A Dose Of Colemanism: The Preparation Station

January 7, 2021


For the next few weeks I want to center these Doses around things that will encourage, prepare, and equip you for the year(s) to come.

This will be my first series in the Doses Of Colemanism. I’ll call this series “The Preparation Station.” My three topics will be Time, People, and You.

We are in a day and TIME when everything we do needs to count. 2020 taught us that TIME is precious, hard to predict, and easy to lose.

PEOPLE are important, and knowing their role in your life is just as important. It can catapult your purpose by freeing you from unnecessary stress. This will enable you to focus on the impact you can make in this world.

Yes, people are important, but YOUR health and well being are more important. It’s possible that YOU may be allowing people or things to distract YOU from accomplishing YOUR purpose in life.

Let’s identify these possible distractions and prepare ourselves for a future of knowing
who we are and why we’re here.

I look forward to writing this series, because when you teach, you learn twice. My hope is to bring you clarity in these next Doses, so you don’t want to miss “The Preparation Station.”

Caprice Coleman is ROH’s color analyst and has been wrestling for more than 20 years. He also is an ordained minister and motivational speaker. A Dose of Colemanism appears every Thursday.


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