< div data-embed-button=”video_embed” data-entity-id=”40064768″ data-entity-label=”an embedded video” data-entity-type=”node” data-entity-uuid data-view-mode=”wysiwyg_embed”> < div id=”node-40064768″ class=”wwe-embed–item node node–video node–wysiwyg-embed node–video–wysiwyg-embed clearfix” role=”article”> < div class=”content”><a href="https://www.wwe.com/videos/montez-ford-pays-tribute-to-the-rock-in-nxt-tag-team-title-battle-takeover-toronto-wwe" data-nid="40064768" data-tracking-label="Montez Ford pays tribute to The Rock in NXT Tag

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hNHUrPrEKA?feature=oembed&w=480&h=270] Kofi Kingston’s desire to be champion knows no bounds, whether it be WWE Champion … or the UpUpDownDown Champion! In this exclusive bonus clip from his upcoming WWE 24 special, “Year of Return”

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WrestleMania 36 already has its first celebrity guest! Zack Gottsagen, star of the upcoming film “The Peanut Butter Falcon,” which features a young man with sports-entertainment aspirations, appeared on “GMA” on ABC Wednesday morning alongside

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