Will Adam Cole even the score with EC3?

January 7, 2019
EC3 vs. Adam Cole

Before he sets sail for WWE’s red or blue brand, EC3 has some unfinished business to take care of in NXT, namely settling his rivalry with Adam Cole and The Undisputed ERA.

The Top One Percent has been a thorn in the faction’s side since pinning Cole in a stunner in October, to which Undisputed ERA responded by injuring EC3’s leg in a controversial post-match beatdown. The hostility intensified upon EC3’s comeback, with The Top One Percent beating Bobby Fish (who had wielded a steel chair during the attack) last month. Undisputed ERA sought to launch another ambush after Fish’s defeat, but their attempt was thwarted by Heavy Machinery.

The Panama City Playboy seemingly has one Last Shot at payback before EC3 departs NXT. Who will get the last laugh this Wednesday on WWE Network?
Article source: WWE.com

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