Candice LeRae Doesn’t Want to Sacrifice the Ability to be Herself in NXT

October 14, 2019

Candice LeRae was recently interviewed by Newsweek and talked about her feud with Io Shirai and how she doesn’t want to be someone she isn’t anymore in NXT.

Candice had the following to say when asked about her feud with Io Shirai :

“When I got [to NXT] I felt I was sacrificing who I was for no rhyme or reason. I think then I was being insecure. The match with Io forced me to deliver and be myself. And now I feel like I’m wrestling like I always had before coming here. And now I’m able to give fans the me I’ve always been and should never sacrifice that again, because I want people to see the me that they liked before me getting here, and I want the people who don’t know who I am to see that version of me too because that’s who I truly am. I want them to feel the love for wrestling that I feel.”

Candice also commented on the sacrifices she’s had to make:

“I think I just hadn’t been myself when I got here. I didn’t feel confident in anything I was doing basically, [laughs] so when I’m not confident in it, I’m like “do I want to spring off the ropes and flip on somebody? Or do i want to fly in the ring and crash and burn?” The thing is, a lot of the things I do are so risky. The willingness to risk my body for these matches is what I sacrificed the most. And it’s not the fans fault. It’s just I felt insecure with what I was doing, and I was fearful to do it. And now I’m like, ‘you know what, if I’m not going to give it my all and do me, then what am I doing?’”

Lastly, Candice had the following to say about Shayna Baszler:

“She’s definitely had a lot of success here and for a good while. She definitely deserves it and she works hard and earns it. There’s a part of me that says, “man I’ve been doing this for so long and have so much to offer than she does.” we are such different kinds of competitors. She has this MMA background, and I just throw my body at people and see what happens. She has a tough-guy demeanor about her, but I’m tough too in a different way because I can endure the beating. We have so many differences, but I feel maybe we need a change.”

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