IMPACT on AXS TV Results – October 29, 2019

October 29, 2019

It’s a highly-anticipated night as IMPACT premieres on AXS TV.

Tag Team Champion Josh Alexander w/ Tag Team Champion Ethan Page vs Marufuji 

Marufuji hits a dropkick, followed by running double knees to gain momentum in the early going. Alexander launches himself off the top, driving his knee into the neck of Marufuji for a two count. Marufuji connects with a series of kicks but Alexander comes right back with a big forearm shot. Alexander gets Marufuji up in the Torture Rack, then spins him down to the mat for a very close near fall. Marufuji connects with Sliced Bread #2 to pick up the win.

Marufuji def Tag Team Champion Tag Team Champion Josh Alexander w/ Tag Team Champion Ethan Page

After the match, Marufuji offers his hand to Alexander but Page persuades him not to shake it.

The post IMPACT on AXS TV Results – October 29, 2019 appeared first on IMPACT Wrestling.

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