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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson 

vs. Shane Taylor (with Lee Moriarty of Shane Taylor Promotions)!

The fans chanted “Let’s go Bryan! Let’s go Bryan!”

Taylor threw Danielson halfway across the ring! Danielson grappled Taylor to the mat and connected with hammer and anvil blows until Taylor escaped. Taylor rocked Danielson with a shot to the jaw!

Taylor blistered Bryan’s chest with thunderous chops. Danielson returned fire with kicks to Taylor. Danielson got Taylor to the mat and stomped on Taylor’s leg. Danielson tied up Taylor’s leg in the ropes and nailed Taylor with a running dropkick. Taylor blocked a kick and countered with a massive knee lift to Danielson, sending Danielson spilling out of the ring. 

Shane Taylor squashed Danielson with a guillotine leg drop on the apron! Taylor cracked Danielson with another chop to the chest. Danielson charged off the ropes and dropkicked Taylor’s knee. Taylor tried to splash Danielson in the corner, but Danielson dodged it. Danielson wrenched Taylor’s leg across the ring post. Danielson blasted Taylor with a dropkick off the top rope. Danielson clobbered Taylor with kicks to Taylor’s leg. Taylor dropped to his knees and Danielson clocked Taylor with a kick to the head. Danielson covered Taylor but Taylor kicked out at the one-count!

Danielson got a head of steam and charged at Taylor with a running up-kick. Taylor retaliated with a lariat for a near fall on Danielson. Taylor headbutted Danielson in the chest and then hit a big splash for a two-count on Danielson!

“Did you see the look on Shane Taylor’s face? He hit Danielson with everything,” said Schiavone.

Danielson dodged a cannonball from Taylor. Danielson blasted Taylor with the running knee strike and pinned Shane Taylor!

“Bryan Danielson is amazing. You have to admit it!” said Schiavone.

“I have to admit nothing. He got lucky,” replied Nigel.

Will Ospreay’s music hit and Ospreay walked down to the ring!

Ospreay: “I want to have a chat with Danielson. Ladies and gentlemen, give a round of applause for the match we just saw. It’s so incredible watching you work, the number of years you’ve been doing this, and you’re still performing at the highest of levels. 

“In the short time that I’ve been here, I’ve noticed a lot of things. The thing I notice when you walk up and down these hallways, people go, ‘Wow, that’s Bryan Danielson.’ You set the bar. You’ve set the standard here. On behalf of everyone, if you don’t mind, thank you for everything that you’ve done. But you interrupted me on my main event during Dynamite. So, I’ve got this warm feeling in my belly that maybe you have something you want to ask me.”

Danielson: “That’s about half right. I have something I want to ask you. And I have something I want to say to you. First, welcome to AEW! And secondly, I saw the match that you had with Takeshita at Revolution. Not only did you win, but that was one of the best damn matches that I’ve ever seen. But I also listened to you in the media scrum afterwards, where he said for years he’s been screaming that he’s the best wrestler in the world, and he came to prove it. Well, I want to give you the chance to prove it. What do you say? Bryan Danielson versus Will Ospreay at AEW Dynasty on Sunday, April 21st?”

Ospreay: “Yes, bruv!”

Trios Match!

The Elite— “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks—EVPs Matthew & Nicholas Jackson


Jon Cruz, Liam Grey, & Adrian Alanis!

Okada wanted to start the match, so Nicholas Jackson tagged him in. Alanis struck Okada with forearms, but Okada returned fire with a beautiful dropkick! Liam tagged in and was rocked by the Rainmaker clothesline, and Okada pinned Liam in short order!

Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston charged into the ring and tried to strike Okada with his title belt! The Elite had Kingston outnumbered and began to stomp him. Penta El Zero Miedo sprinted to the ring and wiped out the Bucks with sling blades! Okada ducked the sling blade from Penta and countered with a neck breaker across his knee!

“And now it’s three on two. Penta and Kingston are at the mercy of our EVPs and Okada,” said Schiavone.

“The Bastard” Pac made his return! Pac stormed to the ring, dropkicked Matthew and the rocked Nicholas with a pump kick! Pac and Okada had a stare down. They traded forearms. Pac used his quickness, staggering Okada with kicks and then a vicious German Suplex! The Bucks pulled Okada out of the ring to safety!

Pac: “I’ll make this very clear for you. The Bastard’s back! And I promise you I’m just looking for trouble. So, if it’s trouble you’re after, you’re barking up the correct tree, you understand me? Boys, you want some, I’ll give it to you!”

Kingston: “Hey, Big Business, Boston, Dynamite, next week, six man tag. I’ll see you there!” 

Mariah May vs. Trish Adora!

Mariah took down Trish with a side headlock takeover. Trish rolled up Mariah for a near fall. Mariah blasted Trish with a shotgun dropkick! Mariah tried for the hip attack, but Trish avoided it. Trish wiped out May with a pump kick and then a senton splash for a near fall.

Mariah grabbed Trish by the hair and yanked her down to the mat. Trish suplexed Mariah from her knees for a near fall. Mariah May clocked Trish with a headbutt and then pinned her after the May Day!

“Mariah May continues her undefeated streak. Now 5-0,” said Tony Schiavone.

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm appeared on the ramp to present the first annual Toni Award!

Mariah May was the only nominee…and surprise, surprise, Mariah May was the winner!

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo ambushed Toni Storm from behind! Mariah May came to the aid of Toni Storm and spiked Deonna with a DDT on the ramp! Toni Storm presented Mariah with a shoe as a trophy.

The fans chanted “You deserve it! You deserve it!”

“Well, you know what they say, Toni, if the shoe fits,” said Nigel.

Nick Wayne (with the Patriarchy) vs. Adam Priest!

Nick Wayne hit a shoulder tackle and then a hurracanrana on Priest. Adam Priest rallied back with a European Uppercut. Nick Wayne dumped Priest onto the arena floor. Back in the ring, Nick Wayne nailed Priest with a fisherman’s suplex. Nick Wayne planted Priest with Wayne’s World and pinned Priest!

TNT Champion Christian Cage grabbed a sign from a masked fan at ringside and tore it up. The fan pulled Christian Cage over the barricade!

“Is this a luchador? Is this somebody from CMLL?” asked Schiavone.

The luchador took off his mask and revealed himself. It was the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland! Copeland had the TNT belt in the ring. Copeland brought a case in the ring, too. Copeland opened the box, but Christian Cage back peddled.

“What’s in the box? Whatever is in the box has put the TNT Champion in reverse!” said Schiavone. 

Copeland: “Get your stupid little mouth ready to say two words! Toronto, Dynamite, TNT Championship, Cope-Cage 3!”

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. CMLL’s Titan!

Jericho and Titan exchanged chops in the center of the ring. Titan clocked Jericho with a matrix type kick. Titan followed up with a double springboard into a hurracanrana. Titan wiped out Jericho with a tope suicida. 

They jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle, but Jericho grabbed Titan by the mask and planted him on the mat headfirst! Titan rallied back with a PK kick and then dived over the top rope, landing on “Lionheart” on the arena floor!

Titan jumped back into the ring with a double foot stomp on Jericho. Jericho turned things around with a butterfly into a backbreaker for a near fall. Titan dodged the lionsault and then stunned Jericho with a spinning DDT for a two-count on Jericho. 

Titan climbed to the top turnbuckle and rocked Jericho with a double foot stomp to the sternum for a near fall on Jericho! Jericho escaped Titan’s signature submission hold. Titan ducked the Judas Effect and stunned Jericho with a matrix kick. Titan nailed Jericho with a Death Valley Bomb for a two-count. 

Titan attempted a springboard hurracanrana, but Jericho caught him and countered with the Lion Tamer, forcing Titan to tap out!

After the match, the Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona—ambushed Chris Jericho!

FTW Champion Hook came down to the ring with a kendo stick and walloped the Gates of Agony with the kendo stick!

“Hook and Jericho standing together. Jericho was being decimated by the Gates of Agony until Hook helped him out,” said Schiavone.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler! 

Cash: “I think it’s safe to say Sunday did not go according to plan for FTR. And that’s life. It happens. Life can knock you down and kick you while you’re there. But all we can do it get up, dust ourselves off, and keep moving forward. 2024 marks 10 years of FTR. 

“So, with that being said, what is next for FTR? We just so happened to have an AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament around the corner. And if you didn’t know, now you know we’re officially throwing our names into the ring. And in doing so I hope we run into Mox and Claudio, any form of BCC again, and when we do so, they’re a stepping stone for us becoming the first ever three-time AEW World Tag Team Champions!”

Dax: “Tony, Collision has been built on the back of tag team wrestling. It would be easy for me to tell you we’re the greatest tag team of all time. But there’s one thing I’m not. I’m not a liar. You saw the pay-per-view and I can’t confidently say that FTR has been firing on all cylinders. And in saying that I have a little bit of self-doubt. I don’t even know if FTR should be in this tournament for the World Tag Team Championships. 

“But if you’ll have us, I promise you we’ll give you every ounce of energy until we roll over and can’t get back up. And until then, hopefully we’ll become your first ever three-time AEW World Tag Team Champions. Top guys, out!”

The Infantry—the Captain Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo—came down the ramp and entered the ring! The Infantry shook the hands of FTR and said, “May the best team win, because we’re coming for your spot!”

CMLL’s Mistico vs. Angelico (with Serpentico)!

Mistico ducked a lariat attempt from Angelico and countered with a springboard back elbow. Serpentico jumped on the ring apron to distract Mistico, and Angelico seized the opportunity to crack Mistico with a pump kick. Angelico followed up with a side suplex on Mistico, but Mistico kicked out at the one-count.

Mistico used the top rope as a springboard to dropkick Angelico. Mistico jumped over the top with a plancha into a hurracanrana onto Angelico on the floor! Mistico hit a tornillo on Angelico back in the ring for a near fall. Mistico splashed Angelico for a two-count.

Angelico and Mistico traded running lariats. After a flurry of offense, Mistico applied La Mistica and forced Angelico to tap out!

Atlanta Street Fight!

House of Black—Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, & Brody King


Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal, & Jeff Jarrett!

Jarrett carried plunder out to the ring, wielding a trash can at Buddy! Lethal lunged out with a tope suicida to Brody King! Mark Briscoe stomped a mudhole in Malakai!

Brody charged at Lethal, but Lethal countered with a drop toe hold, sending Brody crashing onto a steel chair. Mark Briscoe and Buddy Matthews brawled around the ring. Lethal used a chair as a launching pad but he launched into a big elbow strike from Brody King! Brody followed up with a running cross body, smashing Lethal through a table propped up on the barricade.

Brody shoved Mark Briscoe off the top turnbuckle and sent Mark soaring through the air! Mark landed on a pile of steel chairs on the arena floor! Brody power bombed Briscoe through a table. Buddy poured lighter fluid on a table. Malakai grabbed a lighter. 

Sonjay Dutt hit Buddy from behind, but Buddy didn’t budge. Julia Hart walked out and handed Buddy a can of gasoline. Budy poured the gas on Sonjay. Karen Jarrett came out from the tunnel and hit Buddy with a low blow. Sonjay shoved Buddy of the ramp, sending him crashing through a table. Julia Hart blew mist into Karen’s eyes!

Brody and Lethal brawled on the apron. Jeff Jarrett smashed a guitar over Brody’s head, and Brody fell off the apron, crashing through the table on the floor. Malakai Black blasted Jeff Jarett with a roundhouse kick. 

Malakai Black pulled out a spike and went to strike Mark, but Mark blocked it! Mark nailed Black with the Jay Driller! Mark had the spike, but Julia Hart grabbed Mark’s ankle. Mark Briscoe flipped over the top rope, using a steel chair as a catapult, but Malakai and Buddy caught Mark and power bombed him onto the apron. Julia Hart ignited the table and then Malakai and Buddy power bombed Mark Briscoe through the flaming table! They put Briscoe back into the ring and Malakai scored the pin!

“The house always wins,” said Nigel.

“But Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett proved to be good partners for Mark Briscoe,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Big Business on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the TD Garden in Boston, MA!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After a tremendous night of action on RAMPAGE, All Elite Wrestling continues on a hot streak this Saturday night with an all-new COLLISION! Emanating from Gas South Arena in Gwinnett County, AEW presents two hours of hard-hitting professional wrestling action with Bryan Danielson taking on Shane Taylor, the new Elite of The Young Bucks and “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada in action, Chris Jericho taking on AAA’s Titan, and Toni Storm’s 1st ever Toni Awards! Plus Mark Briscoe will team up with Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett for an Atlanta Street Fight against The House of Black, and Mariah May will step back into competition after her performance as Toni Storm last Sunday night!

The night gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepped for it by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER! Then join us next Wednesday evening in Boston for DYNAMITE: BIG BUSINESS coming to you from the TD Garden, and already looking to be another of the biggest nights in AEW’s television history!


Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal, & Jeff Jarrett vs. 

The House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black)

Well, a week ago we all watched as Mark Briscoe attempted to use pyro to set fire to Buddy Matthews, and this week it looks like the situation is about to get even hotter because The House of Black is looking to burn Mark Briscoe’s world down around him! Yet in situations such as these, though he may seem like a fraying rope, Mark Briscoe is actually in his happy place…

Though will he be happy with Jeff Jarrett standing by his side? Can he put aside his distrust of Double J long enough to focus on the fight with The House? Can Mark take the trust he has in Jay Lethal, a man he has called one of his best friends, and apply it to Jarrett? If he can’t, then Mark’s trio is doomed for failure against the onslaught of Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Malakai Black, but if Mark, Lethal, and Double J can get it together, they just might be able to burn The House down to its foundation!


There had been a buzz around the wrestling landscape that “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada could be making his way to All Elite Wrestling on a more permanent basis. Sure he’d dipped his toes in the elite waters with the FORBIDDEN DOOR events, and even stepped into the DYNAMITE ring to team up with Orange Cassidy, but it wasn’t until this past Wednesday night that the world learned that Okada was indeed All Elite!

Unfortunately, as Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston learned the hard way, Okada wasn’t just All Elite, he was now also one of The Elite. That’s right, Okada came to AEW from NJPW and immediately signed on the dotted line with The EVP’s, Matthew and Nicholas Jackson! Now there’s a great deal of history between the three men dating back to 2010 with Okada’s first forays into the United States, as well as their engagements in NJPW several years later, but it was still quite a shock to see “The Rainmaker” standing over the fallen Kingston with those two individuals rather than fighting them at Kingston’s side.

Well this Saturday night on COLLISION it won’t be a sneak attack putting The Young Bucks and Okada together, it will be the first Trios match together for this new iteration of The Elite, and whoever steps into the ring across from them best be wary. Matthew and Nicholas are none too happy after the events of REVOLUTION 2024, and though the addition of Okada may have boosted their spirits, they are still looking for some poor unfortunate souls to take out their frustration.


“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Titan

He has been the CMLL World Welterweight Champion for over 1,500 days, he is a member of Los Ingobernables de Japon in NJPW, and is one of the most exciting high-flyers in Lucha Libre today! He is Titan (pronounced Tee-tan), and this Saturday night he makes his AEW debut on COLLISION against “Lionheart” Chris Jericho!

As the original AEW World Champion, Jericho is one of the standard bearers, but his career has deep roots in Mexico with CMLL, including fighting a different man competing under the Titan name in his very first match. It’s where “Lionheart” was born as “Corazon de Leon”, and where Jericho learned much of the skills that bolstered him to international stardom in the first place. 

As was witnessed recently when Jericho took on Atlantis Jr., the involvement of CMLL in All Elite Wrestling has given “The Ocho” a new fire, a new outlet to focus his energies towards, though he is being pulled in multiple directions given his engagement with HOOK, and his perpetual issues with The Don Callis Family. If Jericho wants to have the same success with Titan that he had with Atlantis Jr, he better have his head in this particular game on COLLISION, or the CMLL World Welterweight Champion is going to add “Corazon de Leon” to the list of his fallen opponents!


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Shane Taylor

This past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, the professional wrestling world witnessed a moment they’d been longing to see for years when “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson stood in the ring with “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay. It was a moment that seemingly would never happen, but then Ospreay officially signed on with All Elite Wrestling and it became a distinct possibility, though not one fans expected to see come together so quickly! Bryan’s intent in spoiling Ospreay’s moment at the end of DYNAMITE was clear, he wants a fight, but until we hear from the former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion we can only assume he feels the same.

But that’s not the issue at hand, at least not for Bryan Danielson, his issue is the fight looming on Saturday night with Shane Taylor! Hopefully Bryan was paying attention when his BCC mate Jon Moxley went to war with Taylor several weeks ago, hopefully Bryan uses Moxley as a resource to learn what Shane T brings to the table, because what Danielson is going to get is a hellacious fight. Danielson has been hit by the hardest strikers in the world throughout his career, but he’s never been hit by the former ROH World TV Champion, and there are few men who can compare. After the war Bryan went through at REVOLUTION 2024 with Eddie Kingston, is he up to the task?


Mistico vs. Angelico

AEW fans have gotten familiar with Mistico since his epic clash with Rocky Romero last October first introduced CMLL to All Elite Wrestling while his bout with Matt Sydal, as well as the 8-Man tag that preceded it, helped further showcase his skills. This Saturday night on COLLISION, the current World Historic Middleweight Champion will return to AEW for a bout with a man with whom he shared the AAA ring a handful of times between 2014 and 2015: Angelico!

Between two Three Way tags, one being a AAA World Tag Title bout, and a Trios bout, Angelico’s teams hold one victory over Mistico’s, while Mistico’s hold none over Angelico’s, but this is a solo affair, and in that vein of professional wrestling Mistico has excelled. He is one of the best professional wrestlers on the planet, the most famous Luchador in modern wrestling, a man who changed the game for man, and now he’s back in All Elite Wrestling to give Angelico the toughest test of his AEW career! If Angelico can pull out a victory, it will be the biggest one of his career, the biggest moment of his professional wrestling career, and it will put Angelico on the map worldwide!


Mariah May vs. Trish Adora

She finally got it! After months of desperately searching for the approval of AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm, Mariah May finally got a bit of approval from her idol, she just had to cosplay as Toni Storm in order to get what she craved. Clearly the how of it all was of no matter to Mariah, all that mattered is it happened, and that just leaves one to wonder if this Saturday night on COLLISION, when Mariah is back in action against The Infantry’s Trish Adora, will she continue to dress the part of old Toni Storm, or if May will return to her own style? Whichever it may be, her head best be in the game otherwise the hard-hitting Adora is going to knock it off Mariah’s shoulders first chance she gets!

And speaking of “Timeless” Toni Storm…


After her victory at REVOLUTION 2024, it seems like AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm is intending to present herself with a Toni (with an “I” for legal purposes) Award for her performance! Mind you, it was clear as day to the viewing audience that Toni tapped out to Deonna Purrazzo during the course of the match, but the official missed the moment and thus it was not “The Virtuosa” who left Greensboro as new champion. So is Toni Storm actually deserving of an award? She certainly seems to believe so, and we will see if she actually celebrates herself this Saturday night on COLLISION!

COLLISION begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT this Saturday night on TNT, featuring Danielson versus Taylor, an Atlanta Street Fight, Mariah May, The Toni Awards, and more, so before the first bell, visit the official AEW YouTube channel, plus AEW’s other social media sites, to catch up on highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, Friday’s RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER! Then meet us in Beantown next Wednesday for DYNAMITE: BIG BUSINESS at the TD Garden with Wardlow challenging Samoa Joe for the AEW World Championship, Willow Nightingale versus Riho, and so much more!

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Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, “The Ocho” Chris Jericho and Tony Schiavone.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!


“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta vs. Kip Sabian & The Butcher!

The Butcher backed Trent into the turnbuckles. Trent charged at Butch, but Butch shoved Trent right to the mat. Trent fired back with a forearm to Butcher’s head. Butcher dished out his own forearm and staggered Trent. 

Butcher bulldozed Trent with a big shoulder tackle. Kip tagged in but Trent sent Kip flying with a huge back body drop. Orange grabbed a tag and he and Trent connected with double shoulder tackles on Sabian.

Cassidy spiked Kip with a DDT. Butcher came in and powerslammed Orange, then followed up with a back breaker. Butch wasn’t even the legal man! Sabian whipped Cassidy into the corner. Sabian inadvertently hit Butcher, allowing enough time for Orange to tag out to Trent. 

Trent smashed Kip with two consecutive suplexes. Trent blasted Butcher with a knee to the chin. Trent rocked Sabian with a running knee strike for a near fall! Butcher rallied back with a pump handle throw on Trent, and Sabian crashed onto Trent with a double foot stomp. Sabian covered Trent but Orange jumped in to break the pin attempt. 

Trent rocked Butcher with a German Suplex. Orange pulped Butcher with the Orange Punch! Trent nailed Butcher with the Strong Zero and scored the pin for his team!

“The was a great showing for Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta ahead of the World Tag Team Title Tournament,” said Excalibur.

A video package aired showing highlights of The Infantry—Capt. Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo—in action!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Ruby Soho wondering if Ruby would provide an update on Angelo Parker.

Ruby: “He’s hurt. He’s really hurt. He might have torn a couple ligaments in his knee. And honestly this whole thing feels like it’s my fault. Because I brought him into this, this whole thing with Saraya. I hate you, Saraya. I want you to understand that. I thought you were just sad without me. But deep down inside you’re a bad person. You and your inbred family are going to get what’s coming to you!”

TBS Championship Open Challenge Match!

The House of Black’s Julia Hart (c.) vs. Robyn Renegade!

Julia bounced Robyn’s head off the mat repeatedly. Julia whipped Robyn into the turnbuckles. Julia hit a vertical suplex on Robyn Renegade. Julia used a back heel trip on Robyn and then wrenched back on Robyn’s neck.

Robyn fought to her feet and then blasted Julia with a shotgun dropkick. Julia dodged a charge from Robyn and then connected with a back elbow and a thrust kick to Robyn. Julia drilled Robyn with a lariat to the back of the head. Julia locked in Heartless and forced Robyn to tap out!

Renee Paquette was backstage when Saraya and Harley Cameron interrupted!

Saraya: “What about my side of the story? You’ve turned on me just like Ruby Soho! This is all your fault, Ruby, and all for a man? And you’re going to see what we’re going to do to Angelo next!”

Harley: “Oh, and Angelo, get well soon!”

Action Andretti vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Penta took down Action with two sling blades. Action fired back with a DDT. Action attempted a tope suicida, but Penta countered with a kick to Action’s head, shutting down Action’s high flying offense. 

Action wiped out Penta with a hurracanrana off the apron onto the arena floor! Action splashed Penta with a senton. Action went for a springboard, but Penta countered with a thrust kick. Penta charged at Action, but Action countered with a Spanish Fly! Action planted Penta with a poison rana for a near fall! Andretti was looking for a tornillo but Penta El Zero Miedo countered with a thrust kick! Penta stuck Action Andretti with the Fear Factor and pinned Andretti!

Main Event Time! Three-Way Tag Team Match!

Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen


Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin


“Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith & Komander!

Dante rocked Bryan Keith with a jumping knee strike. Private Party jumped in but Top Flight dropkicked them out of the ring. The match broke down, with the teams brawling at ringside!

Keith shoved Kassidy into Quen. Bryan Keith followed up with a neck breaker to Kassidy and was forced to tag out to Darius as Komander hadn’t returned to the ring apron yet. Darius connected with a flatliner DDT combo on Private Party for a near fall on Isiah. 

Komander grabbed a tag, but Private Party double teamed him, and Kassidy covered Komander, but Dante broke up the pin. Bryan Keith hit an exploder suplex on Kassidy while Komander used a backslide on Quen for a near fall. 

Dante came in and walloped Quen with a lariat! Dante clocked Komander with a knee strike under the chin. Dante took out Private Party on the outside with a tope suicida! Darius flattened Komander with the ripcord and scored the pin for Top Flight!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c featuring:

-CMLL’s Mistico vs. Angelico!

-Mariah May vs. Trish Adora!

-AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm Presents the First-Ever Toni Award!

– “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Shane Taylor!

-Chris Jericho vs. CMLL’s Titan!

-The Debut of The Elite— “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada & The Young Bucks—EVPs Matthew & Nicholas Jackson!

-Atlanta Street Fight: House of Black vs. Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal, & Jeff Jarrett!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Big Business on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the TD Garden in Boston, MA featuring:

-Willow Nightingale vs. Riho!

-Darby Allin vs. “Switchblade” Jay White!

-AEW World Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Wardlow!

-And much more!

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And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Imaginary review by Big Gold Belt Media with @idkgravity and @GothamGeekGirl-Synopsis:From Blumhouse, the genre-defining masterminds behind FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S and M3GAN, comes an original horror that taps into the innocence of imaginary friends – and…

Alex Williamson & Sam Hodgson Interview by Big Gold Belt MediaAlex Williamson – Executive Producer | Founder and Creative Director of Offspring Films; also known for “Earth At Night In Color”Sam Hodgson – Series Producer-Synopsis:Immersive audio…

BMF (Black Mafia Family) | Season 3 Episode 2 Recap & Review | “Magic Makers”-Episode Synopsis:EPISODE 302: “Magic Makers”Airdate: March 8, 2024Written by: Kirkland MorrisDirected by: Rueben GarciaMeech focuses on expanding BMF into Atlanta while Terry…

Rama Montakhabi Interview by Big Gold Belt Media-Season Synopsis:BMF S3 continues the storyline of the inspiring true legends of brothers Demetrius “Big Meech” Flenory (Demetrius Flenory, Jr.) and Terry “Southwest T” Flenory (Da’Vinchi), who fostered one…

Damsel review by Big Gold Belt Media with @CamsCollection-Synopsis:A dutiful damsel agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to find the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt. Thrown into…

Your Big gold Belt Podcast is LIVE talking the week in wrestling including:

-With Dynamite getting a makeover and new faces arriving is this the beginning of a new era for AEW?

-Thoughts on Sting’s final match and…

Tokyo Vice | Season 2 Episode 6 Review & Recap | “Choose You” by Big Gold Belt Media with @CamsCollection & @DamianGshow-Episode Synopsis:Episode 6 – “Choose You”Chihara-kai attempt to regroup after a devastating shootout. Jake, Katagiri,…