Can Tye Dillinger defeat Samoa Joe?

July 10, 2018
Tye Dillinger challenges Samoa Joe to a match: Exclusive, July 3, 2018

R-Truth asks Tye Dillinger if he wants to be tag team partners, but The Perfect 10 ends up challenging a passing Samoa Joe to a match instead.

Last Tuesday, in a Exclusive video, R-Truth asked Tye Dillinger to form a tag team. While Dillinger declined, saying he wanted to focus on being a singles competitor, Truth ended up helping (or possibly hindering) The Perfect 10 by calling out Samoa Joe on Dillinger’s behalf.

While The Perfect 10 seemed reluctant to step up at first, he got a little more confident when Joe got in his face, saying there was only one way to find out who the better man is. What will happen when these two Superstars square off?

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