted in violence directed at Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta.

Whipping them into the railing and assaulting them with chairs, Bennett and Taven let Chuck and Trent know that, in no uncertain terms, they were putting the blame for the loss squared on Best Friend shoulders. Well this Saturday night on COLLISION, instead of attacking the already vulnerable Chuck Taylor after he’d been hit with two Swantons and jumping Trent on the outside as he recovered, The Kingdom will have to face down Best Friends inside the squared circle!

Though they’ve faced off in a pair of ROH matches, most notably at DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2023’s Tag Team Championship fight, they’ve never done so in a traditional tag team situation, so this first-time clash is going to be a true test of each team’s mettle. The Kingdom has no problem assailing a foe from behind, but will they be so brave when an angry Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor are looking them in the eye?


AEW World Tag Champions FTR (Cash Wheeler/Dax Harwood) & Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta)


Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher/Mark Davis), Big Bill, & Ricky Starks



Talk about a bunch of fighters with plenty on their plate already, and now add this all-star eight-man to their meal on Saturday, and they are all going to be feeling it come WRESTLEDREAM! First off, FTR is coming into this Saturday after being truly tested by The Workhorsemen last week, and then confronted by Aussie Open after their victory.


That same night Bryan Danielson and Ricky Starks committed utter atrocities to one another in their Texas Death match before it was ultimately won by “The American Dragon”, though neither man looked like a victory, Starks being carried to the back by Big Bill while Wheeler Yuta had to help Danielson stay on his feet. In a career full of trials, tribulations, and tests, it was one of Danielson’s best, and when all is said and done in his career, should be looked back on as a true highlight, just as it could possibly be looked back on as the moment Ricky Starks, even in defeat, stepped up to that next level he’s been chasing for so long. Perhaps that’s how Bryan also feels; if so, there’s one man in his BCC camp who clearly still has a problem with “Absolute”:

So with everything these men have gone through the last week, with everything they have in store for them tomorrow night on pay-per-view, they all will enter into combat on COLLISION in hopes of garnering that extra edge prior to Sunday’s fights. The dynamics of both these quartets should be quite intriguing, witnessing how they mesh for the night and if their respective goals are compatible with one another. However it goes, these are eight elite level fighters all occupying one ring, and that should make for a tremendous final fight before WRESTLEDREAM on Sunday!


Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega vs. Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)


There it was, right in front of the eyes of the world, Kenny Omega helping Chris Jericho because in that moment, the history between those two men paled in comparison to their mutual issues with Don Callis and his so-called Family. The story of Jericho and Omega predates the dawn of All Elite Wrestling, some may say it even helped inspire the creation of AEW, and has been a key element in the stories of both AEW and New Japan Pro Wrestling, but so too has Don Callis been a key element in both of their stories. For Jericho it has the better part of the last 30 years, while for Omega it has been the whole of his life, and in both cases Callis has threaded his way through so many aspects of each man’s existence.

So when he turned his back on each man, it was a betrayal far deeper than the kind quite frequently experienced in professional wrestling. It wasn’t about becoming a champion or in pursuit of greater glory, Callis isn’t even a competitor at this point in his life, but rather about jealousy and bitterness, and that is why we are here, a day away from Omega and Jericho being joined by Kota Ibushi, and the two Canadians are putting aside their differences to unite against an Elite problem.

The Gates of Agony and Brian Cage were recently dethroned as ROH World Six-Man Champions by The Young Bucks and Hangman Page, while Swerve Strickland is slated to meet Page this Sunday at WRESTLEDREAM, so Kaun and Toa are looking to take out their frustration on any member of The Elite, and Kenny Omega fits that bill!

Call it a gesture of good faith, call it preservation in keeping Omega healthy for Sunday, either way Chris Jericho has agreed to start this partnership a day early and team up with Kenny to take on The Gates of Agony in tag team action! If their partnership can make it through this fight, and win it, that’s a good sign for what may come to be at WRESTLEDREAM, but if it can’t survive this tag team bout, well then Omega and Jericho, regardless of Ibushi, may be doomed in Seattle!


COLLISION comes to Seattle and the Climate Pledge Arena this Saturday night for the final event before WRESTLEDREAM, and what a night it will be! Best Friends versus Kingdom, BCC and FTR uniting to face Starks, Big Bill, and Aussie Open, and Andrade jumping into the fire with another member of BC GOLD; it’s going to be a wild one in Seattle, with plenty more on tap besides those bouts! The night kicks off at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT on TNT so make a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, the COUNTDOWN, and so much more!



Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, CO!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Taz!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Trios Championship Open Challenge Match!

The Acclaimed (c.)—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass


Brother Zay & The Hardys—Matt & Jeff!

Bowens and Brother Zay locked up and chain wrestled. Bowens hit a shoulder block on Zay. Bowens blocked an arm drag but Zay took down Bowens with a hurracanrana. Bowens spiked Zay on the top of his head with a nasty leg drop.

Jeff tagged in and splashed Caster from the middle rope. Billy Gunn tagged in and hit Matt Hardy with a shoulder tackle. Matt sent Billy into the turnbuckles. Jeff jumped off Matt’s back and splashed Billy in the corner.

The Acclaimed grabbed the upper hand, with Bowens dropping the Scissor Me Timbers on Brother Zay for a near fall. Billy Gunn stomped a mudhole in Brother Zay in the corner. Billy attempted a splash, but Brother Zay dodged it, and Billy collided with the top of the post.

“The winners face TMDK this Sunday as part of WrestleDream: Zero Hour,” said Excalibur.

Jeff Hardy smashed Bowens and Caster with the Whisper in the Wind. Matt clocked Billy with the Twist of Fate. Jeff climbed to the top rope and connected with a Swanton Bomb on Billy, but Bowens was there to break up the pin attempt.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Brother Zay took down Billy Gunn with a quebrada. The Acclaimed countered a springboard from Zay. Bowens and Caster planted Brother Zay and scored the win!

ROH World Champion and NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston was backstage!

Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett and Jeff Jarrett confronted Kingston. Jay Lethal interrupted Kingston and said Kingston was unfit to be ROH World Champion. Kingston laughed and walked away. Karen Jarrett said, “No one is laughing on this side.”

NJPW Strong Openweight Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Rocky Romero!

Rocky grabbed a wrist lock but Eddie reversed it. Rocky kicked Eddie in the midsection. Rocky rocketed outside with a tope suicida on Eddie Kingston. Rocky followed up with a second suicida. He tried for a third, but Kingston countered, catching Rocky and nailing him with a delayed vertical suplex on the arena floor.

Eddie charged at Rocky but Rocky countered with a jumping knee strike. Romero connected with a dropkick double stomp combination for a near fall on Kingston. Eddie hit a lariat and then followed up with machinegun chops. Rocky rocked Eddie with an avalanche sliced bread.

Rocky smashed Kingston with the forever clotheslines. Kingston clobbered Rocky with the spinning backfist and then forced Rocky to tap after applying the stretch plumb.

ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata walked to the ring after Kingston’s victory. Shibata shook Kingston’s hand, a sign of respect ahead of their match against one another this Sunday at WrestleDream.

Aussie Open were backstage and said they are taking away the titles from AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR this Sunday at WrestleDream, proving they are the best tag team in the world!

The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch


Gunnar and Caleb Crush!

Dutch bulldozed Gunnar and Crush with double lariats. Dutch served up Bossman Slams to both members of the opposing team. Vincent finished things quickly, grabbing the pin.

Backstage Nick Wayne said he’d be facing Luchasaurus this Sunday during WrestleDream: Zero Hour!

Main Event Time!

Title Tuesday Opportunity Match!

Ruby Soho vs. Hikaru Shida!

The winner will get an AEW Women’s World Championship match on Dynamite Title Tuesday on October 10th.

Ruby pulled Shida’s hair and then peppered her with stiff shots. Shida answered with a strike of her own. Shida sent Ruby face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Shida hammered Ruby with strikes and then followed up with a missile dropkick off the middle rope.

Soho and Shida traded forearms in the center of the ring. Shida rocked Ruby with elbow strikes. Shida struck with a jumping knee and then a brainbuster for a near fall.

Shida launched off the ring steps with a missile dropkick onto Soho on the arena floor. Shida hoisted up Soho, carried her up the ramp, but Ruby escaped. They brawled on the ramp and fought back into the ring. Soho took down Shida with a suplex for a two-count.

Ruby grabbed the kendo stick. The ref saw it and pulled it away. She wanted to get caught, because as the ref turned his back, Ruby pulled out a can of spray paint. Shida tried to pull it away from Ruby, but in the process, they inadvertently knocked ref Paul Turner down. Ruby headbutted Shida and then wiped her out with Destination Unknown.

The ref was outside the ring recovering. Ruby grabbed the kendo stick and swung it, but Shida blocked it and whacked Ruby with it. Shida clobbered Ruby with the katana kick. Shida covered Ruby and ref Aubrey Edwards sprinted to the ring, but Ruby kicked out of the pinfall attempt!

Soho avoided the meteora. Shida hit the mat after a back heel kick from Ruby Soho. Soho sat out with a senton, but Shida got her knees up. Shida blasted Ruby with the Falcon Arrow, but Ruby kicked out before the three-count. Shida caught Ruby flush with the katana kick and scored the pin!

“What a match these ladies had! Awesome stuff!” said Taz.

After the match, AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya walked to the ring and taunted Shida!

Catch the four year anniversary of AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA featuring:

-The Kingdom vs. The Best Friends!

-Andrade El Idolo vs. Juice Robinson!

-Julia Hart in action!

-Gates of Agony vs. Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega!

-All Star 8-Man Tag Match!

Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta, & AEW World Tag Champs FTR


“Absolute” Ricky Starks, Big Bill, & Aussie Open!

This Sunday, witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW WrestleDream!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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