Braun Strowman Talks About Getting Injured Before Signing With WWE

September 9, 2019

Braun Strowman’s gone through many injuries and understands very well what it is needed to succeed in the business.

Strowman spoke to Not Sam Wrestling, where he talked about a time in his career prior to signing with WWE. This is before NXT became what it is today.

Braun waited too long and instead of signing with the company, he wanted to compete in one more competition. Due to this, he suffered an injury in the strongmen competition.

“I think I started in a little less than two years I earned my pro card in Strongman and I was in Los Angeles, California in 2012 for The World’s Strongest Man and Mark Henry was there along with [WWE Talent Relations] Canyon Ceman were there recruiting. I met them and exchanged information with Canyon, that was in September of 2012. They wanted me to come down to the FCW building since The Performance Center wasn’t around back then. They wanted me to come down to the FCW down in Tampa, Florida. I walked around and cut a promo and they offered me a deal.”

“I kind of waited because I was prepping for the Arnold competition in 2013 so I kind of waited. It was my last Strongman contest and unfortunately it didn’t go as I wanted. I tore my bicep trying to break the world record on an Atlas Stone. I got that fixed up and that was in March of 2013, July 4th in 2013 I moved to Orlando, Florida. July 8th, 2013, I started at The Performance Center and here we are today.”

Braun Strowman is currently one half of the RAW Tag Team Champions. He will defend the titles along with Seth Rollins at WWE Night Of Champions on next week.

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h/t to Wrestling Inc for the transcription.

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