Callihan Repercussions Coming

September 28, 2019

Callihan Repercussions are coming, but will they be delivered by Brian Cage or IMPACT Management? Find out Friday on IMPACT Wrestling. Sami Callihan went too far, Sami Callihan crossed the line and struck Melissa Santos during her wedding reception and first dance with Brian Cage.

Sami Callihan is a vile human being who didn’t just cross the line, he blew the line up! Callihan faces Brian Cage for the World Title at Bound For Glory on Sunday, October 20th in Chicago. However, this is far from a normal wrestling rivalry, this is personal.

CageSami-300x169 Callihan Repercussions Coming Sami Callihan Melissa Santos Callihan's Repercussions Callihan Repercussions Brian Cage

Callihan will have to pay for what he did on IMPACT at the wedding reception? Brian Cage will be looking for revenge!

The post Callihan Repercussions Coming appeared first on IMPACT Wrestling.

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