IMPACT! Results – October 11, 2019

October 12, 2019

Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards – X-Division Championship Ladder Match Qualifier 

While Ace is making his way to the ring, a female fan leans over the railing and gives him a smooch. They brawl on the outside in the early going, allowing Ace to grab a cup full of ice and throw it in the face of Eddie. Reno Scum comes down to ringside and pulls the referee out of the ring when Eddie has the match won. Eddie takes out Reno Scum with a dive to the floor. Eddie gets Kenny from under the announce table and attacks Reno Scum with it. Ace capitalizes off the distraction, hitting Eddie with The Fold for a near fall.  Ace puts a piece of metal in his brace and cracks Eddie over the head to win. Ace Austin is going to Bound for Glory.

Ace Austin def. Eddie Edwards – X-Division Championship Ladder Match Qualifier 

After the match, Ace and Reno Scum continue the attack on Eddie.

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