Alicia Fox ”Went AWOL” From WWE When Offered Rehab

March 5, 2019
Alicia Fox seems to have an issue and that is certainly unfortunate. She showed up intoxicated at a WWE Live Event, which ultimately cost Arn Anderson his job in WWE.

Now we have more details regarding the story. Fightfulreports that Alicia Fox was offered rehab by WWE. However, she rejected the offer and simply went AWOL. Apparently, it went as far as WWE employees not having any idea where she was or if she went for rehab in the end or not.

It is said that Alicia Fox has been on “thin ice” several times in the past as well, which includes what happened at Wrestlemania last year with Ronda Rousey’s husband Travis Browne. She also arrived two hours late for an event in 2017 when she was going to get a push.

We will keep you updated on the situation if we get to know more.

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