IMPACT Wrestling Results – December 20, 2018

December 21, 2018

This week, we witness the best matches and moments from 2018 in the Best of IMPACT Wrestling 2018, Part One!

Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs. Matt Sydal & Ethan Page – Bound for Glory 2018

Mack takes out Sydal with a quick shoulder tackle to gain the early advantage for his team.

Sydal climbs underneath the ring and hits Swann with a steel chair!

Mack launches himself off the apron, crashing into everyone on the outside!

Page connects with a second rope elbow drop on Swann for a near fall.

Swann gets the hot tag to Mack, who goes on the attack!

Mack hits a standing Moonsault on Page for a near fall.

Page tosses Swann off the top rope and follows up with a Swanton Bomb for another near fall!

Page accidently kicks his partner, Sydal!

Swann hits a handspring cutter on Sydal, followed by the Phoenix Splash to pick up the win!

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