Dean Ambrose def. Jinder Mahal

August 28, 2018
Dean Ambrose def. Jinder Mahal

In Jinder Mahal’s defense, he’s probably right that Dean Ambrose could benefit from a meditation technique or two. That said, The Modern Day Maharaja clearly didn’t read the room when he attempted to pass his mantra onto The Lunatic Fringe, as Ambrose challenged Mahal to a match and ultimately upended the former WWE Champion in yet another impressive showcase of his new, power-based style.

Mahal is no slouch in the aggression and strength departments either, and he didn’t hesitate to use those attributes when it became clear that Ambrose had no intention of taking it easy. Sunil Singh provided a distraction to give The Maharaja an opening, and Mahal pounced, even going as far as to cue up the Khallas. But Ambrose writhed free of Mahal’s clutches and administered a whip-fast Dirty Deeds, putting his opponent down for three.

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