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Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Renee Paquette kicked off the show interviewing AEW World & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF!

MJF dialed Adam Cole on his iPhone. Cole answered, but before MJF could get a word in, The Kingdom—Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, and Roderick Strong (in a wheelchair and neck brace) interrupted.

“Adam!” screamed Roddy.

“Is that you Roddy?” asked Cole on speakerphone.

“Yeah, it’s me,” replied Roddy.

“Max, I gotta get going, but I’ll call you later,” said Cole.

“Roddy, what the hell do you want?” asked MJF.

Roddy: “Listen, I’ve been thinking. You’re obviously the man behind the devil mask. But say we live in a world where we pretend you’re not. And for the sake of our mutual best friend Adam, I’ll take pity on you, and I’ll help you with Bullet Club Gold.”

Max replied, mockingly, “You’re going to help me? Dude, thank you so much.” Max pushed the wheelchair that Roddy was in backwards.

MJF: “Jay White, tonight I send you a message in blood! Tonight, I got a bullet with your name on it, Juice Robinson!”

The screen went black and then a man in a devil mask appeared!

Dynamite Diamond Ring Match!

AEW World & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF


Bullet Club Gold’s “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson (with Austin & Colten Gunn)!

A very motivated MJF took down Juice Robinson and then stomped him in the corner! MJF whipped Juice into the steel guardrails. MJF flipped Juice over the timekeeper’s table. MJF charged at Juice and nailed him with a knee strike!

MJF smacked Juice’s head into the steel ring steps. Juice was busted wide open! The Gunns distracted MJF and Juice pulled MJF headfirst into the ring steps. Colten distracted the ref, so Juice was able to choke MJF with MJF’s scarf.

“Switchblade” Jay White walked onto the ramp, holding the AEW World Championship, to scout the match! Jay White joined the broadcast booth for the match.

MJF hit a lariat on Juice and followed up with a body slam. MJF chomped down on Juice’s head. MJF rocked Juice Robinson with the kangaroo kick! The Gunns swept out the legs of MJF and Juice cracked MJF with a leg lariat to the jaw.

MJF poked Robinson in the eyes. Juice spat at MJF and then cracked MJF with the Left Hand of God! Juice powerbombed MJF for a near fall!

“Juice’s frustration evident after that powerbomb,” said Excalibur.

MJF tried for the Heat Seeker, but Juice blocked it. Juice charged after MJF, but MJF tied up Juice in the ring apron. As MJF was getting back into the ring, Juice kicked the ropes and then nailed MJF with the Juice Is Loose for a near fall!

The Gunns were distracting the ref while Juice put on his fake ring. In the meantime, MJF put his Dynamite Diamond Ring on. Juice swung but MJF ducked it and countered with a loaded shot of his own, knocking Juice to the mat! MJF smashed Juice with the Heat Seeker and pinned him.

The Gunns swarmed MJF after the match!

The Kingdom rolled Roderick Strong down the ramp to the ring in a wheelchair!

Roddy ordered the Kingdom to get into the ring, and they did! Taven and Bennett jumped in and slugged it out with the Gunns!

“I can’t believe what we’re seeing!” said Excalibur.

Jay White ran into the ring. The Gunns held up MJF and Jay White was about to hit him with the AEW World Championship but then The Acclaimed’s music hit!

The AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass jumped into the ring and forced Bullet Club Gold to retreat!

Jay White: “Hey! Max, listen, focus, follow the sound of my sweet, exotic accent. Forget about Kenny, forget about Samoa Joe, forget about Wardlow, forget about the devil mask, and your gimp squad, and focus on the only thing that matters and that’s the man standing right here with the Bang Bang Belt! Max, I’m telling you that you will never get your grubby little hands on it again because at Full Gear I will pummel your face into the ground, and you will breathe with the Switchblade!”

Colten Gunn: “And you have something me and Austin want, and that’s the ROH World Tag Team Titles! So Max, what do you say, November 18th, Full Gear, MJF versus the Gunns.”

Austin Gunn: “Whether it’s MJF that shows up that night or the devil himself, it doesn’t matter because we’ve got two guns, one for each of ‘em.”

MJF: “Shut the hell up! You want a shot at the ROH Tag Titles at Full Gear, you got ‘em. And Jay White, I will see you at Full Gear. But I’m not waiting that long to get my hands on you. Next week in the main event of Dynamite, I take you up on your offer. You four versus me and three tag partners of my choosing, and when I win, you will give me back the Triple B because nobody is on the level of the devil!”

Roderick Strong: “Max! Max! Listen to me. You’re obviously going to pick us, right?”

MJF: “You three do me a favor. Get those two big boys on your lap and use that wheelchair to roll off a cliff!”

Max Caster: “Hey so that means you’re going to pick us, right?”

MJF: “Listen very carefully Caster. I’ve known you since I was 18 years old. I never liked you. And if you think I’m going to tag with you, you’ve got another thing coming. I would never tag with you. You understand me?”

Caster: “So you’re saying there’s a chance?”

Bowens: “Don’t you know that everyone loves the Acclaimed!?”

Caster: “Ok, but at least do me one favor. Scissor me!”

MJF walked away and said, “Not a shot.”

As MJF was walking up the ramp, Kenny Omega’s music began to play and out walked Omega!

Omega and MJF had a stare down.

Omega: “Hey Max, you seem to have a lot going on here. You have something that I want. But I’ve got something that you want. Even though I have no right to ask, and if you’re the type of scumbag that I think you are, you’ll laugh in my face. But if you are the champion that I think the fans want you to be, you’re gonna hear me out. I want that belt, Max, and I deserve the right to defend my streak. And if you are truly better than me and you know it, then Max, don’t be afraid to show it, pal.”

MJF: “Ok, how about the Cleaner versus the Devil, this Saturday night, for the AEW World Championship! May the best man win. And Kenny, he will, because my name is MJF and I’m better than you and you know it!”

Omega: “And I supposed on that note, we must bid these people adieu. Good night, and goodbye. And Max, three days, bitch.”

Footage aired of Wardlow!

He said he had to watch MJF while Wardlow was at home. The devil’s claws are in him, and now he’s going to take away everything MJF has!

The Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & John Silver


FTW Champion HOOK & Rob Van Dam!

Hook grappled Reynolds to the mat and then applied a side headlock. RVD tagged in and used a nice deep arm drag on Reynolds. Dark Order ambushed RVD with cheap shots.

RVD monkey flipped John Silver. Hook flipped Reynolds with a fireman’s carry. Hook tossed Silver with a Northern Lights. RVD blasted Silver with a leaping leg drop. RVD crushed Silver with the Rolling Thunder for a near fall.

Hook was looking for Red Rum on Silver, but Reynolds ran in to break it up. RVD leveled Reynolds with a kick. RVD smashed Reynolds with the five star frog splash Hook grabbed Silver in the Red Rum and forced him to tap out!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to introduce Darby Allin and Sting!

Sting: “I’m glad to be here right now because I want to thank some people that I forgot last week. I want to thank Philadelphia. It’s been a great run, and a lot of that run was right here in front of you. I also want to thank my tag team partner Darby Allin. I could not have come this far without Darby by my side.

“Darby is the man. Secondly, I want to thank somebody who made this happen. Tony Khan. Tony, I want to thank you for making that phone call to allow me to wrestle a little longer. And Tony is asking for the microphone so here you go.”

Tony Schiavone: “Speaking on behalf of Tony Khan, it is Tony Khan who should thank you for what you’ve met to AEW. You arrived on the scene early in 2021. Your first match was at Revolution 2021, and now your final match will be at Revolution 2024. And we are proud to be a part of Sting’s great career.

“Fans, it was 35 years ago that on this network, TBS, Sting put it on the map. He put professional wrestling on the map on TBS. It elevated him to the icon that he is now. And you heard about it earlier this week that Tony Khan had a special gift for Sting. And I’m proud to bring out that special gift right now.”

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair walked out to the ring!

“Royalty is in the house,” said Taz.

Sting and Ric Flair hugged in the ring.

Ric Flair: “You know that in life there are moments that are magical. There are few and they are far between. And that’s the magic of the chemistry of whatever you do that makes you the best. 35 years ago, Sting and I made history on TBS. Brother, I’ve told him this, to go 55 minutes in a match 35 years ago or tonight is hard. He never took a deep breath. He is not only one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of this business, but damnit, he’s probably the nicest guys I’ve ever known.

“So, when I got an invitation from Mr. Khan to be a part of this, time flies, but I want to ride this out with you man. Woooo!”

TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne walked onto the ramp!

Christian Cage: “So Tony Khan is a billionaire, and this is the gift that he gets Sting for his retirement? So, he basically gave you a suit, some gold chains, and a black liver. Relax, people, I know Ric Flair is not dead. The real reason I’m out here is because last week Sting and Darby Allin decided to stick their nose in my business yet again.

“Darby, how is your arm feeling? You still have some sour grapes that I beat you in your hometown at WrestleDream, huh? I’ll give you one more chance. So go ahead and take a look at something you’ll never be: a champion. Now it’s obvious that this situation isn’t going to go away until I make it go away. So, this is my proposition to you two: I know, Sting, you have this beautiful dream in your head that you want to make it to Revolution because you started with AEW at Revolution in 2021. You’ve got this beautiful picture painted for yourself.

“But I don’t want to wait until Revolution for you to be gone. I want you to be gone right now! So, I’m saying there’s three of us, and when I look in the ring, I see the two of you and I see Ric Flair. I mean, hey, you can take Ric Flair as a partner if you want, but he’s one superkick away from his pacemaker kicking out. At Full Gear, get yourselves a partner, and your retirement is going to come early. And it’s not going to be a celebration. It’s going to be more like a funeral.”

Sting: “Hold on! First of all, Darby and I, we’re going to find a partner, and second, we accept your challenge. See you there!”

Earlier in the day, Renee Paquette had a sitdown interview with Chris Jericho!

Jericho: “As a pro wrestler for 33 years, I can’t ever remember having a beat down like I did at the hands of Powerhouse Hobbs. The thing that is hurting the most for me is my ego. As an athlete, you’re always self-reflecting. One thing I’ve always had is immense self confidence in myself. Last week I didn’t see it coming. Hobbs came at me right out of the gate. I couldn’t get out of the hole that he continued to dig with my body.

“I have to wonder if I still have what it takes to beat Will Hobbs. Is it time to step back or should I get even stronger and know that I’m Chris Jericho. Is it time to get some sort of revenge? Don Callis has a whole family. He’s got a lot of friends in that family. Chris Jericho has a lot of friends too. And some of those friends are even bigger than Will Hobbs. Maybe it’s time to give them a call.”

ROH World Six-Man Championship Match!

The Elite (c.)— “Hangman” Adam Page, & The Young Bucks—Matt and Nick Jackson


The Hardys—Jeff & Matt, & Brother Zay!

Nick knocked down Zay with a shoulder tackle. Nick nailed Zay with a neck breaker. Hatman hit a forearm off the top rope to Brother Zay.

Matt Jackson tagged in and slapped Adam Page in the face. Matt Jackson and Matt Hardy shoved one another. Matt Hardy hit the Side Effect after a blind side knee from Jeff Hardy to Matt Jackson. Brother Zay wiped out Page and Nick Jackson with a tornillo.

Matt Jackson threw Matt Hardy and Brother Zay overhead with a Northern Lights Suplex. Hangman tagged in and cleaned house. Hangman hit the Death Valley Driver on Zay for a near fall. Brother Zay spiked Page with a DDT after an assisted Silly String from Jeff Hardy!

Matt Hardy rocked Matt Jackson with the Twist of Fate. Jeff splashed Matt Jackson with the Swanton Bomb, but Nick was there to break up the pin attempt! Hangman stunned Zay with the Buckshot Lariat. The Elite finished off Zay with the BTE Trigger and Matt Jackson pinned Brother Zay!

Live footage played on the giant screen above the entrance ramp. It was Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland “visiting” Hangman Page’s house!

They walked around Page’s house. They went to a baby crib. “You owe me a debt, Hangman, and since you’re not here, is it Hangman Jr. who will owe me something. You will. Just not today.”

Swerve Strickland tossed a Mogul Embassy shirt into the crib of Hangman Jr. and said he’d never forget that this was his father’s fault!

Renee Paquette was backstage with the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Copeland said he still wasn’t going to face Christian Cage. Copeland said his friendship was more important than anything that’s ever happened within this business.

Darby Allin and Sting interrupted.

Darby: “Adam, I know you came to AEW to ride off into the sunset with your best friend, but that’s not the type of world we’re living in. Do you think last week I wanted to break Nick Wayne’s face? No. But it’s kill or be killed here.”

Copeland: “Darby, you know how much I respect you.”

Sting: “I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation right now. I know what it’s like to have the blinders on. I was up and down the road with Lex Luger, and I had the blinders on. You know the legend out there? I learned from him. I see right through guys like Christian. I can see right through him. You need to open your eyes up before it’s too late. Are you hearing me? Listen to what I’m saying before it’s too late! We go way back. Don’t mess it up now! Get with it!”

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Ruby Soho!

Ruby chopped at Shida. The champ hit a crossbody and then slammed Ruby.

Soho connected with a back heel kick. Shida blasted Soho with a missile dropkick. Soho caught Shida with the No Future outside the ring!

Shida landed an elbow strike. She hoisted up Soho in a torture rack. Shida followed up with a sliding elbow for a near fall on Ruby Soho. Ruby pulled the middle turnbuckle pad off. The ref pulled it away from her, but Ruby grabbed the can of spray paint and tossed it to Shida, setting her up for when the ref turned back around. Ruby acted like she’d been sprayed in the eyes.

“All the ref has to do is look at Ruby’s face. There’s no spray paint on it,” said Excalibur.

Ruby jumped back into the ring with the title belt, but Shida went to defend herself by spraying the paint, but instead she sprayed the title belt! The ref took the belt away and as she had her back turned, Ruby unwrapped her wrist tape, choked Shida, and then stunned her with Destination Unknown! Shida was able to kick out at two!

“That was super close,” said Taz.

Shida fired back with the katana kick. Ruby kicked out! Shida nailed Ruby with a knee strike and then the Falcon Arrow! Shida went to cover Ruby, but Ruby reversed it for a pin attempt. Shida shoved her away, sending Ruby right into the exposed turnbuckle! Shida finished off Ruby with the katana and pinned her!

After the match “Timeless” Toni Storm walked onto the ramp! We learned earlier tonight that Timeless Toni Storm will have her Hollywood Homecoming: The Quest for Gold at Full Gear, live on pay-per-view on Saturday, November 18th!

Renee Paquette interviewed MJF backstage ahead of his match this Saturday on Collision against Kenny Omega!

Samoa Joe interrupted!

Samoa Joe: “Congratulations! You’re a man who suffers from a severe lack of friendship. You need people watching out for you. So, I come here with a simple offer. I will be that person and I will be your friend.”

MJF: “Sounds good to me!”

Samoa Joe: “On one condition. You give me my rematch for the AEW World Championship. You don’t have to answer me now, but with the way things are going, I’m sure I’ll have my answer soon enough.”

Main Event Time!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & Kazuchika Okada


Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli!

Danielson had wrist control on Orange Cassidy. Claudio tagged in and body slammed Orange.

Okada tagged in and locked up with Claudio. Okada and Claudio exchanged forearms and uppercuts in the center of the ring. Orange tagged in and splashed Claudio from the top rope.

Danielson tagged in and dropped a knee on Orange for a near fall. Claudio’s gut wrench was countered by Orange with a DDT. Okada and Danielson tagged in for their respective teams.

Danielson and Claudio traded chops. Danielson connected with round kicks. Okada came back with a running back elbow and then he spiked Danielson with a DDT for a near fall. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock to Okada, but Okada escaped. Danielson countered the rainmaker with chops.

Orange tagged in and went for a DDT on Claudio, but Claudio countered, but then Orange countered with a Stundog Millionaire and then a DDT. Claudio put Orange in the Giant Swing! Claudio sat back in the Scorpion Death Lock. Okada jumped in to break it up. Okada slammed Claudio and then smashed Claudio with an elbow drop from the top rope. Okada and Orange hugged but Danielson jumped from the top with a dropkick to them both!

Okada cracked Danielson with a dropkick. Cassidy hit the Orange Punch and Okada followed up with the Rainmaker to Danielson! Claudio entered the fray with a diving European Uppercut to Okada. Claudio dished out an uppercut to Orange Cassidy and pinned him!

After the match, Danielson was clutching the side of his face. Moxley, Yuta, and Claudio checked on him. Best Friends, Rocky Romero, and Hook came to the ring to check on Orange too.

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


After a jam-packed week of action with three events, All Elite Wrestling returns to one of DYNAMITE’s first homes at the Liacouras Center on the Philadelphia campus of Temple University! With it comes the Dynamite Diamond Ring clash between AEW World & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF and BULLET CLUB GOLD’s Juice Robinson ahead of Max’s scheduled clash with “Switchblade” Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023! In addition, Hikaru Shida will put her AEW Women’s World Championship on the line against Ruby Soho, Rob Van Dam and HOOK will clash with The Dark Order, and we will hear from Chris Jericho as he sits down with Renee Paquette!

But that’s not all: we will also see a huge dream team match-up as AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy brings Kazuchika Okada back to AEW for a tag team clash with Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli of The Blackpool Combat Club! In addition, AEW President Tony Khan has a gift for “The Icon” Sting after his stunning announcement last week, and The Elite will put their ROH World Six-Man Championship on the line against The Hardys and Brother Zay!

DYNAMITE is loaded for AEW’s return to Philadelphia, and the action gets underway beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans! Before the night starts, visit the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION and BATTLE OF THE BELTS, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


AEW World & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF vs. “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson


As of this moment, AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman is set to clash with BULLET CLUB GOLD’s “Switchblade” Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023 (https://www.allelitewrestling.com/aew-event/aew-full-gear-2023) on Saturday November 18th, and with that on the horizon, The Bang Bang Gang has done everything they can to make Max’s life hellish. They’ve attacked him, stolen his Triple B championship belt, mocked the Dynamite Diamond Ring MJF has managed to keep in his possession since 2019, and now after Juice Robinson won the Battle Royale last week, they aim to rob him of that accessory as well.

Sure Max, or at least someone wearing his signature devil mask, and a gang of other disguised individuals fired back at Jay White by assaulting him backstage, but circumstantial evidence aside, and taking the man’s word with a grain of salt, MJF claims the mask was stolen from his bags. Now historically speaking Maxwell Jacob Friedman has not been the most trustworthy individual, but his somewhat matured attitude towards everything lends him a credibility he didn’t have earlier this year.

But MJF is going to have to put all that aside, everything BC GOLD has put him through the last several weeks and the distractions of everything surrounding Adam Cole’s surgery, and focus on the task at hand with Juice Robinson. With Cole’s out, and MJF clearly not interested in the help offered by Max Caster, the AEW World Champion is quite alone in a situation where Juice and The Bang Bang Gang will absolutely use their numbers to further break MJF down before FULL GEAR 2023.

Will “Rock Hard” be the first person not named MJF to lay claim to the Dynamite Diamond Ring? Max won the Battle Royale, and the subsequent singles match, three years running while last year defended the AEW World Title, as well as possession of the ring, in a match versus Ricky Starks. So while history is on MJF’s side, the other side has four men on it who will conspire together to insure the current holder of the Dynamite Diamond Ring doesn’t spend another night with it on his finger…


AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & Kazuchika Okada


Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli)

Four months ago to the day, at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023, Bryan Danielson defeated “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada with a broken arm. It was the culmination of a hard-hitting twenty-eight minute fight, one fans had dreamed about seeing for years finally coming to fruition, that far exceeded expectations, and left people clamoring for more. Okada, for one, was certainly game for a rematch, quoted as saying “If there is a time to have a rematch, I’d like to win even if I have to break both of Danielson’s arms next time.”!

Well, as Orange Cassidy announced to the world after winning his BATTLE OF THE BELTS VIII International Championship defense against John Silver, “The Rainmaker” will have that chance this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE when he returns to AEW for this tag team dream match! The multi-time IWGP Champion will team with the 2-Time AEW International Champion to take on The Blackpool Combat Club of Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli!

This match marks the first time Okada has been in Philadelphia since ROH WRESTLING Episode #209, available on Honor Club now, was taped in August 2015! It’s been over eight years since “The Rainmaker” graced the City of Brotherly Love, and now he’s back for this huge tag team collision that’s as much about OC and Jon Moxley as it is Danielson/Okada. Moxley may not be cleared for combat quite yet, but clearly he and “Freshly Squeezed” are on a collision course revolving around that AEW International Championship. What Orange did when he purposefully shoulder bumped Moxley was way outside the norm for the 2-Time International Champion, as was the manner in which he lofted the belt overhead as Mox was pulled away by his BCC brethren, as if Orange was challenging the man who beat him for the belt back at GRAND SLAM 2023.

So while OC and Mox may not get their hands on one another quite yet, Cassidy is more than happy to fight the other members of The Blackpool Combat Club this week, and no matter who the victor is when the final bell rings, the AEW faithful are all winners! This is Danielson and Okada in the ring once more, this is Danielson and OC fighting for the first time, Claudio and Okada for the first time, and it goes down this Wednesday night on TBS! Dreams do come true…


Hikaru Shida(c) vs. Ruby Soho

It is clear as day that Ruby Soho is beyond frustrated with her championship situation, or rather lack thereof, in All Elite Wrestling: frustrated at GRAND SLAM 2021 by Dr. Britt Baker in their AEW Women’s World Championship fight, and beaten by Jade Cargill in the finals of the TBS Championship Tournament on January 5, 2022. Then it was the loss at REVOLUTION 2023 in a Three Way World Championship fight with Jamie Hayter and Saraya, the defeat at Kris Statlander’s hands in their TBS Championship bout at ALL OUT 2023, and the loss to Hikaru Shida in their #1 Contender’s match on the 9/29/23 edition of RAMPAGE, a victory that Shida parlayed into her third reign as champion at Saraya’s expense.

So with all that piled on her head, not to mention everything that’s gone down with “Timeless” Toni Storm, Ruby is hellbent on finally becoming a champion in All Elite Wrestling, to the point where she made this challenge to Hikaru Shida despite having ate that loss a month ago. Ruby wants what she feels she deserves, and given her temperament when she delivered those words on COLLISION, she may be willing to do anything to make it happen.

For Shida, this is a possibly a chance to move past The Outcasts, to add a championship win over Ruby Soho to that of her recent one over Saraya and her DYNAMITE #200 one over Toni Storm. It’s also the opportunity to celebrate this third championship reign the way Shida couldn’t with the second when Saraya stole it from her at ALL IN: LONDON, by pinning Storm, after just twenty-five days. Can Ruby bring Shida’s third championship reign to an even shorter conclusion than her second and finally achieve what she’s craved since her first day in AEW?


The Elite (Hangman Adam Page, Matt Jackson, & Nick Jackson)


Brother Zay & The Hardys (Jeff & Matt)

The Elite of Adam Page and The Young Bucks captured the ROH World Six-Man Championship titles from The Mogul Embassy at RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2023, beginning their second reign as champions some five and a half years after the conclusion of their first. While all three men have been distracted with other business in the months since that victory, none have forgotten about their responsibility as champions and how that entails actually defending the titles.

It is with that in mind that Hangman and the brothers Jackson laid out an Open Challenge for this Wednesday night in Philadelphia, leaving the door open for any three individuals to walk through and try to claim the titles for themselves. Well it looks like two men men named Hardy heard the call, and found their third in another named Brother Zay who’s grown quite close to Matt and Jeff over the last couple years. Now The Hardys and Zay have only gone the trios route on two instances, once to challenge Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed for the AEW World Trios Titles and another to face Garcia, Parker, and Menard, and have lost on both occasions, but that isn’t going to stop them from taking the gamble when there’s a championship at stake.

The Hardys do know a thing or two about beating The Young Bucks, while Matt, Hangman, and Brother Zay have some history of their own here in AEW; which trio will walk away dominant and which will be despondent?


The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. FTW Champion HOOK & Rob Van Dam

The Dark Order are quite unhappy with the outcome of John Silver’s AEW International Championship fight with Orange Cassidy that took place at BATTLE OF THE BELTS VIII. Though Silver fought the good fight, “Freshly Squeezed” left with the championship still in his backpack, but for John and Alex Reynolds the deal isn’t over yet.

As they said, since they can’t get their hands on OC this Wednesday seeing as how he’s got that tag match already on his plate, they’ve elected to target a pair of his friends in Rob Van Dam and the FTW Champion HOOK. This being Philadelphia, the home of the promotion where RVD really made his name in professional wrestling, it’s akin to a homecoming for the multi-time World Champion, a return to a city he hasn’t competed in since December 2022, and only six times in the last decade at that. Together, though it’s only been that one match thus far, RVD and HOOK have gelled quite well as a tag team, but they will be put to the test by Alex Reynolds and John Silver on Wednesday night.

Those two Dark Order members are one of the most experienced pairs in All Elite Wrestling, having worked as a team since 2011, and captured multiple championships together before their entry into AEW. Though they’ve been frustrated as team, only challenging one time for the AEW World Tag Titles and once for the ROH tag belts, that doesn’t change the fact they are a dangerous duo with a chip on their shoulder and a reborn malice in their hearts.

Orange Cassidy may be the target of their animosity, but it’s Cassidy’s friends potentially taking stray bullets this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE. Obviously The Dark Order doesn’t care who feels their wrath, as long as it hurts Orange Cassidy in the process…



A week ago we heard “The Icon” Sting tell the world that REVOLUTION 2024, wherever that may take place and on whatever date it may take place, will be his last day competing as a professional wrestler. Though he has often used the line “The only for certain about Sting is that nothing is for certain”, “The Icon” made a point to say that this was for certain. Exactly what shape that final night will take remains to be seen, and luckily we all still have several months to show the man our appreciation for everything he’s meant to professional wrestling, and to so many lives around the world.

One man who intends to show his appreciation for Sting this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE is AEW’s CEO Tony Khan, and he apparently has a gift for “The Icon” he intends to present right here in Philadelphia. It’s a city Sting’s quite familiar with, a place where’s he’s won and lost championships, and a city whose wrestling history he’s been a part of since 1987; what will this next trip to Philly mean to “The Icon” as he heads towards the end of the road next year?



Powerhouse Hobbs decimated Chris Jericho like no man has done since the inception of All Elite Wrestling, and possibly like no man has ever done to Chris in the whole of his career. It was an explosion of so much pent-up within the former TNT Champion, years and years of emotion and rage, and though it was Don Callis who harnessed those emotions to unleash upon Chris Jericho, it was Powerhouse who did the damage.

Now, after the AEW faithful being subjected to Don Callis and his ilk last week, it is time for Chris Jericho to share his thoughts with the world, something he will do when he sits down with Renee Paquette this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE. How is Jericho feeling? What is running through his head after Callis’ latest affront and after hearing Powerhouse Hobbs’ words? The AEW faithful will find out Wednesday night on TBS!



This Wednesday night in Philly Swerve Strickland has some thoughts to share regarding “Hangman” Adam Page and his involvement in Strickland’s match with Bryan Danielson. In the mind of Swerve, if Page hadn’t inserted himself into the fracas it would’ve been Strickland challenging Christian Cage for the TNT Championship instead of “The American Dragon”, and Swerve would’ve won the title whereas Danielson lost.

The reality is that Hangman, despite having an upcoming match with Jay White on his plate, chose to put himself into that fight to stop Swerve Strickland from cheating the same way he did at WRESTLEDREAM to defeat Page. Hangman was only there to make sure it was fair, and that is what played a part in costing Swerve his TNT Championship opportunity.

So on DYNAMITE, in the City of Brotherly Love, Swerve Strickland aims to address the former AEW World Champion about this situation, and we shall see what that leads to, especially considering Hangman has a ROH World Six-Man Championship title defense already on his plate for the evening.

This Wednesday night, DYNAMITE comes back to Philadelphia’s Liacouras Center with a jam-packed night of action beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT LIVE on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans! Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale winner Juice Robinson takes on AEW World Champion MJF with his prized Dynamite Diamond Ring at stake, Kazuchika Okada returns to AEW to team with Orange Cassidy for a tag team bout with The BCC, Hikaru Shida defends the AEW Women’s World Championship against Ruby Soho, and so much more set to go down! Be sure to drop by the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, BATTLE OF THE BELTS, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of THE CONTROL CENTER to get prepared!

UK Invasion Event in Glasgow to Be Taped for IMPACT! On AXS TV News / October 24, 2023 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Get tickets Breaking News: The live IMPACT Wrestling show on Thursday, October

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