EXCLUSIVE: Fight Between Two AEW Employees Breaks Out During Starrcast Event Thursday Night

November 9, 2019

Starrcast IV kicked off Thursday night in Baltimore with Tony Schiavone’s Birthday Party at Jimmy’s Famous Seafood, the night was filled with good food, great stories, and some (lots) of drinking which seems to have contributed to an incident that went down towards the end of the night.

There was an incident involving two AEW employees which escalated into a physical confrontation in front of AEW Owner Tony Khan. A verbal altercation broke out between AEW Star Jimmy Havoc (who had been drinking) and AEW Announce Team member Excalibur which quickly escalated physically.

According to a source I spoke with close to the situation, I was told that at some point during the altercation Jimmy Havoc threw a punch at Excalibur, but missed. Which led to Excalibur putting Havoc in a choke hold that put him to sleep. Atlas security stepped in and got Excalibur to release the choke hold, however the incident was not over because when Havoc came to he once again throws a punch at Excalibur only this time he connected. This resulted in a skirmish/brawl/pull apart between the two, until Atlas security could break it up and escort Jimmy Havoc outside.

Once outside, a member of Atlas security was attempting to calm an intoxicated Jimmy Havoc down, but this was interrupted when Excalibur came outside to try and talk things out. Jimmy was still upset and was not wanting to talk and was said to have thrown his cell phone in the direction of Excalibur, missing him but not the wall as his phone broke into pieces. Security again separated the two sending Excalibur back inside while they waited for an uber to pick up Havoc and take him back to the hotel.

I was at the event, and happened to walk outside and see the aftermath as Havoc was upset and yelling about what had just gone down.

I was told that the two have since talked things out and that there is no heat between the them and that Jimmy was very upset and remorseful over the whole situation.

Jimmy Havoc posted a picture on his twitter account Thursday night showing him jokingly trying to stab MJF with a knife, with the comment that this picture was taken just before he was dragged out of Jimmy’s Seafood.

You can see the tweet below.

We will keep you updated if we hear anything more about the incident at Jimmy’s Famous Seafood Thursday night between Jimmy Havoc and Excalibur.


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Article source: http://www.bodyslam.net

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