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Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Propst Arena at Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Opening the show: “Hangman” Adam Page had an important announcement ahead of this Sunday’s REVOLUTION pay-per-view!

“Hangman” Adam Page came to the ring using a crutch.

Adam Page: “Looks doesn’t look like a promising start to a speech, does it? When All Elite Wrestling started it was a new endeavor for my friends, but for me it was something different. It was a goal. It was an opportunity to rise to people’s expectations, to make the most of the world that was laid in front of me. And I’d like to think I did that, and I’d like to think of winning the World championship in 2021 as the biggest accomplishment of my career. That’s why it hurts so much to have that opportunity in front of me again and have this crutch.

“When AEW decided at REVOLUTION the World championship would be decided in a three-way match, I said it was B.S. and I meant it. And I suggested the World championship should be decided in a singles match, but it looks like I had the wrong two competitors. 

“So, I’m not going to apologize to Swerve or to Samoa Joe, but I will tell you, because I need to tell you the truth because I’m always honest with you that this Sunday at REVOLUTION I will not be able to compete.”

Swerve Strickland’s music began to play! Swerve walked onto the ramp with Prince Nana and then made his way to the ring.

Swerve: “These last six months, man, we’ve been to war. I tried to kill you, you tried to kill me. I didn’t expect this to happen. I targeted you because of everything you’ve accomplished in AEW. And to say I didn’t have the utmost respect for you because of that would be a flat out lie. But you suffered this unfortunate fate. And the thing about fate, you can’t escape it and you can’t stop destiny. And my destiny awaits for me this Sunday as I go on to become the AEW World champion.”

AEW World champion Samoa Joe walked onto the ramp with a microphone!

Samoa Joe: “Destiny? You boys are out here talking about destiny. What do we have here? Two of the most bitter enemies every trying to hug it out. A lot of lies being told out here so allow me to correct them and tell this audience a few truths. Week after week I watched you boys stare daggers into each other thinking that the destiny of this World championship was tearing the other man’s throat out. That’s only because you were avoiding making eye contact with me and realizing who the real man around here is.

“Secondly, though I don’t quite understand the little dynamic here and whether you’re in or not, ‘Hangman,’ or should I call you ‘Hop-along,’ I keep hearing about how you’re both young, hungry championship contenders but that’s ridiculous. You both are battle tested warriors in that ring. And there’s nothing new about you. No, you’re hungry accomplished wrestlers. But the only reason you’re hungry is because I’m starving your ass. Let me explain to you who I am and what you really need to be worried about. I’m Samoa Joe. I’m the AEW World champion. And whether it’s one of you or both of you come REVOLUTION, I’m going to whoop both your asses.”

Swerve: “Now you wait a second, Joe, because I’m going to explain to you who the hell I am! I am someone who has gone from being unemployed to headlining pay-per-views! I went from someone that went from being a cruiserweight to going after the World championship! I’ll do whatever it takes to become World champion! I’m not only a career maker, but I’m also a career changer! After I take the championship away from you, you’re not going to know what to do with yourself! You might want to go back to commentary wearing a poncho again. I am on the verge of making history! And this Sunday at REVOLUTION I will become the AEW World champion!”

“Hangman” Adam Page crack Swerve across the back with his crutch!

“Look at him! Hangman’s not injured at all!” said Excalibur.

Hangman bashed the crutch into Swerve’s head and Samoa Joe relished every moment from the ramp. 

“Hangman was lying this entire time!” said Excalibur.

“He won’t be champion! I’ll be champion, damn it!” screamed Hangman Page.

“Hangman is saying he’s going to be champion so apparently it’s still a three way match this Sunday at REVOLUTION live on pay-per-view,” said Excalibur.

Hangman stormed to the back, no problem putting weight on his ankle, while a referee and Prince Nana helped Swerve get to his feet.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of EVPs The Young Bucks—Matthew and Nicholas Jackson—arriving to the arena. Renee Paquette was there to interview them and ask about their meeting with “Nature Boy” Ric Flair!

Nicholas Jackson: “The meeting went great and that’s all I’ll say about that.”

Matthew Jackson: “Renee, have you seen Sting at all today? Because as this is his final Dynamite appearance, we’re just dying to see him and thank him for all his contributions to this company. And more importantly, we just want to conduct his exit interview.”

The Bucks laughed as they held white baseball bats.

Nicholas Jackson: “Sting, where you at? Cameraman, you’re going to want to follow us to see what we do to Sting.”

Trios Match!

Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


The Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, & Jon Moxley!

Claudio was perplexed as Kingston knocked him off his feet. Dax and Danielson tagged in for their respective teams. Dax hit Danielson with a shoulder block. Cash and Mox grabbed tags. Mox and Cash traded strikes in the corner. Both teams began to brawl, and the match quickly broke down!

Mox punched Cash in the face as Danielson held Cash back. Moxley applied a leg lock on Cash. Cash was able to escape and wiped out Mox with a hurracanrana. Dax tagged in and rocked Moxley with left jabs. Dax nailed Claudio with a neck breaker. Dax cradled Moxley for a near fall. Mox connected with a crossbody press on Moxley for a two-count.

Dax drilled Moxley with a Tiger Driver, but Danielson ran in to break up the pin attempt. Moxley rammed Dax into the steel ring post. Danielson grabbed Dax’s arm and wrenched on it. Then Danielson took down Kingston and hit a sliding dropkick on him on the arena floor.

Moxley and Claudio tied up Dax so Danielson could hit Dax with a diving headbutt. Kingston managed to tag in, and he and Danielson traded chops. Kingston sent Danielson flying with an exploder suplex. Kingston served up an exploder for Claudio. Kingston and Moxley blasted each other with strikes. Danielson booted Kingston. Claudio put Kingston in the Giant Swing and then Danielson dropkicked Eddie! Moxley spiked Kingston with a piledriver! Danielson covered Kingston for the pin, but Dax jumped in the ring to break it up.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

FTR cleaned house on Moxley and Claudio! Kingston cracked Danielson with a spinning backfist. FTR hit a diving bulldog on Danielson and Kingston covered Danielson for the pin, but Claudio and Mox broke it up!

All six men paired off and began to clobber each other with strikes. FTR connected with the Shatter Machine on Claudio! Mox DDT’ed Cash! Dax stunned Mox with a brain buster! Danielson charged at Dax with the running knee! Kingston went for the spinning backfist, but Danielson ducked it! Danielson sent Kingston overhead and to the mat with a shoulder capture suplex! Danielson drilled Kingston with the running knee! Danielson grabbed Kingston’s wrists and began to stomp on Kingston’s head. Danielson trapped Eddie in a triangle sleeper. The ref stopped the match and Danielson wouldn’t release the hold! The BCC won via ref stoppage!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to welcome Will Ospreay to AEW!

Ospreay: “Guys, I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I just want to thank you for the reception. My obligations are done with New Japan. I’m here to say I’m here for full time work, I’m All Elite! But some of you are forgetting this isn’t my first rodeo here. On my first pay-per-view match, I beat Orange Cassidy in the center of this ring. Then I went over to Canada and beat Kenny Omega in front of 13,000 of his own people! And if that weren’t good enough, I pinned the first ever AEW World champion Chris Jericho at Wembley Stadium!

“I’ve been rolling with the Callis Family, everything’s been going smoothly, and I’m ready to pick up where I left off.”

Don Callis came to the ring with Powerhouse Hobbs and Takeshita!

Callis and Hobbs hugged Ospreay. Takeshita glared at Ospreay. 

Callis: “There’s nothing I like more than a Don Callis Family reunion. When I think about the talent, I think about Fletcher, Hobbs, Takeshita, and Ospreay, and it’s an embarrassment of riches. I love when you talk about all of those things we accomplished together. We top that by having the match of the decade, with the two best rope to rope wrestlers in the world, Takeshita and Ospreay! 

“And people ask me how I can pit two family members against each other. It’s like when Michael Jordan and Scotty Pippen would go hard against each other in practice, then they’d come together and win championships. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which one of you wins at REVOLUTION, the real winner after this match will be the Don Callis Family. Now shake hands, guys, this is going to be history making.”

Ospreay extended his hand and smiled, and Takeshita pulled Ospreay in. Then Takeshita tried to walk away but Ospreay pulled him. They smirked at each other, ahead of their match this Sunday.

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview the disrespected Eddie Kingston!

The Young Bucks interrupted, asking if Kingston or Renee had seen Sting anywhere. 

Matthew apologized and didn’t realize they were live. Nicholas pointed the baseball bat at Kingston and said he had a bone to pick with Kingston. Nicholas said that Kingston was talking crap on Collision, and the next time it’d be a fine. 

AEW International Championship Open Challenge!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) 

vs. Nick Wayne (with TNT Champion Christian Cage, Mother Wayne, and KillSwitch)!

Nick Wayne was looking for Wayne’s World early on, but Orange dodged it. Wayne followed up with a diving uppercut. Nick Wayne moonsaulted off the middle turnbuckle and landed on Cassidy on the arena floor.

Orange tried to put some distance between him and Nick Wayne, but Nick vaulted over the top rope again and crashed onto Orange. Nick Wayne and Orange Cassidy jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Christian swept out Orange’s legs. The ref ejected the Patriarchy from ringside for interfering. 

Orange Cassidy blasted Nick with a shotgun dropkick. Orange bounced Nick’s head off the turnbuckle pads. Orange planted Nick Wayne with a DDT for a near fall. Nick Wayne fired back with a fisherman’s suplex. Nick Wayne taunted Orange. Orange answered with a thrust kick. Orange pulped Wayne with a running PK! Orange rocked Wayne with a Beach Break for a near fall. 

The Undisputed Kingdom—Mike Bennett and Matt Taven—showed up at ringside to mock Orange. Nick Wayne hit Orange with a dragon suplex as Orange was distracted by Taven and Bennett. Rocky Romero and Trent ran to ringside to even up the odds for Orange, brawling with Bennett and Taven. As the ref was dealing with the ringside brawl, Nick Wayne ripped off a turnbuckle pad. Daniel Garcia walked to ringside and began to argue with Nick Wayne. Garcia is set to wrestle Christian Cage this Sunday at REVOLUTION. Nick Wayne turned around and ate an Orange Punch from Cassidy, and Cassidy scored the pin!

Roderick Strong jumped in the ring, ambushing Orange Cassidy with a jumping knee strike!

Renee Paquette was backstage with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang!

They agreed they were gelling as a team, and on Collision this Saturday it’ll be Austin Gunn teaming with the Acclaimed. 

Kris Statlander (with Stokely Hathaway and Willow Nightingale) 

vs. Skye Blue (with TBS Champion Julia Hart)!

After an aggressive start by Skye, Kris flung Skye halfway across the ring. Skye escaped and body slam and yanked Kris down to the mat by her hair. Kris came back with a senton for a near fall. 

Skye Blue cracked Kris with a knee to the face. Kris press slammed Blue over the barricade and onto fans at ringside! Back in the ring, they traded forearms. Kris hammered Skye with a lariat. Kris powerslammed Skye out of the corner for a two-count. 

Skye came back with a neck breaker for a near fall. Statlander drilled Skye with a German Suplex on the apron! Julia Hart checked on Skye. Julia gave Kris a nasty look before Willow stepped up and got in Julia’s face. Statlander charged at Skye, but Skye countered with a drop toehold, bashing Statlander headfirst into the steel ring steps! Blue crushed Kris with a Canadian Destroyer! Skye rolled up Kris in a cradle but somehow Kris Statlander kicked out!

Statlander pulled Skye off the turnbuckles and down onto the mat with an iconoclasm! Statlander planted Skye for a near fall. Stokely offered Kris a steel chain to use, but Willow discouraged her from using it. As the ref was telling Stokely to put the chain away, Julia Hart jumped in the ring and hit Kris in the head with the TBS championship belt! Skye followed up with the Code Blue and pinned Kris Statlander!

EVPs Matthew and Nicholas Jackson continued their search for Sting backstage! 

They found Sting’s dressing room and went in! There were black baseball bats hanging from the ceiling, but no Stinger! Nicholas said Sting was playing mind games, and Matthew agreed, saying it was sick.

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. CMLL’s Atlantis Jr. (accompanied by Atlantis)!

They slugged it out early on. Atlantis Jr. connected with a high crossbody press from the top rope. Atlantis Jr. sent Jericho flying with a monkey flip. Jericho retaliated with the Walls of Jericho, but Atlantis reached the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold. Jericho tried to rip off Atlantis Jr.’s mask but Atlantis Jr.’s fought back. As the ref was helping to tie the mask back on Atlantis Jr., Atlantis Sr. choked Jericho with a towel on the other side of the ring!

Atlantis Jr. hit Jericho with a tope suicida, sending Jericho crashing hard into the barricade. Atlantis Jr. catapulted Jericho into the steel ring post. Atlantis Jr. tried to powerbomb Jericho onto the steps, but Jericho reversed it with a hurracanrana!

Back in the ring, Atlantis Jr. sent Jericho down to the mat hard with an arm drag off the turnbuckles. Atlantis Jr. followed up with a wheelbarrow German Suplex for a near fall! Jericho and Atlantis Jr. fought on the top turnbuckle, and Jericho slammed Atlantis Jr.’s head onto the mat with a bulldog for a near fall!

Atlantis Jr. powerslammed Jericho for a two-count. Atlantis Jr. jumped over the top rope and wiped out Jericho on the arena floor! 

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jericho battered Atlantis Jr. with shots on top of the head and then sent Atlantis Jr. soaring with a hurracanrana off the top rope! Atlantis Jr. avoided the Judas Effect from Jericho! Atlantis Jr. locked in his backbreaker finisher on Jericho, but Jericho countered with the Walls! Jericho sat back and Atlantis threw the towel in for his son, knowing his son had too much pride to tap out!

EVPs The Young Bucks, Matthew and Nicholas Jackson, came to the ring with their white baseball bats!

Nicholas and Matthew were pointing their bats at Sting fans. Nicholas put his into the face of one Sting fan at ringside, but the fan removed his Sting mask and revealed himself to be…Darby Allin! Darby jumped over the barricade and took the fight to the Young Bucks, opting not to wait until Sunday at REVOLUTION!

Matthew grabbed Darby’s leg and anchored him while Nicholas cracked Darby with a knee strike! The Bucks had Darby outnumbered and began to double team him with a vicious assault, using their baseball bats! The Bucks held Darby in the ring, setting him up for the EVP Trigger and then sandwiching him with their knees!

“If the Bucks land the EVP Trigger this Sunday at REVOLUTION, we will have new AEW World Tag Team champions,” said Excalibur.

The Bucks continued their onslaught on Darby with their baseball bats! The Bucks called to the back and out came…

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair! 

Flair came down to the ring as the Bucks beat down Darby. Matthew handed a baseball bat to Ric Flair. “The Nature Boy” poked Nicholas in the eyes! Flair chopped Matthew but Nicholas connected with a low blow to Flair from behind! The Bucks stomped Ric Flair!

Sting’s music began to play, and the Bucks didn’t wait, deciding to walk up the ramp with baseball bats in hand!

“Sting is walking into a trap here,” said Tony Schiavone.

Sting descended from the rafters, repelling from the top! Sting turned the tables on Matthew and Nicholas Jackson, hitting them with his baseball bat! Darby nailed the Bucks with a Coffin Drop!

“Listen to this crowd! It has come unglued for Sting!” said Excalibur.

Sting drilled Nicholas with a Scorpion Death Drop! 

“They were looking all day for Sting and the Bucks needed to look up…in the rafters,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Well Sting found them and exploded on the scene right here on Dynamite,” replied Taz.

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT featuring:

-All-Star 8-Man Scramble Qualifying Match: CMLL’s Magnus vs. Matt Sydal!

-Riho vs. Trish Adora!

-CMLL’s Rugido vs. Claudio Castagnoli!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!

Catch all the fallout from AEW REVOLUTION 2024 on AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Don’t miss AEW REVOLUTION live on pay-per-view on Sunday at 8PM ET/5PM PT from the legendary Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Welcome to the beginning of the end; the first night in the final week for the legendary in-ring career of “The Icon” Sting! Fans around the world have been dreading this week since October 18th when the man first told us all about his intentions to draw the curtain with REVOLUTION 2024, and now we are only a matter of days away from that monumental night. But there is still a good deal of business to conduct in these next several days, and it begins this Wednesday night in Huntsville, AL!

The last time AEW was in Huntsville was as part of the HOUSE RULES tour last June, but it’s been since February 5, 2020 that this magnificent venue has hosted AEW’s flagship program! So for the final night of live action before REVOLUTION 2024, we make our return to the Von Braun Center for Sting’s final DYNAMITE! Plus, ahead of their respective matches on Sunday night, The Blackpool Combat Club will meet FTR and Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston in Trios action PLUS “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay makes his first appearance on DYNAMITE as an official member of the AEW locker room!

DYNAMITE gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so swing by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER! Then join us this Sunday night for REVOLUTION 2024 for AEW’s first pay-per-view of the year, and Sting’s final professional wrestling match!


Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)


The Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, & Jon Moxley)

We are just four days away from REVOLUTION 2024 where FTR will clash with The Blackpool Combat Club and Bryan Danielson is set to challenge Eddie Kingston for the Continental Crown, but before that takes places, this two matches will merge into one for a huge Trios battle!

Last Saturday night we witnessed Bryan Danielson kick Jun Akiyama in the groin after the multi-time World Champion slapped “The American Dragon” across the face in response to Bryan disrespecting Eddie Kingston yet again. The brawl that erupted between Kingston and Bryan brought Claudio to the ring first, but he was followed quickly by Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler, sending the two BCC members scurrying, but also forcing the hand of AEW GM Tony Khan to sign this Trios bout before COLLISION even went off the air!

This is one last chance to get an advantage before heading to Greensboro on Sunday, one last match before their respective contests to exert a level of dominance over your foe, and that is such an important aspect of what’s going on between these six men. For the FTR/BCC dynamic, there is a level of respect between the four men for their abilities inside the squared circle, but each team wants to prove themselves the better, and that supersedes all else. Cash or Dax getting the fall on Mox or Claudio heading into Sunday would be a huge statement, as would vice versa, especially after their frustrating time limit draw.

Now Bryan and Eddie is a vastly different story; just listen to the words Danielson spoke prior to his match with Jun Akiyama. There is no respect there flowing from “The American Dragon” to “The Mad King”, not one iota of it, conversely if you listen to the commentary Eddie provided during the match, he has a great deal of respect for Bryan Danielson’s abilities inside that ring. Kingston recognizes that Bryan is one of the greatest competitors to ever lace up a pair of boots, but what Eddie can’t abide is the judgment he feels Danielson has dumped on him over the last twenty years. It seems nothing Kingston does will ever change Bryan’s feelings, but what he can do is pin Bryan’s shoulders to the mat on Wednesday in this Trios match before they head into the fifth singles match of their careers on Sunday. It would serve Bryan right to suffer that fate after his actions on Saturday, but that being said, what would it do to Eddie to take the “L” before the championship fight at REVOLUTION 2024?


This is it; this Wednesday night, 1,183 days since his first appearance at WINTER IS COMING 2020, “The Icon” Sting will make his final appearance on DYNAMITE live from Huntsville, AL and the Von Braun Center! It’s been a decade since the last time Sting set foot in this venue, and nearly thirty-six since his first time when he stepped inside an enclosed Steel Cage alongside Lex Luger, Nikita Koloff, and The Road Warriors to battle The Four Horsemen. Huntsville is a city that has witnessed Sting fight for championships, both singles and tag team, as well as go to battle against men like the late Bam Bam Bigelow and Kurt Angle.

Now, with the AEW World Tag Team Championship around his waist and partner Darby Allin at his side, Sting will return to Huntsville one last time for his final DYNAMITE appearance! It’s sure to be a special moment for the champions, but one has to wonder if EVPs Matthew and Nicholas Jackson will let the moment remain special or if they will attempt to ruin this one as they ruined Darby and Sting’s championship victory several weeks ago!


Chris Jericho vs. Atlantis Jr.

It has been almost thirty years since the last time Chris Jericho, then known as Corazon de Leon, faced CMLL legend Atlantis in singles competition. It was on 4/15/94 that Jericho fell to Atlantis in the first round of a one night Gran Prix tournament, but those matches against one another were not their norm. In fact, a great many matches that took place during Jericho’s CMLL tenure actually found him and Atlantis on the same team, often in trios with a rotating cast as their third. The last time on record that Atlantis and Chris Jericho united was September 10, 1995, some three years before Atlantis Jr. was even born, but this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, there will be somewhat of a reunion!

Atlantis Jr, the older of Atlantis’ two wrestling sons, was born in 1998, first began training for his in-ring career at the tender age of 12, and Atlantis Jr. has stated that his first-ever match took place in 2017. During the course of these last seven years, Atlantis Jr. has competed not only in CMLL, but also for NJPW STRONG as well as NJPW proper, not to mention numerous independent promotions around Mexico and in the United States. He currently reigns as the World Historic Light Heavyweight Champion, and up until February 5th was 1/3 of the CMLL World Trios Champions with Star Jr. and Volador Jr. 

This Wednesday night, thanks to the partnership between CMLL and AEW, Atlantis Jr will make his way to All Elite Wrestling for the first time, and take on a man quite well known to his family in Chris Jericho; not only that, but Atlantis himself will be in his son’s corner for this bout against his former tag team partner! Now Jericho has been out of action since Konosuke Takeshita beat him back on February 7th while Atlantis Jr. is only recently returned from the CMLL/NJPW joint FANTASICA MANIA 2024 tour in Japan, and coming off a 2/3 Falls Victory on CMLL’s February 26th event in Mexico. Will those factors play a role in the outcome of this generational clash? Will Don Callis and his “family” find a way to insert themselves into Jericho’s life once more for the sole purpose of creating chaos? There are many questions that swirl around this legacy match, but putting those aside, this will be a piece of history watching Atlantis and Atlantis Jr come to AEW for a fight with El Corazon de Leon!


Kris Statlander vs. Skye Blue

On the October 14th edition of COLLISION, Skye Blue stepped up to challenge Kris Statlander for the TBS Championship but came up short in her title bid. After the pinfall, the defending champion attempted to shake the hand of her opponent, at the time her friend, and Skye refused the gesture. Willow Nightingale came down to the ring to quell the situation, but it was clear that night something deeper was going on with Skye.

Fast forward to FULL GEAR 2023 and the Three Way championship match where Statlander defended against both Julia Hart and Skye Blue, only to see the title slip away when Hart stole the winning pinfall from Kris and stole her TBS Championship. The changes in Skye were evident that night when, upon her entrance, she threw down her trademark baseball cap, stomped on it, and replaced it with a crown, but the true depth of her transformation wouldn’t reveal itself until a few weeks after that pay-per-view extravaganza.

Heading towards a clash at WORLDS END, TBS Champion Julia Hart and Abadon were in the midst of a fight on the 12/16/23 edition of COLLISION when Skye Blue appeared, seemingly to help Abadon  beat down Hart, but it became quickly apparent that Skye was there to assault Hart’s would-be challenger, cementing their unholy alliance at the expense of “The Living Dead Girl”. 

On the 12/27 edition of DYNAMITE, Skye Blue and Kris Statlander would clash once again, no championship on the line this time, just the desire to settle a grudge after Skye turning her back on Stat and Willow Nightingale to align with Julia Hart. Unlike their first meeting which was one fair and square by Statlander, this outcome of this bout was directly influenced by the involvement of Julia Hart when she struck the former TBS Champion, leaving Kris vulnerable for Skye to hit an Avalanche Code Blue and score the pinfall victory.

Since that night the tensions between the two pairs of women have only escalated; at DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024, Statlander and Willow were on the winning side of an Eight-Woman Tag that included Julia Hart and Skye Blue on the losing side, and Willow scored a victory over Skye two weeks ago on DYNAMITE, albeit with some unwanted assistance from Stokely Hathaway.

So that brings us to this Wednesday night where, in their rubber match, Kris Statlander and Skye Blue will go head-to-head one more time! During AEW’s last visit to Huntsville, Statlander successfully defended the TBS Championship over Lady Frost while Skye Blue was on the losing end of a Four Way AEW Women’s World Championship match with Toni Storm, Anna Jay, and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. Will this Wednesday night be a repeat of that June evening for Statlander, or will Skye Blue turn around her fortunes from that summer stop at Von Braun to earn victory? And just where how will the TBS Champion, Willow Nightingale, and Stokely Hathaway play a role in the outcome?


As Don Callis mentioned in the interview above from last week’s edition of DYNAMITE, he was personally traveling to England to scoop up Will Ospreay and bring him to the United States in advance of this Wednesday night. Though the AEW faithful have seen Ospreay on DYNAMITE before, this week in Huntsville will mark the first time the former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion has appeared as an official member of the AEW roster! 

Ospreay has made it clear he’s coming to AEW with the intention of blowing away everything he’s already done in his impressive career, and that begins this Sunday night at REVOLUTION 2024 when he takes on fellow Callis Family member Konosuke Takeshita, but what will Ospreay have to say to the AEW faithful in advance of this highly anticipated bout? We will find out when he arrives at the Von Braun Center this Wednesday night for DYNAMITE!


DYNAMITE begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER! Then make it a point to join AEW on Sunday night for REVOLUTION 2024 ( to bear witness to Sting’s final professional wrestling match, multiple championship matches, including Samoa Joe defending his AEW World Title against both Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page, as well as the first match for Will Ospreay as an official member of the AEW locker room!

After an exciting week in AEW action, All Elite Wrestling returns to the Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ this Wednesday night with a jam-packed episode of DYNAMITE! Beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, fans will see Ricky Starks & Big Bill defend their AEW World Tag Team Championship against the #1 Ranked duo of Darby Allin & Sting, just as the #1 Ranked Swerve Strickland and #2 Ranked Adam Page fight for a shot at Samoa Joe’s AEW World Championship at REVOLUTION 2024! Plus, Red Velvet will fight AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm in an Eliminator Bout, Konosuke Takeshita steps up to fight Chris Jericho on behalf of The Don Callis Family, and The BCC battles the CMLL unit in Trios competition!

REVOLUTION 2024 is a month out, and the pieces are falling into place for what will certainly be one of the most memorable nights in professional wrestling history! Part of that history-building will take place this Wednesday on DYNAMITE starting at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans! Before showtime, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more! Then join us Saturday night in Henderson, NV where AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy will defend his title against “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match…

Big Bill & Ricky Starks(c) vs. Darby Allin & Sting

Together they are 14-0 in tag team competition, a streak that first began at REVOLUTION 2021 when Darby Allin and Sting defeated Team Taz in a Street Fight. That night it was Ricky Starks and Brian Cage officially fighting under the FTW banner, but let’s be honest, every member of the group got involved in that situation to try and shut down Sting’s return to professional wrestling, but they failed. 

Fast forward almost three years, the landscape is very different for Ricky Starks, the ally standing at his side hasn’t been a Team Taz member for quite some time, nor has the championship around his waist been the FTW Title. Instead stands Big Bill, one of the most impressive specimens in professional wrestling, and man that Starks proudly says is not his friend, just his championship tag team partner, and Bill will claim the same. They don’t know much about each other’s personal lives, Starks was even shocked when he learned who Bill is involved with, but that like of a personal relationship hasn’t prevented them from gelling into quite the impressive duo. They utterly decimated FTR to win the titles in the first place, survived a wild Ladder Match to retain the belts, and put down the tandem of Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara in a Street Fight. They’ve been dominant because of their skills inside the ring, and how they compliment each other, not necessarily because they are best friends.

On the other side of this fight are Sting and Darby Allin; two men who, despite their difference in age and experience, have formed a formidable bond both personally and professionally. Ever since Sting first came to the AEW fold at WINTER IS COMING 2020, he and Darby have been thick as thieves, partners always, but giving space when needed, and quite unstoppable. No active tag team is even close  to their 14-match win streak, and no individual is even close to Sting’s 27-match win streak. There’s is a bond built on respect, built on friendship earned, something that runs deeper than that of Starks and Big Bill, but also makes them care about the other in a way the defending champions do not. 

Beyond the bond of holding titles together, it doesn’t seem likely Bill and Ricky care about the well-being of one another, whereas “The Icon” and the former 2-Time TNT Champion have that investment in one another. This Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, with the AEW World Tag Team Championship on the line, we will all see which approach to tag team competition wins out. Will Big Bill and Ricky Starks add the first loss to Sting’s AEW resume as he heads towards his last dance at REVOLUTION 2024? Or will Sting and Darby Allin, a man “The Icon” calls the best partner he’s ever had, add one last championship to Sting’s trophy case before his legendary career is over?

Winner earns REVOLUTION 2024 World Title Match: 

(#1)Swerve Strickland VS. (#2) Adam Page

It is a fact that the record books show Swerve Strickland has beaten “Hangman” Adam Page twice in the last four months; once at WRESTLEDREAM 2023 in a traditional singles contest, and then again at FULL GEAR 2023 in that infamous Texas Death match. However, what the numbers on a piece of paper don’t show is that both victories came about as a result of Prince Nana and The Mogul Embassy lending The Boss a helping hand. In the former, it was absolutely a case of cheating when Swerve used Nana’s crown to knock Hangman across the skull, but in the latter, when both Nana and Brian Cage got involved, it was at least in the purview of Texas Death Match rules. Still, neither victory came about as a result of Swerve working alone, neither win can be credited to Strickland alone, and that is the point Hangman Page aims to prove on Wednesday night!

That point of pride isn’t the only thing on the line come DYNAMITE though, with Swerve sitting atop the newest rankings, and Hangman at number two, this fight is also to see who will challenge Samoa Joe at REVOLUTION 2024 live on pay-per-view! Page is on a mission to regain the title he lost at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2022, while Swerve aims to become champions for the first time, as well as make history as the first African-American AEW World Champion!

Which of these two warriors, both deserving of the opportunity, will win this rubber match and move on to face AEW World Champion Samoa Joe next month? Can Swerve live up to the challenge to do it by himself this time around? Or will that lack of Mogul Embassy assistance be all Hangman needs to get his first AEW World Championship opportunity since Jon Moxley knocked him out back in October 2022?

Trios Battle…

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, & Jon Moxley) vs. Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, & Volador Jr.

It began with Jon Moxley getting into it with the CMLL contingent during his fight with Jeff Hardy, and the assault they perpetrated on the former 3-Time AEW World Champion after his victory. It continued with Bryan Danielson’s hard-fought victory over Hechicero last Saturday night on COLLISION, a win that pushed Danielson to his limits as much as any match he’s experienced during his AEW tenure. It demonstrated to the AEW faithful the kind of threat that Hechicero is on his own, just as the CMLL contingent’s victory on RAMPAGE the night prior showed how good they are as a unit.

Well this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, they are going to be pushed to their limits as a trio when they face The Blackpool Combat Club of Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Jon Moxley! This will be the very first time Hechicero, Mascara Dorado, and Volador Jr. unite as a trio, just as it will be the first time Bryan, Claudio, and Mox will fight as a trio, and what a first-time outing it will be for each!

Moxley made mention about gang warfare several weeks ago in relation to his fights with Shane Taylor Promotions, and how it was avoided in that situation, but it looks like it’s upon him and The BCC now with these luchadors representing CMLL! With Danielson’s victory on Saturday, The BCC are up a victory over CMLL, will the luchadors even that score in Phoenix? 

Running The Callis Family Gauntlet…

Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Chris Jericho is essentially running a gauntlet match against The Don Callis Family, though he may not be battling them one after another on the same day, he is still in the midst of having to fight each one. The original AEW World Champion managed to best ROH World Television Champion Kyle Fletcher in his first battle with the Family, but the road isn’t even close to done yet because this Wednesday night Jericho will face “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita!

Back in November, at DDT Pro Wrestling’s ULTIMATE PARTY 2023, Jericho traveled to Japan to defeat Takeshita on his home turf, and in their four other meetings as foes, it has been Jericho’s team that has come out on top three of those times! The in-ring momentum is certainly on the side of Chris Jericho, but aside from Sammy Guevara, is there anyone on the side of “Le Champion”? He had the assistance, temporarily, of Sting and Darby Allin, but they’re engaged in their own battle in Phoenix, so is there anyone to counteract the supreme numbers advantage held by The Don Callis Family? Will Jericho’s quest to take down each man surrounding Don Callis be cut off at the knees this Wednesday night, or will he get one step closer with a victory over “The Alpha”?

Eliminator Match…

AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm vs. Red Velvet


AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm is officially on the road to REVOLUTION 2024 for a championship fight with “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo! After having her state of mind questioned by Purrazzo, and her abilities inside the ring placed in doubt, Toni Storm requested what she called “a public workout” this week on DYNAMITE. The reality, whether she realizes it or not, is that Toni Storm will be entering into an Eliminator Bout against one of the most capable competitors in the AEW locker room: Red Velvet! Red has been chasing an AEW championship for almost as long as she’s been part of the company, and though she’s come up short on several occasions, as well as tangled with injury stalling her momentum, none of it has stopped Red Velvet from perpetually pursuing her goals!

If she can pull off a victory this Wednesday night in Phoenix, Red Velvet will earn herself a future championship match, but she’s got some history to overcome. Nine times the AEW Women’s World Champion has competed in an Eliminator Match, and nine times the champion has been victorious, with the champion in question being Toni Storm in four of those bouts. Can Red Velvet be the first woman to win an Eliminator bout, as well as the first challenger since Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo to win an Eliminator contest in any division?

This Wednesday night, All Elite Wrestling returns to Phoenix, AZ and the Footprint Center with one of the most stacked editions of DYNAMITE yet! Starting at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, Darby Allin & Sting will challenge Big Bill & Ricky Starks for the AEW World Tag Team Championship, while Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page battle for an AEW World Championship opportunity at REVOLUTION 2024! AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm will face Red Velvet in an Eliminator Bout, Chris Jericho continues his fight against The Don Callis Family when he meets Takeshita in singles competition, and The BCC takes on the CMLL contingent in Trios battle!

All that and more comes your way this week on DYNAMITE, so before the show gets underway, make a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of the CONTROL CENTER!  Then come on down to Henderson, NV and The Dollar Loan Center this Saturday for an all-new edition of COLLISION!

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First recorded in 1944 by The Mills Brothers in 1944, the song bearing the title of this retrospective has been covered by Connie Francis, Fats Domino, Ringo Starr, Michael Buble, and even Ryan Gosling in the heartbreaking film “Blue Valentine”. The lyrics include lines such as “You always break the kindest heart with a hasty word you can’t recall, so if I broke your heart last night, it’s because I love you most of all.”

It’s a song very easily projected onto a romantic relationship, but that’s just one type of love, and if nothing else, since the two men first became entangled in All Elite Wrestling, it’s been pretty clear that there is a lot of love between Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley. Love built on shared experiences, on treading common grounds, on time spent together both inside the ring and out, knowing each other’s families, not to mention spilling blood along similar roads en route to the promised land of AEW.

Moxley got here first, making his impact on as grand a scale as possible in the closing moments of DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2019, taking out both Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega, and beginning the path that led him to his first AEW World Championship at REVOLUTION 2020, just weeks before the wrestling landscape as we knew it, as well as the world at large, became a different place under pandemic restrictions.

That’s the world in which Eddie Kingston was birthed into AEW, a world where fans were only able to watch from the safety of their own homes, a world where the hard-traveled Kingston was forced to sell his wrestling boots in order to make rent. So with nothing left to lose, and then-TNT Champion Cody Rhodes holding an Open Challenge for his title, Kingston took his shot and called out Cody during one of the few independent wrestling shows running at the time. This led to Eddie walking out on the stage on the July 22, 2020 DYNAMITE, no pomp or circumstance, and fighting Cody in a No DQ match for that championship. Eddie failed to become the champion, but he made such an impact on the AEW landscape that nine days later, Kingston got his “…IS ALL ELITE” graphic.

While Moxley went about building the AEW World Championship up with one of the most impressive streak of defenses amassed to date, Kingston drew men like Butcher, Blade, and The Lucha Brothers to his side, and when the opportunity opened up to take his shot again, Kingston didn’t hesitate to take aim at a man who had been his friend for years…

That fight did not go the way of “The Mad King”, but the aftermath of it set the table for the violent affair that would result at FULL GEAR 2020, a match that would turn out to by Moxley’s final successful title defense before losing to Kenny Omega at DYNAMITE: WINTER IS COMING 2020. Suffice it to say, the “I Quit” bout was twenty minutes of two men hurting the one they love, and came to an end with Kingston failing to claim the crown he’d risked destroying his friendship over…

Shockingly, despite how that fight came to its conclusion, when Moxley fought Kenny Omega in an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match at REVOLUTION 2021, it was Eddie Kingston who came to the aid of Jon Moxley. That moment of sacrifice, Kingston’s choice to put his own safety at risk to protect his brother, that was a defining example of the core relationship between Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley. They were brothers, two men who cared about and supported one another, whose passion for pro wrestling bonded them, and whose capacity for violence mirrored one another’s. This reunion led Eddie and Mox into tag team competition, and a march towards The Young Bucks and the AEW World Tag Team Championship…

Though that DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2021 championship bout did not go in favor of Kingston and Moxley, it solidified their bond before the AEW faithful, and created a duo that continued on throughout the remainder of 2021, including a wild Lights Out fight with Minoru Suzuki and Lance Archer at RAMPAGE: GRAND SLAM 2021. Then the FULL GEAR 2022 Eliminator Tournament began, and though the layout of the brackets meant Moxley and Kingston could collide in the finals, Mox having to pull out of the field ended that possibility, and Eddie losing to Danielson in the Semi-Finals nixed his hopes of challenging for the title. 

Moxley would return to the fold in January 2022, refreshed and ready for the fight, a return that would lead him into battle with Bryan Danielson at REVOLUTION 2022, and then into the formation of The Blackpool Combat Club alongside “The American Dragon” and William Regal. At the same time, Kingston was in the midst of battle with Chris Jericho, a battle he actually won at REVOLUTION 2022, but would only be the precursor to much greater wars as Jericho abandoned The Inner Circle in the aftermath and formed The Jericho Appreciation Society. The paths of Kingston, Santana, Ortiz, and The Blackpool Combat Club would converge at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2022 when they and The J.A.S. went to battle under Anarchy In The Arena rules. Perhaps it should have been clear before the unit even stepped into Las Vegas that the inherent strife between Kingston’s side and Mox’s side would make success unlikely…

Still, the attempt was made, Kingston tried to work with Bryan Danielson as best he could, but in one of the most horrifying visuals in AEW history, it ended up with Eddie dumping gasoline on Bryan, as well as his foes, in a failed attempt to actually light them all on fire! Perhaps it was fate that Danielson got injured during the course of Anarchy in the Arena and was unable to compete in the Blood & Guts cage match that followed, but much to the chagrin of Eddie Kingston, his friend Jon Moxley would ally himself with yet another of Kingston’s hated foes, perhaps the most hated of them all, Claudio Castagnoli.

The history between Kingston and Claudio has been well-documented since “The Swiss Superman” came into AEW, suffice it to say that it took everything Kingston had in him to fight alongside Castagnoli rather than rip his head off and chuck him off the top of the cage. The fact that Castagnoli, in Eddie’s eyes, stole the victory for their team from him did not help matters, and it sent Kingston back on his own path, completely separate from Moxley, as Jon and The BCC pursued theirs.

But those paths would once again intertwine, as friendships often too, only this time the circle had come back around to their AEW beginning, and Kingston was standing alongside Moxley’s enemies in The Elite, men he himself could not stand and did not respect, but his hate for Claudio burned far hotter. Strange bedfellows indeed…

This animosity put Eddie opposite his brother-by-choice at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023 and during the course of that match, in unarguably the most emotional portion of the fight, the two actually came to blows. The scene would repeat two months later at ALL IN: LONDON, albeit with a twist, as Kingston allied himself with The Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Penta El Zero Miedo to fight Moxley, Yuta, Claudio, Ortiz, and Santana in Stadium Stampede! Eddie’s team actually won the fight, though he and Moxley would throwdown with one another yet again, and it certainly left a question as to the status of their relationship moving forward. 

For Eddie moving forward meant finishing his issues with Claudio Castagnoli once and for all, and that meant facing him at DYNAMITE: GRAND SLAM 2023 with both Kingston’s NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship and Claudio’s ROH World Championship on the line. In front of his hometown, his family, and his loved ones, Kingston put the final nail in the coffin of his rivalry with Claudio Castagnoli, and became the holder of both the NJPW STRONG title and the ROH one!

For Moxley moving forward meant capturing a championship of his own, one he’d never held before, the AEW International Championship held by Orange Cassidy. That came to be at ALL OUT 2023, though the triumph turned to tragedy quite quickly when Rey Fenix dethroned him just 17 days later, and putting Moxley on the injured list for the next few weeks. Moxley’s return to AEW competition meant failure in regaining the AEW International Championship, once again held by OC who’d beaten Fenix himself in Jon’s absence, but then finding a new focus as the Continental Classic was announced.  Another man who found focus in the tournament was Moxley’s brother Eddie, only he chose to up the ante on the entire game, putting both of his championship belts in the mix, to create an American Triple Crown Championship…

Thus on November 22nd, with the field split into two groups dubbed the Gold League and the Blue League, twelve men began their trek towards WORLDS END, the Continental Championship, and now both the ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Title. For Moxley the road began with Mark Briscoe, and was followed in successive weeks with fights against Jay Lethal, RUSH,  and Swerve Strickland. Four consecutive victories meant 12 points for the 3-time former AEW World Champion, and berth in the finals of the Gold League, all that remained was his final match with Jay White to either solidify his spot atop the Gold, or to turn the League Final into a more complex situation with a “Switchblade” victory. But that’s exactly what Jay White did, he squeezed out a victory to tie up Moxley at 12 points, then Swerve did the same against RUSH in their fifth bout, thus leaving the Gold League with a three way tie to determine the victor. As we witnessed this past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, Moxley would get his back on Jay White, and earn his spot in the Continental Classic finals this Sunday night!

With Kingston slotted into the Blue League, there was a possibility that he and Jon Moxley could end up in the finals together, but the road to get there would be long and arduous for “The Mad King”. Though his two championship titles were not at stake in each of his five matches, each loss brought him closer to losing hold of them without technically being beaten for them in a title bout, but that was the risk Kingston took when he threw them into the pot for the Continental Classic. Unfortunately for Eddie, he started the tournament off on bad footing by dropping matches to Brody King and Bryan Danielson in his first two bouts, the latter especially stinging given the dismissive rhetoric Danielson has long used towards Eddie.

Those losses also put Kingston in a position where each match became a must-win situation if he hoped to have a shot at keeping the two titles in his camp, and gaining the Triple Crown he’d created with his choices. The third match of Kingston’s journey put him opposite Claudio Castagnoli, a man he’d only ever beaten once in their careers, and somehow Eddie found a way to make it two straight wins over this Blackpool Combat Club member. It was as if somewhere along the way, possibly the night he first held the ROH World Championship overhead in front of his mother and father, Eddie learned how to best handle his demons. He knew they were creeping up behind him, just waiting for him to slip up and stumble into their waiting arms, but instead of slipping, Eddie Kingston kept moving forward “humble in victory, humble in defeat”, and that made the difference as he rattled off a second victory in the tournament over Daniel Garcia, and secured himself a spot in the Blue League finals with a win over Andrade El Idolo.

That set Kingston versus Danielson as the match, and put Eddie in a situation where he had to do something he’d never done before: beat Bryan Danielson. Without a twenty-minute time limit hanging over their heads, the two warriors brutalized each other for nearly twenty-five, absorbing blow-after-blow, suplex-after-suplex, and surviving multiple submission attempts, before it came down to Kingston dropping Bryan with the same Kawada-style Folding Powerbomb that defeated Claudio at GRAND SLAM 2023 some months earlier.

With their respective wins in the Gold and Blue Leagues, for the first time since FULL GEAR 2020’s “I Quit” match, Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley will go one-on-one at WORLDS END in the Continental Classic Finals with the winner walking away as a Triple Crown Champion, simultaneously holding the ROH World Championship, the NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship, and the Continental Championship! It also means, if Eddie doesn’t want to see his last day as champion of the first two titles, he has to do something else he’s never done before: beat Jon Moxley. 

This Saturday night on pay-per-view, as part of AEW’s WORLDS END presentation, Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley will do to each other what they’ve done for years now, hurt the one they love, and in the end they will either embrace one another as brothers, happy for the success of the other, or they will see the rift in their friendship gutted even deeper. For as important as the championship aspect of this fight is, for as historic a contest as it is, this is undoubtedly the most personal fight of either man’s career…

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Winter is coming to Arlington, TX this Wednesday night when All Elite Wrestling debuts at College Park Center! All roads lead to Long Island for WORLDS END on December 30th, but the way there is increasingly fraught with peril for everyone in the Continental Classic, as well as AEW World Champion MJF, his scheduled challenger Samoa Joe, and anyone else around the champ!

Three more matches in the Gold League will go down on Wednesday night with Rush facing Jay Lethal, Mark Briscoe battling Jay White, and the two unbeatens, Jon Moxley and Swerve Strickland, putting that on the line in their first-ever meeting! Plus Ruby Soho takes on the returning Riho, Roderick Strong gets back in action with a fight against “Hangman” Adam Page, and we will hear from the #1 Contender to MJF’s AEW World Championship, Samoa Joe! DYNAMITE begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to watch highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER!



Jon Moxley (9)

Swerve Strickland (9)

Jay White (6)

Rush (3)

Mark Briscoe (0)

Jay Lethal (0)

Jon Moxley (9) vs. Swerve Strickland (9)

One would be hard-pressed to find a man on a bigger role right now than Jon Moxley, he’s won 13 of his last 15 singles matches, including that Steel Cage Match with Kenny Omega and being the one to end Orange Cassidy’s historic first AEW International Championship reign. His two losses were quite painful to be honest, losing that same championship to Rey Fenix and failing to reclaim it from “Freshly Squeezed” in their rematch, but Mox has rebounded spectacularly with this three victories in the Continental Classic: Gold League thus far. RUSH, Mark Briscoe, and Jay Lethal have all fallen at the hands of the 3-Time AEW World Champion and even though we’ve all heard it from the horse’s mouth just how he is hurting, Mox is going to keep fighting until there’s no breath left in his lungs.

Swerve is also on quite a roll of his own, winning nine of his last ten singles bouts, the loss in that situation coming at the hands of Bryan Danielson and there is absolutely no shame in losing to “The American Dragon”. Now Strickland might put that loss squarely on the shoulders of Hangman Page, but the reality is that all the former AEW World Champion did was prevent Swerve from cheating to win. Now the nature of this tournament removed the Prince Nana factor from the equation, but rather than be a hindrance, it has instead allowed Swerve to prove just how good he is without the assistance of The Mogul Embassy. Victories over Mark Briscoe, Jay White, and Jay Lethal have bolstered Swerve already massive go, but also demonstrated that he’s got the ability to be truly great on his own. And now it will be put to the test this Wednesday night when the only unbeaten men in the Gold League go head-to-head for the very first time!

Swerve Strickland and Jon Moxley are both on the precipice of winning the Gold League, the only man that can possibly match them is Jay White, but he requires a lot of pieces to fall into place in order to make that happen, not the least of which is beating Moxley in their final League match. That’s a story for another week though, and another fight, this one will either set a definitive top dog in the Gold League with a three point victory, or leave things all tied up with a one point draw. One will have twelve points, or both will have ten, those are the only two ways this can go, and all eyes will be watching to see how it plays out.

Rush (3) vs. Jay Lethal (0)

With just three points to his name, “El Toro Blanco” is one of three men in this tournament on the outside looking in; mathematically speaking, there is no way for the head of La Faccion Ingobernable to move to the front of the line save both Jon Moxley and Swerve Strickland forfeiting their last two matches. Even if two current leaders of the field went to a draw in their bout this Wednesday, and Moxley lost in his last bout to Jay White while RUSH beat Swerve in theirs, the best he could hope for is nine points to their ten. Still, stranger things have happened, and “El Toro Blanco” is fighting with the hope that one of those things takes place between now and the finals of the Gold League!

As for Jay Lethal, the “Franchise of ROH”, he has taken his zero point total very hard, and there was obviously not a whole lot for Jeff Jarrett or Sonjay Dutt to say about the matter. So while Lethal is eliminated from any possibility of winning this tournament, he can still score some sort of moral victory by winning at least one of his remaining battles, and in the case of Rush, he can do it with a win over a man he’s never beaten in RUSH. Their only singles encounter, a ROH World Championship match at the 19TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW in March 2021 ended with a RUSH victory, their one Four Corner Survival ended with neither as the victor, and their Eight-Man Tag ended with LFI having the upper hand. 

Coincidentally, before any of their matches against one another, there was a period of time in 2019 where the two men actually fought side-by-side, and even challenged for the ROH World Six-Man Titles together with Jeff Cobb. Yet now they stand as foes once again, Lethal’s first chance to redeem that 2021 championship defeat, and his second-to-last opportunity to put any points on the board before the Continental Classic comes to a close. Will Lethal be able to overcome his disappointing run so far, or will this be another night that drives him further towards the edge?

Jay White (6) vs. Mark Briscoe (0)

One month ago, just ten days before “Switchblade” Jay White fought MJF at FULL GEAR 2023 for the AEW World Championship, he went one-on-one with Mark Briscoe for the very first time. Now the two had some history dating back to Jay’s NJPW excursion spent with Ring of Honor, and even fought in a tag team affair as recently as June 2022, but that evening was their first singles bout, and after fourteen minutes, it went the way of Jay White. That sent “King Switch” to his championship match on a high note, not one that led to him claiming the title as his own, but a loss that has perhaps served to stoke White’s fires with this Continental Classic. 

With two victories under his belt, and two matches still to go, the possibility exists that Jay White could actually end up in a tie for the Gold League crown. He just needs to win out in this match, as well as in his final bout with Jon Moxley, and hope that, regardless of the Swerve/Moxley outcome, Strickland also blows his final match in the tournament against RUSH. The situation is possible, but it all hinges on “Switchblade” beating Mark Briscoe.

So knowing he’s completely eliminated from the tournament, what does Mark Briscoe stand to gain from these last two matches with Jay White and Jay Lethal? Well right here, with this “Switchblade” rematch, Mark has the opportunity to redeem his loss a month ago, and play spoiler for any hopes the head of BULLET CLUB GOLD has at winning the Gold League. If White loses this Wednesday night, all hope he had of snaking into a tie for the top spot will be so much dust in the wind thanks to the 13-Time ROH World Tag Team Champion! Can Mark do that? Can he find it within himself to score a win even though nothing is a stake save personal redemption? If there’s anyone in this tournament who has that heart, it’s Mark Briscoe!



Brody King (6)

Andrade El Idolo (6)

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (6)

Claudio Castagnoli (3)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (3)

Daniel Garcia (0)

Andrade El Idolo (6) vs. Brody King (6)

This Wednesday night the Blue League of the Continental Classic will come to DYNAMITE for the first time, and with it comes a battle of the two top men in standings! On paper there may be a three tie between Brody King, Andrade El Idolo, and Bryan Danielson, but the reality is that Bryan’s six points are the result of three matches in the Blue League while King and El Idolo have had just two thus far. That changes on Wednesday night when those two warriors collide in their third Blue League match, the halfway point of the tournament, and a rematch of their June 24th COLLISION bout that ended with a DQ victory for Andrade El Idolo after Buddy Matthews interfered on Brody’s behalf.

That will not be the case on Wednesday since, as we all know by now, outside interference in the Continental Classic will not be tolerated, a rule that thankfully has been obeyed by all parties involved thus far. That leaves the powerhouse of The House to deal with the man who had him dead to rights back in June when Buddy’s involvement was the only thing that saved Brody from tapping to the Figure Eight. Will DYNAMITE see Andrade finish the job that was so rudely interrupted at the beginning of the Summer, or will Brody King continue his monstrous run through the Blue League competition to ascend to the top of the mountain with nine points?


Roderick Strong vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Hangman hasn’t stepped into the ring since his unforgettable Texas Death match against Swerve Strickland, a fight he lost, but will forever be etched onto Adam’s soul as one of the most life changing he’s ever had. Where does he go now? It seems his mission is to insure Swerve never achieves his own championship dreams, but now there’s also a little bit of MJF in the mix because, quite frankly, the AEW World Champion is seeing the devil in everyone…

Roderick Strong, since being (questionably) injured by Samoa Joe in the Grand Slam Eliminator Tournament finals back in September, has only fought twice, both just about a month ago, and spent most of his time being wheeled around by The Kingdom while yelling quite unnecessarily. One of those matches, the fight with Action Andretti, saw Strong land rather painfully on that neck that he’s been nursing for three months, giving him further excuses to not fight, but it looks like Roddy is finally putting himself back in the mix!

There’s a rich history between Roderick Strong and Adam Page, one dating back to the earliest years of Hangman’s career, and even saw Page serve as Roddy’s young boy in Ring of Honor when Strong was part of a group known as The Decade. It has been nine years since their last one-on-one fight, ROH’s FINAL BATTLE 2014 event to be exact, and seven-plus years since they last shared at ring at ROH/NJPW GLOBAL WARS 2016. So much has changed for both men, especially for Hangman whose stock has risen so much from those young boy days to that of a former AEW World and World Tag Team champion.

This Wednesday night their paths merge once more as each forges ahead with their careers into the great unknown. Is their future the AEW World Champion? Is it something else neither has found yet? Page still has Swerve in his focus, Roderick is still rather obsessive where it comes to anything around Adam Cole, but is that all there is for them?


Ruby Soho vs. Riho

When we last saw Riho inside an AEW ring it was as another victim of The Outcasts, when they were a united trio, after they’d already beaten her and Skye Blue in a tag team bout. Following the match, Riho was assaulted, spray painted, and dropped with a Triple Powerbomb, never getting a chance to even the score with her assailants.

This past week on DYNAMITE though, after Toni Storm’s victory over Skye Blue, Riho returned to the AEW stage and went straight for the AEW Women’s World Champion! Though Toni may longer have an affiliation with The Outcasts, she was still part of the scenario that put Riho out of AEW action, and the fact Toni’s the reigning champion furthers the incentive for Riho to target her first.

But that doesn’t mean the other women involved are in store for their own comeuppance as well, and that begins this Wednesday night in Arlington when Riho goes one-on-one with Ruby Soho! It’s the first time these two warriors have gone to battle since Ruby eliminated Riho from the 2022 Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament, given Riho even more incentive to even the score with this Outcast! Will Riho manage to do that this Wednesday night, or will Ruby have Saraya at her side to tip the scales?


Samoa Joe had promised to keep Maxwell Jacob Friedman intact heading into their AEW World Championship bout, but it’s hard to do that when the champion is doing nothing to keep himself safe. He’s already banged up from his title fight against Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023, but that hasn’t stopped MJF from continuing to pursue a fight at every opportunity, especially where this Devil and his masked men are concerned. 

That’s what led to Samoa Joe standing in the ring waiting for the arrival of his temporary partner, saw him stuck in the ring while a group of masked men surrounded it, and then just as abruptly left all by himself to watch a video of MJF laid out, apparently with bottle smashed across his head based on the wreckage left around him.

So where is Samoa Joe’s head at after all that, knowing he’s only a couple weeks away from WORLDS END, and MJF constantly in jeopardy of not being up for the fight? We will hear from the most dangerous man in professional wrestling this Wednesday in Arlington!


Coming off a hard-fought victory over “All Ego” Ethan Page, Kenny Omega was laid out by Big Bill and left for dead on the COLLISION stage, a message to Omega and Chris Jericho as they sit with a guaranteed AEW World Tag Team Championship match in their pocket. Both Jericho and Omega have paid physical prices for earning that shot, though Omega may have paid a more personal one given that it came at the cost of beating his supposed best friends at FULL GEAR 2023, and this week on DYNAMITE we will hear from the #1 Contender’s regarding Ricky Starks and Big Bill! Will this be the day they call their shot, and name the site of their title match?

DYNAMITE debuts in Arlington, TX this Wednesday night at the College Park Center featuring three more bouts in the Gold League of the Continental Classic! We’ve got a battle of the 9-Pointers in Swerve Strickland and Jon Moxley, the winless Mark Briscoe fighting Jay White, and Rush taking on Jay Lethal as the latter tries to stay in contention! In addition, former ROH Women’s World Champion Riho returns to action against Ruby Soho, Roderick Strong is back in the fight opposite Hangman Page, and Samoa Joe will be in the house after watching his WORLDS END foe get laid out apparently by AEW’s Devil.

The bouts begin at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, just be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for all the highlights from recent episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER!

This past Wednesday on DYNAMITE the stage for GRAND SLAM 2023 began to take shape as the Grand Slam World Championship Eliminator Tournament began! The winner of said tournament will advance to Arthur Ashe on September 20th to challenge MJF for the AEW World Championship, and on Wednesday night both Darby Allin and Roderick Strong took one step closer to the prize. In addition, we learned there will be a Women’s Four Way Eliminator Match to determine Saraya’s challengers that night involving former champions Toni Storm, Dr. Britt Baker, Hikaru Shida, and Nyla Rose.

This Friday night on RAMPAGE we will find out the other two men advancing to the Semi-Finals in the tournament as Samoa Joe takes on a familiar foe in Jeff Hardy, and Jay Lethal meets Penta El Zero Miedo! Plus, The Young Bucks will be in tag team action after two disappointing nights between ALL IN: LONDON and ALL OUT 2023, and a Women’s Trios battle goes down involving six of the best AEW has to offer! The matches begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel ahead of time for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy

From Universal Studios in Orlando to Abu Dhabi and Allentown, PA to Manchester, UK, Samoa Joe and Jeff Hardy have locked horns some 70+ times over the course of the last 18 years, even in Indianapolis, albeit a different venue that where RAMPAGE emanates from this Friday night. Thirty-two of those bouts have been one-on-one fights, and the balance of the victories tips heavily in favor of Hardy, though their last singles encounter that took place in March 2019 did swing Joe’s way.

This Friday night, as part of the Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament, this storied rivalry will add a new chapter to its story, the first said chapter taking place in All Elite Wrestling, and at stake is the AEW World Championship bout awaiting the winner of the whole field. We’ve already seen Roderick Strong and Darby Allin advance to the Semi-Finals taking place this Saturday on COLLISION in Cleveland, now it’s a question of who will be the other two men to advance. One of those bouts will take place between Joe and Hardy, and the question is whether or not the ROH World Television Champion can buck his history with Jeff and actually defeat the man, or if Jeff Hardy will continue to dominate this rivalry in yet another promotion.


Jay Lethal vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

The other Quarter-Final match in this tournament runs quite contrary to that of Joe/Hardy; rather than a continuation of a rivalry that has crossed promotions for more than a decade, it is instead a first time singles match! While Jay Lethal and Penta El Zero Miedo have met previously in Battle Royales here in AEW, as well as in a non-AEW Three Way that included Matt Taven and took place one day shy of a year ago, they’ve never met in singles competition prior to this Friday night!

It’s a huge opportunity for both individuals, especially for Lethal given that he’s never challenged for the AEW World Championship, but to the victor of this comes the right to fight either Jay Lethal or Samoa Joe. Given the history between Joe and Lethal, one can imagine Lethal rooting for Hardy to win that bout, but he best stay focused on his own fight rather than worry about the outcome of the other.

Which of these warriors will move one step closer to that Grand Slam spotlight?


Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D, Hikaru Shida, & Skye Blue


Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, & The Bunny

Though they’ve managed to persevere through it, Dr. Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida have a history that primarily has them on opposite sides of a fight. Yet ever since the emergence of The Outcasts as a threat to the rest of the Women’s Division, these two AEW stalwarts have found common ground, even if if has occasionally resulted in some crucial miscommunications. Still, they persevere, and this Friday night on RAMPAGE they will do so once again, welcoming Skye Blue to the party for the first time, to form a trio for battle against another first-time unit of Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, and The Bunny!

With Britt and Shida both set for the Four Way Eliminator on Wednesday night’s DYNAMITE, and plenty of past issues swirling about between the women involved here, this one has the potential to be a powder keg between two brand-new trios!


The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Angelo Parker & Matt Menard

The Young Bucks have had a rather frustrating couple weeks: they lost to FTR at ALL IN: LONDON in front of the biggest crowd in AEW’s history, not only giving Cash and Dax the advantage in their trilogy of bouts, but failing to capture the AEW World Tag Team Championship for a third time. Then, a week later at ALL OUT 2023, they and FTR, working as a quartet, fell to BULLET CLUB GOLD; not the best week in Young Buck history, but a new one has dawned, meaning a new chance to make up for those losses and get back on track.

That begins with a fight against former J.A.S. members Angelo Parker and Matt Menard, two men the brothers Jackson haven’t clashed with in over ten years, and who are also looking to get their ship upright after the upheaval of the Jericho Appreciation Society. So will it be the former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champs who get back on track, or Parker and Menard who score a RAMPAGE victory? Tune in Friday night to see which team rises up!

On RAMPAGE this Friday night, we will see who else advances to the Semi-Finals in the Grand Slam World Title Eliminator tournament when Samoa Joe fights Jeff Hardy, and Jay Lethal battles Penta El Zero Miedo! Plus, The Young Bucks take on Matt Menard and Angelo Parker, while Dr. Britt Baker, Shida, and Skye Blue take on Taya Valkyrie, Anna Jay, and The Bunny in Trios action! The night begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so visit the official AEW YouTube channel ahead of time for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!

Twenty-four hours before ALL OUT 2023 comes to pay-per-view, AEW brings COLLISION back to the United Center with multiple matches whose impact will be felt on Sunday night! Ahead of their meeting at ALL OUT, FTR’s Dax Harwood will collide with BULLET CLUB GOLD’s Jay White, new AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed will be their titles on the line against the former J.A.S, and the Four Way Women’s Championship from ALL IN: LONDON will mingle with the TBS Championship match set for Sunday night when all three Outcasts meet Statlander, Baker, and Shida in Trios competition! Plus, Ricky Starks will be in the house with a challenge for the legendary Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat!

The show begins at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT, as well as at for AEW’s international fans, so make it a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest edition of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

Singles Match…

AEW World Tag Team Champion Dax Harwood vs. Jay White

With FTR and The Young Buck set to team up against BULLET CLUB GOLD this Sunday at ALL OUT 2023, it looks like Saturday night’s edition of COLLISION is going to give fans a little preview of the action to come on pay-per-view! Dax Harwood and Jay White will go head-to-head for the very first time, and it stands to reason that these two warriors have gotten to know each other quite well since the premiere of COLLISION. These two men fought each other on four of the first five episodes of Saturday night’s premiere wrestling program, including two of the most memorable tag team matches in AEW history on July 8th and July 15th, but they’ve never met in one-on-one competition before.

Will it be Dax picking up the momentum for his unit heading into Sunday night, or will it by “King Switch” who gets the nod for BC GOLD?

AEW World Trios Championship Match…

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens, Daddy Ass, & Max Caster) vs.

Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, & Matt Menard

At ALL IN: LONDON, The Acclaimed finally got the monkey off their back and defeated The House of Black to become the new AEW World Trios Champions. It was a rough road to get there, one that nearly brought an end to the in-ring career of Daddy Ass, but instead motivated Bowens, Caster, and Billy Gunn to championship status.

So after celebrating their achievement on DYNAMITE, and rewarding themselves with new custom championship titles, they declared they would defend the belts this Saturday night on COLLISION against any trio. The first men to step up to the challenge will be former Jericho Appreciation Society members Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, and Matt Menard who come into this with a 10-4 record in Trios competition.

It’s somewhat of a return to their roots for all three men, working as a trio with Garcia is how Parker and Menard started their AEW career, and it brought them victories over The Dark Order, Kingston/Ortiz/Santana, and many others. So with this return to those beginnings, with The Jericho Appreciation Society apparently behind them, can Parker, Menard, and Garcia end The Acclaimed’s run right out of the gate?

Trios Match…

TBS Champion Kris Statlander, Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D, & Hikaru Shida


The Outcasts (AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya, Ruby Soho, & Toni Storm)

With Kris Statlander set to face Ruby Soho this Sunday night at ALL OUT 2023, the TBS Champion unites with Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D and Hikaru Shida to face The Outcasts in trios competition! Now after the events of ALL IN:LONDON, there is undoubtedly a question of how these two units will function together. On one side, Baker and Shida have had two matches now where miscommunication has played a role in their fight while on the other side, it’s certainly uncertain how The Outcasts can even function. Saraya pinned Toni Storm at Wembley Stadium to become the new AEW Women’s World Champion after the two women came to blows during the course of a bout that also saw Ruby Soho and Toni have their own physical confrontation. It was certainly that seemed like a situation that would implode The Outcasts, but here they are, uniting on Saturday night for a fight.

Clearly Toni Storm isn’t sure what to do about all of this and seems to be unraveling a little more with every passing moment. How will all of these factors play into this Trios match, and how will its outcome effect the TBS Championship fight set for ALL OUT 2023?

An Absolute Challenge…

“Absolute” Ricky Starks is coming to Chicago with one person on his mind: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat! After putting the belt to the legendary World Champion, Starks was suspended as a wrestler so instead he turned his attention to managing Big Bill and whipping Bill’s fallen opponents after their loss.

Well this Saturday night, it appears that Starks is coming to lay out a challenge to “The Dragon” to meet him in a Strap Match at ALL OUT 2023! Though Steamboat has only wrestled one match in the last 13 years, it’s highly unlikely he’s just going to take what Starks did to him without wanting some measure of revenge, but is he up for a Strap Match with the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Winner?

ALL OUT 2023 comes to pay-per-view this Sunday, but before we get there, AEW returns to the United Center for COLLISION! This one is going to have a tremendous impact on Sunday night’s bout, so don’t miss out as FTR’s Dax Harwood fights BULLET CLUB GOLD’s Jay White, The Acclaimed defending their AEW World Trios Titles against Garcia/Menard/Parker, and Ricky Starks making a challenge to the legendary Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat! Plus, the TBS Champion and the AEW Women’s World Champion will lead their respective trios into battle as Statlander and Soho prepare to fight at ALL OUT!

This Sunday, All Elite Wrestling comes to London for the most important event in AEW history since the first DOUBLE OR NOTHING in 2019, and the largest event in All Elite history! In front over 80,000 people at Wembley Stadium, and before a worldwide pay-per-view audience, AEW presents ALL IN: LONDON on Bleacher Report, traditional cable & satellite providers in the United States and Canada, FITE INTERNATIONAL, PPV.COM, and more!

With seven championship matches between the PPV proper and the ZERO HOUR, as well as the return of Stadium Stampede, AEW’s first Tag Team Coffin Match, a Generational Dream Bout, and so much more! The pay-per-view action begins at 6pm BST/1pm EST, with the ZERO HOUR kicking off at 12pm ET/9am PT, featuring an ROH World Tag Team Championship match pitting Aussie Open against Adam Cole & MJF, as well as a FTW Championship Match between Jack Perry and HOOK!

AEW World Championship Match

MJF (c) vs. Adam Cole

It all began on June 7th in Colorado Springs when Adam Cole and MJF were face-to-face on DYNAMITE, and by the end of the conversation Cole embarrassed the AEW World Champion into a match. It may not have been a championship bout, but on June 14th in Washington, DC, when AEW returned to where DYNAMITE first began in 2019, Cole and MJF met in an Eliminator fight, meaning if Cole beat the champion, he would earn a future title match.

Unfortunately for Cole, despite giving Max a taste of his own medicine by using the AEW World Championship belt as a weapon, and MJF him with both The Boom and The Panama Sunrise, the time limit expired and Cole was left empty handed. He hadn’t earned a future title match, and there was certainly no way MJF was going to gift him one just because they had a good fight. That was certainly not something in Max’s nature, not at that point two months ago, but then something happened, something called the Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament. With a future AEW World Tag Team Championship opportunity awaiting the victors, random names were drawn to create tag teams who would then populate the brackets for an eight-team tournament.

Cole and MJF would be the first team put together for the tournament, and while it seemed inevitable they would implode under the weight of their recent history, the exact opposite actually happened. Not only did they did defeat Matt Menard & The Butcher and Big Bill & Brian Cage en route to the finals, they actually managed to win the whole tournament by beating Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara! On top of that, much to the chagrin of Cole’s long-time friend Roderick Strong, Adam and Maxwell actually developed the most unlikely friendship. The two men could not be more different from each other, and yet through their tournament time, their loss to FTR in the AEW World Tag Team Championship bout, and their unique bonding activities away from the ring, these two competitors have actually found mutual respect and even a brotherly love. The most shocking thing to come out of all of this isn’t MJF and Cole becoming friends, it’s that Maxwell Jacob Friedman has actually come to embrace the fans cheering his name and proudly calling themselves his devil worshipers, he’s even been seen slapping hands and hugging children. Given the road MJF has traveled his entire AEW career, if not his entire professional wrestling life, this is the most shocking part of the path to ALL IN: LONDON. Oh, and the fact that MJF actually stuck to the promise he laid out to Cole prior to that FTR bout, that MJF would give Adam Cole an AEW World Championship fight regardless of the championship bout outcome.

Clearly they did not walk away from the bout as new AEW World Tag Team Champions, but in a move that was a true shock, as well as an indicator that perhaps MJF was genuine in his friendship with Cole, the title fight was set for ALL IN: LONDON! What has been most intriguing since that bout was set was seeing if the friendship would implode under the shadow of the AEW World Championship fight, but instead it has seemed to grow stronger, although both Cole and MJF have had their moments when they’ve nearly snuck one on the other man, but has had the side effect of apparently decimating the friendship between Roderick Strong and Adam Cole in the process, driving Strong towards The Kingdom, who experienced their own issues with Cole many years ago in Ring of Honor.

It’s wild to think that mere hours after Adam Cole and the AEW World Champion unite on the ZERO HOUR in an attempt to dethrone Aussie Open as ROH World Tag Team Champions that they will then face one another for the most coveted prize in professional wrestling today.

It will be quite fascinating to see how the outcome of that ZERO HOUR bout factors into the main event of ALL IN: LONDON. Will Adam Cole and MJF enter as the new ROH World Tag Team Champions, or will they enter into the biggest match of their careers as beaten men? Will it be a tag team bout that breaks the bond they’ve built over the last couple months, or one that strengthens the ties enough to survive however the World Championship fight plays out? And just who will walk into Chicago, mere days after this, as the reigning champion looking towards whatever ALL OUT 2023 may have in store for him?

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

The date was November 7th and the event FULL GEAR 2020; it was huge night for several reasons, one being that it was the most people watching AEW in-person since the Pandemic changed our world, but also that it was the night one of pro wrestling’s dream matches finally became reality. After years of debate over who was the better team, The Young Bucks and FTR finally clashed, and with the AEW World Tag Team Championship titles at stake. That night it would be The Young Bucks who walked away victorious, capturing the AEW Tag Titles for the very first time, and at least on that night, staking their claim as the top team in professional wrestling today.

It would be quite some time before we saw Cash, Dax, Matt, and Nick collide in a tag team bout, seventeen months to be precise, and on that night in Boston, with both the ROH World Tag Titles and the AAA Tag Titles at stake, it would be FTR who left Agganis Arena with the win, and both sets of championship titles.

So when FTR finally reclaimed the AEW World Tag Team Championship, defeating The Gunns in April of this year, the speculation began about when fans might get to see a rubber match between these two duos. That speculation came to an end on August 5th when, after defeating Big Bill & Brian Cage in a championship bout, FTR challenged The Young Bucks to a fight at Wembley Stadium! The biggest tag team championship bout for the biggest event in All Elite Wrestling history; it made perfect sense, and The Young Bucks would agree just a few nights later!

So on this grand stage, in front of more than 80,000 of the AEW faithful, and with countless more watching around the world, will we see the heart and soul of All Elite Wrestling become 3-Time AEW World Tag Team Champions or will it Billion Star FTR who lays claim to the best tag team moniker while also retaining their championship titles?

AEW Women’s World Championship Four Way Match

Hikaru Shida (c) vs. Saraya vs. Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD

What a tangled web this AEW Women’s World Championship bout has become after last Friday night’s tag team bout on RAMPAGE. Defending Champion Shida and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D teamed up to take on The Outcasts Saraya and Toni Storm in a preview of the Four Way taking place on Sunday at Wembley Stadium.

While there was certainly hope with all four women that this would be an opportunity to get a last minute advantage, and though that is what happened for The Outcasts, it also created a whole mess of tension between all four competitors. The history between Shida and Baker, the one where the latter ended the former’s historic first title reign, seemed to have been set aside as they united against the threat of The Outcasts, but when a blinded Shida decked her own partner, inadvertently setting Britt up to be beaten by Saraya, it was not the best way to put the former foes on the same page against The Outcasts during Sunday’s event. Prior to that moment, it seemed possible that Shida and the Good Doctor could at least unite to insure neither Outcast left Wembley with the Women’s World Championship, but after that blow on Friday, compiled with their history over AEW’s existence, it seems highly unlikely they will find common ground.

That being said, it seemed like a given that The Outcasts would have common ground in the mission to dethrone Shida, and while that may be the case, the way Saraya and Toni Storm left things on Friday night, it seems there could be something rotten in the locker room of The Outcasts. Toni aims to be the first 3-Time champion, while Saraya hopes to not only win her first championship in AEW, but also her first championship in nine years, and those two goals are clearly in conflict. So the question on Sunday will be, if it comes down to either Saraya or Toni Storm getting the victory and the title, will the other allow that to happen? And if there is some dissension in the ranks of The Outcasts, will that provide the opening either Hikaru Shida or Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D need to have their hand raised in victory before 80,000 strong?

Stadium Stampede Match

Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta), Eddie Kingston, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Blackpool Combat Club (ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta), Santana & Ortiz

It’s been a couple years since Stadium Stampede has reared its head in All Elite Wrestling, since DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2021 to be precise, but this Sunday at Wembley Stadium, before the largest crowd in AEW history, one of the most unpredictable matches in company history makes its return! But it’s not just the match making its return, it’s also several of the competitors returning to action after time away, and some of the strangest bedfellows imaginable!

First off, who would’ve ever thought Eddie Kingston would be standing side-by-side with Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta, and AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy? On top of that, who would’ve thought that, given how toxic their AEW relationship was in past, that the Lucha Brothers would once again stand beside Eddie Kingston, or that Penta and Fenix would unite with The Best Friends given their own violent history as foes?

And could anyone possibly have predicated that two of Eddie Kingston’s oldest friends, two men who spent a great deal of time trying to end Jon Moxley’s career early in AEW’s history, would side up with The Blackpool Combat Club against Eddie in this Stadium Stampede? But then again, the last time we saw Ortiz in All Elite Wrestling, he and Kingston had a massive falling out as a result of House of Black machinations, and they were throwing down with one another. That may have been six months ago, but it was a wound never healed, much less addressed, and it appears this is just one chicken that’s come home to roost for Kingston. The other comes in the form of Santana, a man who has been on the shelf since June 2022’s Blood & Guts match in Detroit recovering from injury, a match he was in at the request of Kingston, and a man who it seems Kingston forgot about in the aftermath of that war.

It’s clear that Kingston’s hatred for Claudio Castagnoli is what’s driving this for him, but for the rest of his group, it’s about what The Blackpool Combat Club has done to them over the last several weeks. The Best Friends and Orange Cassidy have been repeatedly assaulted, look at the Parking Lot Fight from RAMPAGE for a microcosm of what this dynamic has looked like The BCC lost Blood & Guts to The Golden Elite six weeks ago. It feels as if that loss, and how it came to pass, has spiraled Mox, Claudio, and Yuta into a flurry of violence, and The Luchas and Best Friends have been the targets for assorted reasons. The connection to “The Bastard” PAC put a crosshairs on Penta and Fenix, leading to Rey being eliminated from even competing in this match this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE, while Yuta’s connection to The Best Friends, as well as events from ROH’s DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2023 PPV event, led them into this fracas.

And now it will all explode in utterly unpredictable fashion this Sunday at ALL IN: LONDON! How much frustration must Santana have pent-up after over a year away from the fight? How much does Ortiz want to punch Kingston in the mouth for how they left things? For that matter, how much violence do all these men want to inflict upon one another for everything that’s happened over the last several weeks, as well as for everything that’s tied these men together in various fashion both here in All Elite Wrestling, and in their lives before entering into AEW? This will be officially sanctioned chaos, and it is coming to Wembley Stadium this Sunday!

AEW World Trios Championship Match

The House Of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black) (w/Julia Hart) (c) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn

The House of Black couldn’t leave well-enough alone; the AEW World Trios Champions had twice-defeated The Acclaimed in championship fights, and even driven Billy Gunn into retirement, thinking he didn’t have it as a competitor any more, and was better off hanging up his boots in front of the entire world as he sat in the middle of the ring.

But that wasn’t enough for Malakai Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Julia Hart; perhaps it was the insistence from Max and Anthony that they still believed, with Billy, they were the best trio in All Elite Wrestling. Perhaps they needed to send a message to The Acclaimed of what would happen if they ever came near The House again, and perhaps the disposal of Billy’s boots into the trash bin was part of the message of what would happen should they come knocking on The House’s door once again.

Instead, what The House got was a very angry Max Caster and Anthony Bowens who didn’t care about the numbers, and still wanted a fight with the World Trios Champions knowing they would be, no pun intended, outgunned. So when The Acclaimed’s music hit, as Brody King was preparing to level Anthony Bowens with the same chain used to bloody Max Caster, it was a shock to the former AEW World Tag Team Champions that their friend and mentor was on the spot to not just disperse The House of Black, but to also make a challenge for this match set to take place at Wembley Stadium!

So with The Acclaimed reunited at full strength, this past Saturday on COLLISION the trio decided to share one last verse with their foes before heading into battle at ALL IN: LONDON:

Will The House of Black make a clean sweep of The Acclaimed in this, their third championship fight, and once again prove that it is they who are the most dominant trio in All Elite Wrestling? Or will The Acclaimed take the lessons learned from their previous outings, add that to the renewed confidence demonstrated by Billy Gunn, and turn it into championship success?

“Real” AEW World Championship Match

CM Punk (c) vs. Samoa Joe

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe was a happy man on Saturday night, if only for a brief moment, because he knew that come Sunday at ALL IN: LONDON he would be getting the fight he’d been wanting ever since CM Punk defeated him during the 2023 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. At first Joe was indignant that Punk didn’t even bother responding to the challenge, which led to Joe removing Punk from the equation when he and FTR challenge The House of Black for the AEW World Trios Championship.

Punk’s response came in the form of a little deception, entering the ring to fight Joe under the guise of Golden Vampire, and laying the ROH World TV Champion low with a GTS before accepting the challenge for this fight at Wembley Stadium. Samoa Joe and CM Punk fighting in England feels appropriate for a number of reasons, one being that their last singles match prior to AEW took place 100 miles away in Conventry back in March 2005, and another being that over 80,000 fans will experience the next chapter in this landmark feud for modern wrestling history. The Trilogy, as it is known to Ring of Honor fans, defined independent wrestling for the 2000’s and beyond, shaped an entire generation of wrestlers who came along afterwards, and helped to save Ring of Honor during one of its most tumultuous times.

As if the heated rivalry between these two warriors wasn’t enough, add in the factor of Punk’s Championship belt, and this is escalated to a whole new level. Whereas the match during The Owen still carried some of the respect built between the two over the years prior, what has led Punk and Joe to this next chapter in their story has been utterly devoid of it. And that calm, peaceful Samoa Joe that sat down on Saturday to do commentary during the main event, that all went out the window when CM Punk chose to apply Joe’s signature choke to Brian Cage in order to win the match. Suffice to say that was the trigger moment that led to the utter chaos that capped off COLLISION, but will it be what ends the night on Sunday for Punk? Will he fall victim to Joe’s choke as he did so many years ago at ROH’s ALL STAR EXTRAGANZA II event, or it will the ROH World TV Champion be put to sleep like he was just a week ago?

Dream Match…

Chris Jericho vs. IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion Will Ospreay

This heated up rather quickly; something that began as Don Callis playing his games with people’s lives rapidly turned into a situation in which his games are an afterthought to the hostilities between Chris Jericho and Will Ospreay that exploded during their contract signing this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE.

As Ospreay laid out everything he was fighting for this Sunday at Wembley Stadium, Chris Jericho took credit for the mere fact that the IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion was in that position in the first place. “The Ocho” brought up a five year old phone call as being the reason Ospreay transformed into the wrestler he is today rather than ending up in a wheelchair, and though “The Aerial Assassin” may not have known that was a possibility, Jericho also said he and Will would’ve collided two years ago if not for the pandemic disrupting the plan.

So although Don Callis may have orchestrated the moment in which Ospreay leveled Jericho from behind, this has become about something bigger than Callis stabbing Jericho in the back despite the original AEW World Champion being willing to join the family. This is a generational dream match, two of the greatest competing today, coming from drastically different places in their careers, but both wanting to be known as the absolute best wrestler walking the planet today, and there is no bigger stage to to fight it out than in front of 80,000+ fans inside the biggest venue England has to offer! Ospreay is heading into this after a tremendous showing during NJPW’s G1 Climax Tournament, and after defeating Shingo Takagi at RevPro just 24 hours before ALL IN: LONDON is set to begin. Conversely Jericho heads into this having watched his Appreciation Society, save Sammy Guevara, dissolved right in front of him all because he couldn’t make the choice between Don Callis and The J.A.S. It was only after he’d lost everything that Jericho gave Callis a “yes”, and the fact that Callis anticipated a “no” is what set this ball rolling.

Jericho has made it clear this is the most important match of his life, perhaps more so because of all he’s lost in the last several weeks, and this is the most important event on which he’s ever fought. For Ospreay the same is true, he wants to add Jericho’s name to the list that includes Kazuchika Okada, Kenny Omega, David Finlay, and Shingo Takagi as some of the men he’s beaten in the last two months. For Will it’s about supporting a family, it’s about doing it in his home country on the biggest stage AEW has ever had, and doing it at the expense of a certified legend who still competes at the highest levels.

Of course Don Callis lurks at the shadows around this match, of course he wants to make sure Jericho doesn’t not walk out of Wembley with a win, the words “your head on a platter” were what he spoke regarding what he offered Ospreay to come fight Jericho, and while he did his best to screw Kenny Omega at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023, will Callis be there to try to do it to Jericho this Sunday in London?

Trios Match…

BULLET CLUB GOLD (Jay White & Juice Robinson) & Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis) vs. The Golden Elite (Adam Page, Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi)

It seems Don Callis will sign up with anyone he can to make Kenny Omega’s life a living hell. First he threw in his lot with The Blackpool Combat Club ahead of Blood & Guts, only to pull Konosuke Takeshita from the fray when things started to get hairy for The BCC after “The Bastard” PAC bailed on them. Callis, and Takeshita for that matter, are lucky The BCC have been occupied with other matters and vengeance hasn’t swung their way for that abandonment.

Now it seems Callis has thrown his favor the way of BULLET CLUB GOLD as they assaulted Kenny Omega while he was in the midst of an interview with Jim Ross. It’s clear this is where they all felt safe accosting Omega, during a situation where there was not a soul available to help him, and yet they still did so with a distinct numbers advantage that “The Cleaner” could not possible have overcome.

And perhaps BC GOLD thought they’d face little repercussion as The Young Bucks would be wrapped up in their own dealings with FTR, Cash and Dax being other people with some BC GOLD bad blood, but thankfully the former AEW World Champion has friends beyond the brothers Jackson.

So it will be this Sunday night that, for the very first time, The Golden Lovers and Hangman Page compete in Trios action to take on another nascent trio in Jay White, Juice Robinson, and Konosuke Takeshita! It’s clear Don Callis is on a revenge trip when it comes to Kenny, will aim any gun he can at the man he once considered family, and will fire any bullets he finds at the former AEW World Champion. This week it’s BULLET CLUB GOLD, but should Kenny, Hangman, and Kota Ibushi turn away this attack, what will Callis throw at Omega next? What will Kenny have to do in order to shut Don Callis down for good?

BULLET CLUB GOLD is supremely confident riding into London, just listen to how they address the situation in the video embedded above, and are utterly convinced their Bang Bang Gang are the dominant force in All Elite Wrestling, but if they can shut down Omega, Ibushi, and Hangman at Wembley, they may be right!

Tag Team Coffin Match…

Christian Cage & Swerve Strickland vs. Darby Allin & Sting

Originally the challenge to this Tag Team Coffin Match was made to AR Fox and Swerve Strickland, but as was seen this past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, following their tag team loss to Darby Allin and Nick Wayne, Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana fired Fox from The Mogul Embassy, leaving Brian Cage to deliver the killing blow.

This brought out Darby, Nick, and Sting back to run off The Mogul Embassy, despite Fox’s betrayal of the men, which in turn brought Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus out as well. The arrival of Cage and the actual TNT Champion led to the announcement that it would be Christian Cage, rather than AR Fox, who would travel to Wembley Stadium for the Tag Team Coffin Match!

It looks like all of Darby Allin’s enemies are lining up against him for this fight as his issues with Christian and Luchasaurus, set to take center stage at ALL OUT 2023 where Darby will fight Luchasaurus for the TNT Championship, merge with those involving Swerve Strickland, and explode in AEW’s first ever Tag Team Coffin Match! Given that it’s Luchasaurus who will actually do the heavy lifting in Chicago, and not Christian Cage, there’s a great deal of concern about what condition Darby will be in for September 3rd at The United Center, but ultimately he and Sting have to focus on one fight at a time, and it’s a fight that’s been part of Darby’s AEW career for quite some time now. For a detailed look at how we got here, check out this history package, but suffice to say that Darby and Swerve have history that predates All Elite Wrestling, and it’s only gotten uglier in the time that both men have been part of the company.

With 80,000-plus cheering them on, Darby Allin and Sting come to Wembley this Saturday not to praise Christian and Swerve, but to lock them inside a coffin and take the first step towards clearing the table. Part one happens in Wembley when the coffin lid is closed on Christian and Swerve, part two takes place in Chicago when Darby Allin becomes a 3-Time TNT Champion; at least that’s their hope.


ROH World Tag Team Championship Match…

Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) (c) vs. Adam Cole & MJF

Suffice to say that the main event of ALL IN: LONDON is going to be greatly affected by the events of the ZERO HOUR beginning at 12pm ET/9am PT on AEW’s official YouTube channel ( Adam Cole, having never won the ROH World Tag Team Championship, and MJF, having never competed in anything involving Ring of Honor, will challenge the defending ROH World Tag Team Champs Aussie Open ahead of their fight over the AEW World Championship later in the night!

Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis, after capturing the titles at ROH’s DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2023 pay-per-view event, have successfully defended the championship on four occasions, including this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE against The Hardys. They are on quite the roll since their July title victory, but face incredibly tough competition in MJF and Cole who, although relatively new to tag team competition, were victorious in the Blind Eliminator Tag Tournament, and gave FTR a tremendous fight in the AEW World Tag Team Championship loss a few weeks back. Amazingly enough, even with their AEW World Title fight on the horizon, Cole and Friedman have managed to keep their new-found friendship intact. Both men seem intent on maintaining the friendship, despite the protestations of Cole’s long-time friend Roderick Strong, the seeming impossibility that MJF can be trusted at all, and the championship fight coming just a few hours after this tag team title bout.

Can Aussie Open use the circumstances of the evening to their advantage and retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles? Or will the bromance of Cole and MJF lead to success as a team just before the biggest fight of both men’s careers? And if the match plays out in the favor of Aussie Open, how will that affect the AEW World Championship Match, as well as the relationship between championship and challenger? In the history of the ZERO HOUR/BUY-IN, this is the most important match that’s ever taken place, but will it be Aussie Open or MJF/Cole who history remembers as the victor?

FTW Title Match…

Jack Perry (c) vs. Hook

Jack Perry may have entered into the Gas South Arena on Saturday night with the intention of smashing the FTW Championship to bits, but “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” HOOK had other plans for his former friend, and they didn’t include seeing the championship his father created left in the history books with Perry’s face plastered as its final champion.

The chaos that was the final COLLISION before ALL IN: LONDON would culminate in a crazy brawl involving fighters all slated to compete at Wembley Stadium, but it was Jack Perry who snuck in the back door, having nothing to do with the 10-Man Tag main event, and attacked his challenger. It started when Jack betrayed HOOK at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023, was followed by Perry running from the then-FTW Champion for weeks, before finally having to answer for his betrayal inside the squared circle. Surprisingly Jack handed HOOK his first loss that night in Boston, and even bested Rob Van Dam several weeks ago in Columbus, but HOOK wasn’t going to standby for long given Perry’s threats of what he would do after beating RVD.

Jack Perry can’t run from this one, not even when he’s in London some 5,500 miles away from his Los Angeles home, even there HOOK will be waiting, and retribution will be waiting with him!

This Sunday the biggest event in AEW history goes down at Wembley Stadium when All Elite Wrestling presents ALL IN: LONDON in front of more than 80,000 fans in London, and before a worldwide audience on Bleacher Report, traditional cable & satellite providers in the United States and Canada, FITE INTERNATIONAL, PPV.COM, and more!

From Adam Cole challenging MJF for the AEW World Championship to the return of Stadium Stampede, from AEW’s first Tag Team Coffin Match to a loaded AEW Woman’s World Championship Four Way, and from a Dream Bout pitting Chris Jericho against Will Osprey to FTR/Young Bucks Round Three, and so much more, this is a loaded event from top-to-bottom! The pay-per-view action starts at 6pm BST/1pm EST, with the ZERO HOUR getting underway at 12pm ET/9am PT, and includes the ROH World Tag Team Championship match between Aussie Open and Adam Cole/MJF, plus a FTW Championship Grudge Match between Jack Perry and HOOK!

Whether you’re there in-person or watching on PPV, you are all a part of history that would not have been possible without the support of the AEW faithful around the world!

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