A Dose Of Colemanism: Keep Cooking

October 21, 2021

By Caprice Coleman

In continuing to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to take this “Dose” to talk about my cousin Natasha, who was diagnosed with HER2-positive invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer at the age of 37.

She found a lump through self-examination and went to get it checked out. She had to start chemotherapy right away.

Imagine the impact of a young, single mother learning she has a grave disease. However, Natasha continued to move forward.

She told us with assurance/faith that this would not last forever. Her support team was a mix of family and friends. I was honored to be a part of this elite team!

I’d go to visit to encourage her and leave full. Tasha is a cook who loves cooking no matter what. I’d let her know I was on the way and she would take that as a signal to start cooking, even though she was in the midst of her battle.

When she cooks, she cooks for many. The crazy thing is she couldn’t even taste her own food. The chemo had wiped out all of her taste buds. I gladly became one of her taste testers. Her food brings people together.

She fought for a year, with eight months of chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation. Through therapy, support and faith, she went from stage 4 cancer down to stage 1.

Natasha has since rang separate bells for chemotherapy and radiation therapy. She stands before us today as a 40-year-old cancer survivor, 100% cancer free!

She’s a real life superhero, still cooking to this day. No matter what hit her, she kept moving forward, cooking and having faith.

I want to encourage self breast examinations. Natasha found hers just in time and it saved her life. 

Just something to think about. I call it a dose of Colemanism.

Caprice Coleman is ROH’s color analyst and has been wrestling for more than 20 years. He also is an ordained minister and motivational speaker. A Dose of Colemanism appears every Thursday.


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