Jericho Shows Off Aftermath Of No Rules Match Against Nick Gage

July 29, 2021

After MJF announced Nick Gage as his second laborer to go up against Jericho in a no rules match, fans who are familiar with the deathmatch wrestler knew what we were in store for.

To the surprise of no one, the match delivered on everything we expected it would. It was bloody, brutal, and all-around a drag-out war. There were plenty of light tubes and pizza cutters to go around.

At the end of the match, Chris Jericho somehow came out victorious yet bloody and definitely beating up. Post-match MJF made the announcement that the third laborer he has selected next to go up against Jericho would be non-other than Jericho’s former nemesis from his WCW days, Juventued Gurrera.

Jericho later tweeted pics of the aftermath to Instagram. How did this match go down in your opinion?

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